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Teaching Noun Clauses, Part 1

Today's topic is noun clauses. I have to warn you in advance that if you decided to tackle this area, my
experience has been that noun clauses are complex and difficult to teach! They are even more difficult to
explain but I'll try to be as clear as possible and break them down gradually.
A noun clause is a dependent clause that works like a noun. You can find it as a subject, object or the
compliment of a subject. Because of the variety of noun clauses, today I'm only going to try to discuss
noun clauses as they are used as objects. Furthermore, in this article, I will confine the discussion to one
aspect of object noun clauses: the 'that-clause'. I will offer an activity to teach these types of noun
To refresh your memory, a noun clause as an object might look like this:

Noun Clause/Dependent






that noun clauses are difficult.

There are three types of common noun clauses, which I'll eventually cover.

That- clauses, which are like the example above.

If/whether clauses:

I don't know whether/if my students have studied noun clauses before.

The teacher must determine if they are ready to study noun clauses.

Wh- clauses that begin with words like who, what, how, whenever, which, etc?/font>

I don't know which noun clauses to teach.

First you need to explain what a noun clause is.
As for punctuation, the intro clause determines whether it's a question or statement.
Now here's where it starts to get tricky to teach. How does a student know what tense to put the verb in
the noun clause. Here's what I mean:
At yesterday's meeting, the teachers all agreed that teaching noun clauses is/was a difficult problem.
I don't know about you but I have to think twice about which verb to choose. In most cases, any tense of
the verb in the noun clause is grammatically acceptable, but it often changes the meaning in ways that
are too subtle to teach to your students.
The teachers agreed that teaching noun clauses is difficult implies that in general noun clauses are
difficult to teach.

The teachers agreed that teaching noun clauses was difficult implies that it was a difficult at that particular
time when they taught it.
That Clauses
That clauses are made from statements and are introduced by the word that. Now we have to kick it up
another level because of the indirect object problem.

Sometimes we have sentences that begin such as, I agree that . . . , He concluded that . . . I
noticed that . . .No problem, right?
But can we say, I assured that . . . I convinced that . . . I notified that . . . I reminded that . . . ? Of
course we cannot. We must use an indirect object. I assured my students that they could handle
noun clauses. I convinced them that it wasnt so difficult.
Then we have some verbs in the intro clause that you have the choice to use an indirect object or
not. But the preposition 'to' is required.

I proved (to the students) that they could grasp this concept. I mentioned( to them) that we other
students had done well with noun clauses.

Finally, there is the case when the indirect object is optional.

I promised (them) that the test would be easy. I promised (them) it would be short.
So let's get organized and set up a chart of the four groups and their different situations.

1. Intro clause: no indirect object needed.

Common verbs include: agree, answer, notice assert, conclude, know, realize, state, think . .
Everyone knows that English is an international language
2. Intro clause: indirect object optional but if used, needs the word 'to'
Common verbs include: admit, explain. mention, point out, prove, reply
I explained ( to my boss) that my computer crashed .
3.Intro clause: must use indirect object
Common verbs include: assure, convince, inform, notify, remind, tell . . .
I reminded him that he had an appointment today
4. Intro clause: indirect object optional
Common verbs include: promise, show, teach, warn, write
He showed (the class) how to make soup

Now there is yet another complication: After certain verbs and adjectives in the intro clause, the verb in
the 'that-clause' is expressed in the simple form. Heres an example:
The ESL conversation instructor urged that the students be more talkative. He insisted that they not
waste time looking in their dictionaries. It is necessary that each student speak more to other students.
Here are some of the verbs that cover this case:
Advise, ask command, demand, direct, insist, move, propose, recommend, suggest, urge
Here are some adjectives that cover this case:
Advisable, essential, necessary, important, urgent, vital
I know that's more than you ever care to know about this topic so in case you are still with me, here's an
activity to get your students some practice with 'that' clauses.
Warm up Exercise One: Choose a verb plus 'that' from the above groups that make sense in these

1. Experts __________________ exercise is important for health.

2. However, a recent magazine article _________________ Americans do not exercise enough.
3. Dr. Jones , in a letter to Congress, ________________ a campaign to increase the health of
Americans is necessary.

4. He also _________________ nutrition education in schools must begin in elementary school.

5. He _____________ every American change his/her lifestyle.
Activity Two: Practicing the verb in the base form in the 'that' clause.
This can be used as a conversation or writing activity
Fictional Background Information: There is a sudden and serious reduction in the oil supply to our
country and has caused a shortage. As a result, the government is proposing restrictions on gasoline use
for cars. Follow the example to make noun clauses:
What did the government order?
People must decrease their use of gasoline; they should not waste gas.
Answer: The government ordered that people decrease their gasoline use and that they not waste it .

Show students how to cut out the modal, must, should, etc?

1. What did the government demand?

Each family must reduce their gas usage by 30%
2. What is necessary?
Everyone must obey the new restrictions
3.What did the government require for people who live in the city?
People can only drive 3 times a week .
4. What is advisable?
People should conserve gas as much as possible.
5. What has been demanded of airlines?
Airlines should cut their trips by 25 %
6. What was suggested?
All workers use public transportation if possible

7. What was urged?

People must take this crisis seriously
If you are using this as a speaking practice activity you can put the questions on one card and the
response on another card and pass them out at random in small groups. Or put all the questions in a pile
and have students take turns picking up a question card and the next student must answer the question
with a suitable noun clause. The above example is short so you'll have to create some more situations to
practice with but it should give you an idea about how to get started teaching noun clauses that begin with

Complete the sentence with a noun clause.

