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1. Is there any milk? I cant see any. (Hay leche?

No veo ninguna)
2. There are some potatoes, but only a few. (Hay patatas, pero solo unas cuantas)
3. There are a lot of cars parked in the street. (Hay muchos coches aparcados en la calle)
4. Have you got much unemployment in your town? (Tienes mucho paro en tu cuidad?)
5. Only a few people believe his story. (Solo unas cuantas personas se creen su historia)
6. How much homework do you have tonight? (Cunta faena tienes esta noche?)
7. There isnt much rice and there arent any eggs. (No hay mucho arroz y no hay huevos)
8. There was some snow last winter but not much (Hubo nieve el pasado invierno, pero no mucha)
9. I didnt go anywhere very interesting for my holiday. (No fui a ningn sitio muy interesante durante
mis vacaciones)
10. My aunt Vanessa is an artist. (Mi ta Vanessa es artista)
11. She lives in a beautiful old cottage by the sea. (Ella vive en una hermosa antigua casa de campo,
cerca del mar)
12. She paints small pictures of wild flowers and birds. (Ella pinta pequeos cuadros de flores silvestres y
13. Once a year she travels by train to London. (Una vez al ao ella viaja en tren a Londres)
14. She has tea with me at the Savoy Hotel. (Ella toma el t conmigo en el Hotel Savoy)
15. Im going to visit her next week. (Voy a visitarla la prxima semana)
16. What are the people in the office like (Qu te parece la gente de la oficina?)
17. Theyre very nice. They seem friendlier than the people in my old job. (Son muy agradables. Parecen
ms amistosos que la gente de mi antiguo trabajo)
18. The job is much more interesting. (El trabajo es mucho ms interesante)
19. Working in an office is better than working in a shop. (Trabajar en una oficina es mejor que trabajar
en una tienda)
20. That was the worst job Ive ever had. I hated it. (Aquel fue el peor trabajo que he tenido nunca. Lo
21. Why did you go to the seaside last weekend? (Por qu fuiste a la costa el fin de semana pasado?)
22. It was the best Italian meal Ive ever had. (Fue la mejor comida italiana que nunca haba comido)
23. The meal wasnt as expensive as Giovannis, so I think well go there again. (La comida no fue tan
cara como la de Giovanni, por lo que pienso que iremos all de nuevo)
24. Giovannis used to be the most popular restaurant around here. (Giovanni sola ser el restaurante
ms popular de por aqu)
25. The service isnt as good as it used to be. (El servicio no es tan bueno como sola ser)
26. Paul and I both have veal, but mine was cooked in wine and herbs, and it was tastier than Pauls.
(Paul y yo, los dos, comemos ternera, pero la ma fue cocinada en vino con hierbas, y estuvo ms
sabrosa que la de Paul)
27. Have you read John Harrisons latest book, Going Round The World? (Te has ledo el ltimo libro de
John Harrison, Dar la Vuelta al Mundo?)
28. I have lived in Chesswood for five years. My address is Baker Street 14. (Llevo cinco aos viviendo en
Chesswood. Mi direccin es Baker Street, n 14)
29. We moved here after my daughter was born. (Nos cambiamos aqu despus de nacer mi hija)
30. We lived in London in 1990. (Vivimos en Londres en 1990)
31. I have been a teacher since I left university. (Llevo de profesor desde que sal de la universidad)
32. I went Bristol University in 1984. (Fui a la Universidad de Bristol en 1984)
33. We have studied English for three years. (Estudio ingls desde hace 3 aos)
TKOL. Oposiciones a la GUARDIA CIVIL. MURCIA. Tfno 608.31.78.70

Pgina 1

34. I have never been to Russia, but Id like to. (Nunca he estado en Rusia, pero me gustara hacerlo)
35. I got up at 7.00 this morning. (Me levant a las 7 de la maana)
36. Carla Brown has a good job, she earns over 20.000 a year. (Carla Brown tiene un buen trabajo, gana
sobre los 20.000 al ao)
37. She studied marketing at college. Then she worked for several firms. (Estudi comercio en el
instituto. Luego trabaj en varias empresas)
38. Since she graduated from the college she has changed her job several times. (Desde que se gradu
en el instituto, ha cambiado varias veces de trabajo)
39. She didnt like getting up early. (A ella no le gusta madrugar)
40. She has been with the company for three years. (Ella lleva tres aos en la empresa)
41. Since she began to work for the company she has been in America several time on business. (Desde
que empez a trabajar en la empresa, ha estado en Amrica varias veces por negocios)
42. Last year she spent six months there. (El ao pasado pas all seis meses)
43. I met him two years ago. (Le conoc hace dos aos)
44. Does he still live there? (Vive all todava?)
45. Do you know Brian Bailey? (Conoces a Brian Bailey?)
46. He has got a good job there. (Tiene all un buen trabajo)
47. Id like to invite him and you for dinner. (Me gustara invitaros a l y a ti a cenar)
48. If you feel ill, you should go to bed. (Si te sientes mal, te deberas acostar)
49. When you catch a plane, you have to check before you board the plane. (Cuando cojas un avin,
tienes que comprobarlo antes de embarcar en el mismo)
50. If you go by plane, you shouldnt have too much hand luggage. (Si vas en avin no deberas llevar
demasiado equipaje de mano)
51. If you go by plane, you should wear comfortable clothing. (Si vas en avin deberas llevar ropa
52. A pilot has to train for many years. (Un piloto debe entrenarse muchos aos)
53. People who want to smoke have to sit in certain seats. (La gente que quiere fumar debe sentarse en
determinados asientos)
54. You dont have to wear your seat belt all the time. You can take it off. (No tienes porqu llevar el
cinturn todo el tiempo. Te lo puedes quitar)
55. But you have to wear your seat belt at take-off and landing. (Pero tienes que ponerte el cinturn al
despegue y al aterrizaje)
56. You shouldnt drink too much alcohol because you might be ill. (No deberas beber demasiado alcohol
porque podras ponerte enfermo)
57. There is often a film on a long flight, but you dont have to to watch it. You can go to sleep. (Siempre
hay una pelcula en un viaje largo, pero no tienes porqu verla)
58. When youve got your luggage, you dont have to through Customs.(Cuando recojas el equipaje,
tienes que pasar por la aduana)
59. Im hungry. I only had a piece of toast this morning. (Tengo hambre. Solo me he comido una tostada
esta maana)
60. I like the impressionists, especially Monet. (Me gustan los impresionistas, especialmente Monet)
61. It is exactly three fifty-five and twenty seconds. (Son exactamente las 3:35 y 20 segundos)
62. Paul plays the guitar and sings, too? (Paul toca la guitarra y tambin canta)
63. Everyone liked the curry I cooked, even Malcolm, who usually hates hot food. (A todo el mundo le
gustaba el "curry" que yo cocinaba, incluso Malcom, que normalmente odia la comida caliente)
TKOL. Oposiciones a la GUARDIA CIVIL. MURCIA. Tfno 608.31.78.70

Pgina 2

64. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. (En Brasil se habla el portugus)

