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Yfith news from Ste^e and Nancy Phillips

January / February *04

Hello faithful supporters,family and friends,

I realize it has bei awhile since youVe heard from us, and I want to briefly explain before going on with the news.
About a month ago I sent out the Decanber / January newsletter to our forwarding agent. As oftoday, the 12th ofF^ruaiy,
the word is that it still hasnt arrived! So, in this newsletter I will ^e a briefreriew of what was in our lost one, as well as
bring you up to date on current issues.

Thank you for your patience with us as we do the best we can, but even at times that may not be enough. Lord

willing, this time the mail will get through to you. We really need your prayws on some urgent issues. Thanks again.
In Christian Love,

ftdm&vvard Sound
We are nearing our time to return to the U.S.A.
so as to visit with you all. What emotion we feel as we

the needed documents in hand. Then within twent)' four

make plans and prepare for this wonderfril time of

fellowship! We can hardly wait, and according to what
we've heard it is the same with you all too, Lord willing,
everything will go smoothly wth our travel arrangements,

governments, wliether fordgn or our own, can sometimes

we plan to arrive there around mid May.

hours the new passports were issued.

Worldng with

be very time consuming and expensive. But praise the

Lord, He has helped us many times and in many vt&ys. He
is our source of strength, guidance, and help.

From what Ron teUs us, we eq^ect to have a very

We ask you to be in prayer for us as we work on

busy schedule for the summer and fall months. We look

getting a visa for Nancy. Her temporary resident visa

forward to a summer fiill of camps, and a couple of

\riiich she had from living in the States C5q)ired due to our
living outside the U.S. As a result, we need to apply for a
tourist visa and pray the U.S. embassy grants it. If they
think we're applying for this visa just to get Nancy to the
States so she can live there permanently, they wont grant
it. If^ however, we apply for a Permanent Resident visa,
like she had before, they wouldn't grant it dther because
we're missionaries, not planning on Irving permanently in
tiie States. Seems like a lot of problem, right? Well, it
may be for most people, but with your and our prayers I
am confident the Lord will work it all out, even bett^ than
we could hope or ask for!

Vacation Bible Schools to attrad. We will be most of our

time in Indiana, with a visit to Pennsylvania and West

Virginia. Thra in the fall our speaking engagements begin

as we visit our supporting churches as well as churches
who are interested in hearing about our work,
I also hope to take some courses or attend some

youth ministry seminars in the frU and spring months, in

order to further my education.

Furiough is a great

opportunity for missionaries to educate themselves,

because echicational materials are often scarce on the field.

Please, if you have an event you would like us to

attend, speak at, or participate in, send your requested

Praise the Lord we now have all our passports,

dates to our forwarding agent - and some information as to

and that in itself was a lot of work. We had to roiew

what that event is - as soon as posrible. This could also

include personal requests for visits in the homes of our

Nancy's expired Colombian passport, and apply for a U.S.

passport for Hannah. (Jessica already had hers from Costa
Rica). After a week of running around to get all the
photogr^hs tak^ and the p^erwork together, we had

supporters. We would love to get together with you and

share in detail about our work,(How about a request from
the ol' college ^ng too?)

Cjas( and found

What we found out is not something we were
happy to find out. Govemmmts can sometimes have laws

that take effect fi-om one day to the next, but the general
public may have no idea what the new laws are, until they
run up. against them. We had that unfortunate experience
in these past few months.

We were veiy happy to hear about all of the

clothes donated by the kids who attended the Vacation

Bible School at Town and Countiy Christian Church in

Shdbyville, Indiana. The chunhes here in Colombia wctc

looking forward to passing these dothes out to the needy.

After spending a &iiiy large sum ofmonqr to ship
th^ dothiK'to Colombia, we had a problem in Customs.
Huns out that for any mo'diandize entering the countiy,
donated or otherwise, a person has to get permission fi"om
the government to import those items. That in itself is a
three to four month process; howevCT, that was not the
m^or problem. What we found out was that the

government of Colombia does not want used dothing to

be imported because it fears it will cause competition fisr
their own dothing manufacturers. In other words, thqr
would not give us permission to import the dothes... that
were already here sitting in a warehouse. In a nutshell, the
dothes were lost. There was nothing we could do to
legally get them out of customs, even though we spent
many days trying. Shipping them bade to the U.S. was
also impossible.
We really have no idea what will become of the

dothing. Legally there is nothing that can be done, and it

will just continue to sh in the wardiouse. One offidal did

say, however, that there is the possibility that it will be

takra by the government and divided among non-profit
organizations for distribution to the needy and homeless.
"AH we can do now is pray that it wffl get to^the needy

Here it is! The list of the vertebrae in the figurative badcbone of support for our ministry here in Colombia for
1993. WeVe said it many times, and well say it flgain; if

it weren't for your support(both in prayors and finandalfy)

we would not be able to be here, serving the Lord as we
are. May God bless you in many ways for being our
partners in sharing Christ with Colomlna.

Calvary Christian Churdi; Sellersburg

(Kenwood Christian Church: Glenwood
Morristown Christian Church: Morristown

Seymour Christian Churdi: Seymour

Town & Country Christian Church: Shelfyville
Don & Tiish Bennett: Shelbyvitte
Ron & Carol Kessler: Shelbyvitte
M/M Mark Pitts: Indianc^lis
Bob, Sara, and Molly Ray: Shelbyvitte
John&Lori Stewart: Shelbyvitte
Gil Whitten: Shelbyvitte

Claysville Christian Church: Cynthiana

Kentudcy Christian College: Grqy^
Dan & Dawn Guy: Ashland

David & Marion Stemple: honcaster


William jr. & Emilia Coombs: Pittsburgh

Betty Md^aughlin: Coraopolis
Nidc,Betty and Jomifer Phillips: Belle Vemon
Gary & Kay Snodgrass: Belle Vemon
Howard & Bettyjean Steele: Indiana
Donald & Gail Trimbath: Belle Vemm

We are really sorry about this loss. We apologize

to the young people and there parents who made the
sacrifice to send tWs clothing. We pray the Lord blesses

you, because of your giving in feith. Please forgive us for

not being bett^ informed.

