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The negative impact of poor parenting on the life of a teenager

A pleasant good day to everyone, the topic for my internal assessment is the negative
impact of poor parenting on the life of a teenager. Please permit me to define a few key terms;
according to the oxford dictionary, negative effects can be defined as detrimental or favorable
and poor parenting as not caring for ones child properly.
The researcher choose this theme due to the enormous number of delinquents and the
constant bombardment of how ill prepared some children attend school, how poor there attention
spans and have no social skills whatsoever. The two mains points I wish therefore to discuss are
how poor parenting affects a teenager educationally and to prove that it is the root cause of
juvenile delinquency.
Education is the master key to success, it is a form of learning in which beliefs, skills,
values and knowledge are transferred, yet we debar our children from being educated; Parents
who neglect their children's educational needs contribute to poor academic performance in their
children. Parental involvement in a child's education vastly improves academic achievement.
Parents who are inattentive, harsh criticizers and ineffective disciplinarian, who abuse their
children with military disciplines, fail to create a home environment that promotes and supports
healthy educational attainment. Parents with an ineffective parenting style also show a lack of
interest in advocating for their childs education. Sufficient evidence, Dr. Leahcim Semaj, a
psychologist for over 20years, stated in an article harsh and inconsistent discipline in the home
has bred a generation of failures and young children with anger management problems and
concentrations issues. This point made by Dr. Semaj clearly substantiates the researchers views
on how drastically poor parenting affects a teens educational development. Dr. Robert Hendren,

psychiatry professor and president of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
also claims. Inconsistent discipline leaves your child not knowing what to expect, which can
lead to rebellion and defiance.
Do we want to prevent delinquency or respond to delinquency? If we want to respond to
delinquency, we will have to do so after someone has been victimized. If we want to prevent
delinquency, we must look at what causes it. Juvenile delinquency is becoming more and more
predominant in our society, the children are our future is very popular line from one of the
greatest hits of the late Whitney Houston, but if these children are our future then our future
doesnt look so bright. The world today is plagued with many social issues that trend from
juvenile delinquency such as stealing, gang violence, rape and prostitution. Many homes in our
nations are nurturing criminal individuals with serious behavior problems. These social problems
can be link with poor parenting; this is proven by a statement made by doctor leahcim Semaj.
He said people who take on parenting responsibilities in many cases cannot provide for
themselves, let alone a child. "Our society is just totally short of what is required for parenting,"
he said. "Just because a fertile man and a fertile woman get together and breed, that doesnt
make you a parent!" he exclaimed.
some parents tend to spend little or no time with their children, on the motive they have to work
24-7 to provide their basic need, but our children does not only need their parents financially but
also needs to be emotionally and spiritually endorsed.
Teenagers who face this problem tend to go out to find the love, support and sense of
belonging that they so desperately seek. The males looking to join gangs and the females turning
to the opposite sex leading them to become prostitutes or even to become pregnant. At the end of
the day, can we honestly blame our youth when they go astray? Let's put it like this: if our youth

are inundated with violence on TV, and no one is raising them to know or do any different, who
failed whom? If we fail our children, we fail our own future.
The researchers resources are reliable and valid as dr. leahcim Semaj and. Dr. Robert
Hendren have had experience working in the field of this topic for over 20years, doing extensive
research on the topic. They are therefore credible; the information is transferable because other
persons have consulted the same source for information on writing articles and doing further
research on the topic. The medium for which this information from dr. leahcim Semaj was
collected was via the Jamaica Observer newspaper online and for dr. Robert Hendren was from
article he wrote on parental responsibility and juvenile delinquency.
The writer encountered two challenges while conducting this research, which was
difficultly choosing a topic and choosing the necessary information, as the researcher was
overwhelmed with a high volume of information which was not all reliable and valid.
Conclusively, it is safe for the researcher to say that poor parenting thus affects a teenager
academically and is a cause of juvenile delinquency. the researcher therefore recommend, that
workshops and seminars are kept to further educate parents on the oppressive effects of poor
parent skills on a teenager and how they can improve these skill, dont let your child suffer, be a
better parent!

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