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Echidna Public Works of Art Schema

Outline of Elements
1. Title
2. Work Type
3. Creator
3.1 Sub-element: Creator role
3.2 Sub-element: Creator name
3.3 Sub-element: Creator dates
3.3.1 Sub-element: Birth date
3.3.2 Sub-element: Death date
3.4 Sub-element: Creator nationality
4. Contributor
4.1 Sub-element: Contributor role
4.2 Sub-element: Contributor name
4.3 Sub-element: Contributor dates
4.3.1 Sub-element: Birth date
4.3.2 Sub-element: Death date
4.4 Sub-element: Contributor nationality
5. Creation Date
6. Subject
7. Inscription
8. Materials
8.1 Sub-element: Material description
8.2 Sub-element: Material type
8.3 Sub-element: Material location
9. Techniques
9.1 Sub-element: Technique description
9.2 Sub-element: Technique type
9.3 Sub-element: Technique location
10. Measurements
10.1 Sub element: Measurement description
10.2 Sub element: Measurement shape
10.3 Sub element: Measurement part
10.3.1 Sub element: Value
11. Genre
12. Context
12.1 Sub element: Purpose
12.2 Sub element: Background
12.2.1 Sub element: Donor

12.2.2 Sub element: Historical Significance

12.3 Sub element: Related themes
12.4 Sub element: Evaluation
12.5 Sub element: Additional notes
13. Location
13.1 Sub element: Address
13.2 Sub element: Governing entity
14. Related works
14.1 Sub element: Format type
14.1.1 Sub element: File size
14.1.2 Sub element: File dimensions
14.2 Sub element: Relation ID
14.3 Sub element: Relation description
15. Rights
15.1 Sub element: Rights statement
15.2 Sub element: Rights description
16. Description

Data Dictionary
1. Title
Element tag: <title>
Definition: Titles, identifying phrases, or names given to a work of art, sculpture, or
monument. If there is more than one title, repeat the Title element.
Attribute: type, source, lang
Data values: Not controlled. Formulated according to data content rules for titles in
Recommended values for type: inscribed, former, translated, repository, creator, local,
and others as recommended in CCO and CDWA.
Recommended values for source: URI of the work title we found.
Recommended values for language: Language formulated according to rules in the
ISO 639-2b.
Tagging example:
<title type = translated source = lang = eng> White Ghost</title>

2. Work Type
Element tag: <workType>
Definition: A term or terms identifying the specific kind of object or work being
Attribute: termSource, termSourceID
Data values: Controlled. Recommended AAT.
Tagging example:
<workType termSource = AAT termSourceID = 300185615 > fiber sculpture

3. Creator
Element tag: <creator>
Definition: The name, dates, nationality, and role of the creator or creators in the
design and production of the work.
3.1 Sub-element: Creator role
Element tag: <creatorRole>
Definition: The role played by the creator. Constructors, designers, etc.
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID
Data values: Controlled. Recommended AAT.
3.2 Sub-element: Creator name
Element tag: <creatorName>
Definition: The name of the creator. The name should be in natural order, if
possible, although inverted order is acceptable.
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID, lang
Data values: Controlled. Recommended LC Name Authority.
Recommended values for language: Language formulated according to
rules in the ISO 639-2b.
3.3 Sub-element: Creator dates

Element tag: <creatorDates>

Definition: The important dates of the creators, i.e. birthdate and death date.
3.3.1 Sub-element: Birth date
Element tag: <birthDate>
Definition: The birth date of the creator. For uncertain dates, using "ca."
and any other expressions of uncertainty or nuance.
Not required
Data values: Indexing dates should be formulated according to the rules
in CCO and CDWA. Recommended ISO 8601 format.
3.3.2 Sub-element: Death date
Element tag: <deathDate>
Definition: The death date of the creator. For uncertain dates, using "ca."
and any other expressions of uncertainty or nuance. For the people who
are still alive, do not fill in this sub-element.
Not required
Data values: Indexing dates should be formulated according to the rules
in CCO and CDWA. Recommended ISO 8601 format.
3.4 Sub-element: Creator nationality
Element tag: <creatorNationality>
Definition: The nationality or cultural affiliation of the creator.
Attribute: termSource, termSourceID
Not required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended TGN.
Tagging example:
<creatorRole termSource =AAT termSourceID
<creatorName termSource = AAAF termSourceID = lang = eng>Gary Hume </creatorName>

