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i;]r., Alva Phillips
7261 btanmhelm, Krs. Calw.
Hauptstrasse 13
V/GSt Germany

I'lr. & Ivirs. Victor Slutz
127 S, Hudson St.

Coldwater, Mich, 49036

January Newsletter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we hegin a new year-1965-for our Lord in Germany, we rectuest

your prayers in three areas of the work here. Our first request of
prayer is for a revival in the Black Porest area.

V/e desire to be

gin regular church services or Bible Study groups immediately, but the
most effective way to do this, is with a revival. Some of the German
people are real enthusod about a revival. Please pray that, if it is
God's will, wo will be able to hold one within the next month or two.
fhe second area in need of your faithful prayers, is for the Christians

already here, that they may be spiritually stirred and strengthened

,to serve the Lord more fully and completely; and that those outside
of Christ will see Christ living in the lives of The Christians, and
want to become a part of His Body, too. Lastly, we desire your prayers

in our behalf-that we may be granted the needed v/isdom, knowledge,

and strength to carry on a rich work for the Lord in the Black Porest,

The road here is rough and stoep, but the spiritual blessings are
reward enough, thanks, glory and honor be to our marvelour Lord.

Tes, we have a v/onderful Lord, who has blessed us with the sweet
est, most darling little daughter ever, Deborah Ann, (or so we think).
She is growing very rapidly. In a matter of 0 days, Deborah had len
gthened 2 and one-half inches, she has dark blue eyes and dark bro^wn
hair that is becoming lighter with each day that passes. Perhaps in
a month or so she will have blonde hair, as her eyebrows are nearly
white. Our Christmas was the happiest ever in Christ, because of His
great blessings to usthe birth of His Son, and our baby, Deborah
Ann. V/e dearly love her. She's a very good baby, which is a big help
to us. (The German cablegrapiher misspelled Deborah's name on the
oablegTamit was not a typing error on the part of the newsletter
Per the first tr^ie in our lives, we celebrated Cliristmas in the

Black Porest stylei And this we \Ould like to share with you. The
last two weeks of November you can see many wreaths in the stores
with four candles in them. These are Advent wreaths. Pour Sundays
before Cliristmas, the Germans light their first candle, the third Sun
day before, they light two (each time only letting them burn for five

or ten minutes), the second Sunday beforethree candles, and the last
Sunday before Christmas, they light all four. This represents the
four Gospels which tell forth the story of the life of Jesus. On Dec
ember 6th Saint Nicholas comes to visit all the homes of the children.
Before his arrival the children set their boots on the window sills.

Then he fills them full of goodiescandy, nuts, fruits, and cookies

for the good boys and girls; but for the bad boys and girls, he loaves
a bundle of switches. Then, on Christmas eve the family sets up the
Christmas tree together, decorating it with tinsel, colored bulbs,
sparklers (as we burn on the 4th of July), and real candles (with no
light bulbs of any kind). It was a beautiful sight to behold. V/hon
all is finished, the children are sent to the church for a half an

hour, while^the parents help the Christmas Man put all the children's
presents under the tree.

Upon their return home, the presents are all

opened, and the children spend the evening playing with their new toys.

On Christmas day the family

gathers around the table for a dinner of

goose, boiled potatoes and a green salad (usually). Ihey are hearty
potato caters;

the 26th of December is the German family's second

Christmas, which is generally sppnt with the neighbors, in giving

cookies, cakes, and coffee, to one another. Yes, Christmas is cele
brated quite differently here in the Black Forest area, but it is a
wonderful time of praise to God for the giving of His Son in our


This does not end the celebration for the Catholic families,

for on the 6th of January they celebrate the arrival of the three
kings who came to see baby Jesus. At this time three men will dress
up as kings and go from house to house asking for gifts for the Christ

child. One is black, one is white, and one is yellow. So, you can
see that the Germans have a long Christmas season. And so goes this
season of the year in southern Germany,

We want to thank each and everyone of you who have helped uss

(l)meet the needs of our child, Beborah Ann; (2)to meet our needs
this past year; (3)and to shower us with many wonderful gifts
ooth materially and financially. Truly God has blessed us beyond
measure through each of you. V/e , thank God for each of you, and
praise I-Iim for His wonderful grace, "./ith the new year of 1965 al
ready begun and eleven months ahead of us, we pray that these v/ill
be rich, successful months for the Lord where you are, as well -as
here in Germany. The field of harvest is so very vast here, but we
pray that very soon more laborers will come here to labor for our

Lord, We will be praying for you, and ask for your continued prayers
for the Lord's work here, for only through prayer can Christ's King
dom move forward. Thank you for your faithful prayers this past year.
May our Lord and Savior richly bless each and everyone of us in this
new year.

