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This is a Gospels quiz, which includes questions from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
1. To which country did Mary and Joseph escape to when Herod killed all the babies in Bethlehem?

A. Ammon
B. Egypt

C. Moab
D. Edom

2. The elderly widowed prophetess in Jerusalem, who saw Jesus as a baby was?

A. Salome
B. Anna

C. Rachel
D. Tabitha

3. What did John the Baptist eat in the desert?

A. Locusts and honey

B. Milk and honey

C. Unleavened bread
D. Figs and pomegranates

4. Who said to Mary, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!?

A. Joseph
B. Zechariah

C. Simeon
D. Elisabeth

5. What gift did Salome ask for, after she danced for Herod?

A. John the Baptists dead body

B. John the Baptists head

C. Half of the kingdom

D. Money

6. What was Peters profession?

A. Carpenter
B. Tax collector

C. Fisherman
D. Tentmaker

7. Which disciple looked after Mary, after the death of Jesus?

A. John
B. James

C. Peter
D. Simon

8. In which Gospel does Jesus state that he is the Bread of Life?

A. Matthew
B. Mark

C. Luke
D. John

9. How many silver pieces did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus for?

A. 20
B. 25

C. 30
D. 40

10. What was the name of James and Johns father?

A. Zebedee
B. Alphaeus

C. Zecharias
D. Philip

11. What was the affliction of Bartimaeus?

A. Deaf
B. Dumb

C. Blind
D. Lame

12. Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?

A. Pontius Pilate
B. Justus

C. Julius
D. Annas

13. In what town did Martha and Mary live?

A. Bethlehem
B. Bethel

C. Bethany
D. Bethsaida

14. What proportion of his goods did Zaccheus give away to the poor?

A. 1/4
B. 1/3

C. 1/2
D. All

15. Who was Nicodemus?

A. A Pharisee
B. A Saduccee

C. A Scribe
D. A Zealot

16. Which ruler of the synagogue asked Jesus to heal his sick daughter?

A. James
B. Joseph

C. Nicodemus
D. Jairus

17. In what town did Jesus turn water into wine?

A. Capernaum
B. Cana

C. Bethany
D. Jerusalem

18. In the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say would happen to the meek?

A. They will inherit the earth

B. They will obtain mercy

C. They will be lifted up on high

D. They shall see God

19. Who is the first prophet quoted in the Gospel of Mark?

A. Jeremiah
B. Daniel

C. Hosea
D. Isaiah

20. On what day did the disciples pluck ears of corn, much to the anger of the Pharisees?

A. Day of Atonement
B. Sabbath

C. First day of the week

D. Day of Pentecost

1. B Egypt - Matt 2:13
2. B Anna - Luke 2:36
3. A Locusts and honey Matt 3:4
4. D - Elisabeth Luke 1:42-43
5. B John the Baptists head Matt 4:8
6. C Fisherman Mark 1:16
7. A John John 19:26-27
8. D John John 6:35
9. C 30 Matt 26:14-15
10. A Zebedee Mark 3:17
11. C Blind Mark 10:46
12. D Annas John 18:13
13. C Bethany John 11:1
14. C 1/2 Luke 19:8
15. A A Pharisee John 3:1
16. D Jairus Mark 5:21-22
17. B Cana John 2:1-11
18. A They will inherit the earth Matt 5:5
19. D Isaiah Mark 7:6
20. B Sabbath Mark 2:23-24

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