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Leadership process of guiding and

directing the behaviour of people in
the organization in order to achieve
certain objectives

Managers - problem solvers, perform

admin. Functions, concerned w/
efficiency, obtain power from above
Leaders more visionary, concerned
w/ results, obtain power from below

Formal leadership process of

influencing others to pursue official
objectives; vested w/ formal authority

Informal Leadership - to pursue

unofficial objectives; lack formal

Types of Power
1. Position Power
a. Legitimate power authority
b. Reward power ability to grant
c. Coercive power will be punished if
they do not conform to leaders wishes
2. Personal Power
a. Expert power exercise power over
those in need of such info
b. Referent power develop followers
from strength of own personality

Leadership Theories
a. Trait Theories Cooperativeness,
Adaptability, Persistence, Initiative,
Sociability, Know how to get things
done, self-confidence, alertness,
verbal facility
* Extraversion likes being around ppl;
Conscientiousness disciplined &
Openness creative & flexible
Emotional Intelligence able to
manage feelings/emotions
b. Behavioral Theories
1. OSUS (Ohio State Uni Studies)

*initiating structure focuses on goals

*consideration creates environment
for emotional support,warmth, trust
**both = successful leaders
2. UM (Uni of Michigan Studies)
*Job centered set tight work
standards, closely supervised
* Employee-centered encourages to
participate in goal setting
**employee centered = most
3. Yukl Studies
*Perfomance productivity &
*Consideration considerate
behaviour + fairness
*Praise-Recognition - <- yun na
4.Decision-participation consults
w/ subordinates
5. Training-coaching provide
6. Problem-solving propose
solution & acts decisively
7. Work facilitation eliminate
problem in work environment
***Managerial Grid concern for
production & people
LC (Little Concern) GC (Great
*Laissez-faire leaders - LC for people
& productivity
*Country club manager GC for
people, LC for production
*Authority-Obedience Mgr GC for
production, LC for people
*Middle of the Road Mgr MEDIUM
CONCERN for both
*Team Manager GC for both
c. Contingency Theories
successful leadership = leader style =
1. Continuum of Leadership
Behavior (Tannebaum & Schmidt)
- effective leaders are flexible
2. Contingency Leadership Model
(Fred Fiedler)
- leader style = degree of situation =

- task oriented leader = perform better
3. Path Goal Method (Robert
House & Terrence Mitchell)
- work environment = support +
- directive leader (gives guidance to
accomplish tasks), Supportive leader
(friendly & shows concern),
participative leader (consults
w/followers), achievement oriented
leader (sets challenging goals)
4. Hershey & Blanchard Model
- leader behaviour vary to the
readiness of followers

5. Leader-member exchange
approach (George Graen)
- leader develop unique working
relation w/ each group member
6. Normative Decision Model
- leader examine factor to determine
which decision to be most effective
7. Muczyk-Reimann Model (Jan
Muczyk & Bernard Reimann)
- degree of w/ subordinates are
allowed to be involved in decision

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