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Getting Started
Walkthrough part 2
Walkthrough part 3
Walkthrough part 4
Walkthrough part 5
Walkthrough part 6
Walkthrough part 7
Walkthrough part 8
Walkthrough part 9
Walkthrough part 10
Walkthrough part 11
Walkthrough part 12
Walkthrough part 13
Walkthrough part 14
Walkthrough part 15
Walkthrough part 16
Walkthrough part 17
Questions & Answers
Guide Contents
Command Conversions
Command Conversions part 2
Command Conversions part 3
Command Conversions part 4
Command Conversions part 5
Command Conversions part 6
Items & Collectibles

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Guide
by Stephanie Lee
Nine years. As of this writing, that's how long the Kingdom Hearts franchise has been around since its
release stateside in September of 2002. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded isn't really a new game per se. In
a sense, think of it as the long lost, more well-rounded and approachable twin of the awkward kid who
everyone (at least, everyone outside Japan) readily dismissed when he moved into town a while back
(referring to the original Japan-only Coded release). Still, it's a Kingdom Hearts game, and as such,
one would expect it fraught with fun times and magical secrets to uncover.
And so your best buds at IGN Guides conceived this guide with the intent of being the less obnoxious
backseat driver of this Kingdom Hearts adventure. We've got a walkthrough with in-depth analyses of
the enemies you'll encounter and even a Q&A section to tie up other loose ends just a few clicks
away. Well? Click away!
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Guide Contents Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Tips for getting started
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Complete game walkthrough for every world Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded
Command conversions charts Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Comprehensive items & collectibles list
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Answers to common questions

Getting Started
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Getting Started
While there could potentially be a lot to discuss in a section designed to help the player better
understand the game, Re:coded does a fantastic job of tutoring you on any new gameplay elements
that come up in the middle of your adventure--in great frequency, too. So, we're going to go ahead
and skip to the more intricate stuff.
Combat and all things related to beefing you up for fighting make up a fatty chunk of the gameplay
meat, and building a firm understanding of the combat mechanics makes your experience with these
much more pleasant and engaging.

Command Deck
First of all, for those of you unfamiliar with the Kingdom Hearts series, the combat is a mix of real-time
fighting and some traditional RPG elements. Perhaps the feature of chief importance, the Command
Deck, located in the lower left corner of the screen, is like the bread and butter of your combat
abilities aside from your base skills of attacking, jumping, rolling, etc.
And here comes a crucial point. The Commands you have available on the Command Deck are the
only abilities or items you have access to at any time! This means that anything you pick up begins as
a concept until you stick it on the Command Deck, where it finally has some application. Press the Y
button to cycle through your options, and X to use them. Each slot on the Command Deck can be
customized with spells, attacks, and items for use in and out of battle. Access this through the
Command Matrix.
One caveat: you can't tinker with the Command Deck once you've entered battle.
A very important note on using any Command ability is that if you're hurt while casting the ability is
offset completely and goes into cooldown as if it's been cast.

Spell Cooldowns
No requirements to use spells and abilities? That's great, but not so fast! To prevent you from simply
spamming, spells go through cooldown (the game uses the term "reload") periods until they're next
available for use. Higher level spells generally take longer to cooldown, but a lucky Overspec can
decrease this time.

Command Matrix
This is the control center for determining what goes in the Command Deck and, ultimately, what you
use in battle. The number of slot groups you have varies with your growth in the Stat Matrix, but we'll

keep it simple for now and say you have four slot groups, meaning you have access to a total of four
abilities on the deck. We could further simplify things and tell you that you just choose an ability-whatever it may beand install it on the first slot within the group, but that would be doing you a huge
disservice. Here's where it gets fun.
What if we told you that by allocating two separate abilities in the blue slots you could potentially
synthesize an upgraded or completely different and, most of the time, more awesome ability in the red
slot? For example, couple Fire and Quick Blitz together to produce Fire Edge, Cure with Fire for Fira,
etc. This essentially opens up a world of innumerable (but finite number of) synthesis possibilities.
As you defeat enemies, your installed abilities accrue Command Points until they reach a CP Max
(illustrated by an exclamation point) and can be converted into the synthesized ability permanently.
This multiplies the possibilities even more! Converted abilities also have a chance of contracting a
random Overspec property (C or R). These are useful for reloading the ability faster, filling the clock
gauge faster, or even both! Note that any single Command can be optimized and overspec'd multiple
times until it reaches CR lvl. 100.
All abilities use up a certain percentage of memory, which is not to exceed 100% in total.
You use Items the same way you use any Command unless you're out of battle. You can use the item
by accessing the Command Matrix, scrolling to the Items tab, and then pressing Y to use it.

Stat Matrix
Leveling up your character remains a gameplay staple, but unlike in the traditional leveling sense,
your character's stats don't increase with level. They're actually gained individually and discretely
through various stat bonuses assigned to chips that must be installed on the Stat Matrix, which is
basically a giant motherboard full of CPUs, wires, connecting slots, and a bunch of other gizmos. The
important thing to know is that you place stat chips, such as Level Up, Strength+1, or even Blanks, in
the empty slots to pave the way to other CPUs and major board units. Whereas the Command Matrix
develops the abilities you use, the Stat Matrix develops your character, his support skills, the number
of accessory slots he can have, and it even influences certain game mechanics!
The Stat Matrix expands with every world you visit, so it helps to decide what and where you want to
build to. There are also a few quirks that keep this character building process interesting. New worlds
mean new CPUs, and some of these CPUs can connect together, thereby effectively doubling the
effect of the chips lying within those connecting slots. Keep in mind also that once chips have been
set down they cannot be removed unless they are Blank chips to begin with. Those can be replaced
by other stat chips.
There are a couple more nuances of the Stat Matrix to learn about, but we'll leave the game to tell you
about those!

Set such chips as Level Up and other great stat-boosters in between CPU terminals to double the
levels and resulting stats.

Gear Matrix
The last, but certainly not least, of the matrices, the Gear Matrix sets your current equipped Keyblade,
its finishing move, and attachments. The number of attachments can be increased by landing on the
appropriate spot on the Stat Matrix.

Clock Abilities
The Clock gauge and its corresponding ability tree further add versatility to combat by adding a level
of depth to the Keyblade you're using. Each Keyblade has its own ability tree that provides a unique
edge in combat. You can view and access the ability tree on the touchscreen in or out of combat. As
you hit enemies, break blocks, or use abilities from the Command Deck, the Clock gauge next to your
character's beautiful face begins to fill up and proceed through levels. A maximum level denotes that
your selected finishing move is ready to be unleashed.

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
World 1: Destiny Islands

Station of Awakening

Destiny Islands

World 2: Tra

Walkthrough part 2
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Station of Awakening
Sora is recruited to help King Mickey and the gang with something that has them completely
flummoxed. Touch the glittering speck in the center of the platform and be prepared to choose an
item that basically determines Sora's initial skillset. You will be asked to choose an item that best
represents your playing style and then to forfeit your possession of another. If you're curious, we went
with the staff and dropped the sword. (This combination grants you early access to Cure and Fire
Someone who isn't supposed to be in the journal is in there all right, along with Sora. Chase after the
hooded figure to encounter a fresh batch of Heartless. Luckily Sora has immediate access to the
Keyblade and can go to slicing and dicing these wicked beings without delay. If your combat skills feel
a bit rusty, take your time going through this tutorial, or browse our Getting Started section for a little
jog down memory lane.
Enemy Analysis: Shadow
Shadow make up a large majority of the Heartless you'll face. Generally weak, Shadow appear in
great numbers to make up for their individual lack of offensive force. A few pokes easily puts down
any one Shadow, but things can get a bit more hairy when a myriad of them show up.
Triumph over the Heartless to receive your first Level Up chip that can be immediately used for a new
support move, Dodge Roll. Tinker with the Stat Matrix to discover that abilities like the Dodge Roll can
be toggled on and off, amongst other things. Walk into the swirling green light that you now recognize
as a save point and move through the huge stone doors.

