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This transcript has been brought to you by David Wolfe’s

NOTE: SITS has been changed to LNP in this transcript by the

transcriber; also, it might be considered to edit or cut out section
about agave in this transcript which was before the "Agave Blues"
days as well as some outdated news (such as Avocado talking
about a new probiotic he plans to put out).

INTERVIEW David "Avocado"

WITH: Wolfe
INTERVIEWER: Lucien Gauthier
DATE: March 2008

March 2008 – Part 1

Lucien: Okay, everyone. We are here with Avo for the March
interview of TheBestDayEver, and we have got a great
list of questions here, and Avo is gonna bestow his
wisdom upon is this month. And the first question is,

Hi David, I have a friend who recently passed a kidney

stone. Now it looks as if he has another [00:01:05] one.
What would you recommend to prevent kidney stones
in the future and what should one do if one has a
kidney stone? Thanks.

Avocado: Excellent question. You know, my dad had kidney

stones very severely when I was a kid, and I remember
the pain that he went through. I mean, it was – passing
a kidney stone is on the level of giving birth. I mean, it
is that painful and that excruciating of an experience,
and it's something that I hope that nobody ever has to
go [00:01:32] through, but you know, it's part of our,
it's part of the natural immune system challenges that
we face as mammals. And what causes kidney stones
March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

is nanobacteria. We know that now. Nanobacteria are

stone-forming or calcium-forming organisms that are
microscopic clams the size of a virus. They are the
smallest shell-forming organism in the world, and if
they affect our kidneys then we call that a kidney
stone. And when they pass they are very painful.

The important [00:02:06] and valuable part of this is

that there is a solution, and there are two major herbs
that are known to be either curative or very, very
supportive of passing kidney stones, and one of them
is chanca piedra. Chanca piedra means "break stone"
and it has that name because it has been used for
thousands of years in Amazonia and in Peru to break
up kidney stones. And that particular plant can be
made into a tea. So you can dry it, make it into a tea.
You [00:02:33] can buy it on the Internet as a tea and
literally just start drinking that stuff 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 strong
teas of chanca piedra a day. And then – and this what I
have heard from people who have done that – is that
there is an intelligence that is in that plant that not
only will help you pass the stone with vastly less pain,
but it also has an effect of dilating your urinary tract so
that you don't have that constriction so that the whole
thing takes much less time [00:03:06] to pass.

There is another issue too, and that is chanca piedra is

actually – it kills nanobacteria, so it has the effect of
reducing our nanobacteria load or those microscopic
clams and breaking down that calcification.

There is another one of course which is very powerful

which is Joe Pye weed, otherwise known as gravel root.
And gravel root has a tremendous history in American
herbology as being [00:03:35] a kind of a universal
curative, and the reason why that is, is because it's a
nanobacteria killer. And it works specifically on kidney
problems, and any good kidney formula – in fact I was
looking at the Arise and Shine Kidney Formula

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

recently, and they have gravel root as their first

ingredient in that formula. There is also Earth, which is
great product put out now by Healthforce that contains
gravel root as the primary ingredient [00:03:57] [Note:
Healthforce used gravel root in an earlier formula but
no longer includes it in the product as of 2010,
because "long term use is not recommended."], which
is a phenomenal nanobacteria killer, excellent for the
kidneys in terms of getting that calcification out.

But there is something else that is going on with gravel

root which is really incredible, and that is it is
tremendously rich minerals. So it is not only a
superherb but it is a superfood, and probably should
be somewhere in our diet if we are really kind of a
longevity [00:04:23] yogi type of person. We should
have gravel root in our diet somewhere at some time.

Lucien: Okay. Fantastic. Is there any other foods that you

would recommend avoiding or anything that you would
recommend avoiding that would contribute to the
buildup of kidney stones?

Avocado: That is such a good question, Lou. That is something I

often forget to do, and that's why I thank you for
asking such a great question. And that is, yes. There
are things [00:04:49] that we have to be careful about.
One of them of course is sugar. Any type of high-sugar-
content substance can trigger off a nanobacteria
growth. There is no question that meat and dairy
products have been associated with a heavy load of
nanobacteria and probably are either instigators of
nanobacteria illnesses or definitely contribute to
nanobacteria illnesses such as kidney stones, so meat
and dairy products have been shown to be a part of
the whole equation.

Definitely [00:05:18] any kind of blood. The blood of

animals contains nanobacteria, especially if it is

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

factory-farmed, so any kind of thing that contains

blood – again, meat products – should be avoid. There
is also oxalic acid is an issue as well. Oxalic acid seems
to be sucked up by nanobacteria and they use it to
form shells out of or it contributes to shell formation,
and oxalic acid is generally – where someone is going
to get hit with it most in the kind of the diet today is
[00:05:49] in processed, cooked chocolate bars – you
know, the way that chocolate is kind of done in the
industry way. So I would avoid things like that, like
industrially processed chocolate.

Does spinach contain nanobacteria or can it be a

nanobacteria problem with spinach? And the answer is
probably not. There is probably not enough oxalic acid
to significantly trigger a nanobacteria problem in
spinach – or pretty much in any other major vegetable,
with the [00:06:19] exception of beet greens. So if you
are juicing beet greens that might be something you
would want to avoid.
So those are some dietary recommendations that go
with this as well.

Lucien: Okay. Fantastic. The next question.

Dear Avocado, As someone who has been trying to

lose weight almost all my life I have read or been told
that if I eat too little my body will go into starvation
mode where you will gain weight instead. Is this true or
just [00:06:45] a myth? Would eating 700 to 1,000
mostly raw calories a day cause an obese person's
metabolism to slow down? I don't like avocados or
olives and I find it hard to consume more calories
without eating lots of nuts. Thank you.

Avocado: Okay. Well, that's a little bit of a tricky issue. If

someone cannot really eat avocados or olives and they
want to lose weight then the next best bet is going to
be seeds as a calorie source. Nuts are not a real good

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

calorie source, [00:07:16] because they are great you

know here and there but everybody has had the
experience who has been playing around with live food
for some period of time of overdoing nuts, and it's not
a pleasant experience and it's something that kind of
teaches you that nuts are a food but they are not a
major food in our diet.

Can we eat less calories, for example 700 to 1,000

calories a day and get away with it in the long-term?
And the answer is probably not. That [00:07:45] is a
very low amount of calories. If you are a very
disciplined person, you have been doing this for a very
long period of time, yeah, you can get there.

If you are kind of in the place where this person is, I

don't believe that that is probably a good goal. I
believe a better goal is to eat a mostly raw food diet
and if you need something that is a little bit grounding
maybe cooked sweet potato or yam because it's not a
fat but because the yam has been cooked [00:08:11]
that starch then becomes heavy and the body kind of
identifies it more like a fat even though it's a starch,
and your body will go into a breakdown of that food
substance. And that right there kind of gives caloric
value but it doesn't add on pounds. You know it's a
really way to go.

Now potato is a little bit too sweet and definitely not

enough minerals and not enough backend kind of
chemical compounds. For example yam and sweet
potatoes have precursors [00:08:36] to hormones in
them, so they are great food all the way around even if
they are cooked, but potato doesn't have that; potato
has a lot of toxins in it. So most likely, you know, you
are better off doing a mostly raw food diet and if you
want to add things in that are cooked then they should
be well thought out and selected like that. And then
that kind of a diet could be a great weight loss diet.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

I believe strongly that there is a thyroid factor which is

part of the weight problem that we have in the
western world today, and that thyroid issue is
addressed by detoxification and cleansing [00:09:13] –
in particular doing intestinal cleansing, dropping a lot
of the toxic load. Because the thyroid is in our neck,
and that is where our whole immune system is, it's
where most of the toxins gather. If we can bottom out
the sink, get that stuff downstream out – for example
in the intestines – then we can drain out a lot of the
toxins that back up into the lymph nodes in our neck
and in our throat. And a lot of people have chronic
throat stuff, a lot [00:09:35] of people have chronic
neck inflammation and thyroid problems, and this is
[unintelligible phrase] even if we are unconscious of it.

And zeolites are a very powerful cleanser of the toxins

that can cause thyroid problems. And then there are
certain foods that help stimulate the production of a
higher metabolism, and that would be coconut
products, maca, kelp, Brazil nuts. Those are all great
foods to stimulate metabolism. And in this person's
case if they wanted to do a [00:10:07] lower calorie
diet and not go into like a retention of fat because of
starvation [unintelligible word], the way you would do
that is to eat more often and less. So you would eat 5
or 6 times a day but less food at each meal.

Lucien: Right. Gotcha. All right. Super.

Dear Avocado, Hi. I am nearly 45 and have passed

through menopause, but I am just about going bald in
the last few weeks. My hair has been slowly thinning
for a few years now but in the past few weeks it's
[00:10:35] falling out at a rate of several hundreds a
day. I am quite thin and do yoga daily, eat only
healthy, pure foods, but I must admit a lot of them are
cooked or heated.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

I went on a mostly fruit and vegetable diet for a while,

but I got a lot thinner and my rate of hair loss also
increased. My hair and skin has become very dry. I
have started taking kelp daily in recent months and it
increases moisturization a little but has not stopped
the hair loss. [00:11:00] It is quite hard to take when in
all other respects I feel so young and well. Is there any
advice you can give me? Thanks so much.

Avocado: This sounds like a hormone problem. I mean, there are

factors that I would definitely address here, and one of
those factors and key factors is mineralization. It
sounds like this person has kind of clued in on the
mineral [00:11:21] factor by consuming kelp. And
there are other great superfoods that are rich in
minerals, for example spirulina, bluegreen algae, and I
really recommend getting much more strongly and
heavily into superfood smoothies.

And then there is of course a major mineral – the major

mineral which is related to hair growth – which is
sulfur. But I believe that what is really going on here is
hormonal, and it's probably a progesterone issue.
There is not [00:11:51] enough progesterone being
formed. Probably – it seems when hair loss becomes
that severe that going to products like maca and
coconut oil and coconut products which help to
produce those healthy hormones may or may not be
enough. May or may not be enough.

So what I would really recommend there is that you

probably might want to go to the second generation of
hormone precursors, which are things like
pregnenolone. And pregnenolone is something
[00:12:21] you can hunt around on the Internet for it. I
believe Life Extension [note: Life Extension brand has
non-vegetarian pregnenolone so check labels
carefully] has it and also Quantum Nutrition Labs has it

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

[note: this source is from wild yams]. Pregnenolone is

just an incredible discovery, and it's really never been
popularized in the right way as compared [00:12:41] to
the power that it has. If more people knew about it, it
really could be very helpful for people, because it helps
to produce the right hormones – progesterone in

Now if that doesn't work then we need to go to, then

this person is going to need to go to a really good
naturopath who specializes in hormones and
supporting a natural hormone balance. And for women
a natural hormone balance is going to consist of a very
wide range of DHEA, [00:13:10] testosterone, the
estrogens, which is like estrone, estradiol, etc., and
progesterone. So it's a very wide range and it's a much
more difficult situation in women than men because
the postmenopausal situation plus the complexity of
the hormones in women requires a more strategic,
wholistic approach.

I was first really educated about hormones in women

by Dr. Jonathan Wright, and I believe he is up in
Washington state right. And that's [00:13:44] probably
a good person to start with, maybe contact him in his
office and see what he has to say. Or maybe there is
someone local he can recommend, someone local who
can help you to manage those hormone levels. And I
can guarantee you that if you did a blood test and
looked at those hormone levels you would find that
they were substantially out of balance, and that is very
likely the bottom of this issue.

Lucien: Okay. Fantastic.

Dear David, My question [00:14:07] is about

humidifiers. I live in Massachusetts and we have pretty
cold winters here. The air in my house is really dry.
Should I get a humidifier? I have heard both good and

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

bad things about them. The good obviously is they are

putting moisture in the air, but the bad is that they
spread germs and stuff. What do you think? If paired
with an air purifier would that be the best air ever for a
house during a Massachusetts winter? And if
humidifiers [00:14:29] get the thumbs up, can you
recommend the best one out there?

Avocado: Ah, that's a great question. I'm probably not adept

enough on humidifiers today to really give you a good
answer. I mean, the situation is such that the way we
do it at my house is we have a wood-burning stove and
we put tea out on that wood-burning stove and see
what happens is, is over a period of time we may just
let that water boil off and then that humidifies the
[00:14:58] air. And that's the ancient technique for
doing it.

The way it's done now with humidifying devices is not

something I am very well versed on. I haven't really
looked into that since I was probably about – really
since I was a kid, maybe 13 or 14 years ago, and we
kind of went through that whole humidifier thing, you
know, to figure out what the best stuff was. And it's
much different today, significantly more advanced, but
I'm just not up on that type of technology [00:15:22]
so I couldn't answer that.

I just want to address one other thing, and that is what

about germs and stuff that's in the air. Well, if you
have an ozonator in your house – in particular
something that really works, like an Aranizer,
(, that device works. That will ozonate
the heck out of your house. If you are humidifying and
ozonating, you will not have a germ problem in your
house, because that Aranizer will ozonate [00:15:52]
all the molecules out of your atmosphere that are
carrying bacteria or viruses and drop them right to the
floor and it literally oxidizes them, maybe fries them to

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe


So, you know, those are considerations. You can do a

combo humidifier with ozonator and that will make
sure that you are not going to be spreading you know
bacteria into the atmosphere inside your home.

Lucien: Okay. Super.

Dear Avocado, After learning all about superfoods and

superherbs [00:16:16] I really would like to consume
them all. I want all their wonderful effects. Now is there
anything know about proper combinations, or is there
something good about one medicinal herb at a time, or
can I just go all out, make a tea with 50 herbs and
make smoothies with that tea with every superfood
powder in my cupboard?

Avocado: That's the $64,000 question, and the answer is it all

depends on you. You know, it depends [00:16:45] on
your metabolism.

I would recommend starting out simpler for a number

of reasons. One is, the effects are probably going to be
better in the beginning if you start out simpler and you
will be able to tell what those effects are. That means
you will have what we call sensory acuity about what a
certain herb is doing for you. You know, if you combine
50 things together you are not going to know what is
doing what, and especially if you are in a beginner
[00:17:10] stage you do want to know what is doing
what. You know, in the long-term picture you want to
really know like, okay, you know, my throat is getting a
little rough. What do I do? Which herb do I take? Which
one of these do I focus on? And the way you get that
experience is by starting with the single herbs or the
single superfoods.

Now if you made a superfood smoothie with 3 or 4

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

superfoods in it and a superherb in there, that's fine,

you know. That [00:17:31] would be reasonable. I have
found that some people metabolically cannot handle
very complex combinations of things and some people
can. Therefore you are just going to have to do some
trial and success methodology on yourself and see
what works best for you.

Lucien: Okay. Super.

Dear Avocado, Do you have any experience with

and/or opinions about the Southeast Asian plant
cradam [spelling?]?

Avocado: Yes. I have eaten cradam on the big [00:17:57] island

of Hawaii. I don't know if it was legally over there, but
it does grow over there. And it's kind of like – it's like
qat [also spelled khat]. You know, qat is – I think it is
originally from Saudi Arabia or it's from Arabia and qat
is like chewed up in the streets of all the Middle
Eastern countries. And they chew it up and it's like,
you kind of get like a high. It's actually an
amphetamine, which means it's a phenethylamine,
and so it does ramp up your adrenal chemicals and
neurotransmitters, and the effect of that is you feel
high and cradam is in that same kind of boat. I never
really felt strong effects from cradam and it does kind
of taste pretty awful, but [00:18:42] it's worth trying.
You know, I don't think that these things are really bad
for you unless they become abused. Most of the time
you know when you see people who chew like qat until
their teeth turn black, I mean they are in a completely
abusive relationship with it. It's kind of like becoming
an alcoholic. But if you have this thing, you know, once
every month or six months or something like that it's
never going to hurt anybody. And, [00:19:02] you
know, it's kind of fun to try it and see what happens.

And I think there is another very important thing about

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

these kinds of – you know, they are kind of sub-

psychedelic plants – and that is they really teach you a
lot about neurotransmitters and hormones and
adrenalin and just all the different things that your
body is comprised of in terms of the master switches.
You know, in hormones and neurotransmitters are
master switches. You throw [00:19:31] those switches,
you throw the adrenalin switch and everything turns

So when you are dealing with these kinds of

substances, if you are a real alchemist they can really
educate you about how your body is really working.
And one of the things that really kind of irks me is that
there is just, in Western culture there is a general ban
on this kind of stuff because "it's a drug and therefore
you can't have it," meanwhile pharmaceuticals
[00:19:54] can be sold to you and that's not a problem.
And what gets me about that is that there is a
deliberate attempt to block research into very critical
insights into how adrenalin, how neurotransmitters,
how hormones work. And it's from figuring out how
those things work that I believe we can really develop
nutraceuticals, longevity substances, chemicals that
can really get us into a sustainable and abundant
future instead of this kind of like cheap, [00:20:32] you
know, marketed pharmaceutical, you know, destiny
that you know seems to be at the end of the road for
you know the – I guess the well-crafted design of
where we are supposed to be going. I don't know how
to better say it.

You know, we are kind of being sold a real cheap

imitation of our destiny. And through the
understanding of how these like qat or cradam or
whatever ones are out there work we can finally get
into really understanding how our biology [00:21:01] is
constructed for real and then come to real solutions
about how we should for example, you know, eat; how

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

we should for example fast; how we should rejuvenate

ourselves; how do hormones really affect our
longevity; how do neurotransmitters affect our
longevity, etc.

Yeah. And you don't these things for your health. You
know, you wouldn't need cradam for your health, but if
you are a real alchemist – which a lot of people on
TheBestDayEver [00:21:26] are – you know, a lot of
people are like, "Look. I don't just buy anything. I want
to know." And therefore I really recommend trying this
stuff, because you can get an education from a plant
that you cannot get from a person. And that's why we
are a trial and success type of website. It's like you've
got to go out there and try the stuff and you get that
education from your experience and then you are
actually coming from a place of knowledge instead of

Lucien: Fantastic.

