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United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania

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5:15-cv-03984-JCJ CATERBONE
CLOSED on 08/25/2015
United States District Court
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 5/28/2016 at 6:23 AM EDT and filed on 5/28/2016
Case Name:
Case Number:
WARNING: CASE CLOSED on 08/25/2015
Document Number: 57
Docket Text:
Statement Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert in Framingham Prison, May 28, 2016 by STANLEY J. CATERBONE.

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5/28/2016 6:24 AM

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Advanced Media Group
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516
717.731.8184 Phone
717.427-1621 Fax


Authored in May of 1998

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to

improve the lot of others, or strikes out against
injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And
crossing each other from a million different centers
of energy and daring, those ripples build a current
which can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression.. by Robert F. Kennedy

In 1987 This Plaintiff Had Unjustly Lost His Freedoms, His Rights, And His
Pursuit Of Life, Liberty And Justice.
The following report (most identities purposely omitted from this
version) is an amazingly true and factual account of an extraordinarily bizarre
tragedy that has turned one mans life into an eleven (11)2 year free fall into
Dantes Hell.
On the surface, this is a story of a victim struggling to seek the truth, but in
reality, the evidence will conclude that this is a victim, literally, held hostage by
virtue of his truth. Later, the preponderance of evidence that the victim has

In April of 1997, Federal Court Judge Stuart Dalzall said Lancaster County had
lost its soul in the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct ever found in the
English speaking language regarding the Lisa Michelle Lambert hebeas corpus
hearing in the notorious Laurie Show murder case.


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amassed and his obsession for meticulously documenting his ordeal might seem
eccentric, yet his demonstrated ability to react to events before they unfold
appears mystical. And this was his manner in which he tactfully defended and
protected his life. It is these actions that have painted the landscape with a dire
vengeance for his ruin. His actions will ultimately serve to protect, preserve, and
foster the truth of his story, incriminating the culpability of his many perpetrators,
while at the same time being twisted and tainted in a relentless manner to attack
his credibility.
This is a story of a human being endearing for his rights, living in fear of
his life, and the remedial actions required for the truth to set him free. A victim
forever believing in his accomplishments and his visions, yet forced to adhere to
a life of their diversions. Fatefully, ten years after being taken as a political
hostage, with the aid of numerous arrests and false imprisonments conveniently
falling short convictions , a Federal Judge, Judge Stuart Dalzall, of the Eastern
District Court of Pennsylvania, opened a Pandoras Box into the true colors of
the inner workings and politics of ultra conservative Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania. A supposedly Gods country. His findings reeled a dramatic and
emotional response from the Lancaster County community that was akin to the
assassination of JFK . A community where obstructions of justice strikes a
startling and stark contrast to the image it so desperately embraces. A
community proud of its tough on crime judges, a community of plain folks and
Amish, and a community settled in a beautiful landscape abundant in an
agricultural bounty. This is not a community of compromising integrity. Or so it
has been perceived.
Judge Dalzalls extremely controversial findings were responsible for
Pennsylvanias own crafting of the Laurie Bill, the retaliation by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania intended to curb the Federal Courts interference
within the respective states own jurisdictions and proceedings. Or was it a
political maneuver to close the lid on Pandoras Box? The Pennsylvania
Attorney General and the Lancaster County District Attorney have both thrown all


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their might and all their muscle at turning the tides of Judge Dalzalls findings.
This story and this victims rights have been violated and abused by some of the
very same principals that were responsible for Judge Dalzalls unsettling
revelations. Lancaster County prosecutors were found to have engaged in one of
the grossest acts of prosecutorial misconduct found in the English speaking
language, which allegedly occurred in this now famous Lisa Michelle Lambert
case, a murder trial which began in the summer of 1992. Subsequently, it is now
in the midst of a treacherous appeal process convened by Judge Dalzall. And if
so by fate, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the home of the Freedom Fighters.

It is this public disclosure, that casts a new light and sudden hope for
freedom into this victims unbelievable and horrid story, that begun just four
years prior to the murder of Laurie Show. It is the decisive similarities of how both
victims were subjected to a very calculated and politically motivated attempts to
frame and fabricate circumstances to obtain the results that justified the
means for illicit self-serving interests. This very same conduct, committed by
public servants, elected and enlisted to enforce the law, to which Judge Dalzell
found so appalling. Conduct, which violated the very same rights their respective
offices are commissioned to protect. Conduct which strikes the meaning of We
The People from our nations very own Constitution.
Fortunately, this victims story is laced with a thread of faith, a faith in
God. And because of his faith, this victim will forever regard Lisa Michelle
Lambert3 and Laurie Show as his little Angels of Justice, a Godsend. An
answer to his many prayers, that for the first time in ten years provided a small
glimmer of hope, and a few moments of solitude that have materially justified his
own tragic experience. The realization that the truth is that much more believable
because of the trials and tribulations of Lisa Michelle Lambert. Unfortunately, this
3 The author admitted in an affidavit in 1998 that he did not know the criminal
culpability of Lisa Michelle Lambert, and further argues that it was because of the
prosecutorial misconduct and the erroneous handling of the crime scene that the
truth evaded both the prosecution and the defense as to who actually killed
Laurie Show.


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revelation came at the unfortunate and untimely death of Laurie. However, it just
may be Gods intentions of a Higher Purpose.
This story was perpetuated through a gross miscarriage of justice: a
tenure of malicious wrongdoing by both the law enforcement community of
Lancaster County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as
community leaders. A process that continues obstruct this victims rights for
justice. Its mannerisms reach into the inner soul of political and judicial
corruption. All in the name of greed, and all in the honor of continuing the status
quo of the Good Ole Boys club of Lancaster County. A process obsessed with
keeping its disclosure from escaping beyond the confines of Pandoras Box. Its
a tenure of power that evolved from the days of this countrys earliest settlers, but
an evolution that has somewhere strayed away from the intent of our constitution;
with total disregard for the law, in total disrespect for the Constitution, and void of
many of our civil liberties. This atrocity, like the Lambert case, would have made
our founding forefathers revel in disgust and bellow in despair. In fact, their spirits
and energies probably are!
The central issue in this story, is a cover up, a cover up of mass
proportions, and of perplexing design, with national consequences. The fact of
the matter is that this cover up has had ramifications throughout this world,
specifically the Middle East The cover up would be emphatically unbelievable
without the wealth of evidence, especially the recorded conversations with
Pennsylvania officials. A cover up that permeates from what will later emerge as
the 4th largest financial fraud (Billion Dollars) in the history of the United States
coupled with the covert sales of arms to Iraq. And five years after this cover up
began, these same munitions were used against our own troops in the Persian
Gulf War. And of course, there are admitted ties to the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA).. And this cover up and
story, which began in June of 1987, in Lancaster County, preceded criminal
indictments by the United States Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of


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Investigation (FBI), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of

