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Agric. sci. dev., Vol(5), No (2), June, 2016. pp.


TI Journals

Agriculture Science Developments

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Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Bermuda Grass (Cynodon

dactylon L.) on Germination Characteristics and Seedling Growth of
Corn (Zea maize L.)
Hossein Bibak
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran.

Mohammad Jalali*
Graduate M.Sc. Student of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid BahonarUniversity of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
*Corresponding author:



Cynodon dactylon

In order to determine the allelopathic effects of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) aqueous extract on
seed germination and radicle length of maize an experiment was conducted in Laboratory and Greenhouse at
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran at based on complete randomized blouk of design with three
replications. Applied Treatments were including of aqueous extract of different concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75
and 100%) of Bermuda grass. This experiment carried out in Petridishes and plastic pots. For measure of
seed germination, radical length, shoot length, plant height, Dry weight and chlorophyll content. The results
showed that the Seed germination and plant growth delayed at the higher concentrations, and the final
germination percentage was decreased by increasing extract concentration. Hence, it could be concluded that
the mesquite aqueous extract contain water - soluble allelochemicals.



Cynodon dactylon L. is a predominant weed in Iran and some other countries in the world. Bermuda grass is believed to have originated in Turkey and Pakistan,
but has been introduced to all tropical and subtropical, grows in grassland, lawns and pastures and as a weed in cultivation [1]. Grows on a wide range of soils, but
best in relatively fertile, well - drained soils. Adapted over a broad range of soil PH (4.5-8.5), but grows best when the PH is above (5.5), Good tolerance of
salinity, but makes only slow growth under saline conditions (maximum yields up to EC 7 mmohs/cm), [2].
Some plants may inhibit germination, emergence and subsequent growth of other plants by exuding toxic substances. These substances are called allelopathic
chemicals or allelochemicals and the process is called allelopathy [3].
Allelopathy is a phenomenon observed in many plants that release chemicals into the near environment either from their aerial or underground parts in the form of
root exudation, leaching by dews and rains, and volatilization or decaying plant tissue [4]. The released chemical compounds into the environment act on other
organisms, such as weeds, plants, animals and microorganisms, by inhibitory or excitatory ways. These chemicals accumulate and persist for a considerable time,
thereby imparting significant interference on the growth and development of neighboring weeds and plants [5].
Allelopathy can simply be understood as the ability of plants to inhibit or stimulate growth of other plants in the environment by exuding chemicals. The concept
of allelopathy was first introduced by Hans Molisch to describe both the beneficial and the detrimental chemical interactions of plants and microorganisms [6].
There are several reports that allelochemicals from this plant negatively affect crops like onion (Allium cepa L.), sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) and some
vegetables [7]. Shajie reported that leaves and stems extracts of Bermuda grass. significantly reduced germination and seedling growth in corn (Zea mays L.),
canola (Brassica napus L.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) [8]. Cutler and Cole reported that
potassium carboxyactractyloside, a glycoside isolated from the residues of Bermuda grass. and described as a hypoglycemic agent, strongly inhibited the
coleoptiles growth of wheat [9]. These allelochemicals also affected corn seedlings either by decaying of hypocotyls or by producing of dwarf plants. Kadioglu
reported that while A.E. of Bermuda grass. had no allelopathic effect on the seed germination of carrot (Dacucus carota L.) and sweet cress (Lepidium sativum L.),
it considerably inhibited germination of wheat (Triticum vulgare L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). [10]. According to Tanveer mean germination time in
maize (Zea mays L.), barley (H. vulgare L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), wheat (T.vulgare L.) and sunflower was reduced by leaf leaches of Bermuda grass [11]. So the
purpose of the present study was to elucidate the allelopathic potential of different concentration of water extracts C dactylon on maize. Such information should
be beneficial when planning for sowing maize near or beneath of mesquite trees. Hence this study was conducted to investigate the allelopathic potential of
aqueous extracts on seed germination and plant growth.



The leaves extract of Cynodon dactylon L. plant was prepared by soaking the dry leaves in distilled water (1:10 weight to volume) for 24 hours at room
temperature (25C), and then filtered through Whatman filter paper No.1 [12]. The extract was diluted to obtain the concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 % while
the distilled water was used as the control treatment. Experiment was CRBD design with three replications in Petridishes and plastic pots. Seeds of the maize were
obtained from the center for Agricultural Research, in Kerman, Iran. Germination test were performed for the aqueous extract of donor plant. The Petridishes were
placed in growth chamber 25C and 70% humidity and continuously dark. Seeds were considered germinated upon radicle emergence. Germination was
determined by counting the number of germinated seeds at 24 - h intervals over a 5 - day period and radicle was counted continuously three days. At every 24 h
interval the radicle length of the germinated seed were measured using a millimeter ruler. Three replicates of each treatment with 10 seeds to each replicate were
planted in plastic pot. Emergence was measured by counting all individual seedlings from 10 days after planting. Whole pots were harvested with laborer by using
hand. Finally plant height, Dry weight and chlorophyll content were measured. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance with SAS. Comparisons
of treatment means were performed using Duncan's multiple, at p = 0.05. And finally the figures depicted by Excel program.



