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Carlo Splendore

Researches on Human Aura

Clairvoyant Investigation
Simple Do-It-Yourself Devices
Photo of the Aura by Digital Process
for Psycho-Physical Diagnosis



The Universal Energetic Field
An Elusive Energy
The Globules of Vitality
The Globules of Vitality Transmit Life
The Experiment of the Door
The Glass Pot
Bioradiometer on a Pivot
Construction Data
Experiment Protocol
Compact Form of the Bioradiometer on a Pivot
Principle of Functioning
The Motion of the Index
Example of Oscillating Circuit for Auratester
The Construction
Some Experiments
Some Theory
The Phase Aurameter
The Visualization With the Computerised Gas Discharge Technique
GDV Images of a Subject Before and After an Acupuncture Treatment
The Aura Survives After the Death of the Body



According to researchers of supra-sensible phenomena human body would emit radiation invisible at
most people, but can be perceived by:
1. Psychic (clairvoyant);
2. Ordinary people by using special devices;
3. using particular instruments
Such radiations would form a sort of cloud, a large aura egg around and inside our physical body.
It would seem that auras are not a prerogative only of human beings since, in particular conditions,
particular luminous emanation emitted even from crystals, magnets, metals, plants, and animals
would have also been observed. However, human auras show remarkable changes according to the
circumstances in which the subject is found, such as the state of its psycho-physical health, mood or
its feeling and emotions, as well as his aptitudes, mental tendency and aspirations. For this reason it
seems plausible that something related to life essence has to be added to a phenomenon that is
essentially physical and that, for the moment, traditional science is not able to define, yet. To this
purpose the clairvoyant does not hesitate to attribute to the human aura a psycho-physic and spiritual

Figure 1 Human aura as seen by a clairvoyant

Waiting for an adequate scientific instrumentation that can allow us to give an objective idea of the
aura structure and reliable information about the nature of this energy radiated from, there is nothing
left to do but to get to the sources related to psychics investigations and to their subjective
evaluations. By definition the clairvoyant is simply a person has developed the faculty to perceive a
higher octave of the possible vibration spectrum, that usually is precluded to ordinary eyes, and that is
able to perceive more than those having a more limited perception faculty.
The experiments performed by these particularly gifted subjects have revealed the following
properties related to the structure of the aura. The energetic human field consists of particles and has a
fluid movement, very similar to that of air or water currents. These particles are extremely small, even
smaller than the atom. In physics a group of particles charged with energy, that are moving together
forming a cloud, is called plasma and is defined as the fourth state of the matter, an intermediate state
between matter and energy. Many of the energetic field properties of the human aura seem to indicate
a possible fifth state of the matter, that some scientists call bioplasma, that is intermediate between
inanimate matter and psyche.

Figure 2 The emotional body of an ordinary

man as appears to the eyes of a clairvoyant
(after Man Visible and Invisible by Charles
Leadbeater). The yellow cone to the top of the
head reveals a particular development of the
mind. But this is a little bit dull yellow, that
gives us his mind is addressed towards
material ends with egoistic purposes. At one
side of the head we can see a light blue cone
indicating a noble religious feeling; on the
other side, a beam of crimson light tending
towards rose indicates love and devotions.
The dirty orange bands indicate pride. The
pale green reveals a particular adaptability and
versatility; where the green is tending towards
grey a particular propensity to astuteness is
found. An inclination for anger can be found
in the scarlet band, that is located in the
middle part of the aura.


In the book by Arthur Powell The Etheric Double and Allied Phenomena1, the author dedicates a
whole chapter to the work of J. Kilner on the use of proper coloured screens that would make visible
the aura even to ordinary eyes. Here following an excerpt from this book is reported.
In the work entitled the Human Atmosphere (1911) Dr J. Kilner presents his researches on the
human aura by coloured screens. The general principles and the findings of Kilner are summarised in
this chapter; for more details, particularly on how to use the screens, the reader can refer to the above
referred book.
It is interesting to note Kilner resolutely states not having any clairvoyant faculties and neither having
read on the subject of the aura, before having examined more than 60 diseased patients. He asserts
that his methods are purely physics and that can be successfully applied by anyone wants to.
The screens are made of thin and flat glass cells, containing colour of dicyanine in alcohol. Different
colours are used according to the purpose one wants to achieve, such as light or dark carmine, deep
blue, green and yellow.
The operator looks at the light for half a minute, through a dark screen, hence looks at the patient
through a light screen, coming in this way to perceive the aura. The use of the screens seem to work
on the eyes first in a temporary way, then permanently, in such a way the operator ends up by
perceiving the aura even without the screen. Therefore it is suggested to use them with much caution,
since the eyes can end up by suffering.
It is suggested to work with a soft and diffused lighting, coming form only one source preferably
located behind the observer: it is generally enough to clearly see the body. A full black background is
generally required, even though for particular observations a white one is needed. The person under
testing must be located far around 30 centimetre from the background, to avoid shades and other
optical illusions.
Independently from the coloured screens, to study the aura Kilner used an other ingenious method,
called by him the method of complementary colours. On a very well lighted and coloured strip, 5 cm
x 2 cm of size, the observer looks at his eyes from at least 30 seconds to at most 60 seconds: this
produces the effect to tire the eyes, and at the same time the eyes become extraordinarily sensible to
the perception of other colours., Then, when the eyes are back to the patient, a strip of complementary
colour of the same size and form of the original one appears: this view lasts for some times. Then in
practice one will find the colour changes of the aura can change the aspect of the complementary
colour strip. By these tools, which the use of is repeated several times, it is possible to verify many
things referred to the aura, that with the usual screens would pass unobserved. The colours used by
Kilner are the following:

Yellow of Gamboge; complementary of blue of Prussia

Blue of Antwerp; complementary yellow of Gamboge
Carmine; complementary clear emerald green
Emerald green; complementary carmine

Observations reveal that the aura presents three distinct parts, called by Kilner as follows:
1. Etheric double
2. Internal aura
3. External aura
The etheric double, seen through the screens, has the appearance of a dark band in immediate contact
with the body, which exactly reproduces the profile of; the width is everywhere uniform and in
general ranges from 1 to 5 millimetres, according to the type of person and also, for the same person,
according to the variation of its general conditions; it is completely transparent and slightly striped,
with very gentle rose lines, that seem to colour the interval amongst the stripes.

