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File: Readme.txt, Notes for Irricad Pro V12.

Date: Wednesday 12th September 2012.

Bug fixes and additions.

Suggested Minimum Computer Requirements.
Additions to the Manual.
Known Problems.
Installing USB dongle version.
Contact Information.

1. Bug Fixes and Additions

------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 12.00
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug introduced in V12 that could occur when opening text dialogs ("Dr
aw Text", "Label" Settings etc.). A "The parameter is incorrect" warning would b
e displayed. Caused by a specified font missing.
2) Minor problem fixed in "Show Allowable Submain Position" tool. Very long (nor
mally caused by odd elevations) tapes/SL could cause problems.
3) Allow for lineTypes and widths in existing items not existing. This avoids "T
he parameter is incorrect" errors.
4) Fixed a problem, introduced in V12, which would occur when the system decimal
separator is a comma (e.g. European locales). Irricad now works internally with
the standard English separator (i.e. a decimal point "."). This means that in a
ll Irricad data entry fields a point should be used for the decimal separator. I
n the future we hope to allow for different input locales.
5) Fixed a crash that could occur, very occasionally, when opening the "Zone Des
ign Configuration" dialog.
6) Correctly account for varying warehouse code lengths when converting old V6 d
7) Improved the "Pipe Fitting Matching Table" by making the dialog resizable wit
h autofit columns.
8) Fixed a problem in the "Riser Selection Rules" dialog that occured with user
selected risers. Also made the dialog resizable with autofit columns.
9) Added Y, X, Z point order options for CSV/Txt importing.
10) Correct minor rounding issues in Object Info for hydraulic information with
large coordinates.
11) Enabled mouse wheel scroll in "View Errors".
12) Minor fix so that "Irricad is already running" warning is displayed correctl
13) Added improved French translations.

14) Minor change so that the visibility of only those layers changed in the laye
r manager are updated on screen (rather than all layers).
15) Added the ability to sort the layer manager grid. Double clicking on column
headers will cycle between the default, ascending and descending sorts.
16) Fixed a minor bug in Import Contours where text files with an upper case ext
ension (i.e. .TXT) wouldn't import.
17) Added valve elevation, mode (none, lateral, submain or manifold) and descrip
tion fields to those available in zone reports.
18) Added "CVALVEDESC" label keyword for Irrigation Blocks to display the contro
l valve description. Note that management needs to be completed before labeling
using this keyword.
19) Minor cosmetic fixes in some design reports to allow space for (US GPM) in h
20) Increased, by three times, the "Maxy" limit in Network analysis. This preven
ts "IDE_DES_471" warnings occurring on large highly looped systems.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 11.12
------------------------------------------------1) The Irricad user interface (menus, dialogs, prompts, reports, templates and s
creen messages) may now be displayed in English, French or Spanish. Normally the
language is specified at installation but it may also be changed via the "Setti
ngs/Language" menu. Additionally the UI language can be specified in the "Tool/L
anguage" menu for the database editor, report editor and error viewer. Language
specific versions of the plot layout and report templates are available and loca
ted in appropriate sub-folders of the standard locations (e.g. "Symbols/Template
s/Spanish", "Reports/Spanish"). These may be enabled by changing the "Plot Layou
t Path" and "Reports Path" in the miscellaneous section of "Settings/Drawing" ap
propriately or, alternatively, by copying the required templates into the standa
rd locations.
2) Added support for Autocad 2010/2012 format DWG/DXF files.
3) Added a new tool ("Reports/Show Allowable Submain") that gives a visual repre
sentation of the possible sub-main locations (assuming that suitable pipe sizes
are available) such that hydraulic design constraints are met. The optimum posit
ion may also be shown. See the release notes for more information.
4) Zone Flow maps ("Reports/Show Zone Flow Map") may now be displayed in additio
n to Zone Pressure Maps. See the release notes for more information.
5) Legends for Zone Pressure/Flow maps are now displayed on the dialog and can o
ptionally be created on the design.
6) User attributes may now be assigned to Electrical items.
7) A facility has been added to assist with selection when items are in close pr
oximity. If the "Ctrl" key is held down while selecting items, with the "Select
Object" tool, a context menu will appear that lists all items close to the click
point. Cycling through the list highlights individual items which will be selec
ted when the menu entry is clicked.
8) Added a path setting for the reports template directory. See "Settings/Drawin

g/Miscellaneous/Reports Path". When this setting is changed the reports menus ar

e automatically rebuilt to reflect the templates available in the selected folde
9) Added the ability to specify the name of the layer attribute (defaults to "La
yer") when importing ESRI shape files (.SHP).
10) The Winicad.ini and Irribase.ini files are now located in the "\Config" sub
folder (previously located in the C:\windows folder). These files store user set
tings for toolbar layout, most recently used files and language settings etc.
11) Added some accelerators for adding, deleting and editing components in the d
atabase editor.
12) Fixed a minor bug in the Hydraulic Gradeline Tool where the position of the
submain locator could be incorrect in some circumstances.
13) Ensure that elevations imported from DXF files are placed on the ELEVATIONS
14) Fixed a minor problem in the Hydraulic Gradeline tool that occurred when pip
es with the same colour changed class. A step change in the pressure limit is
now displayed.
15) Fixed a problem when globally changing outlets where the wetted radii had be
en previously changed manually.
16) Fixed a bug where the Distance and angle were not displayed on the status ba
r for Select Lasso with the "Z coord" option on.
17) Fixed a minor problem where after running "Calculate Contours" there was no
current tool (an extra click was required).
18) Improved the performance of "Reset Distance" (F9).
19) Minor change so that the report window initially opens full screen on the sa
me monitor as Irricad when using dual monitor systems.
20) Remember the last path used for this session in the report editor.
21) Fixed a problem when copying and pasting on the "Query" tab in the database
22) Added an error message to the Hydraulic Gradeline tool when invalid connecti
ons are detected.
23) ContourCreator - Allow for importing polylines with greater than 3748 vertic
es. Vcadd seems to have this as a limit so split them up.
24) Changes to ensure that the elevation interpolation error 481 is displayed.
25) Fixed a problem in the databases editor grid when deleting items that were s
elected by dragging from the bottom to the top. The items below the selection we
re deleted.
26) Display line widths and colours for wires in the main database editor grid.
27) Support for calculated the required inlet pressure to achieve a specified fl
ushing velocity has been added. Parameters controlling this have been added to t
he "Design/Parameters/Hydraulic" tab. Results can be seen in a new "Zone Flushin

g" report. See the release notes for more information.

28) Minor fixes to the display of Q vs H graph for outlets, in the database edit
or, when certain units were selected.
29) Enabled delete and backspace in the database editor data "grid".
31) Added "OUTSPACE" label keyword for outlet spacing in spraylines and spraylin
e blocks.
30) Enable sprayline keywords for use in block labels (OUTDESC, OUTLABEL, OUTSPA
31) Added FLUSHID label keyword (Manifold ID).
32) Actual pipe diameters are now available in hydraulic reports (as Item->Size2
33) Fixed a bug where 493 errors (the location was shown as 0.0,0.0) were genera
ted when running detailed analysis on a Mainline containing multiple Water Suppl
34) Fixed a problem in the lateral conversion tools (spraylines to tapes etc.) s
o that irrigation block entities are now updated correctly.
35) Minor fix so that LWPOLY contours are closed correctly when importing elevat
ions from a DXF file.
36) Changes to avoid dongle timeouts that could occasionally occur when the mach
ine was busy (typically this would cause the serial number to be set to 0 in the
title bar).
37) Fixed a minor problem in the Valve/Outlet connector tool where valves/outlet
s directly on pipes would not connect correctly.
38) Fixed a bug in the move tool when moving connected hydraulic items subsequen
t to using <Esc> to quit a move.

------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 11.10

------------------------------------------------1) Fix a bug where valve elevations could be incorrect for the last zone if a de
sign previously contained more zones.
2) Fixed a problem where only last line was pasted to excel after copying data f
rom the database editor grids.
3) Fixed a problem where using the Elevation attribute for 3D shape files didn't
work when importing contours.
4) Fixed a bug introduced in 11.10 where the long and short date plot template k
eywords (CDAT and LDAT) were using the GMT date. This would mean that in certain
locations at certain times of the day the date shown on the plan could be in er
ror by one day.
5) Fixed a similar problem to 4) above when setting the default design date for

a new design.
6) Changed the line type definition of "Dashed48" to device based to avoid slow
redraw problems in some cases.
7) Suppress debug.txt output when running old AEI elevation method.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 11.08
------------------------------------------------1) Make sure pre V11 designs have the AEI DEM method set.
2) Fixed a bug, introduced in V10.5, where connections for hydraulic items were
incorrect when using multiple copy for a second time on same items (e.g. after <
ESC> or stopping the tool).
3) Fixed a bug, introduced in V10.5, that occurred when an outlet with a wetted
radius was deleted then undeleted. The connections where incorrect and could cau
se a crash in some circumstances or corruption after a repair.
4) Improved the convergence in Detailed analysis for tape blocks.
5) Fixed a bug, in the Database editor, where pasting partial records didn't wor
k correctly. Also occurred when pasting individual cells.
6) Fixed a crash, in the Database editor, when entering more than 4 characters i
nto a the supplier code field in the Grid window.
7) Make sure supplier codes in the Grid window are checked for validity.
8) Fixed a bug, in the Database editor, where items in an assembly were not copi
ed when using paste component on assemblies. This only occurred when using copy/
paste component in the same database.
9) Fixed a bug, in the Database editor, where the nozzles associations of an out
let were not copied when using paste component on an outlet. This only occurred
when using copy/paste component in the same database.
10) Fixed a crash that would occur when clearing pressure map symbols in designs
that contained a mainline outlet. This problem would also occur when attempting
to create a pressure map symbol for a mainline outlet.
11) Allow for mainline outlets in show pressure map to avoid crash.
12) Fixed a crash that would occur when using "Clear Pressure Map" in a design c
ontaining mainline outlets.
13) Fixed a minor problem in block subdivision where, in some circumstances, "ch
ild" blocks didn't completely span the parent block. Only occurred when slicing
blocks with nearly horizontal laterals.
14) Fixed a bug when using the ROLLS/ROLLS3D keyword in labels with US units.
15) Minor cosmetic changes to tab order in some hydraulic dialogs.
16) Fixed a minor problem where the date for CDAT and LDAT plot template keyword
s was incorrect on some systems.
17) Fixed a bug when editing irrigation blocks with two flushing assemblies per