Yciur brother and sisters in Christ,

Alva, Janice, and Deborah Ann Phillips

/ -iST



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God hearsy and answers prayers

fMHiMw Phillips b'7^

How do we know? Because God has answered our

prayers. Daily we see Him answering them. One of our prayersywhich He answered^was to
start a young people's study group. On Sunday evening, Jan, 2^, the neighbor's children
asked us to tell them a Bible story, Ssx my wife prepared a flannelgraph lesson.


the parents saw the flannelgraph figures, they too wanted to see and hear the Bible story.
And so,-d.n our broken German^-we presented the story of Hannah praying for a son

and then giving him to God, The children, and the adults alike^received a great blessing
from it, They had never before seen such a things

After we had finished, the children said, "Can we itwite^our friends to come, .
and then have another story like that?" e readily said"yesj'^^and the young people's

group was started. Three days later the children came to our apartment

10 of them^

plus two adults and we began to study God's Word together. All of the children

2 Phillips

wanted to know when they could come again. e invited them to come every Wednesday

at 3 P

The childrei^so thrilled and all enthused. We can only thank God for

answering your prayers and ours, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for praying
for us and the furtherance of the Gospel in Germany,

Bro. Phillips asked fOr help in the form of out-of-date or partly used workbooks,
dot-to-dot puzzles, pictures to color and handwork ideas. He said that they could

use the Bible pictures off the old Sunday ^chool papersthey use the American papers
for ideas which must be translated into German. Address on field is: Alva Phillips,

7261 Stammheim, Krs. Calw., Eauptstrasse I3, West Germany.

Black Forest Christian Mission


}!ir. & Lirs. Alva Phillips

7261 Stcjmiiheim, Krs. Calv;

c/o Mr. & Etrs. Victor Slutz

Hauptstrcisse 13, West Germany

P.O. Box 46597

Cincinnati, Ohio


April, 1965 Nev/sletter

Deer Co-lahorers in Christ Jesus,

Have you ever made a mistake, and not realize it until it was too
late? If so, you knov/ exactly how w.c feel. V/e made a mistake in our
last newsletter, "by giving you Efr. & I'ifs, Victor Slutz's home address,
instead of giving you the Blission address. Please forgive us for mix
ing you all up. This was not intentional. So, we will now give you
the correst address. PLE/iSE write this down in your a.ddress "book HOW!
All letters to our forwarding agent should he addressed as follows;
Black Forest Christian Mission

P.O. Box 46597

Cincinnati, Ohio


You MST put every bit of this address on your letters, or our forward
ing agents will not receive it. The reason for this address, is that,
if Mr. Victor Slu'ta^ should begin a new ministry, the address would
still be the some, during his time in Cincinnati Bible Seminary.
PLEASE do take heed of this new address. Thank you for being so pat
ient with us.

V/ith each new day that the Lord grants unto us, we can see more
clearly the hand of God moving among the people of Stammhein. It is
so thrilling to know that we are never alone, that our Shepherd is al
ways by our side, guiding us in His path. The work here is not an
easy work, nor is it a rapidly progressing work. But the work here in
the Black Forest area is a gradual work, slowly moving forward for our

The last day of Elarch, v/e walked to the Molkeroi (Dairy) together,
carrying our daughter, Deborah Ann. As we approchcd the Dairy, a mot^
her stepped up beside us, and said, "I think it is wonderful tho-t you
will tell the Bible stories to the children. My two children could not
come today(duc to other work), but they v/ill be there next week." V/e
had never seen the lady before. But right away, wo knew who her child
ren v/ere. Oh how our hearts rejoiced, for wo loiov/ that God's Word was';
beginning to take root and grow. As is recorded by the prophet Isaiah,

55;11s "So shall my word be that gocth forth out of my mouth; it

shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish tha,t v/hich I

please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." And thi^
is so true. God's'Word will never come back empty, I feel that our
real problem is that wo feel or think that it should progress and grow
at our desired, speed, but only God-can bring the increase. Only God
knows the hearts of man.

For this, wo truly thank God.

V/c have a,

tremendous Savior, but too few people really know Him. \7e must labor
now for Him. Time goes so repidly by, and so do lost souls. Please
do your part to help them come to know Christ Jesus. Please help us
to.tell the Germans about Christ, by praying for us each day in your
daily prayers. Please help the Germans to come to Christ, by praying

for them, too, each day.


They are as wandering sheep, without a Shep

We must work together to give them ChristNOW.'!

