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Some thoughts on V: the series.

Robert K Hogg

Out and about in the town, keeping my eyes and ears peeled (hah!).
One of the community policers of the universe passed by. A memory of
childhood came to mind. For some reason I had this image of “the purple
man,” who haunted the Law Hill. It usually came to me when it was dark.
I think I had freaked myself out one evening by staying up there too long,
mistiming it for walking back home. All those monsters of the
unconscious that come floating to mind, only this time I fixated on a
purple man, as I say. Ransacking my memory, a kind of Aladdin'sCave of
popular culture since childhood, I came up with a vague memory of an
episode from the original sci-fi series, The Outer Limits. Suffice t to say it
scared the crap out of me, though at five or six years old it was a
These community bozos here go around in purple dress; jacket
and trousers. It's like a semi-comic symptom of a psychedelic
totalitarian takeover. Brown shirts, say, would just be too dull I
suppose; they wouldn't stand out. They would, of course, but that
would be far too overt, and this is a completely different situation,
apparently. This time it's genuinely necessary. Just like every
other time. Just to carry on my analogy from earlier, one has to
wonder – or I do – how the crazymakers, the gaslighters, the
narcissistic tricksters, the no-conspiracy theorists rationalise their
lies to themselves.
The claims of paranoia, exaggeration, probable mental illness;
as much usually implied; we don't want that too covert as the idea
is to put and keep it in the public's mind. And They're the public
of course, so they would know if their was anything Weird going
on. Nope, all is well, everything is under control. But as huge
factions are taking part in this covert discrimination and warfare, it
comes back to this disassembling.

These are the same people who laugh at the notion 911 may
have been orchestrated by factions inside and behind the US
government. Anyone who could even contemplate such a notion
is obviously one of the Crazies. It's all silly nonsense by loony
conspiracy theorists. There are no conspiracies. In the meantime,
they'll carry on with their narcissisticcc, psychopathic
crazymaking horseshit, feeling superior, important, and clever, an
integral cog in the machine, without which the whole thing might
break down, just because some Their government says so.
Factions of the government, that is. Covert factions, not even
known to themselves, except they are expected to play Their part
in the bigger picture.
A picture they neither know nor see except on their own level
of operations. It's all sanctioned from “above.” It's like some
crazy pyramid scheme, a hall of mirrors, with no real foundation;
a house of cards that will come crashing down or fade into the
nothingness it stemmed from when enough people realize it's a
confidence trick, a megalomaniacs fantasy. No wonder They're all
so insecure and where heavy-handedness is norm. They're like the
kid that keeps his finger in the dam so it doesn't break through,
overwhelming the village. They just never grasp that everything
is of the mind; love is all. Not cheap tricks and games.
There are so many historical antecedents for this idiotic
situation. Hitler's/the Nazis burning of the Reichstag, Operation
Northwoods, where factions of the US government conspired to
assassinate Their own citizens along with Cuban emigrates as a
pretext to go to war. Joe Pubic isn't too concerned about political
events “far away” or what happens to people they don't know.
GS's more concerned with fitting in where he is right now, and
everything that entails; carrying on their childish, doomed
relationships and having a roof over their heads and food on the
table. Everyone and everything else isn't just secondary,
irrelevant. And if that calls for an automatic doublethink and
dissociation, so be it. Then we'll be one big double-thinking
dissociated happy family. Once 80 p/c of the population has
necessarliy been reduced of course, eradicated, murdered. The
good citizens, the no-conspiracy theorists, will go right on along
with it, playing Their part, all the while denying anything
untoward is going on while, in the midst of murder, as is
happening now.
Only it has to more covert at the moment. But the targets,
directly experiencing what is going on, are the ones having a taste
of the future in the present. Philip K Dick was uncannily prescient
all along; he knew where it was all heading. The new fascist
world order wouldn't just emerge full-blown, but would creep into
existence by degrees, the totalitarian tiptoe as Icke has called it.
The pathological narcissists, the psychopaths have always been
sneaky, weighing you up,, knowing when to flatter and take
advantage and when to draw back, biding their time, all the better
to consolidate Their perceived advantage.
If people knew what the goal was, the world They have in
mind for them, and just how unreliable, how destructive and
treacherous-minded it is, they would be far less complacent about
what it is they think they're joining and contributing to for the
“general good.” The plutocracy/pathocracy will always have the
mediocrities to do their bidding. But if they truly believed in it
and that eveyone else believed in it thsy wouldn't be so sneaky
about it. Clearly, they know it isn't playing by the rules, that, as in
the case of gang stalking, it's illegal. Ostensibly, on a surface
level, it seems to be about resentment and hatred over people they
see as parasites, useless, or dangerous; a situation the same
mindset has as often set up itself; how convenient for them. A
“parallel justice system,” for the criminals or potential criminals
who have fallen through the cracks, or might do; or so they belive.
But it's as much about silencing anyone who doesn't share this
pathologically skewed view of the world, seeing them as
troublemakers, rebels, mavericks; when it's about being normal, or
as normal as possible and trying to make the best of things. If you
have done something wrong in your life then you can make the
best of it by forgiving yourself for what never happened in reality.
Anything else only fosters and reinforces the unconscious
attraction to guilt. They would would “forgive” for what really
happened, interpreting every mistake as an irredeemable sin. But
sins can never be forgiven, only mistakes. The purpose of seeing
them as sins is so they can never be forgiven. And that is making
your peace with God. No one can forgive you for your sake, only
their own. The idea that a priestly caste, morally superior to you
can set themselves up to give out or withhold forgiveness on your
behalf is a crock, and act of stupendous arrogance as far from love
as it's possible to be. And no one else can withhold love or
forgiveness from you either, only yourself.
Your happy community, the self-appointed policers of the
universe are the “new” fundamentalism on the block. Your local
friendly neighbourhood Inquisition, they follow the same mindset
and play by the same rules. The Inquisition, for some perceived
crime or heresy would make people carry out the same absurd
punishments for the rest of their lives. Your local friendly
neighbourhood covert community rednecks and harassers are the
same. It's as much a sentence on themselves, if only they knew
it. Some good Samaritan has pronounced a death sentence on
you; you're perceived as either dangerous, useless, or both. A
perception that conveiniently negates whatever good works you
might be capable of; the harassment in itself will impact your
ability to function creatively, a situation that makes it all the
easier for the minions, the mediocrities to dissemble, rationalising
and dismissing their own behaviour, as the person can be
conveniently dismissed.
Circular reasoning as always. Ted Bundy thought much the
same way. “What's one person less on the face of the world
anyway?” Only, They have you pegged as Ted Bundy. But
murder, the most heinous crime of all, seems like nothing to them,
the smirking, smiling killers, because it's spread among the many.
They forget that each dreams separately and will have to face
them separately when they come back in the form of nightmares.
No one can deal with the guilt of taking part in murder, based on
prejudice, innuendo, distortion, or hearsay. Or escape it even if
they did feel it justified, as projecting guilt, even if a covert
government sanctions and sanctifies it, is how to keep it; no-one is
above God, governments included, and love doesn't murder to
save. The moralists have always committed the worst crimes in
the name of morality or the pursuit of it. The tyrannically
inclined, whether Nazis, the Catholic Church or others, and their
minions have committed every atrocity you care to mention on
those They set up and claim to protect.
There's a vivid description in Colin Wilson's Criminal History
of Mankind of a child being burned alive by some fundamentalist
religious nut, convinced the boy is the devil, while the kid is
saying no, he's of the holy spirit. Quite incredible. But if They
don't like you, or see you as dangerous, even potentially, They'll
burn you and your kids too. Waco is the proof of that. I liked the
warped reasoning for that; clearly just a pretext: “We thought
when the building caught fire (They set it alight), they would exit
it/come out.” Translation: And if you don't, you can all burn, you
They already knew the Davidians saw themselves as martyrs.
They were quite happy to play along with their delusions, backing
them into a corner, literally. Like any good murderous
psychopath, they extracted the information they needed in order to
destroy them, but “accidentally:” covertly. The massacre – the
could be hidden behind circumstances, seen as “a tragic mistake.”
Or “miscalculation.” Like They gave a rat's ass. Arse. They kept
them awake all night with the sounds of rabbits being slaughtered
through loudspeakers. Not a very nice thing to do to kids. But
that could be blamed on the adults for not coming out. If someone
did that to their kids they'd want to kill them. They might want to
kill Koresh for being an opportunist pederast and the other kooks
and cultists for going along with it, but that needn't negate burning
alive Their hellspawn of the damned either. They'd only grow up
to hate them and the government anyway, not to mention
procreate, then our good brothers and sisters in hatred and
genocide might have the same bullshit to deal with all over again.
Simpler to get rid of the whole fuckng lot of them if possible.
A bunch of cults. Aren't They all. Bishops in the Catholic
Church were overjoyed to side with the Nazis against the Jews
during the the second world war, and help higher up Nazis escape
when the war was over. Anyone can make a mistake, but when
two priests are vying with each other to see who can be the first to
sodomise a kid one hundred times each, you really have to face
the fact these people have little intention of learning by their
mistakes; and, as they seem to genuinely believe in the reality and
irreversibility of sin, it's clear they're a case of dissociation par
excellence, rationalising that their behaviour is based on “love,”
when quite obviously it's the reflection of moral bankruptcy. And
not only, that, as clearly as in the above instance they couldn't
even claim it was consensual, however illegal, but it's as much a
reflection of the attraction to sin and guilt, a trick of the egomind
through which they'll never be able to extricate themselves. Not
by their own bootstraps.
But the priestly caste were mimics and imposters from the
outset, engineered by “the devil” to bore and confuse everyone.
Those screwballs don't know the first thing about God,
forgiveness, or redemption. Or most of your smug, complacent,
neighbours, frequenting their churches and smirking in twisted
hatred when the fundamentalists that be let them know it's
perfectly acceptable; that Their God looks down on them and
approves, when in fact, Their goal has been to abolish God all
Some think they believe in God and others are more “overt” in
Their belief in and worship of Satan, but like the unwitting,
grinning morons that serve them, they keep that among
themselves too. All Friends Here. All you can do is strive to stay
above it. If it amuses you, laugh and make faces back at the self-
righteous po-faced pricks. Yeah, they scowl too, when they're not
smirking and smirking back to each other in facile self-
satisfaction. It's all hatred of course, towards themselves and each
other too. They just never “get it.” The penny never drops. The
awareness never comes. They never grow up. They think work
and councils and committees are grown up, ergo They are too.
They really are that obtuse. Corporeal, worldly power is all. The
ego's substitute for God, for real power. Dumb fucks, one and all.
They need their heads' examined.
How did I get on to this? Oh yeah, the purple pricks patrolling
the streets. I was thinking that perhaps my early preoccupation
with the Purple Man was a child's glimpse of a frightening future.
Probably not, but it's an intriguing thought. But one should be
aware of the implications of these seemingly innocuous