manifold. Previously attempting to change both assemblies to the same valve woul
d not work.
18) Minor improvements to copy/paste functionality in the database editor.
19) Fix minor problem where the "-" and "+" buttons on the keypad could not be u
sed to type in coordinates. They were used as accelerators for zoom in/out, the
<Page Up> and <Page Down> keys are now used for this.
20) Fixed a bug where repairing after a "File/Compress" could cause strange pipe
connections. "COMPRESS 2/Message: Duplicate UIDs" errors would be generated dur
ing the compress.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 11.06
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem introduced in 11.06 where adding hydraulic items after an ini
tial elevation interpolation would cause all Hydraulic items to be set to 0.0. T
his only happened with the ABOS elevation interpolation method.
2) Fixed a minor problem on dual monitor systems where warning messages and the
"Copy" dialog could be displayed in the wrong position.
3) Changes to better handle errors in the database editor Query window so as to
avoid crashes.
4) Fixed a bug in the database editor where new outlets that had been added woul
d not appear in the Outlet dialog lists in Irricad.
5) Fixed a minor problem where elevations were not automatically re-interpolated
if the .DEM file was missing.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 11.04
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a minor bug in subdivision the tool when using the "Row" slice option o
n blocks with groups. Gave unpredictable results in V11.
2) Fixed a problem in the contour creation tool where in some circumstances (e.g
. negative elevations) contour lines would not be created.
3) Fixed a bug in the Database Editor where the previous "Copy Component" action
s were retained when "Paste Component" was used.
4) Changes to handle 3D shapes files containing one field when importing contour
5) Fixed a minor bug where deleting all elevations didn't remake the DEM or rese
t elevations. Only occurred for the ABOS method.
6) Changes to allow for Elevation field types other than N (numeric) when import
ing contours from shape files.
7) Enabled the automatic transfer of curve fitting parameters to the Tape detail
s dialog.
8) Fixed a problem in the change dialog for Images. Changing the width with "Loc

k Ratio" enabled would calculate the image height incorrectly if the units were
not metres.
9) Allow for block entities with only one lateral. This fixes a crash that could
occur when subdividing blocks.
10) Enabled pasting data from external sources in the database editor.
11) Fixed a minor problem where certain types of fittings, with blank usage code
s, could be used during computer fittings selection.
12) Changed the flow unit displayed in the database editor detail dialogs for va
lves, other hydraulics and pumps to the "System/Zone Flow" setting.
13) Improvements made to the Query window of the database editor. Multiple queri
es can now be executed in one operation by delimiting them with the ~ character.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 11.00
------------------------------------------------1) Added a function to draw pipe reduction symbols. This tool is accessed from t
he "Draw" menu, for more information see the V11 release notes.
2) Added a setting for the supplementary character set (Settings/Miscellaneous).
This, in conjunction with the Windows "Language for Non-Unicode Programs" setti
ng (Control Panel/Regional and Language Options), allows non-western character s
ets to be displayed correctly. In addition this setting also controls the "Codep
age" used when exporting DWG and DXF files (R2004/2006 and older formats). For m
ore information on using this feature refer to the V11 release notes.
3) The "Tools" menu has been split into "Modify" and "Tools".
4) User defined attributes have been enabled for pipes, spraylines and tapes.
5) The default values for, the maximum number of iterations for LP and Detailed
analysis and Max Contours for interpolation, have been increased.
6) The settings for leader and dimension fonts are now saved. Previously they wo
uld revert to "Times Roman".
7) DEM Elevations is now the default for the Tape Elevation method.
8) Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when loading a design containing OLE ite
ms where the external database was missing.
9) Ensure that items missing from the external database (Red) and not enabled (G
reen) are displayed correctly in Block Entity dialogs.
10) Fix a minor problem where items missing from the external database (i.e. int
ernal only) could be used to create new hydraulic items.
11) Improved accuracy of the area calculations used in Object Info.
12) Fix a minor problem where seed Fill/Hatch tools would not reinitialise if th
ey failed.
13) Fixed a minor problem in the HGL tool when some entities had no elevation se

14) Changed the location of swap files used in the report viewing process to the
windows temp folder. This stops the possible accumulation of .MF and .MFT files
in the main Irricad folder or occasionally on the desktop.
15) Made changes to the Move Tool to prevent crashes when other tools are accid
entally launched during a move operation.
16) Stop some select tools (e.g. Select Last) being launched during editing oper
ations (e.g. rotate, copy ...). This could cause odd deletions and crashes in so
me cases.
17) Changes to allow for importing Global Mapper DXF files without causing probl
ems in some other situations.
18) Make sure "Isometric" mode is off when opening an existing design.
19) Minor change to accommodate larger coordinate in some error messages.
20) Improved the speed when saving or selecting "File/New" for designs containin
g large numbers (>1000) of symbol definitions.
21) Fix problem where importing an image file from another disk (compared to the
location of the design) causes the image to disappear.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.66
------------------------------------------------1) Added a function to calculate contours from spot heights. This is accessed fr
om the "/" menu and will create "read only" contours. These contours are for pre
sentation purposes only and are not used in the calculation of elevations for hy
draulic items. For more information see the V11 release notes.
2) A new method of interpolation/DEM generation has been added in this version.
Based on SurGe method the calculated DEM gives a much improved representation of
the ground surface between data values. In addition the generation of the DEM g
rid is many times faster that the previous method and is not restricted to a lim
it of 32750 contour segments. The new SurGe method is now the default See the re
lease notes for more information.
3) Added new pressure map tool ("Reports"/"Show Pressure Map"). This tool shows
graphically the distribution of pressures within a zone. See the V11 release not
es for more information.
4) Added valve summary dialog ("Reports"/"Valve Specification Summary"). Used af
ter Zone/Valve analysis this feature shows a tabular view of all zone valves, zo
ne flow and allowable flow ranges allowing easy re-selection of suitable control
valves. . See the V11 release notes for more information.
5) Added support for importing elevations from DXF files generated by Global Map
6) Fixed a problem that would occur when changing to multi pipe labels for pipes
that had existing single labels. All single labels for the pipes in question ar
e now removed prior to re-labeling.
7) Display of the grid in the 3D Dem view is now disabled by default (the grid f
or the new interpolation method is much finer and can obscure the 3D view). The
visibility of the grid can be toggled by pressing the "G" key.

8) Major changes have been made to the database editor to improve it's useabilit
y. See the V11 release notes for more information.
9) All line widths and line styles are now displayed graphically in all dialogs.
10) In text dialogs a TrueType icon is now displayed, where appropriate, to font
drop down lists.
11) To aid selection the allowable flow range (from the database) is now display
ed in the valve drop down lists.
12) Increased the maximum length of warehouse codes to 32 characters. See the V1
1 release notes for more information.
13) Added location "hyper links" to some Irricad error messages.
14) Added more information to the "Valve out of Flow Range" warning message.
15) Improved the creation of HGL for unconnected blocks.
16) Fixed a crash that could occur when converting lines to pipes/cut-pipes.
17) Fixed connectivity problems when converting polylines to cut-pipes.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.60
------------------------------------------------1) Improved the speed of processing (in management, connectivity check, zone des
ign ...) for zones containing polyline tapes.
2) Fix a problem where the default image rotation angle was set a previously use
d value and was subsequently not able to be changed.
3) Fixed a bug where converting lines/polylines to pipes did not connect pipes c
4) Fixed a bug (accidently introduced in V10.5) where the connectivity of hydrau
lic items would be incorrect when using copy tools to create more than one copy
of hydraulic items.

------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.58

------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem where if labels were edited via the change dialog (i.e. size,
orient ...) they would become disassociated with the linked object and would no
t be deleted or regenerated correctly.
2) Fixed a minor bug where the selection filter was turned off, in some circumst
ances, by the second or third click in some CAD tools (e.g. move).
3) The diameter units are now populated correctly via the "Units->Diameter" keyw
ord in Design reports.
4) Fixed a bug where a sprinkler block entity's outlet list was not updated afte
r a compress or merge. This would result in the outlets remaining (either in an

unconnected block or "Extra" outlets in a connected block) if "Create Laterals"

was toggled or the block deleted. In addition the flow for the ACTFLOW label wou
ld be displayed as the nominal flow.
5) Fixed a bug where labels could become disassociated with their linked object
after a compress or merge.
6) Fixed a bug in unconnected block entities. Symptoms were:- Changing the subma
in depth would also change the depth of some Lateral pipes. Toggling "Create Lat
erals" would remove some lateral pipes. Only effected blocks where the submain w
as not on the ends of laterals.
7) Fixed bug for Sprayline block entities where the linetype, width, layer and c
olour not maintained correctly when changing items (in the block dialog) that di
dn't require the laterals to be remade. (e.g. changing the submain pipe used).
8) Fixed a problem where supplier codes with three or less characters were not r
ecognized when using the "Multiplier" costing option. This would cause a "153" w
arning during costing/BOM reporting.
9) Added a "Y/N" confirmation for elevation interpolation.
10) Fixed a bug with the "Even Flow" manifold option where the incorrect number
of manifolds where positioned for some block entities (where laterals not end fe
d). In addition made changes to make flows more even for this option.
11) Fixed a problem where "Unloading" symbols could remove existing instances of
symbols without any checking. This would happen if the symbol(s) unloaded were
not the currently selected item. Also fixed a minor cosmetic problem in the symb
ol preview that could occur after unloading symbols.
12) Fixed a crash that could occur when panning (either via the mouse wheel or "
Dynamic Pan" tool) during various CAD tools (e.g. Move). Also made a change so t
hat panning doesn't terminate CAD tools.
13) Made a change so that the focus is automatically returned to the main Irrica
d view when the cursor is moved off the layer manager window. Previously it was
necessary to "click" in the main window.
14) Incorporated an Update to the VCADD engine. This fixes problems that could b
e encountered on some computers when printing designs containing large images on
larger paper sizes. Also addresses a bug where not all dimensions/leaders/Datum
s were exported to DWG/DXF files.
15) Addressed some problems related to UnDelete that could cause:Problems where connectivity checks could fail because control valves wer
e set as Zone or Mainline rather than "Zone + Mainline".
IDE_MAN_351 ("Zone item in mainline") warnings.
Problems with connections after undeleting items.
16) Fixed a bug where #Shift# label keyword didn't display the system flow/shift
for unconnected blocks.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.54
------------------------------------------------1) Items belonging to a tape or sprayline Block entity may now be moved if the "
Shift" key is held down while operating the Move Tool. Note that to do this <Shi
ft> must be pressed when the move is activated i.e. If items are selected first

