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Image Streaming 7 hours 2 minutes (January 7-8-2015 )

I imagine her wearing a light jaded green dress with sparkling diamonds covered
all over her. The dress itself goes down to about the midpoint of her kneeds. Sh
es wearing flexible sandles where the straps are covering her ankles up to five i
nches. Shes wearing a yellow belt surrounding her with a oval shaped and green ob
ject as the hook Im presuming. I take awareness of her existence, and I proceed t
o analyze the environment around me.
Its nighttime right now with a large and white shining moon with some gray blotch
es undereneath The field shes standing on consists of simplistic greenery, almost
as if the textures were akin to that of what you would see in a low-ooolgyon ga
me engine. Shes moving around for a bit, and then summons a horse. The horse is f
airly tall, and has a white mane along with dark brown skin. IT has a black muzz
le and beady black eyes as well. She jumps ontop of the horse and continues to r
ide around the field. The setting changes from nighttime to daytime instantly.
Shes now riding the horse,, and is going forward in a linear fashion. She takes o
ut a bow and arrow in order to shoot some enemies. I take a moment to analyze th
ese enemies, and what does up is a purple goblin of some sort that looks like its
fairly old; maybe in its early thireties or forties. IT has white spiky hair, a
nd has some weird tribal getup. Its using a crossbow to aim for her, but she quic
kly elminiates it with ease. Theres an arrow that shows up that consists of a red
color with a yellow outline .
ITs used to direct where she should shoot, and fixateing her awareness to that po
int of interest. The visualization of what Im looking right now as Im visualizing
her is gradually augmenting from pixalated graphics to something more semi-reali
stic, and much more. I can see her dress waving across the air and the galloping
of the horses feet stomping the groupd vigoursly as its dashing through the file
ds with ease. Eva decides to stop where she is right now to jump down, and look
down at the filed for anything that might be pecular.
She sees a blue insect come out of nowhrere, and proceeds to use a crystal jar o
f some sort to pick it up. And how she picks t up seems to trigger an event akin
to finding an item in a Zelda gam.e Theres a HUd display that shows up, and ther
es white tet stating that she caught a blue butterfly. It informs her to check he
r inventory for more items she may have. The screen shows up instantly, and I se
e several items. One is a windwaker, the next is a camerae, and the next is a gr
appling hook. The grappin hook consists of a gray color for the main base of the
metal object, and a light caramel brown for the rope. Eva scans through the ite
ms and the inveotry to see what could be interesting.
She exits the screen and proceeds to visualize the environment around her. The e
nvironment to the left of her conists of several things; one is a long stream of
white pasty rock ledges and barriers that are perpendicular to the greenery shes
standing on. Theres some long and tall trees that are apparent as well. She sees
theres a black entrenace that looks like it could be a cave. She proceeds to go
on her way there, and before she completely goes in, she remembers to go back to
her horse, and find a way where it can stay in a decent position.
She graps the rope around the horsels sadde, and proceeds to enter the cave with
a torch , sword, and shield along with the rest of her items that will magicall
y show up.
The cave itself going through thei ntiital stages feels akin to how one would go
through a cave in Xenoblade Chornicles. I can hear the water dripping, and the
water falling in slow motion. Theres crystal teal blue staglamaties everywhere,e,
and immediately in our front view, theres ja huge bettle like creature, or mabe
a rolley polley type of creature thats apparent to us. I project myself onto the

minds eye visualization to help her out. Im wearing a dark blue shirt with black p
ants and simple boots that consists of a brown color arolong with black laces.
I proceed to engage in combat with her against this insect thats way taller than
us.s The bettle takes notice of us, and proceeds to spread its wings and makes a
large buzzing sound. I pause for a moment to analyze the environment around us.
Pan the camera around to see whats around me, and I see an open filed filled wi
th many layers and entreances that we could go to, and could potentially be lost
forever inside of this cave. The beetles size is gargantuan, and its yellow bead
y eyes makes it more scart to look at. The bettle seems to be aiming for my dire
ction, and as I visualize myself with my eyes wide opened; surprised ansd shocke
d at how aggressive the beetle is, I quickly parry by making a n evasion to the
right. I roll on the ground a bit as it was a very quicky dodge and change of mo
nemutum. Eva dodges as well, and has a bti of dirt on her dress. She say shell g
o far away and cast magic spells while I distract the bettle by physically aimin
g to attack it. She tells me that shell heal me as well, along with trying to do
long-range attacks other than magic to make things a bit easier. Shess already sh
ooting a few arrows at the bettle, but the shell of the bettle is very rough and
implicitly impenetrable.
Eva then roceeds to using magic spells of some sort. Shes wielding a staff thats b
lack overall with a glowing teal blue orb on the top of it thats floating around.
She slams the staff on the ground, and a large circle of weird symbols and such
shows up on the floor. It has a very milk pinkish glow thats surrounding the whi
te streaming of the circle with the complex symbols as well. Its directed right u
nder the bettle, and forces the mettle to sta on the gorund for me to attack it
easily. I take my sword and proceed to charge at the beetle, and the perspective
changes to where Im seeing myself at an over the shoulders point of view. I noti
ced that time has stopped during this moment, and its similar to how a party gaug
e is filled all the way up in xenoblade chronicles. In other words, m proceeding
to perform some kind of patty synch attack. I see an hud similar to Xenobalde Ch
ornicles, albeiet with differeny symbols and attack styles I can choose from. I
noticed that I mholding the Mondaod on my right hand. It consist of a red color w
ith thin blue linings across it that are pulsating with immese energy.
I decide to do an attack where Im levitating at ealst five feet from the ground,
and summoning several cyclones around me to be directed at the bettle. The bettl
e takes approxiametl sixteen thousand four hundred and thirty seven damage. The
screen now prompts ot Evas point of view, and her style seems to be flucatuaing b
ewetwen mage, range, and healing abilities. She shooces a spell where she can fr
eeize the bettle completely. The bettles frozen up already, and the ice is now ta
king form starting from the bottom all the way to the tup. The beetle itself isnt
standing horizontally, but vertically. The animation of the ice warapping aroun
d its body is amazing, and Eva tells me to do an attack quickly before the beetl
e finds a way to resist. I charge up the Mondago with all of might might, and ma
ke a horizontal swipe that ends aroun sixty five degress downawards, and I use t
his angle to gather some meontum to make a one linear direct charge at the froze
n beetle. The sword is radiating with eletricility and other forms of energy, a
nd I quickly jab the bettle straight thourhg to break the ice, and the beetles e
xistence competley. Eva is relieved, and goes back into a default standing posit
ion. A treasure chest pops up from nowhere and drops down.
The chest iself has a metal rimming arlong the edges and the area where the jock
should be. It consists of a wooden material as the base of the chest as well, a
nd has random streams of ining to emphasize on the wooden txture. I open the che
st, and a screen appears like Im collecting items in Xenoblade Chornicles. Its a m
ilky vanilla base cort he screen alone with a black gray trimming around the rec
tangular shaped HUD. I take the items without really looking at the contents of

I proceed to run through the cave with Eva, and find myself feeling the teture o
f the grond to be much different from the last one. Its more dity, earthy, and co
nsisting of several rocks, grass, and materials from the cae overall.
We keep moving forward, and see theres an arch forming o he left of us about one
hundred feet away. We noticed that as we get closer and closer, theres some kind
of small cave city within this area. It felt weird as there was a big beetle rig
ht there that couldve charged for this town if it wanted to. But it seemed the ci
ty had a protecture barrier. The barrier itself consists of a light sky blue co
lor ,and is radiating and pulsating energy from top to down with ease. We get cl
ose and close to this field to notice there are some guards outside patrolling t
he area. We ask if wecan come in, and one of the guards puts up a gesture with t
heir left hand for us to stop. This gaud seems to have a fairly basic knight out
fit from the mideviels epoch.He asks us a few questions, and what our purpose is
for being around this region.
I tell him that me and her are simply adventuring, and want to eplore the sights
of anywhere thats created in our heads. The guard staomps his staff , or mabe a
halberd onto the ground to deactive a portion of the force filedi n otherder fo
r us to eneter the city. The city iself seems fairly advanced despite the cave
satuarion giving it a more run down feeling to it. We talk through the duneon to
notice that all of the houses mostly consist of a lgith gray metallic texture t
o them that seems to be warpped by multiple pieces of metal.
I noticed that ht flooring has change completely as well, and that it consists o
f a basic white tile flooring that has all sorts of dust, and wear and tear on i
t as well. I see theres a stand ot the right of us, and theres an old man standin
g around that seems to be the owner. Hes tsntaing right behind the stall, and I n
oticed this a stall wehe they sell random herbs, beggies, and seafood as well ap
parently. The man consists of brown skin along with a pair of black trimmed gla
sses with fairly decent sturecture and quality in vision. The man says that the
fish hes following , holding with his hands only costs about ten gold points. Ev
a checks her wallet and uicly gives the change to the man, and we now have a raw
fish in an ineetor.
I asked Eva if theres a tool elt on her, and she sid me and her both have one.
I check the tool belt that magically shows up on the screen, and noticed we have
some basic items to sustain orselevs in any time of need and desperation. Some
items include a ipiackaxe, hammer, pestle and mortrar, along with some tinderbox
es and booking pans and ots. T seemed we were hloaded, and good to go. Eva wante
d us to buy some snakc and foods at a nearby reailer in the store. Eva proceeds
to go into the stoor, and disappears qicly I enter the door that consists of a c
aramel light brown color to it where she tells me to something something.
I go inside the door, and proceed to analyze tha environment around me. Its very
small, and so small that it might make one claguhstrophic though.
The owner seems fairly nice, and looks like hes in his thireies or forties. His h
air is clearly bald despite him wearin a hat that looks like a santa hat, except
its more on the cooler color psectrum with purples ,gray, and some warm colos li
ke yellow. HE asks us if were interesting in any specials. It fees like Im enterin
g a shop that you would hear in ocarina of time or some reason. I pan over the s
creen to find a shield that looks a lot like the elysiant spirit shield in runes
cape. They are selling it for only four hundred gold points. I take out my walle
t to give the gu the change, and then proceed to asking Eva what she would like
as well.
She buys some arrows, magic parts and items, along with healing kits and things
of that natue. She states that this will be a long and potentially craz joueny,

