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Forensic Psychology: COURSE SYLLABUS

Title: Forensic Psychology

Instructor Contact Information:
Name: Joulyn Kenny M.Sc (Forensic Science)
Phone: 9819288253
Office Hours: Before & After Class or By Appointment
Course Description: The forensic psychology course will explore the application of
psychological science to legal matters. Special attention will be given to developing
and understanding of the most prevalent mental disorders that are encountered in
forensic evaluations and how forensic psychologists assists judges and juries in
determining criminal responsibility and punishment. Students will learn about the
insanity defense, capital murder and the death penalty, competency to stand trial,
and child custody matters. Additional topics to be covered include the
psychological underpinnings and motivations for sexual offenses, murder, and
repeated criminal behaviour.
Student Learning Objectives:
1. Students will identify the major mental illnesses encountered in forensic
psychology and apply this knowledge to case analyses.
2. Students will learn basic case and statutory law related to forensic psychology.
3. Students will be able to identify causes of criminality.
4. Students will learn criminal and civil applications of forensic psychology.

Required Reading Materials: Necessary Hand-outs, worksheets as provided by

the Instructor.
Assignments and Academic Calendar


Class Instruction & Assignment

1. Introduction to Forensic Psychology
2. Major Mental Illness in Forensic Psychology
1.Psychotic Disorders
2. Bipolar Disorders
Reading Assignment: Forensic Psychology, Chapter 1
2. Reading Assignment
Insanity Defense
2. Reading Assignment:
Forensic Linguistics
Competency Assessment

1.Eye witness memory and identification errors

2. Amnesia for criminal

1.Sexual Offender-Risk Assessment and Subtypes

1.Violence Risk Assessment
2. Intimate Partner Violence
3. Juvenile Delinquency


Mid-Term Exam


1. Serial Killers ;types and profiling

1. Mind of the Criminal
Case Studies
Treatment and Management of Offenders
Paper Submission
1.Civil Commitment
2. Child Custody Evaluations
1. Reading Assignment



1. New Trends in Forensic Psychology

Review for End Exams

Course Requirements and Grading Policies:

A students final grade will be an average of the following:
1. Class participation and attendance (10%).
You can expect to receive full credit in this area if you attend class regularly and
participate in class discussions.
2. Mid-Term Exam (35%)
3. Analysis Paper (20%)
4. Final Exam (35%)
Exams will be composed of true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and
brief essays.
Paper Requirements: Each student will compose a three to five page (double
spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins) analysis on an insanity case.
The paper will be graded as follows:
1. Content (75%) 2. Grammar (25%)

Course & Instructor Policies:

Make up exams will be allowed only on an emergency basis. Proof of the emergency
must be provided (e.g., physicians note, police report, etc.).
Late papers will be accepted one week after the due date and will be reduced by one
grade level.
No electronic devices are allowed during testing.
Cells phones should be silenced during class.
The descriptions and timelines contained in this syllabus are subject to
change at the discretion of the instructor.

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