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La comunicacin social

La comunicacin social es aquella rea que estudia e investiga distintos temas como la comunicacin, la
informacin, la expresin, el rol de los medios de comunicacin masiva y las industrias culturales. Cabe
destacar que

es una herramienta fundamental y esencial a la hora de construir la opinin pblica. La

comunicacin bien realizada permite abrir puentes de dilogos entre los distintos actores sociales y con ello
claro se contribuye de modo directo al fortalecimiento de la democracia. Teniendo en cuenta que la
comunicacin es decisiva para el desarrollo humano ser preciso e importante que se promueva la
participacin y el conocimiento de las personas acerca de la influencia de esta y asimismo de todas las
tecnologas que se han vinculado a la misma en los ltimos aos. En cuanto al

Comunicador social es la

persona que se encarga de emitir y comunicar la informacin y para comunicar hay que tener la informacin
y para poder tenerla debe ser un excelente investigador de acuerdo al tema. Cierta informacin se clasifica
ya sea en lo econmico, poltico, social, cultural, opinin, deporte, farndula entre otras ms, que se
destacan en un peridico o programa de televisin. Esta informacin se comparte ya sea por un medio
escrito o hablado; el escrito puede expresarse por medio de la prensa, revistas, folletos, boletines y por el
medio hablado se encuentra la televisin la radio y el internet. Resaltando que Un comunicador debe
expresar sus conceptos correctamente y no equivocadamente para as no tergiversar la informacin. El
periodista al hacer una nota ya sea escrita o de televisin debe estudiar muy bien la informacin de donde la
saco; y tambin debe relacionarlo con ms apuntes para tener varios apoyos en si. Adems el periodista
aprende a leer a comprender y hacer una serie de anlisis de todo lo que hace y tiene que ver con las
noticias e informacin escrita. Las personas que ven las noticias sea el espectador o la misma audiencia es
la que se encarga de darle el rating al canal por su informacin periodstica y por una mayor demanda en s.
Hay canales que no desarrollan bien su noticia hace que el televidente se aburra hay donde se pierde el
inters tanto por la noticia como por el canal, por qu razn al ver que no expresan bien una opinin, idea y
eso es lo que le gusta al pblico o al televidente ellos ven lo que nosotros hacemos y ellos mismos lo debaten
en su casa y aprenden. Un periodista se hace cargo de crear la noticia de redactarla, presentarla y as mismo
difundirla por los medios de comunicacin tambin se tiene en cuenta los parmetros de no daar una
informacin muy buena y seguir la secuencia; meter inters y as el comunicador se gana al televidente y
hace un buen acogimiento hacia el pblico televisivo.
Social communication
Social communication is one area that studies and investigates various topics such as communication,
information, expression, the role of mass media and cultural industries. Significantly, it is a fundamental and
essential in building public opinion tool. Communication well done to open bridges of dialogue between the
different social actors and thereby clear of directly contributing to the strengthening of democracy. Given that
communication is the key to human development it will be necessary and important that participation and
awareness of people about the influence of this and also of all the technologies that have been linked to it in
recent years promote . As for the social communicator is the person who is responsible for issuing and
communicate information and to communicate must have the information and to have it be an excellent
researcher according to subject. Certain information is classified either in economic, political, social, cultural,
opinion, sports, entertainment among others, they highlighted in a newspaper or TV. This information is
shared either by means written or spoken; the writing can be expressed through newspapers, magazines,
brochures, newsletters and the average television talk radio and the internet is. Noting that a communicator
should express their concepts correctly and not wrongly so as not to distort the information. Journalist to
make a note whether written or television must study well the information where the sack; and should also
relate more notes to have several support itself. Besides the journalist learns to read to understand and make
a series of analysis of everything he does and has to do with the news and written information. People who
see the bone news the viewer or the same audience is the one that is responsible for giving the rating to the
channel for its news reporting and increased demand itself. There are channels that does not get its story
makes the viewer get bored there where the interest is lost so the news as the channel, why when he did not
express well an opinion, idea and that's what he likes to public or viewers they see what we do and they
themselves struggling at home and learn. A journalist is responsible for creating the news write it, present
and likewise disseminate it through the media also takes into account parameters not damage a very good
information and follow the sequence; interest and thus put the viewer gains communicator and does a good
reception to the television audience.

Define the race

The journalist mentions in print and audiovisual journalism, is responsible for preparing material for
educating, informing, recreating and influence the community. Writes for media articles, news, reviews and
reports you get through press conferences, interviews and surveys of events that constitute the news. Writes
and edits reports on general news, sports writing, political, financial and social chronicles. The Bachelor of
Social Communication mention Advertising and Public Relations, performs the function of carrying out studies
for the creation and expansion of favorable conditions in the advertising original, effective and persuasive
manner. Plans, organizes and coordinates public relations program at companies and institutions. Advising
clients and companies in designing campaigns Advertising and Public Relations
Personal characteristics
professionals able to analyze and synthesize objectively political, social and cultural reality of a society.
professionals with linguistic ability to communicate, able to perceive and evaluate the scope and functions of
mass communication in areas that do social for dissemination through the media of mass, press, radio, film
and television, among others.
professional tools and operational techniques of advertising and public relations, to influence attitudes and
behavior of a society.
With a high scientific and technical capacity to enable it function effectively in the different areas inherent to
the work of the communicator, giving a real contribution to their relevant social work.
Sensitive and aware of social roles that demand a free and democratic society, not only as a political system
but as a system of life.
Able to live and act according to ethical and professional, that allow a clear view of the social, economic and
political reality of the country, to show solidarity with the needs of society in general principles.
Ethically responsible, wide open to constructive criticism, loyal to the truth, judgment, free of bias and
tireless researchers of their professional area.
Possessors of a strong moral conscience and respect for their profession.
Willing to live and work with others in developing multiple projects and professional work, in which
continuous feedback is given, based on the fact that communication within the social context is a dynamic,
functional and irretrievably changing phenomenon.
labor activities available
Elaborate news or public opinion messages for transmission through the mass media
Manage and process information in newspapers, journals, magazines, publications, as well as radio, film and
Serve as a reporter, diagramador, designer, photographer and manager of information and wording in printed
and audiovisual media
Work in public and private offices, as public relations and communications manager
Word processing in publishing
Plan, produce and develop messages informative and opinion
Plan, program, develop and implement communications strategies that allow them to influence public opinion
and mass acceptance of the ideas generated.
Planning and implementation of projects Marketing and Advertising.
Companies where you can work
The graduate in Print Journalism can perform in:
Newspapers and magazines
Community media
printed publications of various kinds
Information Offices (PRESS) in public and private companies
news agencies
journalistic autogestionarias
Oil companies
Departments of Information and Dissemination of public and private bodies

The graduate in Audiovisual Journalism can perform in:

informative departments
Production and release of radio and TV stations
Department. Press in public institutions and private
Dept. Of graphics editing and photography.
Audiovisual private units of public enterprises and
Companies producing radio, film, television, photography and video
Audiovisual companies and alternative print media advertising
The graduate in Advertising and Public Relations can perform in:
advertising agencies
PR departments
Corporate communication
public Affairs
private institutional image and public relations company and
Or advisory offices Advertising agencies
Marketing Agencies
Public relations offices
Charges can play
The post of Public Relations in schools, colleges and universities.
Hold positions of Director or Head of Department or Office of Communication in institutions of different types.
The post of director or coordinator of media and mass or institutional programs or as a consultant and
director of media and communication programs communication.

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