Powell A. E., The Etheric Double and Allied Phenomena, Quest Books, 1969

The internal aura starts from the external limit of the etheric double, even though it seems that often it
touches the body itself. In general it presents a constant width ranging from 4 to 8 centimetres,
sometimes more narrow along the limbs, and follows the body profile. It has a granular structure: the
grains are excessively fine and assume a striped appearance.
The stripes are parallel, at right angle with respect to the body, with longer bundles in the middle, and
shorter outside, with a rounded border.
The external aura starts from the border of the internal aura and, contrarily to what happens for this
latter, the width is remarkably varying. In general around the head it exceeds of 4 centimetres the
plane determined by the shoulders; on the lateral sides and on the back the width is around between 8
and 10 centimetres, and a little bit less before the body and it closely follows its profile; sometimes it
is a bit more narrow along the limbs. The width around the arms is the same found around the legs,
but in general it is larger around the hands and often it exceeds much the tip of the fingers. Sometimes
a very light cloud much exceeding the external aura can be noted; this has been noted only in people
whose aura is extraordinarily extended and it seems probable that this is the extension of the external
aura. Kilner called this ultra-external aura.
Plates, rays, and luminous currents radiating from different parts of the body have been observed;
sometimes they rapidly appear and disappear, sometimes they persist. The plates never seem
coloured, instead the rays generally are not coloured, but sometimes are painted with different
colours. In this latter case the aura usually becomes thicker. In general you can find three different
types of. For reasons that we will see later on we direct our attention on the rays of the third type.
This last type of rays are projected into the space, normally from the surface of the body, and are more
living than the external aura, going out until to its border and even farther. The observed rays are
invariably straight and usually are perpendicular to the body surface. In addition to the ordinary bluegrey colour, it has been observed that in these rays you can find even some red and yellow. The point
that the structure of these ray is similar to that of the internal aura authorises to conclude the rays and
the external aura have a common origin from the body and as a consequence a rays is nothing else
that the extension of a bundle of stripes of the internal aura.
Kilner has also observed that in similar conditions, even though with difficulty, he could perceive a
cloud or a bluish aura that enveloped the magnets, especially the poles; a yellow aura around a crystal
of uranium nitrate; a bluish aura around the poles of galvanic cells; around a whatever conductor
connected to the poles, and also in the room between two wires each one connected to a pole and at
the same time connected to each other.
A thoroughly study of the results obtained by Kilner shows that they agree very well with the results
obtained by the clairvoyants. However, it seems that under certain aspects Kilner has studied in a
greater detail the structure of the aura and its aspects on the diseases.
The Universal Energetic Field
We have seen that for a clairvoyant the human body is essentially an emitting centre of energy and
subtle matter that are projected far under the form of rays and corpuscles. It seems that the human
body is surrounded by a luminous atmosphere variously coloured with all the rainbow colours,
vibrating, and crossed by waves that are propagating outside, with shapes and sizes always iridescent,
since they change according to the feeling and the thoughts of the subject (figure 2).
At this point it is legitimate asking where this energy stems from and what is its nature.
To respond to these questions we must introduce the concept of Universal Energetic Field (UEF). It is
an energy field which the most ancient cultures speak of, and that defined in different ways, even
though in all the definitions the same basic characteristics are all the time present. Prana in the
Eastern tradition is the universal cosmic energy that envelopes the planet earth, flows in the
atmosphere and in the human body, and carries on all the motive and vital activities: it is synonymous
of vitality. Here we find many of the properties of the odic energy (Reichenbach) and orgone energy

Dr J. White and Dr Stanley Krippner2 found out the following properties of UEF: it permeates all the
universe, living beings and inanimate objects, it flows in them and connects each other. The universal
energy is regulated by the laws of the harmonic inductance and of the sympathetic resonance. UEF is
perfectly organised in a series of geometrical points, isolated and pulsating points of light, spirals,
plaitings of lines, sparks, and accumulation. It is the opposite of the entropy, or the slow decay that we
commonly observe in the physical world, the degrading of the shape and the beginning of the
disorder. UEF has an organising effect on the matter and builds-up the shape. In addition it is always
associated to some form of consciousness.
An Elusive Energy
At certain levels this energy falls in the energy forms we are familiar with and presents
characteristics we can determine with standard scientific methods: but going deeper in its nature we
find out that it lies outside the usual criteria of the traditional science and evades any scientific
explanation.3 For instance it escapes to the principle of reproducibility. Vital energy has own laws,
that are still to be discovered. The experimenter seems to find itself before intelligent systems that
refuse to obey to fixed schemes, hence to the known principles that regulates the interaction between
matter and energy in the physical world of the so-called inanimate matter. If we perform two
experiments with the same characteristics, one gives an expected results while the other one gives a
disappointing outcome, or even null at all. One can deduce that whoever is studying this kind of
phenomena must be trained so as to having to do with an issue does not follow the investigation
methodologies of the traditional science. We must start to review our traditional scheme through
which the aggregating states of the matter would be solid, liquid, and gaseous. To a clairvoyant
investigation the following additional four states can arise, according to the table published by F. T.
Peirce on the issue of May 1992, of Theosophist:

Clairvoyant investigation

Alfa particle
Atomic H

The physical atoms, or the elemental physical particle E1, would not be else than the product of the
build-up of vital energy (prana), everywhere presents in the earth atmosphere. And the concentration
of prana remarkably increases in presence of solar light. We can think about the elemental physical
particle as a spheroid of elemental matter crossed by spirals of moving energy, going along the wall of
the particles.
The Globules of Vitality
When the concentration of prana in the atmosphere further increases, some physical atoms melt each
other giving a globule of vitality, a glittering point of light which the vital force energetically burst
from. So, cosmic vital energy emanated by the sun enter some physical atoms of our atmosphere
making them luminous. An atom so vitalised has the capacity to attract six other elemental atoms
giving life to matter at sub-atomic level, according to the classification above reported, and takes the
name of globule of vitality (figures 3A and 3B).
These globules can be found in the atmosphere and can be observed with naked eyes when looking at
the sky in a sunny morning, keeping the eyes slightly out of focus. However, it is possible to see them

Krippner Stanley, american psychologist and parapsychologist, Research Director at Maimonides Medical Center of Brooklyn and
Research Coordinator at the Humanistic Psychology Institute of S. Francisco. Amongst his most important books we find: The Kirlian
Aura (1974), Energies of Consciousness (1975), and The Realms of Healing (1976)
After Brennan

only indirectly and only for a fraction of second since they disappear quite soon, to appear again later
On the other hand these globules are nothing else than atoms of matter at the second step of
aggregation (matter at sub-atomic level) and hence they cant be directly perceived by ordinary eyes.
However, for very short instants, as already said, we can see them glowing.
We can find these globules even in the helicoidal structure of oxygen molecules. When we breathe,
we are absorbing also globules of vitality, that are free and circulate in all the etheric body.