Destiny Islands
Home is where the beach is, and this statement couldn't hold truer for young Sora. However, things
aren't quite how Sora remembers them, and he intends to find out just what these mysterious blox

invading his home are. After speaking with Selphie, who's just as clueless as to the origin of these
blox as you are, follow the shoreline to find Wakka.
You are introduced to a couple more different kinds of blox; a prize blox sits at the top of a tower of
metal blox. Destroy the prize blox for an HP +2 chip. Before reporting your findings to Wakka, explore
the treetop nearby to secure a Blank chip from another prize blox. Use the HP+2 that you just
acquired before chatting up Wakka again, after which he has you hunting down Tidus.
Tidus shouldn't have wandered off too far--oh, look! There he is, standing on the lone island by the
water's edge. However, things are never this simple. You first have to enter a system sector and
debug a glitch, a simple act that is accomplished by eliminating all the Heartless and blox on the level.
This permits transport to the next level where you repeat until the system sector is cleared. While
you're in these otherworldly realms, you amass a number of SP (Sector Points) currency that can
ultimately be used to purchase some helpful items, or exchanged for EXP or Munny (go for EXP
whenever possible). Carefully consider your options and make the purchase that makes the most
sense in the context of your fighting style. Then again, you should've racked up a good amount of SP,
so it's possible to buy all of the chips in one go (which we recommend, anyway).
Important Note!
Now that you've uncovered the system sectors heed this warning: as a good portion of the gameplay
takes place in system sectors, there is a completely random chance that later on you will bump into a
very formidable foe called Exterminator. It is a high-level enemy that covers you in all sorts of status
ailment very quickly. If you ever run into it, run away until you're at a higher level or are better
Cross this newly-formed bridge to Tidus and engage him in a short battle. Tidus cries out whenever
he lunges at you, so listen for his childish wail to predict his forthcoming attacks and roll out of the
way, into a position that lets you return your own blows. You receive a Potion for the battle. The prize
blox nearby gives Fire. Proceed to clean up all the bug blox on the island and speak to Selphie for a
Defense +1 chip.
If you don't already have Cure part of your repertoire of moves, you might want to take the game's
advice and add Potion to your Command Matrix straightaway.
Following Tidus' tip about the cloaked figure, head into the open crevice by the waterfall. When all
things have been said and done, you find yourself in the midst of a new enemy.
Boss Analysis: Darkside
Of course, you find yourself in a classic boss setup in which you alone stand on a platform with the
upper body of this oversized vessel of death gazing into your soul. Slight joking aside, this is a three-

stage affair, all of which are pretty tame. Since he's out of physical reach at the moment you must
wait for him to slam his fist into the ground near you, at which point you wail away at the grounded
hand. Meanwhile Heartless spring up from the ground in an effort to draw your attention away, but
keep pounding the boss' hand until he withdraws it.
The other attack during this stage involves spawning a bunch of blox and raining down energy balls-destroy the blox to add to your score.
With the second stage underway, the boss starts to favor blox-related attacks, although he doesn't hit
much harder. For one thing, a volley of blox ejects from the cavity in his chest--roll away at the last
minute or keep moving to avoid. Bust up the blox on his arm to drop his head to ground level and
During the final stage, the boss morphs into an animated collection of blox. The distinct purple one in
the center should be your primary target. Hit it with Fire magic and roll to avoid pound town. Every so
often the yellow blox separate and leave the purple one momentarily vulnerable. Be aware that the
yellow ones clamp up quickly after some time, so get out before that happens.

Walkthrough part 3
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
A new kind of blox resides in Traverse Town: a bounce blox that's true to its namesake and adds
height to your jump. Use these to access the prize blox scattered about in high up places for items
like a Panacea, Thunder, and a Blank chip. The trick is to attempt to cross at the height of your jump
and, to further your efforts, combine the jump with a slash for that boost in distance. This should help
you float just enough to reach the roof of the building by Cid.
The Moogle Shop peddles a host of must-see items. We recommend upgrading one of your
Commands. If you already received Fire Edge as a prize, then this upgrade isn't sorely needed.
One thing of note is that Quick Blitz and Sliding Dash combine with Fire to produce Fire Edge and
Heat Dash, respectively. Round Blitz pairs with any elemental to create a Blast ability, Cure with
Sliding Dash to alchemize them into Slow, and so on. So, with this knowledge, you can forego paying
the lofty sum of 1800 Munny to get these upgraded abilities! See the list of all possible combinations
on the Command Conversion List.
Speak to the woman in blue for news on the triplet's whereabouts as well as a gift--sweet, a Potion!

Second District
The door to the Second District is located behind the large building by Cid. A little exploration
unearths a few more goodies. An Ether and a Potion, namely. Move to the far upper corner of the
Second District to run into a distressed Huey, who's tangled up in some Heartless-related trouble.

The Shadow are only an appetizer to the Large Body. After disposing of these new Heartless, Huey
leaves you with Fire and tasks you with investigating the Alleyway. You might be interested to know
that a Blank chip lays hidden in the prize blox behind Huey, as well.
Enemy Analysis: Large Body
Its huge rotund body presents a well-rounded (hyuk) challenge. It attacks by throwing its weight onto
the ground, thereby creating a minor damaging shockwave, and also charging forward in a full frontal
attack. Any attempts on its belly only prove futile. However, its backside is particularly prone to a
beating. Among a group of Heartless, you should generally prioritize stuffing this beach ball first. If
need be, casting Slow would make disposing of it that much easier.

The set of floating blox at the far end of the Alleyway presents you with a [HP+2] chip. Then, waiting
very patiently for you, his savior, Dewey gifts a Thunder and prepares to share some exciting news.
Wouldn't you know it, though, that he's lost "the thing" somewhere in the Second District?

Second District
Not to anyone's surprise, Dewey digs himself in a hole he can't quite get out of by himself. Locate the
system sector, which is basically where the strange blackhole-like portal appeared earlier.
Within this system sector lurks a slithering row of connected blox; as with the strategy before aim for
the purple blox. You can deal the most damage by unleashing special moves like Fire Edge and
Thundara. Defeating this quick-moving foe ends your short romp through this sector. We again
recommend using your SP to purchase all the rewards.
Take the mischievous Dewey back to Cid, who gives you a Speed Combo for your troubles before
shoving you off to find Louie in the Third District. Trace your steps back to the Second District
entrance only to discover that the door no longer exists. This appears to be a situation that can only
be corrected by debugging the system. Locate the system sector at the door just opposite where the
Second District entrance should be.
This system sector doesn't shy away from offering plenty of blox-climbing practice for the platforming
enthusiast. Ascend the various tiers to fight off a newcomer, a Soldier, at the top to advance to the
next level. Neutralize all the Heartless, mainly Shadow of a stronger variant, to finish debugging.
Enemy Analysis: Soldier
Protected in a full suit of armor, Soldier may come off as more intimidating than their miniature
Shadow cousins. Certainly, the added protection makes them more resilient to physical damage, but
it does no good against black magic.

Second District
Using the newly arrived blox,you platform to the very north of the map and spy the lone prize blox.
Only way to cut across the sizable gap is to have some sort of Dash attack at the ready. Your efforts
are rewarded with a nice Defense +1. Drop down on the east side to come across a Cure within this
prize blox. After scouring the rest of the area for a Potion and Ether, continue on to the Third District
at the far southeast corner.

Walkthrough part 4
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Third District
Move to the center of this area, where a long, grueling skirmish plays out. You face seemingly
endless swarms of Soldiers, a Large Body, and some Red Nocturnes. Not to be outdone by the sheer
number of enemies, you can cast useful spells such as Slow to gain the upperhand; Thundara proves
especially useful here with its area of effect damage.
Comb through the rest of the area for two prize blox that contain Defense +1 and Blank chips. Then,
be on your way, hot on the tail of this mysterious hooded individual.
Enemy Analysis: Red Nocturne
These red-clad Heartless hover--rather teasingly--out of your reach and attack primarily with Fire
magic. This is one of those enemies that pose the greatest threat not by itself but in groups. Later on,
their Fire ability can inflict Ignite, which continues to burn the flesh of its victim long after the caster
has perished. Thunder magic makes short work of these magic-users.

First District
Follow the cloaked figure to locate the system sector here. The system sector this time is designed a
bit differently from what you might be used to. The terminal appears only after you've swept from
room to room and cleaned house until a positive message confirming your completion appears.
Remember that a red tint indicates a pressing need for debugging, whereas a blue room indicates a
cleaned space.
Things have returned to normal, but Louie is still nowhere to be found. Cid has no idea either, so
shuffle off to the Second District once more.

Second District

Very casual observation reveals the Second District to be populated by even more blox. This
fortuitous event also means more prize blox to be found. One on the roof contains a Strength+1, and
another more centrally located contains a Blank chip. When it comes time to access the system
sector here, head northwest to the door and blow this puppy wide open.
On each level of this system sector, you are introduced to new blox. Nothing particularly tricky, just
interesting dynamics. The first one is a slide blox that scoots along wherever you want it, with a little
encouragement from the Keyblade. Move it to prime spots that will help you reach the tower of metal
blox. The next features a pair of complementing blox that basically fuse together upon contact to form
a prize blox.
Now, the third level takes a more challenging approach by mixing the two concepts together. The
singular slide blox at the center of the bottom area needs to be pushed over to the higher platform
adjacent the pair of bounce blox. These spawn Soldiers and gives you access to the bounce blox.
One of the pair blox must be carefully pushed across a bridge of ghost blox. Time it well to complete
the fusion.
Afterwards, you fix the glitch of the system sector and rake in your rewards, as usual. Climb to the top
of the building to find Louie and receive Blizzard. Return to the First District. Time for a mini-game!
You somehow find yourself as part of a side-scrolling adventure in the spirit of the classics! You can
attack with a Keyblade and jump, but various diamond-shaped items lend their unique abilities. The
objective is to accumulate as many points as you can by smashing up blox and whatnot; you don't
technically die, but you do lose precious opportunities for more points and your current ability.
After the third stage, we recommend grabbing Thunder Rain or Blizzard Dart for the upcoming battle.
At the very end, still in 2D form, you must fight...
Boss Analysis: Guard Armor
Fighting him with your limited abilities seems daunting at first, but Guard Armor follows a fairly rigid
attack pattern that's easy to counter. Zap his armor quickly by repeatedly casting the ability you
acquired from earlier. Otherwise Keyblade swipes work as well. In addition to constantly switching
sides on you, Guard Armor deploys essentially three kinds of attacks.
His detachable arms rocket toward you, wherever you are, and he hops across the screen in the hope
of crushing you underfoot--both of these avoided by rolling away properly. The third attack is more of
a nuisance and also the precursor to a more powerful attack. Basically, he drops a bunch of blox, one
of which is a yellow damage blox among many other blox. If you leave the yellow blox alone, Guard
Armor winds up for a devastating laser beam attack. Luckily, you can stand underneath him to get
away scotch free, but you want to destroy the yellow blox to avoid this altogether.
If in need of heals, prize blox drop often enough to provide a constant supply of heals.

