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Downsell Primary School

Year 4 Newsletter
Summer 2016
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to the Year 4 newsletter for the summer term. We hope
you had an enjoyable Easter break. We are looking forward to an
exciting and productive time together. The teaching staff is as

The year 4 Teachers are:

Class 13- Mr Hussain
Class 14- Ms Tehseen
Class 15- Mr Pallas
The year 4 Teaching Assistants are:
Class 13- Mrs Sohail /Mrs Mcken
Class 14- Mr Fox / Mrs Mason
Class 15- Miss Folaranmi /Ms Kaur
Here are some of the things to look forward to.
PE and PE kit
Physical Education is a compulsory part of our curriculum and this
takes place on Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure that your
child has blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms, a white T shirt and black
plimsolls. Please add their name to the inside labels so that items are
not lost. Your child will need a bag to carry their kit and hold their
uniform when they change for P.E. All jewellery must be removed.


Homework is based on tasks the children have been working on

during the week. If you need advice on helping your child with their
homework, please contact the relevant teacher. We expect
homework to be returned by Wednesday the following week.
Spellings that are set will be tested, please ensure that your child
practises any spellings they are given and learns to use them.

Reading Books
Reading books are changed regularly. Please write comments in their
reading diaries, concerning your childs reading progress at home. Do
place these in a book bag and return the diary daily.
Library Books
Library books need to be returned to school weekly. Any lost books
will have to be paid for.
This Terms Topics: See attached Curriculum Map.
In Literacy the topics for this term will be: Class Novel (The Lion the
Witch & the Wardrobe), Plays and Fantasy Stories. In Numeracy our
focus will be: Number and Place Value, Addition & Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Decimals, Measurement

(problems), Time and Money, Geometry (Properties of shapes) and

In Geography this half- term we will be looking at A Village in India
Chembakollia. In Science, we will be studying Living Things and
Habitats. In Design & Technology we will be studying Purses and in
PSHE we will be studying Relationships. In Information Technology
we will be learning about we are Bloggers. In Religious Education we
will be studying Christianity and the Bible.
School Trips
We will be visiting a local Church in line with our study of
Christianity. You will receive further details shortly. As part of our
end of school trip we will be going to Kew Gardens.
Parent Helpers
Parents are always welcome to help. If you are interested please
remember ALL school volunteer helpers are required to have a CRB
check for schools trips or support in the school. Please check with the
school office. We hope that you will enjoy the term along with us
and would like to thank you all for your continued support.
Yours sincerely

Mr Hussain

Ms Tehseen

Mr Pallas

Class 13

Class 14

Class 15

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