Hey David, A few interrelated questions. What in your

opinion are the best morning elixirs/tinctures ever? Is
MSM safe with all of them? My bottle of bluegreen
algae says to take them in the [00:22:08] morning
with nothing else. What do you think about that? And
is Crystal Manna the best bluegreen algae out there?
Thank you so much.

Avocado: Okay. That's a complex question with various, various

dimensions. I mean I guess I can look at it from at least
one perspective, and that is the morning elixir that I
make is spring water, I'll put in there salt – like I'm in
Hawaii right now, so I'm using Hawaii salt, sea salt –
and then I'll put in if I [00:22:38] have it Crystal
Energy, Patrick Flanagan's Crystal Energy, I'll put a
little squirt of that in there. I'll put in there a little bit of
the Gold Ormus, I'll put in there – I have this little vial
that I have been playing around with which is water

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

from the volcano on the Big Island. I'll put a little squirt
of that in there, which is just a kind of a high
vibrational water. And one more thing I've been doing
[00:23:01] – oh, I've been putting zeolites in, so I've
been putting the NCD liquid zeolites in, and so I'll
make a big morning drink like that and then guzzle it
down. And that's kind of the morning elixir that I do
before anything, before food, before drinking any
smoothies, anything. And I really think that that is a
critical about my personal philosophy about health,
and that is the best time to hydrate yourself is the very
first thing in the morning when your stomach
[00:23:27] is completely empty. And that way you can
get all that water into your body and get that good
flush to happen. It gets those salts, if you add a little
salt to your water, it gets those salts into those
intestines and starts to create a nice environment
down in the intestinal wall so that you have the ability
of – you know, it alleviates constipating. You have the
ability to hold moisture there so that things move
through cleanly without a lot of irritation.

And [00:23:50] then if you are adding MSM in, which I

do a lot in the morning as well – sometimes I'll put
MSM right into that drink, but if I'm doing ormus gold
then I'll do one or the other; I don't do both at the
same time, because there is a little bit of a conflict
between those two. Sometimes I'll do the ormus gold
and then I'll do the MSM at the night, in the night –
[00:24:07] or I'll do it the other way around and I'll do
the MSM with that morning drink and I'll do the ormus
gold in the evening.

Going beyond that into for example Crystal Manna in

the smoothie or any of these other things, there are
some great bluegreen algaes out there. I cannot hardly
say which one is the best. They are all pretty darn
good. I mean, I really feel like – what's the name of the
company now? Simplexity, that's the company that

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

bought Cell Tech, which [00:24:32] is the original

company that set themselves up on Klamath Lake and
started bringing the algae to market, probably has the
most quality control of anybody out there, but certainly
E3Live is a wonderful company, and then there is the
company – what is the name of it? – that does the Blue
Manna and the Crystal Manna [].
And they also do a good product as well. They have
some great products. So you just kind of pick what you
like, play around with all of them.

Lucien: Super. So it's very interesting you mentioned not

mixing the MSM and the ormus gold. Could you just
expand on that briefly why you would not mix those
two together?

Avocado: Good. Okay. That's something that's kind of – it's

underneath the field of ormus and MSM [00:25:17] and
it's been kind of never really— It's written about in
Amazing Grace actually. Actually, Amazing Grace, my
new book, finally kind of put that into print, but it has
never really been in print anywhere, although it is
talked about a little bit on the Internet. And it appears
that when you isolate ormus – when you isolate it as a
mineral isolate – that it can react with sulfur and that
something like MSM is such a powerful methylator –
which means it has a high amount of energy in it – that
we believe that sulfur could interact with ormus gold
and start moving it back towards being a metal, or
actually start bonding the ormus gold minerals, the
ions, the atoms together so that it starts to move back
towards what is called M state or eventually a metal

Therefore you lose the magic of having the ormus in

the first place. That's the idea behind it. So there has
been this thing that sulfur [00:26:18] can interact with
ormus. That's definitely not just something that was
figured out recently. There are suggestions of that in

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

alchemical literature throughout history, that there is

something about sulfur that can interfere with certain
alchemical products. And therefore from all that I
believe we can make a conclusive statement that you
should probably keep any ormus isolate – any isolated
ormus mineral – away from MSM.

Now if you are consuming [00:26:45] a food product

like a superherb product – let's just say it's medicinal
mushrooms, which are known to contain ormus, or
aloe vera, which is known to contain ormus – and you
have that with MSM, you will not have a similar
reaction. You can have them both together is what I
am saying. It's specifically addressing the interaction
between MSM and an ormus mineral isolate. That's the
one you shouldn’t do is combine those together.

March 2008 – Part 2

Lucien: Dear Avocado, Is there any hope for someone who is

60, has had fibromyalgia all of her life and whose jaw is
starting to smolder with the chronic inflammation of
one of the roots in her teeth? Of course her doctor said
only surgery and antibiotics will help. She is very
skeptical of "alternative medicine" and may not have
all the time in the world to anticipate the long-term
effects [00:00:37] of a raw diet. Is there anything she
could get on that might show quick results as far as
knocking out the inflammation and beginning to
strengthen the bone – at least enough to inspire a
transition into a healthier lifestyle?

Avocado: The key point in there is that when someone has been
through that kind of lifestyle and that life for that long,
they are extremely pessimistic, they are very doubtful,
they have bought into the idea that their life is going
to be [00:01:05] painful forever and that they got dealt
a bad card out of the deck, you know, and they kind of
bought all those ideas. Which are completely. I mean

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

there is always hope for everybody no matter how

severe the situation, no matter how long it has been
going on. There is always a solution out there in the
universe for everybody in every situation. You know,
when there is no way there is a way; when there is a
dead end it's not a dead end, it's just, there is
[00:01:27] a way through there somewhere.

And to get the person really going I would recommend

about 16 to 20 capsules of MSM powder a day with
about 6 to 10 capsules of Blue Mangosteen a day. And
that's pretty easy. Anybody can do that. If somebody
can swallow a pill they could do that and break it up,
do half in the morning, half in the evening, and see
what happens. I mean, that can immediately de-
inflame any tissue problems and probably [00:01:56]
can start her on the road to recovery and give her
enough of a momentum that maybe she will start
seeing hope at the end of the tunnel. So that's what I
would recommend as a starter.

Lucien: Okay. Fantastic.

Dear Avocado, Will there be a 2008 LNP program

update? Also, can olive oil [sic] leaf extract substitute
for the garlic extract? And finally, should there be
some kind of clay included in the LNP program to
absorb the toxins created from dying parasites
[00:02:24] and/or nanobacteria?

Avocado: All right. Well yes, there is going to be a LNP update,

and it's looking real good. The entire program has
been recorded in audio format. It will also be available
in text format, and it's pretty darn exciting. All the
products that packaged very likely together in one
box, so it's real simple to get started – and on top of all
that we have I believe added a few key things in,
which I'm going to save as a surprise. So that's kind of

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Olive [00:02:59] leaf extract versus garlic extract. The

problem with olive leaf extract is just the universality
of it. It doesn't really keep people in balance when you
are putting it across a wide population. Like some
people might be able to take it every day and it's like
great and it works great – and olive leaf extract is
amazingly powerful. It's awesome. The place where I
get into trouble with it is that it doesn't work for
enough people over a long period of time. It's
[00:03:29] so yang in its energy that after a while
people will just stop taking it because it starts really
pulling them out of balance. And aged garlic extracts
are a little bit more balanced. They are more in a tonic
form so they can be taken every day without kind of
dragging the metabolism one direction or another. And
that's why I prefer the aged garlic extract to the olive
leaf extract. And plus I think aged garlic extract is a
little bit more accessible for people [00:03:57] – not
only as a physical product but also just from a
psychological perspective, because garlic is more
familiar to us and we are all, you know, we all grew up
with garlic, we know what it is.

Should there be a clay involved? Well, we use zeolites

as the primary puller or drawer of toxins. Now
macrotoxins are very good to pull with clay, and if you
would like to use some bentonite clay for a month for
example or 3 months while you are doing the Triple
Herbal Treasures – the wormwood, cloves and black
walnut hull – which are part of the LNP program, that's

By [00:04:31] the way, if somebody is listening right

now and they are like, "What in the heck is the LNP
program?" the LNP program is the LongevityNOW
Program, and that program is a system that drives
calcification out of the body, which to me essentially is
the number one cause of disease. It's the main – it's

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

the main undertaker in the world. That's the thing that

is going to get us in the end is calcification. So if we
can address that first, and cleanse [00:05:03] that out
of our system, everything else becomes very well
diminished and is pretty much irrelevant and then we
can live longer and happier without dealing with aches
and pains and joint issues and worrying about our
heart going out on us and cancer and all that kind of

Lucien: I have to say, I was shocked. I'm working on the LNP

that you guys did in LA, and I was thinking, "Oh," you
know, "I want to get on the LNP and it's going to be
this new [00:05:26] thing that I'm doing," and then as I
was going through it I realized that just from picking
up the little tidbits from the interviews and all the stuff
on TheBestDayEver I was about 50% on the LNP
already, without intentionally wanting to be on the
LNP. Just, you know, your recommendations, you take
this, this, this and this, I thought, "I'm doing that, I'm
doing that, I'm doing that." So I am sure there are
some people on TheBestDayEver [who] are doing part
[00:05:51] of the LNP and they don't know it.

Avocado: That's right. That's the thing, is every bit of this

program has been discussed and actively described
throughout many different lectures and recordings
throughout, and if you have
taken even a little bit of it on you are probably doing
some partial form of the LNP. And then when you get
the whole piece, which is that whole final
LongevityNOW Program – you know, the audio
program and the whole deal – what [00:06:19] that will
do is it will kind of give you a big overview of how this
all works together towards a final goal and what that
goal is.

Lucien: Yeah. That's exactly what it did for me, and I have to
say that when this is unveiled at the next conference,

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

it is going to be a monumentous occasion to say the


Avocado: Right on. That's cool. So you've been working on it, and
I think most of the people listening right now are not
aware that you [00:06:42] have been involved in
editing the audio portion of that program. Is that right?

Lucien: Yeah. I mean, it's just completely – I mean it is just

such an amazing program. I think it is going to change
the face of health as we know it.

Avocado: That's how I feel about it. I mean, I believe that this is
such a momentous discovery. I mean, recently your
sister actually – Rebecca – sent me an incredible
article by the Mayo Clinic is [00:07:09] which is about
to be posted TheBestDayEver, that they have
confirmed now that nanobacteria exists; that it is no
longer— You know, there has been a lot of research on
this, and it's been known it's not a fringe thing for a
while amongst researchers who are really, you know,
into the truth.

But you know how mainstream science is. It moves

very slowly like a big turtle. Well, now the Mayo Clinic
has come on board and says, "Hey, there [00:07:34] is
something to this." Now that to me is a huge
breakthrough in funding and the research that we are
going to see into nanobacteria, and I can tell you right
now that is going to do nothing but benefit all of us.

Lucien: And what do you think the reaction is going to be? Do

you think they are going to come up with an anti-
nanobacteria pharmaceutical pill?

Avocado: That's probably where it's going to go. They are going
to try to come up with some kind of pharmaceutical
[00:07:56] this, that and the other thing. However,
what we can do is we can take a look at their research,

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

pick it apart and find out what is useful in it, just like
we always do with all the medical research. And the
more medical research that goes in to nanobacteria I
think the better off we all are because we are going to
find out more secrets about how to get this stuff out or
more secrets about how this stuff works.

And in particular for me is reading all the – I've read

about 80 articles on nanobacteria, and the cross-
referencing of those articles across my knowledge in
the field of nutrition [00:08:35] in herbs and
superfoods and all that, when we starting seeing you
know hundreds more articles coming out, hundreds
more research studies, when all that gets cross-
referenced there is going to be some insights there
that we don't have now. There is going to be, and we
are going to be all benefiting from it. So that to me is
an exciting development.

Lucien: Yeah. And so that's fantastic. So going mainstream is

actually going to produce a whole new kind of wealth
of [00:08:56] information that we could all use.

Avocado: Exactly. You know, in the same way that when viruses
were discovered, you know, it was also discovered that
vitamin C kills viruses. And look at how much we all
benefited from that. So that is kind of what is going to
happen here. Of course they came up with all kinds of
pharmaceuticals you know and you know different
kinds of drugs and over-the-counter medications you
can use to kill viruses and flu viruses and all that,
[00:09:23] but look at all the great natural things that
came down the pipe as a result of that discovery as

Lucien: That's a fantastic outlook. Okay.

Dear Avocado, I have been eating the Gabriel Cousens

Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine diet for about

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

3 months now just to keep a small candida problem in

check. What can I do now to just wipe out whatever I
have left and start anew? That is to say, what are the
most powerful and quickest technologies I can use
[00:09:47] to completely clean house?

Also, how would you answer this question for someone

who has a large candida problem and still eating tons
of sweet fruits, oats and grains, etc.?

Finally, how would I best cultivate my own inner

garden once it is clean of all these opportunistic pests?

Avocado: The main enemy of candida – and I probably couldn't

say this enough – is acidophilus. Most likely when
somebody has a candida problem what is really going
on is not just [00:10:14] a candida problem; it's usually
a bunch of different organisms, candida being the
most prominent and well-known but certainly not the
only one that's out there. I really recommend a
probiotic approach where you take that very complex
ecosystem in your body and you begin to douse it with
friendly bacteria and friendly flora which naturally can
reverse the damage – or what we call the dysbiosis –
created by organisms that are really unfriendly
[00:10:44] to us like candida and other kinds of fungi
and molds and that kind of stuff.

Secondary to that I would really strongly recommend

bringing in the medicinal mushrooms. And people are
just – they constantly freak out about this because
Gabriel in his books says, you know, don't eat
mushrooms because you know they are bad for
candida, and Dr. Young says in his book don't eat
mushrooms because they're bad for candida. And
really what they are talking about is the [00:11:08]
portabella mushrooms. And it's not the portabella
mushrooms themselves; it's that they can be
contaminated with mold. We can't see it with our eye,

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

and that's a problem. The way that those mushrooms

are transported, where they are grown, there can be
tons of different spores of different molds on that
particular portabella mushroom and we just can't see

Now when you are dealing with mushroom extracts,

like reishi mushroom extract or freeze-dried [00:11:32]
mycelium of reishi or maitake or shiitake or any of
thing things, that stuff is absolute a chemical neutron
bomb to candida and probably the best thing against
candida is actually a more advanced noble type of
fungus, which is the medicinal mushrooms – which has
a specific ability to knock out the lower forms of
fungus, which are the candida organisms.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, I recently started drinking MSM and

DMSO in my water in the evening. I [00:12:06] was
wondering what I could mix in this drink and how much
and how often I should have it. Someone on
TheBestDayEver live chat told me not to mix it with
ormus gold because MSM and ormus use the same
receptor sites or something, so one would be blocked.
Could I use the ormus with just the DMSO maybe? I
would love to hear any DMSO recipes that you might

Avocado: Okay. Well, we have addressed already this idea that

we really shouldn't be mixing MSM or DMSO [00:12:29]
with isolated ormus compounds. And like ormus gold
for example. So I would avoid doing that if you can,
because that's really not – that's not essentially kosher
at this point. We know that something that goes on
there is awry. Whether it's the sulfur will block the
receptor site where the ormus gold goes, or that the
sulfur has so much energy in it that it starts pushing
the ormus gold back towards being a metal or both or
some other thing is going on. There is definitely a
reaction, and so we want to avoid that.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Most likely what would be the appropriate move here

would be to add something in that's super cleansing
but fairly [00:13:10] gentle to the body, because
you've got to be careful with DMSO. It's such a driver.
It just drives everything in to the nth degree, and
you've got to be a little bit careful because you know it
is a chemical solvent. It can hurt you, you know, if you
use it wrong. It can burn you. And therefore it has to
be used very intelligently and wisely.

What I would recommend probably would be

something like using NCD liquid zeolites. Then that
DMSO can [00:13:38] just drive those zeolites deep
into the body in various places and you can probably
get a little more efficacy out of the zeolites in that way.
And zeolites are also completely inert in their
relationship with sulfur – which I cannot say about
many different minerals. I mean, most minerals – let's
say silver for example – react with sulfur. We have to
be a little bit cognizant that sulfur is reactive, it's
chemically reactive and when you are dealing with
[00:14:09] DMSO you have got a high-powered
substance there that can react with different types of
mineral compounds and I would be a little bit, I would
be using a little bit of a conservative approach.

Lucien: Would you say that DMSO should or should not be

mixed with angstrom minerals like silver or boron or
the platinum minerals?

Avocado: I would say it should not be mixed with silver, because

we know that there is a cross-reaction between silver
and DMSO. You might [00:14:39] be able to get away
with DMSO and zinc. That would work, and I have used
that successfully to knock a sunburn out instantly.
Angstrom zinc, if you put – if somebody has a really
bad sunburn you put angstrom zinc on them and then
you spray them with DMSO. It will instantly knock out a

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

sunburn. I mean it's a real good trick to have in your


Lucien: But mixing MSM, this reactive, the reactive sulfur, with
the metal minerals is probably someplace you don't
[00:15:11] want to go.

Avocado: Unless you really know what you are doing. And, you
know, I don't really know what I'm doing. I mean, I
know that zinc works with DMSO, I know that zeolites
work with DMSO, but I know that silver does not work
and probably should not be used together. You have to
just be a little bit careful.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, What advice do you have for someone

who would like to cut back on their cacao consumption
but feels really compelled [00:15:37] to make a cacao
drink every morning for breakfast? What can I eat for
breakfast instead of cacao drink that will keep me
happy and high but also grounded and stable for the
rest of the day? Are there any herbs that can help with
this process?