<creatorNationality termSource =TGN termSourceID

=7466922>British</creatorNationality >

4. Contributor
Element tag: <contributor>
Definition: The name, dates, nationality, and role (if necessary) of the contributor or
contributors in the design and production of the work.
Not Required
4.1 Sub-element: Contributor role
Element tag: <contributorRole>
Definition: The role played by the contributor. Assistants, models, etc.
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID
Not required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended AAT.
4.2 Sub-element: Contributor name
Element tag: <contributorName>
Definition: The name of the contributor. The name should be in natural order, if
possible, although inverted order is acceptable.
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID, lang
Not required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended LC Name Authority.
Recommended values for language: Language formulated according to
rules in the ISO 639-2b.
4.3 Sub-element: Contributor dates
Element tag: <contributorDates>
Definition: The important dates of the contributors, i.e. birthdate and death date.
Not required
4.3.1 Sub-element: Birth date
Element tag: <birthDate>
Definition: The birth date of the contributor. For uncertain dates, using
"ca." and any other expressions of uncertainty or nuance.

Not required
Data values: Indexing dates should be formulated according to the rules
in CCO and CDWA. Recommended ISO 8601 format.
4.3.2 Sub-element: Death date
Element tag: <deathDate>
Definition: The death date of the contributor. For uncertain dates, using
"ca." and any other expressions of uncertainty or nuance. For the people
who is still alive, do not fill in this sub-element.
Not required
Data values: Indexing dates should be formulated according to the rules
in CCO and CDWA. Recommended ISO 8601 format.
4.4 Sub-element: Contributor nationality
Element tag: <contributorNationality>
Definition: The nationality or cultural affiliation of the contributor.
Attribute: termSource, termSourceID
Data values: Controlled. Recommended TGN.
Tagging example:
<contributorRole termSource =AAT termSourceID =300386178> assistant
<contributorName termSource = AAAF termSourceID = language = eng> Kerbel, Lev
<contributorName lang = rus> </contributorName>
<birthDate> 1917</birthdate>
<contributorNationality termSource = TGN termSourceID = 7002435>
Russian</contributorNationality >

5. Creation Date
Element tag: <creationDate>

Definition: The date or range of dates associated with the creation process which
including design, production or construction. For uncertain dates, using "ca." and any
other expressions of uncertainty or nuance. If date is unknown, use Unknown.
Recommended ISO 8601 format.
Attribute: source
Recommended values for source: URI of the work title we found.
Data values: Not controlled. Formulated according to data content rules for display
dates in CCO and CDWA.
Tagging example:
<creationDate source => 2002</creationDate>
6. Subject
Element tag: <subject>
Definition: Subject or subjects the work of art is depicting. What the work of art is
considered to be about. If there is more than one subject, repeat the Subject element.
Attribute: type, termSource (optional), termSourceID (optional)
Not required
Data values: Controlled suggested, but not required. Recommended LCSH.
Recommended values for type: description, interpretation
Tagging example:
<subject type= description termSource= LCSH termSourceID= sj
<subject type= interpretation>emotional distress</subject>

7. Inscription
Element tag: <inscription>
Definition: Text or markings found on the work of art, including inscriptions, engravings,
notes, and plaques. If there is more than one inscription, repeat the Inscription element.
Attribute: lang
Not required
Data values: Not controlled. Content formulated as it appears on the work of art.
Recommended values for language: Language formulated according to rules in ISO

Tagging example:
<inscription lang= Eng>In honor of a momentous occasion. October

8. Materials
Element tag: <materials>
Definition: A description of a material used on the work, and the type and location of
said material. If more than one material is used, repeat the Materials element.
Not required
8.1 Sub-element: Material description
Element tag: <materialDescpription>
Definition: A free-text description of a material used in or on the work of art.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Not controlled.
8.2 Sub-element: Material type
Element tag: <materialType>
Definition: Term describing the type of material used on or in the work of art.
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended AAT.
8.3 Sub-element: Material location
Element tag: <materialLocation>
Definition: The location of the material being described in relation to the work of
art as a whole.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:
<materialDescription>White paint located on the front side of the

