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Panoul 1

1. Respectati-va colegii, tratati-i asa cum ati vrea sa fiti voi tratati, ca pe oameni capabili, cu calitati frumoase,
cu trebuinte, aspiratii si scopuri la fel de legitime ca ale voastre.
2. Lucrati bine si intens, urmariti sa aveti performante nu pentru a-i surclasa pe colegi, a le dovedi ca
sunteti mai inteligent si mai priceput decat ei, sau pentru a demonstra sefului ca sunteti mai valoros decat
oricine, ci din intelegerea necesitatilor muncii, a nevoii de a indeplini bine indatoririle de serviciu.
3. Comunicati curent, informati-va reciproc, consultati-va cu ceilalti, ajutati-va in procesul pregatirii si
derularii unei actiuni; in caz de succes, bucurati-va impreuna, in caz de esec, pastrati-va calmul si luciditatea,
nu va invinuiti unul pe altul; cautati impreuna cauzele esecului si reluati de la capat si cu incredere, actiunea
4. Nu transformati divergentele de opinii si solutii in motive de cearta sau acuze. Priviti-le ca pe ceva
firesc, cautati sa sesizati elementele comune, aveti taria de a recunoaste si a aprecia deschis ideea celuilalt
atunci cand este mai buna.
5. Evitati denigrarea si calomnia, nu comentati negativ diversi colegi si nu formati grupulete care sa
dezbine echipa.
6. Ajutati-va si cooperati activ.Acceptati ideea ca astfel va completati reciproc nu din compasiune, ci
pentru a acoperi sau substiui nepriceperea celuilalt, ci pentru reusita actiunii, pentru indeplinirea activitatilor
7. Indiferent de valoare si experienta, de aport personal la realizarile grupului nu va dati aere de
superioritate, evitati aroganta si trufia, ci promovati lauda sincera si indemnul prietenesc.
8. Apreciati cu franchete si onestitate rezultatul muncii colegilor, nu le subapreciati initiativele si
stradaniile de a obtine performante. Discutati pe marginea lor, invatati din experienta celorlalti, cereti-le ajutorul
atunci cand aveti nevoie.
9. Nu-i invinuiti pe altii pentru greselile personale. Asumati-le, recunoasteti deschis in ce consta vina
voastra, acest lucru va consolida imaginea voastra in ochii colegilor.
10. Dezvoltati si consolidati sentimentul de prietenie, impartasiti din trairile, framantarile si satisfactia
voastra, abordati cu tact si discretie si problemele care depasesc cadrul profesional.