Figure 3A The vital force transmits to the primitive

atom an additional life that gives it the capacity to draw
other six atoms

Figure 3B Formation of a globule of vitality

The Globules of Vitality Transmit Life

When the globules of vitality appear to the eyes of the clairvoyant, the emotion that this feels is such
to be upset. It is an unforgettable experience that leaves a mark on its psyche. We can have an idea
reading the telling of a psychic, Lanfranco Davito, clairvoyant and author of the book Io fui, sono e
It was a warn afternoon of June, and Davito was laying down on the grass, on the bank of Stura river,
Turin, Italy, at the shades of some plants. He was half-asleep. With the eyelids half-closed, he started
observing the rays of the sun that, filtering through the foliage, were going to disappear in the bushes.
He reports what he saw in his book as follows: In those golden rays suddenly I saw what I could not
imagine. It is difficult to express what I saw then and that I saw again other times. It was the
recurrence of a phenomenon that convinced me that in the solar light a great number of corpuscles
having the most different shapes can exist (figure 4). I saw the corpuscles a limited number of times,
above all when it was not expected. The corpuscles seem to be of crystals, and reflect and refract the
lightThey shine in the solar light by their own virtues, with a luminosity notably greater than the
sun itself. The pupil is dazzled since the glows are intermittent and unexpectedI can confirm the
corpuscles existing in the light are something of living, animateI do not know where all these
corpuscles are coming from but I suppose they are generated by the sunWhen the corpuscles
appeared to my eyes, they paralysed, or better, nullified any my emotiveness.Those who are close
friend of mine affirm that I became since then less sociable, impenetrable, enigmatic, and fatalist
more than an oriental.

Davito L., Io Fui, Sono e Sar, Edizioni Rigois, Torino, 1954


Figure 4 Globules of vitality as they appear to the eyes of the clairvoyant. They can be
found in the atmosphere, channelled by the light of the sun. They reflect and refract solar light,
with a luminosity greater than that of the sun and seem to have an own life.... (after L.
Through breathing they enter our body and are utilised from it. In a healthy man, the globules
of vitality that are not used are expelled on a straight line, in a direction perpendicular to the
surface of the body so giving aura a typical striping aspect.


We want to show here an experience that can not allow us to directly visualise the aura, but put us in
the condition to deduce its presence. It is the so-called test of the chandelier.
A thin nylon wire (diameter 0.06 mm) is hanged to a central chandelier, where a small strip of
cellophane (obtained from a rectangular strip of 4 cm x 20 cm) is fixed to the lowest end at eye-level.
Such strip is longitudinally folded in such a way the height is reduced to 2 cm only. It becomes a
double strip, that however does not have enough rigidity. Hence the necessity to harden it, for instance
gluing in the internal part a small strip of board (2 cm x 10 cm). The material used for the strip could
be also a tissue paper, but the best results were obtained by using metallized cellophane, that we can
obtain from a sheet of cellophane used by the florist to wrap the flowers. The same kind of sheets can
also be used for decoration or as gift paper.
They are sheets of cellophane that on a side shows a specular, glossy, and often coloured surface, as it
was a light metallized layer (silver paper). We call this small strip sensor. It should be suspended
through the wire that is hanging from the chandelier, and fixed with a little adhesive tape in its
middle, in such as way the strip is hanged to the wire assuming an horizontal direction. The nylon
wire can be found in field sports shops, being used as fishing line. Lets proceed with our experiment,
that will be performed in 3 steps.
1) Lets go out from the room and let the sensor to reach its rest position. After some minutes we can
go back, paying attention not to create air movements, both to shut the door and to move inside
the room, and we stand immobile at about 2 metre from the sensor. After few seconds the sensor
will move its equilibrium position aside, will rotate and orientate itself towards us, as it was
moved by invisible wires that start from our body (figure 5).

Figure 5 A sensor reveals the presence of a vital field radiating from the human body

Now we can move very slowly along the walls, trying to maintain the same distance from the sensor.
We see that the sensor will follow us, rotating and following our movements, and remaining all the
time pointed towards us. The fact our presence in the room caused the rotation of the sensor, even
maintaining a distance of about 2 metre from it, means our body must have in some way modified the
space around us.
In other words everything happened as if the sensor was induced to orientate itself towards us to
arrange along the lines force of a field radiating from our body. In this way it behaved as a detector of
a vital field (aura) that surrounds the human body and radiates from it.
2) Our experience continues and we can move to step 2. We can replace the board located inside the
small strip by a part of a thin wire harmonic steel (thick 0.4 mm) that we can find in a hardware
store. We make it rectilinear hitting it on the anvil and will be magnetised putting it between two
small magnets. In doing this operation we have to pay attention to bring the magnets of opposite

pole to the two ends of the wire, without bringing them into contact with the wire. The
magnetisation must not come for contact, but for induction. The wire can be fixed in the inside of
the double small strip of cellophane with some drops of glue. We should check with a compass
which of the two ends is the North and mark it with a dash by felt-tip pen (figure 6).

Figure 6 Sensor for aura test

3) Lets go now to the third step. The small strip equipped with magnetic needle becomes now a
polarised sensor. If we now enter the room, following the same modalities and we remain
immobile always at the same distance of about 2 metre, we notice the sensor tend to move aside
the direction of the magnetic meridian to set along our direction but, this time, it can make a
rotation of some degree only to then come back to the N direction. In this way it assumes an
oscillatory movement, with a quite constant amplitude. It is evident the angle determined by the
sensor indicates an equilibrium position that the magnetic needle assumes between the force
exerted by the geomagnetic field and the force generated by the bioplasmic field that is radiating
by the human body. However, in order to make some measurements we need a graduated
quadrant. We can draw on a paper sheet a circumference of diameter of about 20 centimetre and
then, with the help of a goniometer, starting from the central zero, we divide the circumference in
two quadrants that, starting from zero, extend one on the right and the other one on the left, ten
degree by ten degree. Since rarely the index reaches 90, there is no need to extend the graduation
until to 180. It is sufficient to graduate the two quadrant of 90 each one, with visible number
even at a certain distance from the quadrant. In correspondence of the zero we mark the letter N,
as the zero of the quadrant should correspond to the North. Once drawn, the quadrant should be
cut and glued on a board. It will be put on a small table located below the quadrant itself, in such a
way to be found at a distance of about 1-2 centimetre below the sensor (figure 7 and 8).