1. What road did we take?
I don't know
2. How did we get here?
I wonder
3. Did we miss the exit?
Can you tell me
4. Where is the map?
Does anyone know
5. Could we stop and ask for directions?
Would it bother you
6. Did you enter the correct address into the GPS?
I wonder
7. What road is the restaurant on?
Do you know
8. Did you forget to bring the directions?
I cant believe
9. Can I use your phone to call them?
I was wondering
10. Will they wait for us?
Do you think

Noun Clauses (2): General Topics

Complete the sentence with a noun clause.
1. I need to schedule a morning meeting.
It's necessary __________________________________
2. Where did he go?
I cant figure out __________________________________
3. Whose poodle is this?
I don't know __________________________________

4. What is her phone number?

Does anyone here know __________________________________
5. Who knows CPR?
Is there anyone here __________________________________
6. I should take the make-up quiz.
My teacher said __________________________________
7. Too much exercise is bad for you.
I doubt __________________________________
8. Elliot never studied French.
I don't think __________________________________
9. Everyone will be on time.
We hope __________________________________
10. This shuttle takes you to your hotel.
I assume __________________________________

Identify and underline the noun clauses in each sentence.

1. That they would challenge store regulations in order to get a better discount on a sale item is
on most shoppers minds.
2. The director of the non-profit agency is anticipating that 2009 will reveal lower incomes and
higher unemployment than in 2008.
3. How much the economy will shrink was included in the results of a study conducted by a
leading organization.
4. The chain department store is more interested in who they market to for its bestsellers.
5. The company that tracks consumer spending via credit card sales said their reports indicate
retail sales have dropped up to 8 percent this quarter compared to the 4th quarter last year. *
6. How people respond to the economic crisis will determine whether the government will follow
their lead or vice verse.
7. The analysts reports on what the best selling items were this season will be available in the
first quarter.
8. This data suggest that consumers intentions to save money will be justified as more
shoppers tighten their purse strings.
9. One positive aspect of the programs used to help people during the economic downturn is
that consumers are beginning to take a closer look at how they spend their money.
10. When people will begin to realize the status of their economic futures is beyond me.

1. ______________________________________________________ is on most shoppers

2. The director of the non-profit agency is anticipating
______________________________________________________ .
3. ______________________________________________________ was included in the
results of a study conducted by a leading organization.
4. The chain department store is more interested in
______________________________________________________ for its bestsellers.
5. The company that tracks consumer spending via credit card sales
______________________________________________________ .
6. ______________________________________________________ will determine whether
the government will follow their lead or vice verse.
7. The analysts reports on ______________________________________________________
will be available in the first quarter.
8. This data suggest ______________________________________________________ as
more shoppers tighten their purse strings.
9. One positive aspect of the programs used to help people during the economic downturn is
10. ______________________________________________________ is beyond me.

1. I need to schedule a morning meeting.
It's necessary that I schedule a morning meeting.
2. Where did he go?
I cant figure out where he went.
3. Whose poodle is this?
I don't know whose poodle this is.
4. What is her phone number?
Does anyone here know what her phone number is?
5. Who knows CPR?
Is there anyone here who knows CPR?
6. I should take the make-up quiz.
My teacher said I should take the make-up quiz.

7. Too much exercise is bad for you.

I doubt that too much exercise is bad for you.
8. Elliot never studied French.
I don't think that Elliot ever studied French.
9. Everyone will be on time.
We hope that everyone will be on time.
10. This shuttle takes you to your hotel.
I assume that this shuttle takes you to your hotel.
11. What road did we take?
I don't know what road we took.
12. How did we get here?
I wonder how we got here.
13. Did we miss the exit?
Can you tell me if we missed the exit?
14. Where is the map?
Does anyone know where the map is?
15. Could we stop and ask for directions?
Would it bother you if we stopped and asked for directions?
16. Did you enter the correct address into the GPS?
I wonder if you entered the correct address into the GPS.
17. What road is the restaurant on?
Do you know what road the restaurant is on?
18. Did you forget to bring the directions?
I cant believe that you forgot to bring the directions.
19. Can I use your phone to call them?
I was wondering if I could use your phone to call them.
20. Will they wait for us?
Do you think they will wait for us?

1. That they would challenge store regulations in order to get a better discount on a sale item is
on most shoppers minds.
2. The director of the non-profit agency is anticipating that 2009 will reveal lower incomes and
higher unemployment than in 2008.
3. How much the economy will shrink was included in the results of a study conducted by a
leading organization.
4. The chain department store is more interested in who they market to for its bestsellers.

5. The company that tracks consumer spending via credit card sales said their reports indicate
retail sales have dropped up to 8 percent this quarter compared to the 4th quarter last year. *
6. How people respond to the economic crisis will determine whether the government will follow
their lead or vice verse.
7. The analysts reports on what the best selling items were this season will be available in the
first quarter.
8. This data suggest that consumers intentions to save money will be justified as more
shoppers tighten their purse strings.
9. One positive aspect of the programs used to help people during the economic downturn is
that consumers are beginning to take a closer look at how they spend their money.
10. When people will begin to realize the status of their economic futures is beyond me .

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