Have you ever worked with an active group of youth? Have you ever
tried to keep them supplied with spiritual foods and activities? This
is a real challenge. But we love every minute of it. Daily we thank
God for the v/ay in v/hich He is blessing these young people. Because of
the great interest shov/n by the young people, we are considering a
split in the groups. We feel that they will be more able to comprehend

the Scriptures at their own level. Please pray for these youth, that.

they will surrender their lives to I Christ, and will let Him mold them

as He sees fit. This is om^ purpose for being here, to help lost
souls find Christ, and to become f^t servants of His_,
Hujring the past month our hearty have :cried out to' God in thanks'

giving as v/e sav; adults who v/ere willing to come and study God's Word

for one hour each v/eek. Our only |)roblem isthat our hour is too
short and we alv/ays seem to run well past the hour. We started out
meeting with two sisters(both are married, and one has 4 children
all above 15 years old), each Tuesday evening, during- the month of
February, and the last Tuesday of the- -month, 5 different families were
represented. Isn't our Lord v/onderful? ' He blesses His people be

yond measure. Hov/ very thanlcful we are- that the Spirit of God v/as
allowed to v/ork in the lives of these people. Praise be to God from
whom all TRUE blessings flowJi
It seems as though' all we do is ask you to pray with us and for us,
as we labor for our Lord here-.but, please believe me, this is all
that, keeps a servant of the Lord's on the right path and ever doing
-Gnd-i-s wi3IL--and succeeding in it. When-1 think of the v/onderful way
in which our Lord has been quiding and blessing us, when we are so

underserving, and is able to bring forth fruits from our meek labors,
a saying from a radio program (Family Theater) goes over and over in

my mindj and it goes like this: "More things are wrought by prayerj
than this world dreams of.i" Yes, more things are v/rought by prayer,
than many Christians come to realize. We must never limit the power
of prayer,, for it is the KEY to God's storehouse in Heaven. So, this
is why v/e always ask you to pray for us and with us. We desire only
to do His will, and this comes through prayer.
We have two prayer requests to hsk of you, aside from your prayers
for tho Lord's work here, and for ds. The first request we make, is
for Mr, ICober, He is outside of Christ, but has a wonderful wife who

is very dedicated to our Lord,

Holcamo down with the Russian flu the

last Monday of March and is very ill.

Along with it, ho had a serious

nose blcoeing, which would not stop? and-so tho Lector had to pack his
nose. He desperately needs your papaycrs, for he also has a grown
family which has followed in Father's footsteps, with the exception
of one son. We pray that if it is,God's will, that he may come to
know and accept Christ through thi^-illness. Only God Imows what is


The second request is for two families in particular, and the Ger

man people in general,

The_se two families seom^cry jLntorosted in

^LibTe study, but can not m66f~"with'"us on lTxiGsday evo'nings, due to

v/ork. Those families arc Browns, and V/olgemuths, V/o feel that thr
ough tho guidance of"our Lord, many more families will come to knov/

Christ through your faithful prayers on their behalf.

It. is our heartfelt prayer, that God will ever continue to bless

each of you as you live for Him and witness for Him in every thing
you do and say. May God's loving hand over enfold you in His unond:-ing love and grace.
Your brother-and sisters in Christ Jesus

V/EST owes SO

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509 Jefferson Ave.

Joliet, 111. 60434



Mr. & lirs, Alva Phillips

Black Porest

7261 Stammheim ICrs, Calw

Hauptstrasse 13? West Germany

Christian liission
P.O. Box 46597
Cincinnati, Ohio

May, 1965 Newsletter

Bear Priends in Christ,

To each of you we want to say thanlc you, for the wonderful way you
are helping to promote the work of Ci'irist Jesus tlirough your prayers.

We know you have "been praying for us, "because we can see doors of sp
iritual hunger slowly opening up. It is so hard for us to patiently
wait for the Lord to give the go-ahead sign, V/e must pray daily for
patience, so that we do not close the doors of opportunity which your
prayers have opened up.

As each Bible study hour for the adults and the children come and go,
we recieve spiritual refreshment from the Lord and His Word, but we
also receive many heartaches, V/hy do people have to be so slow to re
spond to the teachings of God's Word? Why must the devil work overtime

on those souls who are desiring to hear more of God's Word? Why cannot
every Bible study group be large and responsive, instead of once or tw
ice a month? Why? Y/hy? Why? Yes, we have many disappointments here

in Stammheim, as v/e strive to labor for our Lord in starting a work.

One week we have 6 to 8 adults for Bible study, and the next v/eek,
perhaps none, and we always feel so discouraged.

Then v/e think of

Isaiah, who preached so long and had no converts. Then we can only
thank God that some people are showing interesteven if it isn't ev

ery week the same, The youth group varies some too, but not so greatly
as the adults. During the three weeks of Easter vacation, we averaged
2b youth each week. But the last Wednesday of April, the children returnedto begin a new year of school or grade, and there were only 13
or 14 in attendance. But, as we already have said, v/e r.(iUST learn to
be patient.


