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Friday, April 22, 2016

Michael S. Rogers
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road
Fort Meade MD 20755
Attention: Personal Private Mail For

Michael S. Rogers (ONLY to Read)

Dear Director
Recently I wrote asking for funding for our
News & Current Affairs Group called Freedom Collective,
you most probably had a good laugh at it and spit your
coffee out thinking its a joke of some kind.
I know what the answer is going to be, Answer NO NSA
doesnt fund Black Ops under the table Operations and
Missions, also you have very strict rules, guidelines and
legislation covering what money you get is to be spent
Also you have to account for things before the Joint
Senate & House of Reps Committee on Security and

Also if one of your Bookkeepers or Auditors there who looks

after the books found out, or one of the people counting
down the line of management counting 5 down from you
found out, they would dob you into the President or
Attorney General and you would lose your job there, so
please after thinking about this request for funding that
way I am sorry for asking and No insult intended.
So then that said, even if you wanted to fund us and think
we are a worthy cause to fund, your hands are tied from
doing so.
I think, I have come up with a plan to put into action,
which even if some Bookkeeper, Accountant, Auditor or
number 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 in command there dobbed you in
for giving money away to a couple of Truth Seekers and a
Group called Freedom Collective it would cover yours and
our backsides if anybody wants to dob us in, and your
called before this said committee to answer questions.
Thanks to these greedy politicians in Washington DC and
their political parties tricks they use to pay their own
cronnies, I think I have come up with a way of paying the
money and it would go along the lines of hiring us Freedom
Collective as Consultants to advise you and report back to
you about Terrorism Related Issues going on in the World
today especially False Flag Terrorism being conducted by
other Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies.

As Director General of NSA, you have assigned position of

looking after Americas Security and Terrorism Related
Issues and keeping America safe.
In the out sourcing to us Freedom Collective, and paying us
$4.5 Million Consultancy Fees for a 10 year period the
contract would go for, and would also carry on to and with
the next Director General of NSA which comes after you, I
think this would get around this issue stumbling block.

Why Didnt You Go To?

Some Senator if drawn before one of these Joint witch
hunting sessions might ask why you didnt go to one of the
US Military
If you wanted information about Terrorist Related
information, of which you reply my answer is in three parts.

These agencies DO NOT keep information about

False Flag Terrorism being carried out by Police,
Military and Intelligence Agencies.


American CIA and Israeli Mossad and MI5 as

evidence can be proven are the very ones staging
and carrying out these events and attacks, So its our
own people doing these False Flag Attacks.


American Security and Intelligence is so False,

Misleading, Lies, Mistruths and sheer American
propaganda and Israeli rubbish in the system.

Example: - Please find enclosed a copy of The OzBoy

Files Truth About Osama Bin Laden
The man died Mid to early Dec 2001, this is a well known
demonstrated fact, yet the American Military and CIA kept
his spirit alive and well all those years by putting out Fake
False Statements and videos by him.
Finally We The Americans have corrupted every source
out there we dont know who to trust, or who works for
who anymore.
In NSA job of trying to keep America safe we went outside
the whole system to try and get The Truth about what is
really happening in the World in the area of False Flag
Terrorism and geopolitical plans other countries have so we
can feed within to our agency so we can then assess any
Blow Back Effects that might have to helping keep
America safe.
So that is why we out sourced this work to an Australian
Group which could be trusted and Australias Most Senior
and Experienced Researchers and Investigators in the area
of False Flag Terrorism being conducted around the World
by Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies.

So there you have it, If you deicide to help fund us by

hiring us as Consultants to you there, you have your
answer to give any Joint Senate House of Reps
Committee on Security and Terrorism.
If somebody wants to dob you in and trys to make an issue
out of things.

Questions, Questions and More Dam Questions?

If somebody on the Joint Senate House of Reps
Committee on Security and Terrorism, after the above
answer wants to still make trouble and ask questions for
either of us.
Please find enclosed a copy of this 4th Letter sent to Prime
Minister Malcolm Turnbull, its enough to bring him down as
Prime Minister and half of his Government in Australia. Also
the Obama Administration and the next Administration after
I am sure him and his party wont like this released to the
Mainstream Media in Australia and America they will have a
field day with this of headings like.
PM Turnbull used as Dupe in an Operation
Turnbull Honey Pot to a Operation By 911 Truther
The Australian & American public will be rolling on the floor
laughing with this story.