65. Thats the third time he has failed the exam. (Es la tercera vez que ha suspendido el examen)
66. Hot Lips was written by Celia Young. ("Labios calientes" fue escrito por Celia Young)
67. A lot of trees were cut down to build that house. (Han cortado muchos rboles para construir esa
68. They dont grow bananas in Scotland. (En Escocia no se cultivan bananas)
69. Some pictures have been taken from the museum. (Se han llevado algunos cuadros del museo)
70. I saw her five minutes ago. (La vi hace cinco minutos)
71. Weve been here since last Sunday. (Llevamos aqu desde el domingo pasado)
72. How long have you known Wendy? (Desde cundo conoces a Wendy?)
73. We havent madecoffee yet. (Todava no hemos hecho caf)
74. He has been waiting to see the doctor since nine oclock. (Llevamos esperando para ver al mdico
desde las 9)
75. When did you buy your new car? (Cundo compraste tu coche nuevo?)
76. Mary isnt at home. Shes gone to work. (Mary no est en casa. Se ha ido a trabajar)
77. Ive been running in the park, so Im tired. (He estado corriendo por el parque, estoy cansado)
78. Ive run round the park three times. (He corrido alrededor del parque tres veces)
79. Theyve already had their dinner. (Ya han cenado)
80. He had left before I arrived. (l se haba marchado antes de que yo llegase)
81. I told him that I would like to come. (Le dije que me gustara venir)
82. When we had had tea, we went for a walk. (Cuando hubimos tomado el t, fuimos a dar un paseo)
83. Why did you tell her that I had broken the vase? (Por qu le dijiste que yo haba roto el vaso?)
84. If I had a car, I would drive you there with pleasure. (Si tuviese coche, te llevara con mucho gusto)
85. She said that he had just given to her. (Ella dijo que l acababa de drselo)
86. I asked John to do the shopping but he hasnt done it yet. (Le ped a John que hiciese la compra pero
no la ha hecho an)
87. Paintings by Monet, Rembrandt, and Degas were stolen from the Boston Museum yesterday. (Ayer
robaron los cuadros de Monet, Rembrandt y Degas del Boston Museum)
88. Yesterday afternoon two thieves arrived at the museum and asked the guard to show them Monets
paintings. (Ayer "afternoon" llegaron dos ladrones al museo y le pidieron al guardia que les ensease
los cuadros de Monet)
89. They said they had received a telephone call at the police station that morning. (Dijeron que haban
recibido una llamada de la comisara de polica esa maana)
90. The guard immediately let them see the paintings. (El guardia inmediatamente les dej ver las
91. The thieves told him to turn off the alarm system. (Los ladrones le dijeron que apagara el sistema de
92. They made him lie on the ground. (Le obligaron a que se tumbase en el suelo)
93. When they had collected the best paintings they left the museum through the front door. (Cuando
recogieron los mejore cuadros salieron del museo por la puerta grande)
94. Karen Hass said: The thieves have taken our best pictures. (Karen Hass dijo: "Los ladrones se han
llevado nuestros mejores cuadros")
95. I have been working here for 12 years and I cant believe that this has happened. (Llevo 12 aos
trabajando aqu y no me puedo creer que esto haya ocurrido)
96. How did they manage to take them so easily? (Cmo se las arreglaron para cogerlas tan fcilmente?)
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Pgina 3

97. They might try to sell them to an art collector in Europe. (Podran tratar de venderlas a un
coleccionista de arte de Europa)
98. He soon realized that his girlfriends only interest was in his money. (Pronto se dio cuenta de que su
novia solo estaba interesada en su dinero)
99. A good deal of this land belongs to my grandfather. (Una gran parte de esta tierra le pertenece a mi
100. I promise that I am getting to work on time every morning in future. (Prometo que en el futuro voy a
llegar todas las maanas a tiempo al trabajo)
101. They turned down the music so that not to wake the children. (Bajaron la msica para no despertar a
los nios)
102. It was so nice of you to carry my suitcase. Thank you very much. (Fue muy amable llevando mi
103. The headmasters secretary finally let us into his office. (La secretaria del director finalmente nos
dej en su oficina - del director)
104. The cleaner I spoke about is waiting outside. (El limpiador del que te habl est esperando fuera)
105. Its my job to answer the phone and pass any messages on the right people. (Mi trabajo es contestar
el telfono y enviar mensajes a las personas adecuadas)
106. Carol knows a lot about films. She must go to the cinema a lot. (Carol sabe mucho de pelculas. Debe
ir mucho al cine)
107. As the boys were still hungry, they told the teacher they had not had enough breakfast that
morning. (Como los chicos an tenan hambre, le dijeron al profesor que no haban desayunado
suficiente esa maana)
108. As long as we keep to the footpath, we wont get lost. (Siempre y cuando nos mantengamos en este
camino, no nos perderemos)
109. Either Janet or Mary could have taken the message. (O Janet o Mary podran haber tomado el
110. It costs more to buy a house these days than ever before. (Es ms costoso comprar una casa en
estos tiempos que nunca antes)
111. He will explain it to you when he come back. (Te lo explicar cuando l regrese)
112. It took me three hours to do all the homework. (Me llev dos horas hacer toda la faena)
113. I am not sure whose the green coat is. (No estoy seguro de quin es el abrigo verde)
114. I would be delighted to show you round the factory. (Estara encantado de darte una vuelta por la
115. Finding him busy in his garage, I said I would call again later. (Al encontrarle ocupado en su garaje,
le dije que llamara de nuevo ms tarde)
116. The children had better leave now. Its getting late. (Es mejor que los nios se vayan ahora. Se est
haciendo tarde)
117. It was a great pity, but we could do nothing at all to help the man. (Fue muy penoso, pero no
pudimos hacer nada en absoluto por ayudar al hombre)
118. Her opinion is the same as her mothers. (Su opinin es la misma que la de su madre)
119. Please can you give me a little more of that lovely chocolate cake? (Me puede dar un poco ms de
ese gustoso pastel de chocolate, por favor?)
120. It is very dark and he wont be able to see where he is going. (Est muy oscuro, y no podr ver por
dnde va)
121. As soon as I came in, she left the room. (Tan pronto como entr, ella sali de la habitacin.)
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Pgina 4

122. He would have come to see us if he had been able to. (Habra venido a ver si hubiese podido)
123. Im terribly sorry about it. Dont worry about it! (Estoy tremendamente apenado por eso. ". No te
124. Students are no permitted to smoke in this college. (A los estudiantes no se les permite fumar en
este colegio.)
125. However hard we tried, we couldnt find the solution. (Por mucho que lo intentamos, no pudimos
encontrar la solucin.)
126. Dont listen to him however much he complains. (No le hagas caso, por mucho que se queje!)
127. Our windows will be cleaned this afternoon. (Nuestras ventanas se van a limpiar esta tarde.)
128. Nobodys accusing you of stealing the watch. (Nadie te est acusando de robar el reloj.)
129. If only you had told the truth when there was still time. (Tan solo tenas que haber dicho la verdad
cuando todava haba tiempo.)
130. The king promised to give him some money. (El rey prometi que le dara dinero.)
131. Youd better go by air. (Sera/haras mejor en ir por aire.)
132. Shall we go for a short walk before lunch? the old man suggested. ("Vamos a dar un paseo antes
del almuerzo?" Sugiri el anciano.)
133. A guard is never far from the gates of the palace. (Un guardia nunca est alejado de las puertas del
134. I used to eat meat, but now Im a vegetarian. (Yo sola comer carne, pero ahora soy vegetariano.)
135. I last saw Michael two years ago. (La ltima vez que vi a Michel fue hace dos aos)
136. They spend every weekend at their cottage in the country. (Pasan cada fin de semana en su casa del
137. The president announced his intention to retire before the next elections. (El presidente anunci su
intencin de retirarse antes de las prximas elecciones.)
138. If it werent too much trouble, Id love a cup of coffee. (Si no fuera mucha molestia, me encantara
una taza de caf.)
139. The house itself had few surprise for Mr. Bolton. (La casa en s no sorprendi mucho al seor Bolton.)
140. I dont like tea, so I generally drink coffee for breakfast. (No me gusta el t, por lo general, bebo
caf para el desayuno.)
141. The President made a wonderful speech. (El Presidente hizo un discurso maravilloso.)
142. Tom, you havent got a bicycle pump, have you? (Tom, no tienes bomba de bicicleta, verdad?)
143. Theres milk all over the kitchen floor because my wife has broken the jug. (Hay leche por todo el
piso de la cocina porque mi esposa ha roto la jarra.)
144. Could you please pass me the book lying on the table? (Podra pasarme por favor el libro que hay
sobre la mesar?)
145. Climate is very important in most peoples lives. (El clima muy importante en la mayora de las vidas
de la gente.)
146. He looked forward to receiving his first pay packet. (l esperaba recibir su primera nmina.)
147. We have always had to take up extra staff at Christmas. (Siempre hemos tenido que poner personal
extra en Navidad.)
148. It is said that Chinese is perhaps the worlds hardest language to master. (Se dice que el china es
quizs el idioma ms difcil de dominar en el mundo.)
149. English is quite difficult because of all the exceptions which have to be learnt. (El ingls es bastante
difcil debido a todas las excepciones que tienes que aprender.)