Avocado: Well, the medicinal mushrooms are pretty darn good

at doing that, and they do have that – kind of that
richness that almost is like a coffee bitterness to them.
You know, cacao has that as well, so medicinal
[00:16:05] mushrooms would definitely be in there. If
you need the stimulation, cayenne pepper might be a
consideration to put that into the drink. I'm just
thinking of [unintelligible phrase] what could be an
alternative centerpiece. Well, you might want to use a
yerba mate or something of that nature. It depends on
– you know, are you trying to get completely off
stimulants or not. If the answer is not, then yerba mate
might be the centerpiece, use a little bit of cayenne,
get [00:16:30] some medicinal mushrooms in there
and build a whole drink up around that. That could be
good. There really is not replacement for cacao in the

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

world. You know, it stands – it stands alone. It's one of

those things.

Lucien: And as a follow-up question, what are your thoughts on

fermented cacao?

Avocado: There is a whole body of research being done by

alchemists out there and superfoodists on fermenting
cacao drinks and cacao products. And I think it's a
good thing actually. [00:16:57] I think what we are
finding out is that cacao can go a number of different
directions and fermenting it in the way that you would
make a yogurt or cultured coconut drink or something
like that is one of the ways that cacao will go. Pretty
darn miraculous actually. It's pretty cool. And I think
that there can be some great innovations in products
in that direction going into the future, and I do believe
we are going to see that coming into the future, which
is fermented [00:17:26] kind of like yogurts made of
coconut or something, but also cacao so it's chocolaty.
And it probably will make the nutrients in cacao more
accessible as well.

Lucien: And there is another question here that is related to

the cacao issue, and that is,

Dear David, I can't seem to give up eating cacao every

morning. My morning smoothie is not the same without
it. It's getting to the point where it's starting to
negatively affect the rest of my day. I am getting
[00:17:54] really anxious and shaky. I feel like all my
core energy is being zapped from me. It's not the best
feeling ever. If you can offer any advice for my
situation and how I can deal with this, I would really
appreciate it. Thank you so much.

Avocado: Cacao is an alchemical food. It's not really designed

[unintelligible phrase] or in very high dosages every
time you use it. It's more of something where you take

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

a bunch of different elements – let's just say it was the

medicinal mushrooms, [00:18:24] let's say it was
hempseeds, let's say it was bee pollen and honey, and
it allows those things to be brought together into a
synergized type of a formula. That's a good way to go
with cacao instead of just saying, I don't know, maybe
80% or 50% of the smoothie is cacao and the other
thing is, the other stuff is 50%.

Knock the cacao back to 10 to 15% just as like kind of

a catalyst to all that other stuff to make it all work
together. I [00:18:54] mean that is really how cacao is
supposed to be used. And that's kind of the approach
that we take in the book Naked Chocolate, is cacao is a
catalyst; it's a deliverer of medicines. And therefore if
you are using cacao in a way that's over-stimulating to
yourself it's because you have lost that part of the
puzzle, which is, hey, cacao is a delivery vehicle. It
itself is something that you know must be respected
and not abused.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, I have spoken with many raw foodists

who hold the opinion that all agave on the market –
even the ones that they say are raw – are actually
cooked products. What is your opinion on some of the
major brands out there? What is the processing like for
Sunfood's agave?

Avocado: Oh, that's great. I mean, yeah, a lot of it is not really

truly raw, but then you are dealing with agave. I mean,
I don't know about you but I grew up with agaves. I
had them all over [00:19:52] you know the Southern
California areas that I played in and grew up in and so I
know that those things have a heat tolerance that is
dramatic. I mean, it's like at least 170°F [76.6°C].
Because it's a desert plant and it grows all the way
through the deserts of the New World, it has, and now
even in the Old World. It has a tremendous heat
tolerance, and therefore the enzymes and [00:20:18]

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

content of agave is not as heat-volatile for example as

lettuce is by a comparison. You know, if you cook
lettuce to 120°F [48.8°C] it would be just totally like
mushy and pretty gross. But agave is not like that.

And so it is true that the agaves that are out there

heat-processed to 130°F, 120°F [55°C, 49°C], some
are at 140°F [60°C], but I don't feel like that's actually
a real bad thing. You know, so there is a truth is what
is being said out there and the other side of the
equation is, is that: is that really affecting the agave in
a negative way? And the answer is probably not.

Now there is a whole innovation of agave coming in

which has lower and lower and lower heat processing
happening, and I'm right [00:21:04] in the midst of all
that, and I should have – in my office actually when I
get back there I should have the latest batch of that
stuff. And I have seen it, I have tasted it, and it's pretty
darn awesome. And that stuff has like almost no heat
processing whatsoever, and that's kind of where the
agave industry is going to go in the future, I believe.
And we are going to also [00:21:28] see some
innovations in how agave can be used with chocolates,
and that's going to change as well, so be on the
lookout for some important developments in the agave

Lucien: Awesome.

Dear Avocado, Thanks so much for speaking from your

heart out in Portland. It was the best ever. I was too
tired Sunday night to come and ask you this question. I
want to go into the medical field but I am not sure if I
should sacrifice [00:21:54] four years of my life in
medical school learning outdated theories about the
human body and nutrition. The benefits are that I
would have power within the system as a D.O. or M.D.
and I could start to make some changes from the

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

inside. I am not sure if it is the best way ever, but I'm

also not sure what I would do otherwise. Any advice
you would have would be greatly appreciated. Thank
you so much.

Avocado: Well, I hope that the person asking this question

[00:22:16] is just a complete genius, because then it
would be easy for you. And if it's easy for you, then do
it. I think that's what Dr. Flanagan did. You know, he's
actually an M.D., but he is such a genius he can just go
through that, it's like a joke, you know, memorize
everything and just go through that kind of education.
It's just easy.

If you're not like that, you have got to really careful,

because if you can't completely master [00:22:41] that
information just for fun on the side as a hobby – you
know, the memorization and the rote knowledge that
you have to go through and all the kind of nonsense
that they put you through – then you are really going
to have to rethink your approach to being in the health
field. And probably it might be better to go a different
direction – to become a nutritionist, to become say a
licensed acupuncturist, massage therapist, herbalist,
something of that nature. [00:23:08] So it really just
depends on this person's abilities.

I was with a very great family near Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania last year. We did a tour. Maybe it was
two years ago. A year and a half ago, 18 months ago.
And one of the women who was living there, she
decided, "Hey, I'm going to medical school. I'm going
to do it." And think now she is in her second year of
medical school. She just bit down and said, "I'm gonna
do it. [00:23:31] I'm gonna just tough it out," and she
is enjoying it. She is enjoying it. So that was real
positive feedback on this. Because I get this all time.
You know, people are like, "I don't think I can put
myself through that." But in her case she was enjoying

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

it, so you never know.

You know, I put myself through torturous levels of

education – stuff that I would never do again now. But
when I was in the middle of that I could tell you
honestly that I [00:23:56] did find ways of enjoying it,
and I'm sure there's a way to get through it without
much pain.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, Is eating the local wild food where you
are the best ever, and how would that relate to eating
exotic superfoods from around the world? What would
be the absolute best ever – eating wild forest food
wherever you live or eating some wild foods and some

Avocado: Well, I kind of do both. I mean, I eat wild foods and

superfoods. Is [00:24:27] eating the wild foods around
you the best ever? And the answer is yes, it is. Is it
possible that we don't have enough knowledge,
because most of us are starting at a late date in our
life into herbalism, nutrition, raw foodism,
superfoodism, that we might not be able to procure
from our local environment everything necessary to be
healthy? And the answer is – and decidedly the answer
is yes. It's likely that we would not be able to figure it
[00:24:52] all out on the fly. And therefore superfoods
and kind of a balanced approach with seaweeds and
that kind of a thing, even if they are not from our
direct and immediate environment, would be at least
an interim solution for this generation until we really
figure out how to do it in the next generation from
birth onwards, where we really know the local
environment again like our ancestors did, we really are
able to put it together so that all the nutritional
[00:25:16] needs are met for all states, including
pregnancy, pre-pregnancy, birth, childhood, adulthood,
teenage years and elderly years.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

You know, so that's almost a shamanic question. It's a

very, very big issue and I don't – I don't really believe I
can just, you know, haphazardly kind of turn that over
to everybody and just say, "Oh yeah, you can figure it
all out. It's easy." Because it's not. It is not easy. There
are a lot of nuances, [00:25:45] and all indigenous
cultures figured this out over a number of generations
and really through specialized work by shamans to
figure out all the different pieces of the puzzle over
every cycle of life.

Lucien: This is an issue that comes up quite a bit, especially in

an area like the Midwest where I am, where there is
local agriculture. And there is a huge emphasis on
buying locally, supporting your local farmers, and
superfoods are often seen as being very exotic
[00:26:19] and not sustainable. What are maybe some
approaches or some views to try to help incorporate
maybe some balanced approach to superfoods? Maybe
like the maca and the things that come from other
parts of the world, would you say it is limiting
ourselves if we just go locally, or it's more a matter of
just becoming more aware of what's available locally?

Avocado: I would say in most cases you are limiting yourself if

you just go locally unless you are very [00:26:47]
adept, with a shamanic level of understanding of
nutrition. Because it's like – my experience has been is
that not everybody is highly adept at understanding all
the nuances of nutrition. I mean, it took me years and
years and years of being right in the middle of it to get
where I'm at now of the understanding. It's almost a
shamanic level of understanding of you know what
foods and nutrients are needed at what stage of the
life cycle, etc., etc.

I think [00:27:15] growing local and going local is a

great ethic and its' the right way to go. I think you can
get superfoods like goji berries, you can grow them in

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

your backyard. I mean, that's the whole point of

getting raw goji berries is the seeds are viable and you
can use them in your backyard. And the same could be
said with others plants – you know, aloe vera for
example, or if you live in the tropics noni. You know, a
great backyard superfood.

I just – I'm [00:27:37] just throwing a little bit of

warning out there, because I have seen people try to
do, you know, "Oh, I'm living all out in my backyard,"
or all off the land or all of this or that, and it can create
problems, because there is not a complete picture
there. They haven't had the complete experience to
really know all the subtle nuances that are required
over, you know, a number of years of eating healthfully
and in a balanced way to [00:28:03] get all of the
minerals necessary.

Let's say for example you live in the Midwest.

Seaweeds can be an enormously valuable part of your
diet, but you know, hey, there's no ocean there, so
how would you do that without an ocean? See, those
kinds of issues are like more than most people can
deal with in kind of a daily lifestyle when we're living –
we're not living in a natural environment. We're living
in an unnatural environment, and therefore we
[00:28:26] have to deal with that as well.

March 2008 – Part 3

Lucien: Dear Avocado, I work with a wonderful bunch of

women that know very little about health food and
nutrition. They have quote "put up with my ramblings
for years" about live food, but have recently begun
taking an active part in some of the things that I do.
Some will eat more raw when sick. We now have a
3 o'clock herbal tea time in the kitchen with nettles,
dandelion and peppermint. Many herbal remedies are
now used instead of prescription over-the-counter

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

drugs like valerian for Xanax, papaya for Tums, etc.,

etc. I even got one to drink kombucha when she came
back from being on the road. My question is, if you
were in my position what would be the next step you
would share with them? Should I haul [00:00:56] in the
Vita-Mix and have a Cacao Smoothie Fiesta?

Avocado: Either that or start making up little cacao treats.

Probably the next appropriate step is during tea time
then you break out your little cacao brownies or your
little raw cacao chocolate treats. That would very likely
flip the switches completely on and just cause
everybody to just lose it in that office, and just become
completely bonkers for the information. So that's what
I would [00:01:28] do.

The Vita-Mix thing and doing the cacao drink would

probably come right after that, and then you know at
that point they would probably be just complete
converts and they would probably be bringing their
own juicers [00:01:38] in.

Lucien: It is an interesting path how people sort of come to it,

and sometimes I think I have to do all the work, but
actually usually the superfood does all the work for
me, in terms of conversion.

Avocado: Lou, you hit it right on the head. That's something I

gave up years ago. You can't convert anybody really.
All you can do is let the food convert people – the
flavor, the taste, the sensation, the feelings – and then
that causes someone when they are at [00:02:11]
home to become self-motivated. And that's the real
magic. And when somebody gets that, they are their
own best doctor all of a sudden. They are their own
best nutritionist and you know they can just do it all at
home, and that's our goal anyway.

Lucien: Dear Avocado,

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Do you have any suggestions for reducing excessive

sebum production?

Avocado: That's a difficult question, because excessive sebum

production may or may not be related to the oil intake
[00:02:32] that a person is ingesting. You know, fats
and oils can produce excessive sebum. Sebum like a
secretion that can lead to – it's like oiliness in your
skin, that's sebum, the oil of your skin.

Lucien: Okay.

Avocado: And excessive amounts of oil in your skin can lead to

acne or you know kind of a look to your skin where
you've got just an oiliness going on. And what is good
to dry that out? Well, you have to cut back [00:02:56]
on the fats and oils and see how that changes or
triggers a change in the sebum, if at all.

Some people have a very thick, dense epithelial level

on their face and their sebum cannot come through
properly and therefore can create a chronic acne
problem. That is another thing that I have seen and
that may be what this person is dealing with – or not.
Definitely if we use like creams or things on our face
that are more drying, they have more of a drying
effect [00:03:28] – I guess that's called a, what is that?
A surfactant maybe? I can't remember exactly what
the [term is]. The people in the skin care industry will
know this better than I. To draw out that excessive oil;
that's kind of the angle that we would use, and the
exact methodology of that, it varies.

I really recommend generally starting out with just

cutting down the fats and oils in one's diet and seeing
if there are changes; making that the face [00:03:56]
is appropriate scrubbed so that that oil does not dry on
the skin with the dirt; being very aware of touching

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

your face with your fingertips or the palm of your hand

– because that's where a lot of oils are and that's also
where a lot of gunk and dirt and bacteria and
everything— One of the biggest problems I think with
kids is that when they start getting acne they start
touching their face with their fingers and their
[00:04:26] fingers are dirty and then they get dirt in
their skin and then that can create a bacteria problem,
and the bacteria problem can become chronic, and
then we have an acne problem.

So these are all factors. The major thing is just drying

out that skin, pulling out that moisture. Herbalism is
going to recommend something that has that drying
property, that draws moisture to the surface. And you
know what's very good at that actually is cacao
powder. Cacao powder has [00:04:54] a high drawing
ability to draw oils to itself, and that might be
something you can use in a skin-care protocol that you
create for yourself. And cucumbers are really good at
doing that too, just dicing up cucumbers and putting
that on your face, because that has the ability to draw
the oils out.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, What do you think of the coconut water

being sold in cartons like Vita Coco and Zico coconut
water? Are they any good? What is the story?

Avocado: I think that's such a funny coincidence. I had a bunch

of those in my room today. I had a private consultation
with a woman who came all the way from Denmark to
visit with me, and [00:05:33] she brought in those and
she's like, "What's the story with these?" One of the
good stories with them is that they are completely now
– they are moving more towards a cardboard
packaging, so that's a recyclable packaging and that's
a positive trend, and we're moving away from say the
Vita Coco and all that stuff, that's no longer in the
aluminum can format; it's moving more into the

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

cardboard format. That's a positive.

Are [00:05:56] they pasteurized? And the answer is

yes, they are pasteurized. There is a technology that is
out there that may be incorporated into one or more of
those products, and I'm just not sure where it is
because I don't keep up on that unless it crosses my
desk, but there is a technology where you can filter
coconut water through a ceramic screen and it will
filter out any latent spores or bacteria, and therefore
you can cold-filter the coconut water and actually
[00:06:27] deliver a sealed bacteria-and-spore-free
product that has been unpasteurized. And one or more
of those companies may be using that now. I mean,
the state of that technology was there a number of
years ago and I'm not sure what happened with it, but
it looks like that has moved forward.

So I would really— When it comes to those individual

products, I don't use them myself but I would
recommend that you call the company up and ask
them what they are [00:06:53] using. Most of them are
pasteurizing but some may be using that technology,
and therefore you know that's a great thing and we're
on to the right deal.

Lucien: Would you say that there is no substitute for getting

the live, fresh coconuts and cracking them open and
using that water?

Avocado: Fortunately over the past about 10 days I have been

cracking live coconuts here in Hawaii and eating them
right straight out of the nut, and there ain't no
substitute for [00:07:18] that in the world. There is
probably nothing better for you in the world. There is
certainly nothing better for a breastfeeding mother
than that in the world. There is probably nothing better
for an infant as a food in the world than fresh coconut
water. There is no question that in the superfood world

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

a wild coconut is very likely one of the great

superfoods there is.

Lucien: And what do you think about those Thai coconuts that
you find in your health food stores? [00:07:45] They
are not organic, or at least they don't say they are
organic, and I find it extremely difficult to find – well,
impossible to find – organic coconuts. Would you say
that the Thai coconuts that they sort of import en
masse, are those good? Are those okay?

Avocado: Well, here's the good news. The good news is they are
not using formaldehyde. We know that's a fact. The
bad news is we don't know what they are using. They
are using some kind of chemicals on those [00:08:12]
things, and over the years I'm guilty of popularizing
that product, the young Thai coconuts, and therefore
you know I have had – you know I guess I have had to
deal with the karma of it. And the karma of it is, at this
point I wouldn't recommend consuming those in mass
quantities all the time, because we just don't know
how they are treating them.

Here is some good news on that front, and that is

organic young Thai coconuts are coming in now. They
are coming [00:08:38] in to California and they will
eventually come across the country, and it's just a
matter of time. So that's a positive development, and
we're going to kind of move past this issue with the
young Thai coconuts you know pretty, pretty quickly. I
believe in the next couple of years it will become a
moot issue because the organic will be available

Lucien: Okay. Awesome.

Dear Avocado, What do you think of the two more

popular raw food products out there, Larabars
[00:09:03] and GT's Kombucha Tea? In between

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Artisana and Rejuvenative Foods which has the better

has the better nut and seed butters or are they both
totally thumbs up? Thanks, dude. You're awesome.

