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MARCH 2014

Have You Been Transformed?

By Charlyne Steinkamp

Are you the same person that you were when you were
having marriage problems or when your spouse started
talking about separation, or divorce? My prayer is that
you will say, No! emphatically. When I divorced Bob
I had allowed my heart to be hardened even though I
was a believer. I was reacting to our circumstances
in the flesh the worlds way. My action showed lack
of compassion and love to my husband. I became
consumed by my pain. My tongue was speaking anger,
bitterness, unforgiveness and the list went on. But God
transformed my whole life two months after my divorce
on a Sunday morning by hearing about Gods love
and His resurrecting power of healing dead marriages!
That is my prayer for you today. That the Holy Spirit
touches your heart and life, that you will be changed,
and transformed. There is freedom in the Lord Jesus
Christ even if your circumstances are the same.
But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken
away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of
the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled
faces all reflect the Lords glory, are being transformed
into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which
comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians
Last month, our church had a Missions Conference.
The first week we were blessed to have 140 women
and men from different Teen Challenge homes. Teen
Challenge is a resident program for men
and women of all ages who are dealing
with addictions. One of our church
mission projects this year is to start a
Teen Challenge home in Turkey as they
have severe addiction on the streets.
The Teen Challenge men and women
sang with our churchs ensemble
throughout the service. The music was

tremendous, but one song that so touched my heart

was, I Wont Go Back by William McDowell. There were
140 men and women who
were proclaiming in song
that they would not go back
to a lifestyle of bondage to
drugs or alcohol where now
they had been transformed,
healed, freed and delivered.
They had been changed by
the Presence of the Holy
Spirit setting them free from
their addictions.
For God, who said, Let light
shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our
hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory
of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
My hearts cry from my own heart is for you and your
spouse to have your own personal transformation,
becoming a new creature in Christ. I never want to go
back to be the woman, wife and mother I was before
the Lord touched and transformed me into a woman of
God. I now have a personal relationship with my Lord
every day. I knew that if the Lord touched and changed
my heart, He could go touch and transform Bob and our
marriage. I started believing that Sunday evening that,
With man this is impossible, but not with God, all things
are possible with God. Mark 10:27
Has your church ever done Cardboard
Testimonies? We had 20-25 people do
it at our church once and they are very
powerful. A person or couple would write
on a large piece of cardboard what they
were before Christ and then what they
were after Christ. I watched one church

that had put it on You Tube and one couples two

signs said, My Infidelity/Gods Grace; and the wifes
card said: Threaten everything/Restored everything,
better & stronger than ever. That will be you and your
spouse in the future proclaiming to others what God
has done in your hearts, lives and marriage. To God
be the glory!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from
God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and
gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was
reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting
mens sins against them. And he has committed to
us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore
Christs ambassadors, as though God were making
his appeal through us. We implore you on Christs
behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had
no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become
the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Yes, men and women make very bad choices in their
lives and marriages, but they can be set free from
their sinful lifestyles. You and I were not the wives
and husbands we should have been. Have you
surrendered your heart and life to the Lord? There is
hope and freedom in Jesus Christ. Walk in faith, hope
and trust in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, the
greatest Counselor. Will you fight in the prayer closet
the spiritual battle for your marriage restoration?
Dear stander, grow in the Lord, emit the Lords love
to your children, to your wayward spouse and to
others every day. As you grow in the Lord, may
you radiate the Fruit of the Holy Spirit which are
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In Gods
perfect timing, you will reap a restored marriage
transformed by our Lord God!

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He Came Home
Fabian Shares From His Heart

CD or

After thirteen years apart, Luz and Fabian have a restored marriage. For this CD, Fabian
sat down with Charlyne and Lori to share the battles he fought with addictions, feelings of
hopelessness and even suicidal thoughts. Fabian has a burden for the husband or wife who
has left home and who does not see the way out of the other relationship or leaving the
worlds lifestyle to go back to their praying spouse and family. This CD is for the prodigal in
your life. Fabian will encourage each prodigal to go home and let the Lord work a miracle
in their marriage relationship.

Available from our bookstore at:

My Testimony
From Linda in Georgia
I must begin by saying: I have learned, in whatsoever
state I am in, therewith to be content, Philippians 4:11
KJV. In the beginning it was not that way at all. All I
could do was cry 24/7. I could not work for the first
week after my husband left. I was barely able to take
care of our children.
At the time my world had not only fallen apart but
changed forever. Little did I know it was for the best!
How could something this traumatic as having my
husband walk out on me and leaving me with two
children to raise, ever come to any good?
My husband and I were devoted to our local church. We
worked with the youth, taught Sunday school, played
church volleyball and softball and were in the
building pretty much any time the doors
were open. I was even the President of
the Missions program. We honestly
thought we were serving the Lord.
Come to find out I did not have a
true relationship with Jesus Christ and
I dont think my husband did either. We
were what some call, just playing church or
going through the motions but truly did not realize it.
Not until God rocked my world and tore it apart did I
come to the realization that I was not serving Him, but

the same for my husband. Church had turned into a

social clique.
The Bible tells us that Satan roams through the earth
seeking to destroy those whom he may. God will allow
us to continue on the path of least resistance until we
get to the end of ourselves when HE can then begin
a work in us. When we get to that place, the end of
ourselves, it is much easier to let go and let God. It is
easier to cry out to Him in total surrender knowing that
we have done all we can do.
When God heals and restores it will be brand new and
have no similarities to the past. NEW is His specialty.
God makes all things new. New is definitely what
I needed because clearly in my strength
nothing was working.