Justice and Commerce, and more. A vast array of criminal activities conspired
from the ultra conservative Lancaster County, where God is supposedly
supreme, and its hard line approach to crime is said to be preeminent. In June of
1987, Lancaster County was immersed in a dynamic twist of fate, with a host of
players which may never be fully identified.
The irony of this story is how Lancaster County manages the disclosure of
the very same criminal activities that this story proves that it condoned, prior to
the intervention of federal authorities. It most dramatically will prove the nature of
its integrity, or lack thereof. International Signal & Control, (ISC) is the
controversial player in this web of conspiracy. In 1987, the third largest employer
in Lancaster County, a non-discrete defense contractor. In all due respect to our
beloved country, this report is in no way challenging the policies or the activities
of the Department of Defense, or the vast agencies of the Intelligence
Community, especially the CIA or the NSA (National Security Advisory). with
regards to ISCs foreign dealings. Trying to protect the world of malicious and evil
empires is a process which never ends, and whos players are constantly
changing. And our respective intelligence agencies are continually challenged
with the task of trying to make a difference, in accordance with protecting our
national security. Unfortunately, given the nature of their discrete activities, and
given the CIAs history of avoiding congressional approval in certain situations,
our current laws are void of effectively dealing with the peripheral catastrophes of
such activities that inherently transpire. The CIA remains immune, while
everyone outside suffers the consequences.
The fact that the CIA, or anyone of the other intelligence community, may
have been involved, does not grant a blanket of immunity over activities which
were not material to protecting our national security. If a company provides a
service to anyone in the intelligence community, our constitution, our laws, and
its respective commercial regulatory authorities, must still have the full sense of
their jurisdiction. The intelligence community may not have the right of


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intervention into the commercial enterprise, or organization, circumventing the

rights of its employees, shareholders, creditors, and customers. No United States
law or statute suggests that there is any involuntary mandate that requires any of
the preceding to compromise their interests in the respective enterprise for the
sake of national security, or the respective intelligence agency. There must be
considerations paid to all involved for those rights and interests that compromise
such a relationship. Otherwise, the CIA could effectively gain control of any
domestic corporation it so desires, without ever owning one share of its
outstanding stock, simply by enlisting its product or services for the sake of
national security. The CIA requires a formal vehicle to enlist the aid of our
domestic commercial enterprises. ISC is a proven and unfortunate example of
This victim was a shareholder of record of International Signal & Control
(ISC) for the previous four years prior to when this tragic ordeal began. The
victim was to purchase the stock from now Republican Pennsylvania Senator
Gib Armstrong, who was in the brokerage business at the time and selling ISC
stock. The stock was sold over the London Securities Exchange, supposedly for
reasons to suppress information. The victim was interested in the stock because
of his appetite for technology, and was more curious about the business of ISC,
than anything. In fact, the victim had never made any inference to any of the
illicit dealings with Iraq. However, the perpetrators of this story, attempt to hide
behind a vale of national security," in an effort to find legal immunity from all
wrongdoing. In accordance, the record will prove that this is merely a smoke
screen used to intimidate and obstruct the victims access for due process of the
The trials and tribulations of this victim are unprecedented in terms
of emotional and psychological duress, fortunately his indestructible faith in God,
and his enduring belief in himself and the truth, endures his life. There was one
attempt on the his life, days within the public disclosure of the CIAs involvement
with the local Lancaster County defense contractor (ISC), which Ted Kopel


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reported on ABC News Nightline, on May 23, 1991, 4 years after the initial cover
up began. This story will depict a series of systematic and strategic offensive
attacks upon this victim and his businesses that will result failed business
enterprises, and a Hollywood motion picture, deserted. An impeccable
professional reputation and a flawless credit rating purposely sabotaged.
Financial opportunities, that in 1987, were almost impossible to extrapolate, Vast
financial opportunities and aspirations forever a part of history. This horrendous
crime was perpetrated for the interest of a cover up, further protecting the corrupt
enterprises of Lancaster County's International Signal & Control (ISC). A quest
for justice that polarized every relationship the victim maintained, in Lancaster
County and beyond, including friends and family. This story demonstrates a
methodology of his perpetrators for keeping this victim quarantined from justice
and public disclosure, through a malicious means of credibility proponents, and
horrendously deceptive tactics. Financial motives prominently displayed in the
hands of all of the perpetrators, which absolves the burden for a traditional
The emotional response to the truth of this story is compelling, to say
the least. Subsequently, the startling keen sense of perception that the victim
had demonstrated, is even more intriguing. It is this extraordinary quality that is
responsible for saving his life, while yet at the same time providing his
perpetrators with an alibi and a vehicle for discrediting his startling allegations
and his story. This story embellishes a dichotomy of perception that had
Hollywood producers from his film project call his work genius, while his
perpetrators from the Lancaster County Community conveniently and maliciously
labeling him as insane and emotionally disturbed."

The perplexing question of the victims intelligence, or lack thereof, is
best analyzed as a question of perception. However it terms of the legal
consequences of the activities contained herein, they are of little if any relevancy.


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The fact of the matter is that the mental deficiencies have very little relevancy to
this story, other than serving as a means to discredit the victim, a vehicle to
facilitate the cover up, and a blanket of immunity for all of the perpetrators.
The heart of this victims legal dogma is best described as follows: If a
person, is perceived to have a mental deficiency; yet whose actions and
decisions are always proven to be instinctually and amazingly prudent, always
abiding within the law, and in the best interest of his affairs, what rights and
protection do the laws afford him from persons abusing that perception, in order
to yield political and financial rewards, as a direct consequence of his demise?
Furthermore, how does the law protect his rights, if any and all malicious acts
against this victim, are constantly and immediately disregarded because he is
perceived to not to be credible? As this story unfolds, these questions will
become even more troubling and appalling. Although the victim could never
describe the pain of his trauma, he would often say that the closest situation that
may compare is that of a woman being continuously raped, night after night,
helplessly praying for relief, struggling to free herself from her captor, all with no
avail. He would call it as being brain f------.
The victim, coming from the lower middle class of Lancaster City, was
only 29 years old when this tragedy began. Coming from a broken home, he was
the third of six boys. While at a very young age, he would help his mother run a
dry cleaning business, in an amazing similarity like Lisa Michelle Lambert, he had
also nursed his mother during bouts of depression. While in high school, he was
nursing his mothers depression, while at same time tending to his older brothers
bouts of schizophrenia. The victim had learned to listen to the obscenities of
mental illness since he was a child. He learned to fill the shoes of his absent
father in helping his mother raise his three younger brothers.. The victim was
often called the little old man because of his extraordinary maturity as a child.
The victim was determined to break the barrier of the Good Ole Boys club or
the power elite, and had always felt a sense of compassion for those less
fortunate, and those neglected by those of material means, the oppressed and


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impoverished. He had an undivided aspiration to someday make a difference to

those that could not help themselves, especially his older brother. Through his
ingenious, resourceful, and honest business approach, he was relentlessly
growing his business and their respective missions, in constant reminder of his
oppression. His in depth understanding of computer technology and his vision
were his most powerful allies. Always pushing the envelope for advanced
technologies and seeking solutions for the most efficient means of his
operations.. He knew that every break was going to be few and far between, he
dedication himself to his work, and married his business affairs, always
embracing his projects with a passion.
In 1986, after serving on the Board of Directors for the Central
Pennsylvania Chapter of International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP),
the victim had made a large contribution to increasing its membership and its
awareness among local professionals, as its vice president. In an effort to
promote the organization, the victim solicited a nationally recognized and
prominent financial planner from Washington, D.C., to be a headline speaker at a
dinner meeting. Ms. Alexandra Armstrong, one of the most nationally recognized
financial planners, often headlined in Money Magazine, attracted 100 industry
professionals to the Treadway Resort Inn. The attendance was unprecedented
for the local IAFP chapter. The IAFP is the authoring organization for certification
as a financial planner. It was through the direct conversations with Ms. Armstrong
regarding his ideas and her experience, that inspired the victim to pursue his
ambitions of growing his own financial firm, which he began in the following
Disgruntled with the conflicts of interest and the lack of incentive for
various professionals to work together in managing ones wealth, a process
which lacked efficiency, this entrepreneur founded the firm Financial
Management Group, Ltd., or FMG as it was often called. The firm was to
incorporate a one-stop-shopping strategy and incorporate financial services,
legal, accounting, tax preparation, real estate, insurance, mortgage banking, and