Avocado: Okay. Well, let's jump back to the beginning of the

question. Actually where do you get your protein has
now been completely eclipsed as a common question.
Now the most common question by far, that I get more
than any other question, is, "What [00:09:30] do you
think of kombucha?" And I think – GT's Kombucha, I
think it's a great product, and I think it's an immature
product in the sense that the organism hasn't
completely eaten up the caffeine and the sugar and
therefore there is a little bit of caffeine and sugar in
that product and so it's got a little bit of a zing on it.
And so you know there is a little bit of a problem with
that, and that's why I don't really recommend
kombucha unless [00:09:59] the product is ripe – and
that means all the caffeine and all the sugar has been
completely consumed by the organism. And the way
that you know that that is happening is just the
sweetness of the product has kind of just disappeared;
actually the sugariness specifically has disappeared,
it's starting to move into a vinegary flavor but the
sweetness is still there. It's kind of a sweet spot. If you
grow kombucha you know what I'm talking about. If
you don't you'll [00:10:21] know when you have it
because you'll sense that like, "Okay. This is where it is
supposed to be."

And I believe that there are some kombucha

companies that are doing it right. I recently had one
that was done in glass. I'm trying to think of the name
of that one. It's like Himalayan or something like that. I
can't remember exactly which one it is, and it's a
glass, it comes in little glass bottles. If you were a
Lucky Beer drinker, it comes in the [00:10:46] same I
think 13-oz. glasses as the Lucky Beer used to come

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

And let's jump on to – what was the other product

there? Lara Bar. Not a lot of people are aware of this,
but I know Lara is aware of this, but Lara started her
entire product because she was dragged to one of my
seminars by a friend of hers and she went home – this
is back in 2000 or 2001 – and one of her friends
dragged her to a seminar that I was giving Orange
County and she went home and started playing around
with creating a little raw food bar, and it did really well,
and eventually it did so well that they moved into a
whole manufacturing operation in Denver, Colorado
and now she has got like a $50 million or $60 million
business distributing those things. And the good thing
about that is that I have a great relationship with Lara.
She is an awesome woman, and if you ever want to get
good kudos with Larabar, just say, "Hey," you know,
"I'm a member of TheBestDayEver and I know David
Wolfe and you've got to hook me up" and they will
hook you up. So, it's cool. I really am happy for her.
She is a really cool woman. And her friend, who kind of
dragged her to that event all those years ago, is still
around and he is a really amazing guy. He's in the raw
food scene in Orange County, and you will catch him
sometimes at Au Lac, which is a great raw food
restaurant there in Orange County on Brookhurst, or
you know one of the local scenes there, and he can tell
you the whole story about how it all happened
firsthand. So [00:12:21] you know, I'm really very
partial to Larabar because we are very close and I
really like her a lot.

[Note: According to Mike Adams, April 2010, "The most

popular fruit-and-nut bar on the market is Larabar. This bar, by the
way, isn't organic. It's made almost entirely from conventionally-
grown fruits and nuts. It's not even owned by Lara anymore: She
sold out to General Mills last year. So now Larabar is just another
big-name brand with a mainstream product. Sure, it's better for you
than a Snicker's bar, but it's nowhere near the best that the industry
has to offer."]
March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

The other products, Artisana. I think Artisana is a great product line.

Obviously they are producing a phenomenal-tasting product – you
know, one of the best ever. I really like what Rejuvenative Foods
does with their nut butters in that they refrigerate their nut butters,
which is a consideration. [00:12:42] You are going to have more
freshness, less rancidity when you refrigerate a nut butter from the
time its produced until the time it's delivered. Now it's not that big a
deal, but it affects the product. And it costs more to do it that way,
and Rejuvenative Foods – I've known Evan for 10 years. He's sent
people to our seminars for years and years and years. He understands
the power of enzymes. He is a quality guy completely. I mean all his
products, Rejuvenative [00:13:09] Foods products, are massively
quality controlled and the best in the world in their genre. No
question. Especially the kim-chees and the sauerkrauts, they're the
best ever. And it is more to ship things refrigerated, but he does it
because he knows the quality is higher.

Lucien: Awesome.

Dear Avocado, I tried to live without supermarket

foods, but since there are others I would like to turn on
to organics, what organic food companies sell the best
quality stuff [00:13:37] in the supermarkets – as in like
Earthbound Farms, Nature's Promise Organics, etc.?
What's the scoop?

Avocado: Oooo. That's probably a rough— That's a rougher

question for me to answer than probably anybody. I
mean, you are best off if you go to a regular produce
department to get the fruit that is there that is
certified organic. You know, it will be a 5-digit number
that begins with a 9. The Earthbound Farms and those
kinds of products, I don't know how [00:14:10] long
they are going to be able to keep going with their
organic products the way that the government is
cracking down on this stuff, and so we are likely to see
some changes for the worse in that they are probably
going to start irradiating that stuff or some weird –
they are going to do some weird thing with that.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

So I would be aware of that and just watch for that.

Earthbound Farms is the one I am most familiar with
and probably all of us are most familiar [00:14:28] with
because it's the most abundant on the shelves there in
normal grocery stores. Personally where I'm at, it's
very difficult for me to consume like vegetable
products that I buy in a store. I mean, I'm at a point
where it's – it's like if somebody you know bought that
stuff and made a salad out of it and it was there I
would probably eat it, but if I had to do it, I am so in
tune with wild foods that it's almost like – it's almost
like I can't [00:14:58] do it anymore. It's almost like I
can't eat that food anymore. So that's just kind of
where I'm at.

I have a real trouble even with a normal organic food

store to eat the vegetables anymore, unless it's like
kale or parsley, just because I'm just very oriented to
eating wild vegetables, wild foods.

Lucien: So you don't go to supermarkets ever?

Avocado: It's been a long time. I mean, the last time I was in a
grocery store I was so assaulted by the UV [00:15:22]
lights that is was almost impossible to keep going into
the store. But I really actually – right off the top of my
head, Lou, I cannot remember the last time I was in a
regular supermarket.

Lucien: Wow. That's amazing. Well, it just goes to show that it

can be done.

Avocado: Yeah. You know, when you really tune in to the wild
food situation – and it just takes years, or maybe it's
immediate, it depends on the person. There is so much
edible wild food everywhere in the [00:15:50]
vegetable department – you know, like leaves and
stems, wild celery and that kind of stuff – that you

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

know it's just everywhere. So it's like, "Why would I go

drive down to a store and buy stuff that's in a package
you know when it's like, it's growing in my front lawn?"
That's kind of, you know, that's kind of where I'm at.
And literally, you know, that's – I want to be eating
what is in my front lawn because I believe that what is
growing in our front lawn is probably what we are
supposed to be eating. You know, that is why it is
growing in our front lawn.

Lucien: Right. And do you ever get the feeling sometimes

when you walk into—? Well, not that you [00:16:23]
are walking into the health food stores, but sometimes
I get the feeling walking into health food stores that
I'm paying so much money for something that could
very easily be right in my backyard.

Avocado: That's especially true of vegetables. You know, if you

are in New York City you have got to kind of bite the
bullet, because there is nothing much you can do there
with your vegetables. But if you are in New York City
then you really have to be oriented towards
superfoods [00:16:47] and seaweeds and things that
really have strong nutrition in them, because you are
not going to get it all from your vegetables. The
vegetables that you buy in a store are mostly just filler.
It's good alkalinity. Is it really like full-on nutrition? And
the answer is no, it's not. It's not enough.

Certainly obviously iceberg lettuce conventionally

grown isn't even hardly anything at all, so it's better to
go to organic, but even organic is really not enough to
turn the screws on real [00:17:13] nutrition.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, I have had an ormus sink trap but for
some reason have not been able to understand which
way the magnets should face. Does it matter? Will it
still be effective if I don't know which way they should
be glued in? I would love to know.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Avocado: Yeah, it will still be effective. What I would do is glue

them in alternatively. So you would glue them in, in
rows that are diagonal around the cylinder trap and
each diagonal row would be say north-facing and then
the next row would be south-facing, then north-facing,
then south-facing, and that's a pretty good way to do

Lucien: Dear Avocado, I have managed to find here in Spain a

health shop selling goji juice with the red grape
lycopene, resveratrol, ascorbic acid and potassium
sorbate. It's a product from Optima Health and
Nutrition in the UK. I am having a lot of problem
hunting [00:18:04] down superfoods here in Barcelona,
so I want to start somewhere. But they also sell acai
and aloe vera juice. Is it good to start on superfoods
with this juice. Thank you so much.

Avocado: Well, if you have access to it. Here's where we were

say 10 years ago is we just were starting to see some
like aloe vera products moving into health [00:18:25]
food stores in the form of juices, we had noni starting
to come in. Now look what has happened. So if we
support this industry in its infancy in whatever country
that we are in, well, then it's going to open the door for
the next level to come in and then the third level and
then the fourth level, and the next thing you know you
are going to be having acai powder on the shelf, you're
going to be having fresh aloe vera leaves in the
produce section, you are going to be having goji
berries showing up [00:18:51] in the market. So it's got
to start somewhere.

And I really like if you don't have any other choice and
you feel like hey, you know, you're vibing with it, then
hey, it's a good thing, and support that, and then the
demand that is created by that will then stimulate
further demand and then will begin to deliver into that

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

market all the great superfoods eventually.

Lucien: Okay. Great advice.

Dear David, I am going to be working in the hospital

[00:19:19] once a week and I would like to know if
there are any risks of spending time in a hospital and if
there is anything I should do to protect myself. Thank
you so much.

Avocado: There are great risks of being in a hospital. A hospital

is not only the most dangerous place in the world
because most people die in hospitals, but it's really
dangerous because there are organisms that have
escaped into the ventilation systems of hospitals that
are uncontrollable – pneumonia organisms, [00:19:45]
strep organisms, staph organisms and it's actually
quite dangerous and very unhealthy to be in a
hospital. So what I would really strongly recommend is
that you get on the most powerful superfoods,
superherbs, definitely the really good probiotics,
acidophilus and those kind of cultures, and really hit
them hard before you go in, while you are there and
when you leave so that those organisms can never get
a hold of you. And specifically the medicinal mushroom
complexes, [00:20:14] like a 5-mushroom formula type
of thing with reishi, maitake, shiitake, agaricus blazei,
that kind of a formula. Definitely garlic and aged garlic
extracts. All those things that are the SITS program.
And also being aware that the ventilation systems and
what is going on in a hospital, it can be very, very – it
can be dangerous. And this is something that definitely
has been covered up.

I mean, I know like on the inside of what [00:20:42] is

going on in the UK with the hospital system in the UK
there has been runaway staphylococcus problems in
the ventilation systems that they have basically
hushed up completely because it could cause a panic.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

And that is another reason why we don't always get

the complete truth is because the ruling powers are
kind of like, "Hey, we don't want a panic here. We want
everybody to be kind of calm and docile and not
realize you know what's kind of going [00:21:12] on,"
and you know, if you own a hospital you don't want
anybody freakin' out about your hospital because
you've got a big debt that you are carrying and a big
load and it's, you know, there is a strong propensity to
keep everything under the radar.

Lucien: Yeah. My friend just went to the hospital for an

intestinal problem and came out with staph. It had
covered her entire back. And you know, they said to
her, "Well, we don't know if the staph is going to kill
you [00:21:40] or if it's just the more mild form of
staph that we can treat. We are just going to have to
wait and see." So she basically sat in the hospital for
48 hours waiting to see if she spiked a fever to know
whether she was going to die or not.

Avocado: That is just totally insane but not unusual and more
and more common, and probably something for all of
us on TheBestDayEver to be aware of, because if we
do land ourselves in a hospital due to an accident we
want to make sure that we are dosing ourselves
[00:22:08] up on the most powerful herbs possible and
we want to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Lucien: What I am amazed at is the level of acceptance when

people have all these side effects and side issues from
the hospital. You know, they accept it sort of
unquestioningly. When you give someone some sort of
like superfoods or herbs there is such a level of
skepticism if things don't go perfectly well or exactly
the way that you sort of map it for them they
immediately [00:22:34] kind of lose faith, but yet they
can kind of go back and just get hammered like one
symptom after another on these side effects with

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Western doctors that it just blows my mind.

Avocado: Lou, you come up with gems every now and then,
man. That was a gem. That's so— It blows my mind
too. I never got it. I never understood it. I don't get it.
But you know, that is the programming of our culture.
It is a cultural programming. When somebody has a
superfood, when somebody eats cacao and they get a
little heart palpitation because the body got stimulated
by, the cardiovascular [00:23:07] system got
stimulated because they had real chocolate for the
first time in their life and they start, you know, freaking
out, complaining, screaming it's the worst thing ever,
whatever. Meanwhile, no problem to go to a hospital,
do a pharmaceutical, do what the doctor tells me, take
this, that and that drug, and whatever side effects
they have, it's like, "Well," you know, "the doctor told
me it's okay."

But you know, that is the way of the world. It is the

way of the world. It's, you know, this is how we look at
it. It's kind of like the universe is put together
rationally and it's put together irrationally, and you
can't make sense of it. You know, there are some
things that are sensible and some things that are non-
sensible, and that's just the nature of reality. It's like,
"Why would somebody fall for that routine after the
doctor almost killed 'em?" Who knows? It's the mystery
of life.

Lucien: It's just such a blessing to have some resource that

opens your mind to so many alternatives, and I think
TheBestDayEver is all about giving you a healthy
spiritual alternative to what else it out there. And I
have never gone to one of these alternatives which
could eating now a simple herb, a simple food and had
any bad results.

Avocado: You know, and that's actually most people's

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

experience. Or what people identify as a bad result is

so totally miniscule and like absurdly ridiculous, it's
like so small as compared to like almost [00:24:32]
dying in a hospital.

Lucien: Yeah, like you say, like a heart palpitation from cacao.

Avocado: Yeah. Your heart beat too hard for 5 minutes because
you, you know, drank a cacao drink in 5 minutes. You
know, it's like it's kind of irrelevant, but we live in that
kind of a culture. We live in an culture that has been
entrained by media that is really fear-oriented. And so
it's like, you know, they just hit the fear button, fear
button, fear button. Okay, go [00:24:56] back to the
doctor, fear button, fear button, go back to the doctor,
go back to do what the government says, do what this
says, do this. And what's happening is, is that masses
of people in now the tens or hundreds of thousands are
now starting to fall out of it because they are seeing
that actually the kind of the powers-that-be or even
the medical establishment is actually not scientific.

If you go to a cancer doctor and say, "Let's see your

cure rate. [00:25:23] I want to scientifically review
your cure rate," they can't deliver you any results, so
therefore they are not running a scientific operation,
therefore their approach isn't scientific. You know what
I mean? And this whole thing like, "Well let's see the
science." It's like the people who demand the science
actually are the people who are not even being

I read a great book recently, Lou. It was so good. I

went to Powell's Bookstore. I was in Portland, Oregon, I
went to Powell's Bookstore and I bought a book. I
bought many different books, but one of them was on
Sasquatch. You know, I love Bigfoot – I love that whole
mythology, the whole everything. I love it. And it was

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

written by a guy named [Dr.] Jeff Meldrum, and he is

[00:26:01] the leading authority in the world on the
subject right now. And you cannot read that book and
go through all the scientific analyses that he has put
together and say that this stuff doesn't exist. And then
at the last chapter what he does, is he takes all the
skeptics and their exact statements and disassembles
them scientifically. But they – those skeptics – are
saying, "Well, we're being scientific. We are being
scientific because of this, we are being [00:26:26]
scientific because of this." And he disassembles.

And I'll tell you, that last chapter of that book was one
of the better chapters I have ever read on real science,
which is an open-minded thing that uses the scientific
method rationally and logically. It's just a phenomenal
book. I mean, I read a lot of the books when I was a kid
by [Dr.] Grover Krantz and some of the other guys that
were out there, and they were great books, but
nothing like [00:26:54] where the knowledge is at now.
I mean where it's at now is on a whole 'nother level.

Lucien: Well that's the place to read it, in Portland, Oregon.

Avocado: Yeah, well we took a special drive just because of that

book right through Bigfoot country on the 199 Highway
right off of 5 right through the Oregon coast, right
down the California coast through that Redwood Forest
there, where you know the Sasquatch lives, in the
middle of the night. And I tell ya, [00:27:18] I had my
friend Shawn [spelling?] who was with me, and we
powered through that whole night and I said, "Get that
camera up on the dashboard. We're gonna get one of
these things." It was so fun. It was the best ever.

Lucien: Oh, that would be awesome. Just having that footage

on TheBestDayEver, that would just rock.

Avocado: That would be unreal.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: All right.

Dear David, What is the best ever celery juice

replacement? I think celery juice is making me too

Avocado: Bok [00:27:47] choy. Great question, and the answer is

bok choy. Bok choy is a dynamite alternative to celery

March 2008 – Part 4

Lucien: Dear Avocado, What is the shelf life of NCD Zeolite? I

bought a glass bottle about a year ago and I'm
concerned that the zeolites could be pulling the blue
cobalt from the glass. Is this a reasonable concern?
Also, how well does NCD Zeolite maintain its potency
while in storage?

Avocado: Good question. I'm [00:00:35] not specifically up on

what the shelf life is or if there is a shelf life. What my
assumption has always been is that there is no shelf
life. It is always valuable because there is no organic
material in the zeolite – or no living material. There are
no bacterial cultures, there are no organisms, there
are no food byproducts, there are no food particles,
vitamins. Nothing like that is in there, so it probably
has an indefinite shelf life. Could it actually [00:00:58]
eat and etch into the glass and start pulling out cobalt
out of the glass? It's highly unlikely, unless you started
putting that thing through heating, like started heating
that thing up or something like that, it's very likely to
be completely inert and have a shelf life that is
essentially forever. And I would check with Waiora and
contact them and ask them the same question, but
that has been my assumption.

Lucien: [Note: Glitch in tape where question has been edited

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

out apparently.]

Avocado: I'm guessing it's just where do you test for heavy

Lucien: Yeah.

Avocado: The answer to that would be to go to a naturopath and

have a blood test for heavy metals. That is the best
and most accurate reading for heavy metals. The
second best thing would be to have a hair analysis,
and there are several outfits that you can find on the
Internet where you can send them a hair sample and
they can [00:01:48] return to you a heavy metal
reading and a breakdown. And they are relatively
inexpensive, so that's another option. And you would
just Google "hair blood analysis" or "hair heavy metal
analysis" and you will find those outfits on the Internet.

