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Chaitanya Saxena

PhD : 2007
Shantani Proteome Analytics Pvt. Ltd.

My Story:
For my doctoral studies I wanted to carry out quality research and develop myself as researcher.
But, I was not sure in which research area or research group I will be able to utilize my strengths
and improve upon my weaknesses to further my scientific career. The diverse research areas of
faculty members associated with the Biophysics Program at The Ohio State gave me a chance to
find a best fit between my personality, career goals and doctoral research. I carried out my
doctoral work under the guidance of Dr. Dongping Zhong in the Department of Physics. It was
one of the most exciting times in my academic career. The Biophysics Program doctoral thesis
committee on the one hand trained me to deeply and systematically engage in scientific inquiry
and carry-out cutting-edge research and at the same time gave me an opportunity to work as
Teaching Associate that significantly improved my presentation and communication skills.
Towards the end of the doctoral program equipped with analytic and problem solving skills, 6+
published research articles and improved soft-skills I got an opportunity to work with Eli-Lilly &
Company at Indianapolis. The attitude of 'pushing for maximum', gained at The Ohio State
University and Dr. Zhong's Lab continued and at Eli-Lilly & Company I developed several new
chemical-biology tools for drug target identification. Later, I founded a biotechnology company
Shantani and currently I serve as its Chief Executive Officer. Shantani is developing,
commercializing and utilizing a range of proprietary chemical-proteomics technologies that help
in discovering new medicines.

Ultrafast dynamics of energy and electron transfer in DNA-photolyase


Dongping Zhong

What is Biophysics?
Biophysics is the application of physical and mathematical principles to biological problems.
Generally, Biophysicists take very quantitative approaches and use high-end technology in their

work. However, in many ways the discipline of biophysics encompasses a great deal of biology
and is very broad.
Student Spotlight: Elihu Ihms
Discovering A New Passion
How a Biophysics Graduate Student Found a Hidden Talent Building
Scientific Tools

Written by Alison Scott, Life Sciences Network

When people think of graduate student research, most picture working in a lab, conducting
experiments, and recording results. But for Biophysics Graduate Program student Elihu Ihms, it
has been a completely different experience, one that gave him the opportunity to discover what
he calls the other half of my passion developing tools for other researchers.
When youre working at the edge of research, a lot of the tools

to even investigate the questions you have either dont exist at all or they are very specific to one
particular application, Ihms said. I spend about 30-40% of my time building tools for other
Ihms credits the realization of his interest in building scientific tools to the robust, high-level
research opportunities at Ohio State and to the encouragement he has received from his advisor
Mark Foster, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
When he is not creating scientific tools, Ihms studies biophysics on a molecular level.
Specifically, he focuses on discovering the way protein polymers interact with each other and
how that affects the regulatory networks, which control everything from temperature to blood
sugar within the body. His research lies within Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics, one
of four main concentrations within the Biophysics Graduate Program.

Small Groups Have a Big Impact

Ihms favorite part of the Biophysics Graduate Program is his participation in the small group
sections. When a student enters the Program, they are put into small groups. Each group contains
a diverse population of students, from those just beginning their program to those preparing to
The field of biophysics is so broad that students are split into groups by topic area, so that their
group members can be familiar with the types of experiments they run and the systems they
study. As a more experienced graduate student, who is preparing to graduate next month, Ihms is
the leader of his small group.
The way that I structured our small group is that we talk about our research, Ihms said. We
get up and actually present our research. Its a low impact way to get nothing but constructive
criticism. That sort of social interaction is invaluable.
Advice for Future Students

Compared to areas of study like the arts or literature, Ihms sees biophysics as a comparatively
new field. Discoveries being made now were unimaginable just 10 years ago, so Ihms believes
that there is an incredible opportunity for people who have even a moderately active interest in
science to carve out their own niche and contribute useful data.
But, Ihms cautions, do not expect an instant payoff if you go into the sciences. He notes that you
have to be willing to think really hard about the toughest questions posed by mankind and
accept failure for a time. However, if you can get through that, he says the payoff is more than
Once you finally have realized whats going on and all of the pieces that made no sense for
weeks or months or years come together that rush, its almost like a drug, Ihms said. For a
split second in time, youre the only human in the history of mankind to know that thing.

Weihong Qiu
PhD : 2008
Assistant Professor of Physics
Oregon State University

My Story:
I obtained my B.S. in Physics and M.S. in Applied Physics both from Nankai University in China
before joining the Interdisciplinary Biophysics Graduate Program at Ohio State University to
pursue a Ph.D. degree. What I liked most about our biophysics program was the depth and
breadth of the research activity by the program's faculty, which allowed students to quickly
identify their thesis research advisers. For my doctoral thesis, I worked with Dr. Dongping
Zhong in the Department of Physics on the study of protein hydration dynamics using
femtosecond laser spectroscopy. I had a very successful graduate career under Dongping's
supervision, and published in total 10 research articles with 5 first-authored ones. As a result, I
was able to obtain a postdoc position to work with Dr. Samara Reck-Peterson in the Department
of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School to study the mechanism and regulation of molecular
motor proteins using single molecule fluorescence microscopy. The rigorous training I received
on optics and laser techniques during my time in Dongping's lab at Ohio State was instrumental
to the successful completion of my postdoc fellowship in Sam's lab at Harvard Medical School.
The Biophysics 702 course (Methodological Approaches to Biophysical Studies) was my
favorite graduate course, because it jump-started my graduate training at Ohio State by
introducing me to many important biophysical techniques early on. I am now an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Physics at Oregon State University, and I am developing a similar
course for our graduate students who are interested in biophysics research.

Ultrafast Protein Hydration Dynamics Investigated by Femtosecond Fluorescence


North American Biophysics Programs

Research project - Core

You will undertake an extended project (experimental or theoretical) on a full-time basis from
February onward in an area related to your chosen imaging specialism. The project will be
chosen from those offered by research teams.
Medical imaging - Core

Topics include: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MRI) imaging and applications in medical
diagnostics, Optical Coherent Tomography (OCT) and its application to medical (e.g.
opthalmology) imaging, diagnostic sonography (US, ultrasonography), computed tomography
(CT) and X-ray medical imaging.
Materials and security imaging - Core

Topics include: digital imaging and image processing (CCD, thermal, video, digital cameras),
advanced microscopy to include SEM, TEM, AFM, STM, polarising light microscopes,
fluorescence microscopy, confocal and near field microscopes, spectral imaging (e.g.
hyperspectral imaging and remote sensing), interferometry and its applications in materials and
security imaging science, X-ray and mm - wave scanning, imaging and analysis techniques,
comparison microscope and imaging for applications in forensic science.
Research methodology and ethics - Core

This module provides an underpinning in research skills relevant to the independent study
required for an MRes. Topics include scientific writing and referencing, use of library and
learning resources, presentation of results and a statistical analysis. The module also considers
the ethical issues in relation to research in chosen field.

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