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Preacher, Author of Pilgrims Progress

his paying of tithes was ceremonial, such as came in and went out
with the typical priesthood.
The Works of John Bunyan p.224, 1861

Pregador, autor de "O Peregrino"

"O seu pagamento de dzimos era CERIMONIAL, como entrou e saiu com o
sacerdcio tpico."
"As obras de John Bunyan" p.224, 1861

John Huss (1369 1415)

Master at Charles University in Prague. After John Wycliffe, Considered the first Church
reformer, Key predecessor to the Protestant movement of the sixteenth century

they came to the town hall to present their petitions for their tithes.
Ah! said the lords, you [Huss] said before that tithes were not purely
alms; but you assert now that they are, and so condemn yourselves.
Huss noticed this absurd course of the clergy. I wonder, says he,
with stinging sarcasm, . . .They condemned the article that tithes were
alms; now they beg that their salaries, which are alms, may not be
taken away. p.275
With Wickliffe, he had accounted tithes mere alms, or voluntary grants p.274

John Huss (1369 1415)

Mestre na Universidade Charles, em Praga. Depois de John Wycliffe, considerado o

primeiro reformador da Igreja, Predecessor-chave para o movimento protestante do sculo
XVI (sc. dezesseis).

"Eles vieram prefeitura para apresentar suas peties pelos seus dzimos.
"Ah!", Disseram os senhores ", voc [Huss] disse antes que os dzimos no
eram puramente esmolas; mas voc afirma agora que eles so, e assim
condena a si mesmos. "Huss notou este rumo absurdo do clero. "Eu quero
saber", diz ele, com sarcasmo pungente,. . .Eles condenaram o artigo que os
dzimos eram esmolas; agora eles imploram para que os salrios deles, que
so esmolas, no sejam tirados". p.275
Com Wickliffe, ele (John Huss) tinha considerado dzimos meras esmolas, ou doaes

B. B. Warfield (1851 1921)

Professor of theology at Princeton Seminary, Considered to be the last of the great
Princeton theologians

Dr. Witherow most admirably says in words which it would do us

good to ponder: When told by sceptics that we are bound by the Bible
to pay tithes, to execute the idolater and blasphemer, to put the
Sabbath-breaker and witch to death, our answer is that the apostolic
decree sets entirely free from these and all other peculiarities of the
old Jewish economy. They are not names among the exceptions, and
therefore are of no biding force upon the Gentile believers (p.193)'
The Presbyterian Review, Volume 10 p.332; 1888

B. B. Warfield (1851 1921)

Professor de teologia no Seminrio de Princeton, considerado o ltimo dos

grandes telogos de Princeton

"Dr. Witherow admiravelmente diz, em palavras que nos faria bem refletir:
"Quando dito por cticos que somos obrigados pela Bblia a pagar DZIMOS, a
executar o idlatra e blasfemador, a condenar morte aqueles que quebram o
sbado e as bruxas, a nossa resposta que o decreto apostlico liberta
inteiramente destas e de todas as outras peculiaridades da velha Economia
judaica. Elas no so nomes entre as excees, e, portanto, no tem nenhuma
fora vinculante sobre os Crentes gentios (p.193) "
The Presbyterian Review, Volume 10 p.332; 1888

A ironia que a Direito Religioso tantas vezes ensinam o dzimo, mas se opem bemestar social, enquanto o dzimo, juntamente com que recolhem a leis, do ano sabtico
e jubileu eram todos parte do sistema de bem-estar social de Deus para a nao de
Israel, para cuidar dos pobres e imigrantes .
This article was origninally published on our old site. I have decided to rewrite and improve
it. This is a list of questions that you should ask tithing supporters.
1. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, why has the tithing law
changed so drastically from Israels time to where we are now?
2. Why dont we honor the tithing feast in Deuteronomy 14?
3. Even though Israel had gold and silver, and could barter, why were they
required to only give food, but we are permitted to give money?
4. Were the tithes used to build the temple or help with maintenance?
5. In Genesis 14, why did Abraham give 10% of his war spoils and not of his own
6. Why was Israel required to give less than 1% of the increase in spoils of war?
(Numbers 31).
7. The tithe was used to support civil and governmental duties performed by
Levites, so why are we required to tithe before taxes are taken out?
8. Is tithing a schoolmaster that has already BROUGHT us to Christ, or is it still
bringing us?
9. In Malachi 3, because specific portions of offerings were required as well, Israel
robbed God not only of tithes but also offerings. So why are offerings freewill for
10. Lets compare these two statements:
Where should our giving begin? vs.
Where should we end our giving?
Now, which answer should we be teaching?

