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We are a New Yet old online coven of Witches,

Our foundation is Eclectic Gray Witchcraft

Our Matron Coven Goddess is Hekate
We are Women Only, no acceptations

Table of Contents
1, Our Creed
2. Principles to live by
3. Our Oath
4. Our Totem,Symbols,Colors, and Pillars
3. Hekate/Hecate- Magickal Correspondences, and Associations.
6. Hekate Rites, and Rituals.,Spells.

Our Creed

I am a Witch
I am who I am
My Path is Shadowed
It is neither black, nor white.
Yet it is both
Between the worlds I walk
I am of the Earth
Yet, I am of above, and below
I am a Witch
To myself I am true
I am my word, and my word I am
I gather as I need, and release what I dont

I lift my chalice, I lift my dagger

I am feminine, and I am masculine
I am spirit, I am breath, I am fire, I am water
I am earth.
At the crossroads I am found
For I am of Her who lights the path
Queen of Witches, Magick, and sorcery
My oath I have sworn to Her alone
The gray path I walk
Balance of dark, and the light
Embracing the positive, and the negatives
The chaos and the calms
Death, and rebirth
The lunar path
Of light
And Night
Of New and Old
Maiden, Mother, and Crone

Draconic Powers I evoke

To aide me on my magickal way
Blessings come from blessings sent
Justice be to others who do others harm
With the fools I do not spend
From the Wise I will always learn
As I will so it is
I am a Gray Witch
This is my Creed

Principles to Live By
My principles are simple
Take Personal Responsibility for your Magick and Life
Know what you are doing before doing it Magick is not a game, or toy,
Respect it. What you sow you do reap.
Knowledge is Power Silence is Wisdom Have Courage to change
Think before Speaking- Words create Guard your Mind- Thought life- It is
the seed of all magick the thoughts Attune to Nature, respect the elements- If
you want them as friends Attune and Dance with the Moon Know All is
Sacred - Animal Tree, Bush ,Earth- Treat as such. If you be Witch, bow to
none, but do not be an Asshole Be true to thyself- Do not try be somebody
your not, Do not play games with others, some like me do not play well with

Our Oath
Before Hekate it is and renewed on Samhain

Hail Hekate ( Ekatay )

And Sisters of the Dark Moon Circle
I am here naked as I am
In perfect love and trust
I enter in to Thy Sacred Circle
Before Hekate and My sisters I now take my oath
I am a daughter of Hekate and will know My Mother
I will serve Her and my sisters in truth, heart, and all my might

I vow to always believe the best of my sisters, I will hear no soothsayers

I will defend my sisters, my coven.
I am a Witch and will conduct myself always as one
I bow to none, but will be no Ass
I am Goddess, I am Priestess, I am Witch
I am Lady.
My Oath I have declared with heart, Mind, and Spirit
Never will I break for if I do I know it is Hekate
I then will answer too.

Our Totem,Symbols,Colors

Snake Meaning and Symbolism

Snake symbolic meaning, overwhelmingly and in various cultures, deals

with primordial life force and usually turns our attention to gender
supremacy (both male and female).Consequently, snakes span the
symbolic bridge between lunar and solar associations as well as aspects
between water and fire.Coiled within this polarity, we clearly see
symbolism of duality and the search for balance. Other snake symbolic
meaning includes:
The Snake is wisdom expressed through healing.
It is a protector and guardian totem,
along with its sister totems, the Dragon and the Serpent.If a snake totem
has come into your life, your creative forces are awakening.
Your intuition will sharpen and be more accurate.Snake energy is the
energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience
anything willingly and without resistance.It is the knowledge that all
things are equal in creation. It also signals a transition in your life.
New opportunities and/or changes.

Snake is fire medicine, the medicine of transmutation.