Panoul 2
1. Maturitatea Fiecare membru al unei echipe trebuie sa fie suficient de matur pentru a lua in considerare o
parere sau o personalitate, in functie de cum aceasta afecteaza colectivul; nu doar cum l-ar atinge pe fiecare.
Maturii sunt capabili si sa discearna parerea echipei fata de una dintre ideile lor, in paralel cu opinia echipei
fata de ei personal. De asemenea, isi pot mentine parerea buna despre sine chiar cand ceilalti sunt in
dezacord cu ei si nici nu devin isterici, parandu-li-se ca echipa vrea sa-i termine.
2. Responsabilitatea reciproca Performantele personale sunt, fie si partial, meritul si realizarea grupului.
Adesea, unii nu cred ca si colegii lor fac o munca serioasa ori de calitate. Nu subestimati munca si contributia
colegilor pentru buna desfasurare a activitatii colective!
3. Interdependenta Doua (sau trei, sau patru, sau cinci) capete sunt mai bune decat unul singur.
Interdependenta este extrem de importanta pentru bunul mers al unei echipe, fiindca nici un membru al ei nu
valoreaza cat intreaga echipa.
4. Controlul starii conflictuale Increderea nu poate inflori intr-o atmosfera ostila. Intr-o echipa, fiecare
membru vine cu un stil diferit de a controla starea conflictuala. Lipsa unui acord de pareri este o componenta
naturala si sanatoasa a procesului de constituire a echipei, daca este controlata promt si asa cum se cuvine.
5. Comunicarea Este piatra de temelie a oricarei intreprinderi reusite, incluzand incredere si alcatuirea unei
echipe. Intr-o echipa, fiecare ar trebui incurajat sa vorbeasca deschis intr-un mod constructiv si fara sa-i
atace pe colegi, deoarece fiecare vine cu propriul sau stil de a comunica. Echipa trebuie sa fie un forum in care
se pot dezvolta idei si o ferestra pentru a vedea gandurile si parerile celorlalti.
6. Increderea in capacitatea de a depasi obstacolele Atitudinea pozitiva este cruciala pentru succesul unei
echipe. Adesea, echipele se formeaza tocmai pentru a depasi obstacole si a rezolva probleme. Trebuie sa
existe o incredere reciproca in cadrul colectivului. Cine nu crede in echipa creeaza o stare negative in ceilalti
care sapa timpul si energia colectivului
7. Asumarea riscurilor ca afinitate Notiunile mai sus mentionate implica si asumarea unui risc oarecare.
Pentru unii, asumarea riscurilor este dificila, existand teama sa nu le fie furate ideile. Succesul si bunul mers al
unei echipe consta in obisnuinta fiecarui membru de a-si asuma un anume risc, pentru a lasa loc increderii sa
se dezvolte.
8. Implicarea preocuparea pentru alcatuirea unei echipe este necesara la consolidarea increderii. Daca
lipseste macar un singur fir, manunchiul va avea de suferit. Toti trebuie sa fie incredintati ca vin la lucru gata
pregatiti si concentrati asupra problemelor de rezolvat.

Panoul 3
1. Nu va tratati colegii cu superioritate, ci considerati-i egalii dumneavoastra
2. Nu incercati sa iesiti in evidenta in fata participantilor sau a sefului pentru a le dovedi ca sunteti mai
priceput decat ceilalti
3. Sarbatoriti succesul impreuna si pastrati-va calmul in caz de nereusita
4. Nu transformati divergentele de opinie in motive de cearta
5. Nu va calomniati colegii si nu formati grupulete in cadrul echipei
6. Ajutati-va si informati-va reciproc, comunicati si colaborati
7. Mentineti sentimentul de prietenie, abordati cu discretie problemele care depasesc cadrul professional
8. Nu lua nimic fara sa ceri... este una dintre regulile de baza ale comportamentului social. Oricat de lipsit de
importanta ar fi lucrul de care ai nevoie, nu uita ca nu-ti apartine si pentru a beneficia de el este important
sa vezi daca proprietarul nu are nevoie de el in acelasi moment.
9. Problemele personale nu trebuie rezolvate in timpul programului de munca! Daca este o problema
personala ce nu suporta amanare, cere permisiunea de a o rezolva fara sa influentezi activitatile colegilor.
10. Respecta linistea si programul de munca al colegilor!
A lucra in echipa pentru orice tip de proiect inseamna a acorda sustinere si sprijin reciproc colegilor tai si de a
trage cat mai mult pentru atingerea obiectivului comun.

Comunicati, comunicati, comunicati!