I needed
to get right
with God.

We were a military family and my husband had been

deployed to the middle-east for several months. He
came home to a family who loved him dearly but hed
changed during that deployment into a man Id never
known. Things were so terribly wrong that only God
Himself could heal it. I was devastated. The real
problem began years ago, but I was too blind to see it.
After a few months of being in the home, he realized
he could not stay with us any longer and moved out.
That day I looked Satan in the eyes. He had planned
to divide, destroy and conquer our marriage and family.
I fell on my knees and began crying out to God many
times a day. I began to fast more and more. I stayed in
the Word, I read everything I could get my hands on and
listened to CDs and sermons. I had to have answers.
The first answer I got was that I needed to get right with
God. I was shocked to say the least. I thought we were
doing everything right. What I failed to realize was that
I personally did not have a true relationship with God. I
was just going through the motions. I too believe it was

There have been so many wonderful

things to come out of this.

I began confessing, repenting,

and asking forgiveness for my part in
the failure of our marriage. God began
speaking to me in the ways that only He
can. He said to stand, hold your covenant, and pray
for the salvation of your husband and when I am
finished things will be better than theyve ever been
before. I took Him at His Word and became more
and more desperate to know Him. I was deceived into
thinking I was serving Him before. The difference was
astounding. The communication between my Lord and
me was so healing.
Over the years God has been faithful as He tells us in
His Word that He will be a husband to the husbandless.
Never once has He let me down. He has proven Himself
time and time again and also He has reconfirmed to me
many times over the years that He will do what He said
He will do. I live each day in anticipation of the return
of my precious husband at Gods appointed time. Yes,
there have been moments of doubt, days and nights of
loneliness, events that made me so sad all I could do
was cry because memories were being made without
Dad and our children were growing up without him.
Even though my time on this journey has not yet ended
with our new beginning, I cannot thank my Father in
Heaven enough. He has walked so closely by my side
and I could not breathe without Him. I continue praying
for my husband and looking forward to the time he will

return. Only God knows when that will be. I trust Him
as never before.
During the years God has given me many opportunities
to share godly counsel with wives and some husbands
who were in desperate need. I have seen couples who
were on the brink, stop and return to God and each
other. I cannot tell you the blessings Ive received as a
result of allowing God to use me in this manner. A life
of ministry has been born out of this life experience. I
look forward to sharing at every opportunity.
Had a friend not shared Rejoice Marriage Ministries
with me, I do not know where I would be right now.
The daily devotionals were manna from Heaven and
even the weekly devotionals from Dennis Wingfield.
I just pretended they were for wives. Over the years

Ive had the pleasure to not only visit the Rejoice office
in Pompano Beach, but have been blessed to attend
several Rejoice meetings on the road. The most recent
in Cincinnati, Ohio, last July. Again, I was refreshed
and met many others walking the road God has called
me to walk. There truly is strength in numbers and yes,
iron does sharpen iron.
God is gracious and loving and continues to keep me
refreshed and uplifted as my journey continues. What
an awesome Father we have. One day His Word to me
will be fulfilled as He if faithful and will bring it to pass.
But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Psalm 86:15




My wife and I were divorced on March 2, 2010, but God, who is rich in mercy and power, restored our
marriage. We were remarried on Good Friday of 2011! Glory to God! We will soon be celebrating three years
of miraculous restoration.
I want God to be glorified through what He did for our marriage and lives. I thank God He allowed us to go
through the divorce; otherwise I would not have listened to Him. When I lost everything, and I mean everything
due to the sin in my life, I was broken and poured out. I was on my face before a loving and forgiving God. I
had no one else to turn to. God showed me an abundance of mercy and grace. He loved me unconditionally.
I had no idea how to love my wife before all this, because I didnt even love myself or have Gods example of
unconditional love in my heart. I learned that love was choice, not necessarily all emotion and by loving God
He taught me how to love. I pray that any portion of that pain and suffering I put my family through or what
I felt due to the consequences of my sin would encourage one person to turn away from their former ways
and seek Gods will for their lives. God said through His Word that even the rocks would cry out His praise
if no one else would, and it is my honor to sing His praises for what He has done for us! To God be the glory
forever and ever! Amen!!
I am headed back to China on my second medical mission trip there. Please pray for our team and our families
while we are away. Please pray God will be glorified and that many people will respond to the Gospel and
accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. The devil is already fighting against us all, attacking where He
I thank God for RMM! Mr. and Mrs. Steinkamps teachings helped me beyond measure! They were like a light
in a very dark time in my life! God is glorified through your ministry, and we are living proof of the power of
Gods spoken word. We are also proof of Gods will for marriage and restoration. I will be forever grateful!!!!!
Through God and with your help, the curse of divorce was and is broken in my family forever to and for the
Glory of God! Amen!!!
Your Brother In Christ, MM

Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc.

Charlyne Steinkamp Co-Founder

Ministry Office - (954) 941-6508 Fax (954) 781-7076
GOOD NEWS FROM REJOICE MARRIAGE MINISTRIES is published by Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc. a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation whose mission is to encourage
couples facing marriage interuption to turn to God for His help. Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and allow us to minister to other families.

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