On a material level, it is vitality; on an emotional level, it is ambition and
dreams;on a mental level, it is intellect and power; on a spiritual level (the
highest level), it is wisdom, understanding and wholeness.Snake magic is
heavy magic. Become the Magician and transmute the energy and accept
the power of the fire.
The Snake is one of the symbols of the Dark Goddesses and Gods, It is one
of Hekates symbols along with Dragon, Dog, and Owl which is Her

The Pentacle is our center

First our Five Pillars
Also called the Four Powers of the Magus, the Four Pillars of the Witches'
Temple and the Magician's Manifesto, there is some debate regarding the
origin of the Witch's Pyramid. However, it's commonly attributed to
Eliphas Levi, a French spiritualist and occult author who inspired a great
deal of Hermetic magick (Hermeticism which has, in turn, been largely
influential on Western occultism).
The first step along this map is To Know. The ancient Greek aphorism,
Know Thyself, pretty much sums it up -- but this is not the whole of this
principle. You must get to know how and why you think and feel the way
you do, as this directly affects the magick you perform. And equally as
important is the knowledge of your surroundings and the impact of your
magickal and mundane decisions. Accept that you may not always get an
answer to your question, but don't let that stop you from asking it. Learn
something new every day and know that you truly can do whatever you
set out to do. To Know is associated with the element of Air which rules
our ability to learn, understand and rationalize.

Next is To Dare. To dare deals directly with facing your fears and daring to
push what you have learned to gain more experience. Dare to go where
others have not; don't let criticism or doubt stand in your way. Strive to be
the best you can in whatever you choose. When there is no path, create
your own way and dance to the beat of your own drummer. Dare to
believe, or to imagine, when others scoff. Have the courage to go after your
desires. The element for Audere is Water, ruling our emotions, hopes and

Our next point is To Will. Will does not only represent your actions and
decisions, but your drive and personal strength; your discipline. Is your
will pure or does it bend to others' wishes? Is it tarnished by doubt or
dishonesty? Be disciplined. Honesty and hard work strengthen your selfrespect which, in turn, fortifies your will. While you might know you
should do something, and have the courage to do it, Will you act upon it?
Even if it frightens you, Will yourself success.Fire represents this principle,
symbolizing passion and drive.

While each of these points is important, To Be Silent is especially so. It is
courageous and in our best interest at times to speak our minds and stand
up for what's right. And at other times it's most beneficial to use discretion.
Do not brag, reveal secrets or challenge unnecessarily.

Aside from the obvious, To Be Silent also depicts the stillness within.
Finding a little peace goes a long way as far as assisting your focus in
magick as well as becoming more grounded on the physical plane in your
mundane life. This element is Earth, symbolizing stability and

Finally, To Do is often added to these four principles. This makes sense, as
even once you have understood a situation and decided what action to
take, what is left but to actually take that action? What's the point of any of
this without actually doing it? The purpose for this last step is to apply all
of these sidenotes to your life. Go forth and act upon them.

Magickal Associations and correspondences
. Hecate Associations:
Death, intuitive wisdom, dreams, divination, witchcraft, transition, guardian of
child birth, spiritual guide, guardian of doors and gateways, guardian of cross
roads, patroness of sailors, fishers and travelers, warriors, athletes, hunters and
Sacred to Hecate:
Owl Her messanger

The Ancient Greeks would erect statues (hecataea) of Hekate Trivia
(Hekate of the Three Ways) at crossroads where three roads meet.
Sacred Times:
November 16; Night of Hecate.
In the Greek tradition Hecate in honored annually on this date. She protects
the souls of the dead and those about to die. Her celebration is held at
midnight. Hekate is traditionally worshipped on the eve of the New/ Dark
Moon. The 30th of each month is also sacred to the dead. This was the time to
purify the house and to give offerings to is Her High time.
Breads, eggs, cheese, garlic, cake and honey., also giving to the poor.

Hecate Correspondences:

Aconite, almond, black poplar, lavender, myrrh, yew, belladonna, cardamom,
cyclamen, cypress, dandelion, date palm, garlic, hazel, hellebore, hemlock,
mandrake, mint, mugwort, oak, willow.

Poison: Yew, belladonna, hemlock, mandrake, monkshood, wolfsbane, and

opium poppy.
Candle Colors:

Power, success, justice, wisdom, independence, financial rewards, spirituality,
meditation, mysticism, guidance, and divination. This color works well with
Neptune energy.

