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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
In English Department of Educational Faculty



113 08 114






Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
In English Department of Educational Faculty



113 08 114




Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they
change what is in themselves. (QS. Ar-Radu: 11)

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the lord of universe.
Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the
requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Department of Educational
Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in 2012.
Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet
Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.
However, this success would not be achieved without those supports,
guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and I
somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:
1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, the head of State Institute of Islamic Studies
(STAIN) Salatiga.
2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., the Head of Educational Faculty of State Islamic Studies
Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga.
3. Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, M.A., as a head of English Department of
Educational Faculty.
4. Mr. Norwanto, M.Hum as the writers consultant who has educated,
supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion, and a
recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.
5. All of the lecturers in English Department of STAIN Salatiga.
6. All of the staff of STAIN Salatiga who helped the writer in processing of
graduating paper administration.

7. The head master, the English teacher, the first grade students of MTs
Muhammadiyah Tersono, and all of the teachers and staff, for their
cooperation and all kindly given to me in doing this research.
8. My beloved parents who always be patient educate me, for their never ended
prayers, resignation, honest, and love. You are everything for me.
9. All my family thanks for support, motivation, and love.
10. My best friends (Nayla, Inay, Bemby, Gista, Dewi and Debby) who helped
me in finishing this graduating paper. Finally, we can finish this graduating
11. My friends in boarding house ( Jeni, Maskiyah, Yuni, Arista, Iva, Mb Rina,
Mb Wida And Mb Ina)
12. All of my classmates in TBI-D 08, thanks for togetherness in the class.
13. All of TBI 08
14. Those who cannot be mentioned one by one.
Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful
knowledge and information to the readers, and the writer is pleased to accept more
suggestion and contributions from the reader for the improvement of this
graduating paper.

Salatiga, March 19th, 2013

The writer

Nur afifah


This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:

My beloved father (Maryono) and my beloved
mother (Saryatun) who always give me everlasting
love, guidance and praying.
My beloved sisters, Asriyah and her husbund,
thanks for your support and praying.
My beloved nephew (Ega Nazwa Khasanah) thanks
for your kindness and togetherness. You are my
To all my family who has support me in finishing this
graduating paper

YEARS OF 2012/2013).

Graduating Paper. Tarbiyah Faculty. English Major. State Islamic Studies

Institute. Consultant: Norwanto, M.Hum
Key Word: Vocabulary Mastery, Crossword Puzzle, and Classroom Action
This research is aimed to find whether crossword puzzle can improve the
students interest toward English teaching and to find out crossword puzzle can
improve the vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is one of the language aspect that
very important for studying English. But, most of the students in junior high
school as the beginners in learning and mastering lesson get much difficulty to
learn English especially in vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher would like to try
crossword puzzle methods to solve some problems that experienced by most
students. The subjects of the research are the first grade students of MTs
Muhammadiyah Tersono in academic year 2012/2013. Main question will be
answered in this research are (1) How is the situation when crossword puzzle
implemented in teaching learning process?, (2) How is the effectivenes to improve
students vocabulary mastery?, (3) How is the strength and weakness of the using
crossword puzzle?. To answer the question. The researcher used a classroom
action research as a method in this research. The researcher also uses pre-test and
post-test in the teaching learning process. After that, the researcher used a
Descriptive Statistic using SPSS 16.00 windows program to calculate of the result
of pre-test and post-test. It uses two cycles. Each cycle comprised of two meeting.
The finding shows that the mean of pre-test in cycle I is 5,71 and increase 17,5%
to be 7,40 in post test; and the mean of pre-test in cycle II is 6,54 and increase
19,3% in post-test. It means that use of crossword puzzle method can improve the
students vocabulary mastery.





ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR .......................................................................


CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................


MOTTO .......................................................................................................

DEDICATION .............................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENT ...............................................................................






A. The Background of the study ......................................

B. Statement of Problem...................................................

C. The Objective of the Study...........................................

D. Benefits of the Study....................................................

E. Definition of the Key Terms ........................................

F. Research Paper Organization .......................................

A. Vocabulary ..................................................................

1. The definition of vocabulary ....................................

2. Kinds of vocabulary...


3. The source of vocabulary .........................................




4. The type of vocabulary ....................................... ......


5. Aspect of teaching vocabulary .................................


6. The techniques in teaching vocabulary ....................


7. Testing vocabulary ..................................................


B. Crossword Puzzle .......................................................


C. The Use of Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary


D. The General Concept of Classroom Action Research ...


1. The activities of action research ..............................


2. Action research design ............................................


A. Setting of Research .....................................................


1. Setting of place .......................................................


2. Setting of time .........................................................


B. Subject of the Study ................................................. .....


C. Methods of Research .....................................................


1. The methods of research ..........................................


2. Approach ...................................................................


3. The procedure of research .........................................


4. The model of research ...............................................


5. The technique of collecting data ........................... ....


6. Technique of data analysis ........................................



A. Field Note ...................................................................



1. Cycle I ....................................................................


2. Cycle II ...................................................................


B. Analysis between Cycle I and Cycle II ................... ....


A. Conclusion ..................................................................


B. Suggestion ..................................................................




A. The Background of Study

Vocabulary is the central of language teaching and learning. It
plays an important role in the four language skill. It gives contribution
to the learners to perform or practice their skills better. It means that by
mastering the vocabulary, the learners will able to produce so many
sentences easily either in spoken or written one. It is impossible for the
learners to perform their English well if their vocabularies are very
poor. They will find any difficulties in expressing or mastering their
language skills because of having too limited vocabularies. Therefore,
vocabulary mastery must be on the first priority in English language
learning and teaching. Without mastering the vocabulary, the learners
will be difficult to master the other language skill.
Some of students in junior high school still have less vocabulary.
Sometimes they do not understanding what the teacher says.
Moreover, the students are still difficult to communicate using
English. The students do not give attention when the teacher is
explaining the material in the class. So, most of students just acquire a
few vocabularies. Most of this situation is found in MTs
Muhammadiyah too. Most of students did not understand what the

teacher said in English and they are difficult to remember new

vocabularies that they have learned.
On of the possible causes of this problem is that the teacher still
uses the conventional method in teaching the materials. The teacher
just explains the materials and then gives exercises in written from.
There is no variation or other teaching media used by her. The only
teaching media are text book and blackboard. This method makes the
students sometimes feel bored and sleepy, especially when it is taught
in the last session. The other cause is that the students never practice
the language whether when they are in the classroom or at home. They
are afraid of making mistakes when they speak English. They prefer to
speak Indonesian or Javanesse language to their teacher or friends. For
the slow learners it is difficult for them to memorize the materials and
need more time in understanding and accepting the materials. Beside,
they need explanation in understanding the instruction when doing the
test. Lack of vocabulary mastery, lack of facilities in teaching media
and lack of students motivation to master English are the other causes
that possibly make the problem occur.
Considering that, the writer wants to give a solution especially in
improving students vocabulary mastery, so that later the students will
be able to speak in English well. The solution is by teaching
vocabulary using crossword puzzle. Because the crossword puzzle
offers a challenge that will motivate the students to try to fulfill the

puzzle. It gives much opportunity for the students to practice and

repeat the sentence pattern and vocabulary. Beside, the crossword
puzzle is a kind of games that will makes the teaching-learning process
more attractive than before. The students will feel fun, relaxed and
enjoyable, and they will memorize the vocabulary in different way,
that is by rewriting them.
From the above explanation, the writer would like to specify her
research especially teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle.
Using that technique, the teacher is able to motivate the learner and the
writer is interested in doing a research about Improving vocabulary
mastery by using crossword puzzle (A Classroom Action Research
at the 7 th of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono)
B. Statement of Problem
Based on the background of the study, there are many problems
that arise. Some problems that can be identified are as follows;
1. How is the teaching and learning situation when crossword puzzle
is implemented in vocabulary instruction of the first year students
of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono in the academic year of
2. Does technique or model with using the crossword puzzle effective
to improve of students vocabulary mastery?
3. What is the strength and weakness of the using crossword puzzle in
vocabulary mastery?

C. The Objective of Study

Generally, the objective of this research is to improve the students
vocabulary mastery in the first grade of MTs Muhammadiyah
Tersono. The objectives of this research, especially are to get
information about;
1. To know the teaching and learning situation when crossword
puzzle is implemented in vocabulary instruction.
2. To know the effectivenes to improve of the students vocabulary
mastery using the games technique, which is with crossword
3. To know the strength and weakness of the using crossword puzzle
in vocabulary mastery.

D. Benefits of the study

Having stated the problem, the writer would like to get some
benefits of the research


The result of the research can be used by those who want to

conduct a research in teaching vocabulary as reference.


The result of the research can be used as an input for

English teaching learning method, especially for teaching
vocabulary in junior high school.



For the students, learning English by using crossword can

improve their understanding about English words


For the teacher, it will give him or her insight that using
crossword puzzle is worth trying in teaching vocabulary.


Methodologically, the benefit of this research can give inspiration

to the teacher in order to can use the method which is appropriate
in teaching learning process.

E. Definition of key term

1. Improving
Improving is process of becoming or making to the better
(oxford university press, 2003: 216). In other dictionary we can
find the word improve which means to make better in quality or to
make more productive to become better (Webster, 1994: 487).
Some theories give the definition about improve as the activities to
raise a more desirable or more excellent quality or condition or to
increase the productivity or value of land or property.
2. Students
Student is a person who is studying at a college,
polytechnic or university or anyone who studies or who is devoted
to the acquisition (Hornby, 1994: 859).