This is so Hard:J

The week before Easter, we presented the Rossurection story from the
There was one youth v/ho did not believe it until
we showed him that it came from the Word of God. He is only 12 or 13
years old. This is heart-breaking, isn't it? After our Bible study,
we took the children for an Easter egg hunt. This was really a wonder
ful experience. There were 27 youth and 3 adults, so you can imagine
how quick wo had to bealways on our toes: The children dearly loved
liie of our Savior.

after the long hike to and from the hunt, I am sure they slept

good that ovenip^.sat^s^^**^"""' "

Bible picturoVio"^color, for the children,

old Sunday school papers

^ li 1
K%You need
to out
old and
only tear
mail them


always match them up with

hpro have
novor stories
had anylonger.
thine Hko
hoThis helps them remember
the Bible
But thS
we also


be used

1% o f '^^^t&'tJ-advantago
Christ 'ssuch
us in
any furthering
adult matorials,
as old quartorlios,


i and No oM'tccn-ago Sunday school papers, or

tlioso matorials,
them Bce-all
and we do not have the facilities
for it. WovreONLY

or 1 al s The other materials, wo make up ot^'^lvS'

^^wook, with thomat
help. , Wo fool this will bo onrwa?

Don't yA'^t^roo?

^OePthcr, to help tho Lord's money go further.

\7g saw tho cutGst sight the last week of April, as the first graders
went to their first day
The school year runs differently

hcre^ It begins iiuibgril, and ends tho last week of IJarch. They havo
a throe weclf'^^cation at Christmas time, six v/ecks of summer vacation
in July and August, and about 17 holidays besides. The children must
go to school six days a v/ook and have much homov/orkfrom the first
graders on up. They usually arc in school only a few hours each morn-

ing-usually from 7 or 8 a.m., to 11 or 12, depending on the age level.

The first day of school is a thrilling time for the first grader, for
he must carry his big "tutor" (V/e ;vould call it a big paper cone)
filled full of "Goodies" with hin.

This "tutor" contains his or her

favorite sandwich, cookies, candy, fruit, any little extra thing v/hich
the Mother may feel like sticking in for him.

Then ho can oat from

this any time ho so desires, the whole time that he is in his first da;
of school. If ho is a gentleman, ho will offer tho teacher something
from tho cone.

As tho first graders go v/alking to school the first

day, they have their sachels strapcd on their backs and must carry
their cones or "Tutors", which are about 2 and one-half feet long.
This is a darling sight to see. Wo only v/ish you were here to see it.
Have you over found yourself __doing ..some .wishful, thinking.?---\7c-suro"havo. Wo7havc also done some praying about the "wishfxil thinking",

^d that is, that we could have some help-a couplc*,^Qr.^^pcrson, or ^

v/ould be willi^ to give of themselves in tho Lord's labort

"^Tn Germany, and would be willing to help us as they learned the lan


For several very good reasons.

the work alone, that needs to be done,

1, We can not do all of

2. There arc two areas, whore

contacts have been made, and in those two areas, there seems to be a
great spiritual potential awaiting someones meager efforts. We would

love to work in either of these two areas, or both of them, but both
are over an hour's drive from us, and in opposite directions.


Language school two nights a week, adult Bible study group another,
and Youth Bible study group yet another, that leaves only two other
days, aside from the Lord's Day. And we strive to use these days for
calling, and making contacts that will help the lost souls of Stammheim. Do you now see why I said,"wishful thinking"? V/e ask that you
join us in prayer, asking God to lead someone to this area of service

for Him. \/E truly believe that the opportunities here are very great,
but it is a very slow woekone which takes much patient, steady labor

for our wonderful Lord. Please pray, along with us, that the Lord v/il3
send laborers into these needy areas as Ke sees fit. But, if you are

not willing to help fill this needeither spiritually with prayer,

financially with money, materially wy:h words of encouragement,-or ph-ysieally-with yoursalf, then^JD" ITOT" pray'for this great needfor the
Lord may see fit to ask YOU to help in one of these four ways to fill
this great spiritual need# V/ould you be willing to help, as the Lord
sees best? ^ so, PLEASE pray that the lost souls in Stuttgart and
Karlsruhe may have the same opportunity to hear of Christ's saving power, just as you have had.

Only after we take this before our Heaven

ly Father together, can we expect results. For God knows all things.

He knows our very needs before we even ask them, but He wants us to
come to Him, and ask for His help. Prayer is our letter to God. What
kind of a letter, through prayer, do we send to our j^ather?
As we bring another brief sketch of the Lord's work in the Black
Forest to your attention, we do it with a very thankful,heart. You

have helped to make our load lighter, because of your concern for lost

May our wonderful Lord richly enfold yon in His arms of Love.
xours in unrisr Jesus,