For your efforts, you also receive Wishing Star.

Walkthrough part 5
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
Wonderland has always been home to myriad oddballs, but you know the situation has really hit rock
bottom when everyone's suddenly suffering from a bad case of amnesia, and the prescription is
recovering snippets of their memories in the form of Inklings. The first, Inkling: Alice, sits atop some
bug blox--grab it easily enough and return to Alice. Reminding her of her own name isn't enough--we
need to find more Inklings. Sixteen of them, to be exact.
Remember to equip your new Keyblade and explore the new branches in your Stat Matrix. The
Moogle Shop has finally stocked up on newer items, as well.
The initial clearing immediately diverges into several different areas, inside which has a number of
Inklings scattered about.

Aimless Path
The right-hand exit leads to the Aimless Path, which is a hedge maze (though not to be confused with
a similar area actually named Hedge Maze) patrolled by the Queen's soldiers. Employing some
tactical espionage action, you must navigate the maze without running into these vigilant sentries.
Despite its name, it's not quite aimless, with paths leading to the Lotus Forest in the southeast and
the Tea Party up north. There is an Inkling: Card Soldiers to be obtained in the top left corner, as
well as a Blank Chip and an Aerial Sweep contained in prize blox.

Lotus Forest
Get your hands on the Inkling: Peculiar Hole right by the entrance here and an Inkling: Heartless

by the lower west side. The rare prize blox suspended high in the area each contain a Blizzard, Blank
chip, and a Strength+1.
Enemy Analysis: Yellow Opera
Where the Red Nocturne mages practiced Fire magic, the Yellow Opera favors Thunder magic and
does not hesitate to cast such spells.

Tea Party Garden

Restore peace to this area and examine the poster in the back for Inkling: Unbirthday. The astute
player might also notice something, or rather someone, hiding under the table--the White Rabbit!
Unfortunately, the old Rabbit has been afflicted with the same memory loss as everyone else, so
plunder the area for a Blank Chip and a Star Rave above the hedge before you depart.
Enemy Analysis: Blue Rhapsody
Similar to the Red Nocturne and Yellow Opera, these floating robed wizards have an affinity to Ice
and, not surprisingly, uses Blizzard-based spells. Later on, these Blizzard spells potentially become
more lethal with its freeze aftereffects.

Walkthrough part 6
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Aimless Path
Upon entering, you discover that things have gone completely haywire and the guards are buzzing
around with lightning quickness. Dig up the system sector further south, at the T-junction. This system
sector (and all others from here on) operates uniquely on a set of floor challenges. That is to say, you
must wager a certain percentage of SP on preset conditions. If you fail to meet the condition, you owe
that specified amount of SP. Otherwise, you receive a dividend payout.
To maximize the amount of SP gained from system sectors, always bet 50% on the assumption you
will beat the challenges, break every box, and kill all the Heartless within the sectors.
The first condition is to kill a specified number of Heartless, the number predicated upon your wager.
The second condition is to race against the time clock, and finally, complete the third level without
using a heal Command. All fairly manageable, although you should remember to maximize your SP
gains by blowing up prize blox and erasing as many enemies as possible.
The end prize is an Inkling: Watch, which can be taken back to the White Rabbit in exchange for an
Inkling: Trial. Then, inspect the door to acquire Inkling: Mad Hatter.

Hedge Maze
The upper left exit in the clearing carries you to the Hedge Maze (again, not to be confused with the
Aimless Path). You'll find the Inkling: White Rabbit in the upper left corner. Exit through the north
exit brings you to a very big room...

Bizarre Room

Talk about a mind trip! Everything around you appears to giant in comparison, including the Large
Body you duel. Gulp down the red liquid to restore Sora's original size and explore the aptly-named
Bizarre Room. A sweep of the perimeter nets you a couple of essential Inklings: Inkling: Cookie and
Inkling: Cheshire Cat. A number of rare prize blox are no strangers in this room and getting properly
acquainted with them gains you a Rising Strike, Slow, Hi-Potion and a Strength+1. Some of the
higher-placed blox require a little bit more platforming finesse to reach, but a little patience goes a
long way.
Now hit up the talking doorknob to trigger a system sector that can be found on the table. Again,
make a bet on the condition that you only take no more than 14 hits. This can be tricky, as there are a
couple of enemies that can potentially bring the pain. The prizes here include the rare Debug Device:
R, plus you'll also receive Inkling: Doorknob.

Hedge Maze
Things go awry once again, so you have to debug the system sector here to put things right. You will
find it in the top right, in the opposite corner of the prize blox. The floor challenge: destroy 35 blox! To
shake things up more (perhaps in quite the literal sense), you are introduced to some blast blox,
which are sensitive to the touch and explode after a little bit. All you really need to do here is excite
one of the adjacent blox to set off a chain reaction. Detonation of all the blast blox will wipe everything
clean and satisfy the condition.
The second level won't quite be so easy, as it is occupied by a familiar foe. Simply keep attacking the
trailing blox, avoiding the head blox until you've met the condition. Now head back to Alice in the
clearing and meander over to the lower left exit.

Rose Garden
The Rose Garden also is a labyrinthine layout designed to confuse you further with those red portals
that spit you out at another unintended location. Don't worry, we'll guide you through to all the hidden
gems of this befuddling area. Head through the only archway here to pop out in the center rectangular
region. Pass through the western archway to get ported to an L-shaped junction and take the bottom
left. Proceed to north to Inkling: White Roses and a Firaga Burst. Return to the previous area and
head east twice more to reach the coveted Debug Device: R.
North from here takes you to Inkling: Looking glass. Return to the L-shaped junction and head out
the top right, then south to find Inkling: Red Roses and a mighty Blizzard Edge.

Hedge Maze

One final Inkling to retrieve, and this one remains in the possession of a certain Spade soldier
standing in the upper right corner of the Hedge Maze. Remind him of his blunder with the White
Roses and receive Inkling: Queen of Hearts in return.

Walkthrough part 7
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

By now you should have all sixteen Inklings. Here's a full list of the Inklings and their location for
The White Rabbit
Peculiar Hole
The Queen of Hearts
The Cheshire Cat
Red Roses
White Roses
The Mad Hatter
Card Soldiers

Hedge Maze
Lotus Forest
Tea Party Garden
Tea Party Garden (dropped by White Rabbit)
Lotus Forest
Hedge Maze (exchanged with Spade)
Bizarre Room
Bizarre Room
Bizarre Room (system sector reward)
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Rose Garden
Tea Party Garden
Aimless Path (system sector reward)
Aimless Path

Piece together Alice's memory as she tries to recall the day's occurrences by selecting: White Rabbit,
peculiar hole, Cheshire Cat, and Queen of Hearts to successfully reconstruct her forgotten memories.
Urge her to remember a bit more and fill in the gaps with: card soldier, trial, Mad Hatter, unbirthday,
and doorknob to nab yourself a Cure+1.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, as the Queen of Hearts immediately calls upon her card soldiers to seize
you. The soldiers can only be very momentarily stunned, but the overriding aim is to hit the right side

of the wheel, then the left side to lower the bird cage.
The keyhole activates another mini-game in which you control only lateral movement, jumping, and
shooting. The Keyblade can lock-on to a maximum of five targets. Like before, you can acquire
special abilities and take damage or fall into pits.
Boss Analysis: Trickmaster
The end stage boss is not quite as tricky as his name suggests. Quite simply, unleash as many as
five projectiles by targeting various points on his body while dodging the Trickmaster's own
projectiles. They are all very simple to maneuver around. Beware that these fire attacks can inflict
unwanted ignite effects, though.
The second part of the stage is consistent with the first.
Boss Analysis: Trickmaster part 2
You slowly begin to realize why this boss calls himself the Trickmaster: some of those new tricks he's
developed can be quite tricky, in fact. In addition to the basic attacks he's simply transferred from the
last phase, he now lets loose smoldering boulders that tumble around and track your position, has a
faster homing projectile, and summons a huge wall of blox. Keep that trigger button busy to make
short work of him.
Sometimes the screen gets turned sideways or upside down to intentionally confuse you, but the
overall goal remains the same.
Boss Analysis: Trickmaster part 3
Making a third appearance, Trickmaster certainly seems desperate to prove himself. Unfortunately for
him, we've already seen his entire bag of tricks, but his final trump card involves tilting the screen in
all directions to heavily warp your perspective of the battle. This certainly causes minor grievances,
but just remember that you would be dodging his attacks as normal, just from a different perspective.

