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Prof. Dr.P.K.Naik
Head(Dept.of Edu.),Dean of Arts.
Deputy Director R&D

Education has always been viewed as the strongest medium to express and
promotes unique socio-cultural identity. Teacher is the active agency which serves to
realize the aims of education at social, national and global level. Education of
teacher is not only facilitates improvement of school education by preparing
competent, committed and professionally well qualified teachers who can meet the
demand of the system, but also functions as a bridge between schooling and higher
education.The future wealth of a country- students are perfectly molded by only a
skillful and trained teacher. The teacher is the maker, builder and constructer of a
nation as well as a country because the teacher has only the capacity to mould the
students and help the students to express their inner experience and intelligence.
So, Teachers are literally the arbiters of a nations destiny. It may sound tourism,
but it still needs to be stressed that the teacher is the key to any educational
reconstructions. Teachers influence is everlasting. He shapes the destiny of future
citizens. The teacher occupies a very important place in society because he brings
about the transfer of the intellectual tradition from one generation to the next. He
maintains the level of technological skill and keeps the light of civilization burning
bright. He is expected to help in the silent social revolution that is taking place in
the country. His duty does not end in the class-room with his students. He owes a
duty to the society and the nation. A teacher is the image of Brahma (the creator of
the universe). The teacher is God Maheswar. He is the whole universe; obeisance to
the teacher, According to the Indian culture a child receives his first physical birth
from the parents and the second birth at the hands of the teacher. The teacher gives
a higher position than patents, because he opens the pupils eye of knowledge and
moulds his character.

Teacher Education
Teacher education has been defined as all formal and informal activities and
experiences that help to qualify a person to assume the responsibilities as a member
of the educational profession or to discharge his responsibilities more effectively.
Teacher education now includes every aspects of the student-teachers personality.
We may define teacher education as such institutionalized educational procedures
that are aimed at the purposeful organized preparation or further education of
teachers who are engaged directly or indirectly in educational activities as their life
work. Teacher education aims at helping the teacher in understanding the nature of
the child ,his abilities, aptitudes, developmental level, emotion, instincts, sentiments
,ambitions and assist

them in making better adjustments.The students are the

future of the country, so only a trained and skillful teacher makes them best and
help them to be the future of the country. Teacher is like a pot maker. As the pot
maker, make a well-shaped pot, similarly, the teacher also make a perfect student
with the help of providing guidance and teaching. Only a skill full and trained
teacher has the capacity to provide a proper guidance and teaching. So, the teacher
education is the only thing which helps the teacher to be skill full and trained.The
secondary Education Commission (1952-53) In order to improve the quality and
standard of education- a worthy medium of the balanced development of the
students personality, have rightly observed, we are however, convinced that the
most important factor in the contemplated educational reconstruction is the teacherhis personal qualities, his educational qualification, his professional training and
the place that he occupies in the school as well as in the community. The reputation
of a school and its influence on the life of the community invariably depend on the
kind of teachers working in it. Priority of consideration must, therefore, be given to
the various problems connected with the improvements of their status.The
Education Commission, 1964-66 after reviewing the status and service conditions of
teachers have pointed out, of all the different factors which influence the quality of
education and its contribution to national development, the quality competence and
character of teachers are undoubtedly the most significant. Nothing is more
important than securing a sufficient supply of high quality recruits to the teaching
profession, providing them with the best possible professional preparation and
creating satisfactory conditions of work in which they can be fully effective. In view
of the rapid expansion of educational facilities expected during the plan periods and
specially in view of the urgent need to raise standards to the highest level and to
keep them continually in proving these problems have now acquired unprecedented
importance and urgency.
The ministry of Education document Challenge of Education A policy
perspective (1985) has mentioned, Teacher performance is the most crucial input
in the field of education. Whatever policies may be laid down in the ultimate analysis
these have to interpreted and implemented by teachers as much through their
personal example as through teaching learning process.
The National Educational policy (1986) has similarly said, The Status of the
teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of a society; it is said that no people can rise
above the level of its teachers. The Government and the community should endeavor
to create conditions which will help motivate and inspire teachers on constructive
and creative lines. Teachers should have the freedom to innovate to devise
appropriate methods of communication and activities relevant to the needs and
capabilities of the concerns of the community.
The following efforts by various agencies have been made for qualitative
improvement in teacher education.

Establishment of National Council and State Boards for Teacher Education.

National Council of Educational Research and Training.
University Grants Commission.
State Institutes of Education.
Extension Services Centres.
Institutes of Hindi and English, and State Institutes of Science.