then hold shift down when clicking the move tool (or when selecting it from a me
nu). If items are not selected initially then hold shift down when clicking the
item to move.
2) Items belonging to a tape or sprayline Block entity may now be deleted if the
"Shift" key is held down while operating the Delete Tool. The operation is simi
lar to the move tool. If items are selected first then to delete a single block
item hold shift down when clicking the delete tool (or when selecting it from a
menu) or pressing the DEL button. When multiple items are selected hold the shif
t key down when clicking <Yes> to the confirmation message. If items are not sel
ected initially then hold shift down when clicking the item to delete.
3) Fixed a problem where the colour specified for leaders was ignored (was fixed
as Red by default).
4) Added a "Remove Orphan Nozzles" utility to the database editor. Accessible fr
om the Utilities menu in the Database Editor this utility removes from the datab
ase any nozzles that are not currently assigned to Outlets.
5) Added LDAT keyword for plot templates - prints the current date in the Window
s long date format.
6) Fixed a problem where the symbol size for a Water supply could not be changed
to a value greater than 9.
7) Fixed problem where layers that contained items, but were not visible, could
be deleted without any warning issued. This would only occur if multiple layers
were selected and the first layer in the selection contained no items.
8) Fixed a bug where valves created automatically in Block Entities were not con
nected to the submain. This would only occur in certain situations when a select
ion filter was active.
9) Fixed a problem, introduced in V10.5, where layers were not merged correctly
when importing DXF/DWG/VCD files.
10) OLE items are now printed last (i.e. on top) as per version 10.
11) Multiple improvements to the handling of Min/Max zone pressure labels: Fixed
a problem where the labels were not cleared correctly after a design was saved;
Ensured that pressure labels and symbols can be removed after being moved; Dele
te pressure labels and symbols when CVs or Blocks removed.
12) Changes to fix problem that occurred when a new "Layer View" was made but th
e layer list was not updated.
13) Improved the memory management used for OLE items when exporting to PDF. Thi
s fixes a problem where OLE items and images were not displayed in the resulting
PDF file.
14) Fixed a bug that occurred when moving a hydraulic item attached to a pipe. I
f the move was canceled by pressing <ESC> then the item was visually disconnecte
d from the pipe(s).
15) Minor change so that the current text in the dialog for the text tool is aut
omatically selected when the tool is initialized (as per V9.5).
16) Added "F" (for flushing) pipe usage code. Pipes marked with this code are tr
eated the same as those marked with "Z" except that they are not available for a
utomatic selection during Zone LP or Velocity design. Note that a pipes usage sh

ould not include both the "Z" and "F" codes.

17) Fixed a problem that could occur when accessing a dongle over slow networks
or internet connections. Symptoms were general slowness with intermittent "freez
ing"and pop-up dialogs taking a long time to appear (pressing the <ALT> key woul
d cause them to display).
18) Fixed a minor bug where it was not possible to make changes to an embedded i
mage if the source image file was not in it's original location. A warning messa
ge to this effect was issued.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.50
------------------------------------------------1) Change maximum allowable wire size to be 1000.0 in database editor.
2) Fix minor problem introduced in 10.5 where "Save changes" message generated w
hen no changes made.
3) Change format of "Design Date" (in "Settings/Design Details") to use the curr
ent Windows short date format.
4) Change the format of "CDAT" plot layout keyword to Windows short format.
5) Fix cosmetic bugs in HGL display when various options toggled.
6) In database item selection dialogs items present but disabled in the external
database are now displayed in green. Missing items shown as red (no italics) an
d the current item shown in bold.
7) Preview added to line type dialogs in database editor.
8) Fix bug in 10.5 where layers from an imported file were added to existing lay
er groups.
9) Fix a crash, introduced in 10.50, where saving "Untitled" could cause a crash
10) Minor changes to avoid strange behaviour of check boxes in new layer manager
11) Fixed a crash that could occur if CTRL key was depressed when the Move tool
was selected.
12) Fixed a crash that could occur if CTRL key was depressed and a single snap s
elected to locate the reference point for moving.
13) Fixed a problem where pipe pressures could be misreported (design/analysis c
orrect otherwise) in some circumstances in looped systems containing PRVs.
14) Fixed a problem where changing copied block entities could give incorrect re
sults in some circumstances. This was most noticeable for blocks with the "Set D
istance" sub-main option.
15) Fixed a minor problem that could leave some block items selected if a copy o
peration was aborted (via <esc>) part way through. Generally this would only occ
ur if the items were on hidden layers and a left click issued, after the <esc>,
and before exiting the tool.

Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.16

------------------------------------------------1) Improved the import/Export of DXF/DWG files:- Files containing layout spaces
can now be directly imported; Irricad now supports up to and including AutoCad 2
009 formats.
2) Image handling in Irricad has been extensively updated, and a number
mage functions are available. Changes include:- Images can be added to symbols, including plot layouts (e.g.,
- The image import dialog now includes a preview window, making
lection easier;
- Images can now be edited, rotated and mirrored like any other
object (double-click, Change tool);
- Allow editing of image height and width;
- Transparency is supported in GIFs and PNGs;
- Images can now be embedded directly into the design;

of new i
adding l
image se

Old style images are automatically converted to new style images when a design i
s opened in v10.5.
3) A new "dockable" layer manager has been implemented. This replaces the right
click function in previous versions (the visibility of the layer manager may be
controlled via the right click menu). The layer tab under "Settings/Layers" has
also been redesigned.
4) Layers may now be marked as 'Printable' or not. If this flag is not set items
in the particular layer will not be printed. Note this also applies to "Export
to PDF" although the preview will still display layers that aren't "Printable".
5) Two new functions have been added to the Layer manager. The Groups feature al
lows different arrangements of layer visibility to be saved under a single name.
To make a new group simply move to the groups tab, enter a name into the dialog
and click the "Add Group" button. The current visibility for all layers is save
d and can be applied by either double clicking on the group name or right click
and "Activate" group. The lower pane of the manager indicates which layers are v
isible in the group (a green icon indicates that the layer contains entities). L
ayers may be added or removed from the group by using right click or the two but
tons at the bottom of the dialog.
The "Views" feature assigns a name to the current zoom state, double clicking or
right click will then move to these stored states. Note that if there is a "Gro
up" with the same name as a "View" then when that view is selected the correspon
ding layer group will also be applied. Checking "Auto Sync Layer Groups", when c
reating a "View", will automatically create a "Group" with the same name.
6) The "Rotate" tool now allows rotation angles to be entered via the keyboard.
Simply type in the angle (e.g. 30 NOT <30) and press enter while the tool is act
7) Implemented 'Outlet Connector' tool. This new tool (Tools|Connect Outlets) is
analogous to the existing "Connect Valves" tool and automatically connects outl
ets to the nearest piece of mainline or zone pipe, depending on the outlet type.
8) Added an export data function to the HGL tool - exports to XLS, TSV and CSV.
9) Added a preview when drawing hatches.
10) Added a preview to the Draw Symbol dialog.

11) Added a registry only parameter to allow for inexact matches when updating i
tems from the database (this occurs automatically when a design is opened). Inex
act search allows either the component description or the warehouse code to diff
er and is only performed if an exact search for a component fails. The "ExactCom
ponentMatching" value in the "HKCU\AEI Software\Irricad\Appsettings\Misc" key co
ntrols this behavior. If set to "0" (default is "1") then inexact searching is e
12) If a database component is not found in the external database, Irricad will
now display the correct item description in combo boxes instead of defaulting to
the first item in the list. The description will show in a red font to indicate
to the user that it was not found in the database. If a database component *is*
found in the external database, but it is switched off (usage code N ), Irricad wi
ll display the item description in a green font. The current item in the list is
now displayed in bold text.
13) Improve the pasting coordinates into dialogs (e.g. "GoTo Coordinate") includ
ing allowing pasting from the right click menu.
14) Fix minor bug in the Database Editor curve fitting utilities where the capti
ons were incorrect.
15) Fixed a minor bug in "Assign Zones to System Flows"- only add a zone to syst
em flow if it is not already present.
16) In "Block Entity" tools improved the upstream/downstream positioning of mani
fold assemblies in some circumstances.
17) Symbols may now be created with an initial rotation angle.
18) Ensure that the HGL displays properly when there is a change of pipe (colour
) at a pressure discontinuity (a PRV or a pump).
19) Entities that are moved to invisible layers are now automatically deselected
20) Assemblies are now marked in the database lists with a much more visible ico
21) Added warning messages to help distinguish 2D vs 3D files when importing con
tours from .shp files.
22) In the "Assign Zones to System Flows" tool disable 'assign zones' and 'clear
assignment' items in the AssignZones right-click menu when no zones are selecte
23) Improved Zone minimum/maximum pressure labeling so that existing labels are
now removed when using the "Selected Valves" option.
24) When a point item is deleted, replacement junctions are now places on the <D
efault> junction layer.
25) The "Running Snaps" button now reflects the current running snaps status.
26) Minor fix to ensure that a "\" is appended to the "Backup Folder" in "Settin
27) Fixed a problem that could occur occasionally when labeling multiple pipes labels would appear to be repositioned and existing labels were not removed.

28) Fixed a problem in labeling where changing the location (e.g. from "Above" t
o "Inline") would not have any effect.
29) Prevent water supply number incrementing when tool is canceled.
30) Added "Clear Management" function.
31) Fix minor bug in "Cut Lasso". Previously if an option apart from "Cut" was s
elected and then another Cut Lasso initiated then option formerly chosen would p
ersist unless the radio buttons were re-clicked.
32) Fixed some conditions that could occasionally cause random crashes e.g. on C
TRL-A (Select All), on double <esc>, on double click.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.14
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a very obscure bug that would cause "Draw Plot Layout" to crash when <O
K> was clicked, also would cause "File/Repair" to crash. Only occurred in design
s where block entities had somehow become corrupted.
2) Fixed a problem in "Cut Pipe". In some circumstances the cut pipe would not c
onnect to laterals that were part of a block entity, especially when spanning mu
ltiple blocks.
3) Minor change to improve the startup speed of tools when running on network sy
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.12
------------------------------------------------1) Made a change to improve loading speed of older non-graphical management opti
ons (e.g. "Assign System Flows to Zones").
2) Fixed a problem in "Assign System Flows to Zones" that could occur occasional
ly on some machines. The dialog would appear to freeze and operate incorrectly.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.10
------------------------------------------------1) Minor fix was made to use the absolute value of the dynamic headloss when cal
culating min/max headloss for mainline labels.
2) Change to allow the pressure, at junctions on the end of tapes, to be display
ed in both labels and object info.
3) Fix bug introduced in V9.24. It was possible, although very uncommon, to get
error (IDE_MAN_309) incorrectly when running any of the Management options on a
design where a lot of Water supplies had been deleted and replaced or renamed. T
his only occurred if the total number of old and new Supplies exceeded 10.
4) Fixed a problem, introduced in 10.06, where clicking <OK> on either the "Wate
r Supply Times" or "Zone Operating Times" dialogs would cause a crash.
5) Fixed a problem where the boundary entity of a Sprayline block could be delet
ed if the block was edited and then the dialog exited via <Cancel>. If the Spray

line block tool was subsequently opened and exited via <Cancel> the boundary ent
ity could be deleted.
6) Fixed a minor bug when editing a Sprayline Block Entity. If the Riser was cha
nged to "No component" the change was not updated.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.08
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug in mainline labels where in some circumstances (negative flows) m
ax/min flow labels were not correct (set to 0.0).
2) Re-enabled the "No. Manifolds (Even flow) option on the flushing tab for bloc
k entity tools. This option was inadvertently disabled in V10.0
3) Fixed a minor problem introduced in V10.06. Multiple warnings would be issued
when exiting from the "Assign System Flows to Zones" dialog ("Design\Other Mana
gement Options") when system flows were not assigned to some zones.
4) Allow assignments for zones to be cleared in "Assign Zones to System Flows".
This is done by either entering 0 or blank into the "Assign System Flows to Zone
" dialog or selecting a zone and then "Clear Assignment" on the right click menu
5) Minor fix to allow "Import Contours" to work on 3D .SHP files that do not con
tain a numerical elevation field.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.04
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug where using the "centre" valve option for block entities placed t
he Valve incorrectly (by a lateral spacing).
2) Fixed a bug re-introduced in V9.5 that could cause block entities to become c
orrupted after canceling from a "Change Type" dialog.
3) Fixed minor bug where Block entity Control Valves connected using the Valve c
onnector tool could not be moved.
S for unconnected blocks.
5) Enabled VALVEPRESS label keyword for control valves. This gives the downstrea
m (i.e. Zone) pressure for a valve.
6) Fixed a problem that could occur with multiple separate water supplies. If th
e last system flow contained a Water Supply that did not have pressures specifie
d then this setting would be applied to the Water supplies in the preceding syst
ems flows (i.e. the Supply pressure would be calculated by Irricad despite being
fixed in the Water Supply dialog).
7) Ranges of system flows can now be specified in the "Assign Zones to System Fl
ows" and "Assign System Flows to Zones" management options. Note that in the tab
ular "Assign System Flows to Zones" option a range is identified by -ve numbers.
For example to specify that a Water supply operates on System flows 2 to 12 and
-2 and -12 would be entered in the first two columns. This is especially usefu
l, in designs with multiple supplies, when the number of systems flows a water s
upply operates on is more than 17. A total of 9 ranges can be assigned to an ite

m, this applies to both zones and water supplies.