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estate services all in one firm, all residing in one location, all taking advantage of
the synergistic approach toward managing wealth. And to provide the
professionals long term security and equity participation, all participants were
encouraged to purchase stock in the company. This was a new and innovative
approach that attracted a lot of attention from investors and clients, but also
came a lot of nervous twitches from competitors, especially in conservative
Lancaster County.
The victim began recruiting professionals from all of the other firms, with
great success. He had enlisted two partners whom he had worked with at
IDS/American Express, to carry out his mission, which he began after extensive
market studies and his early version of the company, Pro Financial Group, Ltd.,
His two partners had followed the victim to an independent broker dealer in
Atlanta, named Financial Services Corporation, where Ms. Alexandra Armstrong
was associated, and encouraged the victim to visit, during their discussion after
dinner. Within one year, by June of 1987, the firm had invested over $40 million
for respective clients.
The company had developed satellite offices throughout Pennsylvania and
in several other states, through his unique design. This firm was causing the
other financial services companies and the local banks in Lancaster County a run
for their money. The firm had built a new 20,000 square foot office building just a
few miles north of the city. The firm was attracting clients, associates, and
nervous attention from, well just about everybody. Considering the capabilities,
legal, real estate, insurance, financial services, accounting, FMG was making as
many enemies as it was making friends. And the victim always believed in the
premise that its always better to have people talking about you, regardless of the
matter, than to have no one notice you. And they were talking. The victim was
only in his late twenties when he started this organization,. He held several
positions, he was Executive Vice President and Secretary of Financial
Management Group Ltd, and President of FMG, Advisory, Inc., which was one of
the many subsidiaries parent company owned. The victim acted as the architect


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and legal administrator of the organization, in addition to building his own

financial planning clients. He filed all of the articles of incorporation in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and submitted all of the tedious and rigorous
filings necessary for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, which were very
demanding considering the victim was selling stock of his company to his
associates and investors. The victim and his associates had also attracted some
very prominent Lancastrianss to invest in his venture, coming from various
professional circles, all infatuated with this extraordinary and intriguing concept of
this young victim. All had seen its potential for success and financial reward.
Many of his friends were involved, and in Lancaster, everyone knows
everybody, so it seams.. And everyone talks, gossip is as common as jogging.
This exaggerated trait of Lancaster County, will later to come back to haunt this
victim, in a way that is most sickening. In a way that will parallel the attitudes
and sentiments in the Lisa Michelle Lambert story.
In 1987, his business affairs were reaching a point of incredible success.
In fact, most of his family and friends, have always questioned the merits of their
legitimacy. He always conducted his affairs with the presumption that time could
not afford the opportunity to complete his agenda, while at the same time
disclosing his business affairs to persons that were not directly involved..
Accomplishing his mission was first and foremost. But in Lancaster County, that
was difficult. Lancastrianss have a notion to fear what they dont know, and will
always believe what they think they know, regardless of its merits. In Lancaster
County new ideas are shunned unless coming from their own, and their own
ideas are often kept close at bay, inhibiting progress and stymieing learning. By
June of 1987, a majority of his business affairs were conducted out of the grasp
of Lancaster County, his unknown activities made others curious, especially in
Lancaster County, where the blessing of the power elite was essential for
success. But, deep down inside, he knew he could never be accepted, because
he did not descend from a family of social grace. This fueled his aspirations for


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success even further, committed to prove that intelligence was innate and
learned, not a direct correlation to material wealth or social grace.
One of his most cherished testimonials to his concept, his reputation, and
his mission, was provided by an elder attorney, Mr. Kenellm Shirk, a very
respected and prominent older Lancaster attorney, who was part of the status
quo. Mr. Shirk had petitioned the Pennsylvania Bar Association, after meeting
with the victim, to obtain their blessing and their knowledge of any laws which
would forbid his firm to provide a satellite office in the headquarters of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., (FMG) Mr. Shirks firm was to provide a partner, and
estate services to the clients of FMG. The Pennsylvania Bar provided a lengthy
recommendation that did not prohibit a relationship, although cautioned it to
proceed with careful review. The fact that the very young and unknown victim
could attract an elder, conservative Lancaster County attorney to associate with
his firm was an encouraging sign of respect. Ironically, Mr. Shirk is the father of
Roy Shirk Jr., Lisa Michelle Lamberts first attorney who represented her during
trial of 1992, the proceeding which was the center of Judge Dalzalls
controversial and appalling findings.

The victim prided himself on his

entrepreneurship , and after building the foundation for FMG, he set out to take
advantage of its resources and its synergism.
By June of 1987, the victim had developed a fairly substantial mortgage
banking relationship with a Houston, Texas banker. That operation was capable
of providing lending to potential developers and businesses in the range of $ 3
million to $100 million. And the lending packages were as competitive if not
more competitive than the local lending institutions of Lancaster County, capable
with even higher lending limits. In a matter of months of securing this
relationship, the victim and his partner were evaluating deals from Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, New York, Florida, and as far away as California.
There was a uniqueness to his capabilities that was very appealing to
potential borrowers. Because of the vast array of services of FMG, potential


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developers had the opportunity to obtain both debt and equity financing through
his companies. In plain terms, most shopping centers raised capital by raising
funds through investors coupled with a mortgage. This gave potential developers
one place to take down the deal rather than dealing with many other
professionals at the same time. It was a much more efficient process for all. The
victim was capable of providing a mortgage, while at the same time selling
shares in a shopping center through its vast client base of investors at FMG.
This also gave the victim a formidable presence into the venture capital markets,
by way of his strong ability to raise capital through his vast portfolio of clients of
FMG. And this was a rarity that developers and investors loved. Investors were
attracted because they could invest in equity type real estate projects with real
sense of knowing the developer, or kicking the bricks of the project. This was
far different than investing in a nationally syndicated project, with properties
scattered all over the country, and with developers that they did not know. The
synergistic approach to his organization began paying dividends by developing
other peripheral markets and businesses.
Given the complex nature of the victims design of FMG, internal
struggles within the organization readily became the challenge. Orchestrating the
relationships among all of the different professionals, and trying to adhere to the
interests of the clients, the professionals and of the firm, FMG, managing the
daily activities required immense thought and prudence on the part of the
principals. Of, course, the victim assumed honesty and integrity to be a given.
And for most it was. However there were times when the senior partner engaged
in tactical rights of power.
In the later part of 1986, after the victim had developed FMG to the point
where its future was on stable grounds, his two partners conveniently attempted
to circumvent his position and regain control of his stock and the firm. In fact,
after the victim refused to collaborate on a scheme to set up his other partner,
the remaining two partners began to attempt to regain the victims control.
Through intimidating techniques, the partners began to attack his presence. The


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victim became agitated, especially because he played the lead role and was
responsible for the formation of the company, methodically designing and
developing its foundation, with great success. And now after the company was
beyond its point of greatest risk, due to in large part the victims efforts, the
other two partners wanted to take advantage of his work, and take the cream of
the pie for their own financial gain. It was a difficult task to carry out because the
victim was the most respected of all three partners, consistently keeping their
respective policies in the best interest of the firm and of the other associates and
stockholders. In fact, most feared that the loss of control of the victim would
ultimately lead to adverse consequences. However the two partners trued
unsuccessfully to weaken his position, and when that didnt work, they focused
on weakening the victim, via intimidation and humiliation The coup and hostile
environment caused a state of depression for the victim, although he kept to his
daily duties and responsibilities, accordingly, he called a client and friend who
was a psychiatrist, whom he trusted and respected. It was easy access to a
professional, yet on a very informal basis. Because the victim had a family
history of mental deficiencies, he wanted to seek the proper help.
The psychiatrist had diagnosed the victim as having Bi Polar Mood
disorder. The psychiatrist had quickly discounted any correlation between the
current state of affairs, and his partners abuse. The psychiatrist rationale was
that because the startup of the company was so successful in such a short
period of time , and his demonstrated intelligence and creativity, the victim must
have been in a state of mania, and of course now, was subsiding in a state of
depression, the typical cycle for manic depressants. The victim complied with
the psychiatrist. And after refusing to sell out to his partners, vowed to regain his
business and rescind any efforts to give up his claim to his accomplishments.
The depression soon faded. The victim never disclosed the fact that he had
sought help to anyone other than family members. This coup lead to the victims
aggressive approach to grow the business, and to posture himself in projects that
would ultimately remain in his control, out of the influence of his partners.


