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Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

Unit IV

Involves study of the equations of motion, which relate the forces on
the body to the bodys motion.
This study is important for the design of gears, cams, and mechanisms
used for many mechanical and electrical operations.
Depending on the motion of the object, the rigid body planar motion
is divided into 3 types :
This type of motion occurs when a line in the body remains parallel
to its original orientation throughout the motion.
When the paths of motion for
If the paths of motion are along
any two points on the body are
parallel lines, the motion is
equidistant, the motion is called
called rectilinear translation
curvilinear translation

Rotation about a fixed axis:

When a rigid body rotates about a fixed
axis, all the particles of the body, except
those which lie on the axis of rotation,
move along circular paths.

General plane motion:

When a body is subjected to general plane
motion, it undergoes a combination of
translation and rotation. The translation occurs
within a reference plane, and the rotation
occurs about an axis perpendicular to the
reference plane.

Consider a rigid body subjected to
translation (rectilinear or curvilinear).
The locations of points A and B on the
body are defined with respect to fixed
x, y reference frame using position
vectors rA and rB.
The translating coordinate system (x`,y`) is fixed in the body and
has its origin at A, (base point). The position of B with respect to A
is denoted by the relative-position vector r B/A. By vector addition
rB = rA + rB/A

A relation between the instantaneous velocities of A and B is obtained
by taking the time derivative of this equation, which yields

vB = vA + d (rB/A)/dt

vA and vB denote absolute velocities since these vectors are measured

with respect to the x, y axes. In a rigid body, the magnitude of rB/A is
constant and as the body is translating the direction of rB/A is also
constant. Therefore,

vA = vB.

The time derivative of the velocity equation yields a similar relationship
between the instantaneous accelerations of A and B:

aA = aB
The above two equations indicate that all points in a rigid body subjected
to either rectilinear or curvilinear translation move with the same
velocity and acceleration.

When a body rotates about a fixed axis, any
point P located in the body travels along a
circular path. To study this motion it is first
necessary to discuss the angular motion of the
body about the axis.
Angular Motion
Since a point is without dimension, it cannot
have angular motion. Only lines or bodies
undergo angular motion. For the rigid body
shown in Fig, the angular motion of point P is
along the circle formed by radial line r located
within the shaded plane.
Angular Position
At the given condition, the angular position of r
is defined by the angle measured from a fixed
reference line to r.

Angular Displacement
The change in the angular position, which can be measured as
a differential d is called the angular displacement.
This vector has a magnitude of d measured in degrees,
radians, or revolutions, where 1 rev = 2 rad. Since motion is
about a fixed axis, the direction of is always along this axis.
The direction is determined by the right-hand rule; that is, the
fingers of the right hand are curled with the sense of rotation,
so that in this case the thumb, or points upward.
Angular Velocity
The time rate of change in the angular position is called the
angular velocity, denoted by (omega). Since d occurs during
an instant of time dt, then, = d/dt.
This vector has a magnitude which is often measured in rad/s.
It is expressed here in scalar form since its direction is also
along the axis of rotation.

Angular Acceleration
The angular acceleration, a, (alpha) measures the time rate of
change of the angular velocity. The magnitude of this vector is
a=d/dt = d2/dt2.
The line of action is the same of , but the direction depends
on increasing or decreasing value of , i.e. If is decreasing, it
is angular deceleration.
From the equations of and a, the following relationship can
be obtained, ad=d.
Constant Angular Acceleration
If the angular acceleration of the body is constant, the above
equations, when integrated, yield a set of formulae which relate
the bodys angular velocity, angular position, and time. These
equations are similar to that used for rectilinear motion.




