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ME 6200 Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineers 1

2016 Summer 1

Dr. Xuemin Jin



Meetings: Study two modules each week (see course material). Homework assignment of
each week is due the next Monday at 6:00PM

Review Sessions Prior to Examinations: See Syllabus

Examination Dates: See Syllabus

Conference Hours: TBD

Lecture Summaries and Pencasts: This course is covered in approximately 8 weeks.
Summaries and highlights of each of the lecture weeks are posted to Blackboard,
supplemented by a series of pencasts that either clarify and extend the lecture content or
give solved examples. The lecture summaries should be studied prior to the start of each
lecture week. They are meant to be a consolidation of the textbook material. In them I have
used the same notation as the textbook and in some cases have given a slightly different,
alternative presentation of the material.

Textbook Problem Set Policy: Problem sets will be assigned and posted to Blackboard
weekly, with a due date and time as well as a detailed reading assignment. Students are
requested to scan and upload pdfs of their Problem Set solutions to Blackboard by the due
date. They will be checked for completeness and solutions will be available on Blackboard.
Collaboration is acceptable on the homework, but submitted assignments must reflect
individual student work. The objective is to provide practice work with the concepts.

Examinations: There will be one midterm exam after the first 6 modules. The final exam
will be cumulative and will cover all course modules. The midterm exam and the final exam
are geared to test a more fundamental understanding of the material than the textbook
exercises. NO collaboration of any kind is permitted on these examinations.

Grading Policy: Homework 10%, Midterm Examinations 35% each, and Final Exam 55%.

All are expected to uphold the NU Honor Code: On my honor, I pledge to uphold the values
of honesty, integrity, and respect that are expected of me as a Northeastern student. See

Revised: 5/5/2016

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