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The holiday at my school starts a little bit late than other schools. It was 2 weeks long.
We began the holiday at December 21st while other schools starts a week earlier than us. We
wnet back to school at January 4th.
I usually spend my new year holiday going to my moms hometown, which is
Manado. But this time, I decided to stay at Bekasi. I spent the first week of my holiday for
practising for the Christmas Eve party at my Church, because i participate on it. I was one of
three singers at that time.
For me, the beginning of the holiday starts at the Friday, December 18th. Me and my
family went to a roadtrip to Pandeglang. It is a small town in Banten Province. The town
itself located near the western end of Java. After that, we went to airport to pick up my sister,
which came to Jakarta.
On the December 21st, some of my classmates went to my house to play. My sisters
birthday also on that date. Thanks to my friend, i was unable to go with her to Jakarta to
celebrate her birthday. We played video games. Me and Fandy decided to do a little
experiment which is cooking a cheese omlette. Cuan also broke my uncles lighter actually.
Until now, no one in the house know that the lighter is broken except me jajaja xD. After they
went home, i continued playing video games, which i do most all of the time during the 2
week holiday.
On the 24th, My Dad, my uncle, my brother and I went to the cemetery to see my
moms graveyard. It was actually the day where traffic jams are everywhere because it was a
day before the christmas, which most people would take a chance to go somewhere, it could
be to Jakarta, especially Malls, but it can also be their hometown. It was on the news too.
After that we went home and then i prepared myself for the Christmas eve worship. My uncle
went to pick up my grandma, which also come from Manado. After that we gathered to do
our own worship until midnight. The adults were having Christmas dinner. They ate soup,
beefs, and also drank some soda and even wine.
On the 25th, which is the Christmas day, my family went to Bandung, to celebrate
Christmas with my uncles family. It took us like 4 hours just to go to Bandung because
according to the news, the freeways are jammed. Some of us, because of the Christmas event,
cant stay there too long so my brother, my dad, my auntie, my sister and I decided to back to
Bekasi earlier. The rest went back later. After the Christmas event at my church, me and my
family gathered back at the house to celebrate Christmas for ourselves until midnight. Me,
my young uncle, and my sisters hung out for awhile until midnight.
After that i spent i spent my holidays pretty much playing video games and went to
malls. I picked up my cousin and another aunt from Manado at the last day of 2015 (which is
December 31st). I also went to an adventure finding gifts for the New Years Eve party. It was
I met up with my siblings (Batak Siblings). We went eat McDonalds together. We
also stayed up together during the New Years Eve. While my other family partied all night,
and sang until it was morning during the New Years Eve, me and my siblings spent our New

Years Eve by praying to God, and also encourage each other for our lives in 2016. We were
told by the adults to support each other to achieve success. After that, at the morning, i went
to church for the New Year mass.
Until Monday, i did the same thing which are playing video games and going to Malls
and also swimming (because its my hobby). But for me although I didnt go somewhere
pretty much out of Java, I may not met all of the family and also think that our school only
gave us 2 weeks, which is pretty short (we demanded longer lol), it stills a nice holiday, and
infact not like previous years, this year im more inspired to do better things for the future.
God Bless Us

Words : 727
Name : Jogi OYT
Class : 11 IPA

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