so its best that they all rest up for a bit before we start going to ocrazy in o
ur adventures.
I noticed that Eva wanted to change her outfit in general into something more fl
exible and suited for adventuring instead of going on somewhere for casual and f
anciful interactions with. She puts on a black latex suit instead with some skul
ls surrounding her as a belt. Small skulls mind you that arent reall skull,s but
more of a cartoon version of skuls around her. I asked her why shes wearing that
kind of belt oot of cursity.
She tells me shes doing it because of the darkness surrounding in this region in
general that she felt it was suitable fo the intentions well be having in our ave
ntures. I adreed, and decided to buy a new outfit as well. I bought a black long
sleeve v-neck shirt along with some thinner black pants. And by thinner, I mean
a thinner material than the jean like material I wore before. This would allow
me to move a ltitle bit weaiser with less weight around as well.
I thank the man in the shop for offering us these clothes, and he states that wel
l get a tewenty percent discount from janguaray tenth ot ajanruary eleventh.
I wave my hands as I hold onto the discount coupon w both received individually.
I move out of the store, and the screen fades away, and fades back into he envi
ronment we were at just rencetly ago. The camerea seems to be all the way from w
here we started with the cave, and then zoomed quickly back to our point of view
; its not a third person point of view where I can see the enviorment and myself
as well. S Im controlling how to menetally ocoordinate myself as Im moving. I noti
ced that Im making quicky and abtruot vements where I m iteralyl twiliging just to
keep up the momentum of walking and turning craz at random times. I decied to s
top for the time being, and wanted to ask the citzne around if theres any way to
teleport ot this city for future reference incase we get into a tight pitch, and
need to stay someplace safe as well.
One of the guards poeltey tells me I can easily do that, and all I have to do is
go near a loadstone statue of some sort to press the button, and then I should
be interally linked to the teleportation system they have up in the rarea. I go
to this region, and I tell Eva to take her hand to touch it as wel. We tough the
milk vanilla loadstone that seems to been have made with white marble.
I noticed the stateu tiself is basically some random guy that looks like hew as
on some kind o conquistaores hunt riding a horse that looks very strong, endurin
g, and majgextic at the same time.
It takes a while for us to format ourselves into th sstem, but its accepted and
we can now go back and forth anwhere at anyimt thanks ot the telortation system
Eva tells me we might be coming back here soon in order to reach to a safe place
. I nod my head in agreeance of this proabili, and poceed to go out normall. Th
eres a chariot of some sort in fornt of us, and seems to be readily available of
us to use. We girued that if this wagon is reall that free, then there shoul be
nothing to worry about, right? So we asked someone near the chariot if we can b
u iy it. They say it will cost about five twonance. But I quickly took gere of t
hat number, and then proceeded jump onto the chariot. Eva jumps on it and watch
es me coordinat the horses. I can hear the gallping sounds here as well, and po
rcee dto move roarund the city a bit more. Its a lot large than expdted, and the
next thing that comes to mind is that wemight be meeting someon important here
as well. I go ot a house that feles awfull familiar to be onec I gorw up?
We stop at the random location where we feel someone else is around here And by
surpise, I se an attractive female with long black hair wearing a long and thin
red dress of some sort with fancyiful decorations. I nknew it awas Ada, and proc

eeded to take out my hand to greet her for a while. Shes sitting on a chair with
a round light brown table,a nad seems to be really bored on what to do with her
life. I come in slowly and pat her on the shoulder to affirm to her that its perf
ectly fine for her to be bored as w long as shes aware of her binge so to sinpire
her to do something alng with us if she wanted to.
We all sit down a bit to make a discussion with her, and I noticed that the scen
ary itself changed from being dark to a bit more light. Its mostly due ot the bla
nket and drapery around the house and walls. The yellow gives a sens of radillan
ce, but aslo a sense fo reaslim over what would will happen I oyu had a certain
car like that. I asked Ada if she wants to joing, and she says she just has to c
hange her clothces. I proceed to sit down and way for a bi, and then play around
with whatever tiem in the ouse until Ada was ready to pack up and leave with Ev
a and me. I noticed that Eva has finally decided to get up to st on the souch,
and informs that she wants to rest a bit after fighting that large bettle. I agr
eed with her, and take the time to get close to her to rest my head on her stom
ach. She turns on the T.v., and I notice that shes holding a black rmoete with mu
ltiple colosrs consist of red, orange, green, yellow ,ad blue as weel.
Theres random channels and image showing up on the T.v> One of which was a music
soundtrack fomr taeles of symphonia 2 dawn of the new world called oh my Idol!
Its playing and Eva lets it play for a little while. Ada comes in suddenly and tu
rns off the T.v. I noticed Ada is wearing a similar lated suit like Eva is, and
has the same skull belt like she does as well. Her ustification for wearin the
same outfit is that it should be easy to simiagne two women in black tealx suits
during this image steraming session. I nod my head toa agree that it would be i
smiplire to see that during an image stremigna session rather than a bit more bi
anrt colors that might be hard to recollect depending nthe cicrumstances.
I see myself walking out the door with them, and we all proced back to the horse
chariot. Ada points out that she has a behcile to travel around in. She says its
a cominbation of a Rehard that you mgith see in a tales of symphonia 1 and 2 ga
me with a furtustic setting of hovering over the ground with ease. We all get of
f the chariot and proceed to sit on the passenger seat. Eva sits on the passenge
r seat whiel sit in the back, and Ada starts operating the vehicle. I noticed t
hat I can see both of them very clearly, at least the back of of their heads. I
noticed the seating and texture around me consists of osme kind of red maroon co
I proceed to embrace the sensations that comes along with experiencing all of th
is, and I nfeel there should be a smooth and comfotabl journey throughout the wa
y; especaill since Ad seems to be a very pilot a this hovering machine.
She steers the vehicle with ease from elf to right, and I noticed were already tr
avelling through some galaxies fairly quickly . I see ranomd fabrications in my
head of the universe; I see weird star fomations and bnuela like formations tool
. I aslo see some galaxies slowly rotatin in mtuples angles, and I go abck to st
icking my awarenss back to the insideo f the vehicle. Ada finds ap lnet where w
e can all settle down for a bit and rest for a little while .I dont know what the
planet entais in creatures and what have you, but I trust her completely.
We come out and noticed the are a were at resmvles a ver y long beach of some sor
t. Theres water to the left of us thats casually pulling in sand and pushing out t
he waters delicately as well. I noticed how the waves re sounding ver nice and b
eautiful, and I can feel the sense of emptiness and freedom that comes along wit
h that as well..
Ada graps some brown logs, and dumps them onto the middle of what seems to be a
place where she can start a campfire. I noticed that her outfit consists of an

addition ot her latex black suit it seems to consist of a red linin , almost li
ke a tron-life effect to it. I noticed Eva has a gold trimming to that as well o
n her latex and squaky suit.
Ada takes out a guitar out of nowhere that conists of caramel, dark brown on the
sites, and a pretty secnt set of strings as well that look durable. She cocks h
er right foot to the thigh of her left leg to rest it upon. She starts bobbing
her head slowly left to right along with sweaying ot the side and swraing the ot
her wain a casual motion. She starts opening her mouh, bt I didnt bother to pay a
ttention to what she was saing. All I know is that my head awas next to her thhi
ghs, and I wanted to slee for a little bit..
I take a rest for a while, and allo myslf to let them take the watch of the area
surrounding us. Ada wkea me oup, and I noticed tehres a large chimera like beast
that probably spans multiel building stories as well. Id say the size of the emp
ire state building as a simple referene of its large composition.
I take out my sword, and noticed that Ada seems to be more of a person using gun
weaponary. This seems to make me feel we all should have some kind of range att
acks against this garngaun beast, but I realized that I would be served as most
of the distraction while the incporate high level sells to defeat this huge chim
era. I start running and deying gravity big time in othe to gain moenitum tofly.
I fly with ease with a new sword at hand. I see. Its more tuiquise and teal blue
compared to the simplicit Mondo with its red compstion and blue ligting linings
around it.
The beat itself looks like a vert lage version of Uranus final beat form in blood
y roar primal gury game or the gamecube. Theres horns that are warppoing around t
he shoulder of the beast; unclding the button of its armpits as well. Its large
stomps are affecting conditions somcu that I felt there was an earthquake that o
ulwd be occrruing. As Im flying, the beast takes note of me, and tires itses bst
t o user its fingers to try nad flick me off, and hopefully cause major maage on
myself as well. The best seems ot be in an invisble running loop for a lack of
better words. I noticed that htenievorment changed from this setting into one ak
in to waking life of shopping at some kind of groecer retailer. Eva and Ada stat
e that thell be shifting everyone to this state of awarenss because the chimera t
hing seemed a bit to gran to tr and oncaquest at the same tim.
Theres a tree right to the right of us in fornt of us as well. It has a bit more
vibrance to a lot of things in his all. Thres a dark tree nock, Ill know if they r
eall amgame only. I go through hteh eleoctornic and metallic door,s and noticed
how spacious the store is in general. Then I realize its akin to the one I had s
ome work experience in for the time being and so forth. I take a moment to anal
yze th store that looks like the on I go to in perfect detail. Theres a frbicatio
n of earring and other owmen acesoresi. Y mjoay goal was to find osmeonthing cal
led monkey butt anti-itech foumula. Walmart probblay wont have it, CVs whoel ave
it, and Idm su
I dont think this groecrey retail will have it either. And I proceed to open up
a map thats electronic. It seem to havew wifi as well, and I asked where I can fi
nd omse kind of Monkey butt anti-tch powder to use while working, and potentiall
y going in an big adventure like right now. Some google reutls show that I coul
d order online from any sotres they compress, acknowledge, or adventueseee, but
there seems to a prboelm when the prucaceh is pormiting a sale walart is not rea
So I wai for Ad and Eva to finish, and then proceed to exit the store. I asked t
hem what they bought, and they told me that they bought underwaer, socks, and ot
her forms of clothing as well. I asked them why they would need this sis the edp
erience of it might not be as well as you think it may be.

