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Em ingls, assim como em outras lnguas, a
leitura uma habilidade que pode ser desenvolvida
independentemente do aprendizado da fala, da escrita
e da audio. Para se entender um texto escrito em
ingls, no h necessidade de saber todas as palavras
e todas as estruturas de gramtica presentes no texto.
O mais importante conseguir entender a idia geral
do texto, ou seja, saber qual o tema e sua mensagem principal. Para isso, basta aprender e aplicar algumas tcnicas de leitura para poder explorar o texto
de modo a compreend-lo da melhor forma possvel.
A seguir, esto listadas as tcnicas para leitura e compreenso de textos em ingls.
1. Predicting Com essa tcnica voc vai
tentar descobrir, antes de ler o texto, o assunto tratado nele. Para isso voc deve direcionar sua ateno
para o ttulo e o formato do texto. Observe qualquer
figura, ilustrao, ttulo e subttulo que acompanhe o
texto. Assim, voc poder adivinhar que tipo de texto
e qual o assunto que ele trata.
2. Vocabulrio conhecido Ao estudar ingls, aprendemos um vocabulrio bsico que vai sendo ampliado medida que os estudos da lngua vo
avanando. Assim, muitas palavras presentes em
qualquer texto so bastante conhecidas. Por exemplo,
I (eu), the (o, os, a, as), and (e), of (de,do,da); alm
de outras que ficam gravadas em nossa memria.
3. Cognates ou Cognatos, so palavras semelhantes na ortografia e no sentido em portugus e
ingls. Ao descobrir os cognatos voc j saber uma
parte do vocabulrio presente no texto, j que os cognatos correspondem a 20% de todas as palavras encontradas em um texto. Porm deve-se ter cuidado,
pois h os chamados False Cognates (Falsos Cognatos), que so palavras que se assemelham na grafia
das duas lnguas, mas possuem significados bem diferentes. (Observe a lista com os principais falsos
4. Contexto Ao ler um texto, podemos nos
deparar com palavras totalmente desconhecidas.
Quando isso acontecer, importante procurar pistas
sobre o significado dessas palavras dentro do prprio
texto. Por exemplo, um sinnimo, uma definio ou
explicao antes ou depois da palavra desconhecida,
figuras que ilustram o que essa palavra significa. Assim, sem a ajuda do dicionrio, podemos deduzir o
significado dessas palavras pelo contexto.

Editora Exato

5. Gramtica A gramtica tambm pode

ajudar a descobrir o significado de palavras desconhecidas em um texto. Identificar a classe gramatical
(substantivo, verbo, adjetivo, pronome, advrbio) ou
a funo que a palavra exerce na frase (sujeito, objeto) ir facilitar a descoberta do significado da palavra
que voc no conhece.
Essas tcnicas podem ajudar a identificar o
verdadeiro significado das palavras desconhecidas
em um texto, porm sempre que for possvel ou necessrio, consulte o dicionrio para se certificar de
que a correspondncia entre as palavras est correta.
1. TEXT 1 (TEXTO 1)

Elections in the USA

There are two major parties in the USA
Republican and Democrat. There are also smallest
parties, but down through the years the President has
always represented one or the other of the two major
Every four year there is a national election
for President. First the person has to become the
candidate of his own party. Then each major party
hods a convention to choose its candidate. It is a
large and noisy party televised to all the country.
Everybody can hear the speeches and share the
excitement. Delegates to the conventions are chosen
in a variety of ways by the state committes or
primary elections. They are usually people with some
political experience. The delegates vote for their
districts and states. After a number of rounds of
voting, a candidate is nominated.
After the nomination comes the campaign
itself. By this time there are committes working in
support of the candidates who have been nominated.
There are people who contribute to the cost of the
campaign. And there are volunteers working in small
districts, in counties, cities, and states. Before a
national election is concluded, thousands upon
thousands of Americans have been working to
persuade people to vote for a particular candidate.
Opinion polls keep constant track of how the
voters feel. Many thousands of voters feel intimately
concerned and involved. Actually, voters do not vote
directly for President. They vote for electors who, in
turn, will vote for President. The number of electors
from each state is based on its population. Thus a
candidate receives votes of the Electoral College and
the popular vote.

It may be confusing, but in any case it is all

competitive. Everyone runs against someone. And it
is part of the pattern that keeps Americans involved
in their government.

Quantos principais partidos existem nos EUA?

a) two.
b) three.
c) four.
d) five.

Com que freqncia ocorre as eleies nos EUA?

a) de 2 em 2 anos.
b) de 3 em 3 anos.
c) de 4 em 4 anos.
d) de 5 em 5 anos.

d) As pessoas votam em eleitores que, por sua

vez, votaro para presidente.

Como os delegados para as convenes so escolhidos?

a) Atravs de comits federais.
b) Atravs de comits estaduais ou eleies primrias.
c) Atravs de eleies secundrias.
d) Atravs do voto direto.

