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What is dump destination? What are bdump, cdump and udump?

Trace files for Oracle processes are stored in dump destination.

Bdump- Oracle writes to the trace log and creates trace files for background processes
in background dump destination. If this directory becomes full and more files cannot
be written, debugging becomes difficult.
Cdump- Oracle writes core files and background processes in Core dump destination
directory. If this directory becomes full and more files cannot be written, debugging
becomes difficult.
Udump Oracle creates trace files for the user processes in the User Dump directory if
this directory becomes full and more files cannot be written, debugging becomes


This shows the bdump directory you were referring to in your question. This is a
directory where debugging trace files for the background processes (LGWR, DBWn,
and so on) are written.

SQL> show parameter USER_DUMP_DEST

This specifies the pathname for a directory where debugging trace files will be written
on behalf of a user process.

The dpdump directory has files created by the data pump export/import utility.


The adump directory is the area where auditing trace files are stored.

CDUMP is specifying the core dump directory where all OS error logs (core dump
files) will be placed.

Enter new admin subdirectories:New in Oracle 11g we see the new ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository) and
Incident Packaging System, all designed to allow quick access to alert and diagnostic
The new $ADR_HOME directory is located by default at $ORACLE_BASE/diag, with
the directories for each instance at $ORACLE_HOME/diag/$ORACLE_SID, at the
same level as the traditional bdump, udump and cdump directories and the
initialization parameters background_dump_dest and user_dump_dest are deprecated
in 11g.
You can use the new initialization parameter diagnostic_dest to specify an alternative
location for the diag directory contents.
In 11g, each $ORACLE_HOME/diag/$ORACLE_SID directory may contain these
new directories:
A new alert directory for the plain text and XML versions of the alert log.

alert -

incident -

incpkg -

A new directory for the incident packaging software.

A directory for packaging an incident into a bundle.

A replacement for the ancient background dump (bdump) and user dump
(udump) destinations.

trace -

cdump -

The old core dump directory retains it's 10g name.

Let's see how the 11g alert log has changed.

Alert log changes in 11g

Oracle now writes two alert logs, the traditional alert log in plain text plus a new XML
formatted alert.log which is named as log.xml.
Prior to Oracle 11g, the alert log resided in$ORACLE_HOME/admin/
$ORACLE_SID/bdump directory, but it now resides in the $ORACLE_BASE/diag/
$ORACLE_SID directory.
Fortunately, you can re-set it to the 10g and previous location by specifying the
BDUMP location for the diagnostic_dest parameter.
But best of all, you no longer require server access to see your alert log since it is now
accessible via standard SQL using the new v$diag_info view:
select name, value from v$diag_info.

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