Figure 7 The wire Bioradiometer reveals the presence of a life force energy field generated by the human body and
measured through the deviation angle of a magnetic needle from the direction of the magnetic meridian.

Figure 8 The deviation of the magnetised index reveals the presence of the observer even at distance of 1.5-2 metre.


Figure 9 Table wire Bioradiometer

It is an arrangement that can be subsequently transformed in a table device (figure 9) that is called
wire Bioradiomater, to be distinguished from the moving quadrant Bioradiometer, conceived in the
90s and progenitor of the Rotorgon. By this instrument we can make interesting observations on the
properties of the orgonic (bioplasmic) waves emitted by the human body and radiated from it in the
surrounding space.
The Experiment of the Door
Making a step backward, we can still find ourselves in the first step of our experiments. We are in the
corridor, and we are about to enter the room and we see before us the half-open door. Through this
opening we can see the sensor. Time is passing and after 3-4 minutes the sensor realizes our presence
and orients itself towards us.
We can deduce that the wood panel of the door is transparent to the energy channelled by the orgonic
waves that is radiated from our body. And this is a confirmation of what Reich found out about half a
century ago and namely the orgone energy can be found everywhere and form an uninterrupted
continuum. Orgone energy penetrates in all the spaces, included the space occupied by the solid
matter. It penetrates a cement wall as well as a steel wall
We have seen that the propagation of the orgonic wave occurs as if the door, that separates us from the
sensor, was not there. But between us and the sensor some cubic metres of air con be found. Which
role the air, with its charge of ions, can have on the behaviour of the sensor? To ascertain that we
perform the experiment of the glass pot.
The Glass Pot
We are still in the first phase of the experiment and we would like to study the behaviour of the sensor
when it is introduced in a glass tank. To this aim we use a glass pot, that is usually utilised to contain
flowers. The maximum diameter is around 180 millimetre, the diameter of the opening 140
millimetre, while the height is about 200 millimetre (figure 10). The sensor has a length of 150
millimetre. Here following the results of our observations:
1) the sensor, once introduced inside the open pot, seems to experience, even in a reduced way, our
presence and the reaction is slow and laboured.


2) we decide to close the opening of the pot by a paper sheet; the sensor remain completely inactive
and immobile. It does not experience anymore the external influence, neither at close range. This can
mean two things:
- the closed pot does not allow the air to circulate and hence it is that, with its charge of ions, to
determine the rotation of the sensor;
- the glass pot does not allow the orgonic rays, emanated by the aura, to pass through as instead it
happens for ultraviolet rays, that can pass through the quartz but not the glass.

Figure 10 If the small band (sensor) is contained inside an open glass pot the rotations are laboured (reduced in
number and slow). If the opening of the pot is close the movements of the sensor do not occur anymore and it remains

On the other hand, if it was the glass to impede the motion of the sensor, this would not move neither
when the pot is open. Waiting for confirmations after other more selective experiments, we believe the
first hypothesis is the most probable. In fact, for the same reason the Rotorgon does not work
anymore when it is contained in a tank. We can deduce that the presence of ions in the air can play a
fundamental role in the functioning of all the instruments so far used both for the detection of the
orgonic wave and of the bioplasmic energy.
Bioradiometer on a Pivot
Construction Data
If we want to make a brief investigation on the bioplasmic field emitted by the human body (aura),
confining the study to just have a rough idea on the radiation intensity and the orientation of the line
force of the field, we can make use of a simple and easy-to-build device, with reduced dimensions, to
be used as a table instrument. It consists of a wood support with diameter of 3-4 centimetre, equipped
with a base, height about 20 centimetre, on which a sexagesimal degrees graduated quadrant is fixed,
drawn on a board disk of diameter of 25-30 centimetre. A rod of diameter of 0.5 centimetre and height
10 centimetre is fixed on the middle of the quadrant with the aim to support the moving equipment of
the instrument. Essentially it consists of a couple of small wings fixed to a thin magnetised steel wire,
shaped in such a way to coil with some coils around a needle, that works as a pivot (figure 11). The
wire (thick 0.3-0.4 millimetre) is then folded first downwards and then laterally, so as to form first the
support and then the arms on which the small wings are fixed. The needle can be obtained by the end
part of a common sewing needle, thick 0.2-0.3 millimetre. The supports are height 4 centimetre and


long 10 centimetre. The tip of the pin is placed on a stud, in which a conical housing (blind hole) is
obtained, fixed on the end of the rod.

Figure 11 - Bioradiometer on a pivot

The small wings can be obtained from a metallized cellophane sheet (paper gift) with height of 4
centimetre, and length of 10 centimetre.
Experiment Protocol
The instrument must be located on a table, in the middle of a room, alone and far from metallic
(ferrous) masses. To this purpose it has to be said that some extendable tables are equipped, below the
plane, with an iron frame that many often is provided with steel springs to ease the opening and the
closure. We established that this device blocks the frame of the magnetized steel wire and reduces to a
minimum the oscillation of the small wings.
Before to start the experiment we must set at zero the instrument, that is obtained rotating the
quadrant in such a way the North, which is drawn on it, can be found below the lower border of the
North-oriented wing. After coming out of the room and closing the door behind us, we wait for the
moving equipment takes its stable arrangement, with the wings oriented in N-S direction.
Now we open very slowly the door and enter the room very slowly, paying attention not to create air
movements, both in closing the door and moving inside the room. Coming at a distance of about 2
metre from the instrument, we arrange ourselves in a direction perpendicular to the arms of the small
wings, namely along the E-W direction. In a little while the pair of wings start to oscillate. It is
substantially an oscillation whose amplitude is going to increase, until to reach 20-30 (and even
more). Passing by the time, the oscillations tend to lessen and the pair of wings assume a constant
oscillating motion of small amplitude, alternated sometimes by a sudden rise. All this makes one to
believe the device, rather than signalling a constant flow of energy generated by our body, reveals an
energetic gradient, or a potential difference that is being created in the environment, soon after our
entrance in the room, that then declines to minimal values. It seems the instrument first records the
sudden rise of life energy in the environment, produced by our entrance (increase of the orgonomic
potential), and then the value at full capacity. However, this last one, contrarily to the static one found
before our entrance in the room (the wings in this case are fixed on the zero of the scale), is pulsating,
meaning that is revealing the presence of an oscillating, small amplitude, and low frequency energy,
that is radiating form our body and whose intensity is increasing when we get closer to the device.