So wer teleported back to the same city for some odd reason, and Ada seemed to ha
ve had the hover machine magically transported to this area s well. Were back in
Adas house, and she wants to grab a few things before laving agan. I go back ins
ide the machine to wait, and afer maybe ten seconds or so, shes finally back.
I noticed her outit seems a bit different than before, but then changes back to
the outfit she had thats akin to Evas as well. I noticed that were now driving in a
thin driveway that looks a lot like one in waking life. Theress a brown flooring
on it with white text informing the drie to either forum a left ehreeeeeeeeeeee
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or something like that that was probably ust
joking around in the dream I hope.
Thres a stop sign to the right of us, and I noticed that the setting of theis exp
erience is mostly sunset and th sun about to move to the otherside while the moo
n will slowly bring itself back nito position. I change the enivrmonet once more
as this seems a bit more non-sequntial to the premise of the theme of the image
streminga session anywhere. I fixate more on havint some kind of fantasy and mm
orpg-ish/rpg =sih settingto it as well.
So Im with Eva and Ada, and were notop of what seems to be a very gargantuan mount
ain with snow on to pof it. The filed of view is definitely beautiful sight to b
ehold, and I proceed to analyze more of the enivorment. IT seems so big, that ju
st imagining what it must mean to get to the lower sections was just hard to wra
p around my congntivie graps of something like this.
I get s kiboard, and I tell Eva nad Ada to use thiers as well, and then proceede
d to ski board down this area. I control myself in third preson view by mentally
planning where I can go, but then I realized this was happning auotmaticall wit
hout me fixaing as if I need consioucs control over a projection of myself. Ther
es a slop that I go upwards to, but Eva and Ada thidnt use as moneutm at all. The
place itself looks os big that I needed to change the setting around a bit more
I change the enivorment to something that might resemble a place in Tales of Sym
phonia one or tow. I seem to be at a place that says its name ias Asgaard. And t
he control schem and camera setup is cmpeltely different than before. How me, Ev
a, and Ada are moving are mostly third person, but with a diagonal view of a thr
ee d world. I other words, everything seems flat, but theres freedom of movement.
IT basically has the same format as a Tales of symphonia game.
I take out a new sword that seems to resemble a keyblade for some odd reason, bu
t I just go with it. Eva and Ada have keyblades as well, though they seem to cha
nge easily to their preference. Eva goes with magic, and Ada goes with with some
kind of gun weaponary once more.
We decided to analyze the environment ocpletely before traversing further into t
his village/city/town. To the left of the perceptual view of ours theres a yellow
building onto wth a dark brown ooftop. Thres barely any windlows so in place, an
d makes me wonder wh the guy over there desire sharpies so much Losing my train
og thought I dont recall seeing someon with that kindo f demenoat of wanting shar
pi =all te h time.
Whatever the case the environment changes once more as if were in a nother groece
rt retail, but I go back to analyzing the enivorment we were once in, and form q
uickly back into that. I qickly go back o the area and follow Eva nad Ada to a l
arger region of the illage to go inside what hpefulyl should be a dungeon donw t
here. I noticed that in order to open this dungeon we have to defat some kind of
large bird that look sa lot like one you ifhgt in the windwakkker thats gannons p

The bird is using wind attacks, and I notice d that my melle style would be fair
ly imited at his point ,and I had to rely on Eva nad Ada to do their range attac
ks on the bird. Fortunately , it doesnt take long to kill the bird, or at least k
nock it out form our arweness.
We see a dungeon below us, and we procedd t o go down the ladder slowly. I go in
first, and then loo up to see Eva goes in nex, and then Ada comes in last. It s
eems were back donw to the same guoner that we shouldve teleported out of. Its just
that htres a large ladder near the same area where I fought the bettle was at. I
nstead of panicking of this being soe kind of weird loop basedo n how I felt his
cae ould be never-ending, I neded to look at the box that someones goocmign up t
o give m a little cash for some reason is toe treet the wonan whiel showin them
you have cahs for some reason. I want ot thchange th setting of the experience o
nce more tosomething more cohesive.
I ask Eva nad Ada ow we can get out of this never-ending area befro I start gett
ing more impoatnint. She tells me to just accept the idea that this area can be
used as a hjib to teleport and transfero to other places ith ease. I nod in agre
ement with Ada, and Eva as well. I proceed to a new cover, and Now Im in a setti
ng whre its lke Prince of Persia : the two thornes now. Im all alone without Eva a
nd Ada, but theyre sayng theyre watching my evenry momement duinrg this exepience
Im half naked, only for the chest, and Im wearing some kind of black crozier pants
of some sort thats strapped around by some metal ankle bracelets to proect that
region in particular along withsome basic brown shows it doesnt really matter.Im w
earing a red blanket around my waist, and noticed that my right arm seemed to be
brusiosed up. Hwoever I ddnint personally share this opinion because Is just an i
mage streaming session.
It seems now that the screen is showing up as if Im playing a game in runescapeo
r something to that effect. I imagine myself aving my bod controlled by one of t
hem while I matian awareness, but lack of control o f the other parts of the bod
y in gnereal. I see that theyre trying to put a raw chicken onto a chicken stateu
of some sort because they probably believe I have some kind of Black draong sla
yer task to do. The black dragons are literally just that, and are surpsingly ea
siy to kil l. I imagine myself in void melee armor along ith two chaotic rapier
and several items like a fury, barrows gloves , and a few overall and supervoelr
aords owith ease as ell; pr O should sasy overloads instad.
Now I visualize myself slaying all of the dragons, and ocmpeltely wanting to sla
h the whole xeprience in half to view another one. With no clear intiative and o
bjective to go on now that thos tehemes seem ot be crumbling part, I now fixate
moer atteion on what I can do with people.
I imagine myself wearing some kind of nifomr blue shirt with black dress pants a
nd a red and black shoes to wear owith all of that. I imagine myself hold onto a
n iphone, and checking the screen for oempleoyees that may need their break, lun
ch, or may be going to gast stationof human.
I imagine myself of being around a certain person I islike during work, andse too
bus y= giving to offer attention on ot me sitastence=l. So now that Im in an ran
dom iamges treaming mode wih no clear agenda in mind; lets get started. Im imagini
ng a pack of butter jar, but this one says that the Illumianit are inside of wha
t Im warint,g and that I can find morei nformatinon
I look at the information, and laught it off because it wasnt really real or qnui
ne as much to be now.I look to the left of me, and noticed I have a homdoooooI o
dntnkw know what itsi Now theres a scene where Im looking from below sof someone es
caping wih some kind of item. The visualziations look more realistic, and Munged

at giving ore. The person thats commenting on this says that certain characters
look apler, birther, and textured better overall. I ask my mind how I can stabli
s the planes of the f ace evein .
I see a diagram of a simple of some sort, and then proceed to analyze h
ow I could map out othe other planes of the face. I first start out with the tme
proa l secion without gcutting too deep surround ghte satage because I frealzeth
ere isnt a flast and curved line for the temporal section. The nI see the model
that Im tring to emulate is a femal. Then I ave ot make comdications ot make her
less female. I see a random butt thats sititngo n the forloor, and its dorrying of
how much, or how e=seomawesome these peo are,.
I now visualize myself at some kind of garnatuang sace coonlony akin to one in s
onic adventure battle 2.
I go near the galss windows to explore the beauty of hwo gran this fabricated ve
rsion of Earth must seem to be. I noticed theres this large teal aura flowling th
rough the atmsopehre of hits meicular in Mexico, or something random that came u
p in my head. I go back to the stateion seeing how the planet itself is way too
mbi fo me to comperehend for too long.
I now imagine myself inside of a ktiech of some sort inside of his space colony
spaceship of some sort. The food here seem sto be vertplenftiful, and I proceed
to chow down on anything that I can visualizing imagine and eat as well. I ate s
ome mac and chese, cheese straws, And peantubutter. I take the time to see the
penatubutter ekllow csanciwch to full completion. I noticed that he PBJ sandwch
i is teleporting me ot a region similar to twilight princes where a preson is ca
noeing for no reason whatsoeerv aother than being in a imin game to win wanraomd
prizes. I see what looks like a zora, at least in m percetsive, and there persua
tind mg to ocme down wih the fore of he guardian and they could still sleep.
I tke thea canoe, and notied and Eva and Ada are boxboard. I proceed to use bomb
arrows to shoot anthing in my way, and proceed to go down the trinlgin and larg
e stream of tanspareant water. I atkae not that the want to more motions as well
I orceed to go donwoards shooting arrows until I safel y reach to the small oce
a in Lake Hylia now. I take the time to visualize myself in Lake Hylia, and the
setintg f ot it as well . I hear the music playing tha sounds peaceful,blsfful,
and all sorts of uplifting spirtis as well. I walk around the region, andn otie
c its spacious enivorment. Theres many things to describe here; waterfalls, shops
, canoons, ladders, and entrances to a few caves as well. I had a feeling tha te
netering one of the save would lin k back to the hub mEva nada da mentioned.
Theyre both giglging as to how I came up with the conclusion that the cave will l
ink back to the other cave. I fond it more ot be at ease knowing this may be a
prbaobilti than expecting to find a new cave, and figuring out how to get back t
o this region in particular. So I sit down for once instead of having ot move fo
rward all the tm,,e and took the time to bask in on the virtual experiential rea
lity that my mind is creating for me. I have myself mediate in the lotus potisti
on with my hands all the way out with curved wrtist and fingers forming into a s
hape of a large O on each hand respectively. Then I see myself f on a ship whre
its moving fast, but I keep my center and merel fidxate on whats going on in my h
ead. I then find myself shifting back to Lake Hylia, and ten hyrule town, and th
en back to the cave city I metnioend before, and I finally get loser to finding
a new place to look until a random image comes up where itsp laying as if someo
ne is about ot be attacked. Two people I see about to be attackos A;vos amd the
ptej ros one seems to me the Melly girl as well that forgot to proniucne correc
tly. Theres a weird aura forming around my first person point of view where theres
many zizaggeyty lines forcmign across, and I feel like I the one that might be a