8) Show the angle and length for pipes in object info when debug mode not select
10) Fixed a bug, introduced in V10, where importing DXF/DWG files into a clean d
esign could crash. This would only occur when the source DWG/DXF had no named la
yers and all entities in the file were in layer 0.
11) Fixed a minor bug where correcting duplicate zone names wasn't reflected in
the Zone Design Config dialog.
12) Made minor improvements to the operation of prompt strings displayed for men
u items.
13) Fixed a bug, introduced in V10, were "Snap Centre" (selected from the right
click menu) needed 2 clicks to work correctly.
14) If no slices and no cuts are selected in the subdivision tool the original p
arent block is now regenerated and any sub-blocks deleted. This could give unpre
dictable results in previous versions. Note that setting options in the subdivid
e dialog so only one sub-block is produced is not recommended since the results
may be unpredictable.
15) Fixed a bug when importing elevations, the resulting contours would appear t
o be "stepped". This occurred with files containing very large coordinates.
16) Fixed a minor bug introduced in V9.50 where the Nominal flow wasn't displaye
d for the ACTFLOW label when an irrigation block hadn't been designed.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.02
------------------------------------------------1) Made a change so that toolbar customisations were retained for old versions.
2) Fixed a bug where hy_min... type labels didn't work correctly when applied to
3) Enabled the HY_PRESS and HY_PABS keywords to be the downstream pressure for C
ontrol Valves.
4) Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging buttons during toolbar customisa
5) Fixed a long standing problem when the symbol file for a hydraulic item was n
ot found. Previously selecting a replacement symbol was unsuccessful and the war
ning would be repeated for all instances of the symbol.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.01
------------------------------------------------1) Minor fix so that spot heights are selected when the selection filter "Type"
is set to "Spot Heights".
2) Changes to make sure that emitter positions in Sprayline Block entities are p
reserved after subdivision.

3) Fix a bug in Sprayline Block entities where the reference emitter location wa
s not retained after a design was reopened.
4) Improved the merging of management and hydraulic information when designs are
5) The report viewer now is shown maximized with an Irricad icon.
6) Added options for merging drawing and elevation data to the File/Merge dialog
7) Fixed bug where "Extra outlets" in Sprayline Block entities were counted twic
e when calculating the flow for block labels.
8) Added "NUMEMIT" label keyword - displays the number of emitters in a block en
9) Fixes a minor bug where the "Big" and "Cool Look" icon states weren't being s
10) Updated "Merge" function to include OLE items.
11) The "File/Compress" function now preserves management and design information
12) Fixed bug where using "Cut-pipe" and snap parallel and then connecting onto
a tape caused a connection problem (the connection in to the on end of the tape)
13) Correctly translate the reference emitter location when rotating Block Entit
14) Prevent "Cut Lasso" from crashing when no hydraulic objects are selected.
15) Added Mirror and Offset copy tools.
16) Enable copying of hydraulic entities for all copy tools.
17) Changes to allow Manifold scope to be modified when editing Block Entities.
18) Fix a problem where changing Prevent block scope edits from remaking the lat
19) Implement Trim, Extend and Z-Order (Bring to Front/Back) tools.
20) Allow the location of the Backup folder to be specified ("Settings/Miscellan
21) Check that the .VCD and .MDB files are present before trying to open the des
ign and issue "sensible" errors if they are not.
22) Fixes a minor bug where after opening an existing design the first click of
the select object tool was ignored.
23) Added Cut Lasso based "Trim Elevations" tool.
24) Made changes to help prevent settings in the registry reverting to the defau
lts in some circumstances.
25) Fixed a minor problem where running a user tool would slow down the operatio

n of Irricad.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 10.00
------------------------------------------------1) Fix crash in the Gradeline tool that happened when only one pipe was selected
that had a PRV attached to it.
2) Enable the automatic pasting of coordinates into "Go To Coordinates" and into
the "Settings/Grid Origin" dialogs. This means that a coordinate string copied
from the "Object Info" screen which includes both X and Y coordinates, units and
descriptors (e.g. "x = 25.28 m, y = 8.46 m") can be inserted in one action into
the appropriate fields in these dialogs. Note that the copied string can only c
ontain two numbers for this function to work correctly (i.e don't include the "P
1:" from object info when selecting the coordinate string).
3) In "Design Parameters" the last visited tab is now remembered.
4) Corrected the X/Y aspect ratio for the 3D Dem report window.
5) Added FLOWPERAREA label keyword (Flow per unit area) for Irrigation blocks.
6) Improve redraw speed when un-deleting especially when blocks are undeleted.
7) Added the z-coord to the Info panel. This displays the elevation, calculated
from the DEM, at the current mouse position. If the DEM has not been created the
n "No Elevation" is displayed.
8) Allow the minimum/maximum emitter pressures from the zone design configuratio
n dialog to be copied to the clipboard as two tab-separated numbers. This means
that when values from the table are pasted into Excel separate columns will be c
reated for each of these values.
9) Fixed a crash on when saving onto FAT32 drives.
10) Fixed a problem (introduced in 10.0) where changing a Valve etc. in a sprayl
ine block entity could cause the outlet positions to change.
11) Fixed a bug when subdividing blocks with triangular, rectangular offset and
group spacings. Previously the outlet positions not retained correctly in the su
b-blocks created.
12) Fixed a problem (introduced in V10.0) where submains were not connected to l
aterals if the sprayline layer was not visible.
13) Added label keywords for absolute pressure (HY_MAX_PABS, HY_MIN_PABS, HY_PAB
14) Made changes to prevent spurious empty layers being created, at the end of t
he layer list, when importing DXF/DWG files.
15) Display the full path of MRU files in the status bar.
16) Made changes to improve the display of ToolTips for different Windows langua
ge settings.
17) Made some improvements to the distance and angle display in the status bar a
fter perpendicular and parallel manual snaps used.

18) Fix a problem where snaps were disabled, in the right-click menu, after a pe
rpendicular or parallel manual snap.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.56
------------------------------------------------1) Hatches and Fills can now be edited. The colour can be changed for an existin
g Fill whilst the colour, line thickness, line style, and pattern may be changed
for Hatches.
2) The text dialog (used for "Draw\Text" and label settings) now displays the ac
tual fonts, styles and colours specified. This is particularly useful to get a v
isual indication of how labels will look.
3) More comprehensive hydraulic labeling has been included with the introduction
of many new label keywords for pressures, flows, headloss etc. Please see the r
elease notes for more details.
4) The position labels that have been moved manually is now retained.
5) Fixed a minor problem where the placement of "Block" labels and text in graph
ical management was incorrect in some cases with very large coordinates.
6) All hydraulic and electrical items can now be created from relevant drawing i
tems. See the release notes for more details.
7) Design details are displayed in the Windows file properties (visible in Windo
ws Explorer and "File/Open") of the Irricad design file. This allows designs to
be more readily identified. Note that this facility is only available on drives
that use the NTFS file system, FAT32 (Windows 98 etc.) drives do not allow file
properties to be stored.
8) It is now possible to specify an unconnected sprayline block entity. See the
release notes for more details.
9) A "User Attributes" text field has been added to control valves, water suppli
es and miscellaneous hydraulic items. It allows user-defined information to be a
ttached to these items subsequently displayed in labels and reports. See the rel
ease notes for more details.
10) Prevent OLE items with zero height or width from being created. Also ensure
that printing and exporting to PDF ignores OLE items with zero height or width.
Note that "File Repair" will attempt to repair of OLE items with degenerate rect
11) Minor change so that the automatic zone number isn't incremented after cance
ling from the "Zone Name" dialog.
12) Holding the "Shift" key down when placing a zone valve, mainline outlet or m
ainline spraylines now doesn't show the Name dialog but accepts the default name
13) Improvements have been made to the sizing of the "Zone Design Configuration"
dialog. Also the space bar can now be used to toggle check boxes.
14) A keyword combo box has been added to the labels text dialog. This combo box
displays and describes the available label keywords, and allows them to be easi
ly inserted by pressing <Enter>.