<materialType termSource= AAT termSourceID= 300015058>acrylic


9. Techniques
Element tag: <techniques>
Definition: A description of a technique used in the creation of the work of art. If more
than one technique was used, repeat the Technique element.
Not required
8.1 Sub-element: Technique description
Element tag: <techniqueDescription>
Definition: A free-text description of a technique used in the creation of the work
of art.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Not controlled.
8.2 Sub-element: Technique type
Element tag: <techniqueType
Definition: Term describing the type of technique used in the creation of the
work of art.
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended AAT.
8.3 Sub-element: Technique location
Element tag: <techniqueLocation>
Definition: The location that the technique was applied in relation to the work of
art as a whole.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:

<techniqueDescription>Bright cutting engraving technique used

<techniqueType termSource=AAT termSourceID=300233393>bright

10. Measurements
Element tag: <measurements>
Definition: Numeric measurements of the work of art, sculpture or monument. Includes
type and unit of measurement. If there is more than one measurement for a work of art
of unusual shape, repeat the element.
Not Required
10.1 Sub element: Measurement description
Element tag: <measurementDescription>
Definition: Free text description of the measurement.
Not Repeatable
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
10.2 Sub element: Measurement shape
Element tag: <measurementShape>
Definition: Used for a work of unusual shape (e.g. a square block of metal or a
plastic triangle with an oblong wooden center.)
Not Repeatable
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
10.3 Sub element: Measurement part
Element tag: <measurementPart>
Definition: For art with multiple pieces to be recorded.
Recommended values for type: top, middle, bottom, overall, etc
Not Repeatable
Not Required
10.3.1 Sub element: Value
Element: <value>

Definition: The metric value of the recorded measurement.

Attribute: type, unit
Recommended values for type: width, height, circumference
Recommended values for unit: cm, m, etc.
Tagging example:
<measurementDescription>Measurement of total sculpture--of all boxes taped
together to form a giant box-man climbing over a
<measurementPart type = overall>
<value type=length unit=m>2</value>
<value type=width unit=m>1.50</value>
<value type=height unit=m>8.50</value>

11. Genre
Element tag: <Genre>
Definition: The period, style, or genre the public work belongs to (e.g. Classical,
Abstract, etc.).
Attributes: termSource, termSourceID
Not Required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended AAT.
Tagging example:
<genre termSource=AAT termSourceID=300264736>Modern</styleGenre>

12. Context
Element tag: <context>
Definition: The context of the public work, including its intended created purpose,
historical background, donor, historical significance, related subject themes, reviews
and/or critiques, and any additional relevant notes.
Not Required
12.1 Sub element: Purpose

Element tag: <purpose>

Definition: Reason why the public work was created or commissioned. Free text
Attribute: source
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
12.2 Sub element: Background
Element tag: <background>
Definition: Background information of the public work including donor name and
the historical significance behind the work.
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
12.2.1 Sub element: Donor
Element tag: <donor>
Definition: Sub-element of Background defining information regarding the
donor of the public work.
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
12.2.2 Sub element: Historical Significance
Element tag: <historicalSignificance>
Definition: A free text description of the historical significance of the piece
of public work.
Attribute: source
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
12.3 Sub element: Related themes
Element tag: <relatedThemes>
Definition: Subject terms for related themes of the public work.
Attribute: termSource, termSourceID
Not Required
Data values: Controlled. Recommended LCSH.

