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It has been many confusions so i like to

clear out a few things about

What is meditation?

The first thing to know, that meditation is any activity,

which you do mindfully, which means that your mind is
right there on that particular activity. Any activity can
become meditational, as long as you do it in the present
moment, with your mind focusing on it. You can cook,
bake, clean, wash the car, play sports, walk, exercise, make
tea, talk, shop and anything as long as your mind is on that
particular action.

Meditation is another word focusing the mind on one

thing at a time.
In order to attain this, there are exercises to train focus.
The second thing to know about mediation, that there are
many paths/ exercises to meditate.
One is to stare on an external object, or symbol or picture;
recite a sound, word or name (chanting).

Second is to contemplate on a sentences, symbol or

religious. saying, and trig to find more meaning to it. Any
meditations using pranayamas different breath patterns
are also belonging to this category.
These first two are considered as extraverted meditations
where the object of the focus of outside of the body
The third is observing self, which the breath and continues
into observing body sensations. This is called introverted
meditation, where the object of the meditation is within.
Any meditations which focuses outside the body will divert
attention form the object of your negative emotions, hence
bring temporary pleasure and relaxation and calmness.
Anyone enjoying these meditations are seekers, craving
pleasure, and its attainted by diverting attention from the
real issue. The root of the negative emotions here not
addressed there for keep coming back.
Any meditations which bring attention inside, observing
self, breath and sensations are the meditations facing the
truth within. These meditations will clear, detoxify the
mind and eliminate impurities deep within, hence
attaining deep inner peace, establishing living out of
loving kindness.
Vipassana meditation is a ten day program, a silent
meditation course, where you can learn the full technique
of self observation. This is a 2500 years old technique
which takes you on an inner discovery technique step by
step, day by day, to clean your mind out by your own self
and shatter you ergo which keeps you in misery, and re-

establish. your life on the base of the truth, gratitude and

loving kindness.
Anapana breath observation meditation is the first step
of this meditation technique and can be practiced daily by
sitting down closing eye and observe your breath inhale
and exhale
How do you know that you are succeeding with
you meditation?
The first thing to understand that you are meditating to retrain your mind. You are not sitting there to create more
frustration for yourself and criticize yourself for unable to
No one can focus that long without the interruption of the
The task is to keep bringing the mind back from
wondering and thinking and being stuck on negative or
posit emotions/ illusions, into focusing on the breath
our mind will start tricking you to make you drowsy, tell
you its not important to meditate, it tell you its so stupid to
do this exercise. These are all the ways the mind wants you
to stop meditating so it will remain unchanged and will
continue generating you misery. This is what you ego does.
The moment you start observing your breath objectively,
without any criticism and any desire to change the breath
patterns, then your mind will start slowing down and
calming down.

You are not mediating to wanting to attain peace, calm or
pleasure. You are simply devoting time and practice into
re-training your mind to focus on what you want to do
focusing on the breath instead of allowing your mind to
make you do what your mind wants you to do.
Within the 10 minutes of you meditation your mind will
start slipping and interfering many many times.. dont get
dishearten, this is what the conditioned mind does.. pull
you left and right. If you dont react and just accept this
process, but you keep bringing yourself back from thinking
and wondering, the mind will naturally get under control
as a by product.
This is the beauty of this technique, just by the simple
observation of the breath, indirectly the mind gets under
So dont fight your mind, accept it.. and keep coming back
from thinking to focusing on the breath.
The more smoothly and non-reactively could you keep
bringing yourself back from thinking an wondering the
more successful is you meditation..
You will see, that every meditation is different. It depends
on what happened before the day, what thoughts you had
and what actions you were doing. Dont expect that
because one meditation was more successful that all
others sill be like this.

Simply meditate to put time into practice refocusing. One

day will be easier, one day harder. It doesnt matter.
However it will give you a good practice seeing that when
previously calm day calm loving thought, will also bring
easier more focused meditation, oppose to days when you
created lots of negative stuff. Hopefully this awareness will
help you to stay on the top of your thoughts which each of
them can manifest in words and actions.
Get you mind under control by staying aware of your
thoughts is the vital benefit of this exercise if you do it
without expectation and only just a practice. And do it

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