Use in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, banishing of evil or negativity
influences, powers of absorption, restriction, wisdom, control, resilience,
discipline, and rituals dedicated to the Crone. This color works well with
Saturn energy.

Moon Magick, Lunar Deities, removes negativity, encourages stability, and
assists in the development of psychic abilities. This color works well under the
astrological sign of Cancer.

Grounding, focus, self discipline, and absorbs negativity and assists with
optimism and courage.

Smoky Quartz:
Neutralizes negative influences, assists with positive change, grounding and

Intuition, psychic abilities, empathy, and new beginnings.

Quartz Crystal:
Psychic awareness and amplification of psychic abilities.
Elimination of irrational fear.
Invocation to Hecate :



You are the Moon engulfed by the obsidian veil.The beauty swallowed by
pounding time.

You are the overhead stars that glare with ice eyes, the night without stare
beneath the soil.

You are the Ravens wing, the prowling Owl,

The bat whose cry shatters the blindness.
You are the scent of smoldering sage,
the blade edge that cuts the umbilicus, the
dark-skinned dancer of endings.
Hecate, Goddess of phantoms, of shadows play Whose body divides the sun
lit days.She from whom all Gods and men were born
She we seek when the veil is torn..
Be present Goddess with mysteries abound
Let the darks wisdom of mortals be found.
This information is from a lovely website I have just come across Here
I have not had the time to go through all of the correspondences for each
incense on this page but for homework, if you are interested in incense and
herbs would be to go through the incense on this page and look up the
correspondence learn them.

Hecate Incense
Dark goddess energy, the Crone, Wisdom.
5 parts Sandalwood
3 parts Cypress
3 parts Lotus Oil
1 piece Black Obsidian
Crush ingredients into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle, or whir them for a
few seconds in a spice grinder or coffee bean grinder. Store in a sealed glass
Source: This formula is a traditional one.
Hecate Incense 2
3 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 part Mint
Cypress oil
Hecate incense 3
4 parts sandalwood
2 parts peppermint
2 parts myrrh
Cypress oil

As you might guess, the sandalwood is very forward in this recipe. Wortcunning
also makes a stellar Hecate incense based on information in ancient majickal

Hecate Incense 4
3 Parts Sandalwood
2 Parts Cypress
1 Part Spearmint peppermint)
To honor Her, burn at crossroads or during ritual at the waning of the Moon.
Hecate Incense 5
1/2 teaspoon Dried Bay Leaves
1/2 teaspoon Dried Mint Leaves
1/2 teaspoon dried Thyme
pinch of Myrrh Resin
pinch of Frankincense Resin
13 drops Cypress Oil
3 drops Camphor Oil

Using a mortar and pestle, crush the Bay, Mint, and Thyme until almost
powdered. Stir in the Frankincense and Myrrh resins. Add the Cypress and
camphor Oils, and mix well. Store in a tightly capped jar and let the mixture age
for at least two weeks before using. Burn on a hot charcoal block during your
(The above Hecate Incense recipe is from WiccaCraft: The Modern
Witchs Book of Herbs, Majick, and Dreams by Gerina Dunwich, Citadel
Press, Carol Publishing Group Edition, 1995.)
Invocation based on the Orphic hymns:

I invoke thee, Hecate, Midnights Lady,

Goddess of the Thresholds and the Three Ways
Of earthly, watry, and celestial frame,
Of underworld and Mysterys fame,
Sepulchral, in a saffron veil arrayd,
Leading spirits that wander through the shade;
Protectress of children, healer, come, be here!
Mistress of Wilderness, among the deer
With Thy crescent knife, peerless huntress: hail!

Worlds key-bearer, Thy torch will eer prevail;

The Gate between the worlds you guard by rights, Midwife and Queen, be
present to our rites; Propitious, grant our just desires success, Accept our
homage; this, our magick, bless.
Hymn VI To Hekate:
Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold
Shape the course of my life with luminous Light
And make it laden with good things,
Drive sickness and evil from my limbs.
And when my soul rages about worldly things,
Deliver me purified by your soul-stirring rituals.