What is going on with this new series of V? I must make an effort to follow it closer.
More closely. The Visitors – the aliens.... we learn that they are the originators of the
military-industrial-complex and the cause of all the wars and misery of the world, and
the economic meltdown. I thought that was supposed to be due to the Reptilians. Ah,
but they are Reptilians of course, as is no secret to anyone who's seen the original
series, broadcast back in 84,' in the UK, but shown on the Sci-Fi Channel – now Syfy
– many times since.
The question is, am I to assume it's the V's that are the problem and the
government as a whole are as much a victim of them of them as the rest of the
population are to be? Or to put it another way, I suppose it could be interpreted as a
clever way of criticising the government in the guise of blaming it on malevolent
extraterrestrials. Or... is it an even slyer way of letting the government off the hook,
so to speak, through turning “conspiracy theories” on their head, to deflect attention
from where the real source of the problem lies, presenting possible events as
fantasy?... (Well as Stan Smith would say... hmm...)
Now that really would be sinister. Not forgetting that the real source of
everything is the ego mind. But if there's any truth at all in the Reptilian scenario, it
would follow that factions of the government and others would be involved; the
richest and most materialistically oriented people, the global “elite,” who look down
in contempt and disgust over the minions; though they're happy to have Them do
their bidding, I'm sure. I wouldn't doubt it for a moment.
Then, a few episodes into the series, the resistance discover the vaccines the
aliens have prepared for the decimation of the population. These are to replace the
“legitimate” vaccines, prepared by the government. The aliens are mimics, through
and through. Unlike the legitimate government of course; who are of course,
upstanding, conscientious guys and gals, one and all. I'm stretching it a bit. But
again, we have the same conundrum. It's as if it's playing to both believers and
sceptics. And skeptics. That it's quite brilliantly ambiguous, in that it can be
interpreted either way.
At worst, it will be seen simply as a criticism of the PTB – powers that be – for
overreacting and scaremongering. No government and other bodies would ever
conspire to methodically murder vast swathes of Their own populations. No, They'd
get the cretins to do it, and other followers, who never question the good-will of the
system. The “scaremongers” are of course, the whistle-blowers; the conspiracy
theorists, and other “paranoids.”
Then there's the scene where the matriarch alien leader basks her followers in a
pseudo-heavenly light, where all guilt over the past and fear of the future is forgotten
– I'm paraphrasing – just melted away.... Just “one ongoing moment of time.”
(Whatever the hell that means. It's the belief in linear time that's the problem. It
could mean living continuously in the present. But as it's Psycho Aliens we're talking
about, it must be a counterfeit, the continuation of the “unholy instant” one might
say). Now to me, this does seem quite sinister. Yes, I know it's supposed to be; but
again, not quite for the reasons one might assume. I'm not quite sure yet what the
intention is. Of any of it.