We are now sit at 150 centimetre from the instrument, along the direction E-W and we can note that
after 5 minutes the index moves to 30, stops for few seconds, then moves on +10, stops, then on
+40, stops, then on -15, +30, +20, stops, +30, 0 (N), +30, etc.
However, it seems remarkable the fact that a magnetic needle is deviated from the direction of the
magnetic meridian only for the presence of an observer located at about 1.5 metre from the device.
It is to be supposed that on the small wings of the instrument, made of material responsive to
electrostatic charges, acts a field of bio-electric forces able to determine a movement due to attraction
and repulsion. Of course this phenomenon would be possible by ionisation of the surrounding space
given by the volume of air between the instrument and the observer.
If we apply our hands under the quadrant all the moving equipment (magnetised structure-wings and
magnetised needle mounted on the top of the supporting rod) deviates from the North, being that
depending both on the position of the hands, and the intensity of the bio-energy transmitted by the
hands. With an appropriate manoeuvre of opening and closing of the hands (moving away and near)
both below and above the quadrant of the disk, we can reach a synchronism between the movement of
the hands and that of the wings so as to be able to give them a continuous rotating motion. It is like
the energy radiated by the hands is pumped below the quadrant, with alternate compression and
By this protocol other interesting experiments on the existence of a vital field generated by plants and
their action at distance were performed.
Compact Form of the Bioradiometer on a Pivot
The wings Bioradiometer on a pivot can be built in such a way to make it assume the aspect of an
actual measurement device.
It can be obtained by containing the moving equipment between two wood (or compressed board)
disks properly spaced out by three threaded rods, with height 6-7 centimetre. In this way a cage made
of a lower disk, equipped with three supports, an upper disk, with a central hole (diameter of 2
centimetre), and with three spacers, firmly screwed to the two disks, is found.
A conical pivot protrudes through the hole of the upper disk, to whom the magnetised steel wire (or
the supporting frame of the wings) is coiled. It is on this upper end of the pivot that the instrument
index is fixed. Such index can be made of a thin steel or copper wire (diameter of 0.3 millimetre), and
is moving on a graduated quadrant drawn on paper.
To protect the index as well as to make the readings possible it is opportune to fix on the upper disk a
board box on the bottom of the quadrant by glue. The lid of the box must be transparent (Plexiglas or
even better glass) (figure 11A).
The rudimentary instrument shown in figure 11 has now became a more compact and easy-to-handle


Figure 11A Wings Bioradiometer on a pivot (compact version)

Bioradiometer on pivot with wings

Bioradiometer on pivot with wings (compact version)

We started from the chandelier experiment to get the wire Bioradiometer, that is a quite simple
instrument, that allow us to get an idea, even rudimentary, on the intensity of the field forces emitted
by the human body. Now we can work out an instrument with an index that reveals a periodic
parameter, namely the wave that invests the instrument and that can be detected through the
oscillating movement of the index, being it the period of the wave itself. It is the Auratester.
Essentially this device consists of an air flat condenser, whose plates (two board disks coated with
aluminium silver paper) are located at a distance such to allow the housing of the instrument index.
The index, hanged to a thin nylon wire, moves on a graduated quadrant located in the lower disk.
However the most important part, that is a novelty for this instrument, is the U-frame, made of brass
tin-welded strips, located in the housing between the two condenser disks. The index moves between
the longest sizes of this U-frame, that is tightened between the two condenser disks. What is the

function of this frame? At this point a short digression recalling the scheme of the galvanometer is
Principle of functioning
Folding a conductor so as to form a rectangle around a magnetic needle located in the plane of the
earth meridian and allowing a direct current to pass through, the needle deviates and tends to set along
a plane perpendicular to the wire. Then, if we coil the conductor several times around a rectangular
frame we get a multiplier effect. This is the principle on which the galvanometer with moving needle
is based (figure 12).

Figure 12 Scheme of galvanometer with moving needle

If we connect the two ends of the coil to a condenser we have an oscillating circuit. We can see now
how this type of circuit behaves when submitted to an electric charge and what does it mean its
denomination. The condenser, once charged by a battery, tends to run down through the coil, but such
discharge does not occur instantaneously. In fact, due to the inductance of the coil-winding, the
current gradually increases up to a maximum: the electrostatic energy between the two plates of the
condenser is transformed into electromagnetic energy, that is going to accumulate in the space
surrounding the coil. The inductance forces the current to continue going on along the same direction,
even though gradually reducing, so the condenser must charge in the opposite direction. The coil
continues to allow the current to pass along the same direction making the condenser plate negative
where previously was positive. This will originate an other discharge in the opposite sign, that in the
end will charge the condenser in the same way of the first charge, and so on (figure 13).

Figure 13 Scheme to stimulate an oscillating circuit. The inverter K allows to connect the condenser C once to the
battery B and once to the coil L