With a view to improving the standard of teacher education in the country

the National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) was set up in 1973 by the
Government of India,Ministry of Human Resource Development.
Pre-service Teacher Education:The professional training undertaken by teachers before their joining in the
service as teachers is known as pre-service teacher education. People desiring to
adopt teaching as their profession, are called upon to undergo and complete such
pre-service training as they acquire necessary knowledge and skills that are
necessary for improving their competence as teachers. The course studies and
curriculum are well development and transacted during sessions scheduled for the
purpose. On completion of the course of studies, the student or pupil teacher are
required to appear at the final examination and those who are found successful on
the basis of their performance examinations are given certificates or degree or
diploma and they becomes eligible for entering into the teaching jobs according to
their general and professional qualification.
The Education commission, 1964-66 laid stress on the professional training
of teachers and made very useful suggestions for removing the isolation of teacher
training and improving the isolation of teacher training and improving the standard
of training programmes. These are follows

Teacher education should be brought into the main stream of

academic life of the universities on the one hand and of school life


and educational development on the other.

The quality of teacher education should be improved by introducing


content-cum-methodology courses.
The staff of secondary teacher training college should have a double
masters degree in academic subject and in teacher education and the
staff of primary teachers training school should have a masters
degree either in education or in an academic subject as well as B.Ed.


All tuition fees in training institutions should be abolished and liberal

provision be made for stipends.


Every training institution should have an experimental or a

demonstration school attached to it.


Adequate hostel facilities for trainers and residential accommodation

for teachers educators be provided.
The NPE 1986 was the major document for giving utmost importance

to the reorganization and reformation teachers training for pre-primary schools in

the field of Teacher Education in general and pre-service training of teachers in
particular. The NCTE has been given statutory status for setting and maintaining
standards for pre-service training in particular i.e. B.Ed. and M.Ed. It has also
started to review the existing programmes of teacher education and developing
suitable curricular for pre-service teacher education at all levels.

Pre-Service Teacher Education Institutions:-

The following are the types of teachers training institute for various levels of

Teachers Training for Pre-primary or Nursery schools- Catering to

the needs of teachers for Kindergarten, Bal Vihars, Montessori

Minimum qualification for admission to this course is


Teachers Training for Primary Schools- The duration of the course


is two years and the minimum qualification is higher secondary.

Secondary Training Schools- These schools provide teachers for
the middle and junior secondary schools, after complication of
training they are either awarded a certificate or a diploma in


Training Colleges or Colleges of Education- These colleges provide
teachers for secondary and senior secondary schools . Normally it is
one year course leading to B.Ed. degree and the minimum


qualification is graduation.
Training College for Special Subjects- These are special college for
preparing teachers in certain subjects like physical education, home


science, craft , language etc.

Institute of Advanced Study


M.A.,M.Ed, and Ph.D. in education.

Training College for Special Education- Theses prepare for teaching


handicaps, deaf and dumb child.

Regional College of Education- These four regional college at Ajmer,










These provides





Comprehensive Colleges of Education- Such college are to be
meant for preparing teachers for several stages of education and have
all teacher education courses i.e. pre-primary teachers training
class,D.Ed.,B.Ed.,M.Ed. etc. on one campus.

In-service Teacher Education:In-Service Teacher Education may be defined as continuing education

of teachers already working in schools for professional competence. According to
Lawrance H.S.S. In- service education is the education a teacher receives after he
has entered the teaching profession. A prospective teacher is always prepared to
learn more. The professional growth of a teacher dose not cease when he leaves the
training institution. In fact he begins to learn from different kinds of experiences.
Rabindra Nath Tagore has rightly remarked. A teacher can never truly teach, unless
he is still learning himself. A lamp can never lights another lamp unless it continues
to burn its own flames. The term is self-explanatory. It refers to the education, a
teacher receives after he has entered the teaching profession. The teacher may have
received his professional education in a teaching institute or in a college of education
but he continues his education and should possess three types of competencies as
under1- Competency in academic field.
2- Competency in teaching methodology.
3- Competency in class-room interaction analysis and application.