What I do know is, that the pseudo mystical experience or “enlightenment”

episode immediately brought to mind the holy instant of A Course In Miracles, and
the quantum instant of Ken Carey's Third Millennium, and other books, and the “holy
moment” of Philip K Dick, as described in the penultimate scene of the semi-
animated film Waking Life; all a metaphor for the Second Coming; itself a metaphor
for the transformation of consciousness; of the mind. Ostendibly, not so different
from the scene as portrayed in V, though that could also be described as a holy
instant, a miraculous moment in time, a partial healing of the mind and reflection of
eternity experienced within linear time subjectively. Only, it's subverted iinto its
The quantum instant, as I understand it, is a moment of non-time, that expands
into (or unto) eternity, and that will be experienced by everyone at the same time. It's
when the self meets the Self, already on its way to meet us, the end of the egos rule,
the Second Coming of Christ. Synonymous with the ACIM's definition of living in
the real world; the same world, but a reflection of a mind transformed in the light of
forgiveness. Whether forgiven or unforgiven, both worlds are still illusory, a
projection of the mind. Nor is the second coming to be confused with the end of the
world in any sense or becoming one with God – which is the end of the world; a
world that never truly existed from the outset. A thought which likely has the
fundamentalists quaking in their oversized boots. Me too sometimes.

This, just in case it isn't glaringly obvious already, is the 2012 event, the
“moment of quantum awakening.” Again, formal religion will have no truck with
this stuff. Theirs is a world very much of bodies, the literal. The metaphorical, the
symbolic, has little place in it insofar as it reinforces the former. Jesus, will of course
be “coming back” in the clouds, in might and glory, with his army of warrior angels –
a virtual oxymoron in itself – to pretty much wipe the floor and ceiling with Satan
and the Anti-Christ and all his dark minions in the Battle of Armageddon... well, you
know how it goes
Questioning their own thought-system and the premises on which it's based has
no place in their world. The seeming reality of the world, made by the ego part of
our own minds has them well hoodwinked. And most of the rest of us. So I'm
thinking – and I'm not sure yet, I hasten to add – that the premise/s behind the script
of V might be secular in more ways than one; in that it seems to be the standard
sceptics and fear-based view - whether atheist, “religious,” or anywhere in between –
of probable upcoming transformative events long predicted, even if, for me, that
means discovering it just over twenty years before. But that's still a long time to
contemplate it and keep an eye on it. Most of the New Agers are as literal in their
outlook as are the “scientific” and religious deniers of the genuinely numinous.
On the other hand, the series could well be a welcome warning of the dangers of
the alien impostors, and more earthbound impostors, whether in the guise of the PTB,
along with your more average garden variety narcissist and psychopath as your
neighbour, best friend, lover, or relative. And now there's the revelations of sorts, of
the quite bizarre affiliations of assorted mediocre celebs and musos – and not so
mediocre – as is revealed through Facebook, if the Friend icons are anything to go by,
to the Raelien UFO cult as well as assorted and myriad connections – thousands,
apparently – to various infamous factions of the New World Order. Or, if you don't
believe in that sort of thing, the New World Order.

I notice the Arcturians get panned too for being “involved.” Some of the
criticisms I've seen seem to more than imply that taking the notion of “ascension”
into a higher dimension seriously, is clearly suspect or plain nuts and all higher
dimensional entities must be a Very Bad Thing. Why not just throw in the Ashtar
Command and the Galactic Federation of Planets too? Or the Galactic Feds as I like
to call them. (Playing their own tricks on the Illuminati, apparently, such as aligning
themselves with stars in the sky, to be mistaken for them). The source of the ET 101
True, I have trouble with their version of Jesus as Sananda.... travelling along
with them.... on their part-biological spaceships... I'd like to think they mean it
metaphorically. But ET 101 is so sane, informative, and sophisticatedly hilarious, I'm
willing to gloss over it for the time being. And anyway, this doesn't come up in ET
101 itself. But in other material online. ET 101 emphasizes the inner christ and that
we are Christ; if we only knew it.

It would be a pity if those Arturians turned out to be a crock as it always puts me

in mind of Voyage To Arcturus, the classic novel by David Lindsey – much
championed by Colin Wilson and others. Not that it should be taken for granted
extraterrestrials are spiritually developed just because they seem to have the power to
travel interdimensionally at will. From what I understand of it they seem to suffer
from the same misapprehension as the megalomaniacs that follow and believe in
them – confusing cleverness with wisdom... intelligence. And that's just stupid.
Cleverness, complexity, is unequivocally of the ego.
So there are naff extraterrestrials with bad intentions. What else is new? There's
crap channellings too. Lots of it. But we don't hear as much as we might, in a
positive light, about the more authentic and life changing material, such as the
aforementioned ACIM, and Ken Carey. Not in secular and conventionally religious
circles. And even less so will you hear them mentioned in the same breath.

And, there's the erudite and supremely funny, ET 101, as I say, which makes
reference also to other less developed denizens of the universe, in evolutionary terms,
not to mention yours truly of course; homo sapens. But themselves only an
epiphenomenon of the separation, as we are, along with the rest of everything else
manifest in duality. This doesn't come up in ET 101
. If they're kept separate, hidden, then comparisons can't be made. They can be
attacked separately, through obfuscation and distortion. The ego can't really deal
with the Course as that's what it's here for; to dispel our most cherished illusions.