Motion of Point P
As the rigid body rotates, point P travels
along a circular path of radius r with centre
at point O.
Position and Displacement
The position of P is defined by the position
vector r, which extends from O to P. If the
body rotates d then P will displace by ds =
r d.
The velocity of P has a magnitude which can be found by dividing so
that v = r, the direction of v is tangent to the circular path. In vector
form, it can be expressed as
v = x rP
The acceleration of P can be expressed in terms of its normal and
tangential components. Since at = dv/dt and an = v2/ where = r, v= r
and a = d/dt we have at = a r and an = 2 r.
In vector form, a = at + an, i.e. a = arP + (rP)

Motion of Point P
As the rigid body in Fig. 164c rotates, point P travels along a
circular path of radius r with center at point O. This path is
contained within the shaded plane shown in top view

Position and Displacement

The position of P is defined by the position vector r, which extends from O
to P. If the body rotates d, then P will displace by ds (= r d).
The velocity of P has a magnitude which can be computed by dividing ds
by dt, so that v = r, by cross product, v = rp.
For the direction of the velocity vector, the fingers are of the right hand
are curled from toward rp ( cross rp). The thumb indicates the
correct direction of v, which is tangent to the path in the direction of
motion. The magnitude of v is given by v = rp sin f. and since, r = rp sin
f, then v = r .
As a special case, the position vector r can be chosen for rp. Here r lies in
the plane of motion and again the velocity of point P is v = r .

The acceleration of P can be expressed in terms of
its normal and tangential components. Since at =
dv/dt and an = v2/ where, = r, v = r, a =
d/dt, we have
at = a r and an = 2 r
The tangential component of acceleration,
represents the time rate of change in the velocitys
magnitude. If the speed of P is increasing, then at
acts in the same direction as v; if the speed is
decreasing, atacts in the opposite direction of v;
and finally, if the speed is constant, is zero.
The normal component of acceleration represents
the time rate of change in the velocitys direction.
The direction of an is always toward O, the centre
of the circular path.

In vector form, a =

i.e. a=a rp + ( rp)

From the definition of the cross product, the first term on the right
has a magnitude at = a rp sinf = a r and by the right-hand rule, a rp
is in the direction of at. Likewise, the second term has a magnitude
an=2rpsinf = 2r and applying the right-hand rule twice, first to
determine the result vp = rp then to vp, it can be seen that
this result is in the same direction as an , i.e. r (as seen in fig).
therefore, a =a r - 2 r.

Procedure for Analysis

The velocity and acceleration of a point located on a rigid body that is
rotating about a fixed axis can be determined using the following
Angular Motion.
Establish the positive sense of rotation about the axis of rotation and
show it alongside each kinematic equation as it is applied.
If a relation is known between any two of the four variables a,, and
t, then a third variable can be obtained by using one of the following
kinematic equations which relates all three variables.
If the bodys angular acceleration is constant, then the following
equations can be used:

Once the solution is obtained, the sense of ,and a is determined

from the algebraic signs of their numerical quantities.

Motion of Point P.
In most cases the velocity of P and its two components of acceleration
can be determined from the scalar equations

If the geometry of the problem is difficult to visualize, the following

vector equations should be used

Here rp is directed from any point on the axis of rotation to point P,

whereas r lies in the plane of motion of P. Either of these vectors,
along with and a should be expressed in terms of its i, j, k
components, and, if necessary, the cross products determined using a
determinant expansion.

A cord is wrapped around a wheel in Fig. 165, which is
initially at rest when = 0. If a force is applied to the
cord and gives it an acceleration a = 4t m/s2, where t is
in seconds, determine, as a function of time, (a) the
angular velocity of the wheel, and (b) the angular
position of line OP .
since the cord is wrapped around the wheel and moves tangent to it,
ie tangential component is at = 4t m2/s. Hence the
angular acceleration of
the wheel is

angular velocity of the

wheel is

angular position of the

wheel is

Absolute Motion Analysis

A body subjected to general plane motion undergoes a
simultaneous translation and rotation.
The motion can be completely specified by knowing both the
angular rotation of a line fixed in the body and the motion of a
point on the body.
One way to relate these motions is to use a rectilinear position
coordinate s to locate the point along its path and an angular
position coordinate to specify the orientation of the line.
By direct application of the time-differential equations, v =
ds/dt, a = dv/dt, = d/dt and a = d/dt the motion of the
point and the angular motion of the line can then be related.
In some cases, this same procedure may be used to relate the
motion of one body, undergoing either rotation about a fixed
axis or translation, to that of a connected body undergoing
general plane motion.