We have learned fi'om this eiq}erience and would

like to help other missions avoid simil;jr problems. It was

an eiqpensive lesson. Churdies and misrions, please check

with a customs agent before collecting and sending items,
new or used, to any countiy. The laws change fiequently
and -what may have been true last year, or six months ago,
might not hold true for today.

Doug & Cindy Gahher: Katy

M/M Orville Gaither: Houstcm
Kevin & Julie Pickett: Houston



Arnold's Creek Christian Church: Middleboume

Paden Chy Christian Church: PadenCity

Teresa Baumberger: New Martinsvitte

Gaynelle Ldiman: Paden City

Kellie McMullen: Middleboume

Ridiard & Ariene Rodgers: New Cumberland

Those listed here should be in contact soon with our
forwarding agent to arrange a visit while we're in the U.S.

fumiA^ rninus(rim
Ifanyone does notprovidefor his relatives, and
especiallyfor his immeMcOefandfy, he has denied the
faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

I Timothy 5:8

Novemb^ brought a surprise to our family.

Nancy's sister Palrida \\'as in her agjith month of
pr^ancy v^en her doctor finally ordered an ultra-sound.
Imagine everyone's surprise to find out she was carrying
twins! The doctor said that within the month a c-section
would be done ifthe babies didnt come on thdr own.

Plans viett made for Nanor's mom Olga, and

sister Carolina, to travel fi-om thdr home in Bucaramanga
to help out Patrida in Villavicendo(24 hours of travel by
bus). However, as the day for the c-section came they
hadnt been able to travel in time. Nanqr, already knowing
what a c-section was like left immediately to hdp out.
Steve stayed home with the girls because both ofthem had
colds. Everyone was exdted to hear that Patty had a baby
boy and baby girl.
Praise the Lord, Nanq^ was permitted to stay in
the hospital with her sister to help attend the newboms
(something not usually pomitted in a Sodal Security based
hospital)! On the third day the doctor signed the form for
Patty and the babies to go home. Nancy stayed that day
and the next viiile her mom and younger sister arrived and
recovered Ifrom the trip.
On the fifth day Nan(^ arrived home in the night.
The same day, early in the morning, ho- fidho^ Carlos, who
had beoi viating Steve while awaiting work on a new job,
left on a trip for the coast. He was helping out another
diivo' as they were breaking in a new tractor trailer. Two
days later we received a phone call late at ni^t informing
us that Carlos was in the hospital at thdr destination dty.
Details wa-e sketchy and we wo-e just told he was taken in
unconscious. The following day we made a phone call
directly to the hospital and were informed that he was in
intensive care and had not yet awakened.

AH flights to the coast that day were booked, so

reservations were made to travd early the n^ morning.

Nancy's mom arrived by bus from X^avicoido, and eariy

the next day thQ^ travdled. Once they arrived at flie
hospital they were infonned that Carlos had suffered a
severe stroke and was sedated and on a respirator in the
intensive care unit.

The dedsion was made for Nancy to accompany

her moriier for eight days, at which time one of her

brothers would go and rdieve her. Nancy arrived home

the next wedc with news ofinq)rovem^t. Carlos was off
the respirator and had move his hands slightly. We were
encouraged and knew that by this time many of you were


Most were praying that the Lord's will and the the
best thing for Carlos would be done. The third day after
Nancy arrived home we were infonned of her frith^s
death. We immediately began making plans for travel, and
went that nig^t by bus to Bucaramanga. The next day, the
day ofour arrival,(December 11)the fimeral was held.
Ifa vddow has children or grandchildren, these


should learnflrsa ofall toput their religion into

practice by earingfor.their ownfamily..,for|

this is
pleasing Ut God.


I Timothy 5:4

The foUowing weeks were spent with Nancy's

mom. We thank the Lord for the time we were able to

sprad in Bucaramanga; partly to keep Nancy's mom

company in this most difficult time; partly to make
decisions about the friture; and partly to do all of the
footwork and paperwork to apply for Carlos' pension.
Obviously Christmas was a difficult one, but
because most of the "kids" were together it was easier to
handle. The holidays did slow down our efforts with
regard to getting together all of the needed documents for
the paision; however, we were finally able to do so.
The final days of the year were spent packing.
We moved all of the frunily's furniture and miscellaneous
stuff into one room and locked h. Nancy's mom decided
to rent out the house to a sister. She wanted to move to

Villavicoido for a year and hdp Patrida with the babies.

We all agreed it would be a go^ idea. We ffira travelled

home on the 31st ofDeconber.

Although not directly woridng with a given

congr^ation in the month of December, we were able to
minista* to frunfly. We had the opportunity to share with
frmily manbo-s the relative peace we all had due to the
&ct that Carlos had a personal relationship with the Lord.
We only hope and pray ftiat the witness we showed in our
daily lives tfarou^ this struggle will have a lasting
impression on a family who does not have a po-sonal
rdationship with Jesus Christ.


Nan(^ and frimily are all doing well now. It is

true that time is the best healer in situations such as this.

We really appredate all of the sympathy cards sent in this

most difficult time. May the Lord bless each of you for
your droughts and prayers, and comfort you too in your
difficult times. Please continue to pray for Nancy's mom,
Olga. Obviously it will take mudi longer for her heart to
recover from this loss. Thank you.

Wk IhisB
**Please pray for Nancj' and her family (Mom

Olga, sisters Patricia and Carolina, and brothers Juan Carlos

and Gamaliel). Pray the Lord will comfort them in the
untimely death of their father.

to tot QtoM toi

more visas in the ffiture.

