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Flight Data Application - Demo Example for Integration Technologies

How to generate demo data

Some programs need data from demo database tables, that are delivered empty by default. To fill these tables,
you have to call these programs:

SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR program for filling SFLIGHT and SBOOK tables

SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR_ALE program for ALE demo programs

SFLIGHT_DATA_GEN program for filling STICKET and SNVOICE tables

BCALV_GENERATE_ALV_T_T2 program for filling ALV_* tables (a few ALV test programs)




Gerar dados
Gerar dados nas tabelas:

Technologies for which Flight demo is provided

See also SAP Library - Flight Data Demo - Technologies and Concepts)

Business Object Repository : SFLIGHT and SBOOK object types

BAPI (see there for information about the demos)

IDoc/ALE : FLCUSTOMER_* and FLIGHT* message types, SAPBC_FILL_FLCUST_IDOC program

ALV (classic and object) : BCALV_* programs

Smart Forms : SF_EXAMPLE_* programs and smart forms

Adobe Forms : FP_TEST_03 with BCS_EXAMPLE_6 program, FP_TEST_03_TABLE with

FP_TEST_03 program

Business Communication Services (BCS) : BCS_EXAMPLE_6

Simple Transformations : SSTDEMO_* and STRANSDEMO_* programs and transformations

XSL Transformations : SXSLTDEMO_* program and transformations

SAP Query : you may assign your user to these 2 user groups: /SAPQUERY/QD and BT

Archiving : archiving object BC_SFLIGHT (data model BC_BOOK). Sample write programs SBOOKA
and SFLIGHTA (and also BC_SFLIGHT_WRI). Sample delete programs SBOOKD and SFLIGHTD (and also
BC_SFLIGHT_DEL). Sample read programs SBOOKR, SBOOKR_2, SBOOK_3, and SFLIGHTR (and also
BC_SFLIGHT_READ* programs). BC_SFLIGHT_REL reloads data. ONE data object within the archive file
includes ONE business object, that is one flight (SFLIGHT) with its corresponding bookings (SBOOK) as well as
with its corresponding flight ticket (STICKET) and invoices (SNVOICE) that will be archived via archiving class
BC_DEMO. You can create data in the tables to be archived using the reports SAP_BC_DATA_GENERATOR
(for SFLIGHT and SBOOK) and SFLIGHT_DATA_GEN (for the data to be archived by the archiving class)

Application Logs : SBAL_DEMO_* programs

Generic Object Services (GOS) : GOSFLIGHT object type and SGOSTEST* transactions

Object Relationship Service : Flight model with transit flights and connecting flights: Role type
TRANSIT, CONNECT; Object type for role type SFLIGHT (for TRANSIT and CONNECT); Relationship type
FLIGHTCONN, Application table SFLIBREL; Relationship attribute TRANSPASS


SAP Library - Flight Data Application: Demo Example for Integration Technologies

SDN wiki -


SAPBC_IBF package contains business objects/BAPIs

SAPBC_DATAMODEL package contains Data Model

BC_TRAVEL modeling object (SD11 transaction)

Modelo de Dados do SAP Flight Model

O SAP Flight Model o modelo de dados usado em um sistema muito

simplificado de controle de reservas de vos.
Esse modelo utilizado em quase todos os exerccios e
demonstraes do treinamento ABAP Workbench. Ele est disponvel
em todas as implementaes e por isso tambm usado em todos os
exemplos do ABAP 101, salvo algum caso especfico onde ser
necessrio o uso de outras tabelas que no as do SAP Flight Model
O SFM composto por 4 tabelas transparentes,
SCARR, SPFLI, SFLIGHT e SBOOK, com o seguinte relacionamento:

SCARR Contm as informaes das companhias areas, como

cdigo, nome etc.
SPFLI Contm as rotas ou coneces oferecidas pelas companhias
areas da tabela SCARR.
SFLIGHT Contm os vos que servem as rotas ou coneces da
tabela SPFLI.
SBOOK Contm as reservas para os vos disponveis na tabela

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