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Particularly the mortgage banking activities and the digital movie, which he did
successfully, but apparently too successfully.
Through an act of fate, in February of 1987, the victim found himself in a
meeting with Tony Bongiovi at Power Station studios. Through one of his
partners, he reluctantly traveled to New York to consider financing a motion
picture. The victims own lack tolerance for the risk associated with film
investments was overshadowed by the opportunity to visit a recording studio.
Although his associate was a friend of Tonys, he was not familiar with his
accomplishments, or his work, so he thought. If nothing else, it was a weekend
away from Lancaster, and a chance to visit the Big Apple. Intriguingly, he found
more than he had ever imagined on that weekend excursion. Tony Bongiovi, a
musical genius, whos credits include one of the most recognized recording
studios in the country, Power Station Studios. Tony Bongiov produced the sound
track for Star Wars, and is responsible for the format of one of the most
successful recording artist of the 80s, Jon Bon Jovi, his cousin. Power Station
has recorded the albums for some of the most influential artists of all time,
including Diana Ross, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Steve Winwood, Bruce
Springsteen, etc., Tony, an eccentric genius, of Italian decent, had many talents,
from music to aerospace engineering. The victims associates sister met Tony
while he flew his plane into Lancasters airport for repairs. They dated for some
time and the victims associate and Tony became friends, which led the victim
to Tonys Power Station Studios.
Tony was looking to finance his new project, which was to be the first
digital movie. And, given the victims extreme appetite for technologies,
coupled with his amazing sense of perception, he dramatically recognized the
future evolution for the technical merits of delivering digital video and digital audio
entertainment to the mass markets. By June of 1987, the victim was positioned
as the Executive Producer, collaborating with Flatbush Films of Hollywood
California, the movie producers, entrusted with the mission of finding investors to


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provide funding for the first digital movie, and to manage the ensuing business
elements it required.
The movie was to be shot on-location at the Jersey shore points, mostly
in Wildwood. Tony strategically envisioned making a movie in the horror genre.
There were several specific reasons that supported this strategy. First, he
determined that it was the least expensive format to produce, we all estimated a
budget of $4 million for the production and post production. Secondly, the horror
genre would compliment a very intense sound track. The sound track was
important to enhance the new digital format, and also provide the means to
introduce a new band that he had been grooming in his studio for the past
several years, French Lick, his predecessor to Bon Jovi. There had been bad
blood between Tony and his cousin Bon Jovi, which resulted in legal disputes
pertaining to Tonys financial interests in Jons success. It was an unfortunate
situation considering Tonys father and Jons father were brothers living in the
same area. It was a subject that Tony never wanted to discuss, except for his
contributions toward Jons career.
If by another act of fate, the victim had the privilege of meeting one of the
many superstars while working at Power Station studios. While growing up, at an
early age, the victim would sneak up into the bedroom of his oldest brother, and
start up his old General Electric stereo phonograph and listen to his favorite
album - Diana Ross and the Supremes. It was a passion and a ritual that
provided an early infatuation to music, and to Diana Ross. The victim was only
10 or 11 years old. And at this early age, he noticed and listened to the annoying
hiss, that conventional hiss that always seemed to overshadow the music,
whether played on an album, on the radio, 8-track tape, or cassette.
And in a mystical twist of fate, while engrossed in a project dedicated to
delivering music without that hiss (digital) - the victim opened the door to the
recording suite to pack his bags for the journey back to Lancaster; - and there
she sat, with a glowing array of beauty, more beautiful than any picture could


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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

ever tell, Ms. Diana Ross. She was pregnant and in the middle of a recording
session, for a new album. Her assistant quickly demanded, in a stern and
protective voice, that we leave, and the victim and his associate replied this is
our makeshift bedroom, we are just gathering our belongings. The victim
walked toward Diana Ross, who was seated near his bag, and she asked and
who are you?, the victim calmly replied his name and absorbed as much of her
beauty as his eyes could behold before walking out the door. The room that was
his bedroom the nigh before, and suddenly transfixed into the recording suite of
Diana Ross, thinking back some twenty years earlier, one of the many gifts that
God would bestow upon him. A living memorial and reminder to his older brother,
who died on Christmas day of 1985, his best friend who taught him two of his
greater pleasures in life, Diana Ross, and listening to music. He prayed that his
brother was watching from above.
And so, the digital movie project that the victim had embraced in 1987
had personal significance, and he never ever doubted his instincts regarding the
technical merits of the project. The victims perception that the entertainment
industry would deliver full length motion pictures in a truly digital medium will later
become a truly remarkable vision.
The technical merits of this project and at this particular time with respect
to the victims extreme sense of perception require analysis. To truly understand
this time perception, some of the attributes of digital technologies need to be fully
understood. In 1987, Compact DISC (CD) technology was only now being
introduced to the commercial markets. The victims own crafting of his joint
venture proposals, dominated by the term digital movie, is in itself some 4 or 5
years away. In 1987, there was very little use of the term digital, with the
exception of research and development engineers. The victim will, throughout the
documentation of this story, will have preceded a terminology that has literally
become the root of most technological advancements in the computer and
telecommunications industries of our present day, 10 years after the victims


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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

vision. Today, digital is found to be part of or referred to in just about every

product available in the commercial markets.
During May of 1987, the victim had created a joint venture proposal for
SONY Entertainment, Inc., for the digital movie. After weeks of researching the
current state-of-affairs within SONY, and after his proposal was completed,
SONY publicly announced their desire to open the markets for new and emerging
technologies on the cover of TIME magazine, another demonstrated sense of
perception. It was this proposal, when delivered to one of the Hollywood
producers in Santa Monica, California, after reading a draft of the proposal she
said you are a genius. The proposal was introduced to Tony Bongiovi at the
Wildwood Boardwalk, where many of scenes were to be shot, and he approved
of the proposal and thought that it had great merits. Tony, who wanted very to do
with the business elements of his project, gave the victim complete authority to
secure the financing of the project, with a salary as Executive Producer, and a
percentage of the profits on the back end.
After review of the victims research and proposals, his vision and his
passion, unfortunately without his efforts, has come to be known as Direct
Satellite System, or DSS, which is Sonys satellite entertainment system (TV),
delivering digital audio and digital video entertainment. That technology is fast
eroding at the cable industry. The victim had his patent research center around
the PSDMS system, the Power Station Digital Movie System. And that was in
1987, some seven years before SONY delivered his dreams. Later the victim
would also accurately predict that the 90s would become the Information Age
because of the direct contributions and advancements of digital technologies,
which is directly responsible for the development of the INTERNET.
The victims obsession with his digital movie has proven to be one of his
most remarkable demonstrations of his keen sense of perception.