Please pray for our transportation needs while in

for our travels both to and from the States as well as for our

the States. Praise the Lord he has already provided housing

and a summer full of youth camps and V.B.S. programs! We
are very excited about these opportunities.
Please pray for our ministry to the youth. There
is much opportunity to reach out to the young people in this
society and help them grow spiritually, yet there is much
spiritual opposition to the work. Pray the Lord wU use us to
break down the barriers and glorify the Lord among the

travel while in the States.


**Please pray for our next few months in Colombia

before coming home on furlough. Pray the Lord will help us

get all paperwork and official documents taken care of(such

as. visas, passports, etc.).
Please pray the Lord will provide sufficient funds

Praise the Lord because he permitted Steve to

get his resident visa for living in Colombia! Now he won't

Pray for our spiritual growth and stamina, that

we may steadfastly seek and serve the Lord.

have to worry about expiration dates, nor have to pay for

Team Expansion / Christ for Colombia

C/O Towm & Country Christian Church
2133 South Tucker Rd.

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage

Shelbyvilte, IN. 46176

Permit No. 23


Shelbyville, Indiana

M.iss:i.on Services Association

Research Dept^ ^. Box 2427
Knoxville^ IN 37901

JOHN 8;12


Forwarding agent's address;


Mr. Ron Kessler

Steve and Nancy Phillips

Apartado Aereo 103.461, Unicentro,
Santafe de Bogota D.C.
Colombia, South America.

Please note well this address

WeVe been

recdving mail in our old post office box which we

no longer rent. As of January' 1st, that mail will be
returned to sender.

2701 South MUler St.

ShelbyvUle, IN. 46176

TEL. 1-317-398-0285

All si^jport checks should be made out to Team

Expansion and sent to our forwarding agit. If
you desire to receive a financial report you may
also said your request to the above address.



With nevt^ fi*oin Steve and Nancy Phillips

February / March *94

Wow, does time fly or what? It seems just a few days ago when I was working on the last
newsletter. Here it is already time to write another! To say the least we have been veiy busy this past
month. Among other things we have been to Villaviceneio where I had a meeting with a national

youth committee to plan this summer's annual youth camp. Also a trip was made to Ibague (ee-bahgay)to visit with veteran missionary Mark Stringer and to observe his work for a week. Last year he
began a new work in this city of350,000 people.
In Bogota, for two days we had a visit by Eric Deny, a fellow missionary working with Team

Expansion's International Services. It was a real boost for our and Mark Dempsey's families to have
him here, during his stay he dedicated time with each family, as well as time for group meetings. Our
family had sort of a debriefing with him to prepare us for our furlough. With Mark, we also met to
discuss cell-group ministry philosophy and future plans for the work here in Colombia.
Now we are striving to tie up loose ends as we prepare to return to the U.S. on furlough. We
have a lot to do in the next nine weeks. We have to apply for Nances visa, begin checking on air fare,

pack everything we own and store it, visit family, prepare for summer V.B.S. and camp programs,
disciple some new Christians, participate in a couple ofchurch related holiday events, and keep up
with correspondence. The most time consuming of all our tasks that lie ahead will be packing. Some
ofour clothes we will pack to bring to the States. The rest of our furniture and clothing and household

goods will need to be packed and moved to a storage area. If youVe ever moved you know what Tm
talking about.

I hope you can take a couple of minutes to read the rest of this newsletter. There is so much
important news in it, and it is so important that you pray with us about each ofthe items mentioned.
You can encourage us by praying for us, because we know that the prayers ofa righteous man are

powerful and effective. Join with us, by reading on,in praying specifically for our needs. Each prayer
area will be in Bold text and underlined. Iftime permits you to pray as you read, this will help you.

If you are in a hurry and would rather pray at another time in the day, use the last page as a reminder
ofour specific needs while you pray.

We appreciate your concern for our mission work. Through our united prayer efforts we will
continue to see advances made in sharing the gospel of Christ in Colombia.


Steve & Nancy Phillips

Summer Calendar of Events

Can You Help?

po. 2
pg. 2

Scheduling Information

pg. 2

Renewed Threatto U.S. Citizens

pg. 3

Prayer Needs Listed

pg. 4


pg. 4


June 19








Church, S^niour,




School at Seyqwur Christian






Juty 1


Wedc of camp at Mahnung Vall^, TnHiaiM

'Caiiq> program at Mahoning Valley, Indjaiia10



P.C.Christian Ch.




V.B.S. closing








Week of camp at Mahcming Valley,







at Paden City Christian Church, West Virginia






Bible School Program, at Monistown Christian Church, Mmistown, Tivtiana

August 1


V.B.S. closing

Vacation Bible School Program at Town & Country Christian Church, Shelbyville, TnHiAfut




V.B.S. closing


-UootA Crcdi Cbiiitiai

Cbnrch HauecoBiing



If you as an individual, family, church, or youth group would

As you can all see, we have a veiy busy summer schedule. like for us to come and visit, simply contact our forwarding
We have plans to be travelling between Indiana, Pennsylvania, agent for possible dates. We are presently available to visit in
and West Virginia. WejJso plan to make visits in Kentucky, theJWest Virginia area in the month of August during the
Ohio, and possibly even out to Texas. We are excited about weeks of the 15th through the 27th. We have two events
these opportunities. We ask you to prav that we can planned in that area and would like to take advantage of our
effectivelY minister in each of these events, and bring being there already.
glory to the Lord.

A Note to camp directors, youth ministries,

We do have a serious need, however. As of yet, we do not

and churches in general..

have suflicient funds to purchase a reliable automobile

upon our arrival in the U.S.A

We could get something,

Our main focus in Colombia has been on youth work.

