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Part A

1. Explain the purposes of strategic social media

Social Media is the new platform for digital marketing. It is
the best and easy way to advertise products and services
online. This channel still require a step by step of marketing,
Companies have to know who will buy their product
,research the market ,segment the market and then target
the market . prepare

Companies can now easily observe people likes and brand

preference. Research already suggests that social media like
Facebook and Twitter expose segmentsof the population to
news who might not have gotten it otherwise(Mitchell &
Page, 2013), which fundamentally changes the way we have
to conceptualize and measure news use and exposure in an
online environment.
Almost all business have a digital or online presence these
days. Social media is linked to almost all business
website.Most of the boking and hopping are done online
these days and companies are having more and more
access directly to customer data. The data are stored as
asset , they can now observed the pattern and preference of
consumers and use them to enhance their prouct.
The main challenge these days changing developments,
especially those regarding mobile and visual
communication.Even online consumers want to know where
and who are they buying from. Companies have to create a
transparent and trustworthy image to participate on social
media.The way people are receiving and sharing their
experiences constantly. TripAdvisor provide reviews and
comment of travel related industry and Facebook recently
launch Reactionswhich enables users to express their
emotions on a picture or a post.

2. BUGETING (including the role of the staffs),Photo and

Social media marketing is very cost effective.Comments can
3. Do your research
Who are you trying to reach? What distinguishes this target audience? The
more you know about whom you are trying to reach, the easier it will be to
develop effective brand, content, and social media strategies.
Of equal importance is to determine the competitive landscape. How are
other affiliates in your niche using social media? What content are they
sharing? Use their successes and learn from their mistakes to make sure
you stand out.

4. Explain goals n objectives

5. Show target audience
6. Advantages and disadvantages
7. Avoid common mistakes
Successfully leveraging social media requires a long-term approach. Be
patient, and do what you can to avoid common rookie mistakes, including:

8. Depend on analytics
Social media gives you access to a range of metrics, which can help
remove the guesswork from future marketing and content decisions,
including knowing what works (and what doesnt), tailoring content to your
audience, and optimising the ROI of your marketing channels.
The assumption is sometimes made that social media is diffi cult to track,
but by tracking links to your content and observing referrals, its reach is
actually quite quantifi able. Let the data drive your decision making.

Social media, television and radio formats provide very different

opportunities for advertisers looking to get their brand and product
messages to target customers. In some cases, your business might prefer
a concentrated message approach that emphasizes only one of these
media types. Other times, integrated approaches rely on all of these media
to reach and impact customers.

9. Choose what platform to use

Explain the policy ( such employees are not allowed
to post)
Times the length and lifetime of the post and when
to post

Explain legal issues and how to respond or amend


Swot Analysis



Part B
Virgin Media on Facebook
The social is big business, a fact for which the language of social theorizing provides
useful cover: in a video roadshow just before Facebooks 2012 stock market launch,
Mark Zuckerberg claimed Facebook was a fabric that can make any experience
online social (quoted van Dijck, 2013, p. 67). At work here is a pressure to use the
social, and its algorithmic reprocessing, as a new frontier where markets can be
built and value generated. While the prehistory of this move is complex, as we note

below, the move carries a particular force that supplants such complex history and
installs a new normal: a door into a new social that will barely remember any
older ones. A materialist account of the processes that give this pressure cultural
form must precisely hold on to memories of those older versions of the social as a
reference point against which to judge the hegemonic role in hosting social life now
played by digital platforms that barely existed a decade ago (van Dijck, 2013). This
tension is not, however, new. Simmel (1971) expressed the paradox beautifully in
the passage already quoted above and in the following:
Lefebvre (1958/1991) too (p. 18) at the dawn of the electronic media age insisted
on the everyday as a site of ambiguity and contradiction, while Sewell wrote, long
before the advent of social media, about the importance of a hermeneutic social
science focused on the de-reification of social life (Sewell, 2005, p. 369, emphasis
added). In that spirit, we side with those who look to resist the redefinition of the
social as simply whatever happens on social media platforms.2 But how to
research social media platforms responsibly in a culture of compulsory
connectivity (van Dijck, 2013)? Researching the social/media relation today must
mean more than merely describing how the latest platforms work, let alone
celebrating their supposedly positive potential (democratic? expressive?
socializing?). It must mean at least researching how social media platforms (and the
plural production cultures that generated them) have come to propose a certain
version of the social, and how users go on to legislate it. It must also mean
researching how this social/media dialectic is generating ethical or normative
concerns, how a more effective ethics of social life through media can be
developed, and registering the fractured spaces from where alternative proposals of
the social might be built. Such an account must draw from recent critiques of
older sociological defenses of the socialLatours (2005) critique of

trends for engaging in digital marketing. Through in-depth practical workshops, we train
people to optimize their websites, excel at business blogging and master social networks.
Launch their product before I put on social media

Customer services through social media is always benefical for

companies. It link marketing and sales together. Social selling
contribute to marketing.It is effective and can be used 24 hours a
day. It is a great way to interact with guests and customers.
Communution through social media is straightforward and
immediate and more interactions means more people talking
about the brand experience.

Bad customer service

Many businesses use social media just as a advertising
platform.when consumers pay for services and product they like
to express their experiences. It is important to know that cristism
and feedback can be obtain through social media. Consumers feel
a sense of appriciation if their comments are responded and
followed up. Negative comments can create a negative image for
a business.Companies need to know how to replied and handle
bad criticis and comments to exel in running their business.

Crm socila

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