If you have a problem with someone in your group, talk to him about it. Letting bad feelings brew will only make
you sour and want to isolate yourself from the group. Not only does it feel good to get it out, but it will be better
for the team in the long run.
Don't Blame Others
People in your group lose respect for you if you're constantly blaming others for not meeting deadlines. You're
not fooling anyone, people know who isn't pulling his weight in a group. Pointing the finger will only make you
look cowardly. Group members understand if you have a heavy workload and weren't able to meet a deadline.
Saying something like, "I'm really sorry, but I'll get it to you by the end of today." will earn you a lot more
respect than trying to make it seem like it's everyone else's fault that you missed your deadline.
Support Group Member's Ideas
If a teammate suggests something, always consider it even if it's the silliest idea you've ever heard!
Considering the group's ideas shows you're interested in other people's ideas, not just your own. And this
makes you a good team member. After all, nobody likes a know-it-all.
No Bragging
It's one thing to rejoice in your successes with the group, but don't act like a superstar. Doing this will make
others regret your personal successes and may create tension within the group. You don't have to brag to let
people know you've done a good job, people will already know. Have faith that people will recognize when
good work is being done and that they'll let you know how well you're doing. Your response? Something like
"Thanks, that means a lot." is enough.
Listen Actively
Look at the person who's speaking to you, nod, ask probing questions and acknowledge what's said by
paraphrasing points that have been made. If you're unclear about something that's been said, ask for more
information to clear up any confusion before moving on. Effective communication is a vital part of any team, so
the value of good listening skills shouldn't be underestimated.
Get Involved
Share suggestions, ideas, solutions and proposals with your team members. Take the time to help your fellow
teammates, no matter the request. You can guarantee there will be a time in the future when you'll need some
help or advice. And if you've helped them in past, they'll be more than happy to lend a helping hand.

T is for Talent
By talent, I mean a persons knowledge or capabilities. It is of course quite necessary for a member of a team
to be knowledgeable about the work that his team is going to do. Where can these knowledge be gained?
Knowledge can explicitly be learned from some useful handbooks on whatever you are working on. However,
implicit knowledge that which is acquired through experience and practice, is found to be much more useful.
E is for Enthusiasm
But as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be
enthusiastic. He must seek responsibility, he must find ways to make the talents he has useful. He must always
have the energy and the drive to work. Eventually, this enthusiasm will naturally come out of him and he will
realize that his example becomes so inspiring and motivating enough for his other teammates to work
without him asking them any demands.
A is for Accountability
Every member is accountable not only to his team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only
of ourselves. It is everyones responsibility to keep others informed. Whenever someone keeps on forgetting
what he needs to do, it is our responsibility to keep him reminded. What he failed to do is a reflection of what
we were also not able to do ourselves.
M is for Management
Every member must know his specialization relative to what his other teammates can do best. A good
organization is really needed in proper distribution of work. The best member of any group is he who demands
work based on what he can do. When we are assigned to do or work on something, we must also know where
to go for help (just in case we couldnt work out on something), and when those help must be asked.
Ultimately, it is every group members responsibility to ensure that everyone has a work to do and that every
one is always the best man for his job.
W is for Work-able
When a person has all the talents and the enthusiasm in the world and yet he doesnt have free time to work, it
all turns out useless. Availability of every member is very much needed to work as a team. If no ones there,
who do you expect to pursue the teams goals? This work-ability is not all about free-time, however, it also
entails a large amount of adaptability. Every member must be able to expect different possibilities and must
know how to react on them should they arise in the course of events.
O is for Openness

Understanding among team members is a necessity in every team for every member to be able to work in the
best of his abilities. Everyone must be open to new ideas and suggestions. Everyone must have the capability
to understand people. It is in keeping the communication lines open that the team can more efficiently achieve
its goals.
R is for Respect
Every team member must be able to practice respect so that he can expect to be respected in return. A team
could discuss things and every member could voice out his own opinion in whatever matter they are discussing
without degrading his teammate or his teammates suggestions no matter how irrational they are. It is one thing
to listen and be able to humbly object and it is another thing to just avoid to listen. Whenever a team is
brainstorming, everyone must be able to raise his opinions without having any hard feelings.
K is for Keenness
Keenness is the final key in working as a part of a team. It is more than enthusiasm. Enthusiasm comes before
doing the actual work. This keenness this intensity, is manifested while going through the work itself. It is
what pushes us to move on and keep on working until we are finally done.