Yes, give me your hand I pray

And reveal to me the pathways of divine guidance that I long for,
Then shall I gaze upon that precious Light
Whence I can flee the evil of our dark origin.
Yes, give me your hand I pray,
And when I am weary bring me to the haven of piety with your winds.
Hail, many-named mother of the Gods, whose children are fair
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold.
Hekate history:
Hecate (sometimes spelled Hekate) was originally a Thracian, and preOlympian Greek goddess, and ruled over the realms of earth and fertility
rituals. As a goddess of childbirth, she was often invoked for rites of puberty,

and in some cases watched over maidens who were beginning to menstruate.
Eventually, Hecate evolved to become a goddess of magic and sorcery. most
often shown holding two torches or a key and in later periods depicted in triple
form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, dogs, light,
the Moon, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants,
necromancy, and sorcery. She was venerated as a mother goddess, and during
the Ptolemaic period in Alexandria was elevated to her position as goddess of
ghosts and the spirit world. Much like the Celtic hearth goddess Brighid,
Hecate is a guardian of crossroads, and often symbolized by a spinning wheel.
In addition to her connection to Brighid, she is associated with Diana Lucifera,
who is the Roman Diana in her aspect as light-bearer. Hecate is often
portrayed wearing the keys to the spirit world at her belt, accompanied by a
three-headed hound, and surrounded by lit torches.
The epic poet Hesiod tells us Hecate was the only child of Asteria, a star
goddess who was the aunt of Apollo and Artemis. The event of Hecates birth
was tied to the reappearance of Phoebe, a lunar goddess, who appeared during
the darkest phase of the moon.
Today, many contemporary Pagans and Wiccans honor Hecate in her guise as
a Dark Goddess, although it would be incorrect to refer to her as an aspect of

the Crone, because of her connection to childbirth and maidenhood. Its more
likely that her role as dark goddess comes from her connection to the spirit
world, ghosts, the dark moon, and magic. She is known as a goddess who is not
to be invoked lightly, or by those who are calling upon her frivolously. She is
honored on November 30, the night of Hecate Trivia, the night of the
The earliest known monument is a small terracotta found in Athens, with a
dedication to Hecate, in writing of the style of the 6th century. The goddess is
seated on a throne with a chaplet bound round her head; she is altogether
without attributes and character, and the main historical value of this work, which
is evidently of quite a general type and gets a special reference and name merely
from the inscription, is that it proves the single shape to be her earlier form, and
her recognition at Athens to be earlier than the Persian invasion.
Hecate has been characterized as a pre-Olympian chthonic goddess. She
appears in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter and in Hesiods Theogony, where
she is promoted strongly as a great goddess. The place of origin of her
following is uncertain, but it is thought that she had popular followings in
Thrace. Her most important sanctuary was Lagina, a theocratic city-state in
which the goddess was served by eunuchs.

The first literature mentioning Hecate is the Theogony by Hesiod:

Hecate whom Zeus the son of Cronos honored above all. He gave her
splendid gifts, to have a share of the earth and the unfruitful sea. She received
honor also in starry heaven, and is honored exceedingly by the deathless gods.
For to this day, whenever any one of men on earth offers rich sacrifices and
prays for favor according to custom, he calls upon Hecate. Great honor comes
full easily to him whose prayers the goddess receives favorably, and she
bestows wealth upon him; for the power surely is with her. For as many as were
born of Earth and Ocean amongst all these she has her due portion. The son
of Cronos did her no wrong nor took anything away of all that was her portion
among the former Titan gods: but she holds, as the division was at the first from
the beginning, privilege both in earth, and in heaven, and in sea.
According to Hesiod, she held sway over many things:
Whom she will she greatly aids and advances: she sits by worshipful kings in
judgement, and in the assembly whom she will is distinguished among the people.
And when men arm themselves for the battle thonours.troys men, then the
goddess is at hand to give victory and grant glory readily to whom she will.
Good is she also when men contend at the games, for there too the goddess is
with them and profits them: and he who by might and strength gets the victory
wins the rich prize easily with joy, and brings glory to his parents.