Walkthrough part 8
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
It's at this point that you get to go back and re-visit previously completed worlds for a chance to
discover new enemies, take on quests, or beat old records. Speak to the stout satyr called Phil to
proceed into the Coliseum. Need we remind you to also equip the new Keyblade?
After picking up a shred of wisdom, you discover the Coliseum itself has been ravaged by the glitch
monster, becoming akin to a system sector. This affects the people in it, too, which means your
abilities and certain features have been locked out. Skills like dodging and blocking seem to be
unaffected, though. Another thing to take a note of: the bug level meter in the upper left corner
reflects the level of aggression displayed by the Heartless in here. The more the bar shifts to the right,
the more they'll hurt. Defeat enemies and bug blox to reduce the bug level.
Battle in the coliseum assumes a new, turn-based form--reminiscent of the combat typically found in
traditional RPGs. While you do have control of some abilities in the Command deck, you are
encouraged to put them in essentially a queue and compile them to create a special combo. Under
normal circumstances, these exhausted abilities would slowly regenerate overtime and become
usable again, but in this bug-infested world the process of restoring your abilities is slightly more
involved and locks you in this paradoxical cycle of killing in order to kill.
On the field, before engaging them in actual combat, hit Heartless from behind to negotiate a
preemptive strike, allowing you an extra turn in the beginning. Likewise you can be surprised from
behind by the enemy as well, giving them the extra opportunity to dole out the hurt.
And learn the timing of the Y (defense) and A (attack) buttons well in order to triumph over every
Try to eliminate as many bug blox to reverse the bug level before engaging the enemies in battle, if

Move through each of the rooms, exterminating all the enemies and bug blox, with the conviction of
reaching the northern most room. Along the way, you'll pick up a Strength+1 and Magic+1. The last
room features the warp point to the next layer, as well as a HP+2.
The second layer adds another layer to the combat by bringing in stat-boosting Licenses. The fact
that these effects can stack easily makes them a very potent supplement. Your welcome package
consists of Strength-L, Defense-L, Break-L, and Scout-L. These expendable Licenses have finite
uses and can be found throughout the layers.
Enemy Analysis: Green Requiem
Following a long successive line of magic casters, Green Requiem play mainly a support role in
healing comrades. This is bad news for you since they undo the damage you deliver to enemies.
Make them the focus of your button-mashing tantrums.
On this particular level, they're nothing to worry about.
Return to the initial area to team up with Hercules whom you now control in battle, as well. Break-L is
useful for converting otherwise indestructible metal blox into breakable bug blox, thus letting you
obtain the goodie inside prize blox, like a Defense+1. You will soon uncover the warp point, but it's a
good idea beforehand to explore the next room for a Lucky Strike.
Layer three sees a greater number of (stronger) enemies within each encounter as well as new
Licenses to use in battle. Keep the Regen-L in reserve for a later fight. Menaces pose the greatest
threat with its likelihood of gaining the preemptive strike on you and also carrying a ton of strong
enemies. You will need High Jump to access the southeast room that holds a Thunder+1, but
proceeding normally brings you to an Aero+1 and a battle with a familiar face. Keep a heal spell or
item handy before heading into the final room.
Boss Analysis: Cloud
Three syllables: Omnislash. This frightening word is Cloud's go-to move for dealing a staggering
amount of damage to his foes. When he executes his flurry of slashes, you will have to time every
blox carefully (possible, but very difficult!) to soften the blows (you still take half damage). The easier
alternative is to keep Auto-Block-L on everyone as long as possible, starting perhaps on the second
turn, and keeping Auto-Life-L handy. Physical attacks do negligible damage to the Final Fantasy star,
but special attacks do a fair amount more.
The fourth layer consists of more or less the same enemy fare. A thorough examination of the area

gets you a Air Spiral, Cure+1 and a Debug Device: R. Heading to the top left corner, you discover
Cloud cornered by a couple of Heartless. Being the tough guy he thinks he is, he waves off your offer
to help, but insistence has its benefits, as he joins your party afterwards! Exit via the north most
Make a few preparations for the struggles ahead. We suggest sticking Blizzara and powerful ice
spells along with Cura (two would suffice).
Boss Analysis: Cerberus
Cerberus, guard dog of the underworld, is just as mean as he looks. Waste no time in getting
Defense-L and Strength-L up on the group because this hellhound is more than capable of wiping out
the party in a few turns. Be sure to block as many attacks as you can, for this key defensive
maneuver is crucial to your party's survival. Land as many multi-hit combos to trigger each character's
special finishing attack, praying especially for as many Omnislashes as possible. Cerberus alternates
between Triple Chomp, during which he bites targets at random three times, and Firaga Ball. Keep
the group healthy with Cura as necessary.
With the guardian of the underworld out of the way, it is only befitting of the lord of the underworld to
finally rear his ugly mug.
Boss Analysis: Hades
Your party, weary and worn from the previous battle, begins already at a severe disadvantage.
Immediately put on Defense-L and Strength-L; tack on a Regen-L if both Curas are still on cooldown
for the time being. Hades' affinity to fire makes him especially weak to ice magic, and unlike
Cerberus, Hades' fire magic is not to be sneezed at. His Firewall and Firaga Ball can be devastating
since they hit multiple times--guard against these well. Stick to a steady diet of Defense-L and
Strength-L and pummel him with as many combos as possible. Hades occasionally summons weak
Shadow to his side--only a minor nuisance. Keep your head above water with Cura spells and
offsetting as much damage as you can with well-timed blox.
You may want to note that upon finishing Olympus Coliseum for the first time, you will have unlocked
the rest of the Layers, a total of fifteen. You can choose to partake in the challenge by returning to this
world after. When you've completed those Layers, you delve even deeper into the Coliseum, all the
way to Layer 30.

Walkthrough part 9
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
A little skip and a few hops around the Agrabah Plaza reveal prize blox with an Elixir and Aero in
them. The population of Aladdin's famed home world has absolutely plummeted, save for the pushy
local vendor at the Plaza. Two of the three openings head straight for the Main Street, but if you opt to
explore the Alleyway you'll fancy finding a Blizzard Buster in the prize blox located there.

Main Street
The once bustling streets used to be filled with the local citizens but is instead now overtaken by
second-rate Bandits. Don't take them too lightly. Plunder the area for loot: a Firaga from the
southeast, Lucky Strike, and a Confuse southwest.
Enemy Analysis: Bandit
These swordplay-savvy brigands are certainly no pushovers and won't hesitate to lop off your pretty
spiky head. Aggressive and agile, these Bandits like to cannonball themselves straight ahead for
mega damage; you can block their attacks, but if they decide to gang up you may not be able to avoid
all damage. Rolling out of their sweet spot is the first step; next, they are susceptible to most forms of
Head northeast to make a quick pitstop at the Bazaar.

Prepare to fend off an army of Heartless here, and when the coast is finally clear you can get to work
on the purple pair blox. Aim for the purple blox perched atop the floating metal blox further up. Slide it
over the first ghost blox and let it drop down. Once they're paired together, bust it open for a

Palace Gates
From the Main Street, head north to reach the Palace Gates.
Ignore Aladdin for now and partake in some blox-busting, the damage blox in particular. Once they're
cleared, you have a clear shot at the bounce blox that bounce you over to the purple blox sitting up
top. Knock this down, then hop across to the prize blox to free the Magnet held within. Ram the two
purple pair blox together to unveil a prize blox with a Blizzard Resistance+2 inside.
Return to the Main Street after the conversation with Aladdin. You notice a cry of distress coming
from the west side and upon investigating, sure enough, you find Jasmine and Jafar. The insidious
Jafar is not to be bested without a fight!
Boss Analysis: Jafar
Jafar is merely toying with you, attacking only with a single fireball and vanishing and re-appearing
elsewhere. The fireball hurts, so keep a heal ready and clobber him until you leave the bitter taste of
defeat in his mouth. Of course, this is not the last you'll be seeing of this lanky sorcerer.

Aladdin can be found at the Plaza, but the short-lived reunion comes to a complete stop--quite
literally, in fact. Jafar's excessively loud parrot companion, Iago, swoops in on the opportunity to
swipe the real lamp from Aladdin's hands. You've now got only so much time to find Iago. The good
news is that enemies too have been frozen by Jafar's dastardly spell. Add some time back onto the
clock by destroying enemies and bug blox. Move from area to area until the game confirms Iago's
You will need to hunt down Iago a total of three times. Not having you freely running amuck, Jafar
projects an astral image of himself throughout the area to siphon whatever precious time you have.
Just avoid them altogether and watch the timer as necessary.

Cave / Entrance
You more or less now find yourself outside the Cave of Wonders, hot on the trail of a hidden system
sector. Search the area to the left of the cave entrance to find the portal.
The condition of this challenge is to complete a Finishing move, which can sometimes be easier said
than done. The enemies are built sturdy enough to take enough blows for you to build up your Clock
meter, but Sora can't sustain too much damage. Keep a Cura handy and let loose on special attacks.
Or, you can make it a little easier on yourself with Ethers.
Enter the Cave of Wonders.