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hr. & I^irs. Alva Phillips

7261 Stammheiin, Krs> Galw

Black Forest Christian liission

Hauptstrasse 13^ West Germany

P.O. Box U6597

c/o fir. & firs. Victor Slutz

Cincinnati, Ohio, hS2h6
June, 1965 Newsletter

Dear Co-laborers in Christ Jesus,

This past month seems to have been the raii^ month in the Black Forest area,
as we have had rain nearly every day. I'Jhen we see the rain fall, and see it wash
away some of the filth of the streets and sidewalks, it makes \is think of the won
derful way in which our sins can also be washed ai-;ay. They are washed awsy in the
blood of Christ Jesus. Oh, if only these lost souls of Stammheim could realize
the great love Tdiich Christ gave to them or showed for them on the cross of Cal
vary, what a different town this would be I And in no time at all, just think what
a different land Germany itself would be. If every Christian would win one other

person to Christ each month of the year, it would not be long until we could forget
about fighting wars, and go to work helping out sisters and brothers in Christ,
girow stronger in the faith. But as we face reality, we see that this is yet to
come. Let each of us make a resolution with God, that we will do all that we can
to bring lost souls to Christ Jesus before it is too late.

If you have had a part in raising children, or if you have worked with them,
you know who much joy they can bring to your heart. We have truly rejoiced in the
Lord for the young people or children which come to Bible study each Wednesday
afternoon. We always give them a flannelgraph Bible story, and handwork to go
along with the storyto help them remember things from God's Word. For the past
month our hearts have sung forth praises unto God for the wonderful way in which He
helps the children retain His Trues. The children tell the Gospel stories back to
us, and seem to remember all the important facts. Isn't it wonderful to see God's
Word taking root in young people's lives? It lifts one
spiritually and streng
thens him in the Lord, when he can see the Gospel seeds taking effect. Isn't God
wonderful and marvelous beyond words? We know He is, for He is always by our side.

Each nonday and Thursday afternoon I travel to Stuttgart for German language
stucfy". Through ny studies there, I met an Italian young man, called jyir. Demorea.
When we first met, he seemed to have no concern about spiritual things. During

the language stu^, we were asked what we drank, whether or not we smoked, ;diat
our occupation was, etc. From this, one thing led to another. Mr. Demorea
would always want to ride ijith me on the train, but he at first always preferred
to ride in the smoking car. Of course, this bothered me, and so I told him I
would prefer to ride in the non-smokers' bar every other week, but that he could do
as he pleased. He readily agreed that my suggestion was fine. Then I began to
notice, as the weeks and months went by, that he wasn't smoking hardly at all.
One evening though, he took me con^letely by surprise. He ask me what I thought
about the Catholic Church. I told him I could bn3y accept what was written in
the Bible, and that anything that contradicted the Bible, I could not accept.
From that day on, his spiritual interest grew, and weekly he asks me more and
more about God's Word, and His teachings. VJe can only converse in German, but
through it, we are groxdng spiritually as well as learning the German language. pray for this young man, as he is hungering after -the "Living Manna"
thr.i: -for which his soul yearns. The Lord can use him in a wonderful waytelling
tbo ivot souls in Italy of Christ's great love if we will pray for him and
hoiip j-:id him to our-great Savior. PLEASE do YOUR part to help him come to
kn.ow Christ,PRAy for him each day. Help him to share in the sweet communion
with our Savior, as we do.
We would also like to ask you to.pray for one of our sisters in Christ Jesus.
She is an immersed believer in Christ, and strives to serve Him to her fullest.
But she has heart trouble, and has been veiy weak and must rest for several hours

each afternoon, plus take medicine dally. This has been so hard on her, as she so desires to come to Bible Study and fellowship with us, but is not allowed to do so.
Please take her burden before the Lord in prayer, as you take your own. This will

help her so very much. And God will bless yi^u for showing concern, and extending
a helping hand to a sister in Christ whom you have never seen.

I suppose you too get depressed and down-hearted, just as I do. For at times
it seems as though I have accomplished nothiig for our Lord. And vihen this feel
ing strikes, I think of the passage in Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary
in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Also, a song
comes to ny mind which helps me so very much. This I would like to share with
you. Perhaps it will help you spiritually as it has helped me. It does like this:
I traveled down a lonely road and no one seemed to care5 The burden on
ny weary back had bowed me to despair; I oft complained to Jesus how
folks were treating me. And then I heard Him say so tenderly:

were also weaiy, upon the Calv'ry road, the cross became do heavy, I
fell beneath the load. Be faithful, weary pilgrim, the morning I can ..
see; Just lift your cross and follow close to Me.

"I work so hard for Jesus," I often boast and say; "I^ve sacrificed
a lot of things to walk the narrow way, I gave up fame and fortune;
I*m worth a lot to Thee."

And then I hear Him gently say to me:

"I left the throne of glory and counted it but loss; i^y hands were
nailed in anger upon a cruel cross. But now we^11 make the
joiimey with your hand safe in Mine; So lift your cross and follow
close to Me.