ttack them. Howeer, its mostly just me latching onto the camera view to see what
would happen to us.
I now imagine myself falling way from the wsy and all the way to th gorund . It
feels like the first level for Heros side in sonic adventure 22 battle, and Im now
finding myself skateboarding onto the diagonal traffic. I see an imagine of a r
naomd lady showing herself out of nowhere siting down and leaning her arms and s
haping them into a square side on the bottom to look at me. She has blue ees alo
ng with black hair and is wearing a gray dress of some kind. The top consists of
sparjly materials that seem to be glued onto her seress, and the rest of het ou
tfit is fairly basic. I noticed that the screen is paused in order for me ot rec
ollect all of this. I then resume the experience and can hear all sorts of sound
s ranging from the screeching from the metal board Im surfing on the reoad as wel
Trusting in what I can do, change my lead, and Ill set you free, set me free, tru
st in me and wel lsescape from the city, Ill be waiing through follow follow me ,
set me gree, trust in me and well sescape from the city. Escape from the cirty is
something that occurs right away, and I find myself visualizing a Phantasia set
ting in my perectio nof reality. Im watching some randomldy generated character w
earing a white bionic suit of some kind with the hinges consisting of a black co
lor and warpped aorudn as if they were metal spring of some sort. Then the Sonic
song keeps coming up wamdoly. [
I imagine msyself being very ver small to the point whre even a flork would be a
t least fifty ot hundred feet taller than me. I noticed Im in an kitchen of some
sort that seems to be fairly empty in activity fornately. I notice d ti m weari
n th ame outfit as well, and I have to find some way to get out of this place bef
ore the people come in and od wheatever if they happened to find me. Im finding o
ut how I can float around the area with ease without worrying about too many rsi
ks and probability there,specially if Im ivualziing that Justin something is trin
g to have some kind of atteniont wthorughout degrantizing oeole for some reason?
I now visualize myself back at a groecery retal store I seem to be familari with
in real life. I proceed to start athte pharamacy section. The pharmacy section
consist of golden yellow colors, and a fairly empty range of activity of custome
rs. I come in wearing a maroon polo dress shirt with some buttons to button up.
I have everything on the shirt button up to the second level with one room untbu
ttoned for some reason. Im wearing a black jacket that has a few differney layers
ot it. The first being a lsightly fluffly dark gray color ; the next being a sm
ooth fabric that feels durable, and the thirdo ne is the same but with the complt
e color of black.
I navigate through the area in the pharmacy to plan out how I wuld assess the ot
her ailse.s I imagine myself as having infinite money in the store to buy whatev
er I want. I turn around to go back outside throughugh th automatic doors, and f
ind myself getting a big cart, and I visualize Eva nad Ada having to get carts a
s well. It seems were stocking up for some reason, and I decided o just go with t
he flow . I keep awareness of them through my peripheral vision, and imagining t
hemselves as being heind me athcing and moving along through their own free will
of the area s well. I go to the further lane of this greocer area to find omse
paper twolws, toilet papers, napskins, ad other setuff we may need to bu. I imag
ine a box full of paper twoles filled with the store banrad on it as well. I loo
k at the plastic covering the paper twol sheet on oper a=cstoerm, and its first
message states ho life seems ot be sull of spruse, and that you want to be prepa
red to maeet the nexto ne.
Then I find myself at a break room of some sort visualizing a few workers of min
e as well. I imagine one female wearing a red shirt for univorm, and blue pants
with some blac sflat shoes where theres no laces. Its like her buting high heels,

with no heels at all, and just the base of what wouldvent been a high heel in the
first pace.
I find myself being more attracted to this females existence in my head, and her
smile makes me more likely to engeage in random conversation with me. She asks m
e how Im doing, and what my name is as well. I tell her, and she says hers as wel
l with the obvious declarations that I execpec t from this cowoerker for some re
ason. It seemed that the moement she smiled, she had a different differpsosition
; almost as if she intentionally wanted to start a conversation with me.
I decided to pick her up for no reason, and have her resting on m y chest, at l
east for the side of her body. I end up running around the stor with her in my a
rms, and I tried to guage out a feeling for her to see if ther was much more tha
n an attraction for her. The nI couldnt feel anything and decided to throw her ou
t of my pereception of reality.
I noticed how cruel that really was for me to just thor someone I was picing up
just like that. Aparently, despite doing this, she tells me that she still loves
me with all of her heart, and couldnt admit it up until now because I went to ap
ologize to her. Ignoring the messed up logic with encountering a female in my ha
ed that seems to be a very persevering indiviaul, I took her statement seriously
, and wanted to apologiz to her for all I seem to be doing. I told her that Iw a
s bsuy with things, and wanted to wrap my mind around something a bt more consis
tent, bt couldnt do it because of the influx of images and cli like experience be
ing abudnandt nad apparent ot my perection of reality. I can see the look on her
face as if shes going to pass out, and I see her lips open in a psotion like a f
ish would make and O sound.
Her hair suddenly becomes untied, and I proceed to move alone by carrying her in
side of my beicle, and traveling to the closest clinc that I can find. Forunatel
y, within my visual map of real life clincs, I managed to go to the one thats an
emergency clnic. I go insie, and tell them the situation of went on, and they we
re more than appy ot assess this situation. The clinic itself consisted of fairl
y bland colors as weepcted from a clinc where colors and originality wasnt needed
in the first place. Ther wwere workers that were wearing teal uniforms that cov
ered all of their bodies from the start of the base of their calvicle near their
neck all the way down to the legs and ankles. They were all just talking to eac
h other randomly to give the implication that the place must be surging with act
ivity. There were clearly artificial plants here used in abundance, and I foind
it a bit depressing that this was all I could move around and do for the time.
So I imagine myself sititng inside of a plane. This plane is jet dark gray along
with a window that has a dark intedted blue color to it I proced to hold my han
ds in a way where I wonder what Ill be doing next at such a high elevation fro th
e sky. Noticed I have a black packpack on me that would serve as a parchute as
I find m self preparing to make a huge leap of faith from the jet. But instead
of doing the typical diving motion, I imagined myself having my arms completely
to the side of my bod in a straight motion. Almost as if someone forze me still
into a nutcracker position. I then titlded my body downwards in a forward motio
n to m kae sure that my body is soearing through the sky like a separ raher than
with my arms wide open along with my legs. This seemd to allow me ot piece thro
ugh hthe sky with ease. I can feeli the rnaomd sesnsations of the wind blowing t
hroughout my face and clothes as well. I then make an attempt to do a front flip
to augment the velocity of how Im flying downwards to the ground. This ends up w
ith me makng a series of frontal flips, and I hear the swooshing sound that inti
aties frm it.
I then get myself back up to momentum in finding a rhtmthm to go to in order to

keep going with this. The ksies themselves ocnsits of a yellow green color thats
very faded in the back. I noticed that my concetrainiton is getting a little wea
ker and weaker by the moment, but I breathe in casually in orher ro reighn in my
sense of control when it couels to awareness of these random thougths that may
make themselves manifest through my mental repository.
I decided to imagine myself inside of a CAsion that would sell Asian food as wel
l. The first thought in my mind was to order some Crab Rangoon, and maybe some G
neral Tsao chicken. Im wearing a black tuxedo suit with a white flower thats used
as some kind of acceesorty to pin onto the fron o of the suit near the top of m
y tirght portion of my chest. It flucatautes with the left as well, but I just g
o with the flow. I noticed the overall color scheme of the are consist of red an
d yellow, and then proceed to move to find some food to eat. I look awround the
area, and its more fileld with activities. I noticed a blonde female thats wearing
a very nice silver dress with a lgihty and milky sky blue satin like material a
s a belt or placeholder for her hest of deviding thedress top form the bottom of
th dress itself.
I noticed er hair is balled up, and she has dark blonde streaks around that same
formatting as well. She seems to be whear to mae a deal with black jacki Im resu
And for curiosity, I wante to play a game with her as well and see who might win
. I imagine myself sititng at the casino black jack game, and the dealer passing
out cards vert quickly. I look at the tow cards in my hand and noticed I have a
twenty one from the very start. I bid all of my poker chips in one go just for
the heck of it, and noticed that many people already quit because of how lucy I
was. The blonde seems to be confident as shesg going all out as well. I looked in
to her ees, and I could tell that she had something where we would probably be a
t a tie, or she had a more ideal suit than I I noticed I have a 10 and Queen, an
d judging by how she seemed so conient, she was wondering what was in my hand as
well. Mabe she had an Ace along with a 10. The dealer etlls us to show us our
cards, and I noticed that the girl was merely bluffing. She onl had a seven and
five, and I ended up wining that round. I decided to take all my winnings and mo
ved on to the next scene. I notced the blonde female took an interst in my, and
told me congratulations on wining something like that so quickly. For the heck o
f it, I told her we can hang out right now and eat some Asian food if shes inter
ested. She says she doesnt mind at all, and would love to be part of that.
I automatically felt a sense of comraderie from this individual, and imagined wh
at I could be talking to her while aiming to go for someonwehre to eat in this c
asion. But first, I wanted to convert all of my winnings to cash for this casino
. So I go ahead and do so while the blonde female follows me in a caual manner.
She seems like she has nowhere to go herself, and liked the idea of haing a stan
ger being her guide of the ngith at the casino.
Im near the bank at the casino, and I have to wait in line like everyone else to
convert all my winnings. I noticed the person that would be servicing me looks a
lot like someone Iknow in waking life . Hes Indian, dark brown skin and has a vi
sage thats jagged and a bit saggy in some areas, almost as if hes going to turn ol
der and older by the day very quickly. Hes folding up the winnings of people in a
professional mamner along with categorizing their chips as well.
The blonde emale opens up a randiant smile at me and asks me what my favorite As
ian food was. I turn to her and stated that I like a lot of things ranging form
Orange chicken, General Tasao, Mongolian beef, Kung Poa Chicken, crab Rangoon, e
ggrolls, and much more like Lo Mein Noodles. She informs me that Lo Mein noodles
are something that she loves to eat at an Asian place.
I get a feeling that shes resembling someone that Im having more assurance is actu

ally taking form as. I noticed

ges fomr what shouldve ben an
more mily k sky lue color with
visual cues that woule emit a

that her dress alters a bit from before. She chan

overall gra color scheme for her dress to one of a
only silver coloring as diamonds making sparkling
gray color through the creases of those diamods.

I told her that I couldnt wait to try out other stuff she must like to eat as wel
l. Its now my turn to convert my winnings, and I go up to the slightly older man
I was mentioning before. Es wearing a black teuxdeo suit like me as well., abliet
with a white dress shirt that has some kidn of tutle neck to it. Hes coughint wi
th his right hand, and then proceeds to use hand saniztizer on that same hand t
wip and opefulyl get rid of the germs that probably came out of his mouth while
He motions his left hand to inform the net person to come tohim, which was me. I
go up to him, and he asks Hell sir, how are you doing tody?
I reply, Im fine; just here to convert my winnings.
The man looks at the chips, and notices that I won over fifteen dollars from one
Impressive he declares to me. I didnt really think it was a big deal as I was just
lucky to have the highest card at the time in the take-it-or-leave it match I ha
d recently. I collect my rewards, and I put it safely in my wallet that can hold
large quanitiets of hundred dollar bills and a few twenties. The bonde female s
ays we could rent a hotel of some sort after were done eating if we want to. I co
uldnt disagree with her as everything right now seems to be going by prett smooth
ly in amgining.
So I go ahead and asked her if she wants me to roder takout, or for us to eat at
the Asain restaurant. She says she rather have us order tak out so ewe can get
out of the store immediately. She informs me that the employees of this section
seems ot be on to me for winning so much money in a short period of time.
I take her adveice to heart, and made an order of Asian food fr or the both of u
s. I order some General Tsao chicken, crab Rangoon for the both of us, and some
lo mein noodles for mysell.f She orders Lo mein noodles along wth sweet and sour
chicken as well. We also got eggrols adnd a few bevarages as well. We ocome out
of the casino, and she uses her right hand to wrap around my left elbow, and ho
lds me a bit tighter than usual.
I ask her if she has a vehicle aroun for us to taravel with to find a hotel. She
tells me that we dont have ot owrry about that simply because she has one reserv
ed just for us. I wondered if this was mere coincidence, or this was Eva in a di
fferent form than I expected. I wetn wit hteh flow, and followed her on our des
tination to the hotel. The setting of the place is pitch dark with only the city
lights blooming the place up tenfold. Everything seemed so festive; so spacoua,
and so grandiose in all the possibiltiesi that could occur depending on how muc
h of a party mood either of us were in.
We finally reach a high class hotel room, and we go inside the rotating glass do
ors. I take a moment to analyze the environment around me. Theres a fancy red car
pet texture thats very smooth. It seems to be cleaned several times throughout th
e day to ensure the impression of appearing of quality. Theres large stairs leadi
ng to multiple rooms, and all sorts of random activity going on. Eva goes up to
counter and asks for her reservation of a room. She grabs my hand and leads me t
o the area eventually.
We proceed ot an elevator that consists of near golden material and metallic fra
ming thats very slim and cool to look at. She presses floor sixteen, and I was as