TKOL. Oposiciones a la GUARDIA CIVIL. MURCIA. Tfno 608.31.78.70

Pgina 5

150. You can learn the basic structures of a language quite quickly, but only if you are willing to make an
effort. (Se pueden aprender las estructuras bsicas de una lengua muy rpidamente, pero slo si usted
est dispuesto a hacer un esfuerzo.)
151. In some countries students have to spend a lot of time working on their own. (En algunos pases los
estudiantes tienen que pasar mucho tiempo trabajando por cuenta propia.)
152. They arent any easy ways of learning a foreign language in your own country. (No hay formas
maneras fciles de aprender un idioma extranjero en tu propio pas, salvo si estudias en TKOL.)
153. Some people try to improve their English by listening to the BBC World service. (Algunas personas
tratan de mejorar su ingls escuchando el servicio de la BBC World.)
154. Its no use trying to learn a language just by studying a dictionary. (Est intil tratar de aprender un
idioma slo mediante el estudio de un diccionario.)
155. Charles Walker is a teacher at a comprehensive school in Norwich. He joined the staff of the school in
1978. (Charles Walker es un profesor de una escuela integral en Norwich. Se uni al personal de la
escuela en 1978.)
156. He has been working there ever since. (Lleva trabajando all desde entonces.)
157. Before moving to Norwich he taught in Italy. (Antes de mudarse a Norwich enseaba en Italia.)
158. He met his wife in 1982 while he was living abroad for a while, and they got married in 1986.
(Conoci a su esposa en 1982, mientras viva en el extranjero por un tiempo, y se casaron en 1986.)
159. The Walkers boy, who is four has just started going to a nursery school. (El chico de los Walkers,
que tiene cuatro aos ha empezado a ir a una escuela de prvulos.)
160. Charles and Kate Walker used to live in the country. (Charles y Kate Walker solan vivir en el campo.)
161. Now they have moved to the city. (Ahora se han trasladado a la ciudad.)
162. Charles wanted a house near the school in order to get to work easily. (Charles quera una casa
cerca de la escuela para ir a trabajar fcilmente.)
163. Johns coming to see you, isnt he? (John viene a verte, verdad?)
164. He is due to arrive tomorrow, isnt he? (Est previsto que llegue maana, verdad?)
165. Toms mother doesnt approve eating between meals. (La madre de Tom no autoriza a comer entre
166. Ive got a pain in my back. (Tengo dolor de espalda)
167. The journey from London to Bristol takes two hours by car. (El viaje de Londres a Bristol tarda dos
horas en coche.)
168. Could you lend me some money until tomorrow? (Podras prestarme algn dinero hasta maana?)
169. She has a very good job. I am sure she earns over twenty thousand pounds. (Ella tiene un muy buen
trabajo. Estoy seguro de que gana ms de veinte mil libras.)
170. Patience is a king of card game. (La paciencia es un rey del juego de cartas.)
171. While I was skiing, I fell and broke my wrist. (Mientras estaba esquiando, me ca y me romp la
172. Are you sure he is telling the truth? (Ests seguro de que l est diciendo la verdad?)
173. Use your time sensibly. Dont waste it. (Utilice su tiempo con sensatez. No lo desperdicie!)
174. Jump in the car. There is enough room for you. (Sube al coche. Hay suficiente espacio para ti.)
175. He was homesick, and missed all his friends and family. (l era nostlgico, y perdi todos sus amigos
y familiares.)
176. You fail the exam unless you start revising. (Suspendes el examen a menos que inicies un repaso)
177. It was such a funny sight that we couldnt stop laughing. (Fue un espectculo tan divertido que no
pudimos parar de rer.)
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Pgina 6

178. We didnt have a very nice holiday. The weather was absolutely awful. (No hemos tenido unas
vacaciones muy agradables. El clima fue absolutamente horrible.)
179. If you arent careful with electricity, you might get a shock. (Si no llevas cuidado con la electricidad,
es posible que recibas un rampazo.)
180. When he had written all the letters, he took them to the post office. (Cuando tena escritas todas las
cartas, las llev a la oficina de correos.)
181. Thank you for the invitation. What time would you like us to come. (Gracias por la invitacin. A qu
hora le gustara que fusemos.)
182. If I hadnt seen the trick with my own eyes, I would have never believed it possible. (Si no hubiese
visto el truco con mis propios ojos, nunca lo habra credo posible)
183. You ought to buy a gray coat to go with your hat. (Debe comprar un abrigo gris que vaya con su
184. Soon I found out that he is very silly. (Pronto me di cuenta de que es muy tonto.)
185. These children are well brought up. (Estos nios estn bien educados.)
186. These holidays are over. (Estas vacaciones han terminado.)
187. He lived there until this spring but he hasnt lived there since. (Vivi all hasta esta primavera, pero
no ha vivido all desde entonces.)
188. We have been reading this book since last January. (Llevamos leyendo este libro desde el pasado
mes de enero.)
189. He made me do all over again. (l me oblig a hacerlo todo de nuevo.)
190. Robert wanted to know where his luggage was. (Robert quera saber dnde estaba su equipaje)
191. I have known them for ten years. (Les conozco desde hace diez aos.)
192. Before he came to London he had been living in Prague. (Antes de llegar a Londres haba estado
viviendo en Praga.)
193. The lake was too low for swimming. (El lago estaba demasiado bajo para baarse.)
194. He promised he would look after the garden. (Prometi que iba a cuidar del jardn.)
195. She spends a lot of money on clothes. (Ella gasta mucho dinero en ropa.)
196. He was delighted with the suggestion to go for lunch. (l estaba encantado con la sugerencia de ir a
197. How long have you been looking for the lost umbrella? (Cunto tiempo ha estado buscando el
paraguas perdido?)
198. A soldier has to learn to carry on orders as soon as they are given. (Un soldado tiene que aprender a
seguir las rdenes tan pronto como se les da.)
199. This time tomorrow Ill be flying to Australia. (Maana a estas horas estar volando a Australia.)
200. Id like some information about trains, please. (Me gustara cierta informacin sobre los trenes, por
201. Oh, Im tired. I wish I had gone to bed earlier last night. (Oh, estoy cansado. Ojal me hubiera ido a
la cama ms temprano anoche.)
202. My father would have died if the doctors hadnt operate on him. (Mi padre habra muerto si los
mdicos no le hubiesen operado.)
203. Look out! Theres a car coming! (Cuidado! Viene un coche!)
204. We thoroughly enjoyed our holiday despite the poor weather. (Disfrutamos mucho de nuestras
vacaciones a pesar del mal tiempo.)
205. You cant make anybody love you! (No puedes hacer/obligar a que nadie te ame!)