And she is good to stand by horsemen, whom she will: and to those whose
business is in the grey discomfortable sea, and who pray to Hecate and the
loud-crashing Earth-Shaker, easily the glorious goddess gives great catch, and
easily she takes it

away as soon as seen, if so she will. She is good in the byre with Hermes to
increase the stock. The droves of kine and wide herds of goats and flocks of
fleecy sheep, if she will, she increases from a few, or makes many to be less. So,
then, albeit her mothers only child, she is honored amongst all the deathless
gods. And the son of Cronos made her a nurse of the young who after that day
saw with their eyes the light of all-seeing Dawn. So from the b eginning she is a
nurse of the young, and these are her honours.

Hekate Rites,Rituals, and Spells

Hekate Magick

Rite of Her Sacred Fires

(Coven of Hekate)
The Rite of the Devotee of Her Sacred Fires Being an adaptation of
the Rite of Her Sacred Fires, performed worldwide on the 27th of
May 2010. The original Rite of Her Sacred Fires is available at PLEASE NOTE: This is not the same ritual,
this ritual contains additions and the first date that this ritual can be
performed is the Full Moon in November 2010. This ritual forms part
of the Membership Application of the CoH and should be performed
exactly as given in this document. The Rite of the Devotee of Her
Sacred Fires should only be performed between sunset and sunrise on
a night when the Moon is Full. Preparation You will need: 1/ A
Devotional Shrine; in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
This should be prepared with the following: i. An image of the
Goddess Hekate ii. A red candle, two white candles (for this tealights
will suffice) iii. Some flowers / greenery. (Local wildflowers, or
greenery from the wild or from your garden is preferable, as it will
encourage a bond between your work with Hekate and the place you
live, it is also a lot more ethical) iv. A length of red cord, ribbon or
string approx 30 cm in length. v. Incense or Joss with suitable
containers / vessels for burning it on. vi. Any other items which you
would like to offer to Hekate, or have as part of your Hekate Shrine.
Please note however that for this Rite you should not have images or
effigies of any other deities or spirits on your shrine. Note: You may
wish to consecrate all items you will use in the manner of the tradition
you ordinarily work in, alternatively see the CoH website for

suggestions. 2/ A Hymn To Hekate; this should be: i. An original

hymn written by you with this Rite in mind. A Hymn is a spiritual song
or lyrical religious poem, usually in adoration or praise of a deity, in
this instance Hekate. The hymn may be in prose or rhyme, and should
reflect your perception of Hekate in your own words. ii. Something
you are proud of and will continue to be proud of in years to come. iii.
It will be your gift of labour to the Covenant of Hekate. As such it is
a sacrifice, which means it should not be published or shared
elsewhere by you before or after you have performed the Rite. Once
you have gifted it, your Hymn will be published by the CoH on our
Members Only website in a Members Hymn Archive, and may be
used for other purposes too (you will always be credited).

Prelude to the Rite: Prepare yourself for the Rite by having a ritual
bath (or shower) and putting on nice clean clothes, or a robe if you
prefer. Then sit yourself in front of your Shrine and make yourself
comfortable. When you are ready to proceed close your eyes and
breathe deeply, find your point of balance, a balance of mind and soul
and body, which will present you proud and beautiful to the world.
Breathe deeply and find your voice, the voice with which you will
speak words of true and pure intent. Breathe deeply and call upon the
freedom within your heart so that you will be able to express yourself
with purity of intent and with strength of desire. When you are ready

