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com Beer 101 Course

Follow-Along Worksheet
1. Beer is typically made from water, malted barley, hops and __________.
2. Session beers usually are less than __________ % ABV.
3. Besides barley, other grains commonly used in beer are:
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
4. Prohibition was between the years __________ and __________.
5. In 2014, craft brewers volume of the U.S. beer market reached ________% volume.
6. Craft beer is not defined, but the Brewers Association defines a craft brewer as:
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
7. Malted barley or other grains will contribute to flavor, aroma, ______________________ and

___________________ of the beer.
8. Hops are the pungent _________________ of the hop vine that adds aroma, flavor and

9. Yeast feasts on __________ from the malted barley during the fermentation process.
10. The mineral content of water can have an effect on a finished beers ____________________ and
11. Malting turns raw __________ into malt by germinating the grains, then kiln-drying them to produce
starches that will be converted to __________ during brewing.
12. During the mashing process, a sugar-rich liquid called __________ is run off into the brew kettle.
13. Boiling extracts the hop alpha acids that make the beer bitter and contribute to its _______________
and _______________.
14. During fermentation, yeast eats the sugars and starts making __________ and __________ gas.
15. The step in the brewing process called __________ is when the fermented beer is cooled to reduce yeast
activity and undergoes aging.
16. The finished beer may be packaged in:

a. ________________________________ c. ________________________________

b. ________________________________ d._______________________________ Beer 101 Course Follow-Along Worksheet Continued

17. SRM refers to a beers __________.
18. IBU stands for ______________________________.
19. ABV stands for ______________________________.
20. Gravity refers to the amount of residual _______________ in the beer.
21. Lagers are best enjoyed at __________ F
22. Ales are best enjoyed at __________ F
23. When looking at the appearance of a beer, some things to note are:

a. ________________________________

b. ________________________________

c. ________________________________

24. The proper glass will be beer clean, rinsed and have enough _____________________ to allow for the
aroma to collect.
25. To get the most out of your beer drinking experience, you should take note of:

a. ________________________________

b. ________________________________

c. ________________________________

d. ________________________________

e. ________________________________

26. The rule of thumb when choosing beer glassware is: the stronger the beer, the ___________________
the glass.
27. The rule of thumb for the temperature that a beer should be served is: The more __________ within the
beer, the __________ it should be served.
28. When pairing beer with food, two common strategies are to __________ or __________ with the food.
29. Malt is great for soothing spice and will harmonize with many flavors like grilled, _______________ and
30. Hops add a nice complement to foods with __________________ and _________________ notes. Hops will
also cut through __________________ in rich foods and bring out the spicy characters in spicy foods.
31. Things to consider when ordering a beer at a restaurant are:

a. ________________________________

b. ________________________________

c. ________________________________

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