3. Vocabulary
Based on Webster, vocabulary is the list of words, usually
arranged alphabetically and defined, explained or translated or the
range of language, the stock of word at a persons command or
used in particular work, branch of a subject, language, etc.
(Webster, 1994: 979)

Crossword Puzzle
Crossword is puzzle in which words have to be written
(from numbered clues) vertically and horizontally (up and down) in
scales on a chequered squared or oblong (Hornby, 1963: 233).
Puzzle is problem design to test a persons knowledge (Hornby,
1963: 652). Crossword puzzle is problem design to test a persons
knowledge in which words have to be written vertically and
horizontally in spaces on squared.

F. Research paper organization

The writer organize this research paper in order to make the readers
easily to understand the paper. The following shows the content
covered in this research.
Chapter I presents introduction, its explain background of study,
the statement of problem, the objective of study, the benefits of study,
limitation of study, and definition of key term.

Chapter II concerns with the theoritical review which consist of

general concept of technique, the general concept of vocabulary,
general concept of crozzword puzzle, and general concept of
classroom action research.
Chapter III methodology of research which consist of technique
of research, place and time of research, subject of the study, procedure
of the research, technique of collecting data, technique of analyzing
data, and the general description of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono.
Chapter IV the implementation of the study which consist of cycle
I, and cycle II, analyzes of cycle I, and cycle II.
Chapter V as the last part of this outline consists of closure which
will be divided into two part, conclusion and suggestion. For the
attachment there are appendixes and bibliography.


A. Vocabulary
1. The Definition of Vocabulary
As explained in the background of the study, vocabulary takes such
a fundamental role in mastering English as foreign language well. There
are some definitions of vocabulary proposed by some experts. Hornby
(1995: 3) states that vocabulary as the total number of words in language
and vocabulary as a list of words with their meanings. Hatch and Brown
(1995:1) argue that the term vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a
particular language or words that individual speakers of language might
use. Burns and Broman (1975:295) define vocabulary as the stock of
words that used by person, class, or profession. The meaning is clear
enough that in almost cases of human life, they use set of words. The use
of the words itself differentiated according to the field, class, person, or
profession. It means that beggar use set of words to ask for some money to
rich people, a teacher also use set of words to explain material to the
students, a father use set of words to talk to his child, and there are many
other examples that show us in most of humans waking time they use set
of words to do the activity. However, the use of set of words are different

between one person and another person, therefore Burns and Broman
emphasized on the three area of using stock words namely person, class,
and profession.
In the writers opinion, vocabulary is one aspect of language which
is important in learning language because vocabularies carry meaning
which is used in communication. All of the statements about vocabulary
show that vocabulary is important in learning English.
Moreover, vocabulary has an important role in teaching learning
According to scrivener (1994:75) in classroom there are five role
of vocabulary, they are:
a. Vocabulary is very important and needs to be dealt with systematically
in its own right.
b. We need to distinguish between vocabulary for productive use and for
receptive recognition.
c. The learner will be difficult to finish the work, if they have first met
some new vocabulary.
d. We need to deal not only with single word lexical items but also with
longer, multi word items.

e. Training in the use of English-English dictionaries provides learners

with a vital tool for self study.
2. Kinds of Vocabulary
According to Scrivener (1994: 74) an important consideration for
teacher planning vocabulary work is the distinction between productive
and receptive vocabulary. The clear differences between productive and
receptive vocabulary will be seen the function of the using vocabulary.

Productive Vocabulary
Usually productive vocabulary called active vocabulary. It
is the words which are used in speaking and writing skill.
Productive vocabulary is more difficult to be learned than
receptive vocabulary. The learner must be able to choose the
word which is appropriate with the situation. Therefore, the
learner must be an extra effort to learn an active or productive


Receptive Vocabulary
Sometimes receptive vocabulary called passive vocabulary.
It is the word which is used in reading and writing skill.
Receptive vocabulary is the set of words that we recognize and
understand, but tend not to use ourselves (Scrivener; 1994: 75).
Learners receptive vocabulary is useful in understanding what
the learners have heard and what they have read. If the learner has


much receptive vocabulary, they will understand what the text

talking about.
Productive and receptive vocabularies are words that the
students understand when they use in everyday situation. They cant
produce it correctly in reading or listening. In contrast, productive and
receptive vocabularies are the set of word that they understand, can
pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.
Sometimes, vocabulary is easier aspect of a foreign language to learn
but it hardly required formal attention in the classroom. The students
are quickly to accept but they are quickly forgotten. Thonbury (2002:
24) said that the relevant to the subject of word learning are:
a. Repetition
The time-honored way of memorizing new material is
through repeated rehearsal of the material while it is still in
working memory.
a. Pacing
Learners have different learning styles and process data
at different rates, so ideally they should be begin the
opportunity to pace their own rehearsal activities. This may
mean the teacher allowing time during vocabulary learning
for learners to do memory work.


b. Imaging
Best of all were subject who were given the task of
silently visualizing a mental picture to go with a new word.
Other tests have shown that easily visualized words are more
memorable that words that dont immediately evoke a
c. Motivation
Simply wanting to learn new words is no guarantee that
words will be remembered. The only difference a strong
motivation makes is that the learner is likely to spend more
time on rehearsal and practice, which in the end will pay off
in terms of memory.
d. Attention
Contrary to popular belief, you cant improve your
vocabulary in your sleep, simply by listening to a tape. Some
degree of conscious attention is required. A very high degree
of attention (called arousal) seems to correlate with improved
In the writers opinion the best ways memories is repeating
gradually, give more attention of new word and practicing in life day
activities. In addition, memory new words can be reinforced if they are
used to express personally relevant meanings


3. The Source of Vocabulary

After we can master vocabulary well, we must improve our
vocabulary. To improve vocabulary, we have to know, where the source of
vocabulary is comes from. So, the student will be easier to learn English.
Along with Harmer (2001: 56), there are some sources to learn vocabulary
in teaching learning process, they are:
a. Word list
Word list is on economical way of organizing vocabulary
for learning and it is does not matter a great deal if they are put
together in a random way. The students can learn vocabulary
wherever they are, because it is easy to bring.
b. Vocabulary book
It is also integrated into skills work, typically in the form of
a pre-task or post-task vocabulary focus. There is many vocabulary
and task in vocabulary book which can be an exercise for the
c. The teacher
The teacher is a potential fruitful source of vocabulary
input not only in terms of in accidental learning, but also as a
means of introducing vocabulary thought teacher talk.
d. Learner
Each learner can contribute to the shared class lexicon
though activities as brainstorming. Learner can improve their

vocabulary from other learner by discussion and sharing with their

e. Short Text
Short text for vocabulary building purposes whether spoken
or written have enormous advantages over learning words from
From the statement above, we know that the teacher and learner
have the great influence in improving the students vocabulary.
Teacher must help the students to improve the students vocabulary,
especially in teaching learning process. Teacher must make students
feel enjoy in learning vocabulary. So they will be easier in
remembering new vocabulary that they have gotten. With much
vocabulary they will easier in communication with other and
understanding what they have read. Therefore the students with poor
vocabulary need to build their vocabulary.
4. The Type of Vocabulary
Harmer (1991:150) distinguishes between these two kinds of
vocabulary. The first kind of vocabulary refers to the stock of words which
have been taught by the teacher or learnt by the students and which are
expected to be able to use. While the second term refers to the words of
which the students will recognize when they meet them, but of which they
will probably not be able to pronounce.


Haycraft (1978:44) also devides vocabulary into two. Similar with

the previous paragraph, he also devides it into active and passive
vocabulary. Active vocabulary is the words that the students understand,
can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.
On the other hand, passive vocabulary is the words that the students
recognize and understand when they occur in a context, but of which they
cannot produce correctly themselves.
Based on the previous explanation, it can be concluded that there
are two types of vocabulary; active and passive vocabulary. Active
vocabulary could be defined as the words of which the students
understand, use and pronounce constructively in speaking and writing.
While passive vocabulary could be defined as the words that the students
recognize and understand when they meet them, and they might be able to
pronounce them in separated individual word, but they are not able to use
and pronounce constructively in speaking and writing.
5. Aspect of Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary is really wide area in teaching-learning English.
Teachers sometimes getting confused in choosing which and how
vocabulary has to be taught to their students. There is a need to make
limitation in introducing new words to the students and to know the
guideline in making sure the students will be master it.


Therefore Haycraft (1978: 44-47) provides guidlines for choosing

appropriate vocabulary as follow:
a. Commonest Words
Teacher has to choose words that are commonly used. The lists of
common words can be found in the book that they use in English
teaching-learning process.
b. Students Needs
When students need to know a word, teaching them about it.
c. Students Language
There are some words that are similar between the first and second
language. For example, the word nama in bahasa Indonesia is
almost similar with the word name in English. Another example:
pensil-pencil, radio-radio, etc.
d. World Building
It is often worth in choosing a word because a general rule can be
formed, for example: work-worker, teach-teacher, build-builder,
e. Topic Areas
To make it easier for the teacher to teach vocabulary, sequence is
the key.

