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BSCS 6th



(CS): Artifical Intelligence

Credit Hours: 3(2-2)
Course Code: CS-632

Department of

Course Objectives:
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental ideas of problem solving using AI.
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental ideas of Knowledge Representation and
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of a number of different approaches to machine
Demonstrate the ability to apply AI and Computational Intelligence techniques to a variety of
research and application projects.
Course Contents:
This course serves as an introduction to the techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI)
including a study of intelligent agents, search techniques, logical agents, knowledge representation
and reasoning formalisms, learning paradigms, Expert systems and some of machine learning
techniques like neural networks, genetic algorithms, Fuzzy logic, decision trees etc.
Recommended Books:
S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Third Edition, Pearson
Education Series in AI
Luger, George & Stubblefield, William, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for
Complex Problem Solving (6th ed.),
Nils J Nilson, Artificial Intelligence A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Elsevier,
Introduction to PROLOG by P. Brna.
Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Third Edition, Pearson Eucation Series in AI.
Ivan Bratko, PROLOG Programming for AI, Third Edition, Pearson Education Series in AI.
Grading Policy:
There will be an evaluation from theory and practical separately. Students are required to qualify both
(theory & practical) independently to pass the course.
Total Subject Marks: 60
Theory Marks: 40
Quizzes/Assignments :
08 marks
Mid Term
12 marks
Final Term (Theory) :
20 marks
Practical Marks: 20
Lab Reports
10 marks
Final Project
10 marks
Quizzes and Homework Assignments (HAs): 05 quizzes and 04 HAs shall be given for a 02-2
credit-hours course, evenly distributed over the length of a semester. The quizzes shall be unannounced
and of 10 minutes duration on the average. The graded quizzes shall be returned in the next lecture and
the graded HAs after a week. The HAs shall be solved independently by all students. Plagiarism is not

BSCS 6th


(CS): Artifical Intelligence

Credit Hours: 3(2-2)
Course Code: CS-632

Department of

allowed; this will result in cancellation of the HA, in addition to reporting the matter to the management
for appropriate action.
Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and End Semester Examination (ESE): MSE and ESE will be
given in the middle and at the end of a semester, respectively, as instructed by the Examination
Branch (Ex Br).
Attendance Policy: 75 % attendance of students is mandatory for eligibility to appear in the ESE.
Students Hours
Monday: 1:00 pm 2:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am 10:00 pm
Lecture Breakdown
Week 1

Lect. 1

Lab. 1
Week 2
Lect. 2

Lab. 2

Week 3

Lect. 3

Introduction to AI
Definition of AI
Typical AI problems
Practical Impact of AI
Approaches to AI
Limits of AI Today
AI History
Introduction to Agent + Lab Excercise
Agent Environment
Agent architectures
Problem Solving using Search
Introduction to State Space Search
State space search
Explicit vs Implicit state space
Uninformed Search + Lab Excercise
Search Strategies
Breadth-first, Depth-first, Bidirectional, Iterative-Deepening Search etc
Case Study
Informed Search Strategies
Best First Search
Hill climbing

BSCS 6th

Lab. 3

Week 4
Lect. 4

Lab. 4

Week 5
Lect. 5

Lab. 5

Week 6
Lect. 6

Lab. 6

Week 7
Lect. 7

Lab. 7


(CS): Artifical Intelligence

Credit Hours: 3(2-2)
Course Code: CS-632

Department of

Informed Search Strategies-contd + Lab Excercise

Branch and Bound
Beam search
A* Search
Game Playing
Adversarial search
The min max algorithm
Alpha-Beta Pruning
Constraint satisfaction problems + Lab Excercise
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Representation of CSP
Solving CSPs
Constraint satisfaction problems
Variable and Value Ordering
Heuristic Search in CSP
Knowledge Representation and Logic + Lab Exercise
Propositional Logic
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Propositional Logic
Propositional Logic Inference
Propositional Logic inference rules
Rules of Inference
Using Inference Rules to Prove a Query/Goal/Theorem
Soundness and Completeness
Knowledge Representation and Logic + Lab Exercise
First Order Logic(FOL)
First Order Logic
First Order Logic contd
Herbrand Universe
Soundness, Completeness, Consistency, Satisfiability
Inference in FOL + Lab Excercise
Resolution in First Order Logic

BSCS 6th


(CS): Artifical Intelligence

Credit Hours: 3(2-2)
Course Code: CS-632

Week 8-9

Mid Term Exam

Week 10
Lect. 8

Lab. 8

Week 11
Lect. 9

Lab. 9

Week 12
Lect. 10

Lab. 10
Week 13

Lect. 11

Lab. 11
Week 14

Department of

Lect. 12

Inference in FOL contd

Proof as Search
Some Proof Strategies
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Knowledge Representation and Logic (Rule based Systems) + Lab Exercise
Rule based Systems
Rule Based Systems
Horn Clause Logic
Backward Chaining
Forward chaining
Rule based Systems contd
Programs in PROLOG
Expert Systems
Reasoning with Uncertainty - Probabilistic reasoning + Lab Excercise
Reasoning with Uncertain information
Probabilistic Reasoning
Review of Probability Theory
22 Probabilistic Inference
Probabilistic Inference Rules
Bayes Networks
Bayesian Networks
Semantics of Bayesian Networks
Learning of Bayesian Network Parameters
A Basic Idea of Inferencing with Bayes Networks + Lab Excercise
Inferencing in Bayesian Networks
Approximate Inferencing in Bayesian Networks
Reasoning with uncertainty-Fuzzy Reasoning
Reasoning with Uncertainty
The Problem, Vagueness, Fuzziness
Fuzzy Set Representation - Fuzzy Sets: Basic Concepts
Fuzzy Reasoning
Fuzzy Inferencing
Lab Excercise
Machine Learning

BSCS 6th


Lab. 12

Week 15
Lect. 13

Lab. 13

Week 16
Lect. 14

Lab. 14

Week 17

(CS): Artifical Intelligence

Credit Hours: 3(2-2)
Course Code: CS-632

Department of

Introduction to Learning
Taxonomy of Learning Systems
Mathematical formulation of the inductive learning problems
Learning From Observations
Concept Learning

Rule Induction and Decision Tree - I + Lab Excercise

Decision Trees
Rule Induction and Decision Trees
Splitting Functions
Decision Tree Pruning
Learning and Neural Networks
Neural Networks an intro
o Perceptron Learning
o The Perceptron Rule
o The Delta Rule
Neural Networks Contd + Lab Excercise
Multi-Layer Perceptrons
o Back-Propagation Algorithm
o Forward Propagation, Backward Propagation
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
o Models to represent Linguistic Knowledge
o Overview of Algorithms to Manipulate Linguistic Knowledge
Natural Language Processing + Lab Excercise
Knowledge Representation for NLP
Applications of Natural Language Processing
Machine Translation

Lect. 15

Project Presentations

Lab. 15

Project Presentations

Week 18-19

Final Term

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