Working on teams can be rewarding, but at times it can be difficult and downright frustrating. If there are poor
communicators on your team, you may often feel left in the dark, confused or misunderstood. To create a
successful team, effective communication methods are necessary for both team members and leaders. Even
though some people understand their communication skills need improving, many aren't certain how to
improve them. So, in the following article, we've outlined how to avoid some common team blunders as well as
some helpful advice on how to be a better teammate or leader overall. Go team!
If You're a Team Member

Team work and team building essentials

Team building skills are critical for your effectiveness as a manager or entrepreneur. And even if you are not in
a management or leadership role yet, better understanding of team work can make you a more effective
employee and give you an extra edge in your corporate office.
A team building success is when your team can accomplish something much bigger and work
more effectively than a group of the same individuals working on their own. You have a strong
synergy of individual contributions. But there are two critical factors in building a high
performance team.
The first factor in team effectiveness is the diversity of skills and personalities. When people use
their strengths in full, but can compensate for each other's weaknesses. When different
personality types balance and complement each other.
The other critical element of team work success is that all the team efforts are directed towards
the same clear goals, the team goals. This relies heavily on good communication in the team and
the harmony in member relationships.
In real life, team work success rarely happens by itself, without focused team building efforts and
activities. There is simply too much space for problems. For example, different personalities,
instead of complementing and balancing each other, may build up conflicts. Or even worse,
some people with similar personalities may start fighting for authority and dominance in certain
areas of expertise. Even if the team goals are clear and accepted by everyone, there may be no
team commitment to the group goals or no consensus on the means of achieving those goals:
individuals in the team just follow their personal opinions and move in conflicting directions.
There may be a lack of trust and openness that blocks the critical communication and leads to
loss of coordination in the individual efforts. And on and on. This is why every team needs a good
leader who is able to deal with all such team work issues.
Here are some additional team building ideas, techniques, and tips you can try when managing
teams in your situation.
Make sure that the team goals are totally clear and completely understood and accepted by each
team member.
Make sure there is complete clarity in who is responsible for what and avoid overlapping
authority. For example, if there is a risk that two team members will be competing for control in
certain area, try to divide that area into two distinct parts and give each more complete control
in one of those parts, according to those individual's strengths and personal inclinations.
Build trust with your team members by spending one-on-one time in an atmosphere of honesty
and openness. Be loyal to your employees, if you expect the same.
Allow your office team members build trust and openness between each other in team building
activities and events. Give them some opportunities of extra social time with each other in an

atmosphere that encourages open communication. For example in a group lunch on Friday.
Though be careful with those corporate team building activities or events in which socializing
competes too much with someone's family time.
For issues that rely heavily on the team consensus and commitment, try to involve the whole
team in the decision making process. For example, via group goal setting or group sessions with
collective discussions of possible decision options or solution ideas. What you want to achieve
here is that each team member feels his or her ownership in the final decision, solution, or idea.
And the more he or she feels this way, the more likely he or she is to agree with and commit to
the decided line of action, the more you build team commitment to the goals and decisions.
When managing teams, make sure there are no blocked lines of communications and you and
your people are kept fully informed.
Even when your team is spread over different locations, you can still maintain effective team
communication. Just do your meetings online and slash your travel costs. Click here for a free test
Be careful with interpersonal issues. Recognize them early and deal with them in full.
Don't miss opportunities to empower your employees. Say thank you or show appreciation of an
individual team player's work.
Don't limit yourself to negative feedback. Be fare. Whenever there is an opportunity, give
positive feedback as well.
Finally, though team work and team building can offer many challenges, the pay off from a high
performance team is well worth it.
Teamwork stimulating posters and art prints
Here is a subtle way to promote teamwork in your office.
Corporate team building exercises, activities, and games
Important insights into various aspects of managing teams, including corporate team building
exercises, games, and activities to help team effectiveness.
Team building and team work quotes
Selected team work quotes and quotations related to different aspects of team building, team
work, and team motivation.
Team work and team building seminars, articles, and other team effectiveness resources
Selected team building resources including team building seminars, workshops, articles, team
training companies, and other helpful links for managing teams.
Virtual teams: Benefits and challenges
Virtual teams as a great way to bring together people who are not sharing the same office.
Advantages and disadvantages of virtual teams.

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