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Joseph Samara

ENGL 1005-006
Rough Draft
Ecosystems contain different species, some of which communicate through
sounds and actions, so what makes us, humans, different from those species? Absolutely
nothing. Imagine Earth as an ecosystem with only one species, but that species has
sublevels, which would be our ethnicities. Different ethnicities would mean different
languages, and as a species all together, we must look out for each other in order to move
forward. But how would we do that?, you may ask, and the answer is simple: by
defining a medium by which different ethnicities would be able to communicate, or, in
other words, learning their language. Life gives you many decisions, some of which are
tougher than the others, like learning another language, though by learning other
languages, you create a broader range of opportunities and seem more attractive to the
The more you know, the better you are. When you learn something new, you
create a broader range of opportunities, giving you more decisions of what you can do
with your life. When learning another language, you surpass barriers in your life and
define new ones, hence giving you more options. It makes you look good and increases
your chances of getting a better job and education. In fact, the majority of international
students are not from English-speaking countries. The way they adapt to a strange society
is by learning their native tongue, as well as their customs. You cannot live in a society
without interacting with it, and how will you be able to interact if you dont know how to
communicate with it? As human beings, our initiative is to improve our way of living,
and we can do this by working. Many high-pay jobs involve communicating with
customers, so the companies are searching for people who can communicate in several

Joseph Samara
ENGL 1005-006
Rough Draft
ways. In other words, companies will hire employees who are fluent in two or more
Though learning another language may seem important to some people, there are
others who think otherwise. People are ethnocentric and believe that their country is the
best, so they dont have to conform to immigrants by learning their tongue. A
restaurant's refusal to serve non-English speaking patrons has raised concerns from
residents who say the measure is discriminatory (David Bodenheimer, 2011). This
restaurant also has a sign noting No Speak English, No Service hanging from the front
door. Learning another language can, and will, help you perform better in
life. While people may think this, the world is becoming more
globalized, which means that extraordinary amounts of people are
migrating from place to place to find a better place to live. Does this
mean that even though they may not speak the language you do, we
will isolate them from the common society?
Besides offering new and better opportunities to people, learning
another language increases the global understanding and creates a
better world. A speech given by John F. Kennedy in Germany at the
rising of the Berlin Wall has been used as an example of why it is
important to learn another language. Kennedy finished the speech by saying: Ich
bin ein Berliner, which means, I am a Jelly Doughnut in some parts of Germany,
though what he actually wanted to say is I am a person from Berlin. If Kennedy studied
some of the basics of the German language before giving the speech, he wouldnt have
committed this amusing error. Learning another language gives you the opportunity of

Joseph Samara
ENGL 1005-006
Rough Draft
communicating with more people from different countries, thus increasing global
understanding in your society, or at least in your group of friends.
Finally, learning another language could give you more opportunities of traveling
and making business in other countries. Many people travel for vacations because they
want to get away of all the stress in their home country, though many travelers choose to
visit countries whose language is the same as theirs. They often do this because they
dont want to have a hard time communicating with the locals because it would cause
more stress on their lives. By learning another language, you can choose more countries
that you can visit and remove the stress that comes with communicating with the locals.
By learning other languages, you create a broader range of opportunities and seem
more attractive to the public, besides that it could offer you a better job, it would increase
global understanding and create a better world, and finally, it would let you explore the
world more freely. While people may be proud of their country and language, they have
to take into account that the world is becoming a huge society, and in order for a society
to survive, there needs to be communication. Learning another language could, and will,
make everything easier in your life.

Joseph Samara
ENGL 1005-006
Rough Draft

Works Cited, (Anonymous, last edited 2011), (David Bodenheimer, 2011)

Joseph Samara
ENGL 1005-006
Rough Draft

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