Quem so os delegados?
a) So geralmente pessoas com alguma experincia poltica.
b) So geralmente pessoas com alguma experincia econmica.
c) So geralmente pessoas com alguma experincia scio-econmica.
d) So geralmente pessoas com nenhuma experincia poltica.

Quando comea a campanha propriamente dita

para eleio do Presidente?
a) Aps a diviso dos comits.
b) Aps as pesquisas de urna.
c) Aps a escolha do Presidente.
d) Aps a nomeao dos delegados.

Como ocorrem as eleies para presidente nos

a) escolhido um representante de cada estado.
b) As pessoas votam nos delegados.
c) As pessoas votam diretamente para presidente.

Editora Exato

Como baseado o nmero de eleitores por estado?

a) Atravs dos delegados.
b) Atravs da populao.
c) Atravs do presidente.
d) Atravs dos representantes dos comits.

Quem trabalha nas eleies?

a) Apenas os representantes dos comits.
b) Apenas os delegados.
c) Milhares de americanos: pessoas
estabelecidas e voluntrios.
d) Apenas o colgio eleitoral.


10 Como escolhido o Presidente dos EUA?

a) Quem recebe o maior nmero de votos do Colgio Eleitoral e da populao.
b) Quem recebe o maior nmero de votos populares.
c) Quem recebe o maior nmero de votos do Colgio Eleitoral.
d) Quem recebe o maior nmero de votos dos delegados.

O que os delegados fazem nas eleies?

a) Votam nulo.
b) Votam neles mesmos para presidente.
c) Votam por seus distritos e estados.
d) Votam para presidente.

2. TEXT 2 (TEXTO 2)

The Olympic Games

The Greeks liked sports and games very
much. They created many festivals dedicated to their
gods. The festivals always included games. There
was a festival in the plain of Olympia called the
Olympic Games. These games officially started in
776 B.C. and attracted athletes from all regions of
Greece. The Olympic Games celebrated the peace of
the gods. It was a moment with no wars. In 394
A.D. Greece was a Roman colony and the emperor
Theodosius ended the tradition of the Games.
Last century, a Frenchman, the Baron of
Coubertin, started a new movement to revive the
Olympic Games. In 1894, he organized the
international Olympic Committee to work for the
Modern Olympic Games. The idea was to include all
nations with no distinction of religion, race or
political ideas. But there was one restriction: only
amateur athletes participated.


De acordo com o texto, marque a alternativa correta.

a) The Greeks did not like games.
b) Olympic Games was a festival in the plain of
c) Theodosius created the Olympic Games in

d) Only Roman athletes could participate in these


Love of my life...
(by Freddie Mercury)

Marque a alternativa correta, de acordo com o

texto lido:
a) The Baron of Coubertin was from France.
b) The Olympic Games officially started in 394
c) The Greeks created many festivals dedicated to
their emperor.
d) In 1894, only negres could participate in the
Olympic Games.

A temtica da msica nos mostra que houve:

a) uma separao.
b) uma reconciliao.
c) uma troca de juras de amor.
d) uma anlise terica do amor.

De acordo com a anlise da msica, julgue os itens C (certo) ou E (errado) e em seguida marque
a alternativa com a seqncia correta.
1 Mesmo depois de todas as decepes o amor
ainda continua.
2 O ser amado em questo pede para que traga
de volta o amor que foi roubado.
3 O ser amado foi abandonado pelo grande amor de sua vida.
4 O ser amado faz um apelo ao usar a expresso
Dont take it away from me
a) E E E E.
b) C E E C.
c) C C C C.
d) E C C E.

Usando o Genitive Case na frase Love of my life temos:

a) Loves life.
b) Loves my life.
c) My lifes love.
d) Mys life love.

Analisando a palavra em destaque da frase Love

of my life, qual a classe gramatical dessa palavra?
a) Pronome Possessivo.
b) Adjetivo Possessivo.
c) Substantivo.
d) Adjetivo.

A idia central dos jogos olmpicos era:

a) Apenas o imperador Theodosius participaria.
b) Apenas o Baron of Coubertin participaria.
c) Atletas amadores no poderiam participar.
d) Apenas atletas amadores participariam.

3. TEXT 3 (TEXTO 3)

Love of my life
Love of my life
Youve hurt me
Youve broken my heart
And now you leave me
Love of my life
Cant you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Dont take it away from me
Cause you dont know
What it means to me
Love of my life
Dont leave me
Youve stolen my love
You now desert me
Love of my life
Cant you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Dont take it away from me
Cause you dont know
What it means to me
You will remember
When this is blown over
And everythings all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side
To remind you
How I still love you
I still love you
Hurry back, hurry back
Dont take it away from me
Because you dont know
What it means to me
Editora Exato

4. TEXT 4 (TEXTO 4)

Moon Craters
The moon has attracted mans attention since
the beginning of civilization. Ancient Greeks
discovered the influence of the moon upon the tides.
Poets have looked at the moon with romantic eyes.
Space scientists have not only studied it with their
telescopes, but have also sent astronauts there.
Nobody however, has found out all the answers to the
mysteries of the moon. The origin of moon craters,
for example, is still obscure.
According to one theory, thousands of
meteors have crashed against the surface of the
moon. The impact of these crashes has formed the
craters. They are pits and depressions on the lunar

surface. They have many sizes and forms. Some

scientists have tried to prove this theory with plaster.
They have drooped objects into wet plaster, trying to
reproduce the formation of craters. Unfortunately,
they have not been successful.
According to other theories, the craters have
appeared because of eruptions either of gas or lava.
English physicist Robert Hook said, The craters are
the solidified residues of enormous bubbles.
This dispute has not ended yet. It has been
very difficult to prove these theories. Scientists have
already progressed a lot, but poets can be glad the
moon is still a romantic mystery to man.