12.4 Sub element: Evaluation

Element tag: <evaluation>
Definition: Free text space to insert reviews and critiques of the public work.
Attribute: source
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
12.5 Sub element: Additional notes
Element tag: <additionalNotes>
Definition: Space for free text pertaining to the context of the object being
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:
<purpose source=>Vicissitudes depicts a circle of figures, all linked through holding
hands. These are life-size casts taken from a group of children of diverse ethnic
background. Circular in structurethe work both withstands strong currents and
replicates one of the primary geometric shapes, evoking ideas of unity and
continuumThe sculpture proposes growth, change, and natural transformation.
It shows how time and environment impact on and shape the physical body.
Children by nature are adaptive to their surroundings. Their use within the work
highlights the importance of creating a sustainable and well-managed
environment, a space for future generations.</purpose>
<donor>Jason de Caires Taylor</donor>
<historicalSignificance>In 2006, Taylor founded and created the worlds
first underwater sculpture park. Situated off the west coast of Grenada in
the West Indies it is now listed as one of the Top 25 Wonders of the
World by National Geographic and was instrumental in the creation of a
National Marine Protected Area by the local
<relatedThemes termSource=LCSH

<relatedThemes termSource=LCSH
<evaluation source=>Artist
Jason de Caires Taylors Underwater Sculptures Are a Sight to Sea</evaluation>
r-sculpture-park-off-Grenada-is-stunning-and-unique.html>Underwater sculpture
park off Grenada is stunning and unique</evaluation>
<additionalNotes>Vicissitudes has, in the past, erroneously been interpreted to
being related to Black Power movements and the African Middle Passage during
the era of colonialism. This is a myth perpetrated by the web.</additionalNotes>

13. Location
Element tag: <location>
Definition: where the object is located
Not Required
13.1 Sub element: Address
Element tag: <address>
Definition: Postal address where object is located
Not repeatable
Not required
Data values: Not controlled.
13.2 Sub element: Governing entity
Element tag: <governingEntity>
Definition: The entity responsible for the object. E.g. what park the item is found
or what museum controls it.
Not Required
Data Values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:
<address>1330 Grand Avenue Des Moines IA 50309</address>
<governingEntity>Pappajohn Sculpture Park</governingEntity>
<governingEntity>Des Moines Art Center</governingEntity>


14. Related works

Element tag: <relatedWork>
Definition: Any item that is related to original object including, replications, digital
images, other items in a series etc. Items should be referred to by their title. If title is
unknown, state untitled.
Attribute: Type
Not required
Data values: Not controlled.
Recommended values for type: Controlled. Select from: image of, audio of, video of,
series member, replica of, derived from.
14.1 Sub element: Format type
Element tag: <formatType>
Definition: Digital file type of the related work being described.
Not Repeatable
Not Required
Data Values: Controlled. Recommended MIME type.
14.1.1 Sub element: File size
Element tag:<fileSize>
Definition: The measurement of the size of the file, usually in
Attribute: unit
Not repeatable
Not required
Recommended values for unit: byte
14.1.2 Sub element: File dimensions
Element tag: <fileDimensions>
Definition: The measured value of the object.
Attribute: type, unit
Recommended values for type: width, height, circumference
Recommended values for unit: cm, m, etc.
Not required
14.2 Sub element: Relation ID

Element tag: <relationID>

Definition: The unique identifier of the related work, usually a URI or cataloging
number from the Governing Entity.
Not Repeatable
Data values: Not controlled.
14.3 Sub element: Relation description
Element tag: <relationDescription>
Definition: free text notes about the related object
Not Repeatable
Not Required
Data values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:
<relatedWork type = imageOf>
<fileSize unit = kilobyte>139</fileSize>
<fileDimensions type=height unit=px>700</fileDimensions>
<fileDimensions type=width unit=px>500</fileDimensions>

15. Rights
Element tag: <rights>
Definition: Information on the rights of the work. This could refer to copyright,
intellectual property rights, and ways in which the object could be used.
Not repeatable
Not required
15.1 Sub element: Rights statement
Element tag: <rightsStatement>
Definition: Statement outlining the copyright status of the work.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data Values: Not controlled.
15.2 Sub element: Rights description
Element tag: <rightsDescription>

Definition: Free text description providing any additional information about the
rights of the object when necessary.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data Values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:
<rightsStatement>copyright Mark di Suvero</rightsStatement>
<rightsDescription>commercial photography/videography is

16. Description
Element tag: <description>
Definition: Any additional information about the object being described that was not
covered in the other elements.
Not repeatable
Not required
Data Values: Not controlled.
Tagging example:
<description>Everything is Connected mp3 app component, copyright Warner Bros.
User can unlock music as they click through panels of Kurt van der Baschs artwork.</description>

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