0 Jesus, if I die upon a foreign field someday, 'Twould be no

more than love demands, no loss could I repay. "No hreater love
hath mortal man than for a friend to die," these are the words He
gently spole to me. "If just a cup of water I place within your
hand, then just a cup of water is all that 1 demand," But if
by death to living they can Thy glory see, I'll take my cross and
follow close to Theel

May our loving Father bless you as you labor unendingly for Himi
Yours in Christ Jesus

Alva, Janice, and Deborah Ann Phillips

Please send all slide and displey requests to our forwarding agent, giving
two prefered dates. Also, PLEASE send all slides and display materials back imm
immediately after use. This is a MUST. Please let us know of any change of addressl



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Owosso, Mich.
Permit jfZO

M/Vi W.E. McGilvrey

^09 Jefferson Ave

Joliet, 111- 60434

Field address
7261 Staminheim Krs. Calw

Black Forest Christian Mission

Hauptstrasse 13, West GermarQr

P.O. Box h6S91

Cincinnati, Ohio, U52li6

July, 1965 Newsletter
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

"Therefore, I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or
what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life
more than meat, and the body more than rainment?" (Matthew 6:25)
Yes, God careth for His own. He is a wonderful Lord, who means only what He says,
and keeps His VJord. Last Thursday evening as Alva was coming home for language study
in Stuttgart, he experienced something he never hopes to experience again. The train
in which he was riding in, was given the green light, to pull out of the station and
be on its way. After pulling out of the station, the train crossed another track.
It was very dark out, and therefore, as the train Alva was on started across the
other tracks, which were to have been cleared, the train hit the end of a freight
train. Only the engineer and three or four other persons were injured. Praise be to
God, MO ONE was killed. We truly thank God that Alva was unhurt. But the train was
a wreck. Alva usually arrives home about 10;00 P.M. each Monday and Thursday eve
nings, but last week he did not show-up at 10:00 P.M.I After all the details were
recorded, concerning the wreck, all of the passengers were taken to their destinations
by a bus. Alva arrived home a t 11, We were so thankful to God fod His watch and

care over Alva. This helped us to realize, Just that much more, our purpose for be

ing here. The Lord has a work to be done, and at the present we
work for our Lord in the Black Forest area. He brought us here,
watches over us, as we strive to serve our wonderful Lord in our
We truly need your prayers for usthat we may have the physical

are alone to do the

provided for us, and
weak and feeble way.
strength, the cour

age, the spiritual strength and the wisdom, to face what lies ahead for us. We can

not live and serve our Lord at our best, without your prayers. Please remember this.
Prayer is the key to spiritual riches. Let us use this key DAILYI
Through the Lord's help and guidance, there are now three services being conducted
for the furtherance for the Savior's Kingdom. There is now Bible study on Sunday
evenings, on or from the book of Acts. The Bible study group on Tuesday evenings
atudies from the book of Matthewand in both cases, it is a verse by verse study,

always conducted in a family circle fashion. Every person is given an opportunity

to express his or her feelings on the Bible passages, as we go along. This has pro
ven to be a spiritual help to each person who comes. Than on each VJednesday after
noon, the children have their Bible hour. They are now studying about the Old Test
ament heroes. And at the present, that happens to be Moses. We have already studies
about his birth, and will learn of his experience with the burning bush, then his go
ing before Pharaoh, the deliverance, and then the giving of the law and the entering
of the promised land. Most of these things are completely new to the German children.
We had one child tell us that we had made a mistake in telling the birth of Moses.

So we had her tell us how she thought it should go. When she finished, we were quite
surprised, for it contradicted the Scriptures. Then we opened up God's Word, and
showed her what God had to say about Moses's birth. It is truly x-jonderful that we
don't have to take man's word for things, or we really would be confused. All we
need to do is turn to God's V/ord, and He makes all things clear.
May God's abiding love go with you forever.
Your co-laborers for Christ,
Alva and Janice and Deborah Phillips

The financial report for March, April, May and Jxme of1965.
March 1

brought forward

Rent and utilities


Personal expense














Household furnish.

Baby expense







226.37 = 856.05

Monthly salary
Personal gifts
--Balance -en -hand June 30







March 1

brought forward






Office Supplies



Office Equipment (a file cabinet)

Display materials


Car expense










Monthly salary

Mission gifts






Teaching materials





159771 189.36 = U70.28


196.00 196.00 196.00


2..00_ ..-10..0C)^^-l8l.-00-

Balance on hand June 30


(due to change over)


We truly want to thank each and everyone of you for your faithful support, and pray

that God will bless you as richly as God, through you, have blessed us. May His
Comi'orter go ever with you.
Love in Christ Jesus,
The Phillips Family


