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- man, whatis, apropos (build whatis database by running /usr/sbin/makewhatis as

SuperUser), info
- alt loc in care se mai poate gasi documentatie: /usr/doc/* (or /usr/share/doc/
- pe Internet: Linux Documentation Project (LDP)

- se consulta adresa:
- configurarea loader-ului de Linux se face cu un fisier:
Pentru aplicarea modificarilor din fisierul de mai sus se executa (ca SuperUse
Pentru a dezinstala LILO, se executa:
/sbin/lilo -u
- adaugarea unui user:
[root]# adduser vince
Use the PASSWD command to set a usable password for this account:
[root]# passwd vince
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
- cum sa devii un SuperUser:
[user]$ su
La terminare:
[root]# exit
- to log out and return to the Login prompt:
[root]# logout
- to turn off the power type:
[root]# shutdown -h now
- to reboot the computer type:
[root]# shutdown -r now
- [root]# startx - porneste sistemul X WINDOWS


- pentru a putea accesa date chiar de pe hard disk, aceste sisteme de fisiere tr
ebuie montate (unele se monteaza de la bootarea sistemului)
- it is good practice to create empty directories that are reserved as mount poi
nts for CDROMs or FLOPPY (Ex.: /mnt)
- montarea unui CDROM:
[root]# mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
Trebuie sa fii un SuperUser, directorul (punctul de montare) trebuie sa existe
si sa fie gol (daca nu e gol, toate fisierele din el
nu se mai vad decit cind se demonteaza respectivul sistem de fisiere, CDROM-ul
- command to unmount a drive is not "unmount", it is "umount" (without the "n")

- The File System Config File: /etc/fstab - anyone can read to discover what fil
e systems are available and mountable by users.
Tipul sistemului de fisiere: ext2
- nativ Linux
- pentru partitia SWAP
- sistem de fisiere Windows95
iso9660 - pentru orice tip de CDROM
Optiuni de montare: default - se monteaza automat la bootarea sistemului
noauto - nu se monteaza automat la bootarea sistemului
- se poate monta de catre useri (si implicit se mo
nteaza cu optiunile ro (read-only) si noexec (nu se pot executa)
rw,exec - se monteaza in mod read/write si se pot executa
programe de pe acel sistem de fisiere
- cine este owner-ul sistemului de fisiere respect
iv (pentru sisteme vfat si msdos)
DUMP column is used by the dump command to determine what needs to be backed u
p. One means back it up, zero means don't.
CHECK column is used by fsck to determine what file systems to check for error
s and in what order when Linux boots.
A value of zero means the file system will not be checked automatically (flo
ppies and CDROMs should not be checked).
The root file system should be given a value of 1, and others should get 2.
Tot legat de configurarea sistemului de fisiere, mai exista utilitarul LINUXCO
[root]# linuxconf
- Pathname conventions:
user's home directory
./ current working directory
../ parent of the current directory
.xy - xy este un fisier (director) de configurare
xy~ - xy este un fisier de backup
- File permisions can be set with command: umask


- Command History: Up and Down Arrow keys
- Command Completion: type the first letter or two and then press the Tab key. T
he shell will try to complete your command.
If you typed enough letters to uniquely identify the file name, the shell fill
s the rest in for you.
If the letters match multiple file names, the shell will fill in everything up
to the point where they differ and wait.
Hit Tab again and it will give you a list of possibilities.
- Multitasking:
To run a job (program) in the background, type an ampersand (&) at the end of
the command line.
To suspend the currently running job, Ctrl-Z.
To force a suspended job to run in the background, type bg <job>.
To bring a background job into the foreground, type fg <job>.
To see a list of jobs currently running (or suspended) type jobs.
If you exclude the <job> argument on these commands, it defaults to whatever j
ob was last running in the foreground
(not the one currently in the foreground).

- Red Hat uses the X Configurator to automatically detect information about your
video card.
To run it, become SuperUser and type setup at the terminal.
(This setup utility can also be used to configure your sound card, system time
, and other things as well).
- SuSE Linux has a utility called sax which performs this task. You can access i
t through the menus in Yast, the SuSE setup tool.
- you can configure XFree86 using tools that come in the XFree86 distribution: X
- Pentru a termina sesiunea de x Windows, se tasteaza: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (daca
se activeaza optiunea din setup)
- xvidtune utility to adjust the image on your screen. (If your monitor has cont
rols to adjust the image, use those control instead).
- XF86Setup
- xf86config

- RPM (RedHat Package Manager) este un utilitar cu ajutorul caruia se pot incarc
a pachete, verifica versiuni de pachete sau se pot dezinstala
- pachetele DEB sint utilizate pentru Debian/GNU Linux sau S.U.S.E. Linux
- kpackage is a powerful graphical front-end to the package tools (din KDE Deskt
op). Suporta RPM si DEB.
- TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) - este compus din mai multe fisiere apendate intr-un singu
r fisier. De obicei, output-ul se arhiveaza cu gzip.
KDE are un program pentru a extrage din aceste arhive: KZip (or Archiver in KD
E 1.1)
Se mai poate folosi comanda:
[user]$ tar xzvf <filename>.tar.gz
x - extragere fisiere
z - cu ajutorul gzip (nu se pune daca nu exista extensie ".gz")
v - verbose
f - urmeaza un fisier
- Compiling Source Code:
In the top level directory of your extracted source, you will likely find ever
ything you need.
There is usually a README or INSTALL file that gives you instructions on how t
o compile and install the package.
Also in this directory you will probably find a Makefile, which contains instr
uctions for the compiler, and a script called "configure",
which will make changes to your makefile based on your system configuration
[root]# ./configure
[root]# make
This invokes the GNU Make utility to read the Makefile and compile the program
for you.
Unlike the Linux shell, Make does look in the current directory for its Makefi
le, so you needn't specify anything else.
[root]# make install
This invokes the Make utility again, this time using it to copy the newly comp

iled files where need to be in order to run your program.

- kppp dial-up (tot din KDE)
- Corel Word Perfect 8 for Linux (editor asemanator cu Word-ul, dar documentele
scrise in Word nu se prea pot importa in Corel)
- XEmacs (editor sub X Windows)
- SaMBa: to access directories, files, and printers that are shared from MS Wind
ows machines, and can act as a server for Windows clients.
The latest version of SaMBa also allows Linux computers to participate in Wind
ows NT domain-based networks.
SaMBa is an implementation of the SMB protocol, also called the NetBIOS or Lan
Manager protocol (networking protocol used by Windows).
Exista un fisier de configurare: /etc/smb.conf
Newer versions of Samba come with a handy web-based configuration tool called
SWAT. With many distributions this tool is installed
but not enabled by default. To enable it, edit the file /etc/inetd.conf. Fin
d the line containing SWAT (near the end of the file)
and remove the comment symbol (#) from the front of the line. Save and exit,
then restart your inetd ( /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart ).
Once that's done, point your web browser to http://localhost:9000 and have f
un poking around!
SaMBa documentation under /usr/doc/smbfs*/
man pages smb, smb.conf, smbclient, and smbmount

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