So we have otherwise apparently perfectly rational people stating all manner of

nonsense about ACIM, twisting supposed evidence, making arbitrary connections to
suit their argument. A common one is that the Course is “a CIA mind-control
device”... engineered by, and originating with the CIA. This is supposedly due to
William Thetford's – a colleaguee of the “scribe” of the Course, Helen Schucman –
involvement with the CIA's notorious (or diabolical, as the religionists would say)
MK Ultra project. Alex Constantine, and Alan Watt come to mind. Otherwise, I'm
happy to read them avidly. Impostors such as “The Master Teacher,” only adds to the
Or distortion. But as ther late Joe Jesseph has pointed out and very articulately
and informatively (look it up), many people worked under the aegis of the MK Ultra
program, but, in a genuinely altruistic or constructive capacity, including the
illustrious psychologist Carl Rogers.
So it's a case of conflation and obfuscation, looking to tar the Course with the
same brush. The Carey material is attacked through other forms of the same tactic.
Wgich amounts to form of virtual conspiracy, from seeimingly disparate, but related
sources, even if it's only in their own minds. In short, it isn't good enough. The
premise of V may well be based on the same misconceptions or mistake; throwing
out the baby with the bathwater.
And that can be as much a reflection of our unconscious fear of the truly
numinous, and of God. The pseudo-awakening event near the end of the third
episode of V, is of course, mind-control. But one could say that the ultimate in mind-
control or brainwashing – certainly disinformation, is to present what could free us as
that which is out to imprison us.

I can picture a scenario where the “quantum instant,” the moment of awakening,
is intentionally distorted, obscured, through unconscious fear, and conflated with the
false awakening or Rapture, whether the literalistic one of the Church or supposedly
of the aliens; if there is an actual extraterrestrial “rapture,” however false.
The Catholic Rapture, was an invention of the late 19th century. Some are saying
this is false as the Catholic Church and some others are of “Satan.” Psychologically,
maybe. Perhaps they're just looking to blame the aliens for them too. The Church,
the Vatican, Nazis, the CIA, the military-occult-complex... Historically, They all blur
into each other anyway. The mindset and actions in tandem are very similar. They're
all death cults.

Then there's the the “false rapture” or similar events through the NWO, the PTB,
the military-industrial-complex, through projecting events into the sky on to ionised
cloud formations; clouds. A possible explanation for chemtrails, as someone
speculated; not forgetting that it can also be part of the electromagnetic soup as a
whole, and a chemical block specifically and literally intended to halt or hinder the
upcoming transformation. If that's the reason/s, then that's even crazier than anything
anyone can say about even considering any aspect of 2012 seriously. But of course
They'll try and tell you it's all crazy. You too.
Then there's the creation – the making of, would be more accurate – artificial
biological entities, that will man the ships, “UFOs,” that are so advanced
technologically, they could be easily mistaken for the “real” thing (WTF?). So is this
false “rapture,” this false awakening, the “creation” of the “aliens” or of the New
World Order? It's simple enough to speculate that the global “elite” are the willing
(witting?) or unwitting pawns of those extraterrestrials that are out to enslave us,
supposedly of the Reptoid race, along with other races, such as the Orions and of
course, those supercreepy little fellows/runts, the Greys; though the Greys are under
the Reptilians control.
Supposedly. That the New World Order are working in tandem with the
Reptilians etc.; playing the same tricks and games now, and in the future, building up
to the Main Event, a fake rapture show and fake invasion.... Right, so the real aliens
are out to enslave and invade us, however indirectly, by presenting it as a fake
invasion along with a false rapture? So are we to be fooled into welcoming them or
fearing them? I assume we're not supposed to fear then through the false rapture?
So what's the point of a false “invasion?”.... even as a cover for a real invasion. I
can understand it if the PTB wanted to mimic the more benevolently inclined
extraterrestrials, say, so we see them as threatening. But that would be based on the
supposition they would choose to make themselves known unequivocally: en masse.
I would seriously doubt their intentions should be interpreted so literally. That's
attempting to second-guess a level of mind we don't understand; whether positively
or negatively.

But that would be typical of our unseen leaders, I think Analogous to Seti
dictating how extraterrestrials might communicate with us when, clearly, they have
their own ideas; and just as it says in V, they're already here; and have been for years.
But so has the Carey material, so has ET 101. So has millions of UFO reports. They
choose not to see the wood for the trees. But it would be typically ironic that a more
accurate assessment of the situation is that the extraterrestrial presence is interpreted
literally, for all the official dismissal and ridicule of sightings, and the “paranormal”
in general. The predictable secular equivalent of the conventionally religious
fundamentalists who believe the second coming is the actual coming of Jesus.
So, is the fake invasion to mimic and deflect from what they believe is a real
invasion of benevolent extraterrestrials who intend to take their – the power of the
elite - away (and naturally, they're not about to take that lying down) as well as to
fool and convince us that their intentions are malevolent?
A case of “aliens” made in our own image – or Theirs. We/They're the aliens.
And that there's no actual alien invasion, at least not of the benevolent entities, and
anyway, most of the foot-soldiers, the minions putting any of these scenarios in to
action won't even believe in extraterrestrials; most of them. As far as They're
concerned it's all about fooling a gullible public in order to further the goals of the
brave “new” New World Order, along with their own grand place in it of course,
blissfully unaware or unconcerned as to just how dispensable they are; whereas it's
more than just probable the PTB very much do believe in extraterrestrials, just not the
more benevolently orientated ones, or, rather, they do, but being incredibly obtuse
(and insane – incapable of recognising the real enemy – as much themselves) too,
They refuse to heed their message and warnings, defending themselves against an
invasion that will never happen in the belief They can stave off a hostile one, a
takeover, by joining with Them – the Reptoids and the rest; keeping on Their good
side, in the misguided belief they have one and will genuinely share n the spoils, as
always If they genuinely exist.

Or They believe They do. Or the whole thing is an elaborate hoax to further
Their own ends. To further the Reptoids ends, more like. If They exist. It looks like
they do; but all of this absurd, elaborate scenario... a pathetic attempt to delay and
prevent the inevitable If 2012, the “quantum awakening” turns out to be a crock too,
well that's fine. It will never alter the fact the Atonement is real and the second
coming is inevitable. Not because I'm so emotionally attached to it or that I can't look
“reality” in the face; but because these are the only things that are real. But for me
it's long past the stag where the notion of it being a crock, a hoax and not coming
about is about as incredible as the thought that it will; that it's inevitable. A good
point to end on for the time being, but contrarily, I'll carry on as I don't feel quite
finished yet...

