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: Made Dika Diatmika


: 1506305108


: 46


: EKU 120 C8


Nowadays, environmental damage has became more serious and be one of major problem
that faced by Indonesia. It becomes more serious for couple of years because every human bad
activities would affected to environmental destruction directly. Every year, bad habits of
Indonesias peoples cant be controlled and always increase sharply. Dont they know how
dangerous the impacts of this damage? Dont they feel afraid that Indonesia would get more
serious problems in the future? The answer maybe they dont care about all of them. But this
serious environmental damage actually can give many bad impacts to peoples life in Indonesia
and they are global warming, natural disasters, disturbing of natural resources, and from
economic side.
All impacts of environmental damage would influence peoples life directly. The first of
all is global warming. Global warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due
to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from
deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. Global warming caused
because nowadays many peoples more often build some greenhouse with high building. Beside
it, the use of excessive fossil fuels too much because of the use of vehicles are increasing is the
another problems. And the last but not least is because of deforestation (land clearing) in big
scale to make the public facilities, such as road, school, hospital, and another buildings. Global
warming will affects to Indonesias climate and made it hotter and hotter. Climate change will
becomes unpredictable, by the day arctic would be melted slowly, and the increasing sea levels
has been occured in many areas in this world.
Second impact is natural disaster. A large scale of illegal deforestation would make less
of water absorption and at the end the flood cant be avoided. Flood always happens in many
places in Indonesia. And the worst flood in Jakarta, most peoples lose their houses, their
financials, and their precious times (to work, school, or etc). The third impact is disturbing
natural resources such as increase of air pollution, water sanitation scarcity, soil degradation, and

much more. Increase of air pollution becomes more dangerous. Air pollution causes numerous
diseases in human organisms, animals, natural crops, ruins the balance of the environmental
system, and even causes deaths. Nowadays, water sanitation scarcity in Indonesia is being
concerned. Many rural areas lack of clean water and they only can use water which is
contaminated with soil and even will not get any water yet. Beside it, environmental damage also
causes loss of biodiversity. Whereas biodiversity is very important for balancing the ecosystem
on earth. Without ecosystem balancing, there are a lot of disaster would be happen in Indonesia.
The last impact is from economic side. This damage will causes loss for tourism industry.
Many tourists maybe will think twice to visit Indonesia and make some vacation here. Indirectly
it also will decreases income of many peoples who worked for tourism industry. Because of it,
national income of Indonesia would decrease sharply and economic condition of Indonesia is
getting weak and weak by the day. This condition also will causes Indonesian Rupiahs would be
weakened to the other foreign currency especially American Dollars and it will impacts to the
increased of market price in Indonesia.
Actually all of worse impacts above occured because of bad activities of human that cant
be controlled. To minimized this environmental damage, everyone needs mental revolution to
change their bad habits and they can start from small change to keep their environment
everlasting. Beside it, Government should take awareness to decrease the impact of this damage
by make some regulation and enforce the law to the offender of regulation. At the end, both
peoples and Government should take a same responsibility to save our environment and to save
our earth.

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