proceed. The Rite of the Devotee of Her Sacred Fires Recite your
personal hymn. You can read it, but if possible commit it to memory
for use. It will allow you to create a stronger connection with the work
you are performing. [Place both your hands on your heart (three
heartbeats), your forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand
to your lips (three heartbeats), and then to your brow (three
heartbeats). Now enclose your thumbs within both your hands (in
fists) and raise both your arms to the heavens. Open your hands and
with palm upwards in your left hand, bring your right arm to your side
palm facing downwards] Now invoke the Goddess: Invocation to
Hekate: I invoke thee, Great Mistress of the Heaven, Earth and Sea,
By your mysteries of Night and Day, By the Light of the Moon and the
Shadow of the Sun I invoke thee, Mistress of life, death and rebirth
Emerge now from the shadow realm to feed my soul and enlighten my
mind, Triple-formed Mistress of the three ways I entreat thee, Keybearing Mistress of the Nightwandering Souls To bring forth your
wisdom from amongst the stars To bring down your starfire from the
darkness between, Creatrix of Light! Goddess of the Shadow Realms!
Light-bearing queen! Whisper now your secrets! Fire-bringer!
Earthly-one! Queen of Heaven! [Raise both hands with palms facing
upwards to the heavens (three heartbeats) and then touch the ground
palms downwards] [Sit before the candle and prepare to light it]
[Take three deep breaths and allow your senses to awaken] The Rite
of the Devotee to Her Sacred Fires ~ All
rights reserved. (c) The Covenant of Hekate 2010 Say: Hekate,
companion and guide to the mysteries I light this sacred fire in your
honour, [light fire] Its light uniting the stars and stones, the heavens
and the earth, With this fire I express my desire for a greater
understanding of your mysteries [Oath] Great Hekate, Triple Formed
Goddess of the Crossroads, to whom I dedicate this Rite. Tonight in
the light of this full moon, [insert date], I offer myself as a Devotee of
your Sacred Fires. Through the ebb and flow of the natural cycles I
will strive towards fulfilling my own potential in a quest for wisdom

through knowledge and understanding of your mysteries. I dedicate

myself to the fulfilment of this oath, from my heart, from my mind and
from my body. Askei Kataskei Ern Oren Ir Mega Samnyr Baui (3
times) Phobantia Semn Great Hekate, who spins the web of the stars
and governs the spiral of life Guide me through towards pathways of
understanding, From Crossroad to Crossroad, The Torchbearers and
the Keybearers of your mysteries, will always find one another,
[Extinguish the flame, then place both your hands on your heart (three
heartbeats), your forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand
to your lips (three heartbeats), and then to your brow (three
heartbeats).] [Open your palms reaching towards the heaven, then
reach down and touch the Earth.] Record: Now write this ceremony in
full in a new blank book you have prepared for the purpose, being
sure to include your hymn in the appropriate place in the ceremony.
Write all entries in your book in black ink, with the exception of the
name of the Goddess Hekate, and in future the names of other deities
or spirits which you may call upon in your work with Hekate in the
months and years to come, which should be written in RED. This
book should be used only for recording rituals, information, research,
ideas and other writings which are related to your work with the
Goddess Hekate. Membership application: This ritual is the first step
in your application to become a member (Devotee) of the Covenant of
Hekate. Full step by step information of the Membership Application
can be found on You will obtain a
membership number when you Membership Application has been
received and approved. A reminder that applications should be fully
completed and that the Rite of the Devotee of Her Sacred Fires have
to be done at the Full Moon as part of the membership application.
Electronic applications will NOT be accepted.


Hecate Banish Negativity ritual

Author unknown
Hecate Ritual: Banishing Negativity
In this ritual you will be calling on Hecate in Her Crone aspect. It is
performed during the Dark of the Moon. Some people are fearful of
working with the Dark Moon and the Crone, but She is the wise
protector who will take your negativity and transform it in her
cauldron of change. Begin by setting up your altar as you normally do
for ritual, making sure you have a black candle and wine or water in
your chalice in addition to anything else you use. You will also need
cleansing, purifying incense and a censer or some kind of container,
which can be carried, around your home. (I use a large shell to hold
smoldering charcoal, or stick incense.) It is best to set your altar on
the floor for this rite, but you may do it however you feel most

Cast your circle as you normally do. When you are through, kneel
before your altar and light the black candle. With your arms held,
palms upward, at your sides, call Hecate by saying three times:

Hecate, beautiful Crone of Night

I call you here to put things right.