Beyond that, just to be a little bit clear as to why I am

more partial to the blood test versus the hair test. I
just believe that the hair test is not as accurate, that
has been my experience over many years. [Dr.]
Gabriel Cousens feels [00:02:13] the same way, that a
blood test is going to be more accurate. And when you
finally for example do your say one month, six months,
one year, two year kind of thing you hair is going to –
you know, obviously as your hair grows it is going to
retain residues from a year ago, two years ago, that
kind of a thing, whereas your blood is changing daily
[00:02:38] and that is going to give you a more
accurate reading of how things are changing over

Lucien: Okay. Great.

Dear Avocado, What can a male raw foodist take to

increase sex drive and libido? I have tried cacao, maca
and goji. Thanks.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Avocado: Okay. Well then you have got to go onto the real
strong stuff. There is a great product out there which is
put out by Dragon Herbs [] which is
Tongkat Ali, and Tongkat Ali is a kind of an aphrodisiac
that comes out of Indonesia originally, and he has
mixed it with a few Chinese herbs. And Tongkat Ali – I
believe his product is actually called TomKat. That stuff
works. That is an amazing aphrodisiac.

Generally what happens when somebody switches

onto raw food is that their whole biology goes through
a total change and kind of the sex impulse [00:03:26]
just diminishes. It's just part of the deal. Sometimes it
lasts a month, a week, sometimes it doesn't happen at
all, sometimes it increases sex drive, but generally it's
something like a 6-month to a year cycle where your
sex drive goes down and your body kind of focuses on
healing versus you know like the sex response.
Because you know sex is all about reproduction and
it's all about you know releasing those core energies
that could be transmutated [00:03:53] into healing,
and your body will automatically go into that mode.
And I bet you that most of the people listening to this
right now will probably corroborate what I am saying to
some degree, that that was their experience or is their
experience right now.

If you, you know, move on to second generation

products, there are Chinese herbal formulas that are
very good that use like cnidium seed, schizandra
berries, goji berry extracts, that will use ho [00:04:19]
sho wu [also known as fo ti or he shou wu] for example
and a few others that are in the extracted form so
they've gotten down to like kind of what the major
chemistries are that really turn the screws. And they
are usually a formula of like 10 different herbs in
extracted form. I'm trying to think of another one
that's just coming off the top of my head. Tribulus

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

terrestris is another really good one. Tribulus or caltrop

[00:04:47] is I believe indigenous to the Americas. I
mean, it grows all through the western deserts of
America. And that's also a pretty good testosterone
builder and has the effect of being an aphrodisiac, and
you can use that either in a powdered extract or in a
liquid extract form and it does have a pretty good
ability to get things going.

And then one more product I want to mention is Paul

Stamets' product Native Man which is put out by New
Chapters. Native Man is a mushroom complex that
helps to build up hormones and the sex response in
males and is a good direction to go as well.

Lucien: Okay. Awesome.

Dear Avocado, What are your experiences with

pyramids? Meaning the shape in general and healing
equipment in particular. Thanks in advance.

Avocado: Okay. I have a lot of experience with pyramids. I have

played around with them for years. I read the book
when I was a kid that said if you make a pyramid out of
toothpicks [you can get] the effect of bread not
molding as quickly as if the bread was just sitting out. I
did that experiment when I was a kid. It worked. So I
have always known [00:05:46] that there is something
very special just about shape only. You know, that is
something we just – you know, you'd never hear about
that. It seems so ridiculous, like the shape of
something could have a radical effect on the contents
of the object within that shape, and that's definitely
true. I mean, that's the whole theory of Feng shui, it's
the whole vasdu theory that comes out of you know
the Ayurvedic [00:06:11] and Hindu tradition. It's the
whole Schauberger theory of the egg shape; it's the
whole Patrick Flanagan pyramid power idea. The shape
itself commands the energies into itself that are

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

responding to that shape.

For example, just today I was storing some seeds in an

egg that I have. I have a clay egg and I store my seeds
in it. And this is in Hawaii, so I'm in the tropics, and you
can't really store seeds very well here, but if I store
them in my egg [00:06:41] I don't have any problem at
all because the egg shape itself naturally channels in
those energies that preserve and conserve.

The pyramid shape channels in those energies

crystallize. So any energy that crystallizes. For
example, let's say you put a blade at the King's
Chamber level of the pyramid. What you should see is
a crystallization at the very blade surface and a
sharpening of that blade. Now I have never actually
[00:07:14] found that to be true, but it's happening at
such a microscopic level it probably is true.

There is in a lot of stuff on ormus that if you put a gold

coin in the same zone as the King's Chamber inside a
pyramid of any kind – and I use the copper pyramids
now, the ones that are just bars of copper that are in a
pyramid shape – you can get a crystallization of an
ormus compound [00:07:35] on the surface of that
gold coin. And that appears to be true. That appears to
be the fact. The pyramid energy conserves better what
is underneath it than if it was not underneath it. I have
done that for so many years on so many different
herbs and substances that that just to me is an
obvious fact.

I also will put all my supplements and superfoods and

anything that I am taking under a pyramid if I am in a
place where I have a pyramid with me, one of those
copper [00:08:01] pyramids. And that appears to kind
of charge them up as well. Not only does it preserve
them better, but it appears to charge them up as well.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: There is a lot of religious symbolism that is used using

pyramids as well, if you look at you know Judaism,
Buddhism. There are pyramids in there somewhere.

Avocado: Yeah. I think that ancient cultures were just much

more aware of this and it worked its way into the
religious practices of those cultures, because
[00:08:27] it's really obvious. And that's one of the
reasons why like you go to Japan and they don't just
build a building without taking into account the overall
impact of this building to the thoughtforms and the
awareness and the Feng shui of the whole area that is
going to be created by this building and all the beings
that are going to be in that building.

In the West you know it's kind of we don't care. It's

like, put the skyscraper up, who cares. [00:08:54] But I
think when there is a little bit more thought put behind
it there is a realization that the form of the building is
going to create the thoughtforms that are created in
that building.

Lucien: I thought I heard you mention one time that the first
molecule is carbon and that's a triangle shape and
then silica which is two triangles?

Avocado: Well, the first substance that has space, or the first
shape that has space in it out of the ether – meaning if
you have [00:09:21] one point there is no space, you
have two points there is still no space because it's just
two dimensions. As soon as you go into three
dimensions the first shape that can hold space within it
is the tetrahedron, which is a three-sided pyramid – or
actually a four-sided pyramid if you count the bottom.

If you go to silica, silica is two tetrahedrons stuck

together – the bottoms of them stuck together. That's

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: That is very interesting the relationship between

[00:09:45] the shape and the food.

Avocado: Absolutely. You know, one of my favorite foods to eat is

fiddlehead ferns because of that exact reason –
because the shape of it is, there is nothing like that
shape, that curled up almost like the head of a violin,
you know where there is that curl up at the end of the
violin, right where the tuning dials are? That shape,
that winding Fibinachi sequence Golden Ratio spiral is
not found in many foods you know in that [00:10:21]
way. And so I really feel like that's as important to eat
for shape as it is to eat for color.

Lucien: Okay. Cool.

Dear Avocado, I have been making raw coconut water

kefir by placing coconut water in a locked jar out in the
Sun for a day. Am I getting a great source of good
bacteria for my intestines, and can I use this kefir as a
base for a green smoothie? Thank you.

Avocado: The answer should be yes if it's a controlled culture

and as long as you are getting no bacteria in there or
fungal forms that you don't want. Yes, absolutely. And
can you use it as a base for a smoothie? Yes. So that's
really recommended. Because with probiotics
[00:11:00] you can get a lot more bang for your buck if
you culture that way. The great knowledge that we
have about probiotics and the great gifts that we have
gotten is that we have these probiotic cultures
delivered to us completely intact, everything is there,
and then we can use those as starters. Every single
probiotic capsule can be a starter for a new culture
and there we can grow from one little capsule a billion
or 10 billion or 100 billion organisms instead of just
[00:11:27] taking that capsule and just getting you
know whatever, 15 million organisms, a million
organisms, whatever we thought we were gonna get.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: Okay.

Dear Avocado, Does ormus exist in nature without


Avocado: Unknown. Probably not.

Lucien: Follow-up. Did the famous white powder of gold have

silica in it?

Avocado: Probably. I can't say for sure but I'd say it's very likely
because silica is the carrier, and if you don't have a
carrier then you are going to have a problem,
[00:11:52] which is the ormus is going to escape. And
that is probably what happened on this recent
situation which occurred where that ormus bottle just
completely imploded, and essentially the whole ormus
in there vaporized, the aluminum foil sheared and the
glass sheared and disintegrated, and it's probably – I
mean the only thing I can think of is that probably
what happened in that particular batch is that there
wasn't enough silica to contain the ormus and there
was ozone happening [00:12:27] in the atmosphere.
Because my friend Steve Adler where this happened,
at his house, he had an ozone machine you know in
the same room and what happened was is the ormus
just had that too strong of an attraction for that ozone
and just literally sheared right through that glass,
couldn't be contained by the silica, and just boom, you
know, hit the ozone and probably created a reaction in
his room and he probably never even realized it.

Lucien: Interesting. And for those BestDayEver members who

are [00:12:53] not sure what Dave is talking about, if
you go to the video link you can click on ormus and
then there is a subcategory called Imploded Ormus
Gold and you will see the two videos and the
experiment that Dave is talking about.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Dear Avocado, I have been trying to regrow tissue that

was lost from nasal surgery and so far have not had
great success. I read Robert Becker's book which
basically makes a point that if anything is blocking the
wound such as skin/scar [00:13:15] tissue or even a
graft that the regrow process is halted, and this is
even true for salamanders. I have applying ormus
topically to the already-healed surgical area of my
nose. I was hoping you might have some insight that
maybe you could teach me by way of reconstructing
my nose back to its original state. Thank you.

Avocado: I believe that noni, fresh noni, aloe vera, very likely
ormus as well just based on results, the skin of cacao,
the skin of [00:13:49] the shell, the cacao skin when
you peel the bean, the blue pigments of bluegreen
algae and probably a number of other substances that
I cannot be sure of right now but probably would be
included in this list are stem cell producers. They
stimulate the production of stem cells and then the
stem cells can regenerate tissue. If you were to hold
aloe vera gel, fresh aloe vera gel, onto that area of the
nose for an entire day 24 hours, or say all night when
[00:14:24] you sleep, that will transform the tissue
underneath that in a radical way. I mean radical. If you
have ever had – I have had the fortunate opportunity
of making noni smoothies all day long and had my
hand in noni, fresh noni, all day long and at the end of
the day having felt my hands and the skin tissue of my
hands was completely rejuvenated to the point of a
baby's skin, no exaggeration. I do exaggerate
occasionally, but this is [00:14:49] not an
exaggeration. It was to a baby's skin. My hands had
never felt like that, not at any time that I could
remember in my entire life. And that is the power of

I mean, we're here in Hawaii, we are going to be

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

getting a bear claw tub and we are going to fill that

thing up with nonis and we are going to jump in there.
We are going to start doing that, where you just jump
your whole body in the darn tub with noni and get that
going on your [00:15:10] whole body, because that
power of having that rejuvenative cell-rejuvenating
substance on your skin all the time – like for a long
period, not just rubbing aloe vera [sic; or noni] on and
then letting it dry, but leaving the fresh gel on there is
unsurpassed. It cannot be matched by anything I know
of. And that's kind of – that's the direction intuitively
that I would go, you know, in regards to this person's
question, which is a difficult [00:15:39] question.

Lucien: Okay. Awesome.

Dear Avocado, I read that nettles have a lot of silica

and are very good for hair growth. Would you
recommend taking nettle herbs and making a tea with
it or capsules? If so, where can I buy the best nettles
ever and how much should be taken per day?

Avocado: Nettles are definitely in the top herbs in the world.

There are different ways you could go about it. Let's
just start with the fresh wild-picked stuff. You could
[00:15:58] go out with gloves and a bucket and go just
clip some of the wild stuff. It grows all over North
America, I think in every ecosystem. I have seen
nettles in the desert, I have seen nettles in the Pacific
Northwest, I have seen nettles in the Midwest – I mean
it's just everywhere. You clip it, you throw it into a
bucket and you can juice it or you can literally just
[00:16:19] very carefully scissor it and mix into a salad
and eat it as a salad green. If you get stung in your
mouth it generally goes in about 30 seconds; if you get
stung on your hand it's going to be there a few hours.

You could also take that stuff and hang dry it and then
make teas out of it. That is also dynamite, it's a great

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

way to go. I do that all the time. I love nettles. It's one
of my favorite things ever, and it's awesome.

The next stage is you could go [00:16:43] to some of

the nettle extracts. Now interestingly on this interview
already I have mentioned Gaia Herbs nettle extracts.
They have several different kinds. Those are dynamite.
I mean that's – their CO2-extracted stuff, super-critical,
extract is totally powerful in the nettle world, and that
is probably the best nettle supplement product you
could buy. If you wanted to buy organic powdered
nettle or organic whole leaf nettle on the Internet you
could find that – you could go to like
MountainRoseHerbs or BlessedHerbs or something like
that and get a whole big packet of it there. And if you
wanted it in a superfood formula, it's already kind of
mixed in with other high-silica-content [00:17:26]
herbs, that's really Sun is Shining, which used to be
Nature's First Food. That product is kind of designed to
be like a bone-building ormus content superfood
formula for that reason, that you know high in silica.

Lucien: Okay. Awesome. And how does that work with hair
growth? What is it about nettles that helps stimulate
the hair growth? Because I'm thinking about that
woman's question earlier that you answered as well
with nettles.

Avocado: There seems [00:17:55] to be a very deep and

unknown relationship between silica and sulfur, and
what that relationship is I believe it's related through a
biological transmutation. Let me clarify that a little bit

Silica and sulfur appear to do lots of the same types of

things, and it might be that silica, sulfur and
[unintelligible word] are connected in a way that we
don't right now understand. We know that sulfur like
on the periodic table I believe – what is it? Sulfur is

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

number 16 on [00:18:32] the periodic table, silica is

number 14 on the periodic table. So there is a
relationship of two hydrogen molecules probably that
somehow if you have enough hydrogen and silica it is
transmutated into sulfur – or something like that.

Now I have very good research on biological

transmutations beyond what was in Kervran's book
Biological Transmutations, and it's just sitting in my
office and I need to get to it on this particular subject.
And it's just [00:19:00] one of those things that one
night I'll just dive into this and really see if anybody
has ever done any research on the biological
transmutation of silica into sulfur. But the reason why I
am saving any of this is because we know [00:19:13]
that the primary mineral in hair is sulfur, and we also
know that when you take a high amount of sulfur in
your diet like MSM, it increases the thickness and rate
of growth of your hair, but we also know that you can
get that same kind of effect from taking in a high
amount of silicon and/or ormus. So there is a really
interesting dynamic between silicon, ormus, mydrogen
also, and sulfur. It is yet to be completely determined
what that is but, you know, stay [00:19:43] tuned.

Lucien: Okay. Awesome.

Dear Avocado, There has been much discussion in

regards to living in alignment with one's dharma or
mission. My question is, can you offer any strategies or
protocols that one could install to ensure that one can
find and get more in alignment with his or her

Avocado: Your dharma is something that you already intuitively

know, and based on your karma it's either blocked for
some reason or it's easily accessible. I think really
[00:20:13] it's your karma. I don't know how better to
describe it. Some people, you know, it takes them

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

60 years and then boom, they're on it, they get it, they
crack into it; some people, like for me it happened
when I was 23. You know, it's just I got a good karmic
deck of cards that got dealt to me and boom, you
know, I found out what my karma was, or my dharma
was, and it wasn't blocked for me at an early age.

So how do we unblock that karma? Well, I think one of

[00:20:35] the best ways is to really do some soul-
searching. You know, deeply meditating inside yourself
about why are you here, what is your mission, what do
you do better than anybody else in the world, what
would you do for free for every day of your life without
any concern for any monetary remuneration or any
kind of like awards or kudos or anything like that?
What is so in alignment with your soul that you would
do it even if no one else was around? And that kind of
meditation [00:21:07] on those thoughts and those
ideas is going to eventually channel you in pretty darn
close to where your dharma is.

Most people already intuitively kind of know what it is,

but you know they're blocked and you know something
happens when they try to kind of act on their, their
karma. And this I think is a real big part of the drug
problem. Usually what drugs are about is distracting
yourself away from your dharma. And when there is a
drug problem it is always [00:21:37] about that. That
has been my experience, that somebody is just using
drugs to distract themselves away from dealing with
their dharma, their reason for being. And meditation is
a great way to get around that.

Lucien: That is an awesome insight. So would you say that

most people on this planet because they are holding
you know ordinary jobs, they're stressed out, worried,
whatever, are just not in alignment with their dharma?

Avocado: To me, personally, I believe [00:22:00] that's the

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

problem with the whole planet. That's the problem, is

that people are not in alignment with their dharma, so
therefore they are creating false identities, which is
going to work and doing something they don't want to
do. And then that false identity creates a health crisis.
Which is, you know, if you are going to a job you don't
like then you end up eating food you don't like
because you are trying to numb yourself from being
there. Or you know drinking [00:22:22] coffee all day
for example just to try to get through the day because
you don't really want to be there anyway.

You see where this is going? What ends up happening

is then you create a false identity for yourself. And
then you know what Jesus says in Love Without End, is
death is a clearing house for false identities. Well what
does that mean? Well, we have created a false identity
because we are not really in our dharma. Therefore
the, [00:22:49] you know, the undertaker will be there
shortly to kind of say, "Hey. You get back on the path
or you know you're not going to be around very long."

We know that our life is not completely random and

that the universe is not put together randomly and
that our emotional connection to ourself and others is
intimately intertwined with how we manifest disease in
our body. We know that the way we manifest our
dharma or activate our dharma or what we are doing
every [00:23:11] day is intimately connected to our
luck or our karma as well. And that's an important
thing, that I've seen it, and everybody knows this is
true, that is somebody is on their mission and on their
dharma the luck will favor them. That is just the way of
the world.