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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

Page 23 of 63

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

The following is a letter to the editor which I wish to be published on your site.
January 22, 2016
Re: Good Old Boys Network and the Kathleen Kane Coup
I have been the victim of a widespread civil and criminal conspiracy that dates back to
1987, made up of the very same actors that Kathleen Kane is up against, the "good old boys". In
1987 I blew the whistle on a local company, International Signal & Control, or ISC, that was
indicted for selling arms and weapons to Iraq via South Africa with the aid and support of the CIA
and the NSA. It was the 3rd largest white collar crime at that time, valued at $1 Billion Dollars. I
was the victim of a widespread wholesale cover-up through an elaborate slander campaign that
included 29 false arrests, multiple false imprisonments, and a fabricated mental illness record that
to this day is still resonating.
Kathleen Kane must be commended for her courage and her determination for taking on
this culture of arrogance and total disregard for the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law that they
so emphatically espouse to uphold. They believe and conduct their affairs in a manner that
suggests they are above the law and we, the Pennsylvania taxpayers, are beneath the law. The
sad fact that it reaches into the judiciary and law enforcement agencies is undeniably the most
outrageous and deplorable truth to this scandal. Case in point, until yesterday I was the
APPELLANT in a case before the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals that involves the Habeus
Corpus for convicted and imprisoned Lisa Michelle Lambert. A murder case in the early 1990's
that was made famous when in 1997 U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell found her actually
innocent due to "one of the worst cases of prosecutorial misconduct in the English speaking
language" and released her from prison. The case drew nationwide attention when then
Pennsylvania Attorney General, then Mike Fischer, enlisted the help of 9 other state attorney
generals to curtail the reach of the federal bench in state matters concerning Habeus Corpus
cases. To make matters worst, 38,000 Lancastrians signed petitions to remove the Honorable
Stewart Dalzell from the federal bench.
Mike Fisher and company won and Lisa Michelle Lambert was back in prison within 9
months while the case went back to the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. The Honorable
Judge Lawrence Stengel held a bench hearing where she was again found guilty and sentenced to
life in prison. The case was covered by the LA Times in a multi-part Sunday series, A&E producer
Bill Curtis did a 48 Hours special, and Lifetime Movies made it into a prime time movie.
This year, these "Good Old Boys" made it so difficult for me to litigate my efforts to free
Lisa Michelle Lambert, that I had to dismiss my appeal and effectively withdraw as her MOVANT
and Advocate. I was trying to persuade the courts that my own demise was the result of the same
type of wholesale prosecutorial misconduct by some of the very same principals that Lisa Michelle
Lambert fell victim to. My efforts were so distasteful to the powers to be that her court appointed
attorney threatened me with criminal prosecution for no other reason than I might actually be
successful in helping her win the Habeus Corpus she filed in May of 2014. I allege the U.S. District

Op Ed Letter re Kathleen Kane


Sunday, January 25,
24, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Judge was trying in vain to invalidate and derail my own federal court cases that seek to restore
me to whole from a life of ruin, misery, torture, and financial collapse.
For the record, I founded a financial firm in the 1980's that reached 5 states and raised
some 90 million dollars in a matter of 9 months. In the late 1980's and early 1990's I was one of
5 domestic companies that had the capabilities of manufacturing CDROM's that included a client
list that reached across the globe and included government agencies and fortune 500 companies.
And in 1987, myself and a genius recording engineer named Tony Bongiovi and his famous
recording studio, Power Station Studios of New York, were developing and producing the first
"digital movie". The intellectual property rights and the RICO statutes that apply to my legal
claims in federal courts were too much for the "Good Old Boys" to handle.

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
Advanced Media Group
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149;15-3400; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 15-03984; 14-02559; 05-2288; 06-4650
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349

Op Ed Letter re Kathleen Kane


Sunday, January 25,
24, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

November 12, 2015

Ms. Kathleen Kane
Pennsylvania Attorney General
16th Floor Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Re: Old Boys Network filed in GENERAL OAG QUESTIONS November 11, 2015
November 11, 2015 7:42am
"Kane, the first woman and Democrat elected to the position of Pennsylvania's top
prosecutor, has dismissed the case as a backlash over her challenge to what she
calls the old-boys' network in Pennsylvania law enforcement." LNP, Attorney
General Kane faces trial on more charges, by the Associated Press on November 11,
Back in 1998 I had a meeting with an NSA (National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, Md)
operative in a parking lot of a former car dealer in York, PA. I had just attended a job
fair and he approached me as I was about to get into my car. He introduced himself
as being from the NSA and I questioned him about why they would not leave me
alone. His response was "It is not US (NSA) it's the Good Ole Boys". I also have
a huge problem with modified, stolen, and planted documents. We parted ways in an
amicable fashion.
Stan J. Caterbone Advanced Media Group
See the enclosed as well as U.S.C.A. 15-3400 LISA MICHELLE LAMBERT APPEAL,
APPELLANT, Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Stan J. Caterbone

Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor


January 25,
15, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor


January 25,
15, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor


January 25,
15, 2016

Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112153497

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

Page: 1

Date Filed: 12/14/2015

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stanley J. Caterbone, APPELLANT, Pro Se

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Lisa Michelle Lambert
CASE NO. 3400-2015
Lynn Bissonnette, et al.,
Stanley J. Caterbone

I hereby on this 14th day of December, 2015, I Stanley J. Caterbone, appearing pro se, as
the APPELLANT do hereby file a Motion to Dismiss the above captioned appeal for reasons previously
affirmed in previous filings.

/S/ Stanley J. Caterbone

Date: December 14, 2015

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Appellant

1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Op Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor


January 25,
15, 2016

KEISLING: Palace coup: what the Kathleen Kane prosecution is really ...

1 of 3

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

December 9, 2015

Page 29 of 63

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letters to the Editor, News and Commentary

Breaking: Kanes staff has approved one of two contracts needed to hire a special prosecutor to investigate the porno email
by Bill Keisling
Have Republicans in the top levels of Pennsylvania government and courts engineered a takeover of the Democraticcontrolled state attorney generals office?
Has this high-level palace coup taken place under everyones noses?
Are the criminal charges brought by Republican officials against AG Kane, her subsequent
law license suspension, and efforts by the state senate to remove her from office all simply
a ruse meant to distract voters from what is really going on: an attempt by Republicans to
control policy in the attorney generals office, and throughout state government, without
having won an election?
Recent developments in all three branches of Pennsylvania government make these
reasonable questions.
Several weeks ago, on November 18, four high-level staffers from the AGs office testified
before the state senate committee exploring AG Kanes removal from office that theyve
been running nearly all the offices legal functions since Kane could no longer practice law.
First Deputy Attorney General Bruce Beemer, and three executive deputy attorneys general
Robert Mulle, James Donahue, and Lawrence Cherba testified they have effectively
Kathleen Kane

taken control of the elective attorney generals office following Kanes unprecedented law

license suspension.
First Deputy AG Beemer is a holdover from the days when Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett ran the office, before
Kanes election in 2012.
When she came into office Kane probably thought Beemer was a nice guy, and a competent and experienced career
prosecutors, who should be kept around.
But did Attorney General Kane make a mistake not having her own loyalists in these top positions?

Several weeks back, Beemer and the other three made a splash at
the senate impeachment committee when they spoke about the
importance of the many criminal cases the office was responsible
for handling.
But criminal cases prosecuted by the AGs office are, from a public
policy perspective, small potatoes.
The state AGs office is a johnny-come-lately in criminal
prosecutions. Before the office became an elective one in 1980, the
AGs office seldom if ever prosecuted criminals. (Criminal
Four guys running the AG's office: who voted for them?

prosecutions, before 1980, were referred to local DAs.)

Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor

Page 77 of
of 99

Monday, January 25,
20, 2016
1/20/2016 5:25 AM

KEISLING: Palace coup: what the Kathleen Kane prosecution is really ...

2 of 3

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

Page 30 of 63
Saturday, May 28, 2016
For centuries, the most important job of the Pennsylvania attorney general has been to issue opinions on the legality or
constitutionality of state actions or programs.
Opinions issued by the Attorney General can and do concern the nuts and bolts of how state agencies are run from the
legality of programs, to who is hired, to how paper clips are bought, to the treatment and execution of prisoners.
Legal opinions of the attorney general carry the full force of law, until and unless a court overturns them.
Beemer and his three associates, testifying before the state senate, played down these important constitutional
responsibilities. These days, Beemer said, the AGs office rarely if ever issues important opinions on government or interagency matters.
Two recent and important issues demanding high-level decisions in the AGs office clearly demonstrate this is not true.
The first issue is a constitutional matter: the state senate is set to vote on whether to hold a hearing to remove Kane from
office, bypassing the constitutional impeachment process. Its the historic role of the attorney generals office to intervene on
questions of the legality of removing an official from office.
The second issue is a personnel, or contract, matter: The contract for Kanes choice of the special prosecutor to investigate
the court pornography email scandal must be reviewed and approved by her office.
AG Kane selected Douglas Gansler, a former Maryland attorney general, and his Washington DC-based law firm, to review
the hundreds of thousands of emails Kane found on her office servers.
But contracts hiring Gansler and his firm must be approved and signed by the attorney generals office staff.
The responsibility to review and approve Ganslers contract fell to one of the four AG office employees who testified several
weeks ago before the state senate panel to remove Kane: Robert Mulle, the executive deputy attorney general of the civil
law division.
Two employment contracts, one involving Gansler and the other his firm, landed on Deputy AG Mulles desk last week. Mulle
evidentially at first objected to the form and content of the special prosecutor agreements.
Kanes spokesman, Chuck Ardo, tells me, (Deputy AG) Mulle was able to work with Kane to massage the first of the two
contracts, about the firm.
That first contract has been signed, Ardo says. But Ganslers personal contract has yet to be approved, or signed.

They are still working on Ganslers contract, Ardo says. But she certainly got the first part approved.
Needless to say, the last thing state Republicans want is an unfettered special prosecutor looking into hundreds of
thousands of correspondence found on the AGs email servers.
Likewise, the attorney generals office must soon respond to the senates demand for a hearing to remove Kane from office.
Those running Kanes office apparently dont seem to be in any hurry, or think its their job, to weigh in on the constitutionality
of the senates proposed action.
But, it should go without saying, if a Democrat-controlled senate were to try removing a Republican attorney general in this
matter, the court papers already would be flying.
Likewise, if the porno email scandal involved mostly Democrats, instead of mostly Republican prosecutors and judges, a
special prosecutor would likely already be on the job.
So Kane finds herself having difficulties directing her own staff to work on these two important matters.
Three million Pennsylvania voters elected Kane. Voters didnt elect her staff members.

Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor

Page 88 of
of 99

Monday, January 25,
20, 2016
1/20/2016 5:25 AM

KEISLING: Palace coup: what the Kathleen Kane prosecution is really ...

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ed Letter
re Kathleen
to the Editor

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of 99

Monday, January 25,
20, 2016
1/20/2016 5:25 AM

Woes across government branches tarnish Pa.'s image, experts say

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016


1/25/2016 5:22 AM

Woes across government branches tarnish Pa.'s image, experts say

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

1/25/2016 5:22 AM

Woes across government branches tarnish Pa.'s image, experts say

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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1/25/2016 5:22 AM

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert


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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert



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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert




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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Page 53 of 63
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Page 54 of 63
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert



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Page 55 of 63
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert




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Page 56 of 63
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Page 16 of 16


LETTER: LNP remains a lily-white newspaper |

1 of 1

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

Page 57 of 63

Saturday, May 28, 2016

April 24, 2016

Featured, Letters to the Editor, News and Commentary


Re: LNP takes cheap shot at Hillary Clinton by publishing Lewistown Sentinel bogus editorial
NEWSLANCS editor responded to a comment: EDITOR: We believe there has ben a significant

improvement at LNP over the past year or two While we find fault with them from time to time, we also
have reason to be displeased at times with reports in the New York Times and other leading publications.
The following is a response by someone else to our comment.
Improvement? Really? LNP remains a lily-white newspaper which refuses to acknowledge or challenge
the governmental, judicial or business Power-Elite. They continue to self-promote themselves at every
and any opportunity, and go on witch-hunts after those who may have crossed their paths. They refuse to
provide any substantive details regarding the financial albatross that occupies the adjacent block of Penn
Square, and are content to only report on their perspective of vibrant, robust downtown, without
acknowledging the abysmal streets, on-going violence and ever-increasing tax burden that is driving
residents out of town.
Of course, I suspect most LNP reporters/editors dont call the city their home; so in the immortal words if
Hillary Clinton..What difference does it make?


4/30/2016 1:40 PM

Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

Page 58 of 63

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,

Registered in Pennsylvania

1250 Fremont Street

Lancaster, PA 17603
April 20, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography

Present - Advanced Media Group, President, Owner, and Founder.
In 1987 I became a federal whistleblower for the case of local defense contractor International Signal
and Control, or ISC. ISC was a black ops program for the NSA and CIA that was convicted in 1992 for
an elaborate scheme to arm Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries with a broad array of weapons,
most notably cluster bombs. It was the third larges fraud in U.S. History at that time. I have been a
victim of organized stalking since 1987 and a victim of electronic and direct energy weapons since 2005.
I had also been telepathic since 2005. In 2005 the U.S. Sponsored Mind Control turned into an all-out
assault of mental telepathy; synthetic telepathy; hacking of all electronic devices; vandilism and thefts
of personal property, extortions, intellectual property violations, obstruction of justice; violations of due
process; thefts and modifications of court documents; and pain and torture through the use of directed
energy devices and weapons that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the targeted
victim. This assault was no coincidence in that it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal
action in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288. This
assault began after the handlers remotely trained/sychronized Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy.
The main difference opposed to most other victims of this technology is that I am connected 24/7 with
the same person who declares telepathically she is a known celebrity. Over the course of 10 years I
have been telepathic with at least 20 known persons and have spent 10 years trying to validate and
confirm their identities without success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment and act on the
numerous formal complaints that are filed in their respective offices. Most complaints are focused on
the routine victimization's of a targeted individual including but not limited to stalking, harassment,
threats, vandalism, thefts, extortion, burglaries, false imprisonments, fabricated mental health warrants
or involuntary commitments, pain and torture to the body, and most often the cause of obstruction of
justice is the computer hacking.
I have a very sophisticated and authentic library of evidence of the use of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
technologies on my father and brother that dates back to the 1940's while my father was in the U.S.
Navy after he graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in Florida, including an affidavit motorized
and authenticated by my father in 1996. My brother served in the U.S. Air force and was victim to LSD
experiments of the infamous MKULTRA program in the late 1960's.
In 2015 I filed an amicus curie on behalf of Lisa Michelle Lambert who was convicted in 1992 of the
murder of Laurie Show, both of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I currently am in litigation in the U.S. Third
Circuit Court of Appeals and in February of 2016 Lisa Michelle Lambert published her book titled
Corruption in Lancaster County My Story, which is available in bookstores and on I
am in frequent contact with her co-author, Dave Brown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