In this way we obtain an alternate current, with a frequency that depends on the number of coils of the
coil-winding, the geometric characteristics and the condenser capacity. Due to the resistance of the
circuit at each oscillation the current intensity is becoming smaller and smaller and the oscillation are
going to go out. In this case we are in the presence of dampened oscillations. This situation occurs
since the oscillating circuit, in addition to the conductors resistance, even closed, radiates all the time
an energy in the surrounding space under the form of electromagnetic waves.
In the case we compensate the unavoidable losses through a supply of electric energy, we can
maintain the amplitude of the oscillation, that then are becoming persistent.
Now we can say that if in the oscillating circuit of our instrument (auratester) persistent (or continue)
waves are generated this means that, at each oscillation, an alternate electromagnetic force is supplied
from the outside to the circuit itself, with the same frequency of the oscillating circuit, being the
frequency depending on the value of the inductance and the condenser capacity.
The magnetic needle inserted inside the coil-winding functions as index of the instrument. This index,
through its oscillating motion, reveals the presence of a persistent oscillation and, hence, of a supply
from the outside of an energy wave that invests the instrument. In this case the circuit is in resonance
with the frequency of the induced emf.
The Motion of the Index
The index is subject to an electrostatic field, generated by the condenser and in which it is housed.
The vector of this field has vertical direction. Besides the index, being formed by a magnetised steel
wire, is the place of an electromagnetic field, whose vector has horizontal direction.
According to the Fleming law (rule of the left hand), we have to add to the combination of these two
vectors a third one, located perpendicularly to the previous ones and able to impress to the index a
rotational motion, being laying on the horizontal plane. However, the index cant start rotating, being
recalled from the normal component of the magnetic force that constantly acts on it. So, it ends to
assume an equilibrium position, that however is not static, being variable the electrostatic field, that is
function of the field of the forces radiated by the aura.
In the case the things are arranged in such a way to drive, through an oscillating circuit connected to
the instrument, the motion of the index (as above mentioned) that assumes an oscillating motion,
whose period varies a little around an average recurrent value (i.e. 13-15 seconds).
In the case the oscillating circuit is missing (for instance when the U-frame is not connected to the
coil and to the condenser mounted in parallel) the motion of the index would be absolutely irregular
and uncertain, still showing a tendency to assume an oscillating movement.
Example of Oscillating Circuit for Auratester
The inductance L of a coil with an iron nucleus, with diameter d=25 mm, length l=20 mm, number of
coils N=600, being the relative permeability of the iron equal to 2000, is given by L=22 H.
If the condenser capacity is C=100 F, the period T=0.29 sec, the measured period results to be a
bundle of sub-harmonics between around 10and 20 sec. This can be explained in two ways:
1) in the above calculation was not included the contribution of the fixed flat condenser made of two
disks in which the index rotates.
2) The mass of the index is such not to be able to follow fast oscillations, that instead, due to its
inertia, tends to dampen. The weight of the moving equipment (steel wire + cellophane wings) is
0.26 g. If we take out the wings and reduce the length of the steel wire (thickness 0.4 mm) from
180 mm to 100 mm, the weight becomes a half: 0.14 g, as a consequence its inertia reduces
By this modification a period T= 3-5 sec can be measured, that means an average frequency of 0.25
Hz. If we multiply for 100 this frequency we enter the gamma of audible frequencies. That means we

can listen to the note of our aura. In addition the Auratester, equipped with an oscillating circuit,
reveals to us a periodic parameter, still not being supplied by any source of traditional electric energy.
All this makes us to suppose that the energy necessary for the functioning of the oscillating circuit is
supplied from the outside and hence channelled from the radiating energy, well visible to the eyes of
the clairvoyant, that has origin in the aura surrounding the physical body.
In the case all the above is right, seen that an oscillating circuit generates electromagnetic waves,
which type of energy this kind of circuit (that seems to behave as a traditional oscillating circuit,
even though does not follow the traditional rules) radiates in the surrounding environment?
In the following figures (drawings and photos) are reported some models of Auratester:


In the model ASP1 the index is not hanged to a wire, but is equipped with a pivot placed on an appropriate concave
bearing. The magnetised steel wire is folded four times, in the central part, at right angle in such a way the barycentre of
the whole moving equipment is located lower than the supporting point of the pivot. This is to give the index more
stability to overturning. The horizontal tract of the folded wire is fixed to a board disk. At the centre of this disk a tip of
a needle is housed in the thickness of the disk and fixed with a drop of glue. The friction between pivot and bearing is
not such to jeopardize the functioning of the instrument, even though this is less ready. As a whole the instrument is
more practical and less voluminous than the type with wires.


The presence of the aura emitted by the human body can be visualised by means of a simple
instrument that, in its external aspect, closely recalls the cup anemometer. This device is used to
measure the wind velocity and other gaseous currents. It is made of three or four arms taking at their
ends as much semi-spherical cups arranged in the same direction as the arms. They are integral with
an axis connected to a revolution counter. The device rotates always in the same direction since the
pressure exerted by the wind on the concave surface of the cups is higher than that exerted on the
convex surface (figure 14).

Figure 14

In our case the semi-spherical cups are replaced by two or more semi-cylinder, being part of the same
structure, where on the top a pin pivot is mounted. Such pivot stands on a conical bearing, mounted

on the top of a vertical support, that can be equipped with a device for the regulation of the height
(telescopic joint) (figure 15).

Figure 15 Auradetector

The semi-cylindrical surfaces are obtained by means of two (or more) strips of cellophane each one
wrapped on its own frame.
The Construction
The frame of the shell. The frame of each semi-cylinder (or shell), that will be wrapped with a
cellophane sheet, should be built with the help of a support on which the brass wire (thickness of 0.3
mm) is temporarily fixed by some small nails (or drawing pin) so as to avoid, during the construction,
the whole frame disconnects and the sizes and the same shell shape can alter. This support can be a
board cylinder with diameter of 8 cm, and length of 10-12 cm. Lets assign at each shell a diameter of
8 cm, and a length of 8 cm. Once the drawing on the board cylinder has been made, we have to make
the brass wire to adhere to the lines of this drawing with the help of an adhesive tape, paying attention
to fix the edges as above suggested. The length of the wire is 32 cm, and the two ends will overlap
where the beginning and the end will coincide: we stick this joint point with a tin welding. In order
that the whole structure is sufficiently rigid it is necessary to weld two additional wires, that locate the
two diameters of the ends, to the four tops of the shell. Now the frame of the shell is complete, but it
must still be fixed to the corresponding arm (figure 16).


Figure 16 Frame of the shell

The supporting frame. This arm is nothing else than an horizontal part of the supporting frame of
the shells. In fact they must be able to rotate around a vertical support. Hence it is mandatory that
each shell is fixed to the frame allowing the rotation. It is a frame obtained by a brass wire (thickness
of 0.4 mm) that presents in the middle, on the top, the pin pivot, that is wrapped with two or three
coils and folded downwards as needed to guarantee the stability to overturning of the whole structure
(figure 17).

Figure 17 Supporting frame

The cellophane sheet that constitutes the surface of the shell is attached to the frame with a little of
adhesive, in such a way the shells, once mounted on the support, are one with the convexity and the
other one with the concavity visible to an observer frontally standing.
The cellophane sheet, from which we obtain the wrapping for the shells, is metallised, with one
surface specular and the other side coloured of blue, or dark red. The specular side must be arranged
inside the shell in such a way to form the concave surface, the absorbing side is then convex.