The velocity and acceleration of a point P undergoing rectilinear
motion can be related to the angular velocity and angular acceleration
of a line contained within a body using the following procedure.
Position Coordinate Equation.
Locate point P on the body using a position coordinate s, which is
measured from a fixed origin and is directed along the straight-line
path of motion of point P.
Measure from a fixed reference line the angular position of a line lying
in the body.
From the dimensions of the body, relate s to using geometry and/or
Time Derivatives
Take the first derivative of s = f() with respect to time to get a relation
between v and .
Take the second time derivative to get a relation between a and a
In each case the chain rule of calculus must be used when taking
the time derivatives of the position coordinate equation.

At a given instant, the cylinder of radius r, has an angular velocity and

angular acceleration Determine the velocity and acceleration of its centre
G if the cylinder rolls without slipping.
The cylinder undergoes general plane
motion since it simultaneously translates
and rotates. By inspection, point G moves
in a straight line to the left, from G to G,
as the cylinder rolls,
Consequently its new position G will be
specified by the horizontal position
coordinate sG which is measured from G to
Also, as the cylinder rolls (without
slipping), the arc length AB on the rim
which was in contact with the ground
from A to B, is equivalent to sG.
Consequently, the motion requires the
radial line GA to rotate to the position
GA. Since the arc AB = r, then G travels
a distance

sG = r
vG = r
aG = r a

The large window in Fig. 169 is opened using a hydraulic cylinder

AB. If the cylinder extends at a constant rate of 0.5 m/s, determine
the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the window at
the instant = 30o.
Position Coordinate Equation. The angular
motion of the window can be obtained using the
coordinate , whereas the extension or motion
along the hydraulic cylinder is defined using a
coordinate s, which measures its length from the
fixed point A to the moving point B. From the
law of cosines,

Relative Velocity
The general plane motion of a rigid body can be
described as a combination of translation and
The relative position vector, rB = rA + r B/A
Displacement: drB = drA + dr B/A
where rB is due to translation and
rotation, rA is due to rotation about A, r
B/A due to translation of A

Therefore, velocity
would be

The earlier equation takes the form,

vB = vA + vB/A
vB/A being the rotational velocity can be written
as v = r w, i.e. vB/A = rB/A i.e.
vB = vA + rB/A

Procedure for Analysis

Vector Analysis

Kinematic Diagram
Establish the directions of the fixed x, y coordinates and draw a
kinematic diagram of the body. Indicate on it the velocities vA,
vB of points A and B, the angular velocity, and the relative
position vector rB/A.
If the magnitudes of vA, vB or are unknown, the sense of
direction of these vectors can be assumed.
Velocity Equation
To apply the equation, vB = vA + rB/A express the vectors in
Cartesian vector form and substitute them into the equation.
Evaluate the cross product and then equate the respective i
and j components to obtain two scalar equations.
If the solution yields a negative answer for an unknown
magnitude, it indicates the sense of direction of the vector is
opposite to that shown on the kinematic diagram.

Scalar Analysis
Kinematic Diagram
If the velocity equation is to be applied in scalar form, then
the magnitude and direction of the relative velocity must
be established. Draw a kinematic diagram such as shown in
Fig. 1610g, which shows the relative motion. Since the
body is considered to be pinned momentarily at the base
point A, the magnitude of is The sense of direction of is
always perpendicular to in accordance with the rotational
motion of the body.*
Velocity Equation
Write Eq. 1615 in symbolic form, and underneath each of
the terms represent the vectors graphically by showing
their magnitudes and directions. The scalar equations are
determined from the x and y components of these vectors.