Julgue C (certo) ou E (errado) as afirmaes abaixo de acordo com o texto:

1 The moon appeared because of eruptions of
gas and lava.
2 Astronauts went to the moon.
3 The moon influences the tides.
4 Space scientists consider the moon a romantic
5 Robert Hook agrees about the meteoric
impact theory.

A long time ago the Greeks:

a) attracted the moon.
b) attracted mans attention.
c) studied the moon.
d) studied the poets.

For the poets the moon:

a) is the solidified residue of bubbles.
b) is not a scientific mystery.
c) is an obscure crater.
d) is gas and lava.

Scientists have dropped objects into wet plaster

a) prove the formation of craters.
b) prove the size and form of the craters.
c) prove the origin of the meteors.
d) prove that the poets are right.

The surface of the moon:

a) has wet plaster.
b) has crashed against enormous bubbles.
c) has no depression.
d) has suffered the impact of meteors.

An astronomer studies:
a) the influence of the moon upon mans life.
b) the inluence of the stars upon civilization.
c) the moon, the stars, and the planets.
d) the bubbles, the meteors, and the astronauts.

5. TEXT 5 (TEXTO 5)

When we are frightened and worried our bodies produce certain chemical to help us fight whT is
troubling us. Unfortuntely these chemicals produce
the energy needed to run away fast from an object of
fear, and in modern life thats often impossible. If we
dont use up these chemicals, or if we produce too
many of them, they may actually harm us. The parts
of the body that are most affected by stress are the
stomach, heart, skin, head and back. Stress can cause
car accidents, heart attacks and alcoholism, and may
even drive people to suicide.
As with all illnesses, prevention is better than
cure. A very commom danger signal is the inability
to relax. When youre taking work home, when you
cant enjoy an evening with friends, when you have
no time outdoor exercise that is the time to stop and
ask yourself whether your present life really suits
you, says one family doctor. Then its time to join
a relaxation class, or take up dancing, painting or

Julgue C (certo) ou E (errado) as frases abaixo,

de acordo com o texto acima.
1 The author describes stress as a natural reaction of the body to dangers encountered in our
2 The author implies that solution to stress is to
run away from our problems.
3 It seems that many of our problems could well
be symptoms of stress.
4 The author believes that stress causes people
to commit suicide by provoking car accidents.
5 The inability to relax is considered to be a
classic indication that one is suffering from
6 The author emphasizes that one must learn to
dance in order to avoid stress.

Editora Exato




AMOS, Eduardo; PASQUALIN, Ernesto; PRESCHER, Elisabeth. Ingls: Graded English. So

Paulo: Ed. Moderna, 2003.
AMOS, Eduardo; PRESCHER, Elisabeth. Simplified
Grammar Book. So Paulo: Ed. Moderna,
COLLINS COBUILD. Advanced Learners
English Dictionary. ___________: Ed. Collins
Cobuild, 2003.
FERRANI, Mariza Tiemann; RUBIN, Sarah Giersztel. Ingls para o ensino mdio. So Paulo:
Ed. Scipione, 2002.
LONGMAN. Dicionrio escolar ingls-portugus
portugus-ingls para estudantes brasileiros.
____________ : Ed. Longman, 2004.
MARTINEZ, Ron. O ingls que voc nem imagina
que sabe: mtodo de semelhana para aprender expresses em ingls. Rio de Janeiro:
Ed. Campus, 2003.
PORTER, Timothy; WATKINS, Michael. Gramtica da lngua inglesa. So Paulo: Ed. tica,
SCHOLES, Jack. Ok! Curiosidades divertidas do
ingls. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Campus, 2003.
TORRES, Nelson. Gramtica prtica da lngua inglesa. O ingls descomplicado. So Paulo: Ed.
Saraiva, 2002.
VELLOSO, Mnica Soares. Ingls instrumental
para concursos. Braslia: Ed. Vestcon, 2005.
JACOBS, Michael A. Como no aprender ingls.
So Paulo: Ed. _______________, 1999.

Text 1 (Texto 1)

10 A
Text 2 (Texto 2)

3 D
Text 3 (Texto 3)

4 B
Text 4 (Texto 4)

E, C, C, E, E

6 C
Text 5 (Texto 5)

C, E, C, E, C, E

Editora Exato


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