119 Hoyt St,



Michigan 1x8867

Non-Profit Org,
U. S. Postage

Owosso, Mich.
Permit #20

MA! W.E. McGilvrey

509 Jefferson Ave.
Joliet, 111. 60434


Mr. & Mrs. Alva A. Phillips

7261 Stammheim Krs. Calw
Hauptstrasse 13, West Germany


Black Forest Christian Miss,

P.O. Box 1^6597

Cincinnati, Ohio, U52U6

August, 1965 Newsletter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we look out over the "harvest-field" of Germany, we see a peoplea nation

that is tired and weary from the world's cares, and are seeking rest, but cannot find
it. Those that are athirst, look in the towns and cities but there is no water to
be found. They are a people, hungering often the "bread of life" but can find no one
to give it too them. These lost souls are filled with the traditions of men, but
these are no longer satisfying to their hungry so^ls, for it is living manna, which
they are hungering after. This nation is MATERIALLY rich but spiritually dead.
Millions here are going to a Christless eternity. Our brothers and sisters in Christ,
what can we you and I do about this situation?

In Germany, there are no pagans or cannibals, as we think of, when Africa is men
tioned, But these people are pagans in the sense that they are lost without Christ.
The souls here are blind to the basic Gospel Truthsthat you and I take for granted.
For the most part, their hearts here are filled with the wisdom of men, but are in
total darkness when it comes to the spiritual wisdom and the love of our wonderful
Savior. What does this mean to you and I? This means one THING I You and I call
ourselves Christiansj but we have failed to live it. How can I say that? It's all
very simple.

If we had lived for Christ in our work, our fun, our vacations, our

parties, and our homes, the whole world would be completely different. If we were all
really Christians, our neighbors would be going to church with us because we show
ed them Christ through our living, and by our giving them a personal invitation. If
we're afraid to live Christ in ALL thir-gs how can we expect to ever go to Heaven
with Christ? The Apostle Paul says "deny self" and our lives will be magnified in
Christ Jesus. IfJhat can you and I do about the situation in Germany in the world?

We can forget about SELF and begin telling others about Christ. Material things are
nothing, but spiritual life and blessings are ETERNAL. Which are you seriously striv
ing for? Please take a quick survey of your life then set it right with Christ,
I believe one of the most wonderful experiences that a laborer, for the Lord can
go through, is to see the Christians themselves back up their leader and worker with
their help and support. We have experienced this during the past few months and it
has given us a real spiritual boost. This type of encouragement causes us to set
forth with a stronger zeal to work even harder for our Master, But it seems as though
the harder we work for the Lord, the harder the devil strikes back. At times we feel
like packing up and moving out of here, but how can we? These people too need to know
about Christ no matter the barriers the devil throws in our place. Please pray, hard
er than ever before, for us that we will always have the spiritual strength to go
on for Him,

These people here also need your faithful prayers. The Christians are fighting
a constant battle also with the devil and his forces. It seems as though the Gospel
has hit upon guilty hearts and has thus caused a rebellion against the Lord's efforts
here. Do you see now x^rhy we need your prayers DAILY? Because of the Gospel pricking
sinful hearts, Christians are in the firing line. It's wonderful to know that we.
have a Savior who sees all things, knows all things and understands all things. With
God's help, we know that His Spirit will move among the lost souls of Stammheim and
Germany, This can only be fulfilled through faithful prayers. Please do your part
to help spread the Gospel. Help other reapers to help answer this plea. We need
workers to labor with us. We know that unless the Gospel is spread these souls will
be lost eternally. We must give Christ to the people, through your prayers and ef
forts as well as ours.

The July - December issue of "Living Water in the midst of a desert" is now ready

for you. All you need to do is mail a posi card to our forwarding.agent, and tell
how many copies you would like, and they will send them on to you, I'm sure you
will want to have at least one copy.
Concerning packages, we ask that you mail all packages directly to us. This will
help to lessen our forwarding agents labors which are too many. They have labored

faithfully for our Lord, helping us to correspond and send receipts. This alone is
a full time job. Therefore, we ask you to please help them in their labors for Him,
by mailing all packages directly to us. Thank you for your faithful prayers and

In His Service,

Alva, Janice, & Deborah Phillips



j 119 Hoyt St,




Non-profit Org,
U.S. Postage

Owosso, Mich,


Permit #20

M/M W,E. McGilvrey

509 Jefferson Ave.

Joliet, 111. 60434


Mr. & Mrs. Alva Phillips

7261 Staramheim, Krs. Calw.

Hauptstrasse 13 - V/est Germany


Black Forest Christian Mission

P.O. Box 46397

Cincinnati, Ohio,


September I963 Newsletter

Dear Loved Ones in Christ,

Is it possible that another month has rapidly sped by? Truly this has been a busy
month, as well as a spiritually rewarding month. Perhaps that is why it went by so
rapidly, unnoticed.