For example, a simple short dialogue with its sequence:

Patient: Im hungry
Doctor: What?
Patient: I want to eat
f. Cross Reference
A lot of words are applicable to different situations or
specialization. For example we choose vocabulary connected with
part of the body, such as: ear, nose, arm, etc.
g. Related Structure
Many structures demand their own vocabulary, if you are teaching
may be, you are likely to introduce a vocabulary connected with
Ur (1996: 60-62) also provides six aspects that are needed to be taught by
the teacher. They are:
a. Form: Pronounciation and Spelling
The learner has to know what a word sounds like (its
pronounciation) and what it looks like (its spelling). In teaching,
we need to make sure that these two aspects are accurately
presented and learned well.


b. Grammar
The grammar of new items need to be taught if it is not
covered by general grammatical rules. An item may have an
unpredictable change of form in certain grammatical contexts or
may have some idiosyncratic way of connecting with other words
in sentences; it is important to provide learners with this
information at the same time as we teach the base form. In other
words, when teaching a new verb, we have to teach the past form
too; when teaching a noun, we have to teach the plural form too.
c. Collocation
The collocations typical of particular items are another
factor that makes a particular combination sound right or
wrong in a given context. So this is another pieces of information
about a new item which it may be worth teaching.
Collocations are also often noted in dictionaries, either by
providing the whole collocation under one of the head-words, or by
note in parenthesis.
d. Aspects of Meaning
1) Denotation, Connotation, Appropriatenes
Denotation can define as the meaning of a word,
which primarily refers to the real word. For example: dog

denotes a kind of animal; more specifically, a common,

domestic carnivorous mammal; and both dank and moist
slightly wet.
A connotation is the associations, or positive or
negative feelings it evokes, which may or may not be
indicated in a dictionary definition. For example, dog, for
British people has positive connotations of friendships and
loyalty; in contrast with Arabic, the word dog, has
negative associations with dirt and inferiority.
A more subtle aspect of meaning that often needs to
be taught is whether a particular word is appropriate to be
taught or not. It is very important for learners to know that
a certain word is very common or relatively, rare, or taboo.
For example, the word weep, is virtually synonymous
with the word cry, but it tends to be used in writing rather
than in speech, and it is much less common than the word
2) Meaning Relationships
It is useful to know that the meaning of one item
may have any relationship with another meaning. Here are
some main relationships between those items:


a) Synonyms
Items that mean the same, or nearly the same;
For example bright, clever, and smart are the
synonyms of intelligence.
b) Antonyms
Items that mean the opposite; Rich is the opposite of
c) Hyponyms
Items that serve as specific examples of a general
concept; dog, lion, mouse are hyponyms of animal.
d) Co-hyponyms or Co-ordinates
Other items that are the same kind of thing; red,
blue, green, and brown are co-ordinates.
e) Super ordinates
General concepts that cover specific items;
Animal is super ordinate dog, lion, horse.


f) Translation
Words or expressions in the learners mother
tongue that is (more or less) equivalent in meaning
to item being taught.
There are also other ways of associating meaning
that are useful in teaching. For instance, we can
relate parts to a whole (relationship between arm
and body); or associate items that are part of the
same real-world context (tractor, farmer, milking,
and irrigate are all associate with agriculture).
g) Word Formation
One word or multi-word, vocabulary item can often
be broken down into small component or bits. It is
very useful information to know how these small
components or bits are put together. If teachers want
to teach the common prefixes and suffixes, if the
learners know the meaning of sub-, un-, and able,
this will help them guess the meanings of words like
substandard, ungrateful, and untranslatabl. The
students have to be warned that in many common
words the affixes no longer has any obvious
connection with their root meaning (for example,

subject, comfortable). New combinations using

prefixes are not unusual, and the reader


would be expected to gather their meaning from an

understanding of their components (ultra, modern,
Another way vocabulary items are built is by combining
two words (two nouns, or a gerund and noun a noun, or a noun and
a verb) to make one item: a single compound word, or two
separate, sometimes hyphenated words (bookcase, follow-up,
swimming pool).
6. The Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary
As everybody knows that, the teaching of vocabulary is as the
teaching of structure. To gain the better result on language learning

there will be a need of a good an appropriate technique in

teaching vocabulary. Here are some vocabulary techniques that have been
stated by Harmer (1992: 90-91). They are as follows:
a. Using Realia
The teacher gives the referent of the word being taught in
the class. He or she brings the objects that become the referent of a
word into the class. For example pen, pencil, book, etc.
b. Using Pictures

This kind of technique needs a well-drawer teacher in order

to explain the vocabulary clearly because the picture drawn by the
teacher is the visual representation of the object.
c. Mime, Expressions, and Gestures
Sometimes it is almost impossible to explain about the
meaning of a word using the previous techniques. If this so, there
will be an action as the techniques to explain the word clearly.
Most verbs can be easily taught to students using this technique
d. Contrast
Some words are easily to be explained to student by
contrast it with its opposite. Like the word black contrasted with
e. Enumeration
We can use this technique to present meaning. We can say
clothes and explain this by enumerating or listing various items.
f. Explanation
The simplest way is by explaining directly to the object
using a sentence or more.


g. Translation
There are always some words that the situation needs to be
From the techniques used for presenting new vocabulary, Hammer
(1990: 90-91) suggests many techniques that will help students learn
vocabulary in easier way. It can be concluded that the better way to teach
vocabulary is by integrating and mixing them into such an attracting
learning. Because there will be a need of a tool or even an assistant to help
the teacher hold the class in order to make the learning process run well.
7. Testing Vocabulary
Test in simple term is a number measuring a persons ability,
knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004:3).
Once of the ways to knowing the students develpment or students
understsnding about the material is through test. In any consideration of
educational testing, a distinction must be drawn between the rather
informal, teacher made test of the classroom and those formal. Classroom
tests are generally prepared, administered, and scored by one teacher
(Harris, 1969:1). Along with Harlod S. Madsen (1983; 12) the purpose of
vocabulary test is measure the comprehension and productive of word
used in speaking and writing. There are four general kinds of vocabulary
test as following:

a. Limited Response
Limited response is for beginner. These test items require
either a simple physical action like pointing at something or very
simple verbal answer such as yes or no (Madsen; 1983: 1416).
b. Multiple Choice Completion
Multiple choice completions is a test in which a sentence
with a missing word is presented, students choose one of four
vocabulary items given to complete the sentence (Madsen; 1983:
c. Multiple Choice Paraphrase
Multiple choice paraphrases is a test in which a sentence
with one word underlined is given. Students choose which of four
words in the closest in meaning to the underlined items (Madsen;
1983: 24-27).

d. Simple Completion (Words)

Simple completion has students write in the missing part of
words that appear in the sentence (Madsen; 1983: 27-30).

Many such tasks seem to be designed for students working on

their own, but can easily be used in class. For the better, teacher should


give some test to students appropriate with their situation and their skill in
order to can get the good result in the learning of English language.
B. Crossword Puzzle
In New Lexicon Websters Dictionary of the english language,
crossword puzzle is a puzzle in which checkered square with blank space
must be filled in with interlocking words (reading horizontally and
vertically) deduced from clues. Crossword is puzzle in which words have
to be guessed from clues and written in spaces in a grid (Oxford Learner
dictionary; 2003:103). A crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes
the form of a square or rectangular grid of white and shaded squares
( Puzzle is game that you have to think about
carefully in order to answer it or do it (Oxford Learner dictionary;
2003:349). Puzzle is game or toy to exercise the mind (Longman Handy
Learners Dictionary of American English: 2000:336).
From some definitions above, the writer can conclude some
definition of crossword puzzle:
1. Crossword puzzle is a game that you have think about carefully which is
checkered square with blank space must be filled in with interlocking
words (reading horizontally and vertically) deduced from clues.
2. Crossword puzzle is a game to exercise the mind which is checkered
square with blank space must be filled in with interlocking words (reading
horizontally and vertically) deduced from clues.

3. Crossword puzzle is a game that you have to think about carefully which
is consist of words that written in space in a grid.
4. Crossword puzzle is a game to exercise the mind which is consist of words
that written in space in a grid.
5. Crossword puzzle is a game that you have think about carefully which is
normally takes the form of a square or rectangular grid of white and shade
6. Crossword puzzle is a game to exercise the mind which is normally takes
form of square or rectangular grid of white and shade square.