Tertullian (160 220)

Primeiro autor cristo a produzir um extenso corpus da literatura crist latina, chamado
de "pai do cristianismo latino" e "o fundador da teologia ocidental.

"Todo mundo coloca um pouco para o estoque pblico, geralmente uma vez por ms,
ou quando lhe agrada, e somente sob a condio de que ele est disposto e capaz;
pois no h constrangimento sobre qualquer um. Tudo aqui uma oferta de livrearbtrio "
"A Apologia", Captulo XXXIX

Tertullian (160 220)

First Christian author to produce an extensive corpus of Latin Christian literature, Called
the father of Latin Christianity and the founder of Western theology

everyone puts a little to the public stock, commonly once a month, or

when he pleases, and only upon condition that he is both willing and
able; for there is no compulsion upon any. All here is a free-will
The Apology, Chapter XXXIX

Biblical scholar and textual critic, Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and Bible
editor, Served on the board of the American Bible Society, Scholar of Greek, New
Testament, and New Testament textual criticism, Considered one of the most influential
New Testament scholars of the 20th century

The New Testament nowhere explicitly requires tithing to maintain a

ministry or a place of assembly.
Oxford Guide to Ideas and Issues of the Bible p.493
Bruce Metzger (1914 2007)

Biblista e crtico textual, Professor no Seminrio Teolgico de Princeton e Editor de

Bblia, Serviu no conselho de administrao da Sociedade Bblica Americana, Erudito
no Grego, em Novo Testamento, e em crtica textual do Novo Testamento,
Considerado um dos estudiosos mais influentes do Novo Testamento do sculo 20.

"Em nenhum lugar o Novo Testamento requer explicitamente o DZIMO para manter
um ministrio ou um local de assmblia."

- "Guia Oxford para Idias e Questes da Bblia" p.493

Lewis Sperry Chafer

Theologian, Founded Dallas Theological Seminary, Influential proponent of Christian


In matters pertaining to the giving of money, the grace principle

involves the believers recognition of Gods sovereign authority over
all that the Christian is and has, and is in contrast to the Old
Testament legal system of tithing which system was in force as a part
of the law until the law was done away (Joh_1:16-17; Rom_6:14;
Rom_7:1-6; 2Co_3:1-18; Eph_2:15; Col_2:14; Gal_3:19-25;
Gal_5:18). Though certain principles of the law were carried forward
and restated under grace, tithing, like sabbath observance, is never
imposed on the believer in this dispensation. Since the Lords day
superseded the legal sabbath and is adapted to the principles of grace
as the sabbath could not be, so tithing has been superseded by a new

system of giving which is adapted to the teachings of grace as tithing

could not be.
Major Bible Themes p.253; 1926


Lewis Sperry Chafer

Telogo, Fundou Seminrio Teolgico de Dallas, Proponente influente do
Dispensacionalismo Cristo

"Em questes relacionadas com a doao de dinheiro, o princpio da graa envolve o

reconhecimento do crente da autoridade soberana de Deus sobre tudo o que o cristo
e tem, e est em contraste com o sistema legal do Antigo Testamento do DZIMO
cujo sistema estava em vigor como parte da lei at que a lei foi abolida (Joo_1: 1617; Romanos_6: 14; Romanos_7: 1-6; 2Corntios_3: 1-18; Efsios_2: 15;
Colossenses_2: 14; Glatas_3: 19-25; Glatas_5: 18) . Embora, certos princpios da
lei foram transitados e consolidados sob a graa, o DZIMO, como a observncia do
sbado, nunca imposto sobre o crente nesta dispensao. Uma vez que o dia do
Senhor substituiu o sbado da lei e adaptado para os princpios da graa como o
sbado no poderia ser (adaptado), assim, o DZIMO foi substitudo por um novo
sistema de doao que adaptado aos ensinamentos da Graa como o DZIMO no
pode ser (adaptado) ".
"Temas bblicos Grandes" p.253; 1926
Traduzido por: Hlio de Sousa Ferraz.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Irenaeus (130 202)
One of the first great Christian theologians, Writings were formative in the early
development of Christian theology