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Pgina 7

206. If the greengrocer has some bananas, would you buy some please? (Si el verdulero tiene pltanos,
podras comprar algunos, por favor?)
207. I cant afford to buy her a new dress. (No puedo darme el lujo de/permitirme comprar un vestido
208. Youve never told me what you real opinion is. (Nunca me dijiste cul es tu opinin real)
209. He used to visit us every week but he rarely comes now. (Sola visitarnos cada semana, pero rara vez
viene ahora.)
210. Hed rather look for a different job than move to another city, hadnt he? (Prefiere buscar un
empleo diferente a trasladarse a otra ciudad, verdad?)
211. Susan usually visits her grandmother every Wednesday. (Susan suele visitar a su abuela todos los
212. They called to see me while I was having supper. (Llamaron para verme mientras yo estaba
213. The landlord wouldnt allow him to paint the doors purple. (El propietario no le permita pintar las
puertas de color prpura.)
214. Nothing is wrong, is it? (No hay nada malo, verdad?)
215. You smell awful! Its about time you to have a bath. (Hueles horrible! Va siendo hora de que te
216. He gave me a useful advice on that matter. (l me dio un consejo til sobre ese asunto.)
217. Mrs. Greens two sons are making good progress at school. (Los dos hijos de la seora Green estn
haciendo buenos progresos en la escuela.)
218. While studying he has financially dependent on his wife. (Mientras estaba estudiando, dependi
financieramente de su esposa.)
219. Peter enjoys swimming but doesnt like to walk very far. (A Peter le encanta nadar pero no le gusta
caminar muy lejos.)
220. As youve asked me why I went there, Ill tell you. (Como me has preguntado porqu fui all, te lo
221. Wait until the films over before telling me what you think of it. (Espera hasta que acabe la pelcula
antes de decirme lo que piensas de ella.)
222. Youll have to get used to eating less if you want to lose weight. (Vas a tener que acostumbrarte a
comer menos si quieres perder peso.)
223. Can you tell me the price of these shoes? (Me puede decir el precio de estos zapatos?)
224. If you saw a ghost, how would you react? (Si vieses a un fantasma, cmo reaccionaras?)
225. He found learning to drive easy and passed his driving test the very first time. (Encontr fcil
aprender a conducir y aprob su examen de conducir la primera vez.)
226. If you take the third turning on you right, youll see the station ahead of you. (Si tomas la tercera
salida a la derecha, vers la estacin por delante de ti.)
227. We never had such a good weather when we were on holiday. (Nunca tuvimos tan buen tiempo
como cuando estbamos de vacaciones.)
228. It became clear that I wasnt going to enjoy the party when I realized that there was hardly
anybody there that I knew. (Qued claro que no iba ir a disfrutar de la fiesta, cuando me di cuenta de
que no haba casi nadie all que yo conociese.)
229. He advised me to take a lawyer to court with me. (Me asesor que me acompaase un abogado al

