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Describe the functional specializations of the Magnocellular and Parvocellular

visual pathways

The Magnocellular and Parvocellular layers found in the thalamus of the brain originate from
the segregated neuronal streams connected to our retina, from which light enters the pupil and
is focused by the lens in order to form a coherent image on the retina. Light bleaches the
chemical pigments found on photoreceptors in the eye (Llinas, 1990; Kalat, 2012).
Specialization of the Magnocellular and Parvocellular layers can be noted from the beginning
as photoreceptors (rod and cone cells) differ in terms of functional specialization, determined
by their structure. Cone cells are responsible for colour vision, have low sensitivity to light
and as a result require high light stimulation in order for their action potential to reach a
threshold where electrical impulses are fired (Montag, 2011). According to Kalat (2012), each
cone cell is attached to one bipolar cell resulting in good visual acuity, as opposed to rods
where many converge to reach the bipolar cells threshold. Rod cells also have high
sensitivity to light, allowing the eye to create a black and white image in low lighting
conditions (Montag, 2011). Kirk and Denning (2013) suggested that rods high sensitivity to
light is a beneficial adaption for nocturnal animals, as there is a greater concentration of rod
cells compared to diurnal species, helping them to compete for other resources and avoid
predators in their ecological niche. Rods and cones transduce light energy into
neurotransmitter glutamate which is diffused across the synaptic cleft and attaches to
receptors on the bipolar cells (Mark, 1974; Goldstein, 2010; Reece et al, 2011).
The electrical impulse is then transmitted to retinal ganglion cells which then form the optic
nerve that connects to the bilateral, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) found in the lateral
posterior margin of the thalamus (Breedlove et al, 2010; Goldstein, 2010). Retinal ganglion
cells receive different visual information according to their location, this is due to the
differential distribution of rods and cones spread around the periphery and fovea (Kalat,

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2012). Bishop and Mcleod (1954) found that the different types of retinal ganglion cells are
represented by the variety of conduction rates in the optic tract. The action potentials
generated are distinct suggesting that there are separate populations of neurons that are
involved in creating a visual image. In addition, Ahmed and Hammond (1987) found that
separate regions in the optic tract have varying sensitivity to different wavelengths of light
and this is suggested to be due to the asymmetry of rods and cones throughout the retina.
From the aforementioned research in this area, it is implied that the visual system is highly
specialised from the start, before encoding even takes place in the layered LGN where;
Magnocellular and Parvocellular cells are found (Breedlove et al, 2010).
The retinal ganglion, Midget cells (also known as Parvocellular, or P pathway, or P cells) are
responsible for detecting details in vision and project on to the parvocellular layers in LGN
(Xu et al, 2001). Midget cells have small dendritic trees therefore smaller axons compared to
parasol cells, resulting in slower transmission due to their specialization for detecting form
and colour sensitivity (Coven et al, 2004). Evidence for this functional specialization has
been noted in Merigan et als (1991) study on ablation of Midget cells in macaque monkeys,
leading to reduced luminance and contrast sensitivity. Also Midget cells only respond to
stimuli which sustain action potentials over a long period of time, they also make up 80% of
retinal ganglion cells in the parvocellular pathway (Chalupa and Werner, 2003).
The synapses between midget cells and parvocellular neurones occur in the top four dorsal
parvocellular layers in the LGN. Parvocellular neurones are referred to as part of the photopic
system due to their concentration around the fovea where for each cone there is one Midget
cell, resulting in their specialization for discriminating wavelength (Kalat, 2012; Breedlove et
al, 2010). Physiological recordings of the LGN reflect that parvocellular cells are better at