Figure 18 Assembly of the shells frame to the supporting frame

Once this arrangement has been mounted on the support, we pay attention to check its horizontal
asset. At this point we are ready for the experimentation (figure 18 and 19).

Figure 19 Auradetector Mod. AD1

Some Experiments
Lets put the instrument on a table and make sure to enter the room in the dark, equipped with a
electric torch. Lets address a beam of light on the ceiling. We can see the instrument on the table,
absolutely immobile. Lets get closer and stop at a distance of about 1.5 m from it. After few seconds
the shells apparatus starts moving, oscillates a little and then starts rotating. In the case the shell with
the concave reflecting surface is mounted on the left, the rotation is clockwise. It is a very slow but
constant motion (1-2 revolution per minutes). It is like a very light air current invests the instrument.
Lets address the beam of light towards the instrument so as to completely light it. We do not notice
any appreciable change. The slow rotation movement is absolutely constant with a regularity similar
to that of a watch.
Lets switch on the light and get closer until to a distance of 1 metre from the instrument. Lets stretch
the right arm with the open hand and stretched fingers in the direction of the instrument: we notice

that the velocity tends to increase. If we sit at the table on which the instrument is located, we must
regulate the height of the support until the pair of shells is found at the level of the thorax.
Lets put now on the table a geranium plant, at a distance of 50 cm from the instrument. We can see,
from our new site of observation, at about 3 m from the instrument, that the shells pair assume a
completely unforeseeable behaviour. It makes some clockwise rounds, at velocity of 1-1.5 rounds per
minute, then it stops and pauses for few seconds. Then it starts rotating again, sometimes inverting
the direction of rotation.
We can screen the instrument putting it inside a semi-cylinder with diameter of 32 cm, and height 70
cm, obtained from a drawing paper which two wooden rods have been applied to in order to stiffen
the vertical borders (figure 20). We have fixed on the top a ring of iron wire and a similar ring can be
fixed to the lower border. In addition, we can regulate the opening of the semi-cylinder in such a way
the vertical borders are spaced out of 25 cm ( the opening angle is about 90). We arrange on the top
of the semi-cylinder a board disk so as to close the upper opening.

Figure 20 Semi-cylindrical screen close on the top

Performing the experiment. Lets put the screen on the table, put inside the instrument, positioning
it in the middle of the semi-cylinder, and sit at a distance of 1 metre. It is a sunny day and the sun is
filtering through the close window and a curtain. The shell apparatus soon assumes a clockwise
rotational motion with a good velocity. The rotational velocity is surprising since was never reached
before: 5 revolutions per minute. The air contained inside the semi-cylinder after some time is
uncharged, namely impoverished of orgone charges, or bioplasma. In this condition the first matter is
missing, namely those molecules of ionised air that, put into motion by the aura, become motor force
for the shells of the apparatus.
If we ionise the air that stagnates inside the semi-cylinder, the things are changing. We can obtain this
introducing a field of bioplasmic energy inside the air confined in the semi-cylinder. It is enough to
introduce the right hand on the top, with the span downwards, and the left hand on the bottom, with
the hand open and the span upwards, inside the semi-cylinder. The shell apparatus immediately starts
rotating and in a while it reaches the maximum velocity of 5-6 revolutions per minute.
In other words we assist to a behaviour of the auradetector very similar to that of the apparatus of an
anemometer, with the difference that in this case we do not have wind but a sort of wind consisting of
orgone charges. This thing recall us the phenomenon of the electric wind, well known in electrostatic:
if we put the flame of a candle near to a tip connected to an electrostatic device, we can observe the
flame, due to the dispersing power of the tip, has blown. In fact the molecules of air are first attracted
by the tip and then repelled, since at the contact they charge with the same sign.
We could ascertain that the maximum distance at which the instrument is responsive and rotates
regularly is around 1.5-1.7 metre. Of course we must have the skill the exclude any other occasional

causes of spontaneous motion of the shell apparatus and hence to operate with closed doors and
windows and far from heat sources, so as to avoid any possible convective motion of the environment
Some Theory
The fact an electromagnetic wave could exert a pressure on a surface exposed to it was deduced via
mathematics by J. C. Maxwell in 1871. Later on this thing was experimentally confirmed by P.
Lebedew (1900), by W. Nichols (1900), and by C. Hull (1901). The pressure of radiation is very
weak. For instance, in correspondence of the boiling point of the water the pressure in only 510-5
dyn/cm2. However, it was found out that so weak pressures are able to produce remarkable effects on
very small particles, such as ions of gas and electron.
In addition, it was found out that electromagnetic waves, hitting on a reflecting surface, exert a
pressure that is double than the one the same waves exert on an absorbing surface. For the rays of the
sun reflected on a silver mirror, the radiation pressure is about 510-6 N/m2. As a consequence of this
radiation pressure, the incidence of an electromagnetic waves beam on a mirror gives similar
phenomena to the elastic impact.
At this point it does not seem hazardous to formulate the hypothesis the phenomena observed with the
help of the auradetector are ascribable to those already well-known in physics, and attributable to a
sort of pressure of radiation exerted by the vital energy that would be emanated by living organism in
the surrounding space under the form of waves.
The above reported experimental tests confirm what we already found out with the Rotorgon and with
the Orgonometer, about the existence of life energy waves (orgonic or bioplasmic) that propagate into
the space and give place to a series of phenomena, whose innermost nature is currently still unknown.
The Phase Aurameter
Recent researches in biophysics as well as improvements in the technologies applied to medicine,
made possible the measurement at distance of the electromagnetic radiation of the human body.
It is the case of the Phase Aurameter, a device patented on 1990 by two Russian scientists, the
engineer Yuri Kravchenko and the physician Nicolai Kalashenko.
The applications of this instrument are several and range from the use as diagnostic tool to that for the
evaluation of the therapeutic performance of healers and psychics, as well as that to find water.
Usually this radiation emitted by the human body is recorded as a noise, or a sum of frequency that
ranges between 0.1 and 100.000 Hz. The Phase Aurameter has been conceived to record the human
electromagnetic field on the basis of the phase aurametry. This can be obtained by a digital filtering,
to select particular frequency from a large spectrum. A topographic evaluation of the human field is
performed on each determined frequency: a recording of the shape of the aura and its dimensions can
be obtained. Points where the aura profile differs from the one corresponding to a healthy body can be
This allows to diagnose on due time anomalies and/or pathologies on the organs of the human body.
In fact, a software has been developed for the control via computer of the instrument in such a way to
visualise the topography of the aura and obtain a print colour (figure 21).
This instrument, in its medical version, is used in the Medical Clinic of the Hospital of the Ufa
Republic, in the Bashkortosan region.