tonished on how that wasnt even the highest floor fo the elevator, but rather flo
or 42 being the highest. We finally reach floor sixteen, and then proceed to the
enetrance of her room. She slides her white card with some blac font on it that
I cant really see nless I zoom in on it. Sh then opens the door slowly and comes
right in and tells me to wait outside for a little bit. It seems she has compan
y, and ants to inform them of me coming in. She tells thme that Ill be coming, an
d she allows me to come right in.
I noticed that the lady shes with resmlbes Ada in some way. Long blac hair, sligh
tly paler skin than Evas and a bit of a mysterious disposition ot her. It felt co
ld, but general good to be around seeing how she didnt seem to pose herself much
as a threat.
You forgot to order me some food as well, you know.. Ada says.
But dont worry, I rodered some steak to eat alone with some ptoatoes and gravy sau
ce ada replies again.
I let out a sigh of relief as I didnt want to appear stingy towards her. I apolog
ized to her for not knowing about this, as I wouldve glady l done another order f
or her if Eva told me. But seeing how she had something ordered already, she oul
s be getting more than the rest of us.
I take a moment to describe th eniveorment around me while Eva and Ada sit next
to each other to have a ltitle conversation with each other. The room itself is
very large with only one large circular bed. I started to ownder if all three of
us would sit down together, or Ill be sleeping on the couch while they get the l
uxury of sleeping on the bed. Whatever the case, I didnt bother to extend that sp
eculation, and shifted back into imagining the nvieroment around m.e Theres the w
hite circular bed with a lot of tranpareant drapery that makes it feel that whoe
ver would be on the bed would have the convinecence of a private time.
Theres a kitchen, a mini hallway y to other rooms that I presume would be for oth
er people that wouldnt be sleeping on the main bed in front. Or at least thats wha
t seemd to be the case for the time being. Then theres a large plasma TV in front
of us. I noticed theres a large glass table wher we can place out food on top of
along with some white couches wehre we can sit down and eat as well. I noticed
the flooring consist of a shiny bown wooden texture for the living room, and fan
cy white marble for the kitechen and the rest of the right side.
I decided to get comft and unlocked my belt seeing how I was going to eat a lot
of food, and dindt want to feel bloated with just a belt trapped on too tightly o
n me. I then button one of my shirts as well to one level before so all of them
are unbuttoned for the neck region. Then I proceed to sit down in the middle bet
ween Ad and Eva, and started opeining my take out. Ada has her right elbow resti
ng on the cluch, and shes using her hand thats upward with her arm in a slanted L
position to rest her head and her long and black hair.
She looks down at the food Im about to it, and says that looks pretty good. She a
sks me jokingly if she and I want to trade food. Eva insists that we can all tra
de al ittle bti of our food tosee how things will taste. So I end up having a fe
w of Adas fries and a piece of state and gravy wh, and the same for Eva while she
gets a bit of our trays as well. We turn on the T.V. and it seems to be fairly
late in the night. About 9-10 PM late. It seems were on adlt swim for cartoon net
work, and theyre showing some random anime show. At first it seemed random, bt th
en I realized it was Yu yu Hakusho. It looked a lot like episode 88 judging by t
he clips and transitions that awere occurring. I look down on my food, and start
ed getting a lot of cravings and anitcapting how it must taste like to eat all o
f this vritual food in my head. So I get a fork and tease myself with a crab Ran
goon. I split it apart and started using my dipping sauce that was akin to sweet

and sour sauce.

Then I slowly took it out and opened my mouth to enjoy its warmy and savory text
ure. I could vsiaulize the little dried up bublbes that were form that mustve bee
n formed when it was being cooled. I looked kat the little red chunks covered in
a thick white coating of cream. I can hear the crackle cackle sounds as Im chewi
ng on it as well. The moment I sallow it, the more I feel warm in my stomach, an
d slowly feeling satiated in my hunger. But it wasnt enough as I knew there would
be a lot more where tha t came from.
Eva and ada look at me funny for taking so long to savor just one half of the cr
ab Rangoon. I join in on the surprise and laughter as well. But I still couldnt r
esist having a one-on-one interaction with all of this food. I open the tray for
my General Tsao chicken again, and I can smell the fumes suging through my nose
. I could tell this was quality Asian food where I can smell the spices and othe
r condiments utilized to make all of this.
I take a fork to get the last half of the first piee of Crab Rangoon I split in
half into a sweet and sour sauce to complete that portion of the meal. There wer
e still a few more crab rangoons, though I figured I share them with Eva as well
seeing how it was supposed to bt split between me and Eva, but it wouldnt be fai
r if Ada didnt have some.
I take my spoon with my left hand and my fork with my right hand and began to sh
ow down on the general tasoa chicken with fried rice. I realized I also had Lo M
ein noodles on the side inside the bag thats resting on the glass table., but dec
ided to focus on the main meal on my lap. Eva and Ada casually take their time t
o eat while I seem I could stuf down everything at once. I decided that if I wer
e to do that and finish everyhring already, I wouldnt enjo the experience of just
eating with them to compelte satifcation. So I toned down on my level of eating
, and ate at the same pace as them. Ada starts talking about something, and she
points to the glass table. She says shes interested in going to a library to get
some information on several things. She gets my inrerest, and I wanted to know w
hat she was interested in reading at the lribary. She tellsme she wants to read
some of the experiences of how people coceptulized reality, and all of the sense
of meaning they saturat ethesmvles in in order to feel one with themselves, and
content iwthmelves thrhogut heir lives.
Eva asks Ada if she can join in on that kindo f trip, and I was too busy eating
the food to make a response. Ada dindt mind Eava coming with her at all, and Ada
sked me if I wanted to come with feeling of an anticpated yes. From me. I nod my h
ead in a yes formation quickly to show that I was listening to what the were tal
king about.
She catapults her way to the side of my chest to hug me nad say thank you. Im shock
ed as to wh this is happening, but I pat her on the shoulder to say that its not
really a problem at all to hang out with her. We eventually finished our main co
urse, atl east for me, and I realized Ada was already done with her meal.
yes, I know, Im a quick eater. Ada says.
Eva is basically at the same level of food left to eat as I am, and I felt she w
as purpsefulyl mirroring me jjsut to see if I would pay attention as well. As wer
e finishing one of the main parts of our meals, I finally went fo the Lo Mein no
odles. I can still taste the aroma of the broccoli from the general tsao chicken
alone with the chipotle peppers contained in it that was satured with the warm
and gooey sauce. I can feel that sense of warmth in ym stomach, and I felt more
satiated than before. I used some soy sauce and duck sauce on the lo mein noodle

These are my faovtire, you know. Eva says.

Idig deep with the white plastic fork, and proceed to get a decent scoop of lo m
ein noodle.s I can taste the soft and silk texture of the lo meing noddoels alon
g with the soy sauce and duck sauce interwning as well. I forgot to realize that
I had a verage to drink as well, and by the time Im trying to finish the rest of
my lo mein noodles, I noticed Ada has fell aslee. I look at her , and she shes r
esting on the edge of the white, soft , sofa, and she has her mouth slightly ope
ned. I paid attention to her red and shiny glossy lips, and how she had mascara
for her eyes as well.
I got a pillow for her really quick,y na touched her head to move it upward in s
pace. I could feel the life of her head surging through my hands, and the beaing
of her heart as well. I put the pillow where she rested, and then her head on t
op of that so she can have an easier time dozing off fo the time being.
I noticed Eva is sleeping as well, and has her head facing the side of my left
leg. I figured it was time to sleep, at least for them, and wanted to put both o
f them on the white circular bed to sleep from. I started with Ada, seeing how s
hes probably more unconscious than the rest of us. I picked her up, and could fee
l parts of her long dress slowly glide down with gravity. I can feel her weight
and her warmth, and proceeded to rest her on the right sideo f the white bed. T
hen I picked up Eva and put her on the left side.
I noticed that when both of them were on bed, they each turned oer s theyre facin
g each other. I turn back to sit on the couch, and let them rest with ease over
there. I take off the black suit of the teuxeo and had the unbuttoned protpion o
f the neck region left to be unbuttoned more. I did so nitl it eached the middle
of my stomach. I cock my foot upwards on the glass table, and then make the pre
smption that I should trn off the teelvesion and proceed tosleep on the sofa. I
use the same pillow I used for ada to rest upon, and had a blanket for myself to
use. The blanket consisted of dark golden square strips that would form around
like you would see on a concentric shield, or something to that affect. The base
color other than the golden strips was this satin texture that seemed to have a
lot of specular to it.
I noticed hor the flooring changed a bit to where most of the flooring consisted
of a soft and plump white surface. I snuggle up with the blanket and proceeded
to sleep. After things shift a bit forward into the future to morning time. I se
e myself waking up before Ada and Eva woke up. I stand up to stetch my arms outw
ard and let out a huge yawn.
I walk towards the white circular bed where they were resting on, and touched Ad
as right arm and shook it a little bit, but gently, in order to get her to wkae u
p. I did the same for Eva as well, and they both evnetualyl woke up. I told them
Good morning even though the reality ouside of this virtual experietnai reality
wasnt really morning as yet.
They both glomp me and say good morning, and the sudden action took me by surpri
se, but the flooring that I mentioned before as being soft and plump absorbed mo
st of that fall. I turned around to look at the window to see the condition of t
he weather outside. I noticed that it was raining very hard at the moment. Ada r
esponds by saying that its aits aer that this had to happen with the rain as she
was looking forward to getting the books she wanted to read up on in the library
Eva stated that we have some umbrellas to use, and the lirbarby isnt that far wit
hin walking distance in the first place. Adas face lights up with joy upon hearin
g this, and thanks Eva for mentioning that. There were some black umbrellas wher

