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Journal of 5 Actions for Others

In order to finish the final project of term 4 in the academic year of 20152016

Croccifixia Juliette Zefanya
8-9 K

5 Actions of Helping Other People

Act 1: Helping janitor at school

: I saw a familiar worker at my school who seems

very bothered at cleaning the mess from the students, I kindly went to
her and offered to help her. She then gladly accepts and we chatted
along the way.

Challenge / Obstacle I have to go through

: I felt awkward because few kids who passes by
were staring at me, and giggled.
What I felt after I helped her
: I am happy I was able to make her smile and I am
happy that I managed to do the work properly
Picture proof:

Act 2: Giving Donation to Charity Box


: I was on my way to buy food and beverage when I

stopped by and saw this charity box, since I have money, I then thought
why not give a little bit of what I own to do something useful.

Challenge / Obstacle I have to go through

: I struggled on fitting the money to fit

What I felt after I helped her

: I am happy at the fact that I donated my money to
do something very useful for other people
Picture proof:

Act 3: Giving Food to Other People


: I walked past few securities who are on their night

shift and they looked very lonesome. I decided to cheer them up by
giving them food that I bought from the previous mini market

Challenge / Obstacle I have to go through


: I was worried at first that they might reject my

What I felt after I helped her

: I am happy that they accepted my food and even
offered me to eat together. I am also happy I can share
Picture Proof:

Act 4: Accompanying Friends House Helper


: I visited my friends house and I saw her nanny, she

is an alone individual worker and I decided to accompany her and chat a
bit to brighten up her day

Challenge / Obstacle I have to go through


: It was hard to get close and figure out what they

What I felt after I helped her

: I am happy that I can talk to her well and I am
friends with her now
Picture proof:

Act 5: Packing Things and Donation to Other People


: A mother of my friend knows a place where it

currently needs books and donation, I decided to pick out few books
and pack it to send away to the place

Challenge / Obstacle I have to go through

: I needed to take time to find books that are still in
good quality, suitable, and also appropriate for young children
What I felt after I helped her
: I am happy that I am giving away things that will be
beneficial and useful for their daily life
Picture proof:

Passover: To Love Each other More

Passover. Somehow the word seems very familiar on every Christian believers ear. It is one of
the most celebrated event in church before Christmas. Most of us have already known the
event and played egg hunting along at Sunday school in the act of celebration. Some of us have
learned about the importance of the day. But do we really understand the meaning of it?
Passover is an occurrence that happened many years and generations ago. It began to be
known after Moses fled Egypt and Pharaoh along with his people, Israelites. Before the people
are able to flee from Egypt, Israelites must suffer for many years tortured and enslaved by
Pharaoh. However, God loved his people and must have listened to their prayers and cries. He
spoke to Moses and consigned him to tell Pharaoh to let his people go. When Moses did so
however, Pharaohs heart was stone cold and he refused to listen to Moses and to believe in
their God. God then sent nine plagues and disasters fell along Egypt. Despite it, Pharaoh was
still determined to not let Israelites go. It was then the tenth plague came to Egypt. The plague
was the death of the first born for every Egyptian families.
Pharaohs son died on this event and so other the first born of many families of the Egyptians.
However Israelites children and firstborn survive this plague. Moses told his people to paint
lambs blood on the door of their houses so that the angel of death will not take their lives. In
the olden days, passing over or Passover is known as that event. The passing over of the angels
of death over Israelites firstborn.
Then we also learned that in the New Testament, it taught us that Passover is an event where
we remember Jesuss thoughtful and kind act to save humanity from sin. It is an event to
remember his sacrifice and his pain that he must suffer in order to save every one of us and to
redeem us. He was crucified despite his innocence, and he did it to save mankind. We can
actually see from both historical events that Passover teaches us the importance of memory,
faith, optimism, and love.
We can actually relate these two events from the Old Testament to the New Testament. It is
almost like a symbol. The firstborns represents every one of us, the angel of deaths are a
symbol for the consequences of our sins, while the blood of the lamb is actually a symbol for
Jesus who needs to be sacrificed so that he can save us from death.
Cant we see that how Passover is actually an important event? It taught us about memories.
Because by not remembering the Israelites will forget Gods actions and leave him. This also
applies for every one of us, we will always forget what Jesus has done for all of us. Meanwhile,
faith is needed because we learn that Jesus will not be able to save us unless we believe that
he has saved us, Israelites was not also able to flee Egypt unless they believe. Optimism is one
of the essential part that we also need to learn. Israelites must be optimistic to believe that
they are able to live not as slaves, and to be able to live on their own. Without the chains of

slavery from the Egyptians. And we must be optimistic in order to believe that anything is
possible with Jesus, and that we are able to make a change in his name. And most importantly,
the lesson of love.
God could have left the Israelites to an undefined life filled with tortures and misery, but he
chose not to. He saved them and even led them to the land of promised. And Jesus could have
chosen for us to pay our own sins. But he sacrificed his pure life for us. He died on the cross so
that his believers and his people will not need to face the same thing as he did. He died so that
we can continue to live on and he even gave us an eternal life in heaven if we believe. Both
stories gave us what Gods love is like. How pure, genuine, and selfless he is. All of us have been
saved from death, and if we truly believe that what Jesus had done is true then we must have
loved him. And too love him we need to follow his commandment which teaches us to love
others just as we love ourselves. We have seen how loving God is to his people and to
ourselves, and how are we going to learn to love God if we hated our brothers and sisters?
How can we love and accept Jesus that we have never seen if we hated people who we have
seen? Passover is really needed and often we even as Christians do not realize it.

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