It's the “holy instant” aspect, the moment of nontime... that stays in mind. The
upcoming, purported quantum awakening of us all, by 2012. And that all of these
convoluted scenarios, whether “real or imaginary” – especially the presentation of it
as a fake or false awakening, and that this in itself – the belief in it – could be as
much a defence against the real thing.
Because again, what do extraterrestrials need with an invasion, however
benevolent? (sudden deja voodoo moment; have I said this before?), when the
transformation of consciousness, of psychological orientation, the galactic event –
galactic synchronisation – isn't of them? And the end of all the dumb artificial
synchronisation (intended also as part of the onslaught to block the connection to our
higher Self) of the impostors and self-deceivers.
Their role, as I understand it, is only to inform and assist in the transformation,
whether blending “psychically,” or influencing us in more subtle ways, individually
and collectively. What would be the point of a full scale “invasion” if we're about to
experience a radical shift unconsciousness anyway? After which, humanity as a
whole would be able to countenance such an event.
It's obvious enough we can barely cope with the notion of 2012, let alone get
along together. The media as a whole or in general, still foster this backwards notion
that to take 2012 and the Mayan Calender seriously is synonymous with the belief in
the end of the world, portraying people as simple-minded fantasists or a bit cracked.
(same thing?). Or fanatics. They're the ones who believe in it”. They're the literalists,
the simplistic-minded ones. They're the ones who fear the real meaning of it and who
foster a belief in a fake “rapture” and a hostile alien takeover.
That's the probable meaning behind statements that we should rally together in
the face of an “alien threat.” They're the “aliens.” We're not “all in this together” at
all. They're out for Themselves, as always, as has, apparently, been in operation over
thousands of years, and now we're at the “End Game,” the biggest con of all. It's
those who conspire who say there are no conspiracies, only conspiracy theories, I've
found, certainly on an individual level, bur also collectively, as with gang stalking.
People They see as lone voices to be quietly and sneakily silenced, by the mimics on
the street, your everyday crazymakers; just about everyone you know.

Few have escaped the growing contagion, of hatred. But the Carey material said
the world would polarize into two camps, and that was back in 1982. (Also the year
Philip K Dick died). No one said it would always be overt. In fact Philip K Dick
long predicted it would be something far more subtle. I think the PTB take very
seriously indeed what they purport to be ridiculous delusions, through Their bought-
off, unconsciously fear-stricken recognised channels – the media and other
professional skeptics.

I think part of the problem, and the reason some find this so unlikely is because
we don't understand the extent of Their dissociation. It doesn't make any sense to us
that many people can hold two contradictory ideas at the same time. That because it
isn't understandable and makes no sense, it doesn't exist, therefore. But that's to
underestimate the insanity of this world's mindset, and that many people are literally
If this sounds far fetched, consider that some people who are unequivocally
against the New World Order are just as unequivocally against A Course In Miracles,
and, most likely, books such as the Starseed Transmissions and The Third
Millennium, seeing them as a force for evil.
They have that in common at least with every other fundamentalist, whether
conventionally religious or secular – the pseudo-scientists claiming to be real
scientists – the Susan Blackmore's and Richard Dawkins,' who refuse to consider the
findings of “their” own science that tells us that on the quantum level, reality can be
both particle and wave, and that the observer and consciousness is integral to the
process – as well as the New Agers who can't deal with ACIM, which as Ken
Wapnick once put it, is above anything the New Age has to offer.
The Carey material can be seen as “new age” and is classed as such, but it's of
such a profound and subtle nature, it takes me about as far as I'm capable of going, in
terms of comprehension; of both. What unites many of both the pros and cons on the
NWO and certainly their detestation of the Course, is a capacity for distortion,
obfuscation, omission; often downright disinformation What does that say about us
when they see and present themselves as some of the most discerning people on the

I'm sure the ACIM doesn't need my defence; that it can take care of itself,
though let's not forget students of ACIM as well as Carey often succumb to the same
elitism. And that it's all about specialness – the belief and emphasis on differences –
and preserving our individuality, that is fearful in the face of the the numinous, the
transcendent, the abstract. And inevitably, will see the coming of the Light as
something alien and hostile, a threat to self. It's all about denial and projection, the
emphasis on form over content. But I've gotten ahead of myself...


Something came drifting back into mind recently; which is to say it's always
been there, only I'd forgotten. And it was that as I was thinking about the similarity
to the tactics of the GS' to Narcissists I Have Known – that both are chronic and
methodical sneaky aggressors becomes very apparent – and as obvious that the GS
and other offshoots such as workplace mobbing is the collective form of what some
experience on an individual level.