e the bottom of them were inside of an fancy rectantular and white glossy metall
ic box. Ada immediately aims to grab one, but I asked her if she wants to eat an
y breakfast at all. Her stomach growls the moment I ask her this, and I see she
puts her left hand onto of her stomach, rubbing it while giving a groaning expre
ssion on her visage.
We ended up ordering some simple breakfast, until we realize we ordered all sort
s of stuff rangin from pancakes, egg,s bacon, cheese, cocoa, and such. I noticed
Eva seemed to be more aggressive in her eating in the morning compared to last
night. And Ada was taking her time eating compared to Eva for some reason. I tol
d them that both of them are as differnet as night and day.
Youre damn right we are. They both expressed to me.
Theres a doorbell ringing, and I immediately get up to get it. I noticed a staff
is presenting us a slip of the bill for the breakfast we ordered along with what
Ada ordered as well. I look down and see the total of one thousand, two hundred
and sixteen dollars and thirty four cents. I handed it over to Eva, as I couldnt
comprehend how I could even pay for something like that. Eva points out that th
is is the total so far for the nights theyve spent at this place, and it wasnt nec
essarily just for the food Ada ate, and what we ate for breakfast as well.
We just want to have fun. They both declared.
I close my eyes to turn around, and smiled and say, okay.
I went to the kitchen and noticed how detailed it was There was this large micro
wave that was longer horizontally than it was vertically. It had a steel finish
to it, and looked like one of those endless steel products where it wouldnt rust
at all. Theres a black marble finish to the table counter thats also what the sink
region is composed of as well. The sink itself has the same stainless steel tex
ture to it as the microwave., and I turend on the pipose to wash my hands. I tak
e the time to use al ot of soap to build a lot of lather, and proceeded by using
that to rub between the crevices of my fingers being connected together. I do t
his for the front and backside of my hands. Then I proceed to use my my right ha
nd to form into some knd of beak of a bird to use my nails to rub off any dirt u
nderneath them.
Then I do the same of rmy left hand, and rubbed around the loop between my thumb
and index fingers for each respective hand.nI finally make a final rinse, and c
an hear the sutble sequak of the pipe being close to turned off. I take a paper
towel and rubbed my hands throuougly to make sure thyre dried up.
I throw it away in the trash can thats available thats diagonally placed from wher
e Im standing right now at the sink. I proceed to put n the same suit I woke last
ngiht as Im sure I didnt really sweat so much in it tam ad I got some cologne to
use along with some deodorant. Eva nad Ada are already set to go, and noticed A
da looks exceptionally beautiful in the black dress she decided o wear. Eva is
wearing the lgith jaded green dress she wore in the beginning of this image stre
aming session, and has diamond earrings along with a necklace. Ada has an onyx n
ecklace along with earrings as well. I thought to myself that these women must r
ealy like to go high class, and be high maintenance. They both explain to me th
at theyrej ust having fun, and will probably go back to be casual very soon in th
e future. In fact, right after this image stearming session they claimed.
I let Ada take control of the vehicle this time as I didnt want to focus on havin
t o control the car on the road. I wanted more time to describe the environment
around me. Were riding one of those fancy convertible cars that are pretty long
horizontally. The roof is open in the car, and I rest my right elbow against the
right side of the bottom of where the window would come out of for my region in

the car. I use my hand as a resting place fro my chin as aI analyzed the enviro
men around me. Everything seems so straightwaroard with gold, brown, and white c
olor schemes. It seemed the rain also was nonexistent by the time we got out of
the hotel as well.
I deceied to top analyzing the enviormemnt was it was going ot fast for me to re
ally bother pointing on subtle details, or nuances I should say. I notieced the
roof othe car was closed, and I could hear a muffled sond of the wnindows and th
e speed of the car. I told Eva and Ada that Im ejjoying their company, and being
amazed as to how realistic things seem to be going through now for me in tehi im
sage streaming session. They say it no problem, and theyre amazed themselves of h
ow realistic things are tuning out to be to where they can have a little more fr
eedom to do whatever they pease while I observe, or spectate them.
Ada turns around and asks if Im alright. I couldnt say anthing because Im too busy
wondering how easy it was for this virtal experiential reality to become so real
to the point where it was just as rael as this realit where Im image streaming i
n. I have a transient moment in existential questioning on what was going on, an
d Ada decides to stop the car completely. I get out of the vehicle, and noticed
were at a bridge, and its already sunset. Its a bridge for people to walk to, and n
ot for behicles to pass through. I decided to sit down near the ledge of the bri
dge, and started to crawl myself up a little bit.
Despite the realism of it all, the fact that it feel sso real to me makes me que
stion how far should I really believ these experiences are merely just virtual a
nd not real as in tangible real with this reality? Eva comes in and places her h
and on top of my shoulder, and tries to console me.
Though it doesnt seem to work as much as she planned. And she saks me whats wrong.
I tell her what was going through my mind, and I noticed a sad song starts play
ing thats akin to one of the original sound tracks of Xenoblade chornicles. I bel
ieve it was On the fallen arm, or night of fallen arm, or something like that. I
can feel the sunset saturating the atmosphere more and more, and were now at a s
imilar bridge in xenoblade chronicles at the first town youre using in. I mumble
a bit, but I had a feelng they were understanding what I was going through.
They both said its alright, and that a long as I don lose my ability to reign in m
y sense of self and identity in whatever state of awareness; reality of a virtua
l experiential lreality, then I shouldnt speculate too much on being negative n f
iguring out what the distinction really is between them. I tell them thank you,
and that their words ring true.
Ada says,
So much for the lirbarby, huh?
I apolgozed to ada about that, but she says its perfectly fine, as she seemd assu
red I would be having that knd of questoninign over there anyway.
I guess the library itself wasnt needed to make you think like that. She responds b
ack to me.
No, I guess not I replied back to her.
Eva remains in spirits about it all and adds on to the consolation. We sit there
for a while to bask in all of the sunset has to offer for us, decided that we s
hould head back to the building. I decided to take the lead by driving the vehic
le, and noticed that if were going back to the building, we might as well go to t
he same cae where we went to before. It was only a few blocks down that we could
walk to instead of driving all the way to the building to reach the same destin

As we go inside of the cave, we noticed that the town was fairly quiet for a sun
set. We proceeded to go inside the house where we met Ada, and the ndecided to s
ettle down there for a lttle bit. Something felt odd about this area in general.
There wasnt anyone that we could conceputalize. Ntot even th guards that shouldve
asked us to wait a bit before entering the town.
I seemed that theres an invasion going on with the bettles; kind of like the beet
les being pissed off that Eva and me killed off one of their bigger beetles. We
waste no time to prepare our figheting gear, and procee od to take on the onslau
ght of the beetles oplanining to invade the restof the twon. I decided to use th
e sword to lash out waves o enerfy to slice the enemies in multiple waves, and h
ave eva use magic toclear down, and slow them down for easy pickings ofr me and
ada to do more damage to all of them. We were all aiming to defend this town wit
h all of our might even if it wasnt really our home in a way.
We managed to eradicate a lot of them, and thats when the golden beetles started
to show up. We noticed that most of our attacks arent working at all wth these ki
nsd of beetles. Then a command prmpts pops p to seay that we have to use a certa
in combo to toople them, and then slash them while hreyer down.
So a party gauge comes up thats filled up all the way. There are three bars withi
n that party gauge as well along with a sky blue circle with a trinagle with whi
te coloring to distinguish it from the circle. I choose a combo assigned to acer
tain color that would toople over the nemies. Then I proceeded to have Eva strea
m roll of them with her magic spells, and Ada using the remanants of that magic
to create a chain effect of explosions with her gun weaponry. We repeat this pro
cess until all blue and golden beetles were slain.
My knees were on the ground, and I had my hands over my face wondering what real
ly happened to those people within the town. Eva and Ada affirm to me that theyre
not dead, and were able to evacuate before the invasion became more dominate.
I shift the environment to something else. And I ended up imagining myself in so
me kind of white pseudo-space where theres all sorts of specks of red, purple, bl
ack, brown, and other colors flying around in the background. I didnt know hat to
do next other than descriing how it felt ot be in this kind of space in my head
. I see Eva and Ada in white dresses, and I see them slowly fading away into my
I rase my head up and open my ideas to notice how things are fairly bright irhgt
now. I created a portal to cary me somewhere I was used to walking around in. A
nd then came the university that I went for a few years. I landed in the sectio
n wheretheres a curved road where the buses can pick u invdiidauls at certain tim
es in the overall bus schedule. I see myself wearing a maroon polo shirt along w
ith khaki pants and light brown shoes.
I noticed my left leg is up on top resting on the knee of my right le. Its very b
right outside, and fairly hot, but all having a high wind factor as well. I begi
n thinking what I would od for the rest of the day, and realized that Ill probabl
y be heading back to an apartment I used to be in. I finally reached a destinati
on where I can take off and perapre to go to an aparemtet I rented while at that
specific university.
The eniveorment all is coming back to me with ease. I remember the dirt path tha
t would go straight in a diagonal form compared to the usual curved path that wo
uld take longer by a few seconds to get home.
I summon a bicycle and proceed to use my keys to open the door. I noticed theres