The first week of August a Christian here in Stammheim came to us with a request.
In Calw a group of Christians had been meeting in an old Hall and it would scon be

closed down. The Christians would then have no where to meet. Also, their leader
who is a worker here in Germany, would not bo able to work here full time anymore.
Therefore, they wanted to know if we would be willing to help them out, and if there
was any possibility of them meeting here. The answer, of course, was "yes". They
have^met here the last three weeks of .'lugust on Thursday evenings. It has been a
^spiritually rewarding time. But we have also had to make some adjustments, such as
praying together as a group, and of course, the songs we know so well being sung in
'jerman. This is the biggest adjustment. Each week the group has been larger; praise
be to God,

b '

And this was only the beginnining, I was then ask if I would help with a group of
Christians^meeting in Pforzheim. Of course, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to
do so. This town or city is 1 hour's drive from Staramheim, but the blessings from it
are beyond measure, V/hile I was there the last Sunday in August, a young man began
thrilling things, which I want to share with you. He was born in Yugo
slavia, and came to Germany, He said there are many Christians in his home l^and who

meet in secret as this is considered a Communist country. And that these people are
very dedicated to our Savior, He went on to say that he knew of other small Christian
groups meeting in this surrounding area. He was so thrilled to have an American come

to Germany to tell others about Christ, He v;ould like very much for us to come to
these services too, but at the present it is nearly impossible. For instance, my schedule^goes generally like this: Monday-study and go to language school; Tuesday-study
for Bible, go calling when time permits, and hold Bible Study, prayer meeying, and the
Lord s Supper for the Christians of Stammheim; V/ednesday-study for Children's Bible
hour, hold Chrildren's hour, and go calling in the evening; Thursday-study for school
and go to language school from 4 until 9i st which time I arrive home, or shortly af
ter, and then go to worship service in the Chapel, The services are from 8 to 10.

The first time I was taken completely by surprise, as I was ask to speak, after the
first one finished speaking or preaching. Usually three of us speak each time, Fri
day is catch-up" day, and calling day. Saturday is "clean-up" day at our house and
an the chapel, ^When this is finished, we try to spend en hour together as a family,
but it is sometimes impossible, Sunday is the Lord's Day. .We study God's Word to
gether as a family, listen to an excellent program on the radio for one-half hour.

Then it is time for us to go to Pforzheim from 3 to 3 for Church, the Lord's Supper,
and fellowship. I also help in the services there, by speaking and serving. I often
feel that I'm too busy to do more for the Lord. But when I recall His promises, and
His commands, I can only give God full command, and follow.

God's Kingdom is moving forward in Germany, We have come to realize this through

the Chrildren's Hour, One young girl come to us three weeks ago and wanted to know

why she had not been baptized as a baby. We proceeded to show her that Christ said we

must BELIEVE and then be baptized (Mark l6:l6) and that a baby cannot believe, much
less understand. Then she wanted to know what she had to do to be baptized. She
comes^faithfully each week, and with faithful prayers on Ruth's behalf, I know that
she will soon step out for Christ. It won't be easy for her, but with Christ as her
guide she will be more than Conqueror! Please pray for Ruth. She is a wonderful
young lady of 11 years old.

We have also seen another seovi of the Gospel taking root', due to the Children's
Hour, ie have had many problems with one yv)ung lady who did attend the Children's

Hour. Her problem is a lack of true love, which causes hor to be very jealous.

Therefore, she has' sent children home before tho Bible hour, if they had received

an earned gift and she hadn't, or if they vore in line for an attendance award. This
has been heartbreaking to us. For some reason we seem to be unable to reach her in
the correct way. She wants to Cvme, 'but her "pride" won't let her. But her brother

is just the reverse. He seldom ever misses, We're so very proud of him. His sister
tries everything to keep him away--even keeps his closest friends from comingbut he
comes anyway. Just a few days ago he came to Janice and said "Fraw Phillips, I'm
not going to miss another time, I'm going to come every week. And when I've come
1000 times, what will I receive? 1 want a Bible. 1 can't, read it yet, but in a year
or two, I can," Bless his heart. We dearly love this little young man, ' He is so

Please pray that the Lord will work in his heart and steere him in the

straight and narrow path which leads to Heavon, His parents are too busy with world
ly things to take time out for Godexcept for Christmas and perhaps Easter. Oh,

how sad it will be on judgment day, when the Lord says to them, "You had ^ time for

_Mej_and now I have no place for you, Depart from me!" Oh, I truly believe t^t the
Lord's return is not far away. Are we truly ready for His return? Have we done our
very best for Christ Jesus?
Your brother and sisters in Christ

^Iva, Janice, and Deborah Phillips


119 Hoyt St.

qo3i 0 LOO


Michif-^ran ^8867

Non-Profit Org.
H, S. Postage

Owosso, Mich,
Permit #20

M/M W,E. McGilvrey

509 Jefferson Ave,

Joliet, 111. 60434

Return Guaranteed

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