15) The current label text settings are shown in a button tooltip on the "Label
Settings" page.
16) Irricad designs may now be merged together using the "Merge" option in the F
ile menu. This function will merge the drawing and hydraulic objects, as well as
17) Allow correctly for discontinuities in Hydraulic gradelines caused by in-lin
e pumps and PRVs.
18) Added the ability to create report templates that save directly to a file, t
his is accomplished by adding keywords to the "Report Options" in the report tem
plate editor. Possible keywords are:- #CSV# - Excel comma separated values; #TSV
# - Tab separated values; #TXT# - standard text file; #XML# - text file where al
l leading and trailing blanks are removed also blank lines.
19) Fixed a crash that could occur when subdividing sprayline blocks that contai
ned extra outlets.
20) Added Group spacing, number laterals per group and row spacing (= lateral sp
acing if no groups) keywords for block entity labels.
21) Designs can now be saved in the format of all previous versions of Irricad (
to Version 7). This functionality is now located under the "File/Export" menu it
em and will save a copy of the current design, in the specified format, to the d
esignated file.
22) ESRI SHP files (including those where the coordinates are Latitudes and Long
itudes) can now be imported directly into Irricad. This facility works for both
a normal "Import" and "Import Contours". See the release notes for more details.
23) Added new toolbars with many new icons including large icons and popup menus
. Also enable current tool and current snap toolbar indicators.
24) Added customize context menu when right-clicking in any toolbar docking area
25) Allow the minimum/maximum zone pressure label text to be edited.
26) Enabled the use of multiple coloured symbols for Valves etc. If a symbol is
specified with the "BYBLOCK" colour in the database editor then the symbol will
be displayed in Irricad using the colours contained in the symbol definition.
27) Designs with multiple but separate water supplies can now be fully analysed
(and LP Design used where appropriate) directly. It is no longer necessary to "j
oin" the separate systems with notional pipes.
28) Drawing and Contour data from CSV files can now be imported into Irricad.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.54
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem where very occasionally, in designs with very large coordinat
es and spot heights, elevation interpolation wouldn't use the closest spanning c
ontours when calculating the elevation for some points.
2) Fixed bug, introduced in 9.50, where fittings selection would fail (a 187 war
ning, followed by 1104, would be issued) for outlets with risers on the ends of

3) Fixed some problems where items would not be connected when using the block t
ools with the lateral or junction layers were turned off.
4) Added keywords to costing reports for the coordinates of unconnected pipes an
d spraylines. This means that a report can be created listing the locations of a
ll unconnected items in a design.
5) Minor change so that the minimum and maximum allowable pressure for miscellan
eous hydraulic items, and pumps is set to 0.0 in design pipe reports.
6) Added the ability to globally change scope (Design + BOM etc.) for all hydrau
lic items at one time. To do this select the items required and then use the "Ch
ange" tool (not "Change Type") and adjust the "Scope" field. Note that objects t
hat do not have scope (drawing items, junctions etc.) are unaffected by changes
to this field.
7) Fixed a problem in mainline grade lines where the intermediate pressures, alo
ng a single pipe segment, were not displayed correctly for mainlines when elevat
ions were present.
8) Fixed a bug where Zone Design would fail after a mainline Grade line was disp
layed (warnings IDE_MAN_330 and 331 would be issued).
9) Fixed a minor bug where a prompt for an unnamed database symbol could sometim
es appear when using "Move Point" on a sprayline block entity.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.50
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug in automatic manifold creation that could occur in odd shaped blo
cks and non-straight submains.
2) Enabled <ALT> click on a block component to select a block entity when using
the subdivide tool.
3) Fixed a minor bug where changing manifolds and submain field (e.g. depth), at
the same time, would cause the manifolds not to be created.
4) Fixed a bug (introduced in 9.50) where the elevations of miscellaneous hydrau
lic items weren't being set correctly if they were added after the initial eleva
tion interpolation. This would cause odd pressure differences in Object info and
design reports unless a manual re-interpolation was run.
5) Fixed a crash when the <Esc> key was held down.
6) The dialog for the "Highlight Elevations" tool now displays the correct locat
ion if the first contour/spot height is the minimum/maximum. Previously 0.0,0.0
was shown in this case.
7) Fixed a minor bug where the boundaries of block entities created from drawing
/imported polygons were not being simplified (reducing the number of vertices).
8) Fix a bug where selection filter wasn't working in some circumstances.
9) In the database editor increased the limit for "% above" flow/pressure tolera
nce for Outlets to 2000%.
10) Re-enabled "Default Name" item on right click menu for Control Valves and ma

inline outlets and spraylines.

11) Changed selection filter so that it works correctly when multiple filters ar
e chosen. Also only select contours if the Hydraulic group chosen (not Zone or M
ainline). Allow for BYLAYER items correctly in the Selection Filter.
12) Fix a bug introduced in 9.50 where the length of polyline tapes were not cal
culated correctly when the "Slope Elevation" method was selected.
13) Toggling the elevation in the "Hydraulic Gradeline" dialog now adds or remov
es elevations from the data sets, as opposed to just showing or hiding the eleva
tion series.
12) Fixed a minor bug where "Show Zone Pressure Limits" for "All Valves" failed
when a selection filter was set (active or inactive).
13) Fixed a minor bug where in some circumstances, if spot heights were present,
a contour line outside of those spanning a point could be used when interpolati
ng the elevation.
14) Allow m3/hr for outlet flows in Units settings.
15) Allow for PRVs upstream of pumps and misc hydraulic items.
16) Fixed a very old bug where occasionally allowances for an upstream PRV were
not made for items in a looped part of a system (Note PRVs may not be placed in
looped parts of a pipe system).
17) Fixed a crash, caused by broken drawing objects, that could occur when using
Change or Change type.
18) Improved the creation of automatic manifolds for odd shaped blocks.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.26
------------------------------------------------1) Irricad databases can now be edited and save in newer versions of Microsoft A
ccess. Additional versions now supported are 2000, XP (2002), 2003 and 2007. Not
e that once a database has been converted to the newer format it will no longer
be able to be used in previous versions of Irricad (i.e. earlier than V9.50).
2) Improved panning stability and fixed a bug where the design would "disappear"
when using mouse wheel panning.
3) The "Go To Coordinates" dialog now retains the last set of coordinates.
5) The Object Info tool dialog has been improved:- allows multiple windows open,
improved formatting, added a hydraulic info on/off switch. Elevation change for
pipes/tapes/spraylines is displayed in both pressure and elevation units (when
the units are different).
6) Scope flag added to many hydraulic items this allows for "BOM only" items whi
ch are included in costing/bom reports but not included in hydraulic design and
"Design Only' items which are treated normally in the design process but are not
shown in the BOM/Costing reports.
7) Snaps are now enabled for the "Move" tool.
8) Uniformity values (Eu, Du, CU, mean emitter flow and number of emitters) are

now automatically calculated and available in the Zone reports. Two new zone des
ign summary reports have been added to "Zone Design Reports", they are "Zone Des
ign Summary (Uniformity 1 Emit)" and "Zone Design Sum. (Uniformity Multi Emit)".
Both reports display the same results with the "Multi Emit" version allowing fo
r varying number of emitters per plant (between 1 and 10). Note Zone Analysis or
Design need to be rerun to make the uniformity values available in existing des
igns. It is possible to suppress these calculations if required by altering a re
gistry key (contact your local Irricad representative for information). In addit
ion the emitter flow values, used in the uniformity calculations, for each zone
can be directed to a file for external analysis. Enabling this feature is also v
ia a registry key.
9) A new field for COV has been added in the database editor for Tapes and Nozzl
10) Flushing manifolds can now be automatically added using the Block Entity too
ls. For more information see the 9.50 release notes.
11) A dynamic layers menu has been added to the default right-click menu. This p
rovides a quick way to enable or disable layers. It also includes two shortcut f
unctions 'Hide Layer' (Ctrl+Shift+H) hides the layer of the currently selected i
tem, while 'Show Layer' (Ctrl+Shift+L) re-shows the last hidden layer (the menu
shows which layer will be hidden or restored).
12) Fixed a problem where duplicate layers could not be removed in existing desi
13) Improved performance when applying "Change Type" to a large number of items.
14) Enabled "Double-Escape" function to return to the default "Select Object" to
ol, this will also clear the current selection.
15) Fix a problem in detailed analysis where, in certain circumstances, PRVs wer
e not treated correctly.
16) Updated the HGL tool to allow mainline pipes. Also added copying, printing,
saving and printing functions into the HGL dialog.
17) Allow bitmap data on the clipboard to be Inserted/pasted into Irricad. This
enables copy and paste of HGL charts.
18) The serial number of the Irricad dongle is now displayed in the program titl
19) When creating Min/Max pressure labels for selected valves labels for other v
alves are no longer cleared. Note that any exiting labels for the selected valve
s are also not cleared and need to be deleted manually before operating the tool
20) Three new panels (Info, Snap, and Selection Filter) have been added to the s
tatus bar. All the panel options can be selected by right clicking the panel to
access a popup menu, or left clicking to cycle through the available options. Fo
r more information see the 9.50 release notes.
21) Changes have been made to the "Select Object" tool. Clicking and dragging no
w operates as a "Select Window" tool. In previous versions the default behaviour
of selection tools was to add any items selected to the current selection. In t
his version it is possible to make the selection tools act where selecting items
also deselects the current selection. This mode is enabled by unchecking the "M
ultiSelect" option in the "Settings|Mouse" tab. Note that this tab has been rena

med from "Wheel|Scroll".

22) Pressing the Alt key when selecting an object that is part of a block entity
(e.g., lateral) will select the block entity itself.
23) Fixed an obscure bug where using "Change Type" on a combination of tape and
spray block entities could cause problems.
24) The y-axis on HGL graphs has been changed to elevation rather than pressure
units (converts pressures to equivalent hydrostatic elevation).
25) Irrigated Areas can now be created from polylines and curves (in the same wa
y as the block entity tools).
26) In Graphical Management the order that yellow and orange are used to denote
system flows has been swapped.
27) Fixed a minor bug where the .dzn file was zero length. This would cause an I
DE_DES_444 (I/O Status -999) error.
28) Fittings are now selected for two-ended items (e.g. Misc Hydraulic) that are
only connected on one side.
29) Fixed a problem in the Irrigation Area tool - apparently random "snaps" woul
d occur some to 0,0.
30) Fixed a similar issue to 29) in all block tools. This would occur in some ci
rcumstances after issuing a "Snap to End".
31) Re enabled "Place" on the right click menu for hydraulic tools.
32) Made changes to the construction of the splash screen to reduce the chance o
f multiple instances of Winicad.exe occurring.
33) Added a link to the Irricad web site to the Help menu.
34) Fixed a problem that could cause a "flashing" cursor in the toolbars in some
35) Improved the drawing of the circular cursor.
35) Increased the number of recent files to 8.
36) Fixed a problem where, in some circumstances, the locations of sprayline out
lets would be incorrect after changing the sprinkler/nozzle in a spray block ent
37) Fixed a minor bug where the laterals would revert to vertical if the lateral
direction in a block entity was changed and then a "child" tool selected (clear
selection, zoom tools). This only occurred when changing using the "User Define
d" option.
38) Fixed an infrequently occurring problem where the area of block entities, di
splayed in reports, was incorrect.
39) Fixed a bug when an Auto-Backup ran during the creation of block entities. I
n some circumstances the boundary could disappear, or become disassociated from
the block laterals.
40) The dongle version number is now shown in "Help About".

41) Made a change to the database editor so that fractional numbers of items can
be added to assemblies.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.24
------------------------------------------------1) Fix a minor bug where Outlet connectivity could fail in very large designs wi
th many changes made.
2) Fix a bug in the HGL report where the lateral pressure band was incorrect in
some cases.
3) Fix a bug where the HGL curve for spraylines was incorrect.
4) Enable rounding for all labels.
5) Fixed a minor bug where OLE items and images were not exported to PDF files i
n some circumstances.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.22
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug introduced in 9.16 where the auto backup feature was not saving a
ll design files to the backup folder. The symptoms would be a "DBS 5" error bein
g generated when attempting to open a backup design.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.20
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a crash that would occur if "Delete Type" was used to delete Block enti
ties and then a zoom tool was selected (e.g. Zoom All).
2) Fixed a problem where Irricad would "hang" when the "Hydraulic Grade Line" to
ol was used when the current pressure units were anything other than metres.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.16
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem that would cause an access violation crash when trying to per
form management functions with more than 10 supplies.
2) Added the ability to automatically create a Management symbol (a symbol of th
e current graphical management). See "Draw/Management Symbol" - note the menu it
em is disabled when not available. - See the release notes under the "Help" menu
3) Improved the resizing of System Flow dialogs.
4) Fixed bug introduced in 9.16 were Spray Block dialogs didn't work correctly.
5) Hide unused items in Spray block dialogs.
6) Hide Arc orientation in Tape Block dialog.
7) Changed the limits for warnings about outlet spacing in block dialogs.