Professionals, the media, random and not so random trollers and disinfo agents
will tell you that the people who report this activity are clearly delusional, in need of
psychiatric help. They might consider that according to them, there are pretty much
no conspiracies – or literally none, when history has demonstrated the reality of many
political conspiracies; the world is awash with murder, often the end result of
murderous conspiracies. The history of the world is a history of murder, as Colin
Wilson said in his massive A Criminal History of Mankind. “Sneaky,” or indirect
aggression also a form of murder; it stems from a murderous impulse, or as ACIM
states, what is not love is murder. (And also that the merest hint of irritation is only a
cover for the murderous anger that underlies it).
Try getting any of these sneaky aggressors, the obfuscators, the professional
sceptics to admit that indirect, sneaky aggression even exists, certainly within their
own milieu. And why wouldn't it exist in group form? Yet they wrote the textbooks
on it, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the so-called
“psychiatrists' bible.” Conversely, one could say aggression and hostility, indirect or
otherwise is a given, yet according to some, there's never any justifiable reason to
assume anyone at all has aggressive or hostile intent?
There is apparently, no equivalent word for justified “paranoia.” Presumably
many of the citzens under McCarthyism and Cointelpro weren't believed until the
prejudice became official policy, then there was no need to obscure it in denial and
obfuscation any more. It seems clear enough to me it's a matter of credibility; and a
very selective credibility. And as much unconscious fear on the part of the sceptics as
always; that it's as much who's saying it as much as what's being said. The GS
strategies are based on the same principle. They know they can get away with it
because it won't be believed. Hitler said much the same thing. They choose their
targets carefully, and typically, that's often the people who's ego and place in society
is more nebulous and malleable than your average merchant banker, say; no rhyming
slang intended.
Archangelic extraterrestrial entities focused on them for the same reason, from
the mid-Sixties onwards, many as children, as stated in Ken Carey's Starseed
Transmissions. And now many of them are focused on again, only with less
benevolent intent. But again, this increasing polarization was long predicted. Both
the stalkers, instigated through the global elite, and the sceptics miss the point.
They're focusing on what They see as a problem, an enemy where it doesn't exist, in
the belief that by wiping out bodies – destroying people, that will remove the
“threat.” But the threat isn't of other human beings.
What is going to happen will happen in any case. Humanity are only the
receivers of this upcoming transformation of consciousness, not the originators of it.
The error, a fundamental misunderstanding, is similar to the people who believe that
it will take a finite and specific number of people to tip the scales for this
transformation of consciousness to happen – the hundredth monkey phenomenon,
where a finite number of people's minds come into rhythmic entrainment.
But this is to think in terms of numbers, of bodies; the same mistake the GS
make and every covert fascistic tyranny there ever was, from the “Holy” Inquisition
to the CIA's destabilisation and usurpation of foreign governments through
establishing dictators in place of murdered democratically elected leaders. The New
Agers are as prone to elitism in their own way. But specialness and numbers and
entitlement and privilege have nothing to do with it. If there's nothing outside
ourselves, as ACIM states, then there's no one and nothing to change. Because if you
believe there is, then you become just another evangelist, a fundamentalist, where
some people are worthy through flying the flag for Conversion and some are not.
But change is of the mind, experienced in consciousness, though not of
consciousness itself. The Mind is one. Whether humanity as individuals choose to
accept this or not is up to them – us. If it's going to happen – and I think it is – it's
going to happen. Nor will any amount of attempting to destroy factions of the
population as if they're The X-Men make any difference to this, overall. It's only an
attempt to delay the inevitable. Scanners.

They'll stay here because it's what they want and the rest will move on, whether
in embodiment or no. The destruction of the body makes no difference in terms of
reality. Consciousness “moves on” or stays where it believes it is because it wants to
be there – here. And exactly the same goes for the GS and the rest, deluded in the
belief in safety in numbers and bodies as they are in their one-dimensional world and
mindset. But this plain of existence is only a thin veil in reality, and an illusory one
in the and it can be dissolved, while those who've at least made the effort to
familiarise themselves with their true self can move on during the great transition.
The rest will interpret it as an attack, an incursion alien to themselves and what they
understand themselves and others to be – or believe themselves to be.

And that might just be tough tittie. Carey's Third Millennium talks about
Germany and Japan suffering from specific national disorders during the 1920's, that
could easily have been avoided if certain adjustments had been made. It's
increasingly, unmistakably clear to anyone who isn't in serious denial and projection
that we're in the midst of a specific international disorder now. The “world” -
humanity, is losing it's mind, and it's global now.
The minions, the petty-minded henchmen, from your local Nazi-neighbourhood
watch and equivalent in council and other local government bodies as well your
friendly Tescoe and smaller stores and businesses to the chronic narcissists and
psychopaths of the NWO are spread worldwide. No wonder they indulge
Themselves in those ludicrous facile smirks. They think they're as good as
omnipotent. Certainly the next best thing. But in Their world, it all ends in death and
always will as that's what they want and they think you should believe in nothing but
that too; all in the guise of love and friendship and being good buddies of course; the
self-appointed policers of the universe. Where would we be without them?...
They don't know it yet, but ~They're already dead. It was over for them before
they even began to formulate their Their dumb little plans and psychopathic
strategies. It goes nowhere and nowhen, and that's where it will stay. It does seem
we need help from outside of the ego's thought-system. That otherwise, the world is
doomed to entropic collapse under its own dead weight; that, as is stated in The Only
Planet of Choice, we're causing an evolutionary bottleneck in the universe; so the
wider universal community is obliged to intervene. We're incapable of lifting
ourselves out of it by our own bootstraps.
But I seriously doubt that means some Independence Day style invasion either.
Jeez what a gung ho crock of crap that movie was. Everything the aliens do is what
we do – and would to other worlds if we got the chance; another good reason for it all
to be nipped in the bud. The extraterrestrials are like the GS and the rest. They exist,
but are hiding in plain sight. But not all the “aliens” motives are the same. Unlike
the witless worshippers of death. But even They can change their mind. They Live.
Hah. Their days, if only they knew it, were always... numbered


I forgot about the implications of my own argument, before. If the GS or, more
accurately, the PTB, do take 2012 seriously, the upcoming transformation in
consciousness, then it will follow, as I said, that they'll misinterpret it in the way most
people misinterpret it. That is, that they'll see it in terms of numbers. The elitist,
Nazi-minded generally do. And, more specifically, they'll see it in terms of bodies; as
many do, so why would or should They be the exception? The only other
interpretation is they don't take it seriously at all and the fascistically inclined have
always done what they've done and think as they think in any case. That there's no
need to posit any execution or even need on Their part for a methodical, protracted
plan to block any connection to the higher PTB. They probably don't even believe in
any notion of another or higher Self. In reality it can't be blocked or lost in any sense
as the “higher” Self is our reality; though you probably already knew that.
So, it's a delusion on Their part. But, otherwise, I don't believe they're that
ignorant. From what I've read, and Icke is yer man on this subject, the whole thing is
a calculated onslaught through every aspect of our daily lives; psychologically,
emotionally, politically, economically, and chemically. Not necessarily in that order.
Not that it matters; it's ubiquitous. The goal to get and keep us trapped in left-brain,
prison warder, consciousness. The Black Iron Prison of the Gnostics that Philip K
Dick was so preoccupied with. Pharmaceuticals, drugs, fluoride, additives, petty
rules and regulations, the electromagnetic soup set at the same frequency as the
brain's, chemtrails to literally create that black iron prison, the list is endless, it seems.
And the more one learns the increasingly unlikely it seems They don't have a specific
strategy in mind. They are literalists, after all. They might believe in the occult and
Satan, but that's only for what they think they can get individually.