Walkthrough part 10
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Hall of Beginnings
The path is ridden with Heartless and giant rolling objects that will, given its size, flatten you like a
pancake. Navigate through the perilous halls to the far upper right corner. You'll pick up Strike Raid
and Land Crash. Watch out for the fake Blox Bug--these look exactly like regular bug blox except
they sprout legs and attack you.
Enemy Analysis: Fat Bandit
Fat Bandits are very connected to the Large Body lineage, copying pretty much all of their strengths
and weaknesses. The only difference is that Fat Bandits can shoot fire. Weak to Ice magic.
Enemy Analysis: Blox Bug
Blox Bugs can come in all forms, mimicking the various blox found throughout the game. Unless
Danger Bug shows up, it poses no real danger other than the initial deceit. Even so, if you're not
careful they can bounce around, causing reasonable damage and becoming sickeningly annoying.
Examine the sandfall to initiate another system sector sequence, the entrance of which is located
back in the area with the dangerous boulders, along the western wall. You'll be met with three
challenges in this system sector, each requiring you to set your SP wager. Magnet blox make their
freshman appearance here and, as the name suggests, tend to pull you toward its colorful side. The
challenges ask you to block a certain number of attacks on the first level, freeze a number of enemies
(accomplish them by using standard Blizzard spells), and missing no more than a specified number of
times with attacks. Keep in mind that for the last challenge Command abilities don't count.
Enemy Analysis: Air Soldier
This winged minion is a real pest. It manages to skillfully stay just out of sword's reach sometimes so

that when you turn your attention elsewhere in exasperation, it dives into you. They are annoying, no
doubt, but typically show little tolerance for pain and higher end magic. Their only attack is a straightline rush that can easily be avoided by a mere side-step.
Return to the sandfall to find that it is now gone.

You can try mightily to be as careful as you can traversing the perilous Gauntlet, but chances are you
may, at one point or another, plummet instead to the bottom, where you will need to overcome
another system sector to return. Within this system sector resides a Gold Tricholoma, basically a
skittish mushroom-like enemy that will escape if you don't kill it fast enough (much like the notorious
Cactuar in Final Fantasy games, although not quite that difficult). Move from one room to another until
you come across the bashful fungi and hit it mainly with offensive Commands.
Back at the Gauntlet work your way across the various obstacles and pick up the goodies found in
prize blox as you go along. For reference sake, you should find a Thunder Tracer, Fire
Resistance+1, Debug Device:R and Aero Resistance+2.
The descending platform reduces in size with each passing battle, making it a lot easier to fall off and
take damage. If at all possible, restrict your physical attacks to one or two-hit combos and use
Commands to waste these guys away.
Afterwards, we meet up with Jafar again.
Boss Analysis: Jafar
Jafar transfers his old tricks from the first encounter to this fight for the most part, with the inclusion of
one (or rather two) game-changer. However, he clearly underestimates your deductive abilities with
his second-rate sorcery: he attempts to send out two phantom clones as a diversion, but they are
easily distinguished from the real deal due to their rather transparent nature--the corporeal body lacks
this transparency. The arena in which the battle takes place is huge, giving you enough room to run
around and avoid the Blox Bugs that sprout up during the fight.
Search for the hidden Keyhole within the time limit. Bust up bug blox and kill Blox Bugs to extend the
time if you have to. There's also an Aero Edge to be had from the one singular prize blox in the room.
The Keyhole usually is located on a platform under bug blox somewhere. Be sure to re-arrange your
Commands to include one Curaga and a bunch of offensive, non-status afflicting Commands.
Boss Analysis: Jafar
Jafar, in this form of true omnipotence, has one glaring weakness: his lamp, which is being hoisted
around by Iago. Chase Iago around the square platform and chip his life away while staying away
from the Bandits and Jafar's attacks. Jafar has abandoned his one-trick pony of shooting various
projectiles. Instead he chucks giant smoldering boulders and causes Slow afflictions. Take down Iago

to advance to the second stage of this two-part affair.

Still holding on to the lamp, Iago now flutters slightly higher than usual, though there now are blox of
all sorts located around the platform. Bounce blox, ghost blox, metal blox, magnet blox, etc. Use
these to reach Iago and let the parrot have it.
Three Wishes falls into your possession when you claim victory.

Walkthrough part 11
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
Sora has been stripped of his ability to fight and break blox--all he can really do is chase after Pete.
Rush toward the Moogle Shop in the distance, being careful to avoid the yellow damage blox and
skirting the Blox Bug. When you discover that the door is locked, head in the other direction to find a
platform you can lower.
The concept is simple here: hit a blue orb and tag the red orb within the time limit. The first one is
easy enough. The shuffling blox reveal an opening further into the room, where you find a blue orb.
The red orb sits straight across the room, but as you try to gun for it rows of motley blox scoot you
backward, and sometimes even hurt you. The trick is to run through gaps and jump over only the
damage blox being careful not to bump your head on the bounce blox above.
The red orb activates another glowing switch in the center. Hit that and return to the locked door from

Entrance Hall
Survive Pete's underhanded move of attacking a defenseless kid until Goofy enters the fray. The everso-loyal Goofy acts as a Keyblade proxy of sorts--he fights Heartless and breaks blox as needed. Use
Goofy and his Commands to wipe out the Heartless, among which is a Defender. Heal him with
Potions and such if you have them available. Even if he goes down in the process, you can
repeatedly Rescue him to get him back on his feet. That's what friends are for!
Enemy Analysis: Darkball
The Darkball seems to be a floating body of uselessness. In all our encounters with the thing, Donald
and Goofy easily turn this to dust. Only thing is perhaps that it can charge a decent distance to attack
its target.
Break open the blox on the right side of the hall for some goodies, including a Cura. When Sora and
Goofy go to check the northern door, they discover that the door won't open, but the engraving on the

door resembles the Heartless Emblem. This means it's time to hunt for four Emblem Pieces.
Enemy Analysis: Defender
Like its name, the Defender fancies carrying around a big shield that covers most of his front side
from frontal assaults. Go around the big lug and he becomes much more susceptible to attacks. Try
not to stand in front of him anyway, as he uses his shield to charge his opponent and spit out fire or
ice projectiles.
For this particular level, since you attack with Donald and Goofy, you yourself will need to stand
behind the Defender to signal Donald and Goofy to do the same. Otherwise they may just end up
barely denting the Defender.
The first one can be found in the western room, right on the table. On your way out you spot Donald
fleeing the Hall--follow him. He's nowhere to be found immediately, perhaps he's gone down to the
Waterway. Be sure to order Goofy to bust open bug blox around the Castle Gates to snatch various
loot. The bounce blox right outside the door lead to a Aero+1, the prize blox perched atop other blox
further down nets a Debug Device:R, and finally, a Lucky Strike rests high above the gateway, not
far from where you obtained the Debug Device.
Enemy Analysis: Wyvern
An aerial enemy that uses its sharp claws to perform the river dance on your face.

The solution to the wall of bug blox has just arrived with you--tear it down to claim the Esuna that lies
within the prize blox. Barrel down the wall of bug blox further down to reveal more blue/red orb
puzzles. After activating the blue orb, immediately have Goofy hack away at the blox that appear.
Head through and trigger the blast blox to blow them all away in one go, as well as free the Blizzaga
from the prize blox. Goofy Tornado the next blue orb-induced blockade, which has an Exo Spark in
its midst, and reach the final red orb.
Donald now joins the party with his magic-weaving abilities and opens up new area in the Waterway.
Head there to find a Magic+1 and Emblem Piece. Ride the elevator back to the Castle Gates.
With the two characters in tow, you can assign magic-oriented and Keyblade attacks to the Command
deck to bring out Donald and Goofy's attacks, respectively. Keep a Command dedicated to healing, or
stop by the Moogle Shop if you don't have any Potions.

Walkthrough part 12
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Castle Gates
Have your two companions go on an indiscriminate blox-busting spree. Eventually, they hammer
down the right wall and give you access to a glowing blue orb atop some blox. The problem, however,
is that the matching red orb sits clear across the way, on another platform. A hodgepodge of blox
appear in the middle, acting as the bridge to the red orb. Here's the safest passage: jump on the initial
metal blox without standing too closely to the edge that you'll get batted off by obnoxious moving
bounce blox. Then, hop on the bounce blox and leap over to the right, over the magnet blox. From
there it's a hop away to the red orb.
Dig around the edge of the platform for a Defense+1, and proceed toward the Emblem Piece. If you
drop down, you'll be caught on a platform with a Heat Dive.
Return now to the Entrance Hall and into the Library.

Library 3
Donald works his magic on the strange device in Library 1 to open access to Library 3. Hit the blue
orb and be ready to have them bash bug blox first and foremost. Then, pass through the ghost blox to
the red orb.

Library 4
The red orb this time is located atop a bookshelf in the corner. Use the ghost blox to reach the top of
the shelves and navigate to the red orb, although before dropping down head for the prize blox at the
end of this stretch for a Cure+3. Take the new entrance to Library 3.

Library 3

Break the prize blox immediately to claim a Firaga as well as the corner blox to pocket Thunder+3.
Then, enter the northwest doorway to enter Library 2.

Library 2
The puzzle here: there are three columns of bug blox. You get to see upon which the red orb is
propped, but soon after the columns get shuffled around and you must make a decision to break
down one--and only one--column before time runs out. You might want to sacrifice your first attempt
for the Mega Flare that's hiding in the prize blox.