And how could that be? Well, it's because they are in
that flow of the synchronicity. You know, they are in
that flow of that benevolence and grace that comes
with being in alignment [00:23:37] with your dharma,

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

and then it does precipitate down as luck – you know,

being in good favor. So bad luck is nothing more than
just being you know out of touch with what your
mission is.

Lucien: And if you've ever been in the sort of slipstream where

you're in your dharma you just, you know from your
own experience because you just meet the right
people, you are in the right places, the most amazing
things just sort of drop in your lap and you think,
"Wow. Like this [00:24:04] is actually working."

Avocado: And you know what, Lou? That's a marker. That's how
you know you are doing the right thing too. Let's say
you are doing your dharma and you're like, "Well, I
think this is my dharma and I think I'm doing the right
thing, and everything appears to be you know like this
is what I am supposed to be doing on the planet," well
the way you confirm that is that that message you get
from the universe daily that says, "Hey, there are
[00:24:24] some pretty gnarly synchronicities you
know being delivered up to you every day."

Now I had a synchronicity the other day. I just got to

tell this, because this happens to me every day. And
people around me, they see this all the time. And so
you know I tell them it's like, "You'll see it." And they'll
be like, "No," you know, "It's a bunch of B.S." You
know, they think it's B.S. but then when you're around
it you'll see it's [00:24:42] not B.S.

Like I had one that happened that was bizarre the

other day. I was in the garden with my friend Tonya
and we were doing some gardening, and she said,
"You know, do you ever, do you like get recognized
everywhere you go?" and I'd be like, "You know, it's
surprisingly calm actually. I'll get recognized, but it's
always completely random and it's usually by someone
from New York." The very next hour I took a whole

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

bunch of [00:25:05] people down to the beach and I

had to stay in the car and just make a bunch of phone
calls, and so I was kind of late getting down there.
They were already packing up by the time I got down
there. I'm just gonna like strip off my clothes, go jump
in the ocean, and then just come back.

Well, I run and I jump in the ocean, and when I'm

walking back there is like this girl walking by. I'm
completely naked. This is walking by and she is like
looking at [00:25:27] me – like really looking at me.
And I was like, "Whoa! This is kind of like a weird
situation." Well, it turns out that as I got my clothes on
I started walking back, that her friend was there, and
her friend said, "Hey, you're David Wolfe." And I said,
"Yeah." She said, "You know, me and my friend were
just looking you up online last night." And it turned out
that that was her friend, that woman who walked by
who was looking at [00:25:44] me. And it wasn't that
she looking at me; she was like trying to recognize me,
because you know they were just looking up online last
night. And I said, "Well," you know, "how did you guys
even find out who I was?" and they were like, "Well, we
saw you at a lecture in New York." And that was
literally within [unintelligible phrase] right after that. I
mean it was such a shocking synchronicity. It was like,

And [00:26:05] you know, that's how you know that

hey you're like, things are on track, because the
universe not constructed rationally. It is equally or
more constructed irrationally. Synchronicity as it
moves through your life is really telling you how far
into the flow of your dharma and all good things you
are. And the more synchronicities that happen the
better off. And I actually believe that our ultimate – the
evolution, you know, as a being – is to be so [00:26:32]
deep into the synchronicity that we crack all the
technological codes and finally get out into the stars

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

and really have a real culture and technology and real

civilization and really get the Earth back into paradise.
But that can only occur under a hypersynchronicity
phenomenon. I mean, we are not going to get there
with the kind of, you know, the situation we are in right
now unless people get on their mission.

It's just your mission. I mean, this is another [00:26:57]

thing too, is people come to me a lot of times and they
ask me about like, you know, "What do you think about
enlightenment, immortality?" and I'll tell you, the more
– my experience has been – the more I am doing what
I am supposed to be doing the more like an Immortal I
feel and the more synchronistic everything comes and
the more enlightened I feel. And the more I do
administrative stuff and stuff I don't like to do and
business stuff that I [00:27:20] don't like the more I
realize that that is just dragging me right out of the
synchronicity and the more I feel like I'm aging and the
more that I feel like I'm becoming dis-enlightened.

So it's like everybody gets a specific frequency of light.

That's their dharma. And the more they can stay on
top of that, the more of the Immortal and Enlightened
Being they become, and the more they get swayed off
that the less of an Immortal and Enlightened Being
[00:27:46] they become. And actually the ultimate
thing, I believe, is to become so in tune with that
frequency that you become it; you embody it totally
and then your body no longer matters. You are
completely resonant with that energy field and
therefore you don't even need a body anymore. And I
do believe that that's the truth of what happened to
beings like Jesus, St. Germain, Buddha, you know, all
the great Enlightened Masters [00:28:16] arrived there
from that. And that's my distillation of all the spiritual
literature that I have read on that subject, you know,
going all the way back to Unveiled Mysteries you know
right on through to Love Without End: Jesus Speaks.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: Wow.

Avocado: That's a lot to chew on, but I really – I really feel that
that is something important to chew on, because
everybody on this website and everybody listening to
this right now is at some level considering [00:28:44]
immortality. Because you can get to a place with
superfoods and raw foods and herbs where you feel so
good every day there is nothing going to take you out.
There is no disease going to take you out. That is not
how you're going out.

So then you start to actually come into this idea like,

"Whoa. I could be around for a while." Then you start
to ask the deeper questions. "Okay. Why am I here?
What is my reason for being?" and then [00:29:04]
that gradually leads you right to that, you know, that
kind of discovery of like, "Hey, you have a specific
frequency unique to you," and it is unique to you. You
know, Jesus's frequency was unique to Jesus. You
know, Buddha's frequency was unique to Buddha. And
you need to be on the frequency that is unique to you
– not to Buddha or Jesus – if that makes sense.

Lucien: And it seems like it's a great sort of inroad. The name
of our website and [00:29:27] our motto, which is of
course, "Have the best day ever," you are having the
best day ever, I'm trying to have the best day ever.
That mindset – it does seem to create the best day
ever. And you have people saying it to one another,
"Hey, have the best day ever" on the chat, and the
forums, "Hey, have the best day ever," "Have the best
lunch ever," you know, "I'm going to go get something
to eat," "Well, have the best dinner ever." And you
[00:29:48] sort of do.

Avocado: I know. It's crazy, actually. You know, yesterday we

pulled some honey out of our hive. Right? And one of

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

the women who is here, she – because I had put some

in, I had some ginseng flower tea and I put the honey
in and mixed with that with spring water. Okay? And
this is in Hawaii. Like Hawaiian spring water, the best
ginseng flower to come out of China – I mean literally
it's the best ever – and then honey literally [00:30:18]
fresh out of the hive within minutes out of the hive into
the tea, and she said, "How is it?" and I said, "This is by
far the best beverage I have ever had." And she said,
"You say that all the time." I said, "Well, it's true!" And
it was true. I mean, I couldn't even believe the prana
that was in that. I mean, it was totally off the charts.
But it's not going to come around unless you really
being to apply what you are saying, which like, "It's
[00:30:46] the best ever," "It's the best day ever," "It's
the best dinner ever," "It's the best drink ever," "It's
the best food ever," "It's the best superfoods ever."

From that you will create the best ever – and that's the
only way to get there. You know, if you're like, "Well, it
might be good. It's okay." "Well, kind of fine. I don't
know. Not too bad," then that creates a totally
disempowered state of consciousness. But the best
ever [00:31:09] delivers something – it's a new
dispensation. It delivers a whole 'nother energy
frequency to the planet, I believe. I mean, that's how –
that's been my experience.

Lucien: Wow. This is awesome. This is like the whole mindset

of TheBestDayEver philosophy just crunched into
10 minutes. You know, that's why they join this site,
because they can join any health website you know
and get facts or get information, but the one thing I
notice [00:31:36] people get in TheBestDayEver that
they don't get is like the personal connection with a
master, and then they get the community of people
that are just so into it. And then everybody working on
the site, they just – they want it to be the best site
ever, and it's coming from a real pure place, and that

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

vibe just permeates that site. It's just palpable.

Avocado: Right on. And by the way, you know, I don't consider
myself a master. I consider [00:32:02] myself a
student, always learning, and I do believe that we are
in an age where gurus are now going away; that we
are now our own guru and that we must use our own
internal divine power and our own connection to God
inside ourself direct, instead of through another being
– although we can learn from other beings – and get
deeper connections to God within ourselves by
connecting with beings who are very connected to
God, but ultimately the contract [00:32:26] is between
us and God. You know, there is no one standing in
between or no guru or masters in between us and God.
Our personal contract is with the direct source. So
that's my personal philosophy on that.

March 2008 – Part 5

Lucien: Have you heard of or tried oil pulling? It seems to be

getting pretty popular these days. What are your
thoughts on it? Would neem oil be good for this? Are
there any other oils that might be the best ever?

Avocado: Yeah. Neem oil is excellent for that. I have never heard
it phrased that way, as oil pulling, but I do that type of
thing all the time. Not only on my skin but also in my
mouth, and in fact I use neem oil that way. I have
really gotten into neem oil in [00:00:40] the last year. I
mean it's like I used it every day now. And I think not
only because I like it on my teeth, but a little of it
seeps into my system and it's such a powerful
antibiotic of all different kinds and it has such a
tremendous history and it's such a beautiful tree that
it's just, it's awesome. I mean it's just awesome stuff.
So the answer is, you know, if you can do that with
essential oils – especially the really powerful stuff like
neem oil, more power [00:01:10] to you.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Lucien: Awesome. Are there any other oils that you


Avocado: Sure. Eucalyptus oils and menthol oils that come out of
eucalyptus, mint oils. Mint oils by the way –
peppermint oils and that kind of a thing – very likely
dissolve calcification. And that's been something I
have been wanting to say for a while. I just [00:01:31]
don't have enough real conclusive proof of that. I
suspect that that's true. And that's way for example if
you have like bursitis or something like that you can
use a linament that has a concentration of peppermint
oil in it, and it can really get in there and de-inflame
[correct word?] that whole area. And it's not [00:01:48]
only because it creates the oxygenation that draws it
in, but I believe it actually starts to dissolve that
excess calcium, the bad calcium that is created by the
nanobacteria that are forming the bursitis in the first
place or forming the bone spur in the first place.

Lucien: Dear [00:02:05] Avocado, I was reading over the

probiotic species in Sun is Shining. I counted like 36 or
43 – some high number like that. I have begun my
studies on knowing all about these species. How does
the organism count in Sun is Shining compared to
something like Jarrowdophilus? Are they acting on a
very slight maintenance level or does Sun is Shining
probiotics have the potency to be therapeutic?

Avocado: It's slight maintenance level. It's not potent enough to

[00:02:32] be therapeutic. And so if you were taking
Sun is Shining as your probiotic supplement because
you needed it because of candida or something like
that or cancer or a very serious health issue then I
would recommend taking an additional probiotic
bacteria, something that was really strong. And I really
like the Jarrow formulas. They have good products. And
Dr. Ohhira's products are really good. O-h-h-i-r-a. You

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

can find that on the Internet. That's a great [00:03:00]

probiotic line.

And I am going to move forward. I finally have kind of

narrowed down exactly what kind of probiotic
formulation I am going to move forward with. It's been
a lot of years, and people have been on me for years
about it, and I think I'm getting closer. I mean we are
now definitely in the funnel of where we are going with
a probiotic product. So that is something to watch out
for in the next year. I'm hoping I can have that out in a
year. It's something I could turnkey right now; it's just
a matter of like money and timing, but it's on the

Lucien: Okay. And what do you recommend? I mean I have

been taking Sun is Shining for about the last two
months. You know, I put it in my green drinks, I put it
on my salad. What is like a recommended – if someone
really [00:03:35] has an affinity for that product, what
do you recommend in terms of you know dosages?

Avocado: It could be— I've seen— There was a woman who

worked for me. God, one time she did like 12 to 15
heaping tablespoons a day for a period of about 4, or
maybe 3 or 4 or 5 days. There was period there where
she was going through a real intense like healing
crisis. And that's an upper limit level there. I mean, I
would recommend 3 or 4 heaping tablespoons a day if
[00:04:05] you really want to bone up on it and get it
going and get some real effects. And if you're just new
to it, just take 1 or 2 tablespoons a day.

Lucien: Okay. Cool.

Dear Avocado, Is Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) a safe

and effective product?

Avocado: Unknown. The apparent conclusion at the moment is

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

yes. I am gonna do it. I haven't done it yet. I was

getting the MMS [glitch words missing] going for a
while. I just haven't gotten the product yet. So I can't
report my own personal experiences with it. I have had
lots of friends who have been on it and they love it and
experience good effects from it. We know for sure that
it is curative of malaria, and therefore it can be very
powerful and important in Africa or in Amazonia or
places where malaria is a problem. And it's also
important in the sense that we know that MMS is not
carcinogenic or seriously toxic.

But it is an oxidant. I mean, it's a [00:05:08] very

intense oxidant, so it's probably on par with drinking
hydrogen peroxide, which would mean it can be
effective for a short-period. It's probably not good to be
doing it in the long-term forever. It's kind of like a thing
you do for a little bit of time and then you kind of drop
it. That's my guess. I don't know.

Lucien: Okay. Great.

Dear Avocado, A friend has been managing an HIV+

status for 10 to 15 years without the assistance of
pharmaceuticals. Recently [00:05:34] however his
platelets are dropping at a rate of 10,000 every 3-
4 months after being stable for many years. His count
is currently about 40,000. Any thoughts on why this
drop and any advice on what might be done about it
from a spiritual point of view?

Avocado: Okay. I don't believe – and I don't believe that most

researchers in the AIDS field believe that HIV alone
can cause the entire immune system deficiency
syndrome. That usually the problem is like [00:06:06]
any other issue, which is a catastrophic advance of
many different viruses, many different types of
bacteria all at once, HIV being one of them. But HIV is
probably innocuous. It itself doesn't do much; it's just a

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

marker of high-risk behavior, if that makes any sense.

Meaning that if you are engaged in a high-risk

behavior – behaviors that have been associated with
immune deficiency disorders, whether an intravenous
drug user, gale male for example, [00:06:38] then HIV
may be a marker that you are in the high-risk group
but it itself is not a causative agent. It may just signal
you may have other viruses and lots of other problems
going on. And the whole point is then to get onto super
immune system support. And that's available now. The
best immune system support ever – with the use of
zeolites, the whole LNP with the mushrooms, the aged
garlic extract, the cat's claw powder, the blue
mangosteen. I mean [00:07:10] just it's really
unbelievable. And then if you throw raw and living
foods in on top of that and the whole healthy lifestyle –
sunshine, fresh air, swimming in the ocean, walking
barefoot on the Earth, gardening – you know all those
factors, that's more the spiritual side of things, when
you bring that all together then an immune deficiency
is not going to be possible.

Generally when someone has a platelet count falling

what I recommend initially and immediately for
someone [00:07:38] who is completely new to the
information is pau d'arco tea – because it tastes good
and it builds up your platelet count. So that's probably
the best start.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, Have you tried New Tech Energy's

white powder gold? If so, what is your opinion of it?

Avocado: Maybe. Maybe. New Tech Energies. I would have to

think about that. I'm thinking of the bottle. I think I
might even have it here. You know what? Let me look.
Let me see [00:08:00] if I've got that here. I brought a
bunch of ormus gold with me, different ones. Maybe. I
don't know. I can't say. It's doesn't have a label. It

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

doesn't say New Tech Energies on the bottle. You

know, I don't know if I have taken that ormus gold
product. I can't say for sure. I have some ormus gold
products here, but they don't have – there's no – it just
says like ormus gold on it but it doesn't have the

Lucien: Okay. Well, the best one [00:08:24] is the one from
Sunfood though.

Avocado: Well we know we are onto the right stuff now, I can tell
you that. With that whole implosion that absolutely
guarantees we are on the right stuff, and that's the
most powerful corroboration that we've ever had.

Lucien: Could you maybe put that experiment into context for
people? Because I know a lot of people just looked at
that experiment and they weren't sure like you know
[00:08:48] how it started, what it is supposed to do.
And could you maybe give a little bit of a background
explanation of those two videos?

Avocado: Okay. Well, here is the thing about ormus that we

know. We know that ormus is kind of a strange matter.
It doesn't behave in the way that normal matter
behaves, it violates certain official laws of physics, has
certain properties and affinities that are completely
unique in the world in terms of mineral isolates. And
ormus generally [00:09:21] is associated with metals
that have been reduced to a molecular [unintelligible
word] of less than say 12 atoms bonded together that
in nature like to bond together. That is why they are
kind of metallic. That is why they link together
[unintelligible phrase] they do and they have the
properties that they do to carry electricity.

Well, when you reduce that bonding down to say 12, 9,

4 or in the case gold you have to reduce it to one atom
size, when you pull one atom off and away [00:09:53]

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

from all the others it actually takes on a different form.

It becomes a different form of matter, and that form of
matter is called ormus. And it looks much more like a
ceramic and it's stable in that form.

So let's say you took it and you flipped [00:10:04] it

into the ormus form and then you put it back with the
metal, it would still be in the ormus form. It's stable in
that state in the ormus form and probably most of the
– most of the metals in the Earth are actually not even
in their metallic form. They are in their ormus form.
But as they come up through lava flow, through
[00:10:21] the swelling of oceans, through spring
water and they are exposed to the biosphere and the
atmosphere then they can be flipped into metals or
they can continue their journey upward and work their
way up through mushroom spores and pollen and ions
in the atmosphere and start working their way up
towards the Sun, because they have a natural affinity
to fall upwards or to fall towards the Sun. In the same
way that ozone and oxygen – [00:10:49] which
originate in the upper atmosphere, contrary to the
general theory today – and fall downwards, the same
way they have an attraction for substances in the

So what we are really talking about here is a sexual

relationship between the Sun and the Earth. So the
Sun is male and the Earth is female, so the Earth is
producing elements or seeds that are being
inseminated by certain sperm for lack of a better
[00:11:14] term that is coming from the Sun. And the
way we look at that is ozone or oxygen is the sperm
and ormus is the egg. And the baby is hydrogen. And
so this is kind of the general theory that we have been
working with for about 13 years, and I think it's pretty
darn close to the truth based on the research. Because
if you put ormus in an environment where there is a
high amount of ozone, it can in certain circumstances

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

escape your packaging – whatever it is. [00:11:44]

Whether it's in aluminum foil, glass, a metal container.
Because that is such a hunger. It's like a sexual thing.
It's like a cat. You know, a cat in heat is going to get
out of the house. That is just going to happen. And it
will actually disintegrate glass or metal on its escape
route, and that is probably what happened in this case
with Steve Adler's ormus.