The link shown in Fig. 1613a is guided by two blocks at A

and B, which move in the fixed slots. If the velocity of A is
downward, determine the velocity of B at the instant =
Since points A and B re restricted to move along the
fixed slots and is directed downward, the velocity must
be directed horizontally to the right
This motion causes the link to rotate counterclockwise;
that is, by the right-hand rule the angular velocity is
directed outward, perpendicular to the plane of
Expressing each of the vectors in terms of their i, j, k
components and applying velocity Eq. to A, the base point,
and B, we have

Since both results are positive, the directions of and are

indeed correct as shown in Fig. 1613b. It should be
emphasized that these results are valid only at the instant

The collar C in Fig. 1615a is moving downward with a

velocity of 2 m/s. Determine the angular velocity of CB at this
Kinematic Diagram. The downward motion of C causes B to
move to the right along a curved path. Also, CB and AB rotate

Vector form:

Scalar form:

Resolving these vectors in the x and y directions yields

The bar AB of the linkage shown in Fig. 1, has a clockwise

angular velocity of 30 rad/s when = 60o Determine the angular
velocities of member BC and the wheel at this instant
Kinematic Diagram: By inspection, the velocities of points B
and C are defined by the rotation of link AB and the wheel
about their fixed axes. The position vectors and the angular
velocity of each member are shown on the kinematic diagram
in Fig. 2. To solve, we will write the appropriate kinematic
equation for each member.

Fig 1

Fig 2

Velocity Equation for Link AB (rotation about a fixed axis):

Velocity eq for Link BC (general plane motion)

Wheel (rotation about a fixed axis):

Instantaneous Centre of Zero Velocity

The velocity of any point B located on a rigid body can be obtained in
a very direct way by choosing the base point A to be a point that has
zero velocity at the instant considered.
In this case, vA = 0 and therefore the velocity equation, vB = vA +
rB/A becomes vB = rB/A .
For a body having general plane motion, point A so chosen is called
the instantaneous centre of zero velocity (IC), and it lies on the
instantaneous axis of zero velocity.
This axis is always perpendicular to the plane of motion, and the
intersection of the axis with this plane defines the location of the IC.
Since point A coincides with the IC, then vB = rB/A and so point B
moves momentarily about the IC in a circular path; in other words, the
body appears to rotate about the instantaneous axis.
The magnitude vB of is simply where is vB = rB/A the angular velocity
of the body. Due to the circular motion, the direction of vB must
always be p erpendicular to rB/A.

For example, the IC for the bicycle wheel in Fig. is at the contact
point with the ground.
There the spokes are somewhat visible, whereas at the top of
the wheel they become blurred.

If one imagines that the wheel is momentarily pinned at this

point, the velocities of various points can be found using v = r
Here the radial distances shown in the photo, must be
determined from the geometry of the wheel.

Location of the IC
To locate the IC we can use the fact that the velocity of a point on the
body is always perpendicular to the relative position vector directed
from the IC to the point.
Several possibilities are

The velocity vA of a point A on the body and the

angular velocity of the body are known: In this
case, the IC is located along the line drawn
perpendicular to vA at A, such that the distance from
A to the IC is rA/IC = vA/. Note that the IC lies up and
to the right of A since must cause a clockwise angular
velocity about the IC.
The lines of action of two nonparallel velocities vA and vB
and are known: Construct at points A and B line
segments that are perpendicular to vA and vB. Extending
these perpendiculars to their point of intersection as
shown locates the IC at the instant considered.

The magnitude and direction of two parallel velocities and are known:
Here the location of the IC is determined by proportional triangles.

In both cases, rA/IC = vA/ and rB/IC = vB/

d = rA/IC + rB/IC

d = rA/IC - rB/IC

As the board slides downward to the left it is

subjected to general plane motion. Since the
directions of the velocities of its ends A and B are
known, the IC is located as shown. At this instant
the board will momentarily rotate about this
point. Draw the board in several other positions
and establish the IC for each case.