Entrance Hall (UL)

Plow through the rest of these blox to reach the red orb and form another missing Emblem Piece in
the center.
Drop down to the lower level and replace the missing pieces in the stone door. Through the door, the
group finds themselves on a moving platform in the company of great many Heartless. Fend off wave
after wave, focusing on Wyverns and Defenders.

Walkthrough part 13
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

High Tower
You know what to do with the blue orb; race to the corresponding red one and grab the Thunder
Resistance when done. Move to the pipes underneath the huge block to activate the search for a
system sector. The entrance to this sector lies at the northeastern corner of the semi-circle on the
map, right on the door.
The enemies and challenges in this system factor are standard fare. Once the system sector has
been corrected, return to the raised block to find an accessible doorway and a save point.
Use this opportunity before entering the door to re-map your Command Deck that will better suit your
needs in the coming battle. Specifically, have the standard Curaga or two available, as well as your
most powerful abilities. We also recommend the first Keyblade for this fight for its added protective
benefits. You'll be fighting two bosses, the second of which would require you to block a whole lot
Boss Analysis: Pete
Pete's life spans several health meters, and because of this expect the battle to be long and drawn
out. Pete sticks to what he knows best: petty tricks and being a pain. He rolls a ball toward you and if
it hits, your spells get locked out for a short time. He spreads firecracker-like pellets around that
explode in little sparks and surrounds himself in damage blox. If you try a combo on him, he retaliates
by punching several times and finishing with a ground pound. Hit him with everything you have,
keeping a constant move on and tracking his fairy butt down. The damage blox aren't a true concern
at this point lest they get annoying.
Afterwards, Pete ups the stakes a bit by showing off his impressive ability to transform into a yellow

sphere that tailgates you and throws lightning bolts within the small radius of its rotating ring. Luckily,
you can outrun this and roll away to keep ahead if it starts getting too close. It is during this stage that
destroying a damage blox or two around the perimeter would be a good idea to prevent further injury
to yourself.
The sleazy dog decides that since he can't beat you with his own power he might as well use
someone whom you don't want to hurt, but certainly someone who has no choice but to hurt you. This
makes sense if you think about it...
Boss Analysis: Data-Riku
Not quite in control of his actions, Riku begins his relentless assault on your head. Riku is fast and
gets incrementally more tricky as new stages of the fight bring about new abilities on his part.
During the first stage, Riku displays some impressive and deadly swordplay. Whenever he yells,
"Keep trying!" that's your cue to block or roll away. String together some good combos to keep him
indisposed. Occasionally, Riku protects himself in a magic-immune barrier--use this opportunity to
open up combos on him. In the second stage, he jumps in the air and strikes a point on the ground at
random, and from this point flows out a series of damage blox and one prize blox in all directions.
This prize blox often spills out HP-replenishing contents. In the third and final stage, Riku devastates
you with a super dash attack that repeats in swift succession and finishes with a huge shockwave.
Once you're swept up in his momentum, it's hard to escape the full scale of damage from this
powerful attack. What's worse that it's hard to determine where he'll be coming from next, making it
harder to fully avoid the attack.
Don't pause for too long. Be aggressive to build up the Clock gauge and dish out additional damage
with finishing attacks.
Following the fight, you get a new Keyblade, Oblivion.

Walkthrough part 14
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
The going gets much tougher when Sora gets his powers stolen away, though not all of them,
thankfully, since he's retained his Command and support abilities--enough to basically lay waste to his
enemies. Still, he's not quite at his full strength with which he needs to help Mickey and his pals. He
will have to travel back into the now corrupted data of the worlds he's visited prior to recover his
power in a piecemeal fashion, starting with Destiny Islands.

Destiny Islands
You can recover about the full extent of your Matrix Power (shown in the top left corner of the screen)
here by collecting little capsules of Matrix Power from the various prize blox, including the pair blox,
around the Island. You'll also find a Debug Device:R from a rare prize blox located beside the
waterfall--rather what used to be the waterfall. If you're still missing Matrix Power, the last of them can
be stashed away in a creature called the Prize Blox Bug, which is basically an enemy mimicking the
prize blox. It appears randomly; defeat it to get the remainder of your missing power and proceed to
the portal on the small isle off the beach.
Of the two floor challenges, only the second can present a little bit of a problem since you can take
damage only so many times, and yet the enemy you face leans toward the far right of the aggression
spectrum. Before you engage the snake-like Core Blox, swap out all your Commands to long-ranged
spells for maintaining a safe distance.

Traverse Town
Cleaning up the corrupting data of one world opens up another and also runs up the percentage of
Matrix Power to be retrieved. Head into Traverse Town now. Use the bounce blox to reach a highway
of blox that now floats above the First District to clap the pair blox together for a Strength+3, acquire
a Debug Device:R, and a gain some Matrix Power. You might run into a Prize Blox Bug and Danger
Bug, as well.

In the Second District, boost up the Matrix Power meter in addition to obtaining an Aeroga from a
rare prize blox on the rooftop adjacent the area entrance and earning a Fire Resistance+4 as a
product of combining the purple pair blox here. Once you've wringed the area of anything useful, head
through the door to another part of the First District.
Bounce on the blox in front of you to the rooftop on the right immediately for Aero Resistance+4.
Before diving into the system sector, first take another set of bounce blox to access the rooftop of the
accessory shop to gain possession of a very nice HP+6. Make sure you've accumulated the 40% and
enter the system sector.
For the first floor challenge of this sector, equip a bunch of Thunder spells and zap all the enemies
into submission until you satisfy the condition. As for tips on the others, you can cheat the system a
bit on the third challenge by using only Commands until the Core Blox is close enough to guarantee

All paths leading from the Clearing go into the Lotus Forest. All types of Blox Bugs spawn around
here. You should have no trouble gathering up the required Matrix Power. The southeast rare prize
blox can be gotten by jumping and dashing toward it, then hitting it with a spell like Thundaga. Your
efforts are rewarded with Aero+3. Likewise, the rare prize blox northwest of the map can be gotten
simply by aiming something like Firaga at it, which gets you Thundaga. The pair blox yield a Curaga
and the rare prize blox in the northeast corner gives up Blizzard Resistance. When all is said and
done, head to the system sector with 60% of your power in store.
Be sure to use Ethers to make the second challenge a cakewalk. The Core Blox in this sector makes
itself rather scarce for some reason.

The bounce blox to your immediate right offers the way to the rare prize blox containing a Spark Dive
. Navigate through this treacherous path wrought with rolling boulders, extremely annoying Danger
Bugs, and other minor hindrances, but on the bright side of things the rare prize blox you come
across each give you Thunder Resistance+3 and Stun Impact.
Once you're outside the Cave of Wonders, use the bounce blox to reach new tiers of the area for
additional prize blox with Tornado Tracer and Triple Burst. The entrance to the system sector is
located on the maw of the cave entrance.
From the perspective of fulfilling the first challenge, it will be easy as pie only because there will be a

myriad of enemies for you to fight through. The others are also quite doable without too much effort.

Walkthrough part 15
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Hollow Bastion
Corrupted Data-Riku appears to be the keeper of the last 20% of the Matrix Power. Defeat him to
restore Sora to 100%.
Boss Analysis: Data-Riku
The fight plays out very similarly to the last encounter you had not too long ago, though not quite as
lengthy. Riku does have one new attack in which he whips out three glowing projectiles that fan out.
When hit, these have a chance of momentarily lowering your level and subsequently, your stats.
However, Riku's brief pause before this attack affords you a tiny window of opportunity to prevent this
attack by hitting him just as he yells "It's over!" Other than that, Riku has retained all of his previous
attacks, which might have also seen a boost in speed. Be ready to dodge more often and heal as
Next up is an interesting 2D-platforming sequence that requires you to constantly seek out and hit
these blue colored blocks to advance, as they are needed to create new moving pathways. Avoid the
harmful red blocks at all costs and open purple blocks to restore lost health. You must also progress
through this segment under a strict time limit.
After a successful escape, you now have some unfinished business with the ever so devious
Boss Analysis: Maleficent
Taking on the form of an intimidating black dragon that takes up half of the screen, Maleficent may
look daunting but, like all the rest, she has only as many tricks as she has hands and feet, that is to
say about four. You can presage her attacks to a point pretty easily--it's all in the position of her head.
When she looks straight at you, she tends to lurch backward and then jumps up or across the screen.
Her landing impact pushes forward a green shockwave that you must jump over. When she lifts her
head and peers upward she's about to rain down a trio of green fireballs. As you wear down her