In Longman Handy Learners Dictionary of American English

(2000: 99), crossword puzzle is printed game in which words are fitted
into numbered square. Crossword puzzle is a game which is consists of
words in the grid that has to think carefully to guess from the clue and can
be exercise the mind.
1. Crossword Puzzle as a Game
In the definition above shows that crossword puzzle is a game. In
our daily live, It can be an exercise our mind which is done in our free
time as a filler. In teaching learning process, it can be a game which helps
the students in improving vocabulary.
Furthermore, the statement below will show that crossword puzzle
is one kind of games. There is the type of games that usually called fillers.
These are not mainly games, but they are activities, which can be turned

into games by incorporating the competitive element to them

(, they consist of:
a. Quizzes are not games as their name indicates; however, games can
become quizzes. One of the purposes of games is for the teacher to
evaluate students' knowledge. They are generally used in an end-oflesson activity to check students retention.
b. Riddles, whose main goal is to develop students listening or reading

It can improve students vocabulary too (Lee;

1963:124). For Example, the teacher said, What do we use to cut our
meet? Write down your answer on your paper. (the answer is knife)
c. Crossword puzzles, which are mainly focused on vocabulary and
spelling practice. Crossword puzzle can improve the students
vocabulary by filling the words in the clues and reading the clues of
crossword puzzle. Sometimes, the teacher gives the clues of crossword
puzzle orally, so the students listen and write down the clues. It can
train the students spelling and listening.
In teaching and learning process, this game can be practiced by ask
the class to look back over words that they have studied in the class two or
three days. This could now continue as a competitive learn game or as a
class effort, trying to make the grid as big as possible. The students could
take over the writing once the rules have been established. It might help to
divide the board up into square beforehand, through the game work well
enough without, so long as the writing in clear (Scivener, 1994:108)

This game can use in teaching vocabulary, because through

crossword puzzle, the students can think and playing the letters to make
some words and to improve their vocabulary mastery.
Using games is an activity with rules a goal and an element of fun.
In teaching vocabulary, the using of games in the methodology of
language teaching is very important and interesting, this is caused by many
teachers will use the traditional words and espect the students to memorize
the words as soon as possible and as much as possible (Hadfield, 1999:4).
In the other hand, besides the using games as a method, the using
of crossword in teaching and learning medium is give the crucial rules,
because it is as the server of stimuli of information, attitude, and others.
Medium is also giving the role to arrange the steps of development to give
the stimulus and response (Asmawir and Usman, 2002:13).
2. The Kind of Crossword Puzzle
In teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle, there is some
kinds of crossword puzzle which can be done the students, they are:
a. Oral crossword.
The oral crossword is the crossword which is the clue is given
orally by the teacher, and the students just get the blank crossword.
Only give the students the puzzle with no clues what so ever. Give the
clues orally. In a foreign language class, this can be an excellent

listening activity. Tell students to fill in what they can and then repeat
the clues once more at the end.
b. Picture crossword
Picture crossword is the crossword which is the clue consist of
picture. Only give the students the puzzle with no clues. For each clue,
hold up a picture. This works especially well with a unit that involves a
lot of new vocabulary.
c. Object crossword
The object crossword is the crossword in which the clue is
written on the object. Only give students the blank puzzle with no
clues. Place the items around the room, each labeled with their clue
number. Have students rotated around the room to different stations;
allow them to pick up the objects as they complete the puzzle. This
tactile version of the puzzle is great for those students who are handson learners. This type of puzzle works well for units with a lot of

3. The Procedure of Presenting Crossword Puzzle

In presenting crossword puzzle, the teacher can do the various
ways. The procedure of presenting crossword puzzle must make the
students are interested to do the crossword puzzle. The various procedures
are possible (Lee; 1963:135):

a. The teacher gives the same crossword for each student. They solve
individually with the help of written clues.
b. The teacher divides the class into groups. Then the teacher gives a
different crossword for each group. Everyone in the group helps to
solve it. However, if there is a more active member in one group, they
tend to do all the work. In otherwise, if there is a more passive member
in one group, they will difficult to do all the work.
c. Teacher gives crossword puzzle for all of students. They do the
crossword individually. Then the teacher divides the class into groups
and then they work in groups. The students can share their answer to
finish their crossword in their group.
d. The teacher write crossword on the board, but no written clues. The
teacher gives clues orally and solves the crossword step by step with
the class. The class is divided into groups and each group come to the
board and writes the words in one by one.
C. The Use of Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary
The crossword puzzle is still the most popular word game. It lies in
the ease with which it can be constructed. The words are run together
horizontally and vertically.
Wharton (1995: 48) stated that crossword puzzle for use in the
language classroom is really quite easy to create. First, make a list of
words with which your students should be familiar. Then, search for a
letter common to two words and you are off.

The puzzle forms may be used in several ways:

1. The students find animals, colors, or plants in the puzzle.
2. The students find certain parts of speech: verb, noun, preposition, etc.
3. Other categories may include the names of the days, the week, months,
school subjects
4. The student finds proper nouns: cities, states, countries, famous people,
5. The student finds certain kinds of activities: trades, professions, sport,
hobbies, etc.
This game can be done in individual, in pair, or in groups. The
teacher gives a copy of the crossword puzzle and explains the rules,
such as students have to complete it as quickly as possible. For the
individual game, the student who can complete it first is the winner and
gets the good point from the teacher. In pair work or group, the winner is
the pair or group who can complete it first. All of the winners will have
prizes from the teacher. It makes this game to be more attractive.
The use of crossword puzzle game in teaching vocabulary is one of
the alternative techniques to help the students to construct and improve
their vocabulary mastery.
Moreover, crossword puzzle can be one of activities in practicing
vocabulary which can help the students to be more familiar with the


words, recognize the words, manipulate and remembering the words

(Scrivener; 1994: 83).
D. The General Concept of Classroom Action Research
Action research combines as substantive act with a research
procedure, it is actions discipline by inquiry, a personal attempt at
understanding while engaged in a process of improvements and reform.

Some of the most widely accepted definitions of Action Research

include following:
According to Elliot (1991:69) Action Research might be defined as
the study of a social situation with a view to improving the quality of
action within it.
Ebbut (cited in Hopkins, 1985:45) stated that, Action Research is
the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups
of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of
their own reflection upon the effects of those action.
Rapopot (cited in Hopkins, 1985:44) stated that, Action Research
aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate
problematic empowering when undertaken by participants collaboratively
sometimes in cooperation with outsiders.
Meanwhile Arikunto (2006:3) divided three components in
classroom action research, there are:


1. Research
An activity to observe the object by Use of ways and
methodologies to get the useful data or information to improve the quality
of thing and that is necessary for researcher.
2. Action
A motion of activity which is deliberates to action with certain
purpose in the form of activities are cycle network for the students.
3. Classroom
A group of students, they are gets a lesson from a teacher in the
same time.
She was conclude that classroom action research means monitoring
toward teaching learning process in the form of an action, which is
deliberated on action and occur in the class.
The aim of action research is to feed practical judgment in concrete
situation, and the validity of the theories or hypothesis it is not generate
depends so much on scientific test of truth as an their usefulnes in helping
people to act more intelligently and skillfully. In resent years, action
research has been applied to problem involving curriculum development,
and in service education particularly within the field of self-evaluation
1. The Activities of Action Research
The description of the activities involved in action research cycle
by Elliot (1991:72) there are as follows:

a. Identifying and clarifying the general idea.

The general idea is essentially a statement which links an
idea to action.
The important criteria for selecting general idea are whether
the situation it refer to (a) impinges ones field of action and (b) is
something one would like to change or improve on.
Another thing to take into account in selecting a general idea
as a focus is that one may have missunderstood the nature of the
problem or what needs to be improved. Thus pupils dissatisfaction
with the way they are assessed may merely be a symptom of a much
deeper problem, which may come to light during the course of action
b. Reconnaissance
This activity can be sub-divided into:
1) Describing the facts of the situation
One needs to describe as full as possible the nature of the
situation one wants changed or improved on.
2) Explaining the facts of the situation
Having collected and described the relevant facts one needs
to explain them. How do they arise? What are the relevant
contingencies, or critical factor, which have a bearing on the
state of affair describe?
In asking these questions one moves from a description of

the facts to a critical analysis of the context in which they

arise. This involves:
(i) Brainstorming-generating explanatory hypotheses.
(ii) Hypothesis testing.
c. Constructing the general plan.
The general plan of action should contain:
1) A revised statements of the general idea, which by now is likely to
have changed, or at least been clarified further.
2) A statements of the factors one is going to change or modify in
order to improve the situation, and the actions one will undertake
in this direction.
3) A statements of negotiations one has had, or will have to conduct
with others before undertaking the proposed course of action.
4) A statements of the resources one will need in order to undertake
the proposed course of action, e.g. materials, room, equipment,
5) A statements of the ethical framework which will govern access to
and release of information.
d. Developing the next action steps
Here one decides exactly which of the course of action outlined in
the general plan one is going to implement next, and how both the
process of implementation and its effects are going to be monitored.


e. Implementing the next action steps

It may take some time to succeed at implementing a course of action.
It usually implies changes in all the participants behavior.
2. Action Research Design
The essentials of action research design are considered by Elliot (in
Hopkins, 1993) as per the following characteristic cycle:
a. Initially and exploratory stance is adopted, where in understanding of a
problem is developed and plans are made for some form of
intervention strategy (The Reconnaissance & General Plan).
b. Then the intervention is carried out. (The Action in Action Research).
c. During and around the time of the intervention, pertinent observations
are collected in various forms (monitoring the implementation by
d. The new interventional strategies are carried out, and the cyclic
process repeats, continuing until a sufficient understanding of (or
implement able solution for) the problem is achieved (Reflection and


A. Setting of Research
1. Setting of Place
This classroom action research was done at MTs Muhammadiyah
Tersono. It is located at Jl. Tersono Timbang Km. 01. Tersono Subdistrict, Batang Regency, 51272, Phone (0285) 4469815. This location
is strategic, because near the main street. MTs Muhammadiyah
Tersono has 4 class groups, of first year. The classroom action
research was done in VII. MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono has a
building for learning process. Moreover the situation of MTs
Muhammadiyah Tersono is follow:
a. Situation of Educational Building
Table 3.1
The building condition of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono


The kind of room






228 m2

The title of book



The total of book


a. Biology Lab
b. Physic Lab
c. Computer Lab
d. Language Lab


150 m2


Headmaster room

81 m2

Teacher room

81 m2

administration room

81 m2


56 m2


86 m2

School barn

56 m2

Ceremony ground

1.800 m2


Volly Ball ground

162 m2


Skills space


Vacant land

3.250 m2

Source: MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono:2012

b. Teachers Condition
Education in general is the combination efforts of several
forces to achieve common goals. One of them is teacher with
formal qualification, moreover, staff/ officer. Both teachers and
staff will make teaching and learning process better. Teacher is
someone who transfer knowledge for the students. They transfer
some materials and skills during the learning teaching process.
They facilitate the students to get their talent. Therefore, the
teacher is important in teaching learning process. The situation of
teacher in MTs Muhammadiyah as follow:


Table 3.2
The teachers condition of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono




Name of teacher
Ida Farida, S. Pd. I
Zubaidah, S. Pd

Kind of subject
English, Ke-Muh
Nurudin, S. Ag
Holy Quran, Civic
headmaster of Education, History
of Islamic Culture
Umi Hanik
Dra. Ernawati
Siti Zumrotun, S. Pd
Nurulmuna, S. Pd. I
Nur Huda, S. Pd
Agus Supriyono, A. Ma Teacher
Health Education
Ika Wahyu Angraeni, S. Teacher
Ahmad Nasiin, S. Pd
Social Knowledge,
Zaenal Muttaqin
of Communication,
Administration Information
Catur Yuliani
Vice head of

Source: MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono:2012

c. Student Background
The number of students in MTs Muhammadiyah is not more
than one hundred and twenty and each class are dominated by
female students, however the number of female students more than


male students in MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono. Furthermore, the

numbers of students in MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono are:
Table 3.3
The students condition of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono





Students Condition


Source: MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono:2012

2. Setting of Time
This research was carried out at MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono in
academic year 2012/2013. This research has been done from
December 2012 until Januari 2013. In this research, the writer acted as
the teacher and learning process was observed by her partner, Ai
matul luthfa. The writer arranged two cycles, in each cycles consist of
planning, action, observation and reflection. The classroom action
research was done in VII.

B. Subject of The Study

This research was done at MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono


academic year 2012/2013. The students are from various areas with
various level economic families. Most of the students have the difficulties
in vocabulary score and they have under average ability. The subject of the

study is the first year students of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono. It is only

one class with the total number of students are 35 (19 female and 16
male). The students list details are below:
Table 3.4
The first year Students of MTs Muhammadiyah

Adhia Pramesti Regita



Aji Khoirurrois


Alfani Muzaki


Amarobit Taqwa


Anas Tasya Sekartadi


Andi Prastiyanto


Anisa Dwi Safitri


Ariana Febriani


Burhanudin Aziz


Dias Kartika Sari


Faisal Razzak Dian Nugroho




Imatul Khasanah


Indra Wijayanto




Khulqi Arya Nugroho


Kristina Mahartanti


Lusi Prastiwi



M. Helmi Munir


Muh Xsel Pangestu


Muhammad Andrie Kurniawan


Nila Farkhatania


Ninik Setya Suryaningsih


Nur Fadlilah


Riky Nandar Supriawan


Rini widy Astuti


Risma Amalia


Riyana Maesatul Hidaya


Rizka Mardiyah


Rizki Humam Abdullah


Sidqi Nur Abdi Hidayat


Sofan Khoirul Lil Abror


Tri Barokah


Ulinuha Neviyana



Fikrotun F

Source: MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono:2012

C. Methods of Research
1. The Methods of Research
The research method that is used in this study is classroom
action research. Classroom action research begins with a question
about classroom experience, issues and challenging. It is a reflective

process which helps teachers to explore and examine aspects of

teaching and learning and to take action to change and improve the
students achievement in teaching learning process. The writer as
researcher and her partner as an observer note all of the process in
learning activities.
According to Arikunto (2006:2) classroom action research is
coming from three words they are: research, action, and class.
Research is an activity to find out accuracy some object using
methodology which interest and important for the writer. Action is
some activities deliberately done by having several aims, in the
research in form activities cycles. Class is a group of students in same
time, have some lesson from teacher.
According to Ebbut, Classroom Action Research is about the
systematic study of attempts to improve educational practical actions
and by means of their own reflection upon the effects of that action (in
Hopkin; 1993).
From the definition above, the writer concludes that classroom
action research that is done by a teacher in teaching learning process to
know the situation of students when they are teaching learning process.
The researcher used classroom action research because of some
reasons. Beside to find out the extent of using the crossword puzzle
toward the improvement of students vocabulary mastery, also to
describe the process of teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzle.

2. Approach
An approach that will be done by the writer as primary approach
is quantitative approach to calculate score of students. The secondary
approach is descriptive approach. Descriptive is describing how a
technique of learning is applied and how the result can be reached
(Mukhlis; 2000: 57).
3. The Procedure of Research
This study applying classroom action research, according to
Kemmis (in Hopkins: 1985) Action Research along with the major
steps of planning, action, observation and reflection before revising the
plan, they are:
a. Planning
The researcher prepared some instruments which is support
in teaching learning process, they are:

Preparing material, making lesson plan, and designing the

steps in doing the action.

Preparing list of students name and scoring

Preparing teaching aid

Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the

situation of teaching learning process when the strategy is

Preparing pre test and post test items


b. Action




Classroom Action

Research with the activities below:

Giving pre test

Explains the material

Teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzle

Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


Asking the students some questions orally and students

have to answer orally in the empty space of crossword
puzzle about the theme.

Giving post test

c. Observation
Observation is one of the instruments in collecting data. As
a scientific method, observation can be systematically used to
observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students
feeling, thinking, and something they do in teaching learning
process. So the researcher was observe the students by analyzing
the result of field note which is made by the partner of researcher.
Moreover the researcher was analyze the result of pre test and post
test to know whether the students vocabulary improves or not.


d. Reflection
Reflecting is an activity in expressing of experience that
have by teacher as the self-evaluation. After the researcher has
accomplished analyzing the observation, the researcher was plan
the next cycle. If the researcher find problems in the first cycle, she
was try to solve the problem in the next cycle.
4. The Model of Research
The model which is used in implementation of this research as
Figure 3.1: Action Research Protocol

Source: Kemmis in Hopkins (1985)

5. The Technique of Collecting Data
a. Test
Test is a number measuring a person ability, knowledge, or
performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004: 3). To get the data,

the writer does the test that consists of pre test and post test. The
function of pre test is to know how far the vocabulary mastery of
the students is before they use of crossword puzzle. While, the
function of post test is to know the increasing of vocabulary
mastery after they have use crossword puzzle. Pre and post test are
to knowing the differences of the students ability before and after
the teacher use the method.
b. Documentation
The researcher needs documentation to know about the
situation school students. Documentation includes not only the
official organizational papers, reports, brochures but also the more
work-a-day, work plans, and materials.
c. Observation
Besides doing the test, the researcher will do class
observation. Observation is more than just looking and seeing. The
task of observation is to be able to represent a social scene in a way
which is recognizable to the actors involved, is considered valid
and a true representation of their action. Observation has an
important role not only for classroom research but also more
generally for supporting the professional growth of teachers and in
the process of school development.


d. Field Note
Field note refer to various note recorded by scientist during
or after their observation of a specific phenomenon they are
6. Technique of Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the next step of study is analyzing the
data. There are two ways to analyze the data, they are:
a. Descriptive technique
A descriptive technique is used to know the students behavior
during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique, the
researcher analyzes the observation sheet which has been made by
her partner.
b. Statistical technique
Statistical technique is used to know is there any
improvement to the students vocabulary or no from the result of
pre-test and post-test. This research is calculated by Deviation
Standard using SPSS 16.00 windows program.



In this research, the writer analyzed data collected from thirty five students
of the first grade of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono in academic year 2012/2013.
The data consists of pre-test, post-test and field note. The data of pre-test and
post-test show the improvement of the students achievement in vocabulary. Field
note show the students behavior in teaching and learning process.
A. Field Note
In this research, the writer acted as the teacher and learning process was
observed by her partner, Ai matul luthfa. At this point, the researcher and her

partner have arranged two cycles. In every cycle, the steps are: planning,
acting, observing and reflecting. The whole steps of this research are explained
in the description bellow:
1. Cycle 1
This cycle consist of two meeting, the first meeting has been down on
Wednesday, 26th 2012 and the second meeting has been down on
Thursday, 27th 2013.


1) Planning
Before conducting the research, the writer prepared the instruments
of the research, there are as follows:
a) Lesson plan
Lesson plan as a guide for teachers activities in class, so teaching
and learning process can be controlled.
b) Material
In the first cycle, the writer used topic about the things in the
classroom. She used several books as a resource.
c) Teaching aid (crossword puzzle)
The writer prepared some instrument, such as: worksheet,
board maker and crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzle is used in
teaching vocabulary. This case consists of the vocabulary related to
the material being taught to help students remember new vocabulary
d) Sheet for classroom observation.
Sheet for classroom observation was prepared in order to
know the condition of teaching learning process.


e) Test (pre-test and post-test).

Pre test is the test that is given to the students before the
teaching learning process by crossword puzzle. Post test is the test
in which be given to the students after teaching learning process by
crossword puzzle.
2) The Implementation of the Action
On Wednesday, 26th December 2012 the teacher (the writer)
begin to practice the lesson plan.
The teacher entered to the English class, and then she opened
the lesson by introducing herself and checks the students presents. In
the first meeting the teacher explained some information about
activities that would be done and introduced the mode of presentation
in studying vocabulary by using crossword puzzle. Before starting the
lesson, the teacher gave pre-test for about 20 minutes.
The teacher divided the worksheet and walked around the class
in order to check the students along doing the test. Actually, she found
that most of students were confused, but several students could do well.
When pre-test going on, the students still often asked vocabulary to the
teacher and also had a small discussion with other friends to know the
meaning of the question. After the students had finished the pre-test,
she collected and began the teaching and learning process.

