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Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan
I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. hot molten rock inside the volcano
a. lava
b. magma
c. mantle
d. volcanic ash
2. funnel shaped opening at the top of a volcano
a. crater
b. caldera
c. summit
d. slope
3. formed when a part of the wall collapses following an explosive eruption
a. summit
b. slope
c. crater
d. caldera
4. property of the materials resistance to flow
a. viscosity
b. volatility
c. stickiness
d. thickness
5. stream driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with water
a. phreatic
b. strombolian
c. plinian
d. vulcanian
6. periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava
a. phreatic
b. strombolian
c. plinian
d. vulcanian
7. excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastics
a. phreatic
b. strombolian
c. plinian
d. vulcanian
8. violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma
a. phreatomagmatic
b. plinian
c. phreatic
d. strombolian
9. characterized by tall eruption columns with pyroclastic flow and ashfall
a. phreatic
b. strombolian
c. plinian
d. vulcanian
10. large, nearly perfect sloped structure from lava and pyroclastic deposits
a. shield volcanoes
b. cinder cones
c. composite volcanoes
d. volcanoes
11. formed by the accumulation of lava that oozes out from the volcano
a. shield volcanoes
b. cinder cones
c. composite volcanoes
d. volcanoes
12. built from ejected lava fragments and most abundant of volcano types
a. shield volcanoes
b. cinder cones
c. composite volcanoes
d. volcanoes
13. heat from Earths interior which is a source of energy
a. geothermal energy b. solar energy
c. hydrothermal energy
d. volcanic energy
14. heat from deep inside the Earth is used to produce steam to generate electricity
a. geothermal heat pumps
b. geothermal heat energy
c. geothermal power plants d. geothermal heat
15. use heat coming from close to the Earths surface to heat water
a. geothermal heat pumps
b. geothermal heat energy
c. geothermal power plants d. geothermal heat
16. another factor that affects the climate of a certain place
a. geography
b. topography
c. meteorology
d. geology
17. area in which the wind blows
a. leeward side
b. rain shadow
c. windward side
d. weather
18. the air towards the opposite region
a. leeward side
b. rain shadow
c. windward side
d. weather
19. upwelling of colder water is blocked by warm surface water
a. El Nino
b. La Nina
c. El Nina
d. La Nino
20. occurs when the upwelling of colder water intensifies
a. El Nino
b. La Nina
c. El Nina
d. La Nino
21. massive, bright sphere of very hot gas called plasma
a. star
b. comet
c. meteor
d. sun
22. nearest star to the Earth next to the sun
a. Sirius
b. Rigel
c. Epsilon Iridani
d. Proxima Centauri
23. stars brightness as seen from Earth

a. apparent brightness
b. actual brightness
c. absolute brightness
assumed brightness
24. brightness the star would have if all stars were the same distance
a. apparent brightness
b. actual brightness
c. absolute brightness
assumed brightness
25. imaginary group of stars in a dimensional view
a. consttelations
b. constelations
c. constellations
d. constellations
26. all are brightest stars in the Orion except for one
a. Rigel
b. Betelgeuse
c. Antares
d. Bellatrix
27. it is the brightest star in the Little Dipper
a. Rigel
b. Antares
c. Sirius
d. Polaris
28. Cassiopeia is also known as _______.
a. Big Dipper
b. Little Dipper
c. The Hunter
d. The Princess
29. This is also called the North Pole Star
a. Rigel
b. Antares
c. Polaris
d. Sirius
30. Orion is also called ________.
a. Big Dipper
b. Little Dipper
c. The Hunter
d. The Princess
II. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.
1. Objects will fall at a constant acceleration, which is 4.9 m/s2.
2. A coin and a basketball dropped from the top of a building will strike the ground at the same rate,
neglecting air friction.
3. In a problem, the one being asked is used to determine which kinematic equation is to be used.
4. A projectile is any object influenced only by the downward force of gravity.
5. The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.
6. The horizontal velocity of a projectile is constant (a never changing in value).
7. Impulse is equivalent to mass multiply by change in velocity.
8. The amount of momentum that an object has is dependent on how much object is moving.
9. A bullet can have a large momentum even if it has a small mass.
10. The standard metric unit of momentum is the kgm/s2.
11. If an object is at rest, it has no momentum.
12. Gravitational and elastic energy are forms of potential energy.
13. Impulse is equivalent to momentum.
14. A bus can have a large momentum even if it is moving very slowly.
15. Impulse is the product of the average net force acting on an object and its duration.
16. Sound, thermal and electrical energy are forms of kinetic energy.
17. The formula for kinetic energy is mass multiply by gravity multiply by height.
18. Potential energy is commonly known as stored energy.
19. The formula for potential energy is 0.5 multiply by mass multiply by velocity squared.
20. Total mechanical energy is potential energy multiply by kinetic energy.
III. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. main stem of the respiratory system
a. trachea
b. bronchi
c. bronchioles
2. hair like tubes branching from bronchi
a. trachea
b. bronchi
c. bronchioles
3. terminal part and bubbly like bunch structure of the respiratory system
a. trachea
b. bronchi
c. bronchioles
4. when a person inhale, the diaphragms action is to ___.
a. contracts
b. relaxes
c. contracts and relaxes
5. pumps the blood throughout the body
a. heart
b. blood vessels
c. blood