Transform the negative thought and pain

And help my life be whole again.

Close your eyes. When you feel the presence of Hecate and know she
is there to help you, open your eyes. Bow your head to her to show
your reverence, then take the chalice, saying:

Lady of the Dark Moon,

Share with me this wine.

Bring your protection to

Flood this life of mine.

May the waters of your eternal womb

Bring change most divine.

Sip a small amount of the wine (or water), envisioning it as liquid

energy, flowing to effect a positive change within and outside of you.
Leave the rest as an offering to Hecate. Light the purifying incense in
the censer, cut a door in the Circle, and, beginning in the eastern-most
corner of your home, smudge your home, going counter-clockwise.
Go into every closet, the bathroom, and the garage make sure your
entire house is smudged. As you go, chant:

Negativity be gone.

Come back into the Circle and visualize your entire house and yard
bathed in a peaceful blue light. Since you have created a void by
banishing the negativity, you will need to fill that void. Now going
deosil (clock-wise), re-trace your steps through the house, asking that
good, protective spirits come into your home and that positive
energies replace the negative ones that have just been banished. This
is an important step, because if you dont fill the void with something
good, the negativity will come right back. Sometimes during such a
ritual, I take one large and one small black stone and charge them to
keep away negativity. I promise Hecate that the large one will remain
in a prominent place in my house and that I will keep the small one
with me at all times. Thank Hecate. Meditate if you wish, visualizing
your life free from negative happenings and feelings and full of love,
prosperity, and happiness. Feel how She has changed your home and
your life. Close the Circle and know that it is done.

Chant for Swift Justice

The chant below brings swift justice to those who treat you unfairly.
Take caution in using it, though, especially if you have also behaved
inappropriately. Hecate's justice knows no bounds. She sees to it that
all involved get precisely what they deserve.

"Hecate, Dark One, hear my plea,

Bring justice now, I ask of Thee!
Right the wrongs that have been done,
Avenge me now, oh Mighty One.
Turn misfortune back to those
Who cause my problems and my woes.
And heap upon them karmic debt
Lest they all too soon forget
Their wrongful actions, words, and deeds
Don't let them get away scot-free.

Bring them forth from where they hide,

Bring swift justice ~ wield your knife.
Hasten, Dark One; hear my plea ~
Do what it is I ask of Thee."

Excerpt from
Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living by Dorothy


Chant to Cast off Troubles

Hecate, Goddess of darkest night,

Send my troubles all to flight,
Burn them in thy sacred fires,
And replace them with my heart's desire!


Words of Power

May the circle never be broken,

May the earth always be whole,
May the rattle ever be shaken,
May Hecate live in my soul.


Raising Energy

Hecate's power,
Dark Moon Hour,
Fire to Banish and
Magick to flow.


Chant to Bless the Altar

Come Goddesses of fire and water,

Goddesses of earth and air.
Give your blessings to this altar,
Give a listen to our prayers.

Chant for Crossing the Gates of Dawn & Dusk

(This is a short chant to say at dusk and dawn, calling the protection
of Hecate, the ancient goddess of crossroads. Taking a moment to
chant these words can help us to ground, and give us a way to
recognize this daily cycle of rebirth and transformation in our lives. It
also helps to enforce our connection with Hecate.)

At the gate of dawn I stand,

Hecate, on the other hand,
Guard me with your magic power,
Guide me through the crossroads hour
From the beauty of the night
To the glory of the light.


At the gate of dusk I stand,

Hecate, on the other hand,
Guard me with your magic power.
Guide me through the crossroads hour,
From the glory of the light,
To the beauty of the night.

Attraction Chant
Goddess, let all good blessings come to thee,
Love and money fair to see.
Let all happiness and love,
Be heaped upon thee from above.
Bring in, bring in, as the Moon doth swell,
Whatever Thou neediest to keep thee well.

Wisdom Chant

Hecate, Crone Goddess, Keep me whole,

Let thy wisdom fill my soul.

Copyright 2004 - Hecate Moon

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