Figure 21 Auragrams obtained with the Phase Aurameter

The Visualization With the Computerised Gas Discharge Technique

Since about a decade the Russian scientist Kostantin Korotkov, teacher at the University of S.
Petersburg, developed a special device that can be used to virtually make any object, animate and
inanimate, including stones, plants, and metals to shine; any biological being adds to this glare its
peculiar characteristic, modifying the brightness, dimension, and colour.
It is the technology of the visualisation by Gas Discharge (GDV) that Korotkov elaborated starting
from the well-known Kirlian effect. In 1939, the Russian technician Semyon D. Kirlian, repairing an
instrument in a hospital, found out by chance that a unknown luminescence, emitted from all living
beings and inanimate objects and not caught from the human eyes, could be photographed without the
use of a camera, but simply making a high tension (from 20.000 to 200.000 volts) and a high
frequency (from 30.000 to 200.000 Hz) discharge to cross the object laid down on a X-ray
photograph. Leaves, just taken from the plant, appear surrounded by a variously coloured aura, made
of small luminous and bright points, that gradually attenuate the leaf withers. Human fingers seem to
have flashing energy and variable colours according to the health conditions of the subject (figure 22
and 23).


Figure 22 Electro-photograph of a torn leaf

Figure 23 Finger of a healer at rest (left) and during the process of emanation (right)

However, the Kirlian effect is affected by many factors that can to modify in a significant manner the
luminous images reproduced on the photographic plates: the temperature and the humidity of the
environment and of the object, the shape and the distance of the electrodes, the type of the
photographic material used, the more or less tight contact amongst object, photographic plate, and
electrodes, and the potential difference and the frequency of the current supplied by the electric
generator, etc. In addition, the complexity of the Kirlian image and the lack of basis for statistical
evaluation and comparison made impossible to draw definitive conclusions.
All this, together the lack of a acceptable theoretical model led to an attitude of scepticism. The
researches of Korotkov started from the results obtained by Kirlian and came to new results totally
autonomous. It has been found that the whole body of a person can be determined by a single finger.
As a consequence the energetic system of the human body shows holographic properties. Through the

GDV diagnostic the images of the fingers can be a significant enough indication on the energetic
condition of the whole body.
The hardware of the GDV device allows to observe on the computer or TV screen on-line GDV
images that can be stored in the computer memory (for image here we mean the luminous and
coloured imprint left by the finger onthe electrode, figure 24).

Figure 24 Position of the finger axis respect to the instrument axis

GDV aura software allows to create a print out of the aura image around the body starting from GDV
images of the fingers. Images related to the ten fingers are needed in order to have a full picture of
the phenomenon (figure 25).

Figure 25 Scheme of construction of the aura profile around the body

The elaboration is based on the diagnostic map that connects the regions of the fingers with the
different systems and apparatus of the body (figure 26).


Figure 26 - Diagnostic table for the GDV device

The GDV images of the fingers are divided in different groups; the images are then cut, linked if
needed to other images and stick as a puzzle around the profile of the body (figure 27).


Figure 27 Screen of the GDV processor software

According to this scheme is clear the aura represents some real components of the biological field the
surrounds the human body. This image is linked to the psycho-physical conditions of the person and it
is reproducible if the subject is stable, while can change when therapies or negative influences are at
GDV Images of a Subject Before and After an Acupuncture Treatment

Figure 28 Initial energetic condition


Figure 29 The same subject after 30 minutes of acupuncture

The Aura Survives After the Death of the Body

Many physical-chemical processes that occur when one is dying are already known. These
changes happen according to the gradual process of destruction and decomposition. The GDV method
however goes farther the classical biochemical approach and can reveal some aspects of the energy
and its distribution in the body. Hence it becomes of great interest to found out what changes occur
after death. Here we provide some information on the transition between life and death. The argument
was approached as follows5.
The body is transported in the testing lab and positioned in a particular way. The left hand was put
on the electrode, fixing it with a special instrumentKirlian photos are taken to four fingers (the
thumb is excluded) of the left hand at step of one hour each one, night and day. Subsequently, the
photos are processed in controlled conditions, storing them in the computer and determining some
important parameters such as area, average intensity, fractal coefficient, ect. Hence plots of these
parameters against the time are drawn. Curves related to 3-6 days are obtained for each experiment
and the results are compared as follows.
A classification of the death has been done in order to be able to evaluate the results: 1) natural,
peaceful death, caused by the degeneration of the tissue; 2) violent death caused by a road accident or
cranium lesion; 3) unnatural death, as a results of tragic circumstances, such as suicide or homicide.
The main characteristics of the three curves are as follows:
Group 1. These curves show small but significant oscillations for a period of time of 16-55 hours,
before decreasing to a constant level.
Group 2. These curves show pronounced peaks. The oscillations decrease to a constant level about
two days after death.
Group 3. This group shows many characteristics that make it to be distinguished from the other two
groups: high amplitude and duration of the oscillations; progressive reduction of the oscillations;
nightly peaks, from 9 PM, of variable height and duration; remarkable decrease of amplitude at the
end of the first day and, in particular, at the end of the second day (figure 28).
Based on these results we can conclude that the energetic activity of a person does not come to a
halt with the clinical death. In same cases it continues even 4 days after death, that is a period in
which all the biochemical processes characteristics of the life are ended and replaced with the

Excerpt from the book Aura and Consciousness: New Stage of Scientific Understanding, by Korotkov K., 1998.

decomposition processes. It is significant that the decline depends on the cause and the kind of the
Hence it seems that the spiritual traditional teachings are correct on the fact that something of a
person can survive after death. These results can arise not only questions about biologics, but also of
philosophical nature. Our point of view on life and death should be corrected. We suspect to be on the
border of an unexplored field, whose investigation can open new perspectives. The results and the
main concepts of this experimentation have been published in more than 60 papers and in a book by

Figure 28 Evolution of the GDV images versus time of a person after death, for different class of decease.

Korotkov K., Light after life, Backbone Publishing Company, 1998, Usa.

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