d. alveoli
d. alveoli
d. alveoli
d. none

d. veins

6. carries deoxygenated blood

a. veins
b. arteries
c. capillaries
d. blood vessels
7. movement of blood through the tissues of the heart
a. systemic circulation
b. coronary circulation
c. pulmonary circulation
d. circulatory system
8. movement of blood from the heart to the rest of the body
a. systemic circulation
b. coronary circulation
c. pulmonary circulation
d. circulatory system
9. movement of blood from the heart, to the lungs, and back to the heart
a. systemic circulation
b. coronary circulation
c. pulmonary circulation
d. circulatory system
10. carries the blood throughout the body
a. heart
b. blood vessels
c. blood
d. veins
11. carry oxygenated blood throughout the body
a. veins
b. arteries
c. capillaries
d. blood vessels
12. carries the materials throughout the body
a. heart
b. blood vessels
c. blood
d. veins
13. smallest blood vessels in the body
a. veins
b. arteries
c. capillaries
d. blood vessels
14. largest artery in the body
a. superior vena cava
b. inferior vena cava
c. aorta
d. vena cava
15. one way door inside the heart
a. valve
b. tricuspid valve
c. bicuspid valve
d. semilunar valve
16. heterozygote shows a phenotype that is intermediate between two homozygous phenotype
a. codominant
b. recessive
c. incomplete dominance
d. dominant
17. one allele is not dominant over the other, resulting in traits of both parents
a. codominant
b. recessive
c. incomplete dominance
d. dominant
18. what blood types are codominant
a. A and O
b. A and B
c. B and O
d. AB
19. What blood type is entirely recessive?
a. A
b. B
c. O
d. AB
20. What blood type is considered as universal recipient?
a. A
b. B
c. O
d. AB
21. group of living things within a certain area of the same species
a. biomes
b. biodiversity
c. population
d. species
22. variety of life in an area
a. biomes
b. biodiversity
c. population
d. species
23. possibility of being extinct
a. endangered
b. threatened
c. extinction
d. none mentioned
24. occurs when the last member of that species dies
a. endangered
b. threatened
c. extinction
d. none mentioned
25. when that population of that species begin declining rapidly, it is said that ___.
a. endangered
b. threatened
c. extinction
d. none mentioned
26. food making process of plants
a. krebs cycle
b. dark reaction
c. calvin cycle
d. photosynthesis
27. what do you call the opening in leaves?
a. stroma
b. granum
c. stomata
d. thylakoid
28. this is called the powerhouse of the cell
a. golgi apparatus
b. mitochondrion
c. chloroplast
d. nucleus
29. what materials are being absorbed by the light reaction
a. CO2
b. oxygen and light
c. light and water
d. CO2 and energy
30. what materials are being absorbed by the calvin cycle?
a. CO2
b. oxygen and light
c. light and water
d. CO2 and energy
31. DNA means what

a. deoxyribosenucleic acid
b. deoxyribonucleic acid
32. what is the product or the result of the calvin cycle?
a. CO2
b. oxygen
33. light reaction happens in the ___.
a. stomata
b. granum
34. photosynthesis absorbs what colors of white light?
a. red green
b. red white
35. when a person exhales, the diaphragm ___.
a. contracts
b. relaxes

c. deoxyribonucleic acid
c. glucose

d. energy

c. stroma

d. nucleus

c. green white

d. red blue

c. contracts and relaxes

d. none mentioned

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