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### _TOPICS_ ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_book(kln-logo); col=9;
GeomCurves Applications
Golden section algorithm
COMMAND GeomCurves
COMMAND GeomSpiral
COMMAND GeomTrigon
COMMAND GeomCycloid
GeomCycloid\Epicycloid Geometry
GeomCycloid\Hypocycloid Geometry
GeomMisc\Power invert
GeomMisc\Polinomial invert
The end
### About ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals

>>sld=kln_geom(geomlogo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-00); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_book(kln-logo); col=9;
About GeomCurves software.
To create analytical curve defined by a set of step distance
spaced points. GeomCurves is LISP software.
version 1.0 Beta (2002/01/18)
Author: Eugeny Kalney
### GeomCurves Applications ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(spir-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(gear-01); col=0;
GeomCurves Applications
GeomCurves software was developed for profiling purposes and for
patenting profiles, then analytical curves is applied
(some types of rotary machines, any gears, etc.)
Left picture: Scroll compressor geometry with spiral-shaped profiles.
(using K-Spir shareware package by Eugeny Kalney)
Right: Analytical curve is portion of general case of gear profile.
(using K-Prof software package by Eugeny Kalney)
### Golden section algorithm ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(gold-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(gold-02); col=0;
Golden section algorithm
Statistic results:
Golden section division points 3 and 4 of interval 1_2
is faster then divide interval 1_2 by half using iteration to find
intersection point of curve and axis.
Left figure - current iteration;
Right figure - next iteration;

; Golden ratio (len_1_4 : len_1_2) = (0.618... : 1)

k618 (/ (- (sqrt 5.) 1.) 2.); calc exactly 0.618...
### COMMAND GeomCurves ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(logo); col=0;
GeomCurves command
Help - run this help;
Curve - draw analytical curves;
Spiral - draw spirals;
Trigonometry - draw graphs of sine, cosine, etc.
CYcloid - draw cycloid and trochoid curves;
Options - adjust the command interface and the algorithm.
### GeomCurves\Options ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(opt-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(opt-02); col=0;
scale_x - scale factor for X axis <1.0> - default;
scale_y - scale factor for Y axis <1.0> - default;
prec - To terminate iteration of golden section method use
precision values input mode: Enable/<Disable> - default;
### COMMAND GeomCurve ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-50); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_01); col=0;
GeomCurve command to draw analytical curves;

Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;

Hyperbola - draw hyperbola curve graph;
Ellipse - draw ellipse curve graph;
Parabola - draw parabola curve graph;
Catenary - draw catenary curve graph;
Tractrix - draw tractrix curve graph;
Cissoid - draw cissoid curve graph;
Strophoid - draw strophoid curve graph;
### GeomCurve\Geometry ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(CGeom-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_01); col=0;
GeomCurve\Geometry option
Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - horizontal parametric distance on axis X;
3 - vertical parametric distance on axis Y;
Definition points can be predefined or specified
when the graph is creating.
### GeomCurve\Hyperbola ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(HYPER-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_04); col=0;
GeomCurve\Hyperbola option
Hyperbola curve graph:
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X,
;;b - parametric distance on axis Y
y fi
m (/ y b)
x (* a (sqrt (+ (* m m) 1.)))
### GeomCurve\Ellipse ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;

>>sldleft=kln_geom(ELLIP-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_04); col=0;
GeomCurve\Ellipse option
Ellipse curve graph:
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X,
;;b - parametric distance on axis Y
x (* a (cos fi))
y (* a (sin fi))
### GeomCurve\Cissoid ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(CISS-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_02); col=0;
GeomCurve\Cissoid option
Cissoid curve graph.
x fi ;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
y (sqrt (/ (* x x x) (- a x)) );sqrt
### GeomCurve\Parabola ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(PARAB-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_02); col=0;
GeomCurve\Parabola option
Parabola curve graph.
y fi ;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
x (/ (* y y) 4. a)
### GeomCurve\Versier ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals

>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(VERS-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_01); col=0;
GeomCurve\Versier option
Versier curve graph.
y fi ;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
x (/ (* a a a) (+ (* a a) (* y y)))
### GeomCurve\Catenary ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(CATEN-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_03); col=0;
GeomCurve\Catenary option
Catenary curve graph.
x fi ;;fi - parameter, b - parametric distance on axis Y
m (/ x b)
y (* (/ b 2.) (+ (exp m) (exp (- 0. m))) )
### GeomCurve\Tractrix ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(TRAC-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_03); col=0;
GeomCurve\Tractrix option
Tractrix curve graph.
y (- b fi) ;;fi - parameter, b - parametric distance on axis Y
m (sqrt (abs (- (* b b) (* y y))) );sqrt
x (* b (log (abs(/ (- b m) y))) )
x (+ x m)
### GeomCurve\Strophoid ###

> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney

> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(STROPH-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CURV_01); col=0;
GeomCurve\Strophoid option
Strophoid curve graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
ro (/ (* (- 0. a) (cos (* 2. fi))) (cos fi))
x (* ro (cos fi))
y (* ro (sin fi))
### COMMAND GeomSpiral ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-50); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_01); col=0;
GeomSpiral command to draw spirals;
Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
Archimedes - draw spiral of Archimedes;
Involute - draw involute curve;
Hyperbolic - draw hyperbolic spiral;
Wand - draw wand-shaped spiral;
Logarithmic - draw logarithmic spiral;
Fermi - draw Fermi spiral;
### GeomSpiral\Geometry ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(SGeom-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_01); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Geometry option
Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - radius point to define parametric distance;

Definition points can be predefined or specified

when the graph is creating.
### GeomSpiral\Archimedes ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(ARCHIM-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_01); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Archimedes option
Spiral of Archimedes graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
ro (* a fi)
x (* ro (cos fi))
y (* ro (sin fi))
### GeomSpiral\Involute ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(ENVEL-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_01); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Involute option
Involute curve graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (+ (* a (cos fi)) (* a fi (sin fi)))
y (- (* a (sin fi)) (* a fi (cos fi)))
### GeomSpiral\Hyperbolic ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(HYPERB-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_01); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Hyperbolic option
Hyperbolic spiral graph.

;;fi - parameter, a - radius
ro (/ a fi)
x (* ro (cos fi))
y (* ro (sin fi))
### GeomSpiral\Wand ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(WAND-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_02); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Wand option
Wand-shaped spiral curve graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
ro (/ a (sqrt fi))
x (* ro (cos fi))
y (* ro (sin fi))
### GeomSpiral\Logarithmic ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(LOGAR-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_02); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Logarithmic option
Logarithmic spiral graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
ro (* a (exp fi))
x (* ro (cos fi))
y (* ro (sin fi))
### GeomSpiral\Fermi ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(FERMI-01); col=0;

>>sldright=kln_geom(SPIR_02); col=0;
GeomSpiral\Fermi option
Fermi spiral curve graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
ro (* a (sqrt fi))
x (* ro (cos fi))
y (* ro (sin fi))
### COMMAND GeomTrigon ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-50); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_01); col=0;
GeomTrigon command to draw trigonometry function graphs
Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
Cosine - cosine function graph;
Sine - sine function graph;
Tangent - tangent function graph;
CH - hyperbolic cosine function graph;
SH - hyperbolic sine function graph;
TH - hyperbolic tangent function graph;
### GeomTrigon\Geometry ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(TGeom-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_01); col=0;
GeomTrigon\Geometry option
Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - radius point to define parametric distance;
Definition points can be predefined or specified
when the graph is creating.
### GeomTrigon\Sine ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)

> To create analytical curves and spirals

>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(SIN-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_01); col=0;
GeomTrigon\Sine option
Sine function graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (* a fi)
y (* a (sin fi))
### GeomTrigon\Cosine ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(COS-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_01); col=0;
GeomTrigon\Cosine option
Cosine function graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (* a fi)
y (* a (cos fi))
### GeomTrigon\Tangent ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(TAN-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_01); col=0;
GeomTrigon\Tangent option
Tangent function graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (* a fi)
y (* a (/ (sin fi) (cos fi)))

### GeomTrigon\CH ###

> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(CH-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_02); col=0;
GeomTrigon\CH option
Hyperbolic cosine curve graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (* a fi)
y (* a (/ (+ (exp fi) (exp (- 0. fi))) 2.) )
### GeomTrigon\SH ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(SH-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_02); col=0;
GeomTrigon\SH option
Hyperbolic sine function graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (* a fi)
y (* a (/ (- (exp fi) (exp (- 0. fi))) 2.) )
### GeomTrigon\TH ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(TH-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(TRIG_02); col=0;
GeomTrigon\TH option
Hyperbolic tangent function graph.
;;fi - parameter, a - radius
x (* a fi)

y (/ (- (exp fi) (exp (- 0. fi)))

(+ (exp fi) (exp (- 0. fi))))
y (* a y)
### COMMAND GeomCycloid ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-50); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_01); col=0;
GeomCycloid command
Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
Cycloid - draw normal, short and long cycloids;
Epicycloid Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
Epicycloid - draw normal, short and long epicycloids;
Hypocycloid Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
Hypocycloid - draw normal, short and long hypocycloids;
### GeomCycloid\Geometry ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(cyGeom-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_01); col=0;
GeomCycloid\Geometry option
Cycloid Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - radius point to define parametric distance;
Definition points can be predefined or specified
when the graph is creating.
### GeomCycloid\Cycloid ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Cycl-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_01); col=0;
GeomCycloid\Cycloid option
Cycloid curve graph.