and instead of the law enjoining the giving of tithes, [He told us] to
share Matthew 19:21 all our possessions with the poor
Against Heresies (Book IV, Chapter 13)

- -- - - - - -- - -

Irineu (130-202)
Um dos primeiros grandes Telogos Cristos, Escritos eram formativos no incio do
desenvolvimento da Teologia Crist.
"E, em lugar da Lei que ordena a entrega dos DZIMOS, [Ele nos disse] para
compartilhar (Mateus 19:21) todos os nossos bens com os pobres"
"Contra Heresias" (Livro IV, Captulo 13)
Traduzido por: Hlio de Sousa Ferraz.

John Wesley (1703 1791)
Theologian, Credited with the foundation Methodism. His work and writings also played a
leading role in the development of the Holiness movement and Pentecostalism

give all you can, or, in other words, give all you have to God. Do not
stint yourself, like a Jew rather than a Christian, to this or that
proportion. Render unto God, not a tenth, not a third, not half, but
all that is Gods, be it more or less
The Use of Money

John Wesley (1703 1791)

Telogo, Creditado com a fundao Metodismo. Sua obra e escritos tambm

desempenharam um papel de liderana no desenvolvimento do Movimento de
Santidade e Pentecostalismo.
"D tudo o que puder, ou, em outras palavras, d tudo que voc tem para Deus. No
limite a si mesmo, como um judeu, seno como um cristo, para esta ou aquela
proporo. "Dai a Deus", no a dcima parte, nem um tero, nem a metade, mas tudo
o que de Deus, SEJA ELE MAIS OU MENOS (que a dcima parte = 10%, um tero =
1/3 ou metade = 50%)."
"O uso do dinheiro" - Traduzido por: Hlio de Sousa Ferraz.

Instituto Bblico Moody (Moody Bible Institute)

"O DZIMO nunca mencionado por nenhum dos escritores do Novo Testamento
como sendo um comportamento obrigatrio da igreja, mas a doao liberal
enfaticamente esperada."
Traduzido por: Hlio de Sousa Ferraz.

Moody Bible Institute

Tithing is never mentioned by any of the New Testament writers as a compulsory behavior
of the church, but generous giving is emphatically expected.
Roger Williams
a Puritan, an English Reformed theologian and later a Reformed Baptist, who was an early
proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state.
A member of the first Baptist church in America
Arguably the first abolitionist in North America, having organized the first attempt to prohibit
slavery in any of the British American colonies.

Secondly, as to the Labourer worthy of his Reward, I answer, we find

no other patterne in the Testament of Christ Jesus, but that both the
Converting (or Apostolicall Ministry) and the Feed (or Pastorall
Ministry) did freely serve or minister, and yet were freely supported
by the Saints and Churches, and that not in stinted Wages, Tithes,
Stipends, Sallaries, &c. but with larger or lesser supplies, as the Hand
of the Lord was more or lesse extended in his weekly blessings on

Um Puritano, um telogo Ingls reformado e mais tarde um Reformado Batista, que foi
um dos primeiros defensores da liberdade religiosa e da separao entre Igreja e
Um membro da Primeira Igreja Batista na Amrica
Indiscutivelmente o primeiro abolicionista na Amrica do Norte, tendo organizado a
primeira tentativa de proibir a escravido em qualquer das colnias americanas do
Reino Unido.