Points to remember
The point chosen as the instantaneous centre of zero velocity for the body
can only be used at the instant considered since the body changes its
position from one instant to the next.
The locus of points which define the location of the IC during the bodys
motion is called a centrode and so each point on the centrode acts as the IC
for the body only for an instant.
Although the IC may be conveniently used to determine the velocity of any
point in a body, it generally does not have zero acceleration and therefore it
should not be used for finding the accelerations of points in a body.

Procedure for Analysis

The velocity of a point on a body which is subjected to general plane motion
can be determined with reference to its instantaneous centre of zero
velocity provided the location of the IC is first established using one of the
three methods described above.
Establish a kinematic diagram in which the body
is imagined as extended and pinned at the IC
so that, at the instant considered, it rotates
about this pin with its angular velocity.
The magnitude of velocity for each of the
arbitrary points A, B, and C on the body can be
determined by using the equation v = r where
r is the radial distance from the IC to each point.
The line of action of each velocity vector v is perpendicular to its
associated radial line r, and the velocity has a sense of direction which
tends to move the point in a manner consistent with the angular
rotation V of the radial line

Block D shown in Fig. moves with a speed of 3m/s. Determine the angular velocities of
links BD and AB, at the instant shown.

As D moves to the right, it causes AB to
rotate clockwise about point A. Hence, is
directed perpendicular to AB. The
instantaneous centre of zero velocity for
BD is located at the intersection of the
line segments drawn perpendicular to vA
and vD . From the geometry,

Since the magnitude of vD is known, the angular velocity of link BD is


From Fig. the angular velocity of AB is

The crankshaft AB turns with a clockwise angular velocity of 10 rad/s. Determine the
velocity of the piston at the instant shown.

The rotational sense of BC must be the same as the rotation caused by about the IC,
which is counterclockwise. Therefore,

Therefore, the velocity of the piston is

Relative-Motion Analysis: Acceleration

An equation that relates the accelerations of two points on a bar
(rigid body) subjected to general plane motion may be determined by
differentiating the velocity equation with respect to time. This yields

The terms dvB/dt = aB and dvA/dt = aA are measured with respect to a

set of fixed x, y axes and represent the absolute accelerations of
points B and A.
The last term represents the acceleration of B with respect to A as
measured by an observer fixed to translating x, y axes which have
their origin at the base point A.
Earlier, we have studied that to this observer point B appears to move
along a circular arc that has a radius of curvature rB/A.
Therefore, aB/A, as angular acceleration has two components,
tangential and normal accelerations, thereby relative acceleration for
a body in general plane motion can be written as

Since the relative-acceleration components represent the effect

of circular motion observed from translating axes having their
origin at the base point (aB/A)T = arB/A, (aB/A)N = -2 rB/A.
The equation reduces to

Note: the acceleration of a point is tangent to the path only

when the path is rectilinear or when it is an inflection point on
a curve.

Procedure for Analysis

Tp determine the angular velocity of the body by using a velocity
analysis as discussed and also, determine the velocities of points A
and B if these points move along curved paths.
Kinematic Diagram.
Establish the directions of the fixed x, y coordinates and draw the
kinematic diagram of the body. Indicate on it aA, aB, , a and rB/A.
If points A and B move along curved paths, then their accelerations
should be indicated in terms of their tangential and normal
components, aA,B = (aA,B)t +(aA,B)n
Acceleration Equation.
To apply aB = aA+ arB/A - 2rB/A, express the vectors in Cartesian
vector form and substitute them into the equation. Evaluate the
cross product and then equate the respective i and j components to
obtain two scalar equations.
If the solution yields a negative answer for an unknown magnitude, it
indicates that the sense of direction of the vector is opposite to that
shown on the kinematic diagram.