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230. She seems very confident but you should never judge by appearances. (Ella parece muy confiado,
pero nunca se debe juzgar por las apariencias.)
231. Lack of funds prevented him from continuing with his studies. (La falta de fondos le impidi
continuar con sus estudios.)
232. By the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished. (En el momento en que llegues al
teatro, la obra habr terminado.)
233. When I passed his house, I saw he was cleaning the car. (Cuando pas a su casa, vi que estaba
limpiando el coche.)
234. Linda is married to an American. (Linda se cas/est casada con un americano.)
235. Vera cant have been at the supermarket this morning. I didnt see her there. (Vera no puede
haber estado en el supermercado esta maana. Yo no la vi all.)
236. Peter cant speak Danish. But, I can (Pedro no sabe hablar dans. "Pero yo s")
237. This is by far the most difficult job Ive ever had to do. (Este es por lejos el trabajo ms difcil que he
tenido que hacer.)
238. I recently went back to the town where I was born. (Recientemente regres a la ciudad donde nac)
239. There was enough food at the party for everyone to have some. (Haba suficiente comida en la fiesta
para que todos tuvieran algo.)
240. Is Chris taller than Kate? (Es Chris ms alta que Kate?)
241. He had been living there for three years before they found him. (l llevaba viviendo all tres aos
antes de que lo encontraran.)
242. The new edition of that book is now being printed (La nueva edicin de ese libro se est
243. If you wear the red hat, Ill able to see you in the crowd. (Si te pones el sombrero rojo, podr verte
entre la multitud.)
244. In Arctic and Antarctic there is a lot of snow. (En el rtico y en la Antrtida hay una gran cantidad de
245. Nobody has come to see me so far today, but my mother may come this evening. (Nadie ha venido a
verme hasta ahora, pero puede que venga mi madre esta noche.)
246. Buses into town run every twenty minutes or so. (Los autobuses a la ciudad salen cada veinte
minutos ms o menos.)
247. Dont hurry because theres plenty of time. (No tengas prisa, porque hay un montn de tiempo)
248. The most popular sporting activity in Britain is a walking. (La actividad deportiva ms popular en Gran
Bretaa es un caminar.)
249. You really believe in ghosts, dont you? (Usted realmente cree en los fantasmas, no?)
250. Didnt I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog! (No te dije ayer que no tocaras ese perro!)
251. Theres no need to go; you can stay as long as you like. (No hay necesidad de ir; puedes quedarte
todo el tiempo que desees.)
252. I wont go to the cinema this week. Neither will I (No voy a ir al cine esta semana. "Tampoco yo")
253. Hed rather go to prison than pay the fine. (Prefiere ir a la crcel que pagar la multa.)
254. As I came out of the shop, my friend Roger went in. (Cuando sal de la tienda, mi amigo Roger
255. He has drunk three cups of tea since four oclock. (Se ha bebido tres tazas de t desde cuatro)
256. Have you any objection to this new road scheme? (Tiene algn inconveniente con este nuevo plan de
257. Weve kept this seat for you. Its the most comfortable chair we have. (Hemos guardado este
asiento para usted. Es la silla ms cmoda que tenemos.)
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258. Go to the lost property office if you lose your bag. (Vaya a la oficina de objetos perdidos si perdiese
su bolso.)
259. Why did he spend so much money? (Por qu se gastan tanto dinero?)
260. Im never going to work after eleven oclock. (Nunca voy a trabajar despus de las once.)
261. Neither Ann nor Mary attended the meeting. (Ni Ann ni Mary asistieron a la reunin.)
262. The police are certain to get him in the end wherever he may go. (La polica est seguro de detenerlo
al final donde quiera que vaya.)
263. The doctor sent him to bed saying he was much ill to go to work. (El mdico lo mand a la cama
dicindole que estaba muy enfermo para ir a trabajar.)
264. I wish I would speak French fluently. (Ojal hablara francs con fluidez.)
265. She cant have been at home at the time because Peter saw her in town. (Ella no pudo haber estado
en casa en ese momento porque Peter la vio en la ciudad.)
266. My parents got up very early this morning in order to pack the car for our journey. (Mis padres se
levantaron muy temprano esta maana para cargar el coche para nuestro viaje.)
267. She broke a wine glass while she was washing up. (Ella rompi una copa de vino mientras ella
estaba fregando.)
268. Dont tell John because I dont want him to know. (No se le digas a John porque no quiero que lo
269. Hi Simon. Something smells nice and Im hungry. (Hola Simon. Algo huele bien y estoy hambriento.)
270. It was a poor game. We had never before played in such heavy rain. (Fue un mal partido. Nunca
antes habamos jugado con tan fuertes lluvias.)
271. He made us pick up all the broken glass. (Nos oblig a recoger todos los cristales rotos)
272. Is there any milk in that jug? Not much. (Hay leche en esa jarra? No mucha.)
273. The batteries in this radio need changing. (Las bateras de esta radio necesitan cambiarse.)
274. The doctor that he went to said he had malaria. (El mdico que fue dijo que l tena malaria.)
275. Are you the boy whose bicycle was stolen? (Eres el chico al que le robaron la bicicleta?)
276. The job was more difficult than I had expected to be. (El trabajo era ms difcil de lo que se esperaba)
277. None of them understood him. (Ninguno de ellos lo entiende.)
278. There was no use in waiting longer than half an hour so we left. (No tena sentido esperar ms de
media hora, as que nos fuimos.)
279. I do my best to practice the piano every day although it is difficult sometimes. (Hago lo mejor que s
para practicar el piano todos los das a pesar de que es difcil a veces.)
280. The team lost their last football match of the season. (El equipo perdi su ltimo partido de ftbol de
la temporada.)
281. Hes certainly put on a lot of weight since I last saw him. (Ciertamente ha ganado gran cantidad de
peso desde la ltima vez que lo vi.)
282. If the Russian winter had not been so sever, Napoleon might have had more success in 1812. (Si el
invierno ruso no hubiera sido tan severo, Napolen podra haber tenido ms xito en 1812.)
283. Very little time would have been needed to finish the work if we had had the right tools.
(Habramos necesitado muy poco tiempo para terminar el trabajo si hubiramos tenido las
herramientas adecuadas.)
284. This wet weather has lasted for three weeks now; it has rained every single day. (Este clima hmedo
ha durado tres semanas; ha llovido todos los das.)
285. The passengers were told to fasten their seat belts as the plain began its descent. (Se le dijo a los
pasajeros que se abrocharan el cinturn de seguridad segn el avin comenz su descenso.)
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286. Please remember to post the letter. (Recuerde enviar la carta, por favor.)
287. He is very much looking forward to visiting your country. (Est muy ansioso de visitar tu pas.)
288. Ill phone you as soon as I arrive. (Te llamar tan pronto como llegue.)
289. Frank lives alone. He doesnt mind it. He is used to living alone. (Frank vive solo. No le importa.
Est acostumbrado a vivir solo.)
290. Tom would buy a new camera if he had enough money. (Tom se comprara una nueva cmara si
tuviese suficiente dinero.)
291. I used to meet her every day. (Sola verse con ella todos los das.)
292. You cant blame me for what happened. (No me puedes echar la culpa por lo sucedido.)
293. If she didnt always want to borrow money Id visit her more often. (Si ella quisiese no pedirme
dinero siempre, la visitara ms a menudo.)
294. Your English is so good now that youve got a very good chance of passing the exam. (Tu ingls es
tan bueno ahora que tienes una muy buena oportunidad de aprobar el examen.)
295. What John says may be true but I very much doubt it. (Lo que John dice puede ser cierto pero yo lo
dudo mucho.)
296. Our English teacher corrected all the books last Friday evening. (Nuestro profesor de ingls corrigi
todos los libros el viernes pasado.)
297. She knows that Ive sold this house, doesnt he? (Ella sabe que he vendido esta casa, verdad?)
298. Do you use oil or butter when you cook it? (Utilizas aceite o mantequilla cuando cocinas?)
299. We neednt have booked the seats; the theater is empty anyway. (No necesitbamos haber
reservado los asientos; el teatro est vaco de todos modos.)
300. They wont buy any clothes because they are saving money to buy a car. (Ellos no comprarn nada
de ropa, ya que estn ahorrando dinero para comprar un coche.)
301. I havent traveled by train for longer than I cant remember. (No he viajado en tren en tanto
tiempo que no puedo recordar.)
302. They fined him $150 for speeding and overtaking on the wrong side of the road. (Le multaron con
150$ por exceso de velocidad y adelantamiento por el lado contrario de la carretera.)
303. I dont feel well, but I dont know whats the matter with me. (No me siento bien, y no s qu es lo
que me pasa.)
304. Micro-technology is moving so fast that hardly anybody can keep up with it all. (La micro-tecnologa
est cambiando tan rpidamente que casi nadie puede mantenerse al da con todo.)
305. I wish it would stop raining. (Ojal que dejara de llover)
306. The artist whose works made the greatest impression on him was Michelangelo. (El artista cuyas
obras le hicieron la mayor impresin fue Miguel ngel.)
307. He knows a lot about flying planes. He must have been a pilot when he was young. (l sabe mucho
sobre el vuelo de los aviones. Debe haber sido piloto cuando era joven.)
308. If you bring it tonight I will mend it for you. (Si lo traes esta noche te lo arreglar.)
309. Sally cant have written to me, or Id get the letter by now. (Sally no puede haberme escrito, o ya
tendra su carta.)
310. Are you going to help me or arent you? (Vas a ayudarme o no?)
311. Her father wont let her drive his car. (Su padre no la deja conducir su coche.)
312. Im tired of my neighbors playing theirs records at full volume every night.

(Estoy cansado de mis

vecinos tocando sus discos a todo volumen cada noche.)