Em segundo lugar, quanto ao trabalhador digno de sua recompensa, eu respondo, no

encontramos outro modelo no Testamento de Jesus Cristo, mas que ambos a
Converso (ou Ministrio Apostlico) e a Alimentao (ou Ministrio Pastoral)
livremente serviam ou ministravam, e ainda assim eram livremente apoiados pelos
santos e as Igrejas, e isso no nos salrios stinted, Dzimos, estipndios, Sallaries, &
c. mas com fontes maiores ou menores, como a mo do Senhor estava mais ou
menos estendida em suas bnos semanais sobre eles.

John MacArthur (1939)

Serves as the president of The Masters Seminary, Acknowledged as one of the most
influential preachers of his time, Authored or edited more than 150 books

You know whats wrong with the 10%? Number one, it isnt biblical
and its giving for the wrong reason. Its giving to fulfill an obligation
rather than a response to a loving, willing heart, right?
Second thing thats wrong with it is, it hinders what you could do by
making you think youre done. Giving is never to be by coercion. It is
never to be by fundraising. It is never to be by compulsion. It is any
gimmick is offensive to God.
Gods Plan for Giving, Part 1 February 09, 1975

Serve como o Presidente do Seminrio de Professores, reconhecido como um dos

pregadores mais influentes de seu tempo, Escreveu ou editatou mais de 150 livros

"Voc sabe o que h de errado com os 10%? Nmero um, no bblico e est sendo
dado pela motivao errada. Ele est sendo dado para cumprir uma obrigao ao
invs uma resposta a um corao amoroso e disposto, CERTO?
A segunda coisa que h de errado com o DZIMO : ele atrapalha o que voc poderia
fazer, fazendo voc pensar que est feito (com Deus). "Dar" Nunca para ser feito por
intimidao. Nunca para ser feito para angariao de recursos. Nunca para ser
feito por constrangimento. Qualquer chamariz ofensa a Deus (ou seja, pecado) ".

"Plano de Deus para Dar, Parte 1" 09 de fevereiro de 1975

*CHAMARIZ = 3 Coisa atraente, vistosa ou apetecida, destinada a engodar os
incautos para os lograr; engodo. 4 Pessoa usada para atrair outra a uma situao
em que possa ser roubada ou lograda de outro modo qualquer. (Fonte: Dicionrio
de Portugus Online, Michaelis - 1998-2009 Editora Melhoramentos Ltda. 2009 UOL O melhor contedo. Todos os direitos reservados

13 Reasons Why You Should Tithe

Weve given you lots of reasons on this website on why you should not tithe, so here are a
bunch of reasons why you should tithe.
1. You Want to be Cursed
If you want to be cursed, then a good way to go about it is to keep trying to be
justified by the law. (Galatians 3:10)
2. You Think Giving Should be Motivated by Obligation
If you are a military officer maybe you think Gods people need enforcement
otherwise we wont give out of love. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
3. You Despise Liberty
I can see how a slave can envy the freedom of others, how about You?
(Galatians 2:3-5)
4. You Abuse Grace Too Easily
If you are worried that you might abuse the grace of God with no laws in place,
then keep on tithing (Galatians 2:21)
5. You Think You are an Israelite
Israel gave the tithe to the Levites since the Levites had no land
inheritance (Numbers 18:20-32)
6. You Dont Believe Christ Fulfilled the Law
Either you were tricked into believing that Fulfill really means Continue, or
you just dont believe that Christ completed the law (Matthew 5:17)
7. You Are Comfortable With Only Offering 10%
Have more to give than 10%? Then this works out for you
8. You are Too Scared to Give any Other Way
Maybe youve been practicing tithing for so long, that you are scared about the
results of what happens when you give any other way
9. Ignorance is Bliss!
Studying the Bible for the truth might open a can of worms and youll be just as
happy not knowing the truth (1 Peter 3:15, Romans 16:18)
10. You are Really Dumb?
10% is easy math for you.