health, this attack may progress into a faster version with more fireballs.
Exploit her weaknesses at her talons and head to bring her closer to critical condition, a point at which
she drops her head. The real difficulty lies in taking as little damage as possible since there will be no
way for you to heal during the fight. The key is to maintain the perfect distance where you're not close
enough to be swept up in her shockwave or far enough that she chomps down on you. You will also
be receiving some help in the form of disposable abilities throughout the fight. Use these to their full
When you take control of Sora again, you enter another mini-game of sorts--a familiar one at that. It
should give you little trouble, although you do meet an enemy called the Invisible at the very end. It
attacks by launching a volley of white energy balls and charging in to swipe you. Jump over all the
energy balls and roll away to avoid the slash.
Boss Analysis: Sora's Heartless
Well, it's basically Darkside wrapped in elemental runes and outfitted with elemental-infused attacks.
He uses his two giant fists to smash the ground in front of him, and when this happens you have an
opportunity to attack them just as before. Each hand has different affinities. His left creates an impact
of ice affinity. Keep your distance when it comes down to avoid getting frozen. You then have a
limited time to unleash your most powerful attacks on the hand before shards of ice erupt from the
ground that doubles in doing damage and freezing you. The right hand hammers down in an
explosion and out comes three homing fireballs. Dance around the hand while attacking in order to
steer clear of the red hot flames. Next, a bright intense light flashes in the center cavity, indicating the
next attack: circles form on the ground and soon shoot up in pillars of light. Stay in the very back of
the platform to get a clear view of where these circles are and stay away. Even being close to one
can hurt.
Finally, Sora's Heartless occasionally leaves sight and starts pumping his fist through the ground on
which you're standing, with the location of his next emergence denoted again by circles of light. This
presents another opportunity for a counterattack when the attack reticle falls on the raised fist.
And just when you thought it was over...
Assuming Sora's outer appearance, Sora's Heartless now has a few entirely new attacks. The secret
to finishing this fight is to damage the boss enough until a yellow circle appears. Step into this to
charge your Keyblade and successfully tagging Sora's Heartless to turn him into a very weak
Shadow. But the tenacious bugger would still find the energy to delay the end to this battle. This time
Sora's Heartless summons two clones to his side, but you can discern the real one by his longer
health bar. The most devastating attack during this phase encases Sora's Heartless in an
impenetrable barrier mid-air and has a dozen or so Keyblade-like projectiles raining destruction. Run
around the platform until this finishes to resume attacking. Following the same strategy: step into the
yellow circle when it appears and hit the true Sora's Heartless to once again defeat a pipsqueak
This lengthy chapter finally comes to an end when Mickey joins your side this time, allowing you to
finish off the Shadow in front of you once and for all.

You obtain Zero/One as a result of victory.

Walkthrough part 16
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
The level design of Castle Oblivion can be confusing, but it's basically the lobby to the other worlds
and you need special cards to transport to other worlds. You start out having only the Destiny Islands
card. You'll notice that below each world are three empty slots. These signify the different possible
outcomes of each world: normal, extra and alternate. Revisit each world multiple times to collect all
three. Collecting all the cards will get you something nice!

Destiny Islands
Items: Strength+4 and HP+8
Once you get any of the endings, you will have access to the rest of the worlds when you return to the
Entrance Hall.
W1 Normal Card

W1 Extra Card

W1 Alternate Card

Speak with Selphie and agree to investigate the matter

concerning the blox, then agree to calm Wakka's nerves
by talking to Tidus. A little showdown with the
headstrong blonde loosens up his lips for info on a
cloaked figure. Chat with the cloaked figure for this card.
You will find two green glowing stars under bug blox.
Interact with each to trigger a fight with Shadow and
defeat them.
Decline both Selphie's and Wakka's requests. Doing so
puts Tidus in quite a bind. Free him.

Traverse Town
Items: Magic+3, Defense+4
Cid has lost track of the duckling triplets again and needs you to round them up. The order in which
you find them determines what card you'll get. Huey wears red and can be reached after defeating
some Heartless, the green-clad Louie is buried beneath the pile of bug blox on the northern end, and
Dewey, in blue, stands visibly in a corner.
W2 Normal Card

Huey, Dewey, Louie

W2 Extra Card
W2 Alternate Card

Dewey, Louie, Huey

Huey, Louie, Dewey

Items: Thunder Resistance+3
A few of the Wonderland's characters seem to be having misfortune of their own. Help them out with
whatever request they may have. Reminding Alice of her name; answering the Cheshire Cat's riddle
correctly ("D"), delivering a Potion to the Ace of Spades, and deciding how to deliver the White
Rabbit's lost watch.
W3 Normal Card

W3 Extra Card

W3 Alternate Card

Tell Alice she is Queen of Hearts, avoid the dropped

watch and speak with White Rabbit, deliver potion to
Ace of Spades, and correctly answer the Cheshire Cat's
Tell Alice that she is the Queen of Hearts, pick up the
watch, deliver the potion to the wrong recipient, and
give up on the riddle.
Tell Alice that she is Alice, avoid the watch and just tell
the White Rabbit where it is, deliver the potion to its
rightful recipient, and correctly answer the Cheshire
Cat's riddle.

Walkthrough part 17
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Walkthrough
World 1
World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8

Olympus Coliseum
Items: Thunder+4, Aero+4
The conditions for getting the cards are a little fuzzy here. You are put through a series of tests by
Hercules, Cloud, and Hades. For Hercules, defeat as many enemies as you can within the time limit
(over 30). Follow Cloud's instructions carefully, and defeat all the enemies Hades' throws at you.
W4 Normal Card
W4 Extra Card
W4 Alternate Card

Fail only one challenge.

Fail all three challenges.
Pass all three challenges.

Items: Magic+4, Defense+3
Iago is up to his mischievous ways again, and this time you'll have to find him within a room filled with
prize blox. Jasmine, Aladdin, the shop vendor, and phantom Jafar all are also among the blox.
W5 Normal Card
W5 Extra Card
W5 Alternate Card

Catch Iago with less than 30 seconds to go on the clock.

Catch Iago with more than a minute to go on the clock.
Catch Iago in between 31 to 59 seconds to go on the

Hollow Bastion
Items: Magnega, Shock Fall
The first couple of rooms require you to touch a tall flower petal and its subsequent bloomed flower in
a concept that's not unlike the blue and red orbs in the original Hollow Bastion. Eventually you
experience a sort of repeat of the boss fight with Pete except that it's timed. Lay into him the same
way you did in the previous battle--all his abilities are the same. Next Maleficent challenges you to
cross her obstacle course as fast as you can.
W6 Normal Card

Take longer than 30 seconds on Pete and finish the

course in under a minute, or vice versa.

W6 Extra Card
W6 Alternate Card

Beat Pete in under 30 seconds and finish Maleficent's

course in under a minute.
Take longer than two minutes to beat Pete and finish
Maleficent's course.

Boss Analysis: Roxas

He's fast, strong, and very vicious. Keep at least two Curagas on hand and try to have distance spells
part of your setup. Judgment Triad also works pretty well. Some powerful short-range attacks leave
him unscathed since he's quick and smart enough to get away. Blocking and countering are crucial to
taking down Roxas. If necessary, you may even need to spend a majority of your time rolling around
in circles--unless you're attacking or healing--to avoid getting drowned in a flurry of his devastating
combos. He also rushes in and shoots out some pillars of light. Although he is fast he tends to suffer
slight delays between attacks, giving you ample chances to get in his face for payback.
Now that you've beaten the game once Kingdom Hearts Re:coded actually offers a wealth of
replayability! Check our Q&A section for questions you may still have unanswered.

Here is where you can find descriptions of all the characters in Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded.
Data-Sora: a virtual Sora crafted by Mickey to destroy the Bugs that are corrupting Jiminy Cricket's

Guide Contents
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Guide Contents
Getting Started
Common Questions and Answers


World 1: Destiny Islands


Command Conversions
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Command Conversions
It was difficult to decide how to compile this list due to the immense multitude of combinations.
Because many of the resulting syntheses repeat with distinctly different combinations we just
categorized them based on spell element (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, etc.) and alphabetized within those
Just remember that this may not be the definitive list of all the conversion possibilities. There are far
too many combinations! There are enough here, though, to help you for your purposes. N/A in the list
means that the ability can't be synthesized and must be bought or found.
Take note that the best way of locating a certain spell is to just use the very advanced Ctrl + F.