313. His parents think its time he would get married. (Sus padres piensan que es hora de que se case.)
314. If I didnt feel so tired, Id come out with you. (Si no me sintiese tan cansado, saldra contigo.)
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315. Ten years ago today I was living in the Sudan. (Hoy hace diez aos que yo estaba viviendo en
316. He likes to go for a holiday without his wife. (Le gusta ir de vacaciones sin su mujer.)
317. Do you want me to come with you or do you want to go alone? (Quieres que vaya contigo o quieres
ir solo?)
318. It looks like rain and Ive left my umbrella at home again. (Parece como lluvia y he dejado mi
paraguas en casa de nuevo.)
319. What are you doing since you arrived? (Qu haces desde que llegaste?)
320. Do come in instead of standing there on the doorstep in the rain. (Que entres, en lugar de quedarte
ah en el portal bajo la lluvia.)
321. Remind me to phone the dentist this afternoon. (Recurdame que llame al dentista esta tarde.)
322. The fact is, doctor, I cannot get rid of this dreadful cough. (El hecho es, doctor, que no puedo
quitarme esta tos terrible.)
323. When she got to the hotel, she found she has been robbed of all her money. (Al llegar al hotel, se
dio cuenta de que le haban robado todo su dinero.)
324. I work as hard as I can. (Trabajo tanto como puedo.)
325. The tourists are looking for holiday souvenirs to go home with them. (Los turistas estn buscando
recuerdos de sus vacaciones para llevrselos a casa.)
326. He borrowed a dictionary from me but he has never returned it. (Me pidi prestado un diccionario,
pero nunca lo ha devuelto.)
327. You are asked not to talk while walking round the building. (Se te pidi que no hablases mientras
camines alrededor del edificio.)
328. He doesnt think shell lend us the car, and neither do I. (l piensa que ella no nos prestar el
coche, y yo tambin)
329. He was offered the job even though his qualifications were poor. (Le ofrecieron el trabajo a pesar de
que sus calificaciones eran pobres.)
330. The old lady you talked to is Janets grandmother. (La anciana con la que hablaste es la abuela de
331. Jacks applied for the job, hasnt he? (John se ha adaptado al trabajo, verdad?)
332. Swimming is a very good all-round exercise (La natacin es un muy buen ejercicio integral)
333. Shall we eat now?- Well, Id rather eat a bit later. (Vamos a comer ahora?. Bueno, yo prefiero
comer un poco ms tarde)
334. He was brave; no other soldier fought so bravely in that battle. (Era valiente. Ningn otro soldado
luch tan valientemente en esa batalla)
335. You have made a progress since September (Has hecho progresos desde septiembre)
336. Im not ashamed of what I did. (No estoy avergonzado de lo que hice)
337. If you are rude to customers they are unlikely to come back. (Si eres grosero con los clientes es poco
probable que vuelvan)
338. There are many people looking for a work but few job vacancies. (Hay muchas personas que buscan
un trabajo, pero pocas ofertas de empleo.)
339. As result, they never went there again. (Como resultado nunca fueron all de nuevo)
340. There arent so many books in the library a used to be. (No hay tantos libros en la biblioteca como
solan haber)
341. He suggested his friend to go camping with him. (Le sugiri a su amigo que se fuese con l de
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342. There wasnt a great deal of news in this letter. (No haba gran cantidad de noticias en esta carta)
343. I paid $1 for my seat, not so much as I thought it would cost. (Pagu 1$ por mi asiento, no tanto
como pens que costara)
344. I have some money in my pocket. (Tengo dinero en mi bolsillo)
345. My purse has been stolen! (Me han robado el monedero!)
346. Nobody looks forward to the weekend as much as I do. (Nadie espera el fin de semana tanto como
347. By the time you come back, everything will be ready. (En el momento que vuelvas, todo estar listo)
348. Who became the head of the German section? (Quin se convirti en el jefe de la seccin alemana?)
349. Christopher promised he would help me until he came back. (Quin se convirti en el jefe de la
seccin alemana?)
350. One of her friends bought three new dresses at the sale. (Quin se convirti en el jefe de la seccin
351. In thought no child should sit a desk for more than 40 hours a week. (Reflexionando, ningn nio
debera estar sentado en un pupitre ms de 40 horas semanales)
352. He has not told us he failed his school leaving exam last week. (No nos ha dicho que suspendi el
examen de escolaridad la semana pasada.)
353. Dont get artificial silk we must have real one (No traigas seda artificial - debemos tenerla real)
354. Im sorry, Im late this morning; my alarm didnt go on. (Lo siento, llego tarde esta maana; mi
alarma no funcion)
355. I wish I had seen him. I would have told him. (Ojal lo hubiera visto. Se lo habra dicho)
356. I found a few books on Italy for you but not the ones I was looking for. (He encontrado un par de
libros sobre Italia para usted, pero no los que yo estaba buscando.)
357. Janet was used to getting up early. (Janet sola levantarse temprano)
358. Can you give me the light? (Me puedes dar la luz?)
359. Although it was very late in the evening, a large number of students turned up for Professor Kleins
lecture. (Aunque era muy tarde por la noche, un gran nmero de estudiantes se presentaron a la
conferencia del Profesor Klein.)
360. If I had read the book last week, I could speak about it now. (Si hubiese ledo el libro la semana
pasada, podra hablar de eso ahora)
361. John and I borrow each others notes. (John y yo pedimos notas prestadas a los dems)
362. This is the dog that followed me all over the Lake District. (Este es el perro que me sigui a lo largo
del Distrito de Los Lagos)
363. The day she was elected, the Prime Minister promised to reduce inflation. (El da en que fue elegida,
la primer ministro se comprometi a reducir la inflacin.)
364. Father put the bottle away so that children should not break it. (El padre alej la botella para que
los nios no pudieran romperla)
365. It was good of you to come. (Estuvo bien que vinieras)
366. James used to read every evening. (James sola leer todas las tardes)
367. All your luggage is on the rack. (Todo su equipaje est en el estante)
368. When Charles worked as a waiter he got paid by the hour. (Cuando Charles trabajaba de camarero le
pagaban por horas)
369. Nobody else has seen the film, has he? (Nadie ms ha visto la pelcula, verdad?)
370. He came with three pieces of information. All information was nonsense. (Vino con tres noticias.
Toda la informacin era una tontera)
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371. He has to bring two books, and so does she. (l tiene que traer dos libros, y ella tambin)
372. The last guest to arrive was Peter. (El ultimo invitado en llegar fue Peter)
373. Where I work the pays not bad but the conditions are awful. (Donde yo trabajo la paga no es mala,
pero las condiciones son terribles.)
374. A lot of students of English would rather not study grammar. (Muchos estudiantes de ingls
preferiran no estudiar gramtica)
375. Brenda and Richard have lost the keys just now. (Brenda y Richard acaban de perder las llaves)
376. Are you going to attend a course in linguistics? (Vas a asistir a un curso de lingstica?)
377. How long was your journey? I did not know how long it was. (Cunto tiempo dur vuestro viaje? No
supe cunto dur)
378. Which of us are waiting for you? (Qu quin de nosotros te est esperando?)
379. Which subject do you prefer: maths or physics? (Qu asignatura prefieres: mates o fsica?)
380. All quarrels having been stopped women went home. (Habindose acabado todas las peleas, las
mujeres se marcharon a casa)
381. There is only one boy here. Where are all the others? (Solo hay un chico aqu. Dnde estn los
382. When he stop smoking he will be more healthy. (Cuando deje de fumar se encontrar mucho ms
383. The elder brother is the more intelligent. (El mayor de los hermanos es el ms inteligente)
384. He warned me not to go climbing if it was raining. (Me advirti que no escalase si llova)
385. He told me she would ask Susan about the trip. (Me dijo que ella le preguntara a Susan sobre el
386. There are some fishermen who I met when I was in South France. (Hay pescadores que conoc
cuando estuve en el sur de Francia)
387. We agreed we would not talk about those things until we have studied all the materials. (Quedamos
en que no hablaramos de esas cosas hasta que no hubisemos estudiado toda la materia)
388. I did not know whether they would meet in front of the cinema. (Yo no saba si ellos iban a reunirse
frente al cine)
389. He received the lion share of the prize money. (Recibi parte del len como recompensa)
390. You shouldnt believe everything you read in the paper! (No deberas creerte todo lo que lees en los
391. Did we tell you he had finished his studies last year? (Te dijimos que l acab sus estudios el ao
392. A turkey doesnt come from Turkey. (El pavo no procede de Turqua)
393. It is the first time I have realized what hard work it is to be good at sports. (Es la primera vez que
me doy cuenta de que hay que trabajar mucho para ser bueno en los deportes)
394. Do not make a fool of yourself. (No hagas el ridculo!)
395. It is no use trying to find the luggage. (Es intil tratar de encontrar el equipaje)
396. Im looking forward seeing you when you come to the conference next week. (Estoy deseando verte
cuando vengas a la conferencia de la prxima semana.)
397. She was looking for her song book but the one she found wasnt hers (Estaba buscando su libro de
canciones, pero el que encontr no era el suyo.)
398. Why did you run across the road? You might have been killed! (Por qu corriste para cruzar la calle?
Te podran haber matado.)