The results showed that the effect of the water extracts of aqueous extracts of Cynodon dactylon was inversely proportional to the percentages of daily
germination. The allelopathic effect of Bermuda grass. On the germination of maize is shown in Figure 1. It is obvious that the aqueous extracts of Bermuda grass.
Inhibited the germination of maize. The maximum seed germination percentage was shown in the control where no extract was used which was 100%. The

Hossein Bibak, Mohammad Jalali *


Agriculture Science Developments Vol(5), No (2), June, 2016.

minimum seed germination percentage was found in maize at 100% Concentration of water extract treatment (30%). While the percentage seed germination
decreased with increasing concentration of aqueous extracts of Bermuda grass. The highest root and shoot length was recorded in the control treatment and then
decreased by increasing of water extract concentration. The study of Figure 2 & 3 revealed that the Bermuda grass decreased the maize seed root and shoot length
as compared with control. The maximum and minimum root length was attained in control and 100% Concentration treatment, respectively (48 and 5.3 mm). The
smallest shoot length was in 100% Concentration treatment (25mm). The highest shoot length was obtained in control group in all time intervals (48.2 mm). Plant
height, Dry weight and chlorophyll decreased progressively with water extract of Bermuda grass. The decrease in chlorophyll synthesis is a common response of
plants to allelochemicals, and this might be a subsequent response of plant to these chemicals beside cellular damage. Allelochemicals adversely affect chlorophyll
biosynthesis and accumulation by interfering in chlorophyll biosynthesis and/or destruction. The highest plant height (54.12 mm), Dry weight (12.34 g) and
chlorophyll content (24.12 mg g-1 FW) was attained from conttrol treatment. Also lowest plant height (27.33 mm), Dry weight (5.27 g) and chlorophyll (17 mg g-1
FW) was attained from 100% Concentration treatment (Figure 4, 5 and 6).

Figure 2. Effect of water extract of Bermuda grass on Root length of maize





Plant height (mm)

Shoot length (mm)

Figure 1. Effect of water extract of Bermuda grass on germination of maize














Concentration of Water Extract

Concentration of Water Extract
Figure 3. Effect of water extract of Bermuda grass on Shoot length of maize

Figure 4. Effect of water extract of Bermuda grass on Plant height of maize

Figure 5. Effect of water extract of Bermuda grass on Dry weight

Figure 6. Effect of water extracts of Bermuda grass on Chlorophylls content of



Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) on Germination Characteristics and Seedling Growth of Corn (Zea maize ...
Agriculture Science Developments Vol(5), No (2), June, 2016.



The present findings corroborate the earlier report by Bora who found that, the inhibitory effect of leaf extracts of Acacia auriculiformis on germination of some
crops was proportional to the concentration of the extract [13]. Also, as noted by Jadhar and Gayanar the percentage of germination, plumule and radicle length of
rice and cowpea, were decreased with increasing concentration of Acacia auriculiformis leaf leachates [14]. In the present study, responses indices revealed that
the inhibition of growth parameters of seedlings was more pronounced than that of seed germination. The inhibitory effect of the tested species on seed
germination and radicle length of maize may be related to the presence of allelochemicals including tannins, wax, flavonoides and phenolic acids [15].
Furthermore, the toxicity might be due to synergistic effect rather than one Phenolic acid have been shown to be toxic to germination and plant growth processes
[16]. Rajangam and Arumgam found that, the use of z-aqueous extracts of Excoecaria agallocha leaves inhibited seed germination and plumule and radicle
elongation of rice [17] germination in pearl millet [18]. P. juliflora reduced the germination percentage of gram and sorghum reported by [19]. Several reports
address the importance of allelopathic effect of various trees E. camaldulensis, Prosopis julifera and Acacia nilotica significantly affected seed germination and
seedling growth of several crops and weed species [20]. Lisanework and Michelson who discovered that the leaf extract of E. camaldulmensis decreased root
growth of the majority of the crops in their studies [21]. Similar findings were also reported that in leaf extract of different agro forestry trees in common crops.
They found inhibitory effect in seed germination and radical length and other initial parameters [22,23]. The present study provides the evidence of Bermuda grass
has allelopathic potential. It is also suggested that maize should not be planted close to Bermuda grass. due to adverse effects on its growth.


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