We would very much like to be involved in this ministry
received, but "reliable" might not be the proper word to during our stay in the States. If we can be of service to you,
describe that something. All we ask is that you pray about our please let us know in what ways. We always look for
need. If the Lord puts it on your heart to make a donation, opportunities to get to know youth on a personal level, and to
we would greatly appreciate it.
minister to them. Ministiy wise, please help us feel usehil
while visiting with your camp, church or youth group. We
Ifyou should be led to help outfinancially, please see the
are willing to assist in retreats, seminars, visitation,
note on pagefour below ourforwarding agent's address.
counselling, and group meetings.
probably, with the sbc hundred dollars the mission has



VRtth news

I i

Ste> and l>faiicy niillips

March/April *94


Th& farm&ra and

Just as any ferma* wiH tdl you, bdbre planting

seeds one must wo^ the ground. Onty after the ground is
pi^ared can he plant the seeds. Then he must be
constantly working the ground, taking out the weeds and
watenng it, as he awaits the time to harvest his(Top. It is

not a one ^y,one wedc, nor one month process. That is

why patience is a basic requirement of anyone wanting to

Go ahead and ask a farmer how he feels when

finally the o-op is ripe and ready for harvest. Surely he will
tdl you he is happy, but knows there is still much work to
do. He still has to go out and reap. It requires a lot of
work and long hours, or dse all his work and waiting will
have been for nothing, as the crop rots in the fields.
Our task as Christians is much like that of the

faumer's. We must pray first for our friends and

family, asking the Lord to prepare tiie soil of

their hearts to receive His message.

Now that he has reared the harvest and his bam

Cfirus&ari^ v\ia^
invinting than to study the Bible.
^th the Lord's blesang, they will one day be

ready to be harvested. At that time they will desire to

accqit Jesus as thdr Lord and Savior, rqient ofthdr sinfu]
way of life, and come to Jesus tkough the grave of
But just as the farmer's work is not ova* upon
reaping the harvest, ndtha* is ours. We still have to work,
preparing than for that final momoit of maximum
enjoymait. We have to build them up,teaching tiiem more
correctly the Word of God, encouraging thdr growth as
new Christians, and showing than how to become
"fermas" as well.

Then, just as we see the farma oqperiaices a

moment of pleasure with the eating of the ^ts of his

labor, we too shall expaience the ultimate joy in the

coming of Jesus to take us home, with our l^eods and

&mily at our side.
Our work in Colombia is no difiaoit that of the

fiumer's. We pray, work, and wait. We expoiaice joy in

sedng a lost s^ come to Jesus'feet in rqioitance and ask

him to be thdr Lord (the harvest). We also know that our

is fiin, ask him how he feels, fm certain he will tdl you of

work is not ova.

lus joy at seeing his work fiuhfiilly produce good results;

profimdly. We b^jn putting them to work in the church.

We build them up in their friith so they will not fall away.
Yet, we wait for tiiat comiitg day in indiich Jesus shall
appear in the clouds, with the sounding of the trumpets,

food for his femSy,food to sdl, and money in his podcd.

Still Ids work is not over. The preparation of the
food must take place. That wfaidi he is going to seO must

be sold to the highest bidder. The part that is for his family
must be washed, prepared, and canned or fi-ozen. Finally,
before the moment of maximum eiyoyment of the fiuits of
his labor, he must cook it.

We teach them the Bible more

ready to take us home foreva, anxiously hoping to hear

His words'Wdl done, good and fruthfiil servant".
We celebrate the baptism of two young people,

Our task as Christians is mudi like that of the

Natalia and Danllo, from the New Life Christian

firmei's. We must pray first for our friends and family,

Church (Sat Mar. 26th, 11:00am), the baptism

of Nancy's brother Gamaliel (Sat Mar. 26th

flglring the Lord to prepare the sofl of their hearts to

recdve His message. Thai we must go and plant the seed.
That means talking about Jesus, our Savior and best friend,
and what he has done for us(saved us).
After that, we must woric the ground: continuing

to pray for them, meeting thdr needs in Jesus* name, and

7:30pm), and the baptism of two more people in

the church of Normandia on Sunday morning

(March 27th). The Harvest is ripe! Pray the

Lord of the harvest sends more w^ers.

PC&a/^(i^f(h&^ n&&d^ fo th&(jDrd in prai^

Praise the Lord, your prayers were answered, and greater
than any of us expected. The embassy granted
Nancy a visa for five years!
Praise the Lord, we have our airline tickets bought and

paid for!
Please pray for our strength as we pack everything and

Please pray specifically for Nancy, Jessica and Hannah.

Entry into the United States will probably be

difficult for them as they face culture shodc.
Praise tlie Lord for the fact that Nancy has had very little
problem lately with her health. The last doctor she
went to confirmed her hypoglycmia, and another

small problem. With a small dose of daily

medication and careful diet she is doing great.

move it into storage for a year.

It looks as though an automobile has been found for us

for use in the States. We are thankful for the

person ^o made us a loan to be able to make this

purchase. We still need fionds, howe\'ei. to pay the
loan back. Please be in prayer about how you
may be able to help us arrive in the U.S.A. d(^t

Due to a busy travel schedule in the foDowing mouths


patience and understanding. Hope to see you soon.

we will not be able to send out our regular nev^letter.

We will make every effort to send news bi-monthly

until after the summer months. Thanks for your

Team Expansion / Christ for Colombia

Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage

C/0 Town & Country Christian Church

2133 South Tucker Rd.


Shelbyville, IN. 46176

Permit No. 23

Shelbyville, Indiana


II:i: Bs:i: dh ser'^ji ceb msac :i: at :i: on

ED :i: TOR :i: al dei-'ARtmi;-hi-



BOX 2427


TN 379(0.1

JOHN 8:12



Steve and Nancy Phillips

Apartado Aereo 103.461, Unicentro,

Santafe de Bogota D.C.
Colombia, South America.

Forwarding agent's address:

Mr. Ron Kessler

2701 South Miller St.

Shelbyville. IN. 46176

TEL. 1-317-398-0285

AD support checks should be made out to Team



ExpansioD and sent to our forwarding agent. If


you desire to receive a financial report, or a



visit from the Phillips famO) this year, you may


also send your request to the above address.