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linear analysis in continuous static images, further suggesting their specialization for detail
rather than motion (Previc, 1990).
On the other hand, the retinal ganglion, parasol cells (also known as Magnocellular, or M
pathway, or M cells) are responsible for detecting motion and project on to the magnocellular
layers in the LGN (Wandell, 1995). Parasol cells have larger cell bodies, larger dendritic trees
and receptive fields than Parvocellular cells, allowing for the encoding of an overall
periphery pattern (Kalat, 2012). The action potentials released from Parasol cells and
received by receptors on Magnocellular neurones occur in the bottom two ventral
magnocellular layers in the LGN (Wandell, 1995).
The magnocellular neurones are part of the scotopic system which relates to the connecting
parasol cells receiving input from many neighbouring rod cells (Breedlove et al, 2010). This
convergence results in faster conduction in brief bursts and therefore the ability to detect
rapid temporal change and motion detection (Coven et al, 2004). The functional
specialization of the M pathways is evident in dyslexia where there is a 20% smaller layer of
Magnocellular cells, resulting in the appearance of word movement (Stein & Walsh, 1997).
Craniotomies can be used to study the specializations of Magnocellular and Parvocellular
cells, Sclar et al, (1990) found that Magnocellular cells respond to lower contrasts than
Parvocellular cells, which can be explained by Magnocellular cells functional specialization
of retinal convergence from rod cells.
Processing of the visual image is due to Magnocellular and Parvocellular neurones
connecting the retina to the primary visual cortex (V1) via the LGN. Visual information is
kept segregated into two pathways in the occipital lobe found in the cerebrum, ventral stream
for Magnocellular layers and dorsal stream for Parvocellular layers (Reece et al, 2011;
Livingstone & Hubel, 1988). Cell bodies in between these regions are referred to intercalated

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zones (Wandell, 1995). Research by Goodale and Milner (1992) and Goodhew et al (2014)
support the difference in function between the dorsal and ventral streams, a case study
involving an anonymous patient DF suffered damage to the ventral stream resulting in the
inability to recognize objects despite having an intact sensory system, a condition referred to
as visual agrosia. This reflects the extent in which the specialized visual system can influence
our perception of objects as well as highlighting the importance for the magnocellular
pathway in recognizing different objects.
However, previous research does suggest ventral and dorsal streams receive inputs from both
Magnocellular and Parvocellular pathways, suggesting specialization may not be as distinct
as initially thought. In Goodale & Milners (1992) lesion studies with monkeys they
discovered orientation and disparity selectivity present in both pathways in lesion studies
with monkeys. They suggested the information encoded by both pathways could temporally
coordinate. In addition, Gray & Singer (1989) found that cats in response to light stimuli
temporally had synchronised stimulus specific neuronal oscillations in the orientation
columns of the visual cortex. This also suggests the hypothesis that whilst magnocellular and
parvocellular pathways may be found in separate regions, they do coordinate in activity in
order to reconstruct reality.
On the other hand, research has found that damage to the primary visual cortex can result in a
perceptual disorder called Blindsight (Kalat, 2012). According to Weiskrantz (1986, 1997),
some sufferers with this condition need to be prompted to guess visual stimuli (Blindsight
Type1), while others report sensation such identifying colour, movement and shape of an
object (Blindsight Type2). In the earliest cases of Blindsight, Riddoch (1917) suggested that
damage to the primary visual cortex in Blindsight could be the result of the remaining visual
ability of object motion. Whilst this condition supports the idea of particular areas are

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specialized within the brain for unity of sight, the condition Blindsight suggests the existence
of another pathway that allows us to make perceptual decisions without visual consciousness.
Additionally, the condition amblyopia suggests that there needs to be early appearance of
light to stimulate magnocellular and parvocellular cells, in order for the eye to fully develop
and present an accurate visual image onto the retina. Ambylopia can be caused by strabismus,
where muscles in the eye lack coordination due to weak signals of one eye or noncorresponding inputs from both eyes. Hubel and Wiesel (1962) found that when they
deprived one eye of sight in a kitten, there is a critical period up to 4 months for the ocular
dominance columns in the primary visual cortex to develop. Ocular dominance columns
organize the inputs from both eyes, in the case that one eye becomes dominate it alternates
between input columns. Furthering the concept of a critical period on vision development.
Coleman and Riesen (1968) conducted a study on the effects of dark rearing cats on the
visual cortex and found by using analysis of variance, the dark rearing cats compared to the
controls had significantly less dendritic trees. Suggesting that structure of visual pathways
changes depending upon experience as less dendritic trees have formed compared to sensory
rich environment cats. This work reveals how critical early visual experience has on the
development of the parvocellular and magnocellular pathways in order to have a fully
functional visual system.
To conclude, the research into the area of Magnocellular and Parvocellular cells reflects the
significance of their functional specializations on how we view the world and our ability to
understand our surroundings. In addition, research has suggested that damage to these cells
and deprivation of sight can have detrimental effects to our perceptions, which further
signifies the importance of Magnocellular and Parvocellular cells in the visual pathway.
However, the extent in which they aid our perceptions and the role of consciousness in vision,
is an area to be further researched before we can accurately describe the overall functions of
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Magnocellular and Parvocellular cells in the visual system, which has been identified by
contradictory findings highlighted in this essay.

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