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Conductor tiinific

Anca Claudia PAPANA

Prof.univ.dr Virgil PODOAB


Lucrarea de fa i propune s surprind trsturile definitorii ale paratextului comunist n scopul de

a recupera o parte dintre grilele de lectur propuse prin intermediul acestuia cititorilor din Romnia, n
perioada 1960-1989. n centrul cercetrii se afl volumele publicate n cadrul coleciei Biblioteca pentru toi,
pentru c aceasta s-a bucurat de o mare popularitate nainte i dup 1989. Aria de cercetare cuprinde nu doar
literatura canonic recuperat i publicat n cadrul unei colec ii de buzunar, dar i literatura scris n
perioada respectiv care a fost nsoit de o prefa semnat de autor, fie la prima edi ie, fie la o edi ie
ulterioar. Cadrul teoretic al acestei cercetri este reprezentat de studiile privind rolul cititorului n
actualizarea operei de art i de tipologia lui Genette privind paratextul. n centrul analizei s-au aflat
prefeele, elemente paratextuale discutate din perspectiva cititorului. Analiza mea urmre te s identifice
trsturile specifice ale prefeelor care, datorit proximit ii lor, au condi ionat receptarea i s surprind
mecanismele prin care, la nivelul acestor discursuri, are loc o negociere ntre tradi ie i tendin a sistemului de
a o reorganiza i revaloriza dup propriile criterii.


This paper aims to identify the main characteristics of the communist paratext in order to extract a
set of reading recommendations for the use of the Romanian reader, from 1960 until 1989. The research is
restricted to the books published in the Biblioteca pentru toi collection because it was very popular before
and after 1989. These features support a comparative study between the communist and post-communist
works. The field of investigation is not only the canonical literature retrieved and published under a pocketsize book collection but also the literature written in the same period, published with a preface signed by the
author, on a first or later edition. The theoretical framework of this paper is set by the reading response
theories and Grard Genettes study of paratext. The thesis deals mainly with prefaces, elements of the
paratext, which are reconsidered from the readers point of view. The analysis identifies the specific features
of the prefaces that, due to their proximity, determined the readers response. Furthermore, it describes the
means by which the negotiation between tradition and the system which reorganized and revalorised it
occurs within these discourses.

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