With newsfrom Steve and Nancy Phillips

May-August *94


What a wonderful summer!

Without a doubt this has been one ofthe

just outside of Rushville, IN. Next we

were off to the Christian Church in

announcing the good news.... We are

busiest summers we've ever had, yet it

has been an enjoyable one. Over an eight
week period we have participated in
three Vacation Bible School programs
and five Christian Youth Camps. Can
anyone say the word "Tired?"

Paden City, West Virginia for a great

week of VBS. We were also privileged
to visit with many dear friends in the

expecting our third child! Nancy is about

twelve weeks along now, and growing.
She had a really hard first trimester, but
it looks like she's getting her appetite
back, and the nausea is subsiding. She
lost a lot of weight and is presently
anemic. We are watching her diet
carefully and making sure she gets the
right foods and vitamins in this critical


Next, we had a week of camp

back out at Mahoning Valley, and then a
We were blessed with these much needed week of rest. Following
opportunities to share our lives and tell the week of rest we had a week ofcamp
about our ministries to many young at Mahoning Valley in the morning, and
people (and adult faculty and leaders). a VBS program at the Town and
Through it all it was our prayer that the Country Christian Church in Shelbyville,
Lord would touch the lives of these IN. in the evenings.
That was an
young people and lead them to ^ve their exhausting week to say the least! And
lives in some way to serve the Lord in we finished up the summer with another
full time Christian service. We tried to great week ofcamp at Mahoning Valley.
encourage them to consider one day
Now we begin weeks of work
becoming missionaries.
at home to catch up on everything put off
We were also blessed by many all summer long (like writing news
wonderful offerings! As a result ofthese letters, filing, correspondence, and
young people's giving (and that of the preparing for many fall speaking
parents and the adult staff) we were able engagements). We also leave tomorrow
to put into savings nearly two thousand for a speaking engagement in West
dollars towards the purchase ofa vehicle Virginia and therTa week to visit with my
upon our return to Colombia. Thank parents in Pennsylvania.
you all those who gave! May God bless
Again, we say thank you to all
your ^vipg and bless you in many ways who prayed for us, and to all who made
for givi^ unselfishly.
special offerings. We encourage you to
We also want to welcome any keep praying for our strength and
new newsletter recipients. At each of safety as this year offurlough continues.
these camps of VBS's we had a sign-up
sheet for people who would like to
receive our newsletter. Please remember

to pray for the needs listed in bold and

underiined print or listed on the back in

our prayer section.

Our summer of ministry kicked
off with a VBS down in S^miour,IN. at
the Christian Church there, followed by
two weeks of camp at the Mahoning
Valley Christian Service Camp, located

For the eyes of the lord range

throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts
arefully committed to hint.






The girls seem to be excited

about the news too. Jessica(3 1/2 yrs.)

keeps talking about how she wants to
help out with the new little baby.
Hannah seems happy too, but is a little
unsure about this "new little baby" stuff,
as she has enjoyed that status for the past
two years. We talk a lot about it though
so she will be prepared for his/her arrival
come the last week ofFebruary.
We thank the Lord for his

guidance too. We thought we would

have to re^m to Colombia earlier than

expected in order to be able to afford

having the baby. (A C-section in the

U.S.A. can run from 8 to 10 thousand

dollars)! The insurance coverage we

obtained upon our return to the U.S. was
not good for pregnancy. But the Lord
worked it all out and due to our level of

income Nancy is eligible and now

enrolled in Medicaid coverage for the
pregnancy, which will cover all expenses
involved! (Your tax dollars at work).
So this child. Lord willing, will be bom
on U.S. soil.
Please prav for Nancv*s and
the developing babv*s health. Prav

2 Chronicles 16:9

for a perfectly forined and healthy



please lift these needs to the Lord in praye


Please pray for our strength and

safety as we continue travelling this fall.


Pray for Nancy and her family

as they must spend this year separated.

Pray for Nancy and the
developing baby. Pray they will both be


Please remember in your

opportunities this summer and fall.


many abandoned children who need love

and special care. Pray tor her safety, and

Praise the Lord with us for

Praise the Lord for already

providing about 10% of needed funds for

the purchase of an automobile upon our

culture shock; feeling the difTerences in

the way of life upon returning to one's

own country. I've listed some of the

prayers my sister Jenny. For the past few

months she has been doing mission work
in the country of Rumania. She is
helping a missionary family, as well as
working in an orphanage where there are


Sometimes I am asked about reverse

issues that have made the biggest impact

upon me since my return to the U.S.A.

3. Hey, everybody is speaking English


here! ^Que paso con el Espanol?

America's favorite pastime seems
to be shopping and eating out.
The moral and religious standards
of America on the whole have

that the love of God may make itself

known through her.

declined a lot over the past four


return to Colombia.

Let's pray for our country!

Team Expansion / Christ for Colombia

Non-Proflt Organization
U.S. Postage

C/0 Tovm & Country Christian Church

2133 South Tucker Rd.


Shelbyville, IN. 46176

Permit No. 23

Shelbyville, Indiana



P.O. BOX 2427


JOHN 8; 12


Steve and Nancy Phillips

7371 E. 600 N.

1 j Iu

Forwarding ageht's'address:
Mr. Ron Kessler
2701 South Miller St.

Manilla, IN. 46150

Shelbyville, IN. 46176

TEL. 1-317-738-6885

TEL. 1-317-398-0285

Please write
or call us!

All support checks should be made out to Team

Expansion and sent to our forwarding agent. If

you desire to receive a financial report, or a visit
from the Phillips family this year, you may also
send your request to the above address.




With news from Ste>e and Nancy Phillips

September -October *94

John 8:12 /

Fall Presentations

The Lord has been good to us.

has blessed us with many

opportunities to visit with churches,

family, and friends in these past few
months. We want to say a special






congregations where we have visited,

preached, and shared information about

I was also encouraged to meet

Nancy is now about 23 weeks

missionaries there from Mexico and the

along in the pregnancy and all is well.