The teacher told the student about the topic that day. The topic
was the things in the classroom, and then the teacher asked to the
students about the things in the classroom. However, most of students
just keep silence. Suddenly there was one student answered that the
things in the classroom

is benda-benda di dalam kelas. Then the

teacher told the students: Okay students, now we will study about the
things in the classroom. Siapa yang di SD sudah mendapatkan materi
tentang perkenalan sebelumya? (Who have got the material in
elementary school about introduction before?). And there are many
students who have received material before. But, there are 4 to 5
students who had never met with this material. Then the teacher
explained about the material.
The next lesson is learning vocabulary by using a simple
crossword puzzle. The teacher asked to the students whether the students
know crosswords puzzle. Then, the teacher explained to the students that
crossword puzzle is TTS (Teka Teki Silang) and how to do that
crosswords puzzle. The situation in class is being conducive while the
teacher distributing a copy of simple crossword puzzles to each of them
and do the crossword on the teacher's guidance.
Because the time is up, the teacher continued the meeting in the
following day, the twenty seventh of December 2012 in which the
teaching and learning process runs as follows:


In the morning, the teacher entered the class. She asked to the
students whether the students still remember how to do crossword puzzle.
Most of students answer the teachers question that they are still
remembering. Then the teacher distributes the crossword puzzle to each
student and said to the students to do the crossword for about fifteen
minutes by their friend. They walked around the class. After fifteen
minutes the teacher said that the time is up and she would divide the class
into group. The teacher distributed the same crossword puzzle. She
wanted the students shared their answer of crosswords that they have
done. In order they solve the crossword in the first time and all of he
answer are right, so that group become the winner and they get point. The
teacher gave time to the students for about thirty minutes to finish the
crossword. When they were doing the crossword, they were very noisy
because each student spoke up in their group to finish the crossword in
the first time. However there is two group which is just keep silence and
just two students in that group who try to finish that crossword.
After 30 minutes the teacher asked the students to submit their
crossword puzzle. Then the teacher gave post test to the students. The
post test is done for about 30 minutes. In the end of meeting the teachers
announced the winner of game in that day and ask what the difficulty in
doing crossword puzzle is.


3) Observation
In the first meeting, the researcher and observer (collaborator)
observed teaching learning process by monitoring the students activity
and attention during the action. The writer can see that the students still
difficult to know the meaning of vocabulary. It could be seen for the
students attitudes that were confused when the teacher explained about
material. It showed that the students have less vocabulary. Moreover,
the students were not familiar with the new teacher and the English
lesson. So, they looked busy and the condition was noisy.
Furthermore, to know there is a significant improvement of
vocabulary, the writer analyze by using SPSS 16.00 windows program
from the result of pre-test and post-test. Before analyzing t-test, the
researcher shows the data presentation of pre-test and post-test.

The score of pre-test and post-test in cycle 1

Table 4.1
The result of pre-test and post-test in cycle I




Adhia Pramesti Regita


Aji Khoirurrois


Pre-test I

Post-Test I


Alfani Muzaki


Amarobit Taqwa


Anas Tasya Sekartadi


Andi Prastiyanto


Anisa Dwi Safitri


Ariana Febriani


Burhanudin Aziz


Dias Kartika Sari






Imatul Khasanah


Indra Wijayanto




Khulqi Arya Nugroho


Lusi Prastiwi


M. Helmi Munir


Muh Xsel Pangestu





Fikrotun Faiqoh


Ninik Setya Suryaningsih


Nur Fadlilah


Riky Nandar Supriawan


Rini widy Astuti




Risma Amalia


Riyana Maesatul Hidaya


Rizka Mardiyah


Rizki Humam Abdullah


Sidqi Nur Abdi Hidayat


Sofan Khoirul Lil Abror


Tri Barokah


Ulinuha Neviyana




Yola Afanda



Source: Author Data: 2012

Then the writer calculates the deviation standard by using SPSS

16.00 windows program. It can be shown as follows:
Descriptive Statistics
Valid N

Minimum Maximum




Std. Deviation


From the table above can be seen that the mean of pre-test and
post-test in cycle I is 5,71 with deviation standard 1,073. Based on the
normal curve the writer concludes that 68% students score are 4 until


7. While mean post-test in cycle I is 7,40 with deviation standard 1,519.

So, the writer concludes 68% students score are 6 until 9.
4) Reflection
After analyzing the result of action in cycle I, the teacher (writer)
and observer can conclude that the teacher should give brief
explanation about the game and how to play it, because there are some
students confused and did not understand. They were crowded and
active to fill crossword puzzle.
However, they are less interested at the early meeting especially
when the teacher gives pre-test to them. They are not ready when the
teacher comes and begin this lesson, and there are some students who
are noisy, but they can also answer and remember vocabulary well
Cycle I also shows that the students can improve their vocabulary
scores with the averages of post-test 7,40 it is better than averages of
pre-test 5,71. The researcher also calculates the standardized of score
(kriteria ketuntasan minimal) in score 7. The result of post-test shows
that students who complete the standardized is more than in pre-test. In
pre-test there are 27 students who still have the score less than 7 and in
post-test there are 8 students who have the score less than 7.
Therefore in the next cycle, the researcher gives motivation to the
students in order to get better score in pre-test and post-test. It is


important to continue to the next cycle. The second cycle is carried out
as follow up.

2. Cycle II
Based on the result of cycle I, it necessary for the teacher to
continue the next cycle:
1) Planning
The activities are prepared:
a) Lesson plan as a guide for teacher, activities in the class, so
teaching and learning process can be controlled.

Material (Our library school)


Teaching aids (crossword puzzle)


Sheet for classroom observation.


Test (pre-test and post-test)

2) The implementation of the action

On Wednesday, 16th January 2013 the teacher entered her
English class to continue the previous meeting. She reviewed some
difficulties words that most of students did not understand. Before the
lesson, she gave pre-test for the students and gave 20 minutes time to
finish it. After pre-test, the teacher began to teach. The situation is
Teacher: Good morning students?
Students: Good morning mom....

Teacher: How are you today?

Students: Im fine, and you?
Teacher: Very well, thank you. Okey students in this meeting we
continue the lesson or the game that we have studied
yesterday, do you remember?
Students: Yes mom...(many students do not answer the teachers
Teacher: Okay, kemarin kita sudah bermain kata-kata dengan
menggunakan teka-teki silang. Apakah kalian ingat kata apa
saja yang kita dapatkan kemarin?
Students: Tentu bu.... kita masih ingat (Of course mom...,we still
remember it)
Teacher: Okay please mention the words we have got yesterday one
by one
Students: White board, pen, table, board marker, black board, and
eraser. (Almost all of the students answer the teachers
The teacher distributes a text to the students and asked what
kind of that text. The students answer together that text is descriptive.
Then the teacher asked the students to read and translate that text.
Most of students are still difficult to understand the text. Most of
students read the text slowly. After all finished reading and
translating, the teacher read and translates the text to help students

understand the text. Then they are asked to answer the question related
to the text. The teacher continued the meeting in the next meeting on
Thursday, the seventeenth of January 2013 because the time is up. The
situation is following:
In the morning, the teacher entered the class and said that they
will do the crossword again that day. They are divided into group
directly, so they must work together to solve the crossword. In this game,
the teacher and the students do the crossword together. The teacher
distributes a copy to each group. Then, the teacher read the clue and tried
to make students understand the clue. The teacher asked to all of group to
answer the crossword. The groups, who know the answer, raise their hand
and write the answer in the blackboard. The teacher will observe and give
a score to the group. The group that got the greatest score is the winner.
For about thirty minutes the students try to solve the crossword with the
teachers help. There is some group who try to answer the first time. Then
the teacher gives post test to the student for about 45 minutes.
3) Observation
In the second cycle, such as in the first cycle, the researcher get
field note from the partner which has been written above. By
monitoring the students activity in the action, the teacher can see that
the students still difficult to understand the text, it show with some of
students still have difficulty in understanding the meaning of some
words that has been learned. Moreover the researcher will analyze the

students improvement of vocabulary from the result of pre test and

post test. Before analyzing the data, the researcher will show the result
of pre test and post test.
a. The score of pre-test and post-test in cycle 1
Table 4.2
The result of pre-test and post-test in cycle II


Pre-test II

Post-test II


Adhia Pramesti Regita


Aji Khoirurrois


Alfani Muzaki


Amarobit Taqwa


Anas Tasya Sekartadi


Andi Prastiyanto


Anisa Dwi Safitri


Ariana Febriani


Burhanudin Aziz


Dias Kartika Sari


Faisal Razzak





Imatul Khasanah


Indra Wijayanto






Khulqi Arya Nugroho


Lusi Prastiwi



M. Helmi Munir


Muh Xsel Pangestu





Fikrotun Faiqoh





Nur Fadlilah


Riky Nandar Supriawan



Rini widy Astuti


Risma Amalia




Rizka Mardiyah


Rizki Humam Abdullah


Sidqi Nur Abdi Hidayat




Tri Barokah


Ulinuha Neviyana





Yola afanda


Source: Author Data: 2012








Compared with cycle I, the results of post-test and pre-test also

increase in cycle II. The writer calculates the deviation standard by
using SPSS 16.00 windows program. It can be shown as follows:

Descriptive Statistics

Valid N









From the table above can be seen that the mean of pre-test in
cycle II is 6,54 with deviation standard 1,094. Based on the normal
curve the writer concludes that 68% students score are 5 until 7. While
mean post-test in cycle II is 8,31 with deviation standard 0,993. So, the
writer concludes 68% students score are 7 until 9. From the illustration
above, the researcher can see that the mean between pre test and post
test has a significant improvement, where post test is greater than pre
test. It shows that crossword puzzle method can improve students
vocabulary, because the students achievement has been increased after
the students use the crossword puzzle method.