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Pgina 14

399. How long have we lived in Prague? It must be ten years next summer! (Cunto tiempo llevamos
viviendo en Praga? Debe hacer diez aos el verano prximo!)
400. Penicillin was discovered in 1928. (La penicilina se descubri en 1928)
401. Athough he is intelligent, he doesnt do well at school. (Aunque es inteligente, no va bien en la
402. Please take off the coat, its quite warm in here. (Qutese la chaqueta, por favor, hHace mucho calor
403. Finally she was made to accept that it was her fault. (Finalmente tuvo que aceptar que era su culpa)
404. None of the two football teams scored a goal, so the final result was 0-0. (Ninguno de los dos equipos
de ftbol marc un gol, por lo que el resultado final fue de 0 a 0)
405. Have you invited Mary and John? Oh, I forgot! Im going to invite them tomorrow. ("Has
invitado a Mara y a Juan?" - "Ah, se me olvidaba! Los voy a invitar maana.)
406. As it isnt raining at the moment. Ill go to the shops. (Como no llueve ahora, me ir de compras)
407. She looks pleasant (Parece agradable)
408. He didnt know whether to wait or go home. (l no saba si esperar o irse a casa)
409. I wish I could suggest something more suitable, but this is all we have. (Ojal pudiera recomendar
algo ms adecuado, pero esto es todo lo que tenemos)
410. She was given 50 pounds for her birthday. (Le dieron 50 libras en su cumpleaos)
411. I dont think weve met before. Youre confusing me with someone else (No creo que nos hayamos
visto antes. Me est confundiendo con algn otro)
412. Shall I open the door for you? (Le abro la puerta?)
413. He was a good runner so he succeed to escape from the police. (Era buen corredor, por lo que logr
escapar de la polica)
414. Thats the course of studies Im interested in. (Ese es el curso en cuyos estudios estoy interesado)
415. He came to the party, although ha hadnt been invited. (Vino a la fiesta, aunque no haba sido
416. She was sitting by herself on the park bench. (Estaba sentada sola en el banco de un parque)
417. We were in the station for at least half an hour, waiting for the train to start. (Estuvimos

en la

estacin durante al menos media hora, esperando que el tren arrancara.)

418. I should have rung you before now but Ive been too busy. (Te debera haber avisado antes pero he
estado muy ocupado)
419. My boss never gives me clear instructions. But you must have the same problems with yours, too.
(Mi jefe nunca me da instrucciones claras. Pero t debes tener los mismos problemas con los tuyos,
420. I never expected you to turn up at the meeting. I thought you were abroad. (Nunca esper que usted
volviese a la reunin. Pens que estaba en el extranjero.)
421. She was wearing so beautiful clothes that I envied her. (Llevaba una ropa tan bonita que yo la
422. I wish I had checked on the time the film started before we came out. (Ojal hubiese comprobado a
tiempo que la pelcula empezaba antes de que nos fusemos)
423. Ill ask the waiter for the bill when you have finished your coffee. (Le pedir la cuenta al camarero
cuando te hayas tomado el caf)
424. There was a suitcase as mine on the luggage rack. (Haba una maleta parecida a la ma en el
425. He reminds me of someone I knew in the army. (Me recuerda a alguien que conoc en el ejrcito)
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426. Since my mother died, my closest relative is my cousin. (Desde que muri mi madre, mi pariente
ms cercano es mi primo)
427. If youre not too tired we could have a game of tennis after lunch. (Si no ests demasiado cansado
podramos jugar un partido de tenis despus del almuerzo.)
428. James should have stayed out of the sun as his skin is so sensitive. (James debera quedarse fuera
del sol debido a su piel tan sensible)
429. By the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished. (Para cuando llegues al teatro, la obra
habr terminado)
430. My main objection to the new bypass is that it will spoil the countryside. (Mi principal objecin a la
carretera de circunvalacin es que deteriorar el paisaje del campo)
431. Its no use learning a language if you dont try to speak it too. (Es intil aprender un idioma si no
intentas hablar tambin)
432. Shell be a millionaire by the time she is forty. (Ser millonaria cuando tenga 40 aos)
433. I bought this grammar book so that I could go over all things we have studied this year. (Compr
este libro de gramtica para poder repasar todas las cosas que hemos estudiado este ao)
434. Because it had not rained for several months, there was a shortage of water. (Debido a que no ha
llovido durante meses, hubo escasez de agua)
435. Ann

agreed to stay behind; she was used to working late. (Ann

accedi a quedarse; estaba

acostumbrada a trabajar hasta tarde)

436. Im just as determined as you are to make this company successful. (Estoy tan decidido como t
para hacer esa exitosa empresa)
437. Ive got a very high opinion of your brother. (Tengo una muy alta opinin de tu hermano)
438. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually repaired to its original splendor. (Aunque
muy daado por el fuego, el palacio fue finalmente reparado a su esplendor original.)
439. To prevent flooding in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly monitored by a computer.
(Para evitar inundaciones en invierno, el agua que fluye de la presa es monitoreada constantemente
por un ordenador.)
440. Although they are identical twins their teacher can easily distinguish between them. (A pesar de que
son gemelos idnticos su profesor sabe distinguir fcilmente entre ellos.)
441. I am

well informed with the problems encountered in starting a business. (Estoy bien informado

sobre los problemas que se encuentran al empezar un negocio)

