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Chng 1:

A video movie of 150 minutes duration is digitally represented in format ITU-R

(720x576 pixels luminance, 2x360x576 pixels chrominances per frame, 25
frames/s, 8
bit/pixel PCM).
a) Which hard disc capacity is required to store the entire movie in ITU-R 601
b) The movie shall be encoded using MPEG-2 compression, achieving a
factor of 40:lover PCM. Which file size is now required to store the stream on the
hard disc?
c) To transmit the movie over a satellite channel, error protection by channel
coding is
provided . This increases the rate by 10 %. Which transmission bandwidth (Mbit/s)
the channel is necessary?
Problem 1.2
Images from a Web camera shall be transmitted over a telephone modem,
providing a
constant data rate of 56 kbit/s. 16 kbit/s are needed for speech transmission. The
frame rate
shall be 10 frames/so
a) As the video coder does not output a constant-rate stream, it is necessary to
buffer the
information before transmitting over the channel. What maximum buffer size
in bits) is allowable, if the maximum delay caused by buffering shall be 200 ms?
b) The output rate of the encoder can be changed by modification of the quantizer
(the discrete-step 'Q factor'). As a rule of thumb, lowering the Q factor by one step
may increase the rate by a factor 1.1. For one frame, it is measured that encoding
consumed 4.84 kbit. By how many steps must the Qfactor be lowered or increased
avoid an over-run or under-run ofthe buffer

Chng 2

The vectors a=[2 O]T and b=[2 I]T establish a basis system A=[ a b ].
a) Determine the vectors of the dual basis A, such that the property
ofbiorthogonality is
b) Sketch the positions of all four vecto::, in a coordinate system.
c) Compute the determinants ofA and A .
Problem 2.2
a) Prove the condition for hexagonal sampling (2.62).
b) What is the ratio of the area of the base band in Fig. 2.l3c (shaded), as compared
the rectangular sampling case with OJR=OJS?
c) What is the ratio of the horizontal sampling distance R in Fig. 2.12c, as
compared to
the rectangular sampling case with R=8 ?
d) Compute the determinant of the sampling matrix Dhe:n normalized by 8=1.
the value against the results from parts b) and c).
e) The CCD chip ofa digital camera has an active area of 10 mm x 7,5 mm. The
of pixels is 4.000,000. Compute the approximate vertical sampling distances 8 for
cases ofrectangular sampling (R=S) and hexagonal sampling .
Problem 2.3
A two-dimensional cosine of horizontal frequency OJ,=OJs/3 is sampled by a
quincunx grid
(see Figs. 2.12d and 2.13d) .
a) Determine the upper limit for vertical frequency OJz(absolute value)
guaranteeing alias
free sampling .
b) Which horizontal frequency becomes visible after ideal lowpass filter
from the sampled signal, ifthe vertical frequency is OJz=OJs /3?
Problem 2.4
By motion of a video camera using progressive sampling, a translational motion
shift of
k=20 pixels horizontally and 1=10 pixels vertically results . The frame rate is 50
the CCD chip of the camera has a size of 10 mm x 7.5 mm, and the number of
pixels is

360 x 288.
a) Determine the horizontal and vertical velocities u and v, by which the points
move on
the image plane.
b) The camera shoots a cosine oscillation, where in the sampled image one period
is 40
pixels . Which is the maximum allowable frequency in horizontal direction, such
the sampling theorem is not violated , i.e. the motion of the camera can be
a) Determine a sampling matrix D.
b) Compute the related frequency sampling matrix F.
c) Which is the shape of the base band in the 3D frequency domain?
Problem 2.6
A 2D signal shall be sampled by the grid shown in Fig. 2.19, where the black and
dots establish two rectangular sub-grids of equal sampling distances. The black
grid is
shifted horizontally and vertically by R' and S' relative to the white grid.
Fig. 2.19. Sampling grid composed by two rectangular sub-grids
a) For a given vertical sampling distance S, determine values of R, R' and S', such
i) a quincunx grid ii) a hexagonal grid results.
b) Describe the sampling of signal x(r,s) by a sampling function ':>.o(r) which is a
of two (black&white bullet) rectangular impulse grids ':>R.S.
c) Determine the Fourier spectrum of ':>.o(r) . For which cases will the number
spectral copies be lower than' for one of the rectangular-grid spectra?
d) Values OSR.'~, OSS'SS shall be allowed. Under which conditions will it not be
to express the sampling function ':>.o(r) by a closed-form expression, using a
matrix D?
e) For R=S, R'=S'=S/2 sketch the spectrum of a signal, which was sampled
observing the

sampling criteria (Sketched frequency layout shall at least include the base band
and the
eight nearest alias frequency bands).
t) A signal xcCr,s) =A cos[ 27(/S (r+s) ] + B cos[ 27(/S (r-s) ] is sampled by the
grid given
in e). Which signal will be observed after reconstruction using an ideal lowpass
with same pass band as the base-band shape?

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