He was running an Aranizer in his room. He doesn't

know when it happened. It happened [00:12:13] in a
period within 2 or 3 months since the last time he had
checked his ormus box. Only one of the ormus bottles
did it happen to, and it was probably one that was low
in silica. That is just a guess, because silica is a good
binder of ormus. It will hold ormus in check. Or another
way of saying that is if you have a cat in heat and you
keep it in a locked room and there is no way for it to
get out, it won't get out. That's the silica. [00:12:37]
It's holding it in that room. It's not going to let it out.
But if you let the door open a little bit and that cat can
run under your legs and get out of the house then it
will do that. And that's kind of what happened with
that particular bottle. There must have like –
something. Like the aluminum foil wasn't tight around
the dropper top, so there is you know that dropper top
because it is spongy can actually bleed oxygen
through it, and some ozone must have gotten in there
and activated that ormus and then caused the ormus
to just wholesale escape from the bottle. And that is
exactly what happened. The ormus not only escaped,
but what was left there were rocks of quartz or purple

And that indicates two things. One is that the ormus

had been flipped back into its metallic form and taken
on its crystalline natural state, which is in a quartz. We
know that quartz contains gold and that purple quartz
and rose quartz, [00:13:35] the reason why they are

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

purple and why they are rose in color is because of

their gold content. And what has happened with those
substances is very likely there was a reaction when
quartz was formed where the ormus had escaped,
interacted with ozone and boom, the quartz was
instantly created on the spot and the water was
completely dissipated into the environment – which is
what happened to, it's exactly what happened with
this particular bottle of ormus.

Lucien: Wow. [00:14:02] That's fascinating. So is the

technology of ormus, would it be possible to make gold
out of ormus?

Avocado: Yes it would. I mean, one of the ways that you can
make gold is that you could – if you were clever
enough, if there was a way to do it, and there probably
is way, you could out of your natural environment—
Probably the best way would be trapping ormus water,
spring water, and then reducing all the moisture out of
it and precipitating out the ormus elements [00:14:27]
and then putting them under high ozone and you could
probably flip— Or putting it just in the sunlight. And
then that would flip it into a metallic form.

But the thing is, is when you flip it into a metallic form
like that, you can have a high release of energy, and
that's what disintegrated the glass in this case and the
aluminum foil. And that high release of energy would
go off like a boom, a spark of light, like a pop of light,
and that may or may [00:14:53] not be a good thing to
be around. We don't know. I mean, we don't know if
when that spark happened if it's okay to be near there,
if that's a radioactive event, or what's happening. But
what you would be left with, the precipitated products
that would be left over would be metallic objects, and
one of them would likely be gold if you were trapping
spring water for example and you were doing that kind
of experiment.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

The question is, can you do it economically? [00:15:22]

Can you filter out ormus gold out of the environment
economically and then convert it over to metallic gold
in a reasonable way. And the answer that the Essenes
came up with was that you could do it, the best way to
go about doing that is to go after it in Dead Sea salt.
And that's the whole secret of the alchemy of the
Essenes. They created gold out of Dead Sea salt by
doing specific steps that were done over long periods
of time traditionally – which I [00:15:46] don't want to
get into right now – that would gradually draw the
ormus out of the Dead Sea salt and then convert it
over to its metallic form and then they would take
those metallic gold sheets or metallic leaf, gold leaf,
and then concentrate it by smelting it and sell it to the
Romans. And that is one of the ways that they made

Lucien: Wow. Wow.

Avocado: I mean that's a lot. I mean, if you get me going on

ormus I can keep going and going for hours.

Lucien: Dear [00:16:13] Avocado, I have a huge amount of

whole dehydrated noni fruit. I have been letting it soak
overnight and blended that with coconut water. After
straining it I feel that there is still a lot of noni there. Is
there a better way to get all the goodies? Maybe
simmering it in hot water? Thanks.

Avocado: That's a good question. I mean, it's tough to say if you

could get more goodies by heating it up. Probably not.
Probably the best thing is to just, is to take [00:16:38]
the blended coconut-noni, pour it through a strainer
and just down it. That would be still very accessible. I
don't know how you could make it more accessible by
heating it up. It probably would actually hurt it more
than help it. There are omega-3 fatty acids in noni

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

seed, and if this is whole noni fruit with the seed then
it's likely that when you blended it you released that
omega-3, the blade cracked the seed and the omega-3
fatty acids were busted out of [00:17:10] that seed.
And then if you pour that through a strainer you are
going to get a heavy dose. So that's – you know, that's
something that is volatile and don't want to really heat
that up.

Lucien: Okay. Here's the next question, which is an interesting


Dear Avocado, If "you are what you eat" is greater or

more important than "you are what you think or feel"
why are raw foodists/superfoodists still not in the ranks
of saints or supermen [00:17:39] who are able to
produce phenomena or perform so-called miracles with
ease? For example Yogananda, Ramana Mahesh
Maharishi, Madame Blavatsky, Therese Neumann and
other spiritual giants of the 20th century, manipulated
energy at will which rendered the term superhero
redundant. If "you are what you eat" is indeed greater
than any other law, why are raw foodists of 20, 30 and
40 years still utterly unable to touch these cooked
vegetarian [00:18:07] masters with regard to spiritual
maturity and mastery of the etheric, mental, emotional
and physical planes of matter?

Avocado: Wow. That's a dynamite question. That's good. I have

met masters who can manipulate matter. You know,
most people know that. I mean, I have met people who
can perform miracles right before your very eyes with
the equal veracity of any of the great masters of
history, at least the stories that we have heard of. You
know, like [00:18:34] somebody can blow out
somebody's tumors snapping their fingers, like John of
God level stuff. I have been there. I have seen that
happen, and it's totally powerful.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Here's what I have discovered by being around people

who are like that, and that is when they go raw their
powers are much improved. And they are more in
control of them. The siddhis – you know, that's the
word in Ayurveda, in the Vedic language, that is
related to physical mastery [00:19:02] and the powers
that come along with it. And also emotional lineage
mastery, and that's an important distinction. And that
is, these beings who have these powers – whether it is
Madame Blavatsky or Yogananda or whoever – come
from a lineage that has purified itself of negative
thoughtforms, negativity and just inappropriate types
of behaviors and miasms, and therefore they come,
those beings are born into this world to be yogis. And
they have these—

I [00:19:36] kind of look at it like this: they have

psychic abilities that surround them. That's been my
experience of being around psychics. It's not like you
have psychic powers; it's you have a psychic
phenomenon that surrounds you. And it's kind of like a
dog. It's like sometimes it will listen to you and
sometimes it won't, but the longer that you live the
more it works with you because you gain control of it
more just in the same way as if you had a dog for
20 years. You know, after 20 years you know you and
that dog are like connected, and you have more power
over it – not, not in that way. You have more
connection to it so if you want to bend the spoon the
for example it's going to happen on will instead of
having to try to force it or fake it in a situation where it
wasn't doing what you wanted it to do.

So the siddhis are those psychic powers or those

phenomenon that surround perfected types of beings
are more powerful when those people are raw. And
that – I know that for a fact. And that's totally
interesting, because what it is indicating is, is that the
greatest beings in the world, the Jesuses, the Buddhas,

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

the Yoganandas, those kinds of beings, they could

even be at higher levels by purification of what is
coming into their temple. And not to say that if you
have a pure temple that you are suddenly going to
develop psychic powers, but if you have [00:21:06]
that phenomenon around you, you can improve it –
and if you work on the other factors like emotional
cleansing, clearing out your lineage, problems in your
lineage, forgiving all the factors in your lineage,
working on your own you know miasms that have been
handed down or behaviors that are, you know,
whatever it is. You know, everybody has them so you
know everybody knows what their stuff is – that over a
period of time that kind of phenomenon can suddenly
[00:21:34] magnetize itself to you and you suddenly
may have that happening.

So that's my best answer to that. And I do believe that

the reason why say, you know, Blavatsky or whoever
was like a cooked vegetarian and a cigarette smoker is
because that was what was available to her in her
time. And we are in a different now, and so now we
have different technologies available to us. I mean,
Madame Blavatsky wasn't driving around in you know
a bus, because she didn't have a bus. [00:21:58] You
know, they didn't exist back then. It's just that kind of
thing. You know, it's like with the technologies and the
crises of our world new opportunities and possibilities
are created that were never available before and that
can take us to even higher and higher places. And we
may not be the benefactors of it in the sense that— I
mean we are all benefiting from it, but the great
benefactors from it may come in the future, the great
yogis who are born [00:22:26] into perfect lineages
suddenly having say raw food information presented
before them and superfood and superherb information
right you know to them when they are 3 years old or
4 years old. This is what is coming in.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

And I know – in fact I have in my mind right now a child

who is in that mode, who is like a 3-year-old child who
has total psychic powers, is a totally amazing being
and, and communicates with you psychically and will
sit there and stare [00:22:54] at you for 5 minutes,
10 minutes. A 2-year-old, 3-year-old child. And just
look you right in the eye. And will be the benefactor of
this kind of information, because they have gotten this
information already. They are already growing up with
this kind of diet and lifestyle. And we'll see what
happens, but I bet you a few generations down the
road big changes are coming in.

Lucien: I've got to ask, when is David Wolfe going to start


Avocado: I hope [00:23:23] soon. You know, I don't know. I just

turned it over to the universe. I couldn't, I couldn't, I
couldn't deal with it anymore. I was like, "You know, it
would be great to have a few kids in the world and it
would be awesome to you know have a good little
family going," and you know these things are not— I
kind of, I guess I defer to the yogic theory on it, and
that is these things are not often in our control. They
are fated, you know, they are destined. [00:23:47] And
therefore it is going to happen you know on its own
accord and I have got to stop trying to manipulate it.
I've just got to see if it can happen – you know, or just
go with the flow. I don't know. That's the way I look at

Lucien: Dear Avocado, Is the external use of Epsom salts safe?

Is it something you would recommend? I have some
concerns on the purity of Epsom salt. What is your

Avocado: I have some concerns on the purity [00:24:07] of

Epsom salt too. It's funny this question comes up,
because I just did a liver flush which I had not done in

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

a number of years – you know, drinking the olive oil.

We just did a 9-day cleanse and it was very intense. I
mean it was like – because I was working full-tilt
through the whole thing at maximum level, and so it
was a very intense cleanse. But then we ended it with
a liver, with a liver flush. And then at the very end of
that [00:24:34] liver flush my friend Dr. Stewart
[Blaikie?], he was like, "Hey," you know, "you've got to
drink the Epsom salts with water." I'm like, "Drink
Epsom salt? Are you kidding?" He was like, "Nope.
You've got to do it. You've got to do it." And I had
never drank Epsom salt before, so I actually drank
some Epsom salt – which I have always been
concerned about the purity of Epsom salt – and it was
really heavy. It was hardcore. But, you [00:24:55]
know, it was part of the cleanse and the way that Dr.
Stewart had done it and does it, and it came out the
other side and I was like, you know, no worse for the
wear. But definitely, definitely it moved some stuff out
of me, no question about it.

I personally don't really believe in Epsom salts too

much. I believe we have better stuff available to us –
like sea salts, especially the Hawaiian and the Celtic
[00:25:16] sea salts, like the Himalayan rock salts and
the real salt that comes out of Utah. So, you know,
maybe – maybe the Epsom salt wasn't the best way to
go, but I drank it the other day, so—

March 2008 – Part 6

Lucien: Dear David, How does magnesium sulfate compare

with magnesium oil?

Avocado: Magnesium sulfate may be an ormus-bearing

substance in its salt form, and the reason why I say
that is because magnesium sulfate chemically made in
a laboratory is not the same as magnesium sulfate
naturally found in salt formations. So that indicates to

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

me that there are different properties present in the

natural substance [00:00:45] which probably means
there is different minerals present, which is ormus –
likely. The good magnesium oils it's the same story.
When you have magnesium chloride, for example,
which is a salt, in its artificial form it does not have the
magic, it doesn't have the anti-inflammatory
properties or the hydration properties or the real
special oiliness that magnesium chloride hexahydrate
has which comes from the Dead Sea.

And when you take both those [00:01:15] substances –

say natural magnesium sulfate or natural magnesium
chloride and you spin them or vortex them you
massively increase their efficacy when they are
coming from a natural source, which is indicating to
me that there is ormus present because ormus reacts
to centrifugal motion, which is spiral motion, especially
double-spiral or tornado motion. And that's why it
appears that these substances have an affinity for the
skin, they have anti-inflammatory properties, they
have an affinity for the joints, they have an [00:01:52]
oiliness but also a water solubility. These are all
characteristics that ormus has.

Lucien: Would you say that if you had the choice between the
two you would go with the magnesium sulfate?

Avocado: I would go with magnesium chloride hexahydrate –

spun. That's been spun. Actually that's the product
that I have out right now, which is the magnesium oil.
That stuff is really, really powerful and it's both water-
and oil-soluble, which [00:02:15] is really fascinating.

Lucien: And that's available at Sunfood Nutrition dotcom,

Avocado: Yeah. And that's an ormus-containing Viktor

Schauberger level type of product. It was developed

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

actually by a student of Viktor Schauberger, you know,

a guy who was a super addict of Viktor Schauberger
technology and insights and all of that – and also a guy
who understands the power of ormus and Dead Sea
salt. So when you take those things together,
[00:02:44] there is something going to happen.

You know, that's really what TheBestDayEver and the

information on this site is, it's bringing an awareness of
these technologies independently developed. One of
them is the vortexing technology, which is the
Schauberger idea, and then the ormus technology.
Now when you bring those two together, we have
discovered now in the last 10 years that ormus reacts
to centrifugal motion or vortex action and becomes – it
becomes capable [00:03:10] of penetrating tissue and
going right to the joint surface when it's been spun like
that. And that's pretty darn interesting. Meaning it has
affinity to where it needs to go.

Lucien: Dear David, Do you think parasites have the ability to

alter other hormone levels like those of sex hormones?

Avocado: Yes. Totally. We know that's true. That's actually a fact,

that parasites have the ability to change [00:03:33]
our hormone levels around. Actually, in the case of
candida it has been found that that is true, that
candida can change our hormones around and that
once we get the candida out of our body then our
hormones change around. I just recently was looking
at some research on that particular subject. It's a very
fascinating area of research, and I would like to get
more into it and I'll just see what the universe delivers,
but we know [00:03:59] that that is happening.

Lucien: And I'm assuming that the change in the hormones is

not the best ever.

Avocado: Probably not. I don't know enough about it to say

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

either way. I mean, it's very likely that if there is a

parasite changing things around it is probably
changing things around in a way that you don't want.

Lucien: Dear Avocado, My parents have been wearing glasses

all their lives as well as my sister and brother, and I
think it is genetic. I hope it's not in [00:04:25] my DNA
or my children's DNA. I have started to eat organic
carrots and organic spinach for two years now and
needless to say it does not seem to be working. If you
could help me with my eyesight I would be delighted.
Thank you.

Avocado: Two things about eyesight that we know. Well, first of

all one thing is there is definitely a genetic factor. It's a
factor. Obviously we don't – we never get a doomsday
report based on our genetics, but it does deliver to us
what [00:04:53] the predispositions in our lineage is or
are. And with eyesight the two main types of foods you
want to be focusing on are all berries – including goji
berries and blueberries and huckleberries and
loganberries and elderberries and every berry you can
think of, and that would include even acai and grapes,
which are really mostly berries. You know, botanically
they are berries. And then anything that has a high
concentration of DHA. DHA is docosahexaenoic acid
[00:05:24] which is an omega-3 fatty acid, long-chain
omega-3 fatty acid. And your eye actually consists
mostly of DHA. And where do you get that? Well krill oil
is an excellent source of it in a therapeutic
concentrated form.

If you are a vegan and you want to get a pretty

concentrated form of it in a natural way then Ocean's
Alive marine phytoplankton is the best source that's
out there right now of getting that in a vegan way. But
it's [00:05:53] still not nearly as concentrated as what
is in krill oil. Krill oil will deliver the goods right there to
where the action is.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Now the eye too – there's another thing about the eye.
And the eye has a sulfur level as well that controls its
juiciness, so the more sulfur that is in the eye the most
juicy it is and the less likely we are to develop either
nearsightedness or farsightedness because the eye
can bend and focus and is more flexible. And therefore
[00:06:24] one drop of DMSO in each eye has been
shown to be safe in humans and will very likely begin
to loosen up any hardening of the eyeball, which is
usually what causes age-related eyesight loss. Or, you
know, suddenly someone becomes farsighted or
nearsighted. It is usually due to a hardening of the

Lucien: Okay. So this is fascinating. So you are saying that we

can actually put DMSO in our eye. Does that DMSO
also have to be diluted with water like [00:07:02] you
would spray it on your skin?

Avocado: Let me clarify that. I have done 99% DMSO directly

into my eye. I have looked at the medical research in
that area. Animal research has indicated that very
dosages of DMSO in the eyes of like rats and other
things has been dangerous, but human research has
never indicated that by the way. So that's really
interesting. This is one of the areas where animal
research and human research differ. So I want to put
that out [00:07:29] there.