This Is The Story

Back in 2012 Geopolitical speaking in the Middle East, The
State of Israel had (3 Nuclear Subs Roaming) the
Gulf ready for instructions from Prime Minister
Netanyahu (That Madman), whether to carry out a
False Flag Terrorist Attack against the American
Air Craft Carrier USS Enterprise similar to the Attack
they did on the USS Liberty in 1967.
Thus killing 1,800 American Sailors then blame Iran for
the Attack and get World War 3 going.
After reading about this, I thought somebody has to do
something to save these mens lives, USS Enterprise was
on her last assignment before being ordered back to San
Diego and be de-commissioned, De-commissioning a
Nuclear Power Ship cost allot of money, so the Americans
and Obama were going to go along with the plans and sit
back and let the Israelis go ahead and sink her, the out
come would of suited the Neo Cons and Crazies down to
a T, they could then blame it on Iran and get WW111
So I was sitting here at my desk and thought I had to do
something, so hatched an Operation of my own, an
Operation Save USS Enterprise went into action.

I sat at my desk and thought to myself How on earth am I

going to do this?
And the plan came to me, I went to the Government
website and went through all the names and politicians
faces and face after face came up and I thought to myself
No Scumbag! No Traitor! And Malcolm Turnbull face stood
out and I checked what was happening here in Australia.
And I just married the two things together, I needed some
Dupe to send a message loud and clear to Martin Dempsey
Chairman of the Joint Cheifs and other Generals also
Obama, so you read what I said in the letter to Turnbull, I
dont know who he and his staff passed that information
onto but it work, it got back to Martin Dempsey and Obama
and both issued direct orders to the Israelis its all out War
if the Israelis sunk that ship.
Anyway that is the story, the rest of the letter was full of
shit, Yeah right help make Malcolm Turnbull a Goldman
Sacks man Prime Minister yeah right!
I am sure no Committee and the Government dont want
this information getting out how a Truth Seeker used him
in an Operation to pass on a message to people involved in
a possible False Flag Attack upon an American ship and he
played the dupe part perfectly.
Anyway that is the story.

In ending I have outlined a plan and way for you to provide

us with the money we need to fund us for the next 10
I need another 10 years, we are not out of the woods yet
with these Neo-Cons and Crazies who run America, there
runs the real risk and possibility of them dumb ass
Americans and the CIA & Israels still carrying out a False
Flag Nuclear Terrorist Attack in America and blaming
Iran or Russia for it and getting us all out into World War 3.
Please find enclosed to read: Nuclear Terrorist Attack In America Planned! Part 1.
As you will read its part of the Rumsfield Doctrine layed
down in stone with the US Military and Pentagon.

What Does Freedom Collective Do?

Steve Johnson looks after and runs the following websites.

He also conducts interviews with different people of which

can be seen on his Stop Funding Israel, U Tube site.
He also conducts and runs a Pal Talk Chat Program Room
called The People Speaks Radio Show and has special
guest on from time to time.
Lloyd T Vance, I run our Books sites and News and Current
Affairs sites, which allot of CIA, US Military and former
Israeli Mossad Chiefs visit and read things I write and put
Truth About Series Books
Aussie News Today
Truth Media Today
In a nut shell, I try and keep the bastard traitorous,
treasonous, sell out politicians and Governments honest.
And educate people about The New World Order and
expose things as they happen and what is planned for all
society the human race.

I await your reply about the above consultancy offer, As a

former US Navy Admiral you should be proud, happy and
over the moon and want to rush to my door and say thanks
for helping to save American Sailors lives from being
murdered in Cold Blood by your so called friend Israel.
Enjoy your reading of the things I am now sending, there is
allot to read over, but you should find it all enjoyable,
interesting and educational.
Yours truly
Lloyd T Vance


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