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Love and Final Judgment

The fall of a Family and its Restoration

The family is the building blocks of nature and its existence. Love is its life force and
sacrifice is its sustenance. Our individuality is only illusion born from the mind and its
senses. When we seek our “self” the family collapses. Our “Self” distances us from the
Kingdom of God puts us into a vortex of death.

Everything in nature is created in pairs. For example, male and female, dominant
and recessive gene, pairs of chromosomes, day and night, hot and cold and so on.
This reality is very evident in particle research, where human attempt to isolate the
building block has led to creation pairs of particles. They represent and speak a
fundamental truth that the opposite are one and that there exist nothing called
opposite or enemy. The concept of enemy is our creation out of ignorance. True
creation includes the opposite. Bible tells us that Jesus manifested to salvage all the
souls and restore them to Kingdom of God.

Light has no significance without darkness. Where light enters the darkness moves
out, where light leaves darkness engulfs. We humans are created in the image of
God to His left and right. We are part of Family of God. We very often tend to judge
the opposite as evil. In this very tendency exist the fall of human beings. When
individuals fall, the family falls, when the family falls the community falls, when the
communities falls nations fall. The spiritual scriptures never give any one the right to
judge others. The best option to grow individually is to judge once own self, in
relation the most superior or God. This calls for retreat and a period of selflessness.
The spiritual scriptures describe God as priest of all priests, king of all kings and so
on. He is understood by highest quality in every field that cannot be equaled.

Bible tells us that Christ manifested and sacrificed himself in Calvary not for the
salvation of one set of people but the whole of humanity. Jesus clearly says he did
not come to judge, but save our souls from the grip of darkness [death] and restore
us back to Kingdom of God. He spoke of Love. He oozed the feminine nature of God.
He was in creative mood, sacrificing his own flesh and blood in true faith to the

But Bible and all spiritual scriptures speaks of judgment. What then is the judgment?
The judgment is the end of creation and the separation of the right and left as the
King and Judge takes his seat in the center. Does God judge humans? Christ said no.
All spiritual scripture says God is Love. Love does not judge. Then how judgment
takes place?

The question can only be answered from the point of existence or manifested state.
In Creation the Father and Mother are one. The Father exists as a seed in the womb
of the Mother. Free will exists for every soul to participate in the creation process
and take a new position in the new world. The birth separates the Father and
Mother. Here begins duality and existence. The best way to comprehend creation and
existence is to understand the formation the first cell or the zygote. Here a selected
reduced cell of the Father leaves its body enters the body of the Mother. Here
Essence of the Father leaves behind its world and enters a selected reduced cell [n]
of the Mother to meet its Essence to form a new cell [2n] called zygote. The Essence
of the Father and Mother now form the template to create two new cells out of one.
Matter for this creation is taken from the body of the Mother. The creating entity now
exists in the middle in spiritual form as perceiver and judge maintaining the balance
with a law. The law resists the conquering motive and corruption. The created
world thus works to sustain Truth and Justice. Thus spirituality calls for Faith in the
creator and Judge or God.

The judgment becomes inevitable in time. Creation occurs out of love but Judgment
is qualitative segregation. The Vedas essentially speak of four categories of people -
The Priests, Kings, Traders and Working Men. [Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishnava,
Shudra]. Every human has all these traits but one of them dominates. When “Final
Judgment” happens it happens in the middle. This segregates the good priest from
bad priest, good king from bad king, good traders form bad traders, good worker
from bad worker. The time deterioration happens from good to the bad. The work of
God is therefore to restore time quality of the system.

We are in the peak of Bad. Thus we are being governed by intellectuals existing in
temples of science and religion who are not truly illuminated. In the absence of true
knowledge, the common man ends in making wrong choices to adore the high Chairs
ruling them. Democracy can be deteriorative in the absence of true Knowledge. The
beginning of democracy can be traced to the decision of Pilate. Pilate found no wrong
in Jesus Christ but gave the choice to the people. People gave the verdict taking on
them and their children the effects of wrong judgment.

Since then we have been making errors on errors leading ourselves to self
destruction. Consequently the system is deteriorating to a point of collapse. We are
caught in the grip of death for lack of Truth. This exactly why spiritual scriptures
says “Seek Truth and Truth will set you Free” Spiritual scriptures write that no
human can seek Truth. Human soul is created to the left and right of the center. The
Truth exists in the center in an unseen form. Since man cannot seek Truth, Truth
descends to Earth and comes in Search of humans. The Truth manifested on
earth is Jesus Christ. It is a “Divine Plan” of salvation and restoration of human
soul [giving new life] to Kingdom of God. When the Salvation of the soul or creation
is completes, Christ Comes Again revealing the “Mind of God” such that humanity
gets the dominion to rule the Kingdom of God.

Exploring this scientifically we can compare it to the first division of zygote. The blue
print for the child to be formed is created in the union and duplication of soul and
information of the cell. When this process completes, a bright radiating object called
“centriole” appears on one side of the cell wall which eventually splits, moving to
the poles. The process twists and divides the one cell into two. Thus one world
divides into two and the Primal soul sits in the middle as unseen Spirit perceiving and
controlling the system. We can compare the “centriole” to the “Mind”. With the
formation of mind a new cycle begins and the law is restored. Here creation ends and
the manifested state begins where Truth and Justice becomes important to maintain
the balance of the system.

Eastern culture speaks of manifestation of God and His participation in the war for
Justice and Truth. Vedas describe universal time cycle in terms of four phases where
Truth and justice deteriorates in certain proportions. It tells us that in each of these
phases God manifest in human form to lead humanity in the path of Justice and
Truth. According to them we are in the last phase where truth and justice
deteriorates to the maximum. Christ has manifested in this last phase of universal
life cycle, where the system is tending to collapse and needs to be recreated and
restored. We are going through this process of restoration back to Kingdom of God.
Bible tells us that when Christ manifested not one human soul was left behind who
could be justified before God.

The kingdom God manifests when “Mind of God” is exposed and Truth is revealed.
This is an inevitable process. When Truth is exposed the darkness gives way to light.
We individuals judge ourselves and fall to take an allotted position in the Kingdom of
God. This becomes evident form Jesus’ words to His disciples “Believe in God and
believe also in me. There are many rooms in my Fathers House and I am going to
prepare place for you. --- and after I go and prepare the place for you I will come
back and talk you to myself so that you will be where I am” John 14:1-4

Here the word “house” calls for attention. It represents uninhabited structure, the life
is imparted to these rooms at the birth of the child and it forms into family. When
Truth is revealed, every one bows to truth and gains order. When individual gains
order, the family gains order, when family gains order, community gains order, when
community gains order nations gains order and nations gain order the world gains
order and kingdom of God manifest right here. A New Time Cycle then begins.

If you think this article has any substance – please circulate it to as many
friends as possible. The pain of birth has already started. The more we delay
the more we suffer. Earth is wreathing in pain and we are suffering this in
terms of climate change and catastrophes, The next few cycles of climate
could be crucial to humanity.

1] Awakening to Truth –
2] Truth of Nature -
3] Bio Physics of Bible

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