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The father of international law is:

2. Which of the following statement is correct:
a. State has legal right to go to war
b. The state can wage war only in self-defense
c. War in all circumstances is prohibited by international law
d. A state can go to war to regress the wrong done to its nationals
3. International court of justice can exercise its jurisdiction:
a. On all disputes between states
b. With consent any one of the parties
c. With consent of all parties
d. None of the previous
4. In the last several weeks the Armed Forces of Israel had been causing
bombardment and bluffing in Gasa resulting in death, starvation and
injury to hundreds and thousands of Palestinians including innocent
civilians. The Israel government alleged that it is merely acting in
retaliation to Palestinian attacks and rockets to a portion of its territory.
Is Israel guilty of aggression? Is the Allegation of Israel justified under
International Law?
a. Yes because it is merely acting in retaliation to Palestinian attacks.
b. Yes any country similarly situated has a right to defend itself against
an enemy.
c. No aggression can never be satisfied
d. No the use war must be consistent with necessity and
e. None of the previous
5. What if any is the definition of outer space?
a. It is the area that lies beyond the air space of the earth
b. The outer committee did not define outer space because of its not
identifiable dimension
c. It is the space beyond the control of human beings on earth
d. There is no exact definition although for the years several
definitions have been made
e. None of the previous
6. What is the effect of the Imperial occupation over the Philippines by
a. The Japanese Imperial government which was in control of the
government obtains sovereignty over the Philippines
b. The sovereignty of the Philippine government is suspended by the
--- occupation
c. The sovereignty of the legitimate government was taken over by
the Japanese Imperial government after the fall of Bataan
d. Sovereignty remained with the US government
7. The state has the right to exploit in the continental shelf:
a. Living resources
b. Non-living resources
c. Both living and non-living resources
d. None of the above
8. State enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of foreign jurisdiction of
foreign courts in:
a. All cases
b. Public cases
c. Private cases
d. Criminal cases

9. The ESTRADA Doctrine relates to:

a. Limitation of boundaries
b. Recognition of a Government
c. Jurisdiction over aliens
d. Recognition of a State
The Doctrine of transformation states that:
a. Each rule of international law must be individually incorporated in
municipal law
b. The generally accepted principles of International Law form part of
the law of the land
c. Parties to a treaty must adhere thereto in good faith
d. The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy
The Doctrine of incorporation states that:
a. Each rule of international law must be individually incorporated in
municipal law
b. The generally accepted principles of International Law form part of
the law of the land
c. Parties to a treaty must adhere thereto in good faith
d. The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy
The method from which an
archipelagic state delineate its territorial sea and its internal waters is
by drawing a straight archipelagic baselines joining the outer most
points of the outer most islands and line reefs provided that the ratio of
the area of the water to the area of the land including --- in between
121 and 921 is called:
a. Archipelagic Doctrine
b. Low-water mark method
c. Straight base line method
d. Contiguous Zone Method
Petitioners where members of
the US Army stationed in the Philippines with the permission of our
government when they were accused by the army of treasonable
collaboration with the Japanese they were placed in confinement by
the US Army. They filed a petition with our local court for the writ of
habeas corpus. Decide the petition (page 121 book)
a. It should be granted because our constitutional rights is applicable
to all
b. It should be granted because our constitutional rights is applicable
to persons within our territory
c. It should be dismissed because the US Army is exempt from our
d. It should be dismissed because US Army personnel are not covered
by our laws
The national territory comprises
the Philippine archipelago with all the islands and waters embraced
therein and all other territories over which the Philippines has
__________ consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains.
a. Possession and administration
b. Jurisdiction and control
c. Control and supervision
d. Sovereignty of administration
e. None of the previous
A state should not recognize a
government that has come into power through unconstitutional means.
This Doctrine was named after:


Carlos Tobar
President Monroe
Thomas Hopes
President Rumain

The abatement Doctrine that
enunciates that when conditions in the territory of a neighboring state
might result in anarchy or disorder and that neighboring state cannot
abate the problem. No state may intervene to restore order.
a. True
b. False
c. None of the previous

Contiguous Zone is measured
from the baseline to a maximum in nautical miles of:
a. 24
b. 50
c. 12
d. 200
The right of a State to
monopolize ---- which means:
a. To transport persons or goods between two points in one State
b. To transport persons or goods between two points in one State and
another State
c. To transport persons or goods another state to state
d. To transport persons or goods from state to state
Aliens waive their right of appeal
to their Government or disposal of their claim and agreed to be treated
as a national of the host country is the:
a. Calvo Doctrine
b. Drago Doctrine
c. Calvo Clause
d. National Claims Clause
continental shelf of a costal state shall not exceed from ____ nautical
miles from the baseline:
a. 12
b. 24
c. 200
d. 350
In the 16th century Spain
discovered the island of Las Palmas midway between Mindanao in the
North East Indies. However, because Spain did not occupy it, Holland
exercised its territory over the island. As a successor of Spanish
territories in the Pacific Ocean by virtue of the Treaty of Paris the US
asked the island to be awarded to them. Holland disputed this claim. To
whom should it be awarded?
a. To the US because the ---- title which was possessed by Spain on
account of discovery was transferred to the US by the Treaty of Paris
b. To the US because the failure of Spain to effectively posses the
territory was never communicated to the former
c. To Holland because its claim to sovereignty is based on the peaceful
inadequate display of authority over the island
d. To the US because effectiveness is only required only for the initial
act of acquisition but not on the maintenance of territory


The concept of state immunity is:
An attitude of territorial sovereignty
A derogation for the sovereignty of state
Not concerned with the territorial sovereignty
None of the previous

The continuity of
international legal persons is:
a. Affected by change of government
b. Not affected by change of government
c. Dependent on the recognition of the new government
d. Dependent on its rights and obligations



Which of the following is not
correct. State succession involves:
a. A colony attains independence and becomes a State
b. A definite replacement of one State by another in respect to
sovereignty over a given territory
c. Change of governments
d. One state taking over completely the international personality of

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