8) Suppressed spacing warning for drippers in Block dialogs.

9) Added automatic generation of pipe stubs for submain and control valves in bl
ock entities. See the release notes under the "Help" menu.
10) Added a facility to graphically display the position of the maximum and mini
mum emitter pressures in a zone ("Reports/Show Zone Pressure Limits"). See the r
elease notes under the "Help" menu.
11) Added an option to the block entity valve position. The valve position can n
ow be specified as a percentage of the submain length.
12) Added the ability to round label values to a closest value and by roll lengt
hs. New keywords are "ROLLS" and "ROLLS3D". See the release notes under the "Hel
p" menu.
13) Added a tool that displays the hydraulic gradeline for spraylines, tapes, su
bmains and mainline pipes ("Reports/Hydraulic Gradeline").
14) Fixed a bug that could cause block entities to become corrupted (e.g. latera
l spacing set to zero). This occurred when cancelling from the change or change/
match dialog (when using change type) and then selecting some tools (e.g. Clear
Selection, Zoom Window).
15) Make OLE objects print first in PDF files, so that they don't obscure the de
16) Ensure that the Valve Connector does not create very short pipes. Instead it
now connects valves directly to the mainline if they are very close.
17) Fixed a minor bug where some block entities didn't appear to be closed.
18) Added a Water Supply elevation field to mainline reports (Sysflow->WSElevati
19) The headloss through a control valve is now available in the MLItem->Outloss
mainline report field.
20) The minimum and maximum emitter pressures (and their positions), in a connec
ted sprayline, are now calculated. These calculations are based on the actual fl
ow and take into account the DEM elevations at the emitters.
21) Allow for zones spanning
ultiple block entities) when
span a maximum of 10 areas.
nly allow for zones being in

multiple Irrigation Areas (e.g. a zone made up of m

calculating area and water requirements. A zone may
Note that the V7 style reports (if enabled) still o
one area.

22) Changed the 489 warning ("Tape pressure range cannot be met for conditions g
iven") to logging only (warnings can be seen under "View Errors"). A single warn
ing message, for each zone, is now displayed on screen if necessary.
23) Added a "band" to the submain gradeline to display the minimum and maximum p
ressures on individual laterals.
24) When loading a design Issue warning if an assembly contains no items. This a
voids the confusing "Item is an assembly of itself" warnings in this case.
25) The text colour for labels can now be specified ("Settings/Labels/Text").

26) Added settings for the minimum and maximum zone pressure labels. These setti
ngs are located in "Reports/Report Settings".
27) The management symbol is now automatically saved so that when a design is re
opened management does not need to be re-run in order to draw the symbol.
28) Fixed a problem where "Extra Outlets" would not correctly 'belong' to a bloc
k entity (this could cause connectivity problems).
29) Added functionality to allow pipes, created with the "Zone Pipe" tool, to be
long to block entities they connect to (e.g., so that manual submain pipes also
'belong' to the block).
30) Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when more than 963 symbols/labels were
used in a design.
31) In the database editor the "Save Changes" and "Quit" buttons are disabled wh
en working with an assembly. This fixes a problem where assemblies containing no
items could be created.
32) Fixed a bug where the "Length3D" and "Rolls3D" label keywords only calculate
d 2D lengths.
33) Fixed a problem where the allowable pressure ranges in "Zone Design Configur
ation" were not used in a limited number of situations.
34) Any selected entities on invisible layers are now deselected.
35) Use the DEM method to get the elevation of any new junctions created as par
t of the sprayline sizing process. This fixes a possible problem in the hydrauli
c gradeline tool.
36) Fix bug where changing the outlet in a sprayline block entity, but not the l
ateral or outlet spacing, would look for a blank symbol.
37) Fixed a minor problem which could cause pipes to be individually labeled aft
er initial labels were deleted.
38) Increased to 25 the maximum number of Areas a Zone can span.
39) Fixed a problem that could, in certain circumstances when a mainline include
s a misc hydraulic item, cause the required water supply pressure to be calculat
ed incorrectly. Note this problem only occurred in 9.12+ Beta versions.
40) Fixed a minor problem in the new valve connector tool when valves had been m
oved and the tool rerun.
41) A utility to "clean" fields in databases has been added to the database edit
or. This utility is used to correctly format fields in the database after direct
ly importing data via Access. It is not necessary to use this if data has been e
ntered via the Irricad database editor. To use the utility simply:a) Close the current database.
b) Select "Clean Fields" from the "Utility" menu.
c) Choose the database and click the "Clean" button.
d) When the progress bar stops the operation is complete.
e) "Cancel" exits from the utility.
A backup of the original database will be created (~tmp then the database name)
this may be deleted when required.
42) Changed the way Zone Design operates when zones turned off in Zone Design Co

nfiguration. It is no longer necessary to design all zones initially. This also

fixes a problem where the maximum number of lateral/submain sizes was ignored th
e first time zone design was run.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.11
------------------------------------------------1) Added OLE functionality. This means that items such as Irricad reports, sprea
dsheets, documents etc. can be inserted into Irricad. There are two ways of doin
g this either by "Edit/Paste" or "Tools/Insert OLE". In both cases the required
data needs to have been copied to the clipboard in the appropriate application (
e.g. the Irricad report viewer) or a file copied in "My Computer"/"Windows Explo
rer". When "Paste" or "Insert OLE" is chosen the size and shape of the OLE objec
t is selected by specifying two corners of a rectangle. "Insert OLE" allows mult
iple instances of the object to be inserted while "Paste" allows only one. It is
a restriction of OLE that only the first page of the copied data can be display
ed. Irricad allows OLE data to be displayed, printed and exported to PDF. NOTE:
in order for Irricad reports to be displayed correctly an application that can r
ender RTF data, including tables, must be installed on your system - examples of
suitable applications are MS Word, Open Office etc.
2) Line widths of placeholder lines in pipe legend templates are now used when p
ipe legends are created as part of "Draw/Plot Layout".
3) More Keywords have been enabled for use in Plot Templates, those added are:#EDATE# - End Date, #SDATE# - Start Date, #ADATE# - Acceptance date, #REPCO# - R
ep Code, #REPNM# - Rep Name, #LHRS# - Labour Hours, #MILE# - Mileage, #ICOST# Installation Cost, #SIGNT# - Signitary, #SIGTL# - Signitary Title, #LCOST# - Lab
our Cost, #MCOST# - Mileage Cost, #TAXR# - Tax Rate, #COSN# - Company Short Name
, #COLN# - Company Full Name, #BRCO# - Branch Code, #BRNM# - Branch Name, #BRPH#
Branch Phone, #BRFX# - Branch Fax, #BRAP# - Branch After Hours Phone, #BRCT# Branch Contact.
4) A tool that automatically connects control valves to the nearest mainline has
been added. To run this, select "Connect Valves" from the "Tools" menu.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.10
------------------------------------------------1) Fix a bug where using a manual snap would stop a polyline being closed (e.g.
in block tools).
2) Added an "OutletFlow" field for mainline reports. Also fixed a minor problem
in mainline design summary report when running VIH outlets had -ve heads, these
previously were not displayed in the report.
3) Added extra information about the number of contour segments during "Import E
levations". The number of raw and simplified segments is now shown.
4) Changed the recommended minimum pressure to 1.0 m in tapes and tape block dia
5) Fixed a bug where using snap parallel would be cause a pipe to be disconnecte
6) Made a change to LP that fixes a number of odd "LP failed to find solution" p

7) Fixed a problem where the representations of contours and block boundaries wo

uld disappear when drawn on top of Images.
8) Fixed a problem that could give error 356 for some child blocks during zone r
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.08
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a crash (introduced in 9.09) that would occur if drawing objects were s
elected and then the Label tool applied.
2) Fixed a minor bug when slicing in the subdivide tool. Previously, with the "P
erpendicular to Laterals" option selected, subdividing blocks with vertical late
rals could "miss out" part of the parent block.
3) Enabled more keywords for Plot Templates:- #DDES# (Design Details Description
), #CLSN# (Client Details Short Name), #CLAD# (Client Details Address), #CLHP# (
Client Details Home Phone), #CLPH# (Client Details Work Phone), #CLFA# (Client D
etails Fax), #CLCO# (Client Details Code (3 chars only)).
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.07
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem introduced in 9.07 where the colour of tapes in a tape block
entity were incorrect.
2) Allow for zones with single centre fed laterals in "Assign Zones to System Fl
ows", in previous versions these zones were not displayed.
3) Improved the display of single lateral zones in "Assign Zones to System Flows
4) Ensured that Sprayline Block outlines are created on the Irrigation Areas lay
er by default.
5) Fix a minor bug in "Zone Design Configuration" where the D/S zone pressure wa
s not allowed to be 0.0 in some circumstances.
6) Nominal flows for Sprayline blocks are now calculated for Block Labels and th
e Subdivision tool.
7) The design default lateral line width is now used for Block Entities (if <Def
ault> is selected).
8) The design default zone line width for is now used for submain pipes in Block
9) <Bylayer> line width now functions correctly in Block Entities.
10) Allow the DEM to be calculated regardless of the presence of tapes or the DE
M calculation mode.
11) Fixed a crash that could occur when using keyboard entry in copy tools.
12) Fixed various problems that could occur when some temporary files were read

13) Fixed a bug where manually implemented perpendicular and parallel snaps on h
ydraulic objects would place items in the correct location but would not "attach
" to other hydraulic objects correctly.
14) When labeling pipes, with the "Combine Pipes" option set, Zone and Mainline
pipes are now considered independently. This means, for example, that submain co
nnected to an inline valve doesn't force multiple labels in the mainline pipes a
t that point.
15) Fixed a bug when labeling pipes, with the "Combine Pipes" option set and usi
ng the #Length# keyword, where in some circumstances the length of a pipe segmen
t could be counted in two labels.
16) Fixed a minor problem where the "Delay Time" for warning message reverted to
its default value unless the "Design Parameters" dialog was accessed and "OK" c
17) Fixed a problem in the "Datum" and "Leader" tools (introduced in 9.07)
18) Fixed a bug where a DEM from a previously loaded design could be used in a d
esign with no elevation information.
19) Fixed a problem where the DEM was not recalculated if all Elevation informat
ion was removed from a design.
20) Fixed bug where the actual Valve pressure and minimum/maximum emitter pressu
res were not displayed in "Zone Design Configuration" in some circumstances.
21) Fixed a crash that could occur when using keyboard entry in the Move and Rot
ate tools. This only occurred when a selection was present and the "Offset Point
" was specified via the keyboard.
22) Made a change to Zone LP Design so that if the Valve pressure is set (in "Zo
ne Design Configuration") then this pressure is fixed during the LP process. Pre
vious versions allowed the resulting valve pressure to vary up to the specified
pressure. This method has the slight disadvantage that LP may fail if an inappro
priate valve pressure is used.
23) Fixed a crash that would occur during Block creation/editing if another tool
was selected (e.g. the select tool) while waiting for input when manually speci
fying a submain or lateral direction.
24) Fixed a minor long standing bug that could cause headlosses in "*** No Pipe
Selected ***"pipes with apparently no flow.
25) Fixed a problem where running a Zone Design would cause 187 errors followed
by an error reading the temporary.zne file. This only occurred with certain data
bases and in a design that contained segments of pipe with no flow.
26) Undelete is now disabled after any design/costing run. This avoids a potenti
al crash when undeleting items.
27) Fixed a problem that could occur, in a new design containing spraylines, if
"Assign Zones to Systems Flows" was run. Zone design would then produce OOP_7 er
rors. Once the design was saved (either before or after "Assign Zones to Systems
Flows") the problem would not occur.
28) Fixed a bug, introduced in 9.08, where relabeling pipes with the "combine pi
pes" option didn't work correctly.