Aerial Slam
Aerial Sweep
Air Spiral
Chain Rave

Gravity Drop
Judgment Triad
Land Crash
Muscle Strike

Quick Blitz
Rising Rush

Fire Raid + Spark Dive
Aero Raid + Spark Dive
Thunder Raid + Spark Dive
Aeroga + Curaga
Magnet Grab + Rising Rush
Wind Tracer + Chain Rave
Wind Tracer + Muscle Strike
Rising Strike + Land Crash
Aero Slam + Land Crash
Thundaga + Curaga
Zantetsuken + Cyclone
Aero + Stop
Air Spiral + Stop
Ice Storm + Wind Dive
Spark Storm + Wind Dive

Rising Strike
Round Blitz
Shock Fall
Sliding Dash
Sliding Rush
Strike Raid
Stun Impact


Quick Blitz + Cure

Triple Firaga + Stun Impact
Heat Dive + Land Crash
Spark Dive + Land Crash
Wind Dive + Land Crash
Blizzaga + Curaga
Judgment Triad + Gravity Drop

Command Conversions part 2

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Command Conversions



Firaga Burst

Fire Blast

Fire Buster

Fire Edge

Fire Raid

Fire + Cure
Fire + Slow
Fire + Fire Edge
Cure + Fire Edge
Slow + Fire Edge
Fira + Heat Storm
Fire Blast + Fire Raid
Heat Storm + Confuse
Fira + Triple Burst
Firaga + Triple Burst
Rising Rush + Stun Impact
Fire Edge + Rising Strike
Fire + Round Blitz
Fira + Round Blitz
Fire + Blizzard Blast
Fira + Blizzard Blast
Fire + Sliding Rush
Fire + Aero Buster
Fira + Sliding Rush
Fire + Quick Blitz
Fira + Quick Blitz
Fire + Blizzard Edge
Fira + Rising Strike
Rising Strike + Aerial Sweep
Strike Raid + Sliding Dash
Fire + Strike Raid
Fira + Strike Raid
Rising Strike + Aero Raid

Fire Slam

Flame Fall
Heat Dash

Heat Dive

Heat Storm

Heat Sweep

Triple Burst

Triple Firaga

Fire + Aerial Slam

Fira + Aerial Slam
Fire + Aero Slam
Fire + Heat Storm
Blizzaga Pursuit + Thundaga
Fire Edge + Quick Blitz
Fire + Sliding Dash
Fira + Sliding Dash
Fira + Fire Edge
Sliding Dash + Land Crash
Fire + Ice Dive
Fire + Land Crash
Fira + Land Crash
Fira + Fire Slam
Air Spiral + Sliding Dash
Heat Sweep + Aerial Sweep
Fire + Air Spiral
Fira + Air Spiral
Aerial Sweep + Sliding Rush
Fire + Aerial Sweep
Fira + Aerial Sweep
Fire + Wind Sweep
Fira + Triple Firaga
Firaga + Triple Firaga
Fira + Fire Raid
Firaga + Firaga Burst
Firaga + Triple Pursuit
Firaga + Heat Dive

Command Conversions part 3

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Command Conversions



Blizzard Blast

Blizzard Buster

Blizzard Edge

Ice Dash + Thunder Blast

Confuse + Ice Storm
Esuna + Ice Storm
Aero Buster + Ice Storm
Blizzard + Blizzard Edge
Blizzard + Cure
Blizzard + Slow
Blizzard + Fire
Blizzard Edge + Cure
Blizzard Edge + Slow
Blizzard Edge + Stop
Blizzard + Round Blitz
Blizzard + Thunder Blast
Blizzara + Round Blitz
Blizzara + Thunder Blast
Round Blitz + Aerial Sweep
Sliding Rush + Aerial Slam
Blizzard + Sliding Rush
Blizzara + Sliding Rush
Blizzard + Fire Buster
Blizzard + Quick Blitz
Blizzara + Quick Blitz
Blizzard + Thunder Edge
Blizzard + Rising Strike
Blizzard Raid + Fire Edge
Rising Strike + Sliding Rush
Quick Blitz + Rising Strike

Blizzard Raid

Blizzard Slam

Ice Dash

Ice Dive

Ice Storm

Ice Sweep

Icicle Mine
Triple Blizzaga

Triple Pursuit

Blizzaga Pursuit

Strike Raid + Quick Blitz

Blizzard + Strike Raid
Blizzara + Strike Raid
Aerial Slam + Ice Dash
Aerial Slam + Quick Blitz
Blizzard + Aerial Slam
Blizzara + Aerial Slam
Blizzard + Fire Slam
Blizzard + Ice Storm
Blizzard + Sliding Dash
Sliding Dash + Round Blitz
Blizzard + Spark Dash
Blizzara + Sliding Dash
Blizzara + Blizzard Edge
Quick Blitz + Land Crash
Blizzard + Land Crash
Blizzara + Blizzard Slam
Blizzard + Heat Dive
Blizzara + Blizzard Slam
Air Spiral + Aerial Slam
Blizzard + Air Spiral
Blizzara + Air Spiral
Blizzard + Heat Storm
Blizzard + Aerial Sweep
Blizzara + Aerial Sweep
Blizzard + Heat Sweep
Blizzard + Blizzard Blast
Blizzaga Pursuit + Magnet Grab
Blizzaga + Blizzaga Pursuit
Blizzaga + Tornado Tracer
Blizzaga + Pulse Tracer
Blizzara + Muscle Strike
Blizzaga + Chain Rave
Blizzaga Pursuit + Triple Blizzaga
Chain Rave + Muscle Strike
Blizzard Raid + Blizzaga
Muscle Strike + Stun Impact
Blizzaga + Triple Blizzaga
Triple Pursuit + Blizzaga

Command Conversions part 4

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Command Conversions

Exo Spark
Pulse Tracer



Thunder Blast

Thunder Buster

Thundaga + Triple Blizzaga

Thundara + Thundaga
Thundaga + Aeroga
Thundaga + Thunder Tracer
Thundaga + Spark Sweep
Thundara + Spark Storm
Thunder Edge + Wind Sweep
Thunder Edge + Aero Raid
Spark Storm + Esuna
Spark Storm + Confuse
Thunder + Cure
Thunder + Fire
Thunder + Slow
Thunder + Thunder Edge
Thunder Edge + Cure
Thunder Edge + Stop
Thunder Edge + Slow
Round Blitz + Spark Dash
Thunder + Round Blitz
Thunder + Aero Blast
Thundara + Round Blitz
Thundara + Aero Blast
Round Blitz + Sliding Rush
Thunder + Sliding Rush
Thundara + Sliding Rush
Thunder + Blizzard Buster

Thunder Edge

Thunder Raid

Thunder Slam

Thunder Tracer

Spark Dash

Spark Dive

Spark Storm

Spark Sweep

Quick Blitz + Aerial Sweep

Thunder + Quick Blitz
Thundara + Quick Blitz
Thunder + Rising Strike
Thunder + Aero Edge
Strike Raid + Round Blitz
Thunder + Strike Raid
Thundara + Strike Raid
Aerial Slam + Spark Dash
Thunder + Aerial Slam
Thundara + Aerial Slam
Thunder + Blizzard Slam
Thunder + Spark Storm
Strike Raid + Aerial Slam
Thundara + Pulse Tracer
Thundaga + Pulse Tracer
Thundaga + Thunder Blast
Thundaga + Firaga
Sliding Dash + Rising Strike
Thunder + Sliding Dash
Thunder + Wind Dash
Thundara + Sliding Dash
Thundara + Thunder Edge
Round Blitz + Land Crash
Thunder + Land Crash
Thunder + Wind Dive
Thundara + Land Crash
Thundara + Thunder Slam
Air Spiral + Strike Raid
Thunder + Air Spiral
Thundara + Air Spiral
Thunder + Ice Storm
Aerial Sweep + Aerial Slam
Thunder + Aerial Sweep
Thundara + Aerial Sweep
Thunder + Ice Sweep

Command Conversions part 5

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Command Conversions



Aero Blast

Aero Buster

Aero Edge

Aero Raid

Aerora + Wind Storm
Wind Sweep + Cure
Wind Sweep + Slow
Wind Storm + Confuse
Wind Storm + Esuna
Aero + Aero Edge
Cure + Aero Edge
Stop + Aero Edge
Slow + Aero Edge
Round Blitz + Air Spiral
Aero + Round Blitz
Aero + Fire Blast
Aerora + Round Blitz
Aerora + Fire Blast
Aero + Sliding Rush
Aerora + Sliding Rush
Aero + Thunder Buster
Sliding Rush + Land Crash
Rising Strike + Aerial Slam
Aero + Quick Blitz
Aero + Rising Strike
Aerora + Quick Blitz
Aero + Fire Edge
Strike Raid + Land Crash
Aero + Strike Raid
Aerora + Strike Raid
Aerial Slam + Wind Dash
Wind Dash + Thunder Raid

Aero Slam

Tornado Tracer

Wind Dash

Wind Dive

Wind Storm

Wind Sweep

Wind Tracer

Aero + Aerial Slam

Aerora + Aerial Slam
Aero + Thunder Slam
Aero + Wind Storm
Aerial Slam + Land Crash
Wind Tracer + Pulse Tracer
Aerora + Wind Dash
Aerora + Wind Tracer
Firaga + Curaga
Magnega + Firaga
Aero + Sliding Dash
Sliding Dash + Aerial Sweep
Aerora + Sliding Dash
Aerora + Aero Edge
Aerial Sweep + Land Crash
Aero + Land Crash
Aero + Fire Buster
Aerora + Land Crash
Aerora + Aero Slam
Air Spiral + Land Crash
Wind Sweep + Aerial Sweep
Aero + Air Spiral
Aerora + Air Spiral
Aero + Spark Storm
Aerial Sweep + Strike Raid
Aero + Aerial Sweep
Aerora + Aerial Sweep
Aero + Spark Sweep
Aero + Aero Blast
Aeroga + Firaga
Aeroga + Tornado Tracer
Aerora + Esuna
Aeroga + Esuna

Command Conversions part 6

Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded Command Conversions




Magnet Grab


Cura + Confuse
Cura + Esuna
Cura + Heat Dive
Cure + Slow
Cure + Stop
Magnera + Curaga
Magnera + Confuse
Magnera + Esuna
Magnet + Cure
Magnet + Slow
Magnet + Stop
Magnera + Magnega
Magnega + Stop
Magnega + Blizzaga

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