Soviet Union, as well as running into She is finally eating more and beginning
some dear Christian brothers from days to gain some of the weight she had lost
past, God is doing some wonderful in the first tri-mester. We had an
things in his Kingdom, and His Word and ultrasound and it showed everything as
workers are going forth boldly in spite of being all-right with the developing baby.
opposition from Satan.
We give thanks to God for that.

our mission...




Missionary Convention, held this year in

August 28: Mission Presentation and Peoria, Illinois from October 20 - 23. I
Preaching at the Arnold's Creek will be attending seminars and work
Homecoming, shops to better prepare myself for
(Lemoyne Homer) Middleboume, West service. It is also a great opportunity to
, make important contacts to advance the

j work in Colombia.
September 11: Mission presentation and
Preaching at the Fairview Christian
Church,(Bruce Armstrong), Indiana.

September 18: Mission Presentation and

Preaching at the Glenwood Christian
Church, (Don Heller), Glenwood,

Sept. 25 & October 9:


Meditation at the Morristown Christian

Church (Jim



share about our mission work to twelve

different congregations within two

weeks time. It is a great time to share
with brothers and sisters in Christ just
what He is accomplishing among the
people of Colombia.
Please prav for each of the


October 9:

After the convention, I vdll be

travelling to Oklahoma for two weeks to

speak in the "High Plains School of
Missions." (October 27th - November
12). This is an opportunity to preach and


Meditation at the Town & Country

Christian Church, (Rod Beheler),
Shelbyville, Indiana
Durring the week of Oct. 11-14
1 attended the National Prayer Clinic in
Grundy, Virginia. This was an excellent
time offellowship in our Lord, as well as
a time for growing in faith through the
hearing of the Word preached fourteen
times within just 54 hours.




mentioned above. Your prayers are a

vital part of the ministries that are
carrying the Light of Jesus to a world
living in Spiritual Darkness.





realized we hadn't even begun to think of

possible names! With Jessica, since she
was our first, we had her name chosen

shortly after finding out Nancy was

expecting. We picked Hannah's name
soon after we knew she was a girl
(through an ultrasound). We don't know
what this baby is(boy or girl) but we will
start thinking soon about names. (In
Colombia, sometimes the baby isn't
named until a few days after arriving
home from the hospital!)
Jessica and Hannah are fine,
thank the Lord. They are normal,
healthy, energetic little girls. Needless to
say, they are also a handful for an
expecting mom. I travel a lot, speaking
and/or just attending conferences, so
Nancy has to spend days at a time home
alone with the girls. She doesn't drive so
it isn't often she can take them places
unless I'm home. Prav for Nancv and
the girPs safety while 1 am awav.

If you have suggestions for

names you are welcome to send them to
us. We like to choose names that have

(The)Lord, God ofheaven, the

special meanings, so keep that in mind.

great and awesome God,...keeps

his covenant oflove with those
who love him and ob^ his

"Healthy","Leader of the People."

Nehemiah 1:5

For example, Jessica Nicole means

Hannah's name was chosen for the faith

of Samuel's





Testament, (see 1 Samuel 1,2). Her

name means "Full of Grace."

ease lift these needs to the Lord In praye


Please pray for our strength and

safety as we continue travelling this fall.

Pray for Nancy and the
developing baby. Pray they will both be
Pray for Nancy and the girls.
Pray for their safety and comfort while I
am away often this fall. Ask the Lord to
watch over them while I am away for 16
straight days in November.

fond memories of Nancy's father, who

went home to his Heavenly Father last

We are recruiting praver support

for our mission work! (The idea comes

year, come flooding back. Pray everyone

will be able to face the holidays joyfully

from other missionaries already using

this method). We see how vital your

in spite ofbeing apart from each other.

prayers are, and we know the Lord has

been faithful in answering many of your

prayers for our work and family.
We will be mailing a monthly prayer

Please remember in your

prayers my sister Jenny. She is still doing

mission work in Rumania. We expect
her to be home in early December.

partner with us in pra>ang for the Lord's

work in Colombia. If you pray daily, or

Continue to ask the Lord to

provide funds for our work and for an

Pray for Nancy and her family.

Cliristmas is fast approaching, and many

calender to those who desire to be a


like a calender that


encourage daily prayer for our mission,

automobile in Colombia. Praise Him for

please call or write and request being put

all He has already provided!

on the Prayer Calender mailing list.

Team Expansion / Christ for Colombia

C/0 Town & Country Christian Church

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage

2133 South Tucker Rd.


Shelbyville, IN. 46176

Permit No. 23

Shelbyville, Indiana



P.O. BOX 2427


JOHN 8:12


Forwarding agent's address:

Steve and Nancy Phillips

Mr. Ron Kessler

7371 E. 600 N.

2701 South Miller St.

Manilla, IN. 46150

Shelbyville, IN. 46176

TEL. 1-317-763-6885

TEL. 1-317-398-0285

All support checks should be made out to Team

Expansion and sent to our forwarding agent If

you desire to receive a financial report, or a visit

from the Phillips family this year, you may also

call or send your request to the above address.

Mcrrg Christmas 1994

Steve & Nancy Phillips: Missionaries to Colombia

Ron Kessler: Forwarding Agent

December 19, 1994

Dear family, friends, supporters, and churches.

It's Christmas! Oh, I know. By the time you actually receive this letter, it will probably
2701 S. Miller St.