29) Fixed a minor problem which could prevent that last lateral in the last subblock from being created when slicing blocks.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.04
------------------------------------------------1) The lateral direction of Irrigation Blocks can now be changed.
2) The submain direction (when using the distance option) for Irrigation Blocks
can be changed.
3) Irrigation Block entities may now be sprayline blocks (Zone/Spray Irrigation
4) The Change/Match dialog has been changed to a grid format.
5) The contour limits message has been corrected when no elevations are imported
6) Changes to allow multiple editing of Spray Irrigation Blocks.
7) In colour contours fix the minimum/maximum to display correctly when using U.
S. units. Add the location for the minimum and maximum values.
8) Fix a problem in colour contours where the colour of spot heights were not ch
9) Create or recalculate the DEM if it is not present or is out of date when run
ning the "3D Dem View" report.
10) In Zone Design Configuration fix bug where depths and Outlet Connection loss
es not accounted for when displaying the minimum and maximum emitter pressures.
Also improve the checking for Min/Max allowable pressures.
11) When creating a Block (Tape or Sprayline) make sure the block polyline is vi
sible during zooms.
12) Enable standard drawing snaps for hydraulic tools.
13) Added Undo Vertex when drawing polyline items (applies to all hydraulic and
drawing "Polyline" tools).
14) Enable running snaps for hydraulic tools.
15) Allow any line to be used when specifying the submain direction (i.e. not ju
st block boundaries).
16) Fixed a minor problem that could cause zero length submain segments and dupl
icate junctions when making a submain with the "distance" option in some circums
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 9.03
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem where management reports were not displayed after using the "
Zone Times" management options.
2) Fixed a bug that would cause multiple sub-main segments if a block with a cen

tre or Set Distance auto submain had the valve position changed.
3) Stop Hydraulic items being changed into irrigation blocks.
4) Fixed a minor bug where changing the submain for an Irrigation block would ca
use all junctions to have the "permanent" flag set.
5) Fixed a bug in the "Submain distance" option of Irrigation Blocks. This could
occur if the distance selected was longer than some laterals and therefore the
submain "snapped" to ends of these laterals. This could cause very small or 0 le
ngth tapes in block entity.
6) Fixed a bug where zone hydraulic items could connect to mainline items (and v
ice versa) using "Snap to ...".
7) Allow for converting tapes in Irrigation Blocks to spraylines. Note sprayline
s in Blocks are not fully supported yet.
8) Fixed a bug where the location of the minimum and maximum emitter in the Zone
Summary report would always be on the first lateral for PC tapes/Outlets.
9) Elevations are now re-interpolated automatically when the "Elevation Calculat
ion Method" is changed to DEM elevations or when the "DEM Grid Size" changes.
10) "Re-interpolate Elevations" on the "Design" menu now re-interpolates all ele
vations (not just new Hydraulic Items).
11) Enable "Change" for tapes that are part of a block. Note only Layer and Line
Thickness can be changed.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.72
------------------------------------------------1) Added Highlight Elevations tool. This tool allows contours to be colour coded
by elevation. For more information see the Release Notes under the Help menu.
2) Many changes have been made to the "Zone Design Configuration" dialog to impr
ove its functionality. For more information see the Release Notes under the Help
3) Fixed a bug which after an Irrigation Block was changed could cause the numbe
r of rows, in a block label, to be displayed incorrectly.
4) Fixed bug where applying the label tool to a selection didn't return to the p
arent tool.
5) Added function to display the DEM grid in 3D. For more information see the Re
lease Notes under the Help menu.
6) Fixed a minor bug where some Sprayline settings were not saved correctly.
7) Fixed minor problem that could an error when the inlet pressure of tapes was
8) Fixed a bug where no LTO would be selected when no Tees were enabled in the d
9) Incorporated a new version of the report writing/viewing engine. Only minor c
osmetic changes including enabling the mouse wheel in the report viewer.

10) Fixed a long standing bug where after cutting using "Cut Lasso" sometimes no
t all pipes/tapes/spraylines within the lasso were selected for changing or dele
11) Made changes to the "Convert to Elevations" tool so that only items on visib
le layers are considered when attempting to join lines to create contours.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.71
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem that occurs under Windows Vista where the "Printer" button is
hidden in the "Plot Layout Dialog".
2) Stopped unnecessary "Do you want to save" warnings when exiting from a clean
3) Fixed a crash when labeling blocks, with no laterals, using the "ValvePress"
4) Fixed a crash that would occur when Importing an image (with relative path se
lected) after an auto backup ran.
5) Fixed a problem introduced in 8.13 where items used to make a symbol had thei
r layer changed to 0.
6) Fixed a bug when adding more than one sub-block together in the subdivision t
7) Fixed a problem that would cause the block flow in a label to be displayed as
"Nominal" for the last zone analysed.
8) Fixed a minor bug where Mainline outlets that weren't running were displayed
in some Mainline Design reports.
9) Added panning via the mouse wheel button (by clicking and dragging the mouse
10) Fixed a problem that could cause LP design to fail when rerunning the design
11) Increased the maximum number of areas that can be enclosed by another to 100
0. This could cause an IDE_MAN_359 warning to be displayed in reports.
12) Fixed a problem that occasionally would cause a crash when creating Blocks f
rom curves.
13) Changes to remove unnecessary points from polygons/Curves before creating Bl
ocks. This fixes a crash in reports that could occur occasionally.
14) Fixed a problem where areas weren't displayed for some blocks in reports.
15) Increased the maximum number of Irrigation Areas to 1001.
16) Fixed a bug where an IDE_DES_400 (difficulty opening design file) warning co
uld be generated when running zone design after labeling blocks.
17) Allow Irrigation areas to be labeled using the Irrigation block label settin

18) Changes to better allow for multiple enclosed areas. Irricad now uses a new
method to determine if areas are overlapping that allows for a very small amount
of overlap. This helps overcome IDE_MAN_358 (overlapping areas) warnings when r
unning reports.
19) Fixed a problem where Mainline LP design would fail in some circumstances.
20) Changes made to improve Zone LP design when the number of submain sizes is r
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.70
------------------------------------------------1) Improved combining pipe labels - previously there were some circumstances whe
re pipes weren't combined when they should have been.
2) Added "Check Label Length" and "Label Length Allowance" fields to the Label s
ettings tab. These values were previously only available by editing the registry
. They are now saved for each design.
3) Fixed a bug that could cause a crash/hang when creating labels (containing th
e ValvePress or Shift keywords) for Irrigation Blocks when management or design
hadn't been completed.
4) Changed the error value displayed for some Label keywords to "NA" (previously
would be a -ve number).
5) Changes so that the nominal flow is displayed for the ACTFLOW keyword if desi
gn is incomplete.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.68
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem in Graphical Management with multiple Water supplies where th
e assignments for the water supplies WS were mixed up with those for zones.
2) Added a method to "simplify" contours by reducing the number of line segments
. This method is used both for importing contours from DXF files and the "Conver
t to Elevation" tool. Two new parameters to control this feature have been added
in "Settings/Irrigation Items". See the release notes for more detail. "Import
Contours" will now issue a warning if the number of segments exceeds the number
allowed during interpolation.
3) "Import Contours" now allows for multiple entities sections and also for LWPO
LYLINE DXF entities.
4) Fixed a bug in the creation of blocks with headlands/sideLands where in some
circumstances the wrong value was used.
5) In "Design Parameters" changed the recommended minimum for velocity to 0.1 m/
s and recommended minimum/maximum for lateral length to 1.0 and 100.0 m respecti
6) Fixed a problem when after using the change tool on an Irrigation block the a
utomatic area number was set back to 1.
7) Added checks so that an Auto generated name doesn't exceed 20 characters. Thi

s helps avoid duplicate zone names for subdivided blocks.

8) Added handling of the Automatic valve placement when Tape blocks are subdivid
9) Fixed a problem where layer names that differed only by case caused duplicate
layer names in layer manager.
10) Fixed a problem that occurred when an Irricad derived dxf/vcd/dwg file was i
mported more than once. This caused duplicate layers to be created.
11) Fixed a problem where pressure checks at the conclusion of design didn't use
minimum/maximum emitter pressures for tapes. In some cases this meant that an o
ut of range warning wasn't generated during design although these were correctly
listed in the reports.
12) Added new Label keywords for Tape Blocks "ACTFLOW","SHIFT","MINEMITPRESS","M
AXEMITPRESS","MEANPRESS". See the release notes for details.
13) Label Settings are now design based. This means it is now possible for each
design to have a unique set of label settings.
14) All settings for the dialogs of Hydraulic tools are now saved with the Desig
n. See the release notes for more details.
15) The subdivision tool has now been enabled for indented blocks. See the relea
se notes for more detail.
16) The subdivision tool can now handle tape blocks with grouped laterals. See t
he release notes for more detail.
17) The subdivision tool has been changed to avoid duplicate laterals when slice
gaps are zero.
18) The "Zone Design Configuration" option now appears before Zone Design in the
Design menu.
19) The "Zone Design Summary" and "Zone CV Table" reports are now ordered by Zon
e name. In addition the calculation of percentage pressure and flow ranges has b
een changed to 100*(Max - Min)/Max rather than 100*(Max - Min)/Nominal or 100*(M
20) Similarly, zones are sorted by name in the "Mainline Summary Report" and "ML
Design Pipe Report - Nodes".
21) This version upgrades the version of VisualCadd Dlls to V5.06.137. The signi
ficant changes in this version of Vcadd are:a)

in an

a fix for a memory conflict bug that is occasionally reported and resul
error message of "Dll Load Error" and failure of Visual CADD to launch.
a rare crash after some dialogs were closed.
a problem with incorrect scaling on DWG export of Curves and Bezier.
bugs on dimension part colors for DWG/DXF export.
bugs on default color mapping for DWG/DXF import/export.