4) Reflection
After analyzing the result of second cycle, it can be conclude
that the crossword puzzle method can motivate the students to be more
active in learning vocabulary in the class. Crosssword puzzle method
also can improve their vocabulary, since they can answer the question
well in post-test than in pre-test.
In cycle II, the students can improve their vocabulary mastery, it
shows by score of post-test II. The result of test shows that in pre-test
the students who get score 7 or more than 7 only 20 students. But, in
post test II all of students passed the standardized of score minimum.
The teacher decides that it is the last meeting because crossword puzzle
method can improve the students vocabulary.

B. Analysis between cycle I and cycle II

From the result of analyzing in cycle I and cycle II, the researcher will
analyze the students improvement from cycle I to cycle II. The improvements
as follow:

The mean of pre test in cycle I is 5.71 and increase 17,5 % to be 7,40 in
post test.

The mean of pre test in cycle II is 6,54 and increase 19,3 % to be 8,31 in
post test.

The students improvement from cycle I to cycle II can be seen on table


Table 4.3
The Students improvement in cycle I and II

Cycle I



Cycle II













No change



Source: Author Data: 2012

From the table, it can be shown that using crossword puzzle method
can improve students vocabulary mastery. Moreover, the result of test in cycle
I and cycle II is increase for each cycle. It is proven by the result of test above.
From explanation above shows that by using crossword puzzle
method most of students improve their vocabulary. And the result of post test
in cycle II and in Cycle I are greater than pre test. It shows that the students
achievement in vocabulary has improved. By mastering the vocabulary, the
students are easier to communicate with their friend and their teacher in
learning process. Because vocabulary is the source to understand what the
people said, therefore vocabulary is important in learning process.
In this case, the students improvement is influenced by some factors.
The first is the use if media crossword puzzle that can make students feel there

is a variation in learning process. So, they are not bored in learning English.
The second factor is the students themselves. Although the teacher his creative
and applying the good media in teaching learning process, if the students do
not have a motivation they will not get a satisfy achievement in their study. It is
showed by some of students who are still passive when they are doing the
crossword puzzle, so they get the achievement are not maximal.


A. Conclusion
Based on the data presentation and data analysis, the writer
explains the conclusion of this research as follows:
1. The process of teaching and learning vocabulary using crossword
puzzle method is going smoothly and most of the students are
enthusiastic to arrange the crossword puzzle. It can be seen on the
result of observation in the class that is most of the students feel
enjoyable and happy in the teaching and learning process. It also
can be proven of the students are active to answer some question.
2. The students mastery on vocabulary after using crossword puzzle
method among first year of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono in
academic year 2012/2013 can be conclude that there is difference
between non crossword puzzle method and using crossword puzzle
method because mean of pre-test and post test in every cycle was
increased. It indicates that by applying crossword puzzle method,
the students vocabulary has improved. It means that crossword
puzzle method provides significant contribution in improving the
students vocabulary. Finally, from statements above the researcher
concludes that crossword puzzle method is appropriate for the first
year students of MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono to improve
vocabulary mastery.

3. Some methods or games in the teaching and learning process have

the strength and weaknesses. The advantages of the using of
crossword puzzle in the teaching vocabulary are:
a. In teaching vocabulary the using of Crossword puzzle is
effective, because students can feel relax and enjoy in the
teaching and learning process.
b. Every student can memorize some words quickly in the
short time without feeling borrowed.
c. Requires each student to become actively involved
d. Teach to the student to think quickly, active, and respective.
e. Can aid students in learning how to think critically and
f. Easy to play.
Besides have the more advantages, the using of Crossword puzzle
also have some disadvantages, that is:
a. The teacher can difficulty in evaluating individuals.
b. The students more focus at game than materials.

B. Suggestion
At the last, the writer would like to purpose some suggestion that
hopeful would be useful for all institution sides, students, and the next
researcher as follow:


a. For the English Teacher

The English teacher should improve their ability in the
process of teaching and learning, and the teacher should know
toward students problem. The strategy of teaching vocabulary will
influence the students ability to learn. They should pay attention
to the fact that the students are more encourage to improve the
teaching and learning process.
The English teacher should motivate the students and
explain that learning English especially vocabulary is such an easy
and interesting to learn. The use of instructional media should be
b. For the students
Students should always be active in the process of teaching
and learning and not afraid or lazy in the English lesson, so the
students should develop their motivation.
The students should give more attention, keep their attitude
when the teacher explained the lesson and teach them. In addition,
students should study English harder to reduce their difficulties of
English learning.
c. For the Next Researcher
The students achievement of lesson is very important, in
teaching learning process the teacher should use media of
instruction that make the students be interested to learn and

understand more about the material. Therefore, the following

researcher can develop similar study that is detail by other media in
vocabulary mastery, for example sing, card, or picture and
crossword puzzle.



Aqib, Zainal. 2009. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung: Trama Widya.

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_________________ dkk. 2006. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: rineka cipta.
Asnawir, Usman. 2002. Media Pembelajarans. Jakarta: PT Itermasa.
Brown, J. B. 1988. Understanding research in second language learning.
Cambridege: Cup
Burns, Paul C, and Browman, Betty I. 1975. The language arts in childhood.
Chicago: Rand Macnally.
Darnbury. 1994. The New Lexicon Websters Dictionary of the English Language
Volume I. America: Lexicon publications.
Elliot, John. 1991. Action Research for Educational Change. Philadelphia: Open
University Press.
Fauziati, Endang. 2002. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language. Surakarta:
Muhammadiyah University Press.
Harris, David. 1969. Testing english as a second language. America: Mc Graw
Hill Book Company.
Hill, L.A and Popkin P. R. 1969. A Second Crossword Puzzle Book. London:
Oxford University Press.
Lee, WQ. 1963. Language Teaching Games And Contents. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Mc. Charty, Michael.1990. Vocabulary. New York: Oxford University Press.
NN, 2000. Handy Learners Dictionary of Anmerican English. Longman: Pearson
Education Limited.
Nunan, David. 1991. Language teachingmethodology: A textbook for teachers.
Sydney: Prentice Hall.

Oxford University Press. 2003. Oxford Learners pocket Dictionary. New York:
Oxford University Press.
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Thronburry, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. Longman Press.

Curriculum vitae

Personal data

: Nur Afifah

Students Number

: 113 08 114

Place and Date of Birth

: Batang, April, 13th 1990


: Tanjungsari, Tersono, Batang


TK Aisyiah Bustanul Athfal Tanjungsari, Batang

Graduated in 1996

MI Muhammadiyah Tanjungsari , Batang

Graduated in 2002

MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono, Batang

Graduated in 2005

SMA Negeri 1 Subah, Batang

Graduated in 2008

State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga

Graduated in 2013

Cycle 1

Nama Sekolah

: MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester

: VII (Tujuh) / I

Aspek/ Skill

: Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu

: 2 x Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
descriptive sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
B. Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek
sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan terdekat
C. Indikator
1. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :
1. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Text tulis jenis descriptive yang berjudul Things in my bag
F. Metode/Teknik
Tanya jawab
G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran :
1. Kegiatan Awal
- Salam dan tegur sapa (Greetings)
- Checking for the role
- Pre-test
2. Kegiatan Inti
- Tanya jawab tentang materi
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membaca text Descriptive
- Siswa mengerjakan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan text
- Guru menjelaskan tata cara mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Guru membagikan crossword puzzle kepada semua siswa dan
siswa mengerjakan cossword secara individu
- Guru membimbing siswa untuk mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Memastikan kembali tingkat pemahaman siswa
3. Kegiatan Akhir
- Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM berupa kesulitan apa
yang dihadapi dan kesan terhadap pembelajaran
- Post-test
H. Sumber Belajar

Wardiman, Artono, 2008. English in focus 1. Surabaya: PT. Jepe

Press Media Utama



a. Tehnik : Test lisan dan test tertulis
b. Bentuk : Respon tindakan
c. Instrumen : Terlampir
d. Pedoman Penilaian
1. Untuk nomor 1-10, tiap jawaban skor 1.
2. Jumlah skor maksimal 10 x 1 = 10
3. Nilai maksimal 10
4. Nilai siswa = jumlah benar x 1
5. Rubrik penilaian:




