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Friendships across the world make near neighbors of far horizons-Wang Bo (Zi'an)

Life is unpredictable and many times we face situations that completely change our life
perspective. They give us another point of view about the world, our lives, possibilities and
I come from a small country in the Balkans (Macedonia) and as I was growing up I was never
aware of the wider world perspectives and the global issues. I was focused on the local issues
and very often I was surrounded with small-minded talks filled with hatred on religion and
nationality level (mainly due to the conflicts between the Christians and Muslims in my
country). I respected all the people equally, that is how my family taught me, but due to the
fact that I belong to a minority group (I am Turkish and Muslim), several times I was subject
to discrimination. That was the reason that I lacked self confidence and started not to trust
people from different nationality and religion. I had identity crisis and I had to wear a mask in
order to belong to some group. All I wanted was to be appreciated for who I am and not
misjudged by my nationality or religion.
The turning point in my life happened when I received the United World Colleges
scholarship, to continue my following two years in Li Po Chun, Honk Kong. That was my
life-transforming moment that changed my world view and perspective. This event gave me
the opportunity to grow and mature. At the beginning I was shocked because the values and
the lifestyle in Honk Kong, a place of different cultures, races, religions and nationalities was
completely different from what I was used to see and hear about. I learned the beauty of
diversity and the unity between the people of various backgrounds. I realized how many new
things you can learn from people different than you. The way I felt about differences
changed. Instead of prejudice and distrust, now I see the people from different cultures and
backgrounds with love and understanding, because many times those were the people that
helped me most. I overcame my personal prejudices and realized that there should be no
limits regarding nationality, race, culture, religion difference, we are all the same, we are all
people and we should struggle to improve and understand ourselves, to see the bigger picture
and the limitless opportunities in the world. By becoming part of the UWC mission I realized
that the education is the force that unites people, nations and cultures for peace and
sustainable future and that we can change only if we are curious and willing to learn.
The years spent in UWC inspired me not to be another brick in the wall of the narrowminded people, filled with hatred and that I want to be the change in the world. When you are
aware of it, you are on the right track for the global improvement.

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