to Pennsylvania House of Representative Mike Sturla (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) and City of Lancaster
Mayor Richard Gray in 2009. The draft legislation is the work of Missouri House of Representative Jim
Guest, who has been working on helping victims of these horrendous crimes for years. The bill will
provide protections to individuals who are being harassed, stalked, harmed by surveillance, and
assaulted; as well as protections to keep individuals from becoming human research subjects, tortured,
and killed by electronic frequency devices, directed energy devices, implants, and directed energy
weapons. I again reintroduced the bill to the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 2015 and frequented
the Pennsylvania Capitol trying to find support and a sponsor; which I still do to this day.
In 2006 I began his role as an Activist Shareholder for Fulton Financial, which is listed as "FULT" on the
NASDAQ stock exchange. As a founder of Financial Management Group, Ltd., a full service financial firm,
Stan J. Caterbone has drawn upon the success in developing the strategic vision for his company and
the experience gained in directing the legal affairs and public offering efforts in dealing with Fulton
Financial. I have been in recent discussions with the Fulton Financial Board of Directors with regards to
various complaints dealing with such issues as the Resource Bank acquisition and the subprime failures.
I believe that Fulton Financial needs management to become more aggressive in it's strategic planning
and the performance it expects from it's management team in order to increase shareholder value.
Expanding the footprint of the regional bank has not yielded an increase to the bottom line that is
consistent with the expectations of shareholders. Lancaster County has seen several local banking
institutions acquired by larger regional banks, thus increasing the competition Fulton Financial will see in
it's local marketplace as well as in it's regional footprint.
In 2005 I, as a Pro Se Litigant filed several civil actions as Plaintiffs that are in current litigation in the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States Third District
Court of Appeals, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, The Pennsylvania Superior Court, the
Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, The Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
These litigations include violations of intellectual property rights, anti-trust violations, and interference
of contracts relating to several business interests. Central to this litigation is the Digital Movie, Digital
Technologies, Financial Management Group, Ltd,/FMG Advisory, Ltd., and its affiliated businesses along
with a Federal False Claims Act or Federal Whistleblowers Act regarding the firm of International Signal
and Control, Plc., (ISC) the $1Billion Dollar Fraud and the Export violations of selling arms to South
Africa and Iraq. This litigation dates back to 1987. Stan J. Caterbone was a shareholder of ISC, and was
solicited by ISC executives for professional services. The Federal False Claims Act is currently part of
RICO Civil Complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the
Third Circuit Court of Appeals, as docket no. 05-2288.
In 2005 Advanced Media Group/Project Hope filed a Civil Action in the Court of Common Pleas of
Lancaster County against Drew Anthon and the Eden Resort Inn for their attempts to withhold the
Tourism Tax and Hotel Tax that supports the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center & Marriot. We also
proposed an alternative plan to move the Convention Center to the Hotel Brunswick and Lancaster
Square to all of the major stakeholders. The Lancaster County Convention Center is finally under
construction with a March 2009 Opening date.
In 2005 I was selected to attend the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City after submission of
an essay with and application. I received the invitation from Bruce R. Lindsey, Chief Executive Officer of
the William J. Clinton Foundation.
In 2005 I began our philanthropic endeavors by spending our energies and working with such
organizations as;,,, The Clinton Global Initiative,
Lancaster Convention Center Authority, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Toms Project Hope, People to
People International,, Contact Lancaster/24 Hour Suicide Hotline, Schreiber Pediatric
Center, and numerous others.

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography Page 2 of 6

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

In 2004 I embarked on our past endeavors in the music and entertainment industries with an emphasis
on assisting for the fair and equitable distribution of artists rights and royalties in the fight against
electronic piracy. We have attempted to assist in developing new business models to address the
convergence of physical and electronic mediums; as it displaces royalties and revenues for those
creating, promoting, and delivering a range of entertainment content via wireless networks.
In 2000 to 2002 I developed an array of marketing and communication tools for wholesalers of the
AIM Investment Group and managed several communication programs for several of the company
wholesalers throughout the United States and Costa Rica. We also began a Day Trading project that
lasted until 2004 with success.
In 1999 I developed a comprehensive business plan to develop the former Sprecher Brewery, known as
the Excelsior Building on E. King Street, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This plan was developed in
conjunction with the Comprehensive Economic Development Plan for the Revitalization of Downtown
Lancaster and the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center for the former Watt & Shand building.
In 1999 I contributed to the debate, research, and implementation of strategies to counter the effects
of the global Y2K threat to the worlds computer technologies. I attended the U.S. Sponsored Y2K
symposium and Conference in Washington, D.C. hosted by the Senate Y2K Subcommittee and Senator
William Bennett.
In 1998 I had began to administer the charity giving of Toms Project Hope, a non-profit organization
promoting education and awareness for mental illness and suicide prevention. We had provided funding
for the Mental Health Alliance of Lancaster County, Contact Lancaster (The 24/7 Suicide Prevention
Hotline), The Schreiber Pediatric Center, and other charitable organizations and faith based charities.
The video "Numbers Don't Lie" have been distributed to schools, non profit organizations, faith based
initiatives, and municipalities to provide educational support for the prevention of suicide and to bring
awareness to mental illness problems.
In 1996 I had done consulting for companies under KAL, Inc., during the time that I was controller of
Pflumm Contractors, Inc., I was retained by Gallo Rosso Restaurant and Bar to computerized their
accounting and records management from top to bottom. I had also provided consulting for the
computerization of accounting and payroll for Lancaster Container, Inc., of Washington Boro. I was
retained to evaluate and develop an action plan to migrate the Informations Technologies of the Jay
Group, formally of Ronks, PA, now relocated to a new $26 Million Dollar headquarters located in West
Hempfield Township of Lancaster County. The Jay Group had been using IBM mainframe technologies
hosted by the AS 400 computer and server. I was consulting on the merits of migrating to a PC based
real time networking system throughout the entire organization. Currently the Jay Group employees
some 500 employees with revenues in excess of $50 Million Dollars per year.
In 1993 I was retained by Pflumm Contractors, Inc., as controller, and was responsible for saving the
company from a potential bankruptcy. At that time, due to several unpaid contracts, the company was
facing extreme pressure from lenders and the bonding insurance company. We were responsible for
implementing computerized accounting, accounting and contract policies and procedures, human
resource policies and procedures, marketing strategies, performance measurement reporting, and
negotiate for the payment of unpaid contracts. The bonding company was especially problematic, since
it was the lifeline to continue work and bidding for public contracts. The Bank of Lancaster County
demanded a complete accounting of the operations in order to stave off a default on the notes and loans
it was holding. We essentially revamped the entire operation. Within 3 years, the company realized an
increase in profits of 3 to 4 times its previous years, and record revenues.