Shelbyvilie, IN

already be well past Christmas, but at the time ofit's writing, we were all anxiously awaiting that
blessed day in which we celebrate with gifts and giving the birth ofour Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
So,to avoid any further confusion over dates, let me and my family just wish you and yours a very
Merry Christmas, and a Wonderful New Year!
We are excited about the holidays, because the Lord has been so good to us. We thought
we were going to have to stay in Indiana for Christmas, because our personal finances were not in any
condition to allow us to fly to Texas and spend the holidays with family. Driving was out ofthe
question too, due to Nancy's pregnancy. So, we were resigned to the idea ofstaying home.
Yesterday, we were officidly informed, however, that some ofour fnends and supporters(who are
also fnends ofcourse) got together and gave us the gift offlight... in the form of airline tickets! We
will be flying to Texas on December 24th to spend our first Christmas since our marriage with my
family. We were only mildly surprised (not)! Oh, how wonderful it is to know people care for us.
To all of you who support us in prayer and/or financially, we would like to take a moment in
this"end ofthe year letter" to say Thank You. You give year round with the same spirit of
Christmas. Because of your giving, we are able to provide for our family's needs, as well as apply
some to the operation ofthe mission. But the real benefit of your giving is the ability to live in a
foreign country and share the Christmas story with many who need to know about Jesus' coming, his
life, his crucifixion, his resurrection, and his coming again.

Many people in Colombia know about Jesus, but just in a figurative way. Many worship the
"boy Jesus," while others worship the "crucified Jesus". These people bow down to images ofa
Christ who would seem to be without power(a boy or a suffering, beaten man). My heart is sad
when I think ofthe ritualistic religion those people follow, which is empty ofthe power of Christ to
change lives!

It is ofutmost importance that somebody share the Risen Christ, who defeated death and has
the power to change our lives to the very core ofour being! It is with a sense ofurgency we need to
share the personal love ofChrist with these souls; allowing them to understand they too can have a
personal relationship with Jesus. A relationship so personal that they need not wony about praying to
a virgin, or to some saint, to gain God's favor. All they need to do is seek Jesus, who has already
opened the way to the Father.
We all celebrate Jesus coming in the form ofa baby. Why? Because we all know that some
thirty-three years after his birth he gave his life for ours, paying the price for our sins, and in this way
shovring just how much he loves us. More than that, we celebrate Christmas because Jesus was true
to his word, and rose fi"om the grave, defeating death and giving us the gift ofa promise: that those
who are called by his name shall dwell eternally with him, knowing fi'eedom fi"om the penalty ofsin.
Praise God for the gift of Christmas, which is Jesus, which is eternal life for those who believe and
obey his word.

Thank you for allowing us to share that message year round with the people ofColombia.
May God prepare many hearts to hear the good news; both here in the United States, and in
Colombia, and in all parts ofthe world. May you and I boldly share our faith.
In His eternal service.

The Phillips family

A Ministry of
Team Expansion

Jn. 8:12

In Steve's last newsletter^he told you about the church he and Nancy are
working in; he told you of it's size and some of his duties there.
I want to tell you of some of the problems and successes that he and
Nancy have had since moving to Bogota'.
First of all, Steve and Nancy and Jessica arrived in Bogota' with no
problems! They spent three weeks with Nancy's parents and had a great time.
There were lots of souls that needed to be saved in Bogota', so they went back
to Bogota' to get to work, Steve and his family are staying at the home of Mark
Stringer while he is in the United States on furlough..
One of the first problems that they encountered was Mark Stringers son. He
is 24 years old and does not live at home with his father. This son didn't think

that anyone other than his family should live there either. So he would come
around the house shouting and screaming and beating on the doors and windows. He
finally realized that Steve and Nancy were not going to leave, so PRAISE THE
LORD, this son has stopped and all is quiet!!!
When Steve and Nancy and Jessica arrived in Colombia, Jessica's passport
was stamped for 90 days, Meaning she could be in the country for 90 days before
her passport had to be renewed. Well, Steve's was stamped for only 30 days!!!!!!
We found this out when we were trying to get all the paper work done for his
permanent visa. As the LORD always does, HE took care of everything, Steve got
his tourist visa extended until the last of NOVEMBER. Now if we can just find
all the paper work that is lost in the mail between here and Chicago for

premanent visa everything will be just fine.

How would you feel if you took your paycheck to the bank and they told you
to come back in 7 days to get your money???? That is what has happened to
Steve. The bank would not cash his check- They would sell him a bond shich he
could cash in now for SO'i of it's value, or he could bring it back in 7 days for
the full amount. If you are like me, I don't know if I could wait 7 days. The

bank then told Steve that there was a place down the street that he could take
this bond and sell it to them for the full amount today. See GOD does provide...

BUT, Satan is always there to make things worse-.

Steve took the bond to the

second place, they told him that since he had never done business with them
before, he would have to wait 7 days.. After all this Steve finally got his
money on July 15- At least the month wasn't over with yet..
It may seem that I am being negitive, but not really.
If you talk to
any missionary they will tell you of some of the hardships they go thruogh.

Things that we take for granted!!!

I never realized what a missionary had to

go through just to preach GOD'S word, but HE always comes to our rescue and gets

us out of problems...

A missionary can't just pack his bags and go to another

country to teach. It's not like moving to another state..There are all kinds of

taxes, customs, passports, visas, weight limits, shipping limits, entrance fees,
exit fees.ect.

The LORD really wan ts

HIS love and forgivness.

not be easy, but it gets

people to go to other countries to tell others about

GOD works everything out so this can be done. It may


I want to thank eve ryone

for their prayers and support and willingness to

help Steve and Nancy and Jessica in their mission work,

We still need finan cial

support for the LORD'S work in Colombia.

By the

time you get this update it will be September, and there will not be enough in
the checking account to pay all the expenses. Steve has been away from home one
year and some people are forgetting him already. If you are planning to stop
supporting him please le t me know immediately!! !!! The LORD needs you HELP!!!


