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Destiny Ramos

EDUG 511
October 29,2015
PRQ #6
To be an efficient teacher there are many things I need to know. I need to know about
students, cognitive development processes, physical development, a variety of classroom
management skills, various disciplines and more. But more importantly I need to know how and
when to appropriately use the knowledge. Every strategy choice, activity selection and material
used in my instruction should be purposeful and intentional. Knowing my students, assessments
and scaffolding will provide purpose to my instruction.
Knowing my students will allow me to make valuable instruction decisions. TPE 8:
Learning about students, proposes . In order to make content accessible to students, I need to
know my students. Burden and Byrd give a plethora of characteristics to consider when getting
to know the student. I can use surveys, interviews (with the student, students parents or students
previous teachers), CUM file, IEP or activities such as student of the week to learn about the
students. Some characteristics Burden and Byrd believe to be relevant to student learning are
cognitive activity, affect, socioeconomic standards, family dynamics, ethnicity, learning style,
gender, exceptionalities and attitudes. The data collected about the students will influence
whether I use deductive strategies, inductive strategies, small groups or individual work.
Assessments give value to instruction decisions because the data influence decisions
about planning, implementing and modifying instruction. Burden and Byrd support the
constructivist approach to education because they emphasize that an effective teachers know
their subjectsthe students. TPE 3.10 states that candidates know how to accurately interpret

assessment results of individuals in order to develop and modify instructions, furthermore, TPE
8.2 proposes that candidates used formal and informal methods to assess students prior
knowledge to maximize learning opportunities.
Assessment goes beyond the student. As an effective teacher, I will continually assess the
value of my instruction choices. Burden and Byrd recommend that assessment is on going for
students and educators. I will use a variety of self-reflection tools to keep value. For example, if
my lesson lacks manipulatives for math in first grade, I will have to informally assess
understanding to determine whether I should introduce this new piece of material. I also will
consider student background, interest and whether the student is EL. TPE 7.1 requires candidates
to know pedagogical theories and instructional practices for comprehensive instruction for
English learners while knowing how and when these theories and strategies are necessary. Many
English language learners require SDAIE strategies, and if I am not making modifications and
choosing a variety of instruction strategies, not all students are granted universal access.
After getting to know my students I will make my strategies, activities and materials
valuable by creating an effective learning environment. Bruner and Vygotsky emphasize a child's
environment, especially the social environment, in learning. Bruner says that teachers should
facilitate learning and takes a constructivist stance where students learn through discovery. To
facilitate successful learning the teacher must create equity. Some students have special needs,
are gifted or simply require additional help. Scaffolding is the step a teacher takes to allow a
child to concentrate on an individualized academic goal. This is similar to Vygotskys zone of
proximal development, because in Vygotskys theory each student has a zone of development to
work in that reflects their current level of knowledge and allows them to reach their potential
level. Identifying ZPD is useful for making modification and adding extension activities. For

example, a student who is reading more than two years below grade level may be asked to only
go up to number 10 during a spelling test, where the gifted students will be given challenge
Creating valuable and intentional lessons and activities is a process. Educator must know
the students; know subject areas and their common core standards, strategies and skills. After
getting to know your student and using and analyzing assessment, I can create a valuable and
purposeful learning environment.

Burden, P.R., & Byrd, D.M. (2013). Methods for effective teaching: Meeting the needs of
all students (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2013). California teaching performance
expectations. Retrieved from


Piaget, J. (2003). Development and Learning. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, 40, S8-S18.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Interaction between learning and development. In Mind
in society: The development of higher psychological processes (pp. 79-91). Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.

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