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography Page 3 of 6

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

In 1991 I was elected to People to People International and the Citizen Ambassador Program, which
was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. The program was founded to To give
specialists from throughout the world greater opportunities to work together and effectively
communicate with peers, The Citizen Ambassador program administers face-to-face scientific, technical,
and professional exchanges throughout the world. In 1961, under President John F. Kennedy, the State
Department established a non-profit private foundation to administer the program. We were scheduled
to tour the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to discuss printing and publishing technologies with
scientists and technicians around the world.
In 1990 I had worked on developing voice recognition systems for the governments technology think
tank - NIST (National Institute for Standards & Technology). I co-authored the article Escaping the Unix
Tar Pit with a scientist from NIST that was published in the magazine DISC, then one of the leading
publications for the CD-ROM industry. Today, most all call centers deploy that technology whenever you
call an 800 number, and voice recognition is prevalent in all types of applications involving
In 1989 I had founded Advanced Media Group, Ltd., and was one of only 5 or 6 U.S. domestic
companies that had the capability to manufacture CD-ROM's. We did business with commercial
companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and foreign companies. I performed services
and contracts for the Department of Defense, NASA, National Institution of Standards & Technology
(NIST), Department of Defense, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the
Defense Mapping Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA), IBM, Microsoft, AMP, Commodore
Computers, American Bankers Bond Buyers, and a host of others. I also was working with R.R,
Donnelly's Geo Systems, which was developing various interactive mapping technologies, which is now a
major asset of Map Quest. Map Quest is the premier provider of mapping software and applications for
the internet and is often used in delivering maps and directions for Fortune 500 companies. We had
arranged for High Industries to sell American Helix, the manufacturer of compact discs, to R.R. Donnelly.
We had brokered a deal and the executives from Donnellys Chicago headquarters flew to Lancaster to
discuss the deal and perform due diligence of the manufacturing facility located in the Greenfield
Industrial Park.
In 1987 Power Station Studios of New York and Tony Bongiovi retained me as executive producer
of a motion picture project. The theatrical and video release was to be delivered in a digital format; the
first of its kind. We had originated the marketing for the technology, and created the concept for the
Power Station Digital Movie System (PSDMS), which would follow the copyright and marketing formula
of the DOLBY technology trademark.
We had also created and developed marketing and patent research for the development and
commercialization of equipment that we intended to manufacture and market to the recording industry
featuring the digital technology. Sidel, Gonda, Goldhammer, and Abbot, P.C. of Philadelphia was the lead
patent law firm that We had retained for the project. Power Station Studios was the brainchild of Tony
Bongiovi, a leading engineering genius discovered by Motown when he was 15. Tony and Power Station
Studios was one of the leading recording studios in the country, and were responsible for developing Bon
Jovi, a cousin. Power Station Studios clients included; Bruce Springsteen, Diana Ross, Cyndi Lauper,
Talking Heads, Madonna, The Ramones, Steve Winwood, and many others. Tony and Power Station
Studios had produced the original Sound Track for the original Star Wars motion picture. It was
released for distribution and was the number one Sound Track recording of its time.
Tony Bongiovi was also active in working and researching different aerospace technologies. * We had
developed and authored a Joint Venture Proposal for SONY to partner with us in delivering the Digital
Movie and its related technologies to the marketplace. The venture was to include the commercialization
of technologies, which Tony Bongiovi had developed for the recording industry simultaneously with the
release of the Digital Movie.

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I also created the concept for the PSDMS trademark, which was to be the Trademark logo for the
technology, similar to the DOLBY sound systems trademark. The acronyms stand for the Power Station
Digital Movie System. Today, DVD is the mainstay for delivering digital movies on a portable medium, a
compact disc.
In 1987 I had a created and developed FMG Mortgage Banking, a company that was funded by a major
banking firm in Houston Texas. We had the capability to finance projects from $3 to $100 million dollars.
Our terms and rates were so attractive that we had quickly received solicitations from developers across
the country. We were also very attractive to companies that wanted to raise capital that include both
debt and equity. Through my company, FMG, we could raise equity funding through private placements,
and debt funding through FMG Mortgage Banking. We were retained by Gamillion Studios of Hollywood,
California to secure financing of their postproduction Film Studio that was looking to relocate to North
Carolina. We had secured refinancing packages for Norris Boyd of and the Olde Hickory and were in the
midst of replacing the current loan that was with Commonwealth National Bank. We had meetings and
discussions with Drew Anton of the Eden Resort, for refinancing a portion of his debt portfolio. We were
quickly seeking commitments for real estate deals from New York to California. We also had a number of
other prominent local developers seeking our competitive funding, including Owen Kugal, High
Industries, and the Marty Sponougle a partner of The Fisher Group (owner of the Rt. 30 Outlets). We
were constantly told that our financing packages were more competitive than local institutions.
In 1986 I had founded Financial Management Group, Ltd (FMG); a large financial services organization
comprised of a variety of professionals operating in one location. We had developed a stock purchase
program for where everyone had the opportunity for equity ownership in the new firm. FMG had
financial planners, investment managers, accountants, attorneys, realtors, liability insurance services,
tax preparers, and estate planners operating out of our corporate headquarters in Lancaster. In one
year, we had 24 people on staff, had approximately 12 offices in Pennsylvania, and
several satellite offices in other states. We had in excess of $50 million under management, and our
advisors were generating almost $4 million of commissions, which did not include the fees from the
other professionals. We had acquired our own Broker Dealer firm and were valued at about $3 to $4
In 1985 I developed the Easter Regional Free Agent Camp, the first Free Agent Camp for the
Professional Football industry; which was videotaped for distribution to the teams scouting departments.
(See Washington Post page article of March 24, 1985) Current camps were dependant on the team
scouts to travel from state to state looking for recruits. We had developed a strategy of video taping the
camp and the distributing a copy, free of charge to the teams, to all of the scouting departments for
teams in all three leagues FL, CFL and WFL. My brother was signed at that camp by the Ottawa
Roughriders of the CFL, and went on to be a leading receiver while J.C. Watts was one of the leagues
most prominent quarterbacks. My brother also played 2 years with the Miami Dolphins while Dan Marino
was starting quarterback. We were a Certified Agent for the National Football League Players
Association. Gene Upshaw, the President of the NFLPA had given me some helpful hints for my camp,
while we were at a Conference for agents of the NFL. The Washington Post wrote a full-page article
about our camp and associated it with other camps that were questionable about their practices.
Actually, that was the very reason for our camp. We had attended many other camps around the
country that were not very well organized and attracted few if any scouts. We had about 60 participants,
with one player coming from as far away as Hawaii. We held the camp at Lancaster Catholic, with a
professional production company filming the entire camp, while I did the editing and produced the video.
The well respected and widely acclaimed professional football scout, Gil Brandt, of the Dallas Cowboys,
had given me support for my camp during some conversations We had with him and said he looked
forward to reviewing the tapes for any hopeful recruits.

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography Page 5 of 6

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Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

In 1985 I was elected Vice President of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the International
Association of Financial Planners, and helped build that chapter by increasing membership 3to 4 times.
We had personally retained the nationally acclaimed and nationally syndicated Financial Planner, Ms.
Alexandria Armstrong of Washington D.C.; to host a major fundraiser. More than 150 professionals
attended the dinner event that was held at the Eden Resort & Conference Center. Ms. Armstrong
discussed financial planning and how all of the professions needed to work together in order to be most
effective for their clients. We attracted a wide variety of professionals including; brokers, lawyers,
accountants, realtors, tax specialists, estate planners, bankers, and investment advisors. Today, it has
become evident that financial planning was the way of the future. In 1986 executives approached us
from Blue Ball National Bank to help them develop a Financial Planning department within their bank.
In 1984 I had helped to develop strategic planning for Sandy Weill, former President of Citi Group (the
largest banking entity in the U.S). We were one of several associates asked to help advise on the future
of Financial Planning and how it would impact the brokerage and the investment industry at large. Mr.
Weil was performing due diligence for the merger of American Express and IDS (Investors Diversified
Services). We were at that time a national leader in the company in delivering Fee Based Financial
Planning Services, which was a new concept in the investment community and mainstream investors.
That concept is now widely held by most investment advisers.
Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania

1250 Fremont Street

Lancaster, PA 17603
J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149;15-3400; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 15-03984; 14-02559; 05-2288; 06-4650
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 16-10157

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography Page 6 of 6

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

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