Jawaban benar


Jawaban salah

Salatiga, 26 Desember 2012

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Ida Farida, S. Pd.I

Nur afifah

Cycle II

Nama Sekolah

: MTs Muhammadiyah Tersono

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester

: VII (Tujuh) / I

Aspek/ Skill

: Mendengarkan

Alokasi Waktu

: 2 x Pertemuan

J. Standar Kompetensi
2. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
descriptive sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
K. Kompetensi Dasar
2.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek
sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan terdekat
L. Indikator
4. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
5. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
6. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca
M. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat :
4. Mengidentifikasi Isi teks yang dibaca
5. Mengidentifikasi kata-kata dari teks yang dibaca
6. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dari teks yang dibaca

N. Materi Pembelajaran
Text tulis jenis descriptive yang berjudul Our School Library
O. Metode/Teknik
Tanya jawab
P. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran :
4. Kegiatan Awal
- Salam dan tegur sapa (Greetings)
- Checking for the role
- Pre-test
5. Kegiatan Inti
- Tanya jawab tentang materi
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membaca text Descriptive dan
- Guru membantu siswa mengartikan text
- Siswa mengerjakan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan text
- Guru menjelaskan tata cara mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Guru membagikan crossword puzzle kepada semua siswa dan
siswa mengerjakan cossword secara individu
- Guru membimbing siswa untuk mengerjakan crossword puzzle
- Memastikan kembali tingkat pemahaman siswa
6. Kegiatan Akhir
- Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama KBM berupa kesulitan apa
yang dihadapi dan kesan terhadap pembelajaran
- Post-test
Q. Sumber Belajar

Wardiman, Artono, 2008. English in focus 1. Surabaya: PT. Jepe

Press Media Utama



e. Tehnik : Test lisan dan test tertulis
f. Bentuk : Respon tindakan
g. Instrumen : Terlampir
h. Pedoman Penilaian
6. Untuk nomor 1-10, tiap jawaban skor 1.
7. Jumlah skor maksimal 10 x 1 = 10
8. Nilai maksimal 10
9. Nilai siswa = jumlah benar x 1
10. Rubrik penilaian:




Jawaban benar


Jawaban salah

Salatiga, 16 Januari 2013

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Ida Farida, S. Pd.I

Nur afifah

Name :
Class/Number :

Read the text then answer the question!
Science Laboratory
Science laboratory is a place where the students do experiment chemitry,
biology, and physics lesson.It has important roles for students to study science and
knowledge. In the laboratory, they practice and prove the theories.
The students usually work in groups one group consists of about 6
persons. They distribute the tasks well. The tasks are to clean the table and the
room before and after the experimets, to place well, to make reports of the
experiments, and to present the report.
There are many instruments in the laboratory. They are microscope,
scissors, test tubes, flasks, benches, pipettes, pestles and mortars, magnets, and so
on. A laboran is a person whose responsible for keeping all instruments well.
He/she also gives explanations their functions and how to use the instruments
I. Match the English with the Indonesian word!
1. Laboratory

a. Bangku

2. Experiment

b. Ilmu pengetahuan

3. Science

c. Botol

4. Knowledge

d. Percobaan

5. Report

e. Peralatan

6. Instrument

f. Laboratorium

7. Scissors

g. Alu

8. Flask

h. Pengetahuan

9. Bench

i. Laporan

10. Pestle

j. Gunting


1. f. Laboratorium
2. d. Percobaan
3. b. Ilmu pengetahuan
4. h. Pengetahuan
5. i. Laporan
6. e. Peralatan
7. j. Gunting
8. c. Botol
9. a. Bangku
10. g. Alu


Name :

Mark (x) a, b, c or d for an answer !

Class/Number :

Text for number 1 until 12

Doras Hobbies
Dora has many hobbies, one of them is reading. She started to like reading
when she was ten years old. She like reading novels, she feels that reading
novels gives her pleasure. Her favorite type novels is thriller. Although she
thinks that thriller novels are frightening. She get satisfaction from reading
them. Besides reading novels, Dora sometimes reads newspaper, from reading
newspaper she gets a lot of information, she knows about the events happening
inside and outside country.
1. When did Dora start like reading?
a. 8 years old

c. 10 years old

b. 9 years old

d. 11 years old

2. What does she feel about reading novels?

a. Happy

c. Satisfy

b. Glad

d. Bored

3. What kind of novel is her favorite?

a. Comedy

c. Adventure

b. Drama

d. Horor

4. Beside novels, what does Dora usually read?

a. Magazine

c. Novels

b. Newspaper

d. Story book

5. What does she get from reading newspaper

a. Freedom

c. Culture

b. Heritage

d. Information

Text for no 1-2

Zacky is a clever student; he is a clever because he is diligent. He was
born on 7th June 1994 .he is twelve years old. he is 151 cm tall. He always gets
nine or ten. He is very happy if gets ten. His mother always gives a new thing
when he gets ten in the test. His mother, Mrs. Virna is very kind and beautiful.
He is very handsome. His hair is wavy. His skin is not black, but it is
yellow. He is tall, but is not fat. His body is also strong because he always
play volleyball in the afternoon. He wants to be pilot.
6. Who is clever student?
a. Mrs. Virna

c. His mother

b. Zacky

d. His friend

7. How is zackys hair?

a. Straight

c. Curly

b. Wavy

d. Strong

8. How is zackys skin?

a. Black

c. White

b. Brown

d. Yellow

9. His body is also strong because he always play volley ball in the
The antonym of the underlined word is .
a. Lazy

c. Weak

b. Stupid

d. Poor

10. Cinta laura is a beautiful film star.

The synonym of the underlined word is .
a. Pretty

c. Handsome

b. Good

d. Kind


1. c. 10 years old
2. a. Happy
3. d. Horor
4. b. Newspaper
5. d. Information
6. b. Zacky
7. b. Wavy
8. d. Yellow
9. c. Weak
10. a. Pretty

Name :


Class/Number :

Read the text then answer the question!

Things in my bag
My name is Putri. I am a student of Grade VII. I have a new red bag.
Today, I bring some things in it. I bring my purse. It is white purse. There is a
plastic pencil case. It is a pink pencil case. There are also a hat, four note books,
and four text book. I bring my hat because there will be a flag ceremony. Math,
English, Biology, and History are the lessons for today.
I. Give the meaning the words below in Indonesia!
1. Bag

2. Purse

3. Pencil case

4. Hat

5. Note book

6. Text book

7. Flag

8. Ceremony

9. History

10. Lessons


1. Tas
2. Dompet
3. Tempat pensil
4. Topi
5. Buku catatan
6. Buku pelajaran
7. Bendera
8. Upacara
9. Sejarah
10. Pelajaran

Name :
Class/Number :

Match the Meaning of Words in Column A with Ones in Column B !


Column A


Column B



a. A place to buy some food or drinks



b. The tool that is used to write on the




c. We use the tool for save some

pensil, pen,eraser etc



d. We use the tool to translate a word



e. A room in which the students study



f. We use the tool to look for the




g. A person who gave the lessons for

the students



h. We use it for correcting a writing





The tool that is used to open the





We are going home soon. Put your

books in your. . . .


1. g. A person who gave the lessons for the students
2. i. The tool that is used to open the door
3. h. We use it for correcting a writing mistake
4. e. A room in which the students study
5. c. We use the tool for save some pensil, pen,eraser etc
6. d. We use the tool to translate a word
7. f. We use the tool to look for the direction
8. j. We are going home soon. Put your books in your. . . .
9. b. The tool that is used to write on the whiteboard
10. a. A place to buy some food or drinks

Things in my bag
My name is Putri. I am a student of Grade VII. I have a new red bag.
Today, I bring some things in it. I bring my purse. It is white purse. There is a
plastic pencil case. It is a pink pencil case. There are also a hat, four note books,
and four text book. I bring my hat because there will be a flag ceremony. Math,
English, Biology, and History are the lessons for today.
A Crossword Puzzle for the first year students of MTs Muhammadiyah



1. Tuesday is between Monday and..
5. I have two ears but only.nose.
6. The number after 89 is.
8. We hear with each ear, and we see with each
9. This tea ishot to drink.
10. Did she ring that bell? No.

They were very happy when their teamthe game.


What did you eat for.?


You dont like coffee,.you?


To make green, we mix blue and..


France is larger..England

Our Library School

Our school has a library. It is between the teachers room and the
laboratory. There are a lot of books there. There are also dictionary,
encyclopedias, and other reading materials. We can borrow books and novels
there. We can also read newspaper, magazines there, but can not bring them
Our librarian is woman. Her name is Mrs. Rini, her office is in the library.
She works there everyday. From seven oclock in the morning until one thirty in
the afternoon. She servest the students and teachers well. She helps us find the
book or novels we want. Everyone must bring the identity card if they borrow
books or novels.
The library is very useful for us. We can get a lot of information there. We
can also improve our knowledge and skills by reading the collection of the book.
It is not necessary for us to buy all the books we want to read. We can read or
1. What does paragraph tell us about?
2. Where is the library building in the text?
3. What can we find in the library?
4. Who is the librarian in the library?
5. Can we borrow books to read at home?

Do the crossword puzzle below by the clues in Cross and in

Name :

Class :









1. A small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
2. We use this tool in painting

3. The tool that is used for time

4. The table is used to write in the classrooms
5. The teacher is writing the lesson on the . . . ,she is writing with boardmarker.
6. The thing that is used to enter the class.

Down :
2. We use this tool for writing
3. The antonym of the word stupid
7. We use . . . to sweap the floor
8. We use this tool for drawing lines.
9. We use it for correcting a writing mistake.
10. The thing that is used for put the blackboard.
11. The thing that is used to write on the blackboard

The key of Crossword puzzle I









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