442. If production in that factory exceeds the target, the workers get a bonus (Si la produccin de esa
fbrica sobrepasa los objetivos, los trabajadores obtienen un extra)
443. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived home at last. (Despus de un largo y agotador
viaje, llegaron por fin a casa.)
444. I cannot bear the noise of my brothers radio; it distracts me from my work. (No puedo soportar el
ruido de la radio de mi hermano; me distrae de mi trabajo.)
445. The lift was out of order so we had to use the stairs. (El ascensor estaba fuera de servicio, as que
tuvimos que usar las escaleras.)
446. I watched them until they went out of sight behind a hedge. (Les observe hasta que se perdieron de
vista tras un seto)
447. If only takes one person to sing out of tune all the whole performance is ruined. (Solo con que haya
una persona que cante fuera de tono, toda la obra entera se arruina)
448. This catalog is out of date so the information is not longer correct. (Este catlogo est anticuado, por
lo que la informacin ya no es correcta)
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449. He says hes out of practice but I dont think he was ever any good at tennis! (Dice que no
practica, pero no creo que l fuera bueno alguna vez para el tenis)
450. Shes been out of work for over a year now and shes almost given up hope of ever finding a job.
(Lleva ahora parada sobre un ao y casi ha renunciado a la esperanza de encontrar trabajo alguna
451. Im afraid youre out of luck! I sold the last copy five minutes ago. (Me parece que no tienes
suerte! Vend el ultimo ejemplar hace cinco minutos)
452. The steering wouldnt work and the tractor went out of control and crashed into the wall. (La
direccin no funcionara y el tractor perdi el control y se estrell contra la pared)
453. Those children should be out of doors in the fresh air, instead of in here, watching television. (Esos
nios deberan estar en la calle, al aire libre, en vez de aqu dentro, viendo la televisin)
454. Its out of breath! I cant possibly lend you anymore! (Asfixiado! No tengo posibilidad de prestarte
455. You get out of breath just climbing the stairs! You really must do some exercise to get fit! (Te
quedaste sin aliento solo con subir las escaleras! De verdad que debes hacer ejercicio para ponerte en
456. It is essential to put all medicines out of reach on a high shelf so that small children cant get to
them. (Es esencial poner todos los medicamentos fuera del alcance en un estante alto para que los
nios pequeos no puede acercarse a ellos.)
457. Her latest hit is on sale in all good records shop. (Su ltimo xito est en venta en toda buena tienda
de discos.)
458. He prepared the whole meal on his town. I offered to help, but he wanted to prove he could it. (l
mismo prepar todo tipo de comida. Me ofrec a ayudarle, pero l quera demostrar que saba.)
459. She spends hours on the phone talking to all her friends. (Se pasa horas al telfono hablando con
todos sus amigos.)
460. Ive never known this bus to arrive on time. On average, it arrives about five minutes late. (Nunca
he visto que este autobs llegue a tiempo. En promedio, llega con unos cinco minutos de retraso.)
461. The staff threatened to go on strike if the management did not meet their demands. (El personal
amenaz con ir a la huelga si la direccin no cumpla con sus demandas.)
462. It looks as if the whole building is on fire. There are flames everywhere. (Parece como si todo el
edificio ardiese. Hay llamas por todas partes.)
463. On the hand, he could have something on his mind. Hes not really concentrating on what hes
doing. (Por otro lado, podra tener algo en que pensar. No est realmente concentrado en lo que hace)
464. We had to complete the journey on foot after the car ran out of petrol. (Tuvimos que completar el
viaje a pie despus de que el coche se qued sin gasolina.)
465. There was a soldier on guard at the main entrance so I took a photo of him in his uniform. (Haba un
soldado de guardia en la entrada principal, as que le hice una foto con su uniforme.)
466. I was listening to some music on the radio when there was a news flash about a plane crashing with
a hundred passengers on board. (Estaba escuchando en la radio un poco de msica cuando no hubo
una noticia acerca de un avin que se estrell con un centenar de pasajeros a bordo.)
467. The latest figures show that crime is on the increase, especially in urban areas. (Las ltimas cifras
muestran que la delincuencia va en aumento, especialmente en las zonas urbanas.)
468. Miss Swanson is away on business at the moment, visiting one of our agents, and unfortunately her
secretary is away on holiday. (La seorita Swanson est fuera en estos momentos en un viaje de
negocios, visitando a uno de nuestros agentes, y por desgracia, su secretaria est de vacaciones.)
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469. The scarf looked black in artificial light but here, in NATURAL light, I can see its really dark and
blue. (El pauelo pareca negro bajo la luz artificial, pero aqu, con la luz natural, puedo ver que es
realmente oscuro y azul.)
470. I started swimming at the shallow end but I soon felt brave enough to go to the deep end. (Empec
a nadar por la parte menos profunda pero pronto me sent lo suficientemente valiente como para ir a la
parte ms profunda.)
471. I want the exact figures, not APPROXIMATE ones. (Quiero las cifras exactas, no las aproximadas.)
472. Most days are QUIET but some can be very busy. (La mayora de los das son muy tranquilos pero
algunos pueden ser muy ajetreados)
473. When we sailed, the sea was calm but it soon got very ROUGH. (Cuando navegamos, el mar estaba
en calma, pero pronto se puso en muy mal estado.)
474. He gave me a superior smile, which made me very INFERIOR. (Me hizo una sonrisa de supe-rioridad,
lo que me hizo sentirme muy inferior.)
475. I always eat a light lunch because my keep-fit teacher says that HEAVY meals are bad for you.
(Siempre como un almuerzo ligero, porque mi maestra de fitness dice que las comidas pesadas son
476. He got very emotional when he heard the news, but she stayed CALM. (l se emocion mucho
cuando se enter de la noticia, pero ella mantuvo la calma.)
477. Well go swimming when its low tide. The beach is completely covered at HIGH tide. (Iremos a
nadar cuando llegue la marea baja. La playa est completamente cubierta con la marea alta.)
478. Why does he have such a RIGID attitude? If he were more flexible, Im sure we could come to some
kind of agreement. (Por qu tiene una actitud tan rgida? Si fuera ms flexible, estoy seguro de que
podramos llegar a algn tipo de acuerdo.)
479. The bread in this country goes stale very quickly so we buy it fresh every day. (El pan en esta zona
se estropea muy rpidamente as que lo compramos fresco todos los das.)
480. At first, progress was rapid but later it became very SLOW as we met some unforeseen difficulties. (Al
principio, el progreso fue rpido, pero ms tarde se convirti en muy lento, porque encontramos
algunas dificultades imprevistas.)
481. What had started out as a gentle breeze soon became a very STRONG wind. (Lo que haba
comenzado como una suave brisa se convirti pronto en un viento muy fuerte.)
482. One daughter had dark hair while the other had FAIR hair. (Una hija tena el pelo oscuro, mientras
que la otra lo tena rubio.)
483. He refused to CONFIRM or deny the report. (Rechaz confirmar o negar la informacin).
484. I missed the bus this morning so Ill get there early tomorrow to make sure I CATCH it. (Perd el
autobs esta maana, as que llegar temprano maana para asegurarme de cogerlo.)
485. He nodded his head if the agreed and SHOOK his head if he didnt. (Asenta con la cabeza si estaba
de acuerdo y negaba si no lo estaba)
486. Theyve RAISED a few prices and lowered some others. (Han subido unos cuantos precios y han
bajado otros)
487. Do you really expect her to keep her promise after shes BROKEN so many others? (Realmente
esperas que mantenga su promesa despus de que ha roto tantas otras?)
488. He was the only one who accepted my offer after all the others had REJECTED it. (l fue el nico que
acept mi oferta despus de que todos los dems la haban rechazado.)
489. Ill THROW the ball and you can catch it. (Lanzar la pelota y t puedes cogerla)

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490. Only one bullet hit the target. All the others MISSED. (Slo una bala dio en el blanco. Todas las
dems fallaron.)
491. I can REMEMBER where it was I met her but Ive forgotten when. (Puedo recordar dnde fue que la
conoc, pero he olvidado cundo.)
492. Rather than lengthen the lunch break, they want to SHORTEN it. (Ms que alargar la pausa del
almuerzo, quieren reducirla.)
493. The first time I took my driving test, I failed in fact. I only PASSED at the fourth attempt. (La primera
vez que cog mi examen de conducir, la cagu de inmediato. Solo aprob al cuarto intento.)
494. We were supposed to hide our feelings and not SHOW any emotion, whatever happened. (Se
esperaba que ocultsemos nuestros sentimientos y no mostrsemos ninguna emocin, pasara lo que

En TKOL, nica Academia legal especializada en oposiciones de acceso, exclusivamente al Cuerpo de la

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tfno: 608.31.78.70

Juan Miguel Prez Garca Teniente Coronel de la Guardia Civil (Reserva). Licenciado en Ciencias
Econmicas y Empresariales.

TKOL. Oposiciones a la GUARDIA CIVIL. MURCIA. Tfno 608.31.78.70

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