The rod AB shown in Fig. is confined to move

along the inclined planes at A and B. If point A
has an acceleration of 3m/s2 and a velocity of
2m/s, both directed down the plane at the
instant the rod is horizontal, determine the
angular acceleration of the rod at this instant
Kinematic Diagram. Since points A and B both
move along straight-line paths, they have no
components of acceleration normal to the
To depict , first determine the magnitude
using velocity equation.
= v/rB/A, = 2/(10 sin 45o) = 0.238 rad/s

Acceleration Equation

Solving, we have

The spool shown in Fig. unravels from the cord, such

that at the instant shown it has an angular velocity of 3
rad/s and an angular acceleration of 4 rad/s2.
Determine the acceleration of point B.
The spool appears to be rolling downward without slipping at
point A. the acceleration of point G, i.e.,

Kinematic Diagram: Point B moves along a curved path

having an unknown radius of curvature. Its acceleration will
be represented by its unknown x and y components
Acceleration Equation

Equating the i and j terms

The collar C in Fig. moves downward with an

acceleration of 1 m/s2. At the instant shown, it has
a speed of 2 m/s which gives links CB and AB an
angular velocity AB= CB= 10 rad/s. Determine the
angular accelerations of CB and AB at this instant.
Kinematic Diagram. The kinematic diagrams of both
links AB and CB are shown in Fig. To solve, apply the
appropriate kinematic equation to each link.
Acceleration Equation
Link AB (rotation about a fixed axis):

Link BC (general plane motion): Using the result for

Relative-Motion Analysis using Rotating Axes

Earlier, the relative-motion analysis for velocity and acceleration
was described using a translating coordinate system.
This type of analysis is useful for determining the motion of points
on the same rigid body, or the motion of points located on several
pin-connected bodies.
In some problems, rigid bodies (mechanisms) are constructed such
that sliding will occur at their connections. The kinematic analysis
for such cases is best performed if the motion is analysed using a
coordinate system which both translates and rotates.
Furthermore, this frame of reference is useful for analysing the
motions of two points on a mechanism which are not located in
the same body and for specifying the kinematics of particle motion
when the particle moves along a rotating path.
In the following analysis two equations will be developed which
relate the velocity and acceleration of two points, one of which is
the origin of a moving frame of reference subjected to both a
translation and a rotation in the plane.

Consider the two points A and B shown in Fig.

Their location is specified by the position
vectors (rA, rB) which are measured with
respect to the fixed X,Y, Z coordinate system.
As shown in the figure, the base point A
represents the origin of the x, y, z coordinate
system, which is assumed to be both
translating and rotating with respect to the
X,Y, Z system.
The position of B with respect to A is specified by the relative-position
vector rB/A.
The components of this vector may be expressed either in terms of unit
vectors along the X, Y axes, i.e., I and J, or by unit vectors along the x, y
axes, i.e., i and j.
For the development which follows rB/A, will be measured with respect
to the moving x, y frame of reference.
Thus, if B has coordinates (xB, yB), then rB/A = xB i+ yB j

For obtaining the position of B, we use the equation

rB = rA+ rB/A
At the instant considered, point A has a velocity vA and an acceleration
aA, while the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the x, y axes
are (omega) and = d /dt respectively.
To obtain the velocity of point B, the time derivative of the above
equation gives
VB = VA+ drB/A/dt
Where, the last term can be further written as

In the above equation, The two terms in the first set of parentheses
represent the components of velocity of point B as measured by an
observer attached to the moving x, y, z coordinate system.

In the second set of parentheses the instantaneous time rate of

change of the unit vectors i and j is measured by an observer
located in the fixed X,Y, Z coordinate system.
These changes, di and dj, are due only to the rotation d of the x,
y, z axes, causing i to become i = i + di and j to become j = j + dj.