LONG - then distance of generating point great then radius;

SHORT - then distance of generating point less then radius;
;;fi - parameter, a - radius, b - generating point radius
x (- (* a fi) (* b (sin fi)))
y (- 0. (* b (cos fi)))
### GeomCycloid\Epicycloid Geometry ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(cyGeom-02); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_02); col=0;
GeomCycloid\Epicycloid Geometry option
Epicycloid Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - radius distance point;
3 - rolling circle center point;
5 - radius distance of generating point;
Definition points can be predefined or specified
when the graph is creating.
### GeomCycloid\Epicycloid ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Epi-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_02); col=0;
GeomCycloid\Epicycloid option
Epicycloid curve graph.
LONG - then distance of generating point great then radius;
SHORT - then distance of generating point less then radius;
;;fi - parameter, a - radius,
;;c - center distance, d - generating point radius
x (* c (cos fi))
m (+ 1. (/ a (- c a)))
x (- x (* d (cos (* m fi))))
y (* c (sin fi))
y (- y (* d (sin (* m fi))))

### GeomCycloid\Hypocycloid Geometry ###

> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(cyGeom-03); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_03); col=0;
GeomCycloid\Hypocycloid Geometry option
Hypocycloid Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - radius distance point;
4 - rolling circle center point;
5 - radius distance of generating point;
Definition points can be predefined or specified
when the graph is creating.
### GeomCycloid\Hypocycloid ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Hypo-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(CYCL_03); col=0;
GeomCycloid\Hypocycloid option
Hypocycloid curve graph.
LONG - then distance of generating point great then radius;
SHORT - then distance of generating point less then radius;
;;fi - parameter, a - radius,
;;e - center distance, f - generating point radius
x (* e (cos fi))
m (- 1. (/ a (- a e)))
x (+ x (* f (cos (* m fi))))
y (* e (sin fi))
y (+ y (* f (sin (* m fi))))
### COMMAND GeomMisc ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-50); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_01); col=0;
GeomMisc command

Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
Exponent - draw exponent function graph;
Power - draw power function graph;
### GeomMisc\Geometry ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(mGeom-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_01); col=0;
GeomMisc\Geometry option
Misc Geometry - show definition points of graph creating;
1 - center (graph origin) point;
2 - horizontal parametric distance on axis X;
Definition points can be predefined or specified
when the graph is creating.
### GeomMisc\Exponent ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Exp-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_01); col=0;
GeomMisc\Exponent option
Exponent curve graph.
Logarithm graph is mirrored exponent curve using 45 degrees ray.
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
x (* fi a)
y (* (exp fi) a)
### GeomMisc\Power ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Pow-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_01); col=0;
GeomMisc\Power option

Power curve graph (for example Y=X^2).

Function Y=X^1/2 graph is mirrored Y=X^2 graph using 45 degrees ray.
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
x (* fi a)
y (expt (abs fi) (abs pow))
y (* y a)
### GeomMisc\Power invert ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Pow-02); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_01); col=0;
GeomMisc\Power option
Power invert curve graph (for example Y=X^-2).
Function Y=X^-2 graph is invert of function Y=X^2 as Y=1/(X^2).
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X
x (* fi a)
y (expt (abs fi) (abs pow))
(if (< pow 0.)
(setq y (/ 1. y));setq
y (* y a)
### GeomMisc\Polinomial ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Pol-01); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_02); col=0;
GeomMisc\Polinomial option
Polinomial curve graph: Y = An*X^n + An-1*X^n-1 + ... + A0.
For example, degree of a polinomial n = 2:
Y = A2*X^2 + A1*X + A0.
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X,

;;pol_a - polynomial coefficients

x (* fi a)
y (car pol_a)
xx fi
j 1
(while (<= j pol_n)
y (+ y (* xx (nth j pol_a)))
xx (* xx fi)
j (1+ j)
y (* y a)
### GeomMisc\Polinomial invert ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(Pol-02); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(MISC_02); col=0;
GeomMisc\Polinomial option
Invert polinomial curve graph, then degree less then 0:
Y = 1 / (An*X^n + An-1*X^n-1 + ... + A0)
For example, degree of a polinomial n = -2:
Y = 1 / (A2*X^2 + A1*X + A0)
;;fi - parameter, a - parametric distance on axis X,
;;pol_a - polynomial coefficients
x (* fi a)
y (car pol_a)
xx fi
j 1
(while (<= j pol_n)
y (+ y (* xx (nth j pol_a)))
xx (* xx fi)
j (1+ j)
(if pol_flag
(setq y (/ 1. y));setq
y (* y a)
### The end ###

> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney

> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_book(book-99); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_book(kln-logo); col=0;
This is end of help resource.
That's all, folks!
### Topic find error ###
> GeomCurves Copyright (C) 2002 Eugeny Kalney
> AutoLISP Software tools for AutoCAD(TM)
> To create analytical curves and spirals
>>sld=kln_geom(logo); col=-1;
>>sldleft=kln_geom(geomlogo); col=0;
>>sldright=kln_geom(logo); col=0;
There is no such topic.

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