The same goes for their minions and the rest, the GS on the streets. They seem
to be working in tandem, but that's as much an illusion of joining, as is every other
aspect of Their lives. They're all in it for what they belieive they can get individually.
So if, on the higher political levels they do believe in the more metaphysical aspects
of the situation – it's probably that many of them do believe in interdimensional
entities for example – they'll still interpret it literally, seeing it all in terms of bodies;
a matter of numbers, echoing the misinterpretations of the New Agers on 2012. And
organised religion on the New Age; and so it goes.

They're all only different sides of the same coin anyway. It's all about bodies.
The Eucharist is a ritual of cannibalism. They literally believe they're drinking the
blood and eating the body of “Christ.” Christ is the whole, in any case, our real
Self, nothing to do with the body. Thy think Jesus absorbed all our sins into his body
– which is only a reflection of the belief in the reality of sin, guilt, and death.
Mistakes have no place in the ego's thought-system, as mistakes can be forgiven,
unlike sin. The resurrection is seen as the literal raising the dead, whereas the
resurrection is of the mind; a transformed consciousness in the light of forgiveness,
living in the real world, itself, still only a projection of the mind, but, as far as one is
concerned, a clear, fresh, bright, and new world all the same.
These people have no interest in that. They worship death. They interpret and
turn everything in life into a problem, a chore, a duty, and a another means of attack,
a symbol of fear. Everything in this word is a symbol of fear, and that they reinforce
it and magnify it wherever They can is only a reflection and projection of Their own
fear, of losing control, over the litle they believe they have – certaionly a lot in
worldly terms, and they want to keep it. The GS and the rest are as fearful of losing
the little they believe they have. It's as much based on fear due to the economic
meltdown caused by the very people they believe in. But shit for brains have always
looked for simplistic explanations and easier
scapegoats. That's a part of what being stuck in left-brain consciousness does.
The world is a circular-minded madhouse and it will only get worse as we drown
in a sea of venal, petty-mindedness in the guise of high ideals necessary for the
greater good of the whole.

As it has. Someone said it will only get worse before it gets better. I think we
can agree it's pretty bad now. And just as likely to get worse, still. Perhaps a
complete collapse, before it really does get better. It's useful to know, because many
lose sight of the bigger, wider picture, and what can the GS be for, and every related
sick-fuck twisted government think-tank, but to distort perception of the situation, as
a whole; to induce a form of tunnel-vision – a concept Colin Wilson has always been
so fond of, only now the goal is to magnify and exacerbate a predilection we're all
prey to in the hope and the goal that some if not many of us succuumb to it
completely, seeing no hope, no light at the end of the tunnel.

It has to be remembered that They are in despair too, if only they knew it. Not
economically, necessarily, but in a more profound sense. No one would think and
behave as they do if it weren't the case. It isn't normal. Left-brain consciousness is a
state of despair; certainly a recipe for one. They look to create these little pockets of
isolationism for individuals, themselves as prone of courser, to seeing relationships
and joining in terms of other people, bodies, whereas joining is of the mind. The set-
ups are based on a secular, literalistic interpretation of reality and the world. And
science backs it for the most part, as it has always done. It's the thought-system
we've grown up with and been indoctrinated with from day one, through school and
college and work. It's always been the same old mantra, that this world is all there is,
and look out for number one, and get what you can while you can, because no one
else is going to do it for you, and hey, we only have one life, after all, so... a circular
logic. (“I'll do thee first, see if I do not.” Nigel Molesworth).
And few people really question these assumptions. One could say the world is
ruled by social Darwinists stuck in left-brain consciousness. Colin Wilson wrote
about the latter aspect for decades. But David Icke has take it further, certainly
politically, than anyone else, as far as I know. Interesting that they both come from
Leicestershire. And that both are in pretty strong denial as to the reality of and
importance of Jesus and ourslves as part and whole of Christ; and in Icke's case, the
reality of Jesus in history at all. But that's up to them.
Anyway, we're ruled by mass-murderers, serial-killers, psychologically. Saying
we're ruled by serial-killers might be quite a good analogy; perhaps a better one than
I realise. It's no exaggeration at all to say the goal of GS is murder through forcing
their targets to suicide (hey, “a refreshingly honest best man” in a sketch on That
Mitchell and Webb Look just mentioned suicide. as I thought this). As there's more
than one of them – by a long shot – as well as methodically planned and organised,
they can also be described as organised killers.
In the FBI profiling sense. The fact that it's done in a mainly indirect way and is
divided among themselves (and other targets, probably) to reduce culpability, as well
as directed and sanctioned elsewhere from doesn't alter the fact the end result is
murder and the goal from the outset. If none of them took part in it, it wouldn't
happen. That they do, will never disguise the fact they had and have a central part in
it, however much they might look to deceive themselves or justify it. Murder is
murder and the realisation of it will come back to them in their dreams. They won't
escape the effects of their own projections; and the ego gets everyone, after all...

That, and it's a reflection of a certain way of being in the world, as I say; a very
specific way of interpreting reality. God has no place in such a world, whatever they
might say or believe to the contrary. They also allow themselves to be set-up to be
incapable of forgiving mistakes of their own and others they know. It's a ruthless,
merciless system that destroys them through the very act of taking part in it.
Psychological and emotional corruption is inevitable. People do need to be stopped
and punished, but it's the attitude behind it that makes all the difference; a crucial
difference. If it's based on vengeance, then that only reinforces the problem as it's
reinforcing the illusions of others. To fight back directly against the GS, along the
any other aspect of the NWO only reinforces their illusions – as well as ones own –
and the belief in their own reality and power.
And as has been pointed out, they'll only react more in kind for the same reason,
using it as a pretext to keep further pushing Their draconian rules and regulations,
enforced through every aspect of this psychopathically orientated system; as much
through stealth. But the indirect, sneakily aggressive aspect is only necessary up until
they've achieved their objectives and consolidated their power, however illusory.
Beyond that, after that, there will be no need to pretend or disguise it through the
guise of social acceptability and protecting the community and spreading freedom
any longer, though I'm sure the self-appointed and rigged goal of policing the
universe whether the universe wants or needs it or not, will carry on. I wait to see
what happens with baited breath.