In- service education is most urgent in teaching profession because of the

rapid advance in

all field of knowledge and continuing evolution of pedagogical

theory and practice. It develops a sense of security, a team spirit , doubts removed,
exchanges of opinion, quality improvement and a sense of belongingness to the
teaching profession.
Objective of In-service Education:The teacher needs orientation in various fields of education. This is
necessary to enable him fresh in the light of progress and new developments in the
field of education. The teacher education has to achieve the follow objectives:1. To equip the teachers with the latest content or subject matter in their
specialized fields.
2. To initiate the teachers in the habit of self-study with ultimate aim of keeping
them a best of the latest developments in their own and allied field.
3. To help the teachers learn economical and effective methods of teaching.
4. To develop suitable and varied programme to meet individual needs, school
needs, and the needs of the state with regard to educational extension.
5. To follow up the teacher who under in- service education to reinforce the
objective of the training.
In-Services Teacher Education Institutions:1 State Institutes of Education- It provides training to supervisors of elementary
school,organize conferences and seminar for quality improvement of teacher.
2 District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET)- To organise pre-services and inservices courses for elementary teachers and for personnel working in a non-formal and
adult education.
3 STEIs, IASEs and CTEs- for qualitative improvement among teachers Secondary








education(IASE),Colleges of teacher education(CTE) organize in-services teacher training

programmes time to time.
4 National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)- At national level it
undertake research and training in education at the school stage .It coordinates the entire
work of in-service teacher education and also formulates syllabi for the training of teachers
at different levels.
5 National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)- It organize
in-service education for educational administration,planners,and supervisors.
6 National Council of Teacher Education(NCTE)- to advise the government of India on
teacher education including pre-service and in-service training,evaluation and review of
Programmes of In-service Teacher Education :-

Generally the programmes of in-services education in our country are organized by

the Colleges of Teacher Education, SCERT, DIET and NCERT. Some of the programmes of
in-service education which can be initiated are as under :1. Seminar- Seminar can be organized for collective thinking on various problems of
education by the teacher. It is an effective instruments of in-service education.
2. Workshop- The approach in a workshop is more practical and the participant work
actively and make a significant contribution.
3. Refresher Course- This course facilitate the professional and academic growth of
the teacher.It acquient them about the latest developments in their subject as well
as in theory and practice of teaching.
4. Study groups- The member of study group may meet weekly to discuss problem
concerning their subject areas and work out new teaching techniques. .
5. School programmes- Different school programmes can be conducted to serve the
purpose of in-service education such as faculty meeting, exhibitions, demonstration
lessons etc..
6. Study of professional writings- Teachers should be encouraged to study various
publication of NCERT,Extension services,to acquaint them with the latest materials
and findings.
7. Conference - It is a kind of meeting of teachers ,supervisors and administrator for
discussing certain issues and problems like- revision of school curriculum,selection
of text books, adoptation of new methods of teaching and evaluation,guidance of
gifted children etc.
Drawbacks in the present system of Teacher Education
The Education Commission (1964-66) has identified the following drawbacks in the
present system of Teacher Education.

The training institutions have remained isolated from the main stream of academic


life of the university, as well as from the daily problems of the school.
The quality of training institutions is poor.
Teacher Educators, in many cases, are not very competent.
Vitality and realism are lacking in the curriculum only traditional courses are


Teaching practice is carried on as a matter of routine.
Bright students are not attracted to the training institutions.
Teaching is the last resort of the unemployed.

Improvement in Pre-Service & In-Service Teacher Education Programme

We can bring the improvement in Pre-Service & in-Service Teacher Education Programme
by adopting following means

Four year training course.

Extension of one year B.Ed course.

Proper selection of teachers for training.

Internship in place of practice teaching.

Proper evulation of pupil-teacher performance.

Adequate staff for training colleges.

Priorities and motivating teacher for in-service education.

School levels INSET programmes.

appropriate methodology in teaching.


Formation of subject teachers association.

Conclusion :With a view to effectively implementing the NPE,1986 and the recommendations of
the POA (1986) in

regard to teacher education, it is felt imperative that the central

Government have to play a leadership role and provide liberal funds in centrally sponsored
sector for setting up new institutions, renovation and strength having the national as well
as state level organizations being involved and going to be involved more and more over the
years. The Teacher education has to be considered a national priority area for which the
Govt. of India should assume a special responsibility. All efforts should be made in right
earnest to implement the above suggestions for improving teacher education through
upgrading curricula, providing in service education, utilizing modern educational
technology encouraging, experimentation, innovation and above all, improving service
conditions of teachers as well as teacher educators at various levels. Teacher education
institutions have to be provided with adequate and appropriate resources- human physical
and academic for meeting successfully the new challenges of the emerging society. The
revised NPE, 1992 and the POA for its implementation have reiterated and reinforced the
provisions for improvement of teacher education. But in actual situations, many things are
yet to be done for achieving the desired objectives. In many cases the structure has
changed, but the spirit has not changed and names have changed, but programmes have
not changed as envisaged by the Government at the national and state levels. The teacher
education system has not yet been Streamlined and geared to meet the emerging needs and
challenges of the present times.
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