NonProfit Organization

Chhst for Colcfmbia


C/0 Tovn ?:. Cc'jntry Chhsfian Church


Rt. 8.., Box 394

Sheihuviiie. IN. 4bi7b

PennK No. 23

Si6,l)fVine, Indiana



political situations to try and defeat God's divine plans.

immediately prayed for the safety- of all mlssioparies

in and around the area. Wednesday morning I went
and visited veteran missionary Dale Meade, who resides

We see, among other examples, how Pharaoh ordered


all male Hebrew babies to be dirown into the Nile


(Exodus 1:22), and how at the time of Christ's birtli

Another mission based in this city is the New

Tribes mission, dedicated to the translation of the gospel
for tribal groups in the jungle. Dale informed me that
they had already evacuated some two hundred
personnel. He himself had considered staying there,just
not going cut of the house. Yet some extenuating

All through scripture we can see examples of

how our enemy Satan has used governments and

Herod ordered the death of all male Israelite babies

under two years of age (Matthew 2:16). We see how

armies marched against the Hebre^v nation, and how the
Jews persecuted the church in the first century. All of
these events were aimed at ruining God's plans.

He informed me more completely of the

Living in Colombia one can

see that the tactics of our enemy,

Satan, have not changed over the

centuries. He enemy still stirs up
problems vriienever he can in order
to hinder the work of the Lord's


Living in Colombia
the tactics of our


over the centuries






Villavicencio is being done by air.

intelligence sources in Colombia

uncovered a plan of the guerilla


safely in Bogota.

one can see that

have not changed

A couple of weeks ago


rethink his plans and he is now

formed by civilian soldiers who hide

out and try to force their ideals and
objectives on the people throu^
violence, terrorism, and extorsion). This is an election

year in Colombia. The guerillas have divised a plan to

kidnap as many foreigners (especially North Americans)
as possible. It is suspected that this is in order to force
the new government into negotiations when the)' take
office in Sqjtember. This has temporarily caused a

great hindrance to the work of spreading the gospel.

The intelligence sources say there is a
concentration of guerilla troops around the city of
Villavicencio, and they have begun to infiltrate the city
dressed as plain clothes civilians This has caused the
U.S. Embassy to declare this cit)' "off limits" to U.S.
This declaration was made on Friday
afternoon, March 4.

We were unable to be reached personally by the

embass)', and left Monday morning, March 7th, for
Villavicencio. Usually the road that winds through the
Andes Mountains is pretty quiet (except for the
occasional road block set up by the guerrilla forces, or
the taking out of roads and bridges by massive land
slides!), yet that day there were a lot of military troops
walking alongside.
Praise the Lord, we arrived safely in
Villavicencio that same aftemoon. It wasnt until






Bogota is rough, narrow, and long.

It cannot be patrolled in all parts at

all times. The guerillas often come

out and set up road blocks for an
hour or tvs'o, and then get out

before the military gets there. As

part of their plan, any U.S. citizen
found travelling that road is to be


The current count of foreigners taken is eleven.

It is thought the guerrilla forces want at least tv^-enty,

maybe more. No ransom has been asked nor demands

made thus far for their release.

Upon receiving this information we made plans

for my return to Bogota by air. The guerillas have never
bothered Colombians unless they are wealthy or political
figures, so Nancy was able to return by land, with
Jessica. I returned by air, with Hannah. Although I was
tense about their travel by land, praise the Lord, we all
made it home before 8:30 PM.

Even though there is this threat, and many

missionaries have had to leave the area, we can be

confident this will not stop the ad% ance of the gospel.
Returning to our Biblical examples, Moses was taken in
by Pharaoh's own daughter and raised, and eventually
the Egvptians out of slavery; the Hebrews still
eventually occupied the promised land, Jesus was kept
safe and still completed the work of the Father to

provide for us salvation; and the church in the first

centur>' despite the persecution, still flourished and

Tuesd^ aftemoon, when a brother from the church

came by to see us vdien he heard we were in the city.

In the Lord's work, temporary difficulties and

set-backs can serve as springboards for progress and
advancements in the growth ofthe church. The key is to

He informed us of the danger to U.S. citizens and we

trust in the Lord, use common sense, and press on in

**Pray the Lord will protect all U.S. Citizens and

**Please pray for our transportation needs while in

foreigners on Colombian soil in these next few months Pray

the States. Pray the Lx)rd \\ill provide the exact automobile

especially for the missionaries and their families.

**Pray an urgent prayer for the safet>', humane
treatment, and quick release of all missionaries kidnapped by

he knows that we need and \^Tli reliably serve our purposes.

**Praise the Lord he has already provided housing
and a summer full of youth camps and V.B.S. programs! We

the guerrilla forces (eleven have been taken as far as we

are very excited about these opportunities.


**Please pray for our ministry to the youth. There

is much opportunity to reach out to the young people in this

**Please pray for our next few months in Colombia

before coming home on furlough. Pray the Lord wll protect

society and help them grow spiritually, yet there is much

us and help us get all paperwork and oflQcial documents

spiritual opposition to the work. Pray the Lord will send his

taken care of(such as visas, passports, etc.).

**Please pray the Lord will provide sufficient funds

Holy Spirit ahead of us to break dovsm the barriers so that we

for our travels both to and from the States as well as for our

may glorify Him among the youth.

**Pray for our spiritual growth and stamina, that

travel while in the States.

we may steadfastly seek and serve the Lord.

Team Expansion / Christ for Colombia

C/0 Town & Country Christian Church

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage

2133 South Tucker Rd.


Shelbyvilie, IN. 46176

Permit No. 23


ShelbyvillCj Indiana

Mission Services Association

Research Dept-^ Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901

III nil


JOHN 8:12


Foi^ardlDg agent's address:


Mr. Ron Kessler

Ste\'e and Nanc>'Phillips

Apartado Aereo 103.461, Unicentro,

2701 South Miller St.

Santafe de Bogota D.C.

Colombia, South America.

Shelbyvilie, IN. 46176

TEL. 1-317-398-0285

This address will be good until May I3th, Please

do not send correspondence after May 1st to be
assured that we will recewe it before leading on

Expansion and sent to our forwarding agent. If

you desire to receive a financial report you may

furlough. Thank you.

also send your request to the above address.

All support ChCCikS should be Uiude out to Tcutu

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