quite some stuff around here. Theres the black chair, laptop, and other accessori
es. I decided I wanted to doze off. So I lock the front door, and set a timer on
my alarm that consist of a black color and has a long oblong horizontal shape.
I look to the right of me, and noticed my closet is open. I se all sorts of jack
ets and clothes, and being to speculate on a lot of things for some reason. I st
arted speculating on whatI would want to do with my life after this is all done;
the whole degree thing. I looked dinagolly right of me to see some red curtains
covering the blinds of the window. It all created this atmosphere where Im specu
lating on things again, and figuring how how to assess them.
I get the urge to eat some Asian food once more, albeit with just myself, I gues
s. I prepare my viccle and wallet with some cash and my debit card on it as well
. I bicycle ride my way to the Asian restaurant. But first, lets analyze my journ
ey to get there. Theres a slightly run-down neighborhood of apartments, and I pro
ceed to the diagonal dirt road, and then proceed to go to the fancy area where a
ll the rich, or those who took a huge loan to be at a dorm as fancy as what Im visu
alzing. I sense a feeling of lonliness, while knowing the festive nature of this
area in general will only augment over time. But I wanted to get toe the restra
int before that epoch occurs.
So take shortcuts that I know would help me get to classes faster, and used that
to my advantage for getting ot ehte restrauant faster as well. I look both ways
before riding across the road, and I stick to the left side of the sidewalk no
w. I proceed to stop near a building thats probably used for church services. I n
otice theres a bicycle rack I can use for it, and proceed to lock my bicycle. The
n I spend the rest of the time walking to the asain restraunat thats only three h
undred feet away from me or so.
I can feel my stomach feeling satiated once more, and I noticed that Eva and Ada
appear in my projection of this virtual experiential reality. Theyre walking wi
th me, asking me what we should get. They both tell me to try some Mongolian Bee
f with some Lo Mein Noodles if I was so indecisive. That way, Ada gets her beef,
and Eva gets her noodles, I guess. I walk more and more, and I remember the sam
e exact experiences Ive felt when I was really at the university, and noticed the
empty feelings inside that were more psychological rather than physiological wi
th my stomach. The restaurant itself is exactly as it is in real life. Theres a f
ew vines growing out of some patch they built on top of the place. Theres a quick
lane for people to get soup and other stuff quickly as well along with the entr
ance to the restaurant.
I go inside, and I can remember everything now. The white tile flooring with the
slight purplish ellow hue with a light light brown overlay. The red walls and b
lack countertops along with the random ictures of Asian art. I make an order for
Mongolian beef and lo mein noodles. The employee thats asking me more about what
I want is a femal.e Shes the same person as I knew before; short and skinny, and
a bit low-voiced as well. I tell her I would like fried rice with the Mongolian
beef as well.
Shes wearing a black jacket over her white dress shirt and khaki dress pants, and
is wearing black, thick framed glasses too. She tells me the order in total wil
l be around $18.27. I take out my wallet and decide whther or not to use cash, o
r my debit card. I decided to go ahead and use cash, but realized I could buy so
me crab Rangoon as well. I make that order, and pay the rest with cash. I wait b
y sitting at the table, and proceed to listen to some music on my Zune HD.
Ada and Eva come out to ask what seems to be the problem. I told them that Im alr
ight, and Im just wanting to sort out whatever feelings I have right now by mysel
f for the time being. They fade away once more, and eventually my order is done.
I can smell the aroma from the kitchen shifting to the bag that Im getting. I sa
y Thank you to the employee, and proceed to leave the restaurant. I can hear the s

craping sounds as Im walking on the grainy flooring of super fine rocks that cons
ist of a light gray color to them.
I head my wa back to where I locked my bicycle, and careful aigned it while maki
ng sure not ot make the bag Im holding with the food topple internally. I hold th
e bag with one hand and dirve wit the rest. Now that Im on my way to go back to t
he apartment, I noticed some secnear becomes more detailed as well. I noticed th
e ATM that would show up that would be a Chase ATM. I noticed the bus pickup loc
ation as well along with the several food places around this area too. Everythin
g felt so bland, and uninteresting; completely meaningless in aesthetic value, a
t least.
I finally get back to the dirt road that goes diagonally straight to my way to t
he apartment. I go back insdie the apartment, and the locked the door. I turn on
the T.V., and then realized I dont have cable on it. I open up my laptop, and go
on Youtube to find some random videos to watch while eat, or at least videos of
people Im susbscribed to.
I decided to watch lets play videos of a few individuals while eating the Mongoli
an beef and Lo Mein Noodles. I noticed Eva and Ada are in more casual attire sit
ting at the other chairs, along with the wooden circular table with a glass top.
I eat the food in peace, and wanted to go on a few forums as well. But I wanted
to finish eating before doing that. I ended up forgetting to go to those forums
, and had fun watching Youtube videos, and chatting with another friend of mine
online through Google Hangouts. I can hear everyone outside preparing to party,
while Im parting in my own apartment, and in my own head.
I revel on how at least I have myself and the close-knit friendships to look
ward to; I revel in being content with myself while eating and drinking some
ger ale in the fridge. It wasnt the same as the high luxury enviorment from
e with casinos and what have you, but it was still fun nonetheless; just had
dumb down my expectations.


I noticed that even if I partied like the other people, I would still get the sa
me feeling inside. Just distractions from the real problems, if theres any real p
roblems to assess and confront with.
So I imagine myself travelling the sea. And Im on a boat that can hold up to thre
e people. So I imagine Eva and Ada siting next to me as well while wre all travel
ling fast at the sea. I can hear the windwaker theme song for the sea travel pla
ying, and I bask in how amazing it sounds. The sens of adventure, the potential,
and the horizon one can gradually expand in their life while building up the cu
mulative experiential learning theyve went through.
I feel more in rapport with myself, and how basic everything seems to be right n
ow based onmy emotions right now. But now fixating on this environment travellin
g at the sea, and having the music playing inspires me. I take out a winwaker,
and started playing the cyclone song to teleport to the Gods Tower in the Windwak
er to go to hyrule.
Eva and Ada asked, are you reading to confront your issues?
I tell them yes, whatever they seem to be for the tiem being, sure
I guide the boat into the yellow ortal shinign on the water, and Im teleported to
Hyrule Kingdom. I can hear the portal making a wooooooennn woooooo en woooo en
wooooo eng sound as well. I walk on the small pool of water thats barely 1- inche
s deep. I go inside the entrance of the castle, and proceed to move forward.
I go to the main stateu, and proceed to go inside the area. Im not facing two kni

ghts, whatever you call them in the windwaker, now. I take my tiem to adjust mys
elf so Im only facing one at a time. I parry the attack for the first one , roll
around the fllor, and do a spiral upwards thrust with my sword. I managed to cut
the clothing that tied all of the armor for the first enemy off, and proceeded
to dodge the attack of the next armored individual to do the same thing I did to
the first one. Now that both of them are within reach to be eliminated, I quick
ly dispose of them.
The fire surrounding the arena disappears, and I hear a laughter across the area
; an evil laughter jjust waitng to encounter me. I get out of the basement of th
e main statute, and then proceed to go outside to the other end. I take out the
master sword, and make three swipes in a z formation to destroy the barrier. I g
o inside this new area, and sense the evil becoming apparent. I walk faster and
faster, and find myself feeling theyre closer and closer to me. Then I turn arou
nd and see a projection of myself. Excetp theyre wearing fancy white armor that l
ooks light-weight surprisingly.
They ask me if Im ready to fight mself, and to see who can rise to the challenge.
I close my eyes, and knew deep down that I was ready. Im standing about 1-2 feet
away from the projection of myself, and realized that if this is truly myself i
n a nutshell beign projected, it would be useless to fight against it. There was
something I needed t o do that would be my trump card in distinguishing myself
from that individual whom I believe is the totality of my concept of self and id
entity. But was there really a need to fight it, I asked myself.
This could really just my mind projecting an image of an entity to serve as a co
nduit to interact with whatever goes on in my mental repository. There was no ne
ed for fighting or useless pain. I accepted this projection as a conduit to unde
rstand myself, and to reach an understanding of myself, and filling the void ins
ide me. I feel a little more complete and content with myself knowing that oppos
ite side of me is just as integral towards the concept of myself in general, and
that there would be much more to deal with as well.
I proceed to move forward, and see theres a huge area where Ill have several ways
to go, and refer back to the central place where those paths meet again. Musteri
ng as much courage as I can, I proceed to he far left path. I go inside the dung
eon room, and realize theres a puzzle I have to figure out. But I fly to instantl
y get to the boss door. I open it p, and and Im now faced with a dragon flrying a
round the screen. I take my sword out, and shield, as well in order to prepare t
o fight this beast.
I take flight, and chagge at it, pounding as much strength as I can accumulate n
a release. I realized the sword wouldnt be enough. I summon energy around my arm
to make energy blasts at the dragon. The dragon consist of a blue color with gol
den hair around its face along with golden whiskers and golden horns. It comes c
harging at me with its mouth open, but I quickly aim a golden arrow through its
Its paralyzed, and I take the chance to slash at it more and vigorously as well.
I noticed theres some areas to walk on. I nticed that I can create these pathway
s for me to walk on. All I had to do was remain confident in myself; to not lose
said confidence, and keep going. I noticed now that every step I take allowed m
e to run faster knowing there was something tangible within that perception of r
eality to run on. Taking on the dragon with both flight and fabricating surfaces
in the air to run on was easier to do.
I repeat the process until I finally slain the dragon. I can hear its loud roar
as it goes into the abyss from the sky thats unknown on how high it must be to ge
t to whatever surface; if theres any kind of surface. Im teleported back to the ce
ntral hub, and receive an item that resembles a mini-version of the head of the

dragon I just slain. I enter the second door, and fly through to get to the boss
door as well. Now its a beetle that Im facing thats like the one I faced with Eva,
albeit golden and twice as large. I summon a staff in order to hit it with magi
cal attacks that can topple it so it can fall down, and I can hammer away with m
elee, or range attacks. I keep dodging the beetles movements to repeat the same
spells and combos once more. I finally slain this one as well. I proceed to the
third door, and get to the boss door as well. I see that Im facing a snake like c
reature with an exterior of sturdy bone-like material. I fly around to find a we
akness for this creature. I noticed that getting it stunned to stab its eye was
the only way. Thus, I proceed to aim for its eye with an arrow, and then when it
falls on the ground, I take slashes with my sword. I do this over and over in t
he hot and intense enviromnet filled with lava and molten rocks. I finally kill
that one, and receive the rewards associated for it and the boss before that.
Now onto the fourth and penultimate boss for this section; Im now facing a creatu
re who is half man and half horse. It weilds a spear and has expansive wings tha
t are angel-like. I proceed to rely on mage and melee attacks as mage seems to b
e its weakness. I dont unerestaimate its speed, and have to resort to flying arou
nd, only for it to fly around as well. I had a plan that I would make a movement
much faster than it that would throw it off guard, and I should be able to slay
it fairly easy. I take one last stand, aim my sword in a horizontal fashion, an
d then bend my knees before taking one final push towards the creature. I make a
final charge and go all out. In a split second, I managed to ddge th creatures s
prear lunging attack and killed it by stabbing through its chest.
Now for the final boss for this area. The moment I open it, I see a mirror of my
self show up. Its able to mimic all of my attacks. Its pointless to try and find m
y way out of this if it can copy everything Im planning. But I knew that in order
to defeat, I just had to stop planning. Rely my impulses was essential, but if
this truly was a mirror of myself, then I had to absolve the concept of myself c
ompletely, and having someone take dominion. So I imagined both Eva and Ada fusi
ng with me, and I started rushing towards myself. I didnt know what was going on,
but I did know that I was able to make any action without myself being able to
tap into my mind.
I repeat this process, and Im getting closer and closer to defeating this project
ion of myself. Im defeating how I saw myself in the past, believing in the future
, and finding out what to do after I move away from my previous self. I stab mys
elf in the chest, and it fades away and turns into dust. This dust seems to fuse
with me as well, which was a clear sign that the past will obviously be with yo
u because its what helped built myself for today. The only thing to do now is to
continue the conquest of expansion of understanding myself, and existing in waki
ng life until my end is near.
The final door is made manifest to me, and Im lead out to the light. Im finally ou
t, but things arent done just yet. I see a projection of my brain in front of me.
Thign are slowly crumbling away, and it seems that I may not be able to mold my
psyche back into place again. A recollection of past experiences and events are
surging through my mind like a movie clip. I open my eyes, and take charge to s
alvage myself.
I summon energy chains to wrap around pieces of my brain to mold them all togeth
er. As its stitching itself back up again, I place my hand on it, and immersed m
yself into my brain. I can feel a connection with it, and building rapport with
it as well. Things are fading away.
I find myself kneeling down into a white pseudo-space, feeling a sense that Ive f
ound solace with myself. The enivorment changes to one where Im up in the sky. Im
flying around, and enjoying the senations of flying. I can feel myself travesing
through hteh air with ease, with no mental doubting to make myself fall over in