Now the other thing is, is I would recommend probably

going to the 70% DMSO, 30% distilled water mix and
trying that. And that's probably a good way to go on
putting it directly into the eye. Now you didn't hear it
from me. I'm a priest and that's spiritual advice and
that's kind of the deal.

Lucien: Okay. One last question which I've got to ask is do you
get that burn when you put it in the eye?

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Avocado: It's very minor. When you are using [00:08:01] a

dropper it is immediately into your eye. It's not like you
are going to get any kind of – you won't develop a
burn, you won't develop anything like that. But you
have to be careful if you have eye trouble and you
have been using contacts and contact solution and all
that kind of stuff, because in that case I don't have any
experience, and so you are doing to have to maybe
half the dosage or quarter the dosage and start out
very, very gently, [00:08:25] because I just don't know
what the effect is when somebody has been using
contact solution for 20 years you know what the
surface of their eye, what the state of health is of their

Lucien: Okay. And just to sort of reiterate what David said, if

you are planning on using DMSO, please do some
extensive research and if possible consult someone
who has used it directly.

Avocado: Right. And definitely with DMSO – this is very

important – you have got to use a very [00:08:50]
minimal amount in any of the delicate areas of your
body, because DMSO can burn you. And you know
pouring a whole bottle on your eye is actually very
dangerous and extremely toxic. It would be like
pouring hydrogen peroxide in your eye. It's just not the
way to go. You have to be very careful. Don't do
anything unless you feel that you have the skills and
abilities to deal with the material, and in this case
DMSO requires some study and research before
[00:09:15] you use it.

Lucien: Okay.

Dear Avocado, I feel that when I only eat vegetarian

food I feel like there is something missing. I think that
is the omega-3 fatty acids that I can get from fish. I

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

simply feel that when I get them in my diet that my

brain works better, I can relax more and feel less
anxiety. This is why I am a bit confused, because I
have read a bit of what David has written in that
human beings were not designed to eat animal foods.
If that is [00:09:42] true, why can we not get these
fatty acids easily from plant food?

Avocado: Good question. You can get them easily from plant
food, if it's the right plant food. Here is a good example
of that: coco leaf. Coco leaf contains omega-3 fatty
acids, which is easily available in South America but
not here. Right? So it depends on where you are
coming from. Not only that, the omega-3s that are in
for example hempseed and flaxseed may not be the
types of omega-3s, [00:10:13] the long-chain omega-3
that we need. And it may be that we were historically

Well actually it depends on your theory of human

origins, really, which is there are different theories that
are out there, and I'm not going to get into my own
theory, but definitely I don't believe in the Darwinian
theory. I also don't believe in the creation theory and
that we were created 5,000 years. I believe it is going
to be some kind [00:10:32] of a mixture of those with
some very exotic stuff happening as well. And
therefore, you know, how did we get here? Well, it's
part design and it's part genetics and you know the
survival of the fittest so to speak or the survival
through cooperation, and that that has kind of led us
to where we are now.

So is it possible that some people need more omega-3

than others? And the answer is yes. And is it possible
that some people would need more fish in their diet
[00:11:06] as a result of that, and the answer is yes. Is
it possible then that some people could be vegetarians
easier than others? And the answer is yes. Because it's

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

not exactly a clean situation. You know, like all our

genetic history added up probably is not the same
from culture to culture and therefore there is going to
be some predispositions for certain things in different
cultures and omega-3 long chain can be acquired from
more sustainable sources [00:11:39] – for example
marine phytoplankton – rather than having to fish out
our oceans of cod for example. And so that's where
we're at right now is we're looking for more
sustainable, more ethically correct solutions so that we
are not, we are doing less killing and we are getting
more into growing – which would be like growing plants
more and less killing.

And that's just an ethical consideration that I have. You

know, it may not be your consideration. You may not
care. You [00:12:06] may go, "Well, look, I'm designed
to eat a fish. Who cares?" And that's completely valid. I
just feel like my role is to create ethical choices and
options that – for people who are vegetarians or are
vegans and like, "Hey, I need my omega-3. How do I
get it from a vegetarian source?" That's my work is
how to deliver that. And the way you can get those
long-chain omega-3 fatty acids from a plant is marine
phytoplankton, [00:12:29] bluegreen algae, algae oils
that have been concentrated and have those oils
taken out of it, and that may make a vegetarian diet
easier for you or a raw vegetarian diet easier for you.

Now if you do eat raw fish, that's fine. Animals in

nature eat raw fish all the time. Bears eat it, Sasquatch
eats it, but you could then be susceptible to other
things, which is tapeworms. And that needs to be
addressed too, you know. People say, "You can't get
[00:12:56] a parasite if you are a raw foodist," and
"You can't get a parasite if you're clean." That's
completely ridiculous. I mean, most of the animals in
nature are completely pure, they've eaten a raw food
diet their entire life and all their genetic history and

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

they have parasites. I mean I get that all the time, like,
"No. I'm clean," you know, "I don't have any parasites."
And it's like, "Well, what do you mean?" I mean, it
doesn't matter. [00:13:13] You could be totally having
the cleanest diet possible, but if you are eating raw
fish there are tapeworm eggs in fish. It's part of the life
cycle of the tapeworm. And therefore we then have to
be cognizant of all the karmic ramifications of our

So I'm a little bit you know diatribing on the vegetarian

ethic, and it's an important part of the ethics that I
believe need to be brought to the table, because
almost every other nutritionist [00:13:39] is going to
be telling you, "No, no, no, you need to eat meat" or
fish or whatever, and it's like no, there are other
choices than that, and we can cleverly select them if
we are knowledgeable.

Lucien: Okay. Awesome.

Dear Avocado, Over time I have lived an excessive and

sexually exhaustive lifestyle. I have tried numerous
foods, superfoods and herbs that I believe are
supposed to stimulate, build and/or promote strong
male sexual energy like [00:14:07] garlic, Siberian
ginseng, maca, cacao, cordyceps, deer antler,
astragalus, eucommia bark and cistanches. I have
learned to stay away from those most of the time,
although I love garlic, cacao and maca. I would to be
able to eat them. What I find when taking any of the
abovementioned items is that it has a significantly
noticeable opposite effect on my sexual function. The
same thing occurs when I take any skin, hair, nail or
joint products [00:14:32] like MSM, glucosamine and
chondroitin or ho sho wu [he shou wu]. Can you
explain why this might be happening and offer any
possible solutions?

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Avocado: That's interesting. I mean, that's one of the

archetypical – it's one of the archetypical metabolisms.
Although rare, it is there. And that is he is a polarizer.
So what a polarizer is, is someone who gets the exact
opposite effect from everybody else with whatever –
you know, whether it's ginseng [00:15:03] or
eucommia bark or cistanches or whatever it is. And
this is just – it's just an archetypical metabolic type.
And that's all I can say about it. I mean, what that
means is that this person has a very unique biology
and metabolism and it's probably what led them to
TheBestDayEver is that their metabolism is very
different from everybody else's because they
polarized. Their body actually has the exactly opposite
reaction to everything they are taking in; they are an
[00:15:33] energetic polarizer.

Now it would be interesting to meet this person, and so

if you are listening right now and you are that person
and you get a chance to come to the Best Weekend
Ever or some event that we are doing somewhere, I
would love to meet you, because that type of person to
me is an interesting type of person to study.

Lucien: And I wonder if it extends beyond just those foods that

are meant to enhance sexual function and to other

Avocado: Well, [00:15:58] archetypically it should. It would

across the board in everything. Things that would
make everybody else alkaline would make this person
acidic. Things that would make that person acidic
would make everybody else alkaline. You know, it's
that kind of phenomenon. And it may even carry over
into personality traits, and that's kind of why I am
interested to meet this person. It may carry over into
personality traits or just their behavior, and it would
just [00:16:20] be good to find out a little bit about
them, because that to me is an interesting

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe


Lucien: Okay. Fantastic.

Dear Avocado, What do you think about submitting to

a TB skin test? Is it anything like getting a vaccination?
I had one recently and got sort of a weird false positive
reaction. Or possibly it was positive. I am actually very
healthy. Would you recommend that I get a chest X-
ray? I am supposed to attend [00:16:40] a birth soon
and the mother is uncomfortable about my test result
and would like to be reassured that I am TB-negative.
What do you have to say about any of this? Thank you.

Avocado: It's beyond my scope of expertise. I really couldn't

answer that question. I don't really know a lot about
TB, because it's essentially an illness that has kind of
passed us in terms of its dangerous chronicness and
what's the word I'm looking for? It's virulence. And
[00:17:13] so I have looked into tuberculosis you know
from a historical perspective, but never have gotten
into the specific tests that are available now or any of
the real minutia about it. So I would really recommend
that this person continue to do research and maybe
even contact The Tree of Life and see what they have
to say, because they could probably give a much
better answer than I could on that subject.

Lucien: Dear David, What are the best herbs and superfoods
[00:17:39] to increase fertility in older women? Thank
you so much.

Avocado: Number one for fertility is maca, without question.

That is the number one thing. I have just got to put this
in there because it comes up a lot. I am getting more
and more women who want to become pregnant.
Definitely doing a cleanse, intestinal cleansing, doing
lots of zeolites for about 6 months before becoming
pregnant, the liquid zeolites; doing an MSM program to

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

remove heavy metals and [00:18:06] to get the liver

functioning properly is at this point I think it's critical.
It's absolutely critical, because kids are being born
with such a compromised immune system,
compromised immune response so that we are getting
autoimmune conditions from birth now and allergies
like crazy, and asthma, all this kind of stuff is higher
now than ever because of the load of heavy metals
and pesticides and volatile organic compounds the
kids are born with now.

We [00:18:35] used to believe that the mother

detoxified the chemicals for the baby, and we have
now found out that that is not true; that the pesticides
and the load that the mother is carrying is carried into
the child and that this is the reason why kids are born
with all these disorders now – like the explosion in
autism, you know, etc., etc., with the allergies and
asthma and peanut allergies. We know exactly how
much different it is now than it was [00:18:57]
30 years ago. And childhood cancer, etc.

The next thing I would say beyond maca is bee pollen

of course is super-associated with fertility, and then
going beyond that cacao is actually very good as well
as coconut products. Coconut products are excellent –
I mean excellent across the board for pregnancy,
carrying a child to term, producing good breast milk,
everything. And beyond that there is a whole list of,
there is a whole enormous [00:19:32] amount of
research on goji berries in terms of producing a
healthy child, increasing fertility, increasing sex drive
and then after the child is born when the child is able
to consume food goji berries are one of the best foods
for that child because it has growth factors in it to help
that child grow healthily and vigorously. And that's
another one that goes high on the list.

Beyond that, I would recommend that foods like

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

hempseed, superfoods like hempseed [00:20:03] and

kelp – just because of the mineral content of the kelp,
and then hempseed because it's such a rounded
superfood with the protein, the essential fatty acids
and the mineral content. So overall between all of
those things that's a really great starting point. Any
one of those things would be powerful. All of them
together is a really good formula.

Lucien: Okay. [00:20:23] Fantastic.

Dear Avocado, Am I the only person to ever gain

weight while fasting. I am now on day 32 of a 40-day
fast and I have been losing weight the whole time until
I started including a few tablespoons of raw fat-based
salad dressing each day. I started a few days ago and I
am amazed to discover that I have now gained 2 lbs.
since last week when I weighed myself at the gym.
How can this be? It is such a small amount. I hardly
drink [00:20:51] much at all this whole fast. What is up
with my body? What does this mean?

This is Ginger from TheBestDayEver, and I know her

very well. She is a Kapha body type and she does a lot
of fasting.

Avocado: Yeah. Well, Kapha body type is someone who has a

natural affinity for a high subcutaneous fat layer. It's
just the natural way that their body is constructed. The
way you would alleviate that, the way you work
against that if you really [00:21:13] don't like that look
for yourself is you do those things that essentially
increase Pitta and Vata and drive the Kapha out. One
of those things is vigorous activity. Kaphas tend to be
people who sit around a lot and kind of don't like, you
know, go running around. They aren't like people who
go out and just go jump up in the morning and go

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

So if you are a Kapha body and you really want to start

driving that away, a real good idea is to kind
[00:21:41] of force yourself to get into, get into
exercise. And that's one of the key factors.

Another is that Kaphas tend to hold onto fat – or even

sugars and starches – and put weight gain on a lot
easier than say a Pitta metabolism and/or a Vata
metabolism. So the odds are kind of stacked against
you when you know consume these rich raw foods,
whether you know it's a raw fat – whatever this person
is doing, maybe coconut oil, or whatever is [00:22:10]
causing the weight gain – the odds are stacked against
you if you are a Kapha body type because it's a little
more difficult to lose the weight, and it's a lot easier to
gain the weight.

What else can I say about Kapha metabolism? Well,

one of the positive things is that Kaphas are really
good swimmers, and would be a really good idea to
use swimming as your primary exercise routine,
because there is a natural affinity between Kapha
body types [00:22:35] and swimming, and overall
swimming is probably the best exercise. And in
general if you are a Kapha body type it is definitely the
best exercise for you.

Pitta is aggravated by real spicy things, but Kapha can

be really – real spicy things like cayenne can activate
Pitta [sic; Kapha?] to burn fat, and that's an important
thing too, is ginger, spices, onions, garlic can active
Kapha [sic; Pitta?] to burn fat, and that is something to
consider as well. I could probably go on about this, but
I think that about gives a little bit of a start.

Lucien: I wanted to keep going because I'm Kapha body type.

Avocado: Oh, you're a Kapha type. All right. There's probably

people listening right now, because a third of the

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

people are Kapha body types, so hey, you know, we've

got to find out more about that.

Kapha body types do very well with ashwagandha.

That is a very good [00:23:21] herb for Kapha body
types. Generally the major thing that will throw a
Kapha body type into lethargy is eating fat straight. So
fat should never be eaten by itself, like eating nuts by
itself. The best way to do that is to mix it with
vegetables. Because Kaphas can't get away with it as
easily. Probably Vatas can get away with it more than
Kaphas can, and Pittas have to be careful with eating
fat straight [00:23:49] because it can aggravate them.
It can actually get them too like fiery, you know too

But eating fat with vegetables, always using

vegetables as the mediator is a really good thing for
Kaphas. Kaphas generally also hold water, and Kaphas
have to be a little bit careful with salt, because they
can hold salt, they can hold water and hold moisture
on. And if you are fasting for example a good to do if
you are a Kapha is to fast away from salt and just see
how [00:24:19] you feel.

Now you have to be rational about that. If it's the

summertime, salt can be very cooling. If you can't
hydrate yourself salt can help you to hydrate. But
there is definitely is a relationship there between salt
and Kapha.

Kapha does really well with cucumbers. Ideal food for a

Kapha body type is cucumbers. Activates kidneys,
helps to burn off fat, it's filling but non-caloric. That's
really the key thing with Kapha. Kapha likes to be
[00:24:48] filled up, but you know then, if they start
eating anything it goes on as fat. So it's like what do
you fill yourself up with? Well, you start filling yourself
up with vegetables. Then there is a problem with that

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

digestive fire, because Kaphas generally don't have

that fire like a Pitta will have. And you know
vegetables require that fire because there is so much
fiber. Well then you've got to move to those non-sweet
fruits that really can fill up like cucumber [00:25:13]
but don't have – okra is also very good – but don't have
the fat.

Lucien: Would you say that Kaphas have to pay particular

attention to the taste of the food that they eat as well?

Avocado: Yeah, I would say that. I would definitely say that

Kaphas have to pay attention to the taste of food. You
know what's another really good food for Kaphas just
on that subject of taste is schizandra berries. That's a
dynamite food for Kaphas, especially schizandra tea,
because [00:25:39] Kaphas tend towards liver
stagnation or kidney stagnation. And probably the best
herb in the world for activating both those things is
schizandra berry.

Lucien: One question I wanted to ask you about that body type
would be – you mentioned before about how certain
people burn proteins, carbs or sugars as their – I'm
sorry, protein, carbs or fats – as their primary source of
fuel. Is that across the board for the body types like
Vata, Pitta, Kapha, like they [00:26:08] burn a certain
one for fuel? Or does each type also have those three

Avocado: Each type has all three possibilities, but we can make
generalizations, and with Kapha, the Kaphas are
generally fish eaters, which would mean that they
can't really handle a real high amount of fat. They
have to have a little bit more protein in the ratio. So a
good fat [sic; fat/protein ratio] for Kapha is actually
hempseed. It's ideal, because it has that same ratio of
protein and fat as fish has. So that protein element is
non-fattening in general – this is a generalization – for

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe

Kapha body types.

Not everybody is completely one thing by the way. You

know, like I'm like a Pitta-Kapha. Yeah, I have Kapha
tendencies and I have to be – I have to be aware that
every day I've got get out and exercise. I've got to do
some kind of exercise or else I aggravate that Kapha,
and you know, you're the same [00:27:08] way. It's
important for Kaphas to know that also, you know, it's
much easier for Kaphas to put on weight than a Pitta, a
true Pitta or a true Vata. So you know therefore
Kaphas actually have the easiest time with raw food,
because they can hold that weight on easier.

And oh, I was just thinking. Here is the thing about

Kapha. This is what my thought was. The Mucusless
Diet Healing System is a really good [book] for
[00:27:34] Kapha body types, because the excess of
Kapha is mucus. And so like for example dairy
products and a Kapha metabolism is a real bad combo.
Because it just goes right on as fat, and it boom, it just
layers on really fast. And so Kapha body types will just
take dairy products and convert it to fat you know
faster than you can blink an eye.

And Kapha body types are like ideal for raw food, and
still even if [00:27:57] you are a raw foodist and you
are a Kapha, you just have to be a little bit careful
about overeating the fat. It's really important to eat
the fat with vegetables, and you have to be very
careful also about having like say too many mangoes
or too many of those real great tropical sweet fruits.
Because you would that you, you know, you would go
burn through that, but Kaphas don't. Kaphas will sit on
that and then they will sit like a monkey and just like
hold onto [00:28:24] all that juice and will gain weight
from something as simple as eating three mangoes a
day or four mangoes a day.

March 2008 Interview with David Wolfe


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