In the meantime (Helmet), I'm pretty sure that the purpose of all this harassment,
all this artificial synchronizing, is about cancelling out, not only the ability to
function normally – whatever that means exactly, in this dysfunctional, fucked-up
world – but also the ability in anyone to function on more supra normal levels or even
in just any way that might awaken others in this sleeping society and open their eyes
to the scam that's going on around them and is ingrained in every aspect of their lives
and thought. Not only are they their own worst enemy, they are their own enemy,
seeing enemies everywhere; and that enemy is themselves. And you, if you buy into
it. They can fuck the world up all by themselves if they get their own way, thank
them very much. And if they did, either way, there's a certain satisfaction over the
thought of that.
Of course, you won't find many people admitting that. (But we all live our lives
in unforgiveness and they provide the perfect excuse, as do criminals for the rest of
us. Only, they're the criminals and often the cause of it). But the most obvious
illustration of this is when, if understandably, you get some poor soul on the news,
the victim of some heinous crime, who says that their sole motivation is that no one
else suffers the same way at the hands of the perpetrator. Otherwise, one assumes,
they're happy to forgive them. Hah. But some crimes are so horrible forgiveness can
only be of the Holy Spirit. We're not capable of it yet, and if we were, they'd likely
happen less often. It's all a learning process. The world, the NWO, the global elite,
the GS in the streets, have no real conception of forgiveness. In that, they're no
different from most of the population.
The mediocrities have always been envious, mistrustful, irrationally resentful,
full of hatred for others who they believe that have what they don't, whether talent, or
looks, or a woman, or whatever it may be; they'll find it; any pretext will do. I was
there at school in my teens and with every other dork I was obliged to work beside
almost as soon as I left. They all naturally gravitated together in hatred and
resentment. But as often as not it was disguised at first, while they tested the waters,
pushed to see how far you could go, see if you could be baited, find outr what your
breaking pont was. And they recognised and know their own. It was whoever agreed
with them and shared their mindset. And they had an irrational, murderous hatred
towards anyone who didn't. Ganging up came as naturally to them as it's what
those who believe in bodies and the illusion of triumph through murder do.

To say this doesn't exist and that GS and organised stalking and a lethal strategy
of interference and harassment doesn't exist, is of course, the proverbial crock of shit.
It's what They've always done, only now it's organised; it goes further it's developed
strategies to interfere with, disrupt, and destroy the daily functioning, and ultimately
the lives of those it targets. And that was the goal all along. The plebeian and not so
plebeian examples I had in mind earlier never had the brains or the resolve.; they
needed some of the dominant 5% (same tab on the keyboard), psychopaths in this
case, naturally, to organise them. But it's always been psychopathic, and narcissistic;
in every area of life, from blue-collar to middle-class; the working redneck to
university professor.
The rednecks only had to be shown the way. For much of them it must have
been equivalent to seeing the light; the validation of everything they had ever felt and
thought about the world in their unconscious hatred. The PTB must seem like genius'
to them; virtual earthly gods with Their psych warfare and NLP horseshit. (But NLP
is geared to affecting the brain, an aspect of the personality; the mind isn't the same
thing). And TI's crumbling under the onslaught would only seem to prove “their”
superiority and the superiority of Their techniques; but that's facile cleverness for
you. They know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
On an individual level, they're the people who constantly interrupt; a repeated
indication of the internal violence it belies. The GS is only a wider aspect of the
same mindset. The constant harassment, the interference serves as an interruption to
keep ones attention focused outwards, as theirs is, rather than focused internally,
where deeper connection are, with one's real self, the Absolute, call it what you like.
Psychopaths don't need to know the source of their motivation in order to believe in it
and carry it out. In not having conscious awareness of it that's why they are
psychopathic .
“Psychopath” is a loaded term anyway. One could say that choice of description
for anyone, the labeling, however understandable, is as much based on condemnation.
It also obscures the commonality of the behaviour, that it's more accurate to describe
it as narcissistic; and that covers most of the population, or a good deal of it.
Narcissists are always hyper vigilant, oddly enough. So it's ironic one might say that
the end result, or an aspect of the GS psych warfare is that one becomes
hypervigilant; if I can keep it in mind for long enough.
Their goal is to exacerbate it to an extreme, so it dips into a percieved or actual
mental illness, so one can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. As if They can.
They want the target to see potential dangers everywhere; dangers that they may well
bring about. How many people do you need to murder through traffic accidents and
organised, enforced despair before the rest get the message? As for the rest of the
population, well, they'll avoid the whole thing, y'know? a bit like the last days of that
guy who died on a cross, in case the Romans pick up the contagion and come for
them too. But whatever your view you might bear in mind the end result of all this is
a form of living death for everyone.
Their goal may be to confuse and confound the perception of “reality” of their
intended targets; but their own perceptions are already seriously distorted. And
denial and projection is a serious perceptual distortion on anyone's account. Serious
in the illusion that is; the dream; the matrix. Otherwise, it's all just one big joke.

These are the people you grew up with who would never dream of crossing any
authority, of stealing from the supermarket, say, as that represents outside authority,
an aspect of the system they so much believe in, but who would happily steal from
you, their friend, buddy, acquaintance, because you'd least suspect it, have less
chance of guessing it was them, and anyway, it's your word against theirs. They're
the cowboy builders, the salt of the earth – “I work for a living” – who'd rob their
own grandmother blind but foster a seething hatred against everyone and everything
they think is ruining “their” country. They're the people who take sides with
whomever they see is in power and would stab you in the back along with the rest of
the gang because they were never true individuals to begin with, just flotsam and
jetsom to be manipulated by the will of psychopaths. As adept in self-deception, they
believe they're partly in charge, important; essential even.
It's as much based on a twisted notion of a utopian ideal, where the terminally
facile finally rule the planet, and God is kept from mind, apart and separate forever.
It's a madman's crazy pipe dream, as rational, and loving as the Nazis, or Stalin's

It all comes around in cycles, more deep-rooted, and cleverer and wide-ranging
than before, determined in getting its way. Every advance, in psychology, in science,
technology, is turned on its head to be the opposite of what it was for or could be. A
car, intended for speed and convenience becomes a deadly weapon; a telephone,
intended to further communication, a means of divisiveness and separation.
What is made for the purpose of defence is utilised for attack. Narcissists and
psychopaths don't learn; they adjust. The battle field they live in and are compelled
ot defend against is the one they make themselves. They live in a dream-world of
their own making. All the more reason not to reinforce it by buying into it. They'll
come and go just like every other egotist, megalomaniacal dream; one way or


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