the air.
I prplsely let myself fall down, and through the clouds I find myself floating a
bove a huge city. Its night time, and its time for the festive nature again. I cr
ash through a glass window in a building. I see in front of me are multiple men
waiting to fight me. I charge after them, dodging them with ease, and taking the
m down without using any kind of weapon. I see theres an enemy with a machine gun
, and I uickly react to run away from his line of fire. I walk along the walls,
to the rooft top, and fall all the way down head first to shoot him right in the
I look around the secnary for bit, and noticed this is a fairly simple building.
The walls are slightly yellow with a milky mustard tint to them. I run to charg
e towards another glass window, and use a grapple gun to move my way upward to t
he roof o a building. I freely move around this area with ease. Flying about in
short bursts to jump form one building to the next.
I enjojy the sensation of alling and going upwards, being able to freely move an
ywhere I please without any fear. I enjoy the rush of the wind blowing against m
y face; it makes me feel alive and at peace with myself; as if Ive came to terms
with myself. I now proceed to grapple gun some more to building to building. Run
ning around, perfomring all sorts of tricks like runnin downwards on a building,
and using that moemtn to go to building to building. Then flying in short bur
sts one more to keep moving around each building.
I shift the environment to tat of a swamp. I notice theres all sorts of swamp cre
atures. One looks like a movable three with four limbs. It has glowing yellow an
d beady eyes. I take a few kicks ad it along with punching it to crush it eniter
ly. I turn my back to see more swamp enmies coming my way. I trap into a rageful
disposition, and become destructive. I start to annihilate anything in my way;
nothing can really harm me now. I see a pathway in front me now, and I can sense
a feeling of joy an enthusiasm as well. I can se ethroug hteh fog and hear a vo
ice in my head that says to follow them to the valley below.
I casually walk through the forest, notcing the creatures that are appearing n t
he background, but are hiding in the background because they know what I did to
the others if they chose to interfere with me. And at the end of the road, the s
ilence broke, and I saw my friends again. My family, friends, and associates as
well. I can see a bit of myself through each of them, and had a moment of serend
ipity. The environment changes again to a racing scene with motorcycles. Im on on
e, and I start having fun riding it. I imagine myself having to go through the l
ast bit of the forest I wetn through.
I wont be paralyzed; I can keep moving forward, and pass through a toll, but I qu
ickly phase through it. Its now what seems to be a never-ending bridge where I ca
n ride freely, and have to dodge obstacles and enemies that may want to shoot me
. I can feel the slight bumps and skids while drivint the motercyle in the sunse
t and the horizon in front of me. I fridve the mortocle at high speeds, and see
a ramp in front of me. I have to make the jump to get over the truck thats in fro
nt of me as well.
I make the jump easily, and have to maneuver the motorcycle in a way to prevent
instability with the control of the vehicle Im on. I stop and finally get out of
the motorcycle, and change the whole enivorment and my whole attire. Im just wea
ring a white dress shirt thats unbuttoned along with short khaki pants.
I imagined her; someone I care about deeply in real life. I imagined her auburn
hair that seems to be fluctuating with dark blonde as well. I Shes wearing a blac
k vest and slightly baggy pants; almost as if shes purposefully trying to hide he
r figure. I go towards her, and visualize her in glasses. I take thos glasses of

f, and proceed tokiss her. I hug her, telling her that I wish that shes alright i
n life, and how much shes helped me as well. I shake her hand, and went my separa
te way.
I can now visualize myself in the snow for some reason. I see a darkness in fro
nt of me in form of an entity. She looks familiar; almost like Ada in some way.
I belive in myself and run towards her, doging all of the darkness and hatred be
ing flung towards me. I get hit eventually, but it doesnt affect me. I turn it b
ack into positive energy. I move slowly, taking each blast thornw at me. Feeling
the pain she must be going through; a pain Ive been personally neglecting that s
he seems to have taken the burden of. I feel the burden back on my shoulders. I
can feel the weight and intensity, of what it means to care about peoples lives.
To have a supplement of defining myself through how I act to others; and still b
eing able to reign in my sense of self.
I can feel the darkness the closer and closer I
to convert it all into one blob of positivity.
will always be there, but its my own conscious
ot to help me define myself. I take one hand to
shes been going through.

get to her, and I hold her hand

I realize the reprseed feelings
choice to follow them through or n
hug her, and to feel everything

Now the environment has changed, and Im surrounded b the darkness once more. Taki
ng ownership of it, I try o navigate myself through it. But to no avail, I keep
failing. Stressed out and feeling theres nowhere to go, I speculate if I sould ju
st stay within the darkness and let it consume while trying to convert it into s
omething more positive. But no matter hwat I seem to do, it doesnt fit right. To
take the burden, or delegate it back through others? Or to take it all only to f
eel a void again? I can feel a light within my body light up. I can feel it roat
ing with more power and intensity. I proceed to graduall let it out of me, and
realize Eva shows up. I smile, and I hold her hand to break the darkness away. I
ts now all gone back to my mental repository. I see Ada in the cold, trying to mu
ster all of her strength ot perservere.
We walk towards her, and hold her hand, telling her she doesnt have to do this al
one. We hold hands and form a circle, and go aronind in a circle as well. We cre
ate a portal, and step into it. Were not inside of what seems to be a small sect
ion in a forest where theres another portral to step into. Theres some altars here
and there, but whatever the case, we take the chance to move into the portal to
go to the next virtual experiential reality. Were now at a forest where the only
way we can go up is tup some spiraling steps made of stone.
I walk through with them, looking at the scenary surrounding me. At the bottom
of this region that were moving up and up, is a black portal slighting a white be
am of light. I jump to the edge of a ledge, and I lift myself up. I lay down on
the floor to each my hand to have them grab onto me to pull them up one at a tim
e. First it starts with Ada, and then Eva. Then we proceed to go higher and high
er, feeling a white pseudo-space surrounding us. We look down below, and see tha
t we should all take a laeap of faith into the black portal with white light emi
tting from it. We jump and I can feel th rush of the garavity pishing us donward
s. We go through the portal.
Were now back into the pseudo-space. The possibilities are endless, and thres noth
ing to stop us.
I can see myself through childhood, being a teenager, and becoming a young adul
t going through my head in a constant loop. All of these experiences can become
a chance for augmenting a collective experiential learning base on how ot handle
myself in almost any situation, and takng that information to also handle any s
ituation where I feel uncomfortable in. I can see the path that I want to go fo
r in life, or several paths I want to go for.

I take a step into what ifs and imagine myself going for one of the several path
s Im visualizing. I can feel a sense of confidence; a stability with the assuranc
e that I can start something anew, and create something to make a new meaning an
d sense of inspiration from. To live life on my accord, and being able to help t
hose I care about as well live on their own accord as well. Living a content lif
e while being able to foster multiple interests through hobbies, or a casual pro
fit every now and then. Being able to express my views in a way where others can
connect deeper and come to an understanding with.
Beause doing so will allow me to understand myself in a different light; to see
my potential when I have someone to care about, and to projtect. Whether its jus
t the concept of them being at ease with themselves, or being able to commit to
a relationship with them, friend or someone intimate, I have the assurance salva
ged back into my awareness.
I wake up and find myself resting on a sofa. I can see the fan rotating, and blo
wing a gentle series of wind on my body. Wondering if she was really here; is sh
e outside for me to talk to? I can see her backside, and I proceed to wrap my ar
ms around her chest. I can feel her warmth again, and her disposition taking a c
omplete metamorphosis.
We sit down, and go on and on and on abot things weve done in our lives; not cari
ng much about whats going on outside our sphere of existence. I feel like myself
with her around, even if she doesnt really have the same feelings for me. Ill alwa
ys love her as a friend, at least, and be there whenever I can to back up for he
r. Because we both understand each other, and that bond wont be severed as easily
And should she ever forget about me completely, Ill have my memories of being wit
h her in real life. Becase she was a true friend to me.
The eniroment change o that of a raeve party. Theres disco lights everywhere, and
everyone is dancing and having a good time. Everyone is waving their light wand
s around synching in with the music being played and sung by as well. The night
is still young; emitting a dark blue darkness engulfing the atmosphere. But that
atmosphere is fun to be around, and all that really matters is to dance, dance,
dance, dance.
Now Im shifted into an enivmrometn where it resembles a High School of some sort.
Im outside the exit thats usually where the buses would park, and everyone would
head their way back to home. I can see myself getting a bucket and painting the
walls with all sorts of colors; and soaking myself in them as well. I can feel t
he enrgy surgeing through my body. Im spinnin aaround and around and around aroun
dr and oarunafdsaordasufnaorshaufnaurn and around around and around. Holding you
r colors against the wall when they take take everything away.
An entity comes out of the paint and introduces herself to me. She smiles while
closing her eyes, and takes her hand out for me to shake. I take my hand out and
shake as well. We hold hands and soak through the colors, feeling ourselves bec
ome free.
I can visualize myself flying through space, feeling all sorts of energy bouncin
g in and out of me. I shift myself into a beach like setting, and start running
around through hthe field, and feeling the warm sand molding itself around my fe
I kepe running, feeling the suns warmth surrounding me. Im wearing a white vest an
d a white dress shirt with white shorts as well. I raise my arms out; spreading
as much as I can to feel the energy around me.

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