------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.67

------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug where the flows calculated during design could be incorrect for p

ressure compensated tapes. This problem would only occur in certain circumstance
s on steep downhill slopes.
2) Added a separate replace check box for Water Supplies when assigning systems
flows in Graphical Management.
3) When the graphical management process is initiated it now removes any existin
g Zone Symbols from the temporary layer.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.66
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug that caused a "Problem in internal symbol table. Please run File|
Repair." warning. Designs could then become corrupted (hydraulic items would app
ear to be drawing items, repair would break connections etc.). This problem woul
d only occur when a design was opened after opening another design. If Irricad w
as restarted or File/New selected before opening a design this would not occur.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.64
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug where "Print Selected" option in "File"/"Print" no longer worked.
2) Fixed a minor problem that could cause Irricad to apparently "hang" (was actu
ally just slow) when updating labels with many items selected. Note that it is n
ot necessary to have any items selected when using the "Update Labels" tool.
3) Added a new Graphical Management tool - Assign System Flows to Zones. See the
release notes under the Help menu.
4) Added Auto Valve positioning in the Irrigation Block Tool. See the release no
tes under the Help menu.
5) Fixed a bug when using "Change Type" to change the submain of Irrigation bloc
ks. The colour of pipes changed but the pipe type wasn't actually changed.
6) Fixed a problem where a 187 error would be generated in Zone Design after an
Automatic submain in an Irrigation Block was changed (via change/change type on
the block). Computer sized pipe now gets the correct colour (not cyan) in this c
ase also.
7) Fixed a bug where importing a DXF/DWG/VCD file into an empty but saved design
caused Irricad to "Hang".
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.61
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a problem in mainline reports where the Zone velocity limit was being u
sed instead of the mainline one.
2) Improved the way outlet symbols are exported to Autocad files so that the dis
play of these symbols is controlled by the correct layer.
3) Changes made so that outlet flow variation can now be displayed. Added a revi
sed Zone Design Summary report that includes the flow variation.
4) Fixed a bug where the row option for slices didn't work correctly with the mu

ltiple option.
5) Tidy up warning messages when starting the Subdivision dialog when values are
out of range.
6) Implement Irrigation blocks for all Irrigation Area functions arc orientation
, water requirements etc.
7) Added ZoneArea field to Zone Design reports. Note this only allows for zones
being in one area at the moment and will only be populated when a zone is inside
an Irrigation Area or Irrigation Block.
8) Added Control Valve Table report.
9) Made changes so that the location of the minimum and maximum emitter in a Zon
e can be displayed in Zone reports. The coordinates of these are in ZoneItem->X1
,Y1 and ZoneItem->X2,Y2 and are located in the last record outputted for each zo
ne with a ZoneItem->Type of 32768.
10) Added a new Zone Design Summary Report (report template ZONEDESIGNSUM863.FPC
) that includes the location of the min/max emitter.
11) Fixed a minor bug introduced in 7) that could cause Zone Design reports to c
rash when a zone wasn't inside any Irrigation area.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.08
------------------------------------------------1) Fixed a bug where some settings weren't retained in VisualCadd when this was
also installed.
2) Fixed a problem that could very occasionally cause a crash when saving design
3) Fixed a bug where fittings selection errors for unconnected items weren't bei
ng reported.
4) Removed numbers that appeared in the line type combo box.
5) Fixed a bug where hydraulic connections could become confused when copying it
ems that have been labeled.
6) Added a facility so that multiple pipes can have a single Label (e.g. sub-mai
ns). For more information please refer to the release notes under the Irricad "H
elp" menu.
------------------------------------------------Bug Fixes and Additions Since 8.03
------------------------------------------------1) Added UIDs to allowable reports fields.
2) Fixed bug where using the CTRL key when moving Items could cause a strange st
ate where the CTRL key seemed to be stuck down.
3) Fixed a problem where one page reports would not display until they were scro
lled in some way.
4) Added "Save as Version 7" option.

5) Fixed a bug where nominal pressure wasn't in the correct units in Zone Summar
y reports.
6) Make changes so that error 482 only appears once.
7) Set all layers editable and snappable after loading a design.
8) Fixed a problem that occurred when the horiz/vert corrections in the
i aren't 1.
9) Fixed a bug when floating Toolbars were visible. An extra click was required
before rubber banding etc. worked.
10) Change default label keywords for control valves, junctions, contours and sp
ot heights.
11) Unit Settings now saved when the dialog is exited. We need to do this in cas
e the Database editor is opened.
12) Fixed a crash that could occur when saving plot templates as designs.
13) Fixed a bug in the old Job Report where the ClientName was being overwritten
by the 2nd Job Address line.
14) Fixed a problem that could cause intermittent crashes when displaying report
s with more than 80 characters of design notes.
15) Make sure all Layers are marked as printable.
16) Changing the paper size in "File/Reports Print Setup" changes the paper size
when reports are viewed and/or printed.
17) All fields on the "Design Details/Miscellaneous" tab are available now in th
e report editor.
18) The Client "Home Phone" and "Code" are available now in the report editor.
19) Add check in CheckCadEntities to make sure All items are in valid layers.
20) Fix problem in CheckCADEntities when checking for bad layer. For some reason
calling GetProperties() causes GetEntity to stop when the layer is bad. Use new
Get/SetLayer functions instead.

2. Installation
------------------Insert CD-ROM in drive, and through the Windows File Explorer, run the install p
rogram "setup.exe" by double clicking it. (It is suggested that all other applic
ations should be closed down before installing). Simply follow the instructions
provided by the install program.
It is necessary to have parallel hardware keys (dongles) connected during the in
stallation. If you wish to install a Network version of Irricad please contact y
our technical support.
This version of IRRICAD requires a SuperPro type dongle that is enabled for vers
ion 9. If you do not have a SuperPro dongle or it has not been enabled for versi

on 9 do not continue with an upgrade installation.

Note that Administrator privilege is required to install Irricad. When installin
g under Windows Vista/7 "User Account Control" prompts may appear, you should se
lect "Allow" to continue the installation.
Under certain conditions, when running Irricad for the first time, it is possibl
e for a "Dll Load Error, A required Dll VCBase32...." followed by a "Cad 5" erro
r to occur. In this situation simply rerun Irricad and the problem will not occu
r again.
Irricad can be uninstalled by Add/Remove programs in "Control Panel".
3. Suggested Minimum Computer Requirements
--------------------------------------------------------------------Pentium class computer, minimum 256Mb Ram and 100Mb free hard disk space, 15 or
17 inch colour screen, monitor and video card capable of at least 800x600 recomm
ended, CD-ROM drive or 1.44Mb floppy drive, 2 or 3 button serial Mouse Systems o
r Microsoft compatible mouse. The system should run Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP
or Windows Vista.
Note that Irricad 9 needs the current screen resolution to be at least 800x600.
It will run at 640x480 but many of the dialogs will be obscured. The resolution
can be changed in " Start "/" Settings "/" Control Panel "/" Display "/" Settin
gs ".
4. Additions to the Manual
-------------------------Direct Plot
--------------IRRICAD contains both a Print and Plot command. The print command utilizes the s
tandard Windows drivers for output to the device. The plot command is an interna
l routine allowing more control over vector output devices by bypassing the Wind
ows drivers. Each of these commands maintain separate default settings for the p
rint output such as scale, orientation and page size.
The 'Direct Plot' option should not be used unless the following situations are
1. You do not have a Windows driver for your plotter/printer.
2. You have a Windows driver for an HPGL plotter but it does not work very well.
If a Plot Layout is required select Draw/Plot Layout before File/Direct Plot. Se
lect a Windows printer driver in the Plot Layout dialog which will support the p
aper size you wish to print.
-------Other changes to the manual are now contained in the "Release Notes" section of
the "Help" menu in Irricad.
5. Known Problems/Notes
-----------------------------------1) An extra outlet can be created on very short laterals (last one of a triangul
ar block) even though they are turned off. This is by design so we don't get a s

hort sprayline with no outlets.

2) When using Draw/Symbol to place symbol on screen, symbol may not be placed ex
actly under the window drawn. This is caused by using a VisualCadd symbol whose
insertion point is not the centre.
3) Its not possible to use "Change" on dimension, and leaders.
4) In Draw/Plot Layout the setting for template text with options truncate, word
wrap or neither (default = word wrap), have no effect on the template text that
is generated.
5) The riser selection rule window does not re-size. When you set a depth to use
r selected you need to scroll back to the left to see the first column.
6) There is a bug in Zone LP design. What happens is the valve pressure gets set
to zero and you will get messages about negative pressures and so on. It only o
ccurs very occasionally when there is a big difference in pipe sizes a known sit
uation is when the two lowest enabled zone pipes are 4.0 poly and 40 mm PVC clas
s 9. This is very unlikely to occur but the solution is to make sure that there
are not large gaps in the range of enabled pipes, or set the valve pressure.
7) If a pipe type, which is in use in the database, is deleted from the pipe fit
ting matching table it is still available for selection in the database. When t
he matching table is again accessed in IRRICAD the pipe type you removed will ap
pear back in the list. This is because the database editor adds an item to the p
ipe type matching table if it detects an unknown pipe type.
8) In some circumstances when LP design
arning" is generated. This is caused by
message is constructed. One of the pair
will be (0.0,0.0) but there is no other

is unable to find a solution an "OOP 7 w

an internal problem when the LP warning
of coordinates on the following message
effect, the warning is correct.

9) There is a minor problem when using "Digitizer"/"Reference" if "No" (or Cance

l) is selected when the scales differ. IRRICAD will then expect the second refer
ence point to be entered, reselecting "reference" will fix this.
6. Installing the USB Dongle Version
-------------------------------------------------The driver is installed as part of the Irricad installation procedure. If you ne
ed to install the driver manually then run Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.5.e
xe which will be located on the Irricad CD.
Depending on the type of installation it is not necessary to install all the opt
ions (using the "custom" installation option) for the dongle driver:a) Parallel System Driver (only required for a parallel dongle)
b) USB system driver (only required for a USB dongle)
c) Sentinel SuperProServer (only required on the Workstation/server that has the
dongle attached, for a network installation)
d) Sentinel SuperPro Monitoring Tool (not necessary - used for troubleshooting).
7. Contact Information
------------------------------Any suggestions, criticisms and bug reports are welcome; please pass these direc
tly on to us or to your local technical support.

US and South America:

Nelson Irrigation Corp.
ATTN: Software Support
Phone: [1] 509-525-7660
[1] 509-525-7907
Netafim Australia
Phone: [61] 8 8267 4222

[972] 8 647 4747
[972] 8 647 3983

New Zealand and International

AEI Software
Phone: [64] 3-325-3718
[64] 3-325-3725

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