The magnitudes of both di and dj equal 1

d, since i = i = j = j = 1.
The direction of di is defined by +j, since di
is tangent to the path described by the
arrowhead of i in the limit as t dt
Likewise, dj acts in the -i direction,

Viewing the axes in three dimensions, and

noting that = k, we can express the
above derivatives in terms of the cross
product as

Solving the above equations,

Therefore, the final velocity equation can

be expressed as

Comparing the above equation with that of a translating frame of reference, it can be seen
that the only difference between these two equations is represented by the term (vB/A)xyz.

The acceleration of B, observed from the X, Y, Z coordinate system, may
be expressed in terms of its motion measured with respect to the
rotating system of coordinates by taking the time derivative of velocity

Here (=d/dt) is the angular acceleration of the x, y, z coordinate

system. Since is always perpendicular to the plane of motion, then
measures only the change in magnitude of .

The derivative term drB/A/dt is expresses as earlier form,

Finding the time derivative of

The two terms in the first set of brackets represent the components of
acceleration of point B as measured by an observer attached to the
rotating coordinate system. These terms will be denoted by (aB/A)xyz.
The terms in the second set of brackets can be simplified using

Hence, the final form of acceleration is given by

The equation, 2 (vB/A)xyz is called as Coriolis acceleration, named after the
French engineer G. C. Coriolis, who was the first to determine it.
This term represents the difference in the acceleration of B as measured from
nonrotating and rotating x, y, z axes.
As indicated by the vector cross product, the Coriolis acceleration will always
be perpendicular to both and (vB/A)xyz.
It is an important component of the acceleration which must be considered
whenever rotating reference frames are used.
For example, when studying the accelerations and forces which act on rockets,
long-range projectiles, or other bodies having motions whose measurements
are significantly affected by the rotation of the earth.

The following interpretation of the terms in acceleration Eq. may be useful when applying
this equation to the solution of problems

Procedure for Analysis

Coordinate Axes.
Choose an appropriate location for the origin and proper orientation of the axes for
both fixed X, Y, Z and moving x, y, z reference frames.
Most often solutions are easily obtained if at the instant considered:
1. the origins are coincident
2. the corresponding axes are collinear
3. the corresponding axes are parallel
The moving frame should be selected fixed to the body or device along which the
relative motion occurs.
Kinematic Equations.
After defining the origin A of the moving reference and specifying the moving point B,
Eqs. 1624 and 1627 should be written in symbolic form

The Cartesian components of all these vectors may be expressed along either the X, Y, Z
axes or the x, y, z axes. The choice is arbitrary provided a consistent set of unit vectors
is used.
Motion of the moving reference is expressed by and and motion of B with respect to
the moving reference is expressed

At the instant = 60o, the rod in Fig. has an angular velocity of 3 rad/s and an angular
acceleration of 2 rad/s2. At this same instant, collar C travels outward along the rod such
that when x= 0.2m, the velocity is 2m/s and the acceleration is 3 m/s2 both measured
relative to the rod. Determine the Coriolis acceleration and the velocity and acceleration
of the collar at this instant.

Coordinate Axes: The origin of both coordinate systems is
located at point O. Since motion of the collar is reported
relative to the rod, the moving x, y, z frame of reference is
attached to the rod.
Kinematic Equations

It will be simpler to express the data in terms of i, j, k component vectors rather than I, J, K

The Coriolis acceleration is

The velocity and acceleration of the collar are determined by substituting the
data into respective equations Eqs

Rod AB, shown in Fig. rotates clockwise such that it has an angular velocity AB = 3
rads/s and angular acceleration aAB = 4 rads/s2, when = 45o. Determine the
angular motion of rod DE at this instant. The collar at C is pin connected to AB and
slides over rod DE
Coordinate Axes. The origin of both the fixed and
moving frames of reference is located at D.
Furthermore, the x, y, z reference is attached to
and rotates with rod DE so that the relative motion
of the collar is easy to follow.

All vectors will be expressed in terms of i, j, k components

Motion of C: Since the collar moves along a circular path of radius AC, its velocity and
acceleration can be determined using Eqs of rotating bodies.

Substituting the above values in velocity and acceleration eqns, we have

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