11. You Believe That Keeping 90% is Not Robbing God

Some of you have poor stewardship with the other 90%, but you think you
arent robbing God since you gave your 10th to him. (Mark 10:21)
12. You Dont Want Gods Love
God Loves a cheerful giver. It doesnt say anything about a dedicated one, so
maybe this works out for you if you want to lay low on Gods radar (2
Corinthians 9:7)
13. You Need a Tax Deduction
Gotta stay under the next tax bracket? Then Give unto Caesar what is Caesars
and to God what is Gods (Matthew 22:21)

Frank Viola (Author)

Tithing does appear in the Bible. So, yes, tithing is biblical. But it is
not Christian. The tithe belongs to ancient Israel. It was essentially
their income tax. Never do you find first-century Christians tithing in
the New Testament.
Pagan Christianity 2002

Frank Viola - Autor

"O dzimo apresentado na Bblia. Ento, sim, o dzimo bblico. Mas no cristo. O
dzimo pertence ao antigo Israel. Foi essencialmente o seu imposto de renda. Nunca
voc encontra cristos do primeiro sculo dizimando no Novo Testamento. "
"Cristianismo Pago" 2002

Traduzido por: Hlio de Sousa Ferraz

Franz Pieper 1852 1931
a Confessional Lutheran theologian
Professor of theology at Concordia Seminary in 1878, and in 1887 he became president of
the same institution.
Served on the Board of Colored Missions for the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical
Conference of North America. He then served as president of the German Evangelical
Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States.

We do not obligate New Testament Christians to pay the tithe, since,

as we rightly contend, this would go counter to Scripture. In the Old
Testament indeed it was Gods will and order that the tithe should be
given by every Israelite; but this divine command is not binding upon
New Testament believers.
Franz Pieper 1852 1931

- Um Telogo Luterano Cofessional Professor de Teologia no Seminrio Concrdia em 1878, e em 1887 ele se tornou
presidente da mesma instituio.
Serviu no Conselho de Misses (Colored Missions) para Conferncia Sindica
Luterana Evanglica da Amrica do Norte. Ele, depois, serviu como presidente do
Snodo Luterano Evanglico Alemo de Missouri, Ohio e outros estados.

Ns no obrigamos os Cristos do Novo Testamento a pagar o DZIMO, visto que,

como ns, com razo, afirmamos, que isso seria ir contra as Escrituras (a Bblia
Sagrada). No Antigo Testamento, na verdade, era a vontade de Deus e ordem que o
dzimo fosse dado por todos os Israelitas; mas esta ordem divina no est ligada aos
Crentes do Novo Testamento.

Traduzido por: Hlio de Sousa Ferraz

Charles Spurgeon (1834 1892)

Preached to around 10,000,000 people, Remains one of the most influential preachers to
this day considered by some as the best

But you are not under a system similar to that by which the Jews
were obliged to pay tithes to the priests. If there were any such rule
laid down in the Gospel, it would destroy the beauty of spontaneous
giving and take away all the bloom from the fruit of your liberality!
There is no law to tell me what I should give my father on his
birthday. There is no rule laid down in any law book to decide what

present a husband should give to his wife, nor what token of affection
we should bestow upon others whom we love. No, the gift must be a
free one, or it has lost all its sweetness.
Christs Poverty, Our Riches (Sermon 2716) April 18, 1880
Charles Spurgeon (1834 1892)

Pregou para cerca de 10 milhes de pessoas, continua sendo um dos pregadores

mais influentes at hoje considerado, por alguns, como o melhor.

"Mas voc NO est debaixo de um sistema semelhante quele ao qual os judeus

estavam obrigados a pagar DZIMOS aos sacerdotes. Se houvesse tal regra
estabelecida no Evangelho, ela destruiria a beleza da doao espontnea e roubaria
toda a flor do fruto de tua liberalidade! No h nenhuma lei que me diga o que eu devo
dar ao meu pai no seu aniversrio. No h nenhuma regra estabelecida em qualquer
livro de jurisprudncia para decidir que presente um marido deve dar a sua esposa,
nem o sinal de afeto que devemos conceder a outras pessoas a quem amamos. No,
o presente deve ser espontneo, ou ele perdeu toda a sua doura. "

"A pobreza